/** @function detectAndDisplay */
vector<PlateRegion> RegionDetector::doCascade(Mat frame)
  //float scale_factor = 1;
  int w = frame.size().width;
  int h = frame.size().height;

  vector<Rect> plates;

  equalizeHist( frame, frame );
  resize(frame, frame, Size(w * this->scale_factor, h * this->scale_factor));

  //-- Detect plates
  timespec startTime;

  Size minSize(config->minPlateSizeWidthPx * this->scale_factor, config->minPlateSizeHeightPx * this->scale_factor);
  Size maxSize(w * config->maxPlateWidthPercent * this->scale_factor, h * config->maxPlateHeightPercent * this->scale_factor);

  if (config->opencl_enabled)
    ocl::oclMat openclFrame(frame);
    ((ocl::OclCascadeClassifier*) plate_cascade)->detectMultiScale(openclFrame, plates, config->detection_iteration_increase, 3, 0, minSize, maxSize);

    plate_cascade->detectMultiScale( frame, plates, config->detection_iteration_increase, 3,
                                     minSize, maxSize );

  if (config->debugTiming)
    timespec endTime;
    cout << "LBP Time: " << diffclock(startTime, endTime) << "ms." << endl;

  for( int i = 0; i < plates.size(); i++ )
    plates[i].x = plates[i].x / scale_factor;
    plates[i].y = plates[i].y / scale_factor;
    plates[i].width = plates[i].width / scale_factor;
    plates[i].height = plates[i].height / scale_factor;

  vector<PlateRegion> orderedRegions = aggregateRegions(plates);
  return orderedRegions;

  vector<PlateRegion> DetectorCPU::doCascade(Mat frame, std::vector<cv::Rect> regionsOfInterest)

    if (frame.cols > config->maxDetectionInputWidth)
      // The frame is too wide
      this->scale_factor = ((float) config->maxDetectionInputWidth) / ((float) frame.cols);

      if (config->debugGeneral)
        std::cout << "Input detection image is too wide.  Resizing with scale: " << this->scale_factor << endl;
    else if (frame.rows > config->maxDetectionInputHeight)
      // The frame is too tall
      this->scale_factor = ((float) config->maxDetectionInputHeight) / ((float) frame.rows);

      if (config->debugGeneral)
        std::cout << "Input detection image is too tall.  Resizing with scale: " << this->scale_factor << endl;

    int w = frame.size().width;
    int h = frame.size().height;

    vector<Rect> plates;

    equalizeHist( frame, frame );
    resize(frame, frame, Size(w * this->scale_factor, h * this->scale_factor));

    //-- Detect plates
    timespec startTime;

    float maxWidth = ((float) w) * (config->maxPlateWidthPercent / 100.0f) * this->scale_factor;
    float maxHeight = ((float) h) * (config->maxPlateHeightPercent / 100.0f) * this->scale_factor;
    Size minSize(config->minPlateSizeWidthPx * this->scale_factor, config->minPlateSizeHeightPx * this->scale_factor);
    Size maxSize(maxWidth, maxHeight);

    plate_cascade.detectMultiScale( frame, plates, config->detection_iteration_increase, config->detectionStrictness,
                                      minSize, maxSize );

    if (config->debugTiming)
      timespec endTime;
      cout << "LBP Time: " << diffclock(startTime, endTime) << "ms." << endl;

    for( uint i = 0; i < plates.size(); i++ )
      plates[i].x = plates[i].x / scale_factor;
      plates[i].y = plates[i].y / scale_factor;
      plates[i].width = plates[i].width / scale_factor;
      plates[i].height = plates[i].height / scale_factor;

    vector<PlateRegion> orderedRegions = aggregateRegions(plates);

    return orderedRegions;

  vector<PlateRegion> Detector::detect(Mat frame, std::vector<cv::Rect> regionsOfInterest)

    Mat frame_gray;
    if (frame.channels() > 2)
      cvtColor( frame, frame_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY );

    // Apply the detection mask if it has been specified by the user
    if (detector_mask.mask_loaded)
      frame_gray = detector_mask.apply_mask(frame_gray);

    // Setup debug mask image
    Mat mask_debug_img;
    if (detector_mask.mask_loaded && config->debugDetector)
      cvtColor(frame_gray, mask_debug_img, CV_GRAY2BGR);
    vector<PlateRegion> detectedRegions;   
    for (int i = 0; i < regionsOfInterest.size(); i++)
      Rect roi = regionsOfInterest[i];
      // Adjust the ROI to be inside the detection mask (if it exists)
      if (detector_mask.mask_loaded)
        roi = detector_mask.getRoiInsideMask(roi);

      // Draw ROIs on debug mask image
      if (detector_mask.mask_loaded && config->debugDetector)
        rectangle(mask_debug_img, roi, Scalar(0,255,255), 3);
      // Sanity check.  If roi width or height is less than minimum possible plate size,
      // then skip it
      if ((roi.width < config->minPlateSizeWidthPx) || 
          (roi.height < config->minPlateSizeHeightPx))
      Mat cropped = frame_gray(roi);

      int w = cropped.size().width;
      int h = cropped.size().height;
      int offset_x = roi.x;
      int offset_y = roi.y;
      float scale_factor = computeScaleFactor(w, h);

      if (scale_factor != 1.0)
        resize(cropped, cropped, Size(w * scale_factor, h * scale_factor));

      float maxWidth = ((float) w) * (config->maxPlateWidthPercent / 100.0f) * scale_factor;
      float maxHeight = ((float) h) * (config->maxPlateHeightPercent / 100.0f) * scale_factor;
      Size minPlateSize(config->minPlateSizeWidthPx, config->minPlateSizeHeightPx);
      Size maxPlateSize(maxWidth, maxHeight);
      vector<Rect> allRegions = find_plates(cropped, minPlateSize, maxPlateSize);
      // Aggregate the Rect regions into a hierarchical representation
      for( unsigned int i = 0; i < allRegions.size(); i++ )
        allRegions[i].x = (allRegions[i].x / scale_factor);
        allRegions[i].y = (allRegions[i].y / scale_factor);
        allRegions[i].width = allRegions[i].width / scale_factor;
        allRegions[i].height = allRegions[i].height / scale_factor;

        // Ensure that the rectangle isn't < 0 or > maxWidth/Height
        allRegions[i] = expandRect(allRegions[i], 0, 0, w, h);

        allRegions[i].x = allRegions[i].x + offset_x;
        allRegions[i].y = allRegions[i].y + offset_y;
      // Check the rectangles and make sure that they're definitely not masked
      vector<Rect> regions_not_masked;
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < allRegions.size(); i++)
        if (detector_mask.mask_loaded)
          if (!detector_mask.region_is_masked(allRegions[i]))
      vector<PlateRegion> orderedRegions = aggregateRegions(regions_not_masked);


      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < orderedRegions.size(); j++)

    // Show debug mask image
    if (detector_mask.mask_loaded && config->debugDetector && config->debugShowImages)
      imshow("Detection Mask", mask_debug_img);
    return detectedRegions;
  vector<PlateRegion> DetectorCUDA::doCascade(Mat frame, int offset_x, int offset_y)

    if (frame.cols > config->maxDetectionInputWidth)
      // The frame is too wide
      this->scale_factor = ((float) config->maxDetectionInputWidth) / ((float) frame.cols);

      if (config->debugDetector)
        std::cout << "Input detection image is too wide.  Resizing with scale: " << this->scale_factor << endl;
    else if (frame.rows > config->maxDetectionInputHeight)
      // The frame is too tall
      this->scale_factor = ((float) config->maxDetectionInputHeight) / ((float) frame.rows);

      if (config->debugDetector)
        std::cout << "Input detection image is too tall.  Resizing with scale: " << this->scale_factor << endl;

    int w = frame.size().width;
    int h = frame.size().height;

    vector<Rect> plates;

    equalizeHist( frame, frame );
    resize(frame, frame, Size(w * this->scale_factor, h * this->scale_factor));

    //-- Detect plates
    timespec startTime;

    float maxWidth = ((float) w) * (config->maxPlateWidthPercent / 100.0f) * this->scale_factor;
    float maxHeight = ((float) h) * (config->maxPlateHeightPercent / 100.0f) * this->scale_factor;
    Size minSize(config->minPlateSizeWidthPx * this->scale_factor, config->minPlateSizeHeightPx * this->scale_factor);

    gpu::GpuMat cudaFrame, plateregions_buffer;
    Mat plateregions_downloaded;

    int numdetected = cuda_cascade.detectMultiScale(cudaFrame, plateregions_buffer, (double) config->detection_iteration_increase, config->detectionStrictness, minSize);
    plateregions_buffer.colRange(0, numdetected).download(plateregions_downloaded);

    for (int i = 0; i < numdetected; ++i)

    if (config->debugTiming)
      timespec endTime;
      cout << "LBP Time: " << diffclock(startTime, endTime) << "ms." << endl;

    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < plates.size(); i++ )
      plates[i].x = (plates[i].x / scale_factor) + offset_x;
      plates[i].y = (plates[i].y / scale_factor) + offset_y;
      plates[i].width = plates[i].width / scale_factor;
      plates[i].height = plates[i].height / scale_factor;

    vector<PlateRegion> orderedRegions = aggregateRegions(plates);

    return orderedRegions;
