int main(int argc, char** argv) {
	MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
	GridOptions go = parse_grid_options(argc, argv);

	OTJ_Timer tm = OTJ_Timer_Start("Initial Conditions");
	OTJ_Grid initial_conditions = generate_initial_conditions(go.len_x, go.len_y);

	tm = OTJ_Timer_Start("Solve Problem");
	Stepsize h = stepsize_from_grid_options(go);

	OTJ_Grid current_grid = createDeviceGrid(initial_conditions);
	OTJ_Grid previous_grid = createAndCopyDeviceGrid(initial_conditions);
	OTJ_Grid_Swap(&current_grid, &previous_grid);
	int tau;
	for(tau = 1; tau < go.len_t; tau++) {
		OTJ_Grid_Swap(&current_grid, &previous_grid);
		solve_interior(current_grid, previous_grid,h);
	OTJ_Grid solution_grid = OTJ_Grid_Alloc(go.len_x, go.len_y);
	retrieveDeviceGrid(solution_grid, current_grid);

	tm = OTJ_Timer_Start("Compare to analytic Solution");
	OTJ_Grid analytic_grid = OTJ_Grid_Alloc(go.len_x, go.len_y);
	// Overwrite analytic soln with error
	OTJ_Calculate_Error(analytic_grid, analytic_grid, solution_grid);
	double gte = OTJ_Global_Error(analytic_grid);
	double tote = OTJ_Total_Error(analytic_grid);

	printf("Global Truncation Error: %f\n",gte);
	printf("Total Error: %f\n",tote);

	tm = OTJ_Timer_Start("Store Grid");
	return 0;
Sol_MultigridPressure3DBase::do_vcycle(double tolerance, int max_iter, double &result_l2, double &result_linf)

  int level;
  int coarse_level = _num_levels-1;


  double orig_l2=0, orig_linf=0;
    (convergence & CONVERGENCE_CALC_L2) ? &orig_l2 : 0, 
    (convergence & CONVERGENCE_CALC_LINF) ? &orig_linf : 0);
  //printf("Error Before: l2 = %f, linf = %f\n", orig_l2, orig_linf);

  double orig_error = (convergence & CONVERGENCE_CRITERIA_L2) ? orig_l2 : 
                      (convergence & CONVERGENCE_CRITERIA_LINF) ? orig_linf : 1e20;
  if (orig_error < tolerance) {
    if (convergence & CONVERGENCE_CALC_L2)   result_l2 = orig_l2;
    if (convergence & CONVERGENCE_CALC_LINF) result_linf = orig_linf;
    return true;

  for (int i_cyc = 0; i_cyc < max_iter; i_cyc++) {

    // going down
    for (level = 0; level < coarse_level; level++) {
      relax(level, nu1, RO_RED_BLACK);

      if (level == 0) {
        restrict_residuals(0, 1, 
          (convergence & CONVERGENCE_CALC_L2) ? &result_l2 : 0, 
          (convergence & CONVERGENCE_CALC_LINF) ? &result_linf : 0);
        double residual = (convergence & CONVERGENCE_CRITERIA_L2) ? result_l2 : 
                          (convergence & CONVERGENCE_CRITERIA_LINF) ? result_linf : 1e20;      

        //printf("%d: residual = %.12f\n", i_cyc, result_linf);

        // if we're below tolerance, or we're no longer converging, bail out
        if (residual < tolerance) {
          // last time through, we need to apply boundary condition to u[0], since we just relaxed (above), but haven't propagated changes to ghost cells.
          // in the case we are not finished, by the time we get back to level 0 (via coarsening & then prolongation), ghost cells would be filled in.
          // but since we are bailing here, we need to explicitly make ghost cells up-to-date with u.

          //printf("[INFO] Sol_MultigridPressure3DBase::do_vcycle - error after %d iterations: L2 = %f (%fx), Linf = %f (%fx)\n", i_cyc, result_l2, orig_l2 / result_l2, result_linf, orig_linf / result_linf);
          return !any_error();
        restrict_residuals(level, level+1, 0, 0);

    // these relaxation steps are essentially free, so do lots of them
    // (reference implementation uses nu1+nu2) - this is probably overkill, i need to revisit this
    // with a good heuristic.  Inhomogeneous conditions require more iterations.
    int coarse_iters = max3(nx(coarse_level)*ny(coarse_level), ny(coarse_level)*nz(coarse_level), nx(coarse_level)*nz(coarse_level))/2;      
    relax(coarse_level, coarse_iters, make_symmetric_operator ? RO_SYMMETRIC : RO_RED_BLACK);
    //relax(coarse_level, (nx(coarse_level)*ny(coarse_level)*nz(coarse_level))/2);

    // going up
    for (level = coarse_level-1; level >= 0; level--) {
      prolong(level+1, level);
      // don't need to relax finest grid since it will get relaxed at the beginning of the next v-cycle
      if (level > 0) 
        relax(level, nu2, make_symmetric_operator ? RO_BLACK_RED : RO_RED_BLACK);

  if (!(convergence & CONVERGENCE_CRITERIA_NONE))
    printf("[WARNING] Sol_MultigridPressure3DBase::do_vcycle - Failed to converge, error after: L2 = %f (%fx), Linf = %f (%fx)\n", result_l2, orig_l2 / result_l2, result_linf, orig_linf / result_linf);

  return false;
void main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  numworkers = numtasks-1;
  if (taskid == MASTER) {
    comp = (double *)malloc(MESHX*sizeof(double));
    averow  = MESHX/numworkers;
    extra   = MESHX%numworkers;
    offset = 0;
     for (rank=1; rank <= (numworkers); rank++) {
      rows = (rank <= extra) ? averow+1 : averow;
      left_node  = rank - 1;
      right_node = rank + 1;
      if(rank == 1) {
        left_node  = NONE;
      if(rank == (numworkers)) {
        right_node = NONE; 
      dest = rank;
      MPI_Send(&offset,       1,    MPI_INT,         dest, BEGIN, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      MPI_Send(&rows,         1,    MPI_INT,         dest, BEGIN, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      MPI_Send(&left_node,    1,    MPI_INT,         dest, BEGIN, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      MPI_Send(&right_node,   1,    MPI_INT,         dest, BEGIN, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      MPI_Send(&comp[offset], rows, MPI_DOUBLE,      dest, BEGIN, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      offset = offset + rows;
    for (t=1; t < ntimesteps; t++) {
      if (t%saveT == 0) {
  if(taskid != MASTER) {
    source  = MASTER;
    msgtype = BEGIN;
    MPI_Recv(&offset,     1, MPI_INT, source, msgtype, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
    MPI_Recv(&rows,       1, MPI_INT, source, msgtype, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
    MPI_Recv(&left_node,  1, MPI_INT, source, msgtype, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
    MPI_Recv(&right_node, 1, MPI_INT, source, msgtype, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
    start = 1;
    if ((taskid == 1) || (taskid == numworkers)) {
      comp = (double *)malloc((rows+1)*sizeof(double));
      if (taskid == 1) {
        MPI_Recv(&comp[0], rows, MPI_DOUBLE, source, msgtype, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
      } else {
        MPI_Recv(&comp[1], rows, MPI_DOUBLE, source, msgtype, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
      end   = rows-1;
    } else {
      comp = (double *)malloc((rows+2)*sizeof(double));
      MPI_Recv(&comp[1], rows, MPI_DOUBLE, source, msgtype, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
      end = rows;
    long t;
    for (t=1; t < ntimesteps; t++) {
      if (t%saveT == 0) {
//   printf("Hello Computer, total no of processes = %d, my name is=%d\n",numtasks, taskid);
Sol_MultigridPressure3DBase::do_fmg(double tolerance, int max_iter, double &result_l2, double &result_linf)
  CPUTimer timer;


  int level_ncyc;
  int level;

  result_l2 = result_linf = 0;

  double orig_l2=0, orig_linf=0;
    (convergence & CONVERGENCE_CALC_L2) ? &orig_l2 : 0, 
    (convergence & CONVERGENCE_CALC_LINF) ? &orig_linf : 0);
  //printf("Error Before: l2 = %f, linf = %f\n", orig_l2, orig_linf);

  double orig_error = (convergence & CONVERGENCE_CRITERIA_L2) ? orig_l2 : 
                      (convergence & CONVERGENCE_CRITERIA_LINF) ? orig_linf : 1e20;
  if (orig_error < tolerance) {
    if (convergence & CONVERGENCE_CALC_L2)   result_l2 = orig_l2;
    if (convergence & CONVERGENCE_CALC_LINF) result_linf = orig_linf;
    return true;

#if 0
  // for testing relaxation only, enable this code block
  double iter_l2, iter_linf;
  for (int o=0; o < 100; o++) {
    relax(0, 10, RO_SYMMETRIC);
    restrict_residuals(0, 0, &iter_l2, &iter_linf);
    printf("error: l2 = %.12f, linf = %.12f\n", iter_l2, iter_linf);
  printf("reduction: l2 = %f, linf = %f\n", orig_l2/iter_l2, orig_linf/iter_linf);
  result_l2 = iter_l2;
  result_linf = iter_linf;

  return true;

  // initialize all the residuals.
  // we need this because in the FMG loop below, we don't necessarily start at level 0, but 
  // rather 2 levels from the finest.  Which means we first need to propagate the errors all the way down first before
  // beginning FMG.

  int coarse_level = _num_levels-1;
  int num_vcyc = 0;

  for (level = 0; level < _num_levels-1; level++) {
    // initialize U (solution) at next level to zero

    // restrict residuals to the next level.
    restrict_residuals(level, level+1,0,0);

  // do the full-multigrid loop
  for (int fine_level = _num_levels-1; fine_level >= 0 ; fine_level--) {
  //{ int fine_level = 0; // do a single v-cycle instead

    // we always do one extra v-cycle
    level_ncyc = (fine_level == 0) ? max_iter+1 : 1;

    // do ncyc v-cycle's
    for (int i_cyc = 0; i_cyc < level_ncyc; i_cyc++) {

      if (fine_level == 0)

      // going down
      for (level = fine_level; level < coarse_level; level++) {
        relax(level, nu1, RO_RED_BLACK);


        if (level == 0) {
          restrict_residuals(0, 1, 
            (convergence & CONVERGENCE_CALC_L2) ? &result_l2 : 0, 
            (convergence & CONVERGENCE_CALC_LINF) ? &result_linf : 0);
          double residual = (convergence & CONVERGENCE_CRITERIA_L2) ? result_l2 : 
                            (convergence & CONVERGENCE_CRITERIA_LINF) ? result_linf : 1e20;          

          if (ThreadManager::this_image() == 0)
            printf("%d: residual = %.12f,%.12f\n", i_cyc, result_linf, result_l2);

          // if we're below tolerance, or we're no longer converging, bail out
          if (residual < tolerance) {

            // last time through, we need to apply boundary condition to u[0], since we just relaxed (above), but haven't propagated changes to ghost cells.
            // in the case we are not finished, by the time we get back to level 0 (via coarsening & then prolongation), ghost cells would be filled in.
            // but since we are bailing here, we need to explicitly make ghost cells up-to-date with u.

            //printf("[ELAPSED] Sol_MultigridPressure3DBase::do_fmg - converged in %fms\n", timer.elapsed_ms());
            printf("[INFO] Sol_MultigridPressure3DBase::do_fmg - error after %d iterations: L2 = %f (%fx), Linf = %f (%fx)\n", i_cyc, result_l2, orig_l2 / result_l2, result_linf, orig_linf / result_linf);
            global_counter_add("vcycles", num_vcyc);
            return !any_error();
          restrict_residuals(level, level+1, 0, 0);

      // these relaxation steps are essentially free, so do lots of them
      // (reference implementation uses nu1+nu2) - this is probably overkill, i need to revisit this
      // with a good heuristic.  Inhomogeneous conditions require more iterations.
      int coarse_iters = max3(nx(coarse_level)*ny(coarse_level), ny(coarse_level)*nz(coarse_level), nx(coarse_level)*nz(coarse_level))/2;      
      relax(coarse_level, coarse_iters, make_symmetric_operator ? RO_SYMMETRIC : RO_RED_BLACK);
      //relax(coarse_level, (nx(coarse_level)*ny(coarse_level)*nz(coarse_level))/2);

      // going up
      for (level = coarse_level-1; level >= fine_level; level--) {
        prolong(level+1, level);
        // don't need to relax finest grid since it will get relaxed at the beginning of the next v-cycle
        if (level > 0) 
          relax(level, nu2, make_symmetric_operator ? RO_BLACK_RED : RO_RED_BLACK);

    if (fine_level > 0) {
      // if not at finest level, need to prolong once more to next finer level for the next fine_level value
      prolong(fine_level, fine_level-1);

  //printf("[ELAPSED] Sol_MultigridPressure3DBase::do_fmg - stopped iterations after %fms\n", timer.elapsed_ms());
  if (!(convergence & CONVERGENCE_CRITERIA_NONE))
    printf("[WARNING] Sol_MultigridPressure3DBase::do_fmg - Failed to converge, error after: L2 = %.12f (%fx), Linf = %.12f (%fx)\n", result_l2, orig_l2 / result_l2, result_linf, orig_linf / result_linf);

  return false;