static void check_sockets(const apr_pollfd_t *pollarray, apr_socket_t **sockarray, int which, int pollin, abts_case *tc) { apr_status_t rv; apr_int16_t event; char *str; rv = apr_poll_revents_get(&event, sockarray[which], (apr_pollfd_t *)pollarray); ABTS_INT_EQUAL(tc, APR_SUCCESS, rv); if (pollin) { str = apr_psprintf(p, "Socket %d not signalled when it should be", which); ABTS_ASSERT(tc, str, event & APR_POLLIN); } else { str = apr_psprintf(p, "Socket %d signalled when it should not be", which); ABTS_ASSERT(tc, str, !(event & APR_POLLIN)); } }
void ap_mpm_child_main(apr_pool_t *pconf) { ap_listen_rec *lr = NULL; ap_listen_rec *first_lr = NULL; int requests_this_child = 0; apr_socket_t *sd = ap_listeners->sd; int nsds, rv = 0; unsigned long ulTimes; int my_pid = getpid(); ULONG rc, c; HQUEUE workq; apr_pollfd_t *pollset; int num_listeners; TID server_maint_tid; void *sb_mem; /* Stop Ctrl-C/Ctrl-Break signals going to child processes */ DosSetSignalExceptionFocus(0, &ulTimes); set_signals(); /* Create pool for child */ apr_pool_create(&pchild, pconf); ap_run_child_init(pchild, ap_server_conf); /* Create an event semaphore used to trigger other threads to shutdown */ rc = DosCreateEventSem(NULL, &shutdown_event, 0, FALSE); if (rc) { ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, APR_FROM_OS_ERROR(rc), ap_server_conf, "unable to create shutdown semaphore, exiting"); clean_child_exit(APEXIT_CHILDFATAL); } /* Gain access to the scoreboard. */ rc = DosGetNamedSharedMem(&sb_mem, ap_scoreboard_fname, PAG_READ|PAG_WRITE); if (rc) { ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, APR_FROM_OS_ERROR(rc), ap_server_conf, "scoreboard not readable in child, exiting"); clean_child_exit(APEXIT_CHILDFATAL); } ap_calc_scoreboard_size(); ap_init_scoreboard(sb_mem); /* Gain access to the accpet mutex */ rc = DosOpenMutexSem(NULL, &ap_mpm_accept_mutex); if (rc) { ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, APR_FROM_OS_ERROR(rc), ap_server_conf, "accept mutex couldn't be accessed in child, exiting"); clean_child_exit(APEXIT_CHILDFATAL); } /* Find our pid in the scoreboard so we know what slot our parent allocated us */ for (child_slot = 0; ap_scoreboard_image->parent[child_slot].pid != my_pid && child_slot < HARD_SERVER_LIMIT; child_slot++); if (child_slot == HARD_SERVER_LIMIT) { ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, ap_server_conf, "child pid not found in scoreboard, exiting"); clean_child_exit(APEXIT_CHILDFATAL); } ap_my_generation = ap_scoreboard_image->parent[child_slot].generation; memset(ap_scoreboard_image->servers[child_slot], 0, sizeof(worker_score) * HARD_THREAD_LIMIT); /* Set up an OS/2 queue for passing connections & termination requests * to worker threads */ rc = DosCreateQueue(&workq, QUE_FIFO, apr_psprintf(pchild, "/queues/httpd/work.%d", my_pid)); if (rc) { ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, APR_FROM_OS_ERROR(rc), ap_server_conf, "unable to create work queue, exiting"); clean_child_exit(APEXIT_CHILDFATAL); } /* Create initial pool of worker threads */ for (c = 0; c < ap_min_spare_threads; c++) { // ap_scoreboard_image->servers[child_slot][c].tid = _beginthread(worker_main, NULL, 128*1024, (void *)c); } /* Start maintenance thread */ server_maint_tid = _beginthread(server_maintenance, NULL, 32768, NULL); /* Set up poll */ for (num_listeners = 0, lr = ap_listeners; lr; lr = lr->next) { num_listeners++; } apr_poll_setup(&pollset, num_listeners, pchild); for (lr = ap_listeners; lr; lr = lr->next) { apr_poll_socket_add(pollset, lr->sd, APR_POLLIN); } /* Main connection accept loop */ do { apr_pool_t *pconn; worker_args_t *worker_args; apr_pool_create(&pconn, pchild); worker_args = apr_palloc(pconn, sizeof(worker_args_t)); worker_args->pconn = pconn; if (num_listeners == 1) { rv = apr_accept(&worker_args->conn_sd, ap_listeners->sd, pconn); } else { rc = DosRequestMutexSem(ap_mpm_accept_mutex, SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT); if (shutdown_pending) { DosReleaseMutexSem(ap_mpm_accept_mutex); break; } rv = APR_FROM_OS_ERROR(rc); if (rv == APR_SUCCESS) { rv = apr_poll(pollset, num_listeners, &nsds, -1); DosReleaseMutexSem(ap_mpm_accept_mutex); } if (rv == APR_SUCCESS) { if (first_lr == NULL) { first_lr = ap_listeners; } lr = first_lr; do { apr_int16_t event; apr_poll_revents_get(&event, lr->sd, pollset); if (event == APR_POLLIN) { apr_sockaddr_t *sa; apr_port_t port; apr_socket_addr_get(&sa, APR_LOCAL, lr->sd); apr_sockaddr_port_get(&port, sa); first_lr = lr->next; break; } lr = lr->next; if (!lr) { lr = ap_listeners; } } while (lr != first_lr); if (lr == first_lr) { continue; } sd = lr->sd; rv = apr_accept(&worker_args->conn_sd, sd, pconn); } } if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) { if (!APR_STATUS_IS_EINTR(rv)) { ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, rv, ap_server_conf, "apr_accept"); clean_child_exit(APEXIT_CHILDFATAL); } } else { DosWriteQueue(workq, WORKTYPE_CONN, sizeof(worker_args_t), worker_args, 0); requests_this_child++; } if (ap_max_requests_per_child != 0 && requests_this_child >= ap_max_requests_per_child) break; } while (!shutdown_pending && ap_my_generation == ap_scoreboard_image->global->running_generation); ap_scoreboard_image->parent[child_slot].quiescing = 1; DosPostEventSem(shutdown_event); DosWaitThread(&server_maint_tid, DCWW_WAIT); if (is_graceful) { char someleft; /* tell our worker threads to exit */ for (c=0; c<HARD_THREAD_LIMIT; c++) { if (ap_scoreboard_image->servers[child_slot][c].status != SERVER_DEAD) { DosWriteQueue(workq, WORKTYPE_EXIT, 0, NULL, 0); } } do { someleft = 0; for (c=0; c<HARD_THREAD_LIMIT; c++) { if (ap_scoreboard_image->servers[child_slot][c].status != SERVER_DEAD) { someleft = 1; DosSleep(1000); break; } } } while (someleft); } else { DosPurgeQueue(workq); for (c=0; c<HARD_THREAD_LIMIT; c++) { if (ap_scoreboard_image->servers[child_slot][c].status != SERVER_DEAD) { DosKillThread(ap_scoreboard_image->servers[child_slot][c].tid); } } } apr_pool_destroy(pchild); }
static int32 worker_thread(void * dummy) { proc_info * ti = dummy; int child_slot = ti->slot; apr_pool_t *tpool = ti->tpool; apr_allocator_t *allocator; apr_socket_t *csd = NULL; apr_pool_t *ptrans; /* Pool for per-transaction stuff */ apr_bucket_alloc_t *bucket_alloc; apr_socket_t *sd = NULL; apr_status_t rv = APR_EINIT; int srv , n; int curr_pollfd = 0, last_pollfd = 0; sigset_t sig_mask; int requests_this_child = ap_max_requests_per_thread; apr_pollfd_t *pollset; /* each worker thread is in control of its own destiny...*/ int this_worker_should_exit = 0; free(ti); mpm_state = AP_MPMQ_STARTING; on_exit_thread(check_restart, (void*)child_slot); /* block the signals for this thread */ sigfillset(&sig_mask); sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &sig_mask, NULL); apr_allocator_create(&allocator); apr_allocator_max_free_set(allocator, ap_max_mem_free); apr_pool_create_ex(&ptrans, tpool, NULL, allocator); apr_allocator_owner_set(allocator, ptrans); apr_pool_tag(ptrans, "transaction"); bucket_alloc = apr_bucket_alloc_create_ex(allocator); apr_thread_mutex_lock(worker_thread_count_mutex); worker_thread_count++; apr_thread_mutex_unlock(worker_thread_count_mutex); (void) ap_update_child_status_from_indexes(0, child_slot, SERVER_STARTING, (request_rec*)NULL); apr_poll_setup(&pollset, num_listening_sockets + 1, tpool); for(n=0 ; n <= num_listening_sockets ; n++) apr_poll_socket_add(pollset, listening_sockets[n], APR_POLLIN); mpm_state = AP_MPMQ_RUNNING; while (1) { /* If we're here, then chances are (unless we're the first thread created) * we're going to be held up in the accept mutex, so doing this here * shouldn't hurt performance. */ this_worker_should_exit |= (ap_max_requests_per_thread != 0) && (requests_this_child <= 0); if (this_worker_should_exit) break; (void) ap_update_child_status_from_indexes(0, child_slot, SERVER_READY, (request_rec*)NULL); apr_thread_mutex_lock(accept_mutex); while (!this_worker_should_exit) { apr_int16_t event; apr_status_t ret; ret = apr_poll(pollset, num_listening_sockets + 1, &srv, -1); if (ret != APR_SUCCESS) { if (APR_STATUS_IS_EINTR(ret)) { continue; } /* poll() will only return errors in catastrophic * circumstances. Let's try exiting gracefully, for now. */ ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, ret, (const server_rec *) ap_server_conf, "apr_poll: (listen)"); this_worker_should_exit = 1; } else { /* if we've bailed in apr_poll what's the point of trying to use the data? */ apr_poll_revents_get(&event, listening_sockets[0], pollset); if (event & APR_POLLIN){ apr_sockaddr_t *rec_sa; apr_size_t len = 5; char *tmpbuf = apr_palloc(ptrans, sizeof(char) * 5); apr_sockaddr_info_get(&rec_sa, "", APR_UNSPEC, 7772, 0, ptrans); if ((ret = apr_recvfrom(rec_sa, listening_sockets[0], 0, tmpbuf, &len)) != APR_SUCCESS){ ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, ret, NULL, "error getting data from UDP!!"); }else { /* add checking??? */ } this_worker_should_exit = 1; } } if (this_worker_should_exit) break; if (num_listening_sockets == 1) { sd = ap_listeners->sd; goto got_fd; } else { /* find a listener */ curr_pollfd = last_pollfd; do { curr_pollfd++; if (curr_pollfd > num_listening_sockets) curr_pollfd = 1; /* Get the revent... */ apr_poll_revents_get(&event, listening_sockets[curr_pollfd], pollset); if (event & APR_POLLIN) { last_pollfd = curr_pollfd; sd = listening_sockets[curr_pollfd]; goto got_fd; } } while (curr_pollfd != last_pollfd); } } got_fd: if (!this_worker_should_exit) { rv = apr_accept(&csd, sd, ptrans); apr_thread_mutex_unlock(accept_mutex); if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) { ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, rv, ap_server_conf, "apr_accept"); } else { process_socket(ptrans, csd, child_slot, bucket_alloc); requests_this_child--; } } else { apr_thread_mutex_unlock(accept_mutex); break; } apr_pool_clear(ptrans); } ap_update_child_status_from_indexes(0, child_slot, SERVER_DEAD, (request_rec*)NULL); apr_bucket_alloc_destroy(bucket_alloc); ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOTICE, 0, NULL, "worker_thread %ld exiting", find_thread(NULL)); apr_thread_mutex_lock(worker_thread_count_mutex); worker_thread_count--; apr_thread_mutex_unlock(worker_thread_count_mutex); return (0); }