SkCodec::Result SkGifCodec::ReadUpToFirstImage(GifFileType* gif, uint32_t* transIndex) {
    // Use this as a container to hold information about any gif extension
    // blocks.  This generally stores transparency and animation instructions.
    SavedImage saveExt;
    SkAutoTCallVProc<SavedImage, FreeExtension> autoFreeExt(&saveExt);
    saveExt.ExtensionBlocks = nullptr;
    saveExt.ExtensionBlockCount = 0;
    GifByteType* extData;
    int32_t extFunction;

    // We will loop over components of gif images until we find an image.  Once
    // we find an image, we will decode and return it.  While many gif files
    // contain more than one image, we will simply decode the first image.
    GifRecordType recordType;
    do {
        // Get the current record type
        if (GIF_ERROR == DGifGetRecordType(gif, &recordType)) {
            return gif_error("DGifGetRecordType failed.\n", kInvalidInput);
        switch (recordType) {
            case IMAGE_DESC_RECORD_TYPE: {
                *transIndex = find_trans_index(saveExt);

                // FIXME: Gif files may have multiple images stored in a single
                //        file.  This is most commonly used to enable
                //        animations.  Since we are leaving animated gifs as a
                //        TODO, we will return kSuccess after decoding the
                //        first image in the file.  This is the same behavior
                //        as SkImageDecoder_libgif.
                //        Most times this works pretty well, but sometimes it
                //        doesn't.  For example, I have an animated test image
                //        where the first image in the file is 1x1, but the
                //        subsequent images are meaningful.  This currently
                //        displays the 1x1 image, which is not ideal.  Right
                //        now I am leaving this as an issue that will be
                //        addressed when we implement animated gifs.
                //        It is also possible (not explicitly disallowed in the
                //        specification) that gif files provide multiple
                //        images in a single file that are all meant to be
                //        displayed in the same frame together.  I will
                //        currently leave this unimplemented until I find a
                //        test case that expects this behavior.
                return kSuccess;
            // Extensions are used to specify special properties of the image
            // such as transparency or animation.
            case EXTENSION_RECORD_TYPE:
                // Read extension data
                if (GIF_ERROR == DGifGetExtension(gif, &extFunction, &extData)) {
                    return gif_error("Could not get extension.\n", kIncompleteInput);

                // Create an extension block with our data
                while (nullptr != extData) {
                    // Add a single block

                    if (AddExtensionBlock(&saveExt, extData[0],
                                          &extData[1]) == GIF_ERROR) {
                    if (GIF_ERROR == GifAddExtensionBlock(&saveExt.ExtensionBlockCount,
                                                          extFunction, extData[0], &extData[1])) {
                        return gif_error("Could not add extension block.\n", kIncompleteInput);
                    // Move to the next block
                    if (GIF_ERROR == DGifGetExtensionNext(gif, &extData)) {
                        return gif_error("Could not get next extension.\n", kIncompleteInput);

            // Signals the end of the gif file
            case TERMINATE_RECORD_TYPE:

                // DGifGetRecordType returns an error if the record type does
                // not match one of the above cases.  This should not be
                // reached.
    } while (TERMINATE_RECORD_TYPE != recordType);

    return gif_error("Could not find any images to decode in gif file.\n", kInvalidInput);

bool SkGifCodec::GetDimensions(GifFileType* gif, SkISize* size, SkIRect* frameRect) {
    // Get the encoded dimension values
    SavedImage* image = &gif->SavedImages[gif->ImageCount - 1];
    const GifImageDesc& desc = image->ImageDesc;
    int frameLeft = desc.Left;
    int frameTop = desc.Top;
    int frameWidth = desc.Width;
    int frameHeight = desc.Height;
    int width = gif->SWidth;
    int height = gif->SHeight;

    // Ensure that the decode dimensions are large enough to contain the frame
    width = SkTMax(width, frameWidth + frameLeft);
    height = SkTMax(height, frameHeight + frameTop);

    // All of these dimensions should be positive, as they are encoded as unsigned 16-bit integers.
    // It is unclear why giflib casts them to ints.  We will go ahead and check that they are
    // in fact positive.
    if (frameLeft < 0 || frameTop < 0 || frameWidth < 0 || frameHeight < 0 || width <= 0 ||
            height <= 0) {
        return false;

    frameRect->setXYWH(frameLeft, frameTop, frameWidth, frameHeight);
    size->set(width, height);
    return true;
SkCodec::Result SkGifCodec::ReadUpToFirstImage(GifFileType* gif, uint32_t* transIndex) {
    // Use this as a container to hold information about any gif extension
    // blocks.  This generally stores transparency and animation instructions.
    SavedImage saveExt;
    SkAutoTCallVProc<SavedImage, FreeExtension> autoFreeExt(&saveExt);
    saveExt.ExtensionBlocks = nullptr;
    saveExt.ExtensionBlockCount = 0;
    GifByteType* extData;
    int32_t extFunction;

    // We will loop over components of gif images until we find an image.  Once
    // we find an image, we will decode and return it.  While many gif files
    // contain more than one image, we will simply decode the first image.
    GifRecordType recordType;
    do {
        // Get the current record type
        if (GIF_ERROR == DGifGetRecordType(gif, &recordType)) {
            return gif_error("DGifGetRecordType failed.\n", kInvalidInput);
        switch (recordType) {
            case IMAGE_DESC_RECORD_TYPE: {
                *transIndex = find_trans_index(saveExt);

                // FIXME: Gif files may have multiple images stored in a single
                //        file.  This is most commonly used to enable
                //        animations.  Since we are leaving animated gifs as a
                //        TODO, we will return kSuccess after decoding the
                //        first image in the file.  This is the same behavior
                //        as SkImageDecoder_libgif.
                //        Most times this works pretty well, but sometimes it
                //        doesn't.  For example, I have an animated test image
                //        where the first image in the file is 1x1, but the
                //        subsequent images are meaningful.  This currently
                //        displays the 1x1 image, which is not ideal.  Right
                //        now I am leaving this as an issue that will be
                //        addressed when we implement animated gifs.
                //        It is also possible (not explicitly disallowed in the
                //        specification) that gif files provide multiple
                //        images in a single file that are all meant to be
                //        displayed in the same frame together.  I will
                //        currently leave this unimplemented until I find a
                //        test case that expects this behavior.
                return kSuccess;
            // Extensions are used to specify special properties of the image
            // such as transparency or animation.
            case EXTENSION_RECORD_TYPE:
                // Read extension data
                if (GIF_ERROR == DGifGetExtension(gif, &extFunction, &extData)) {
                    return gif_error("Could not get extension.\n", kIncompleteInput);

                // Create an extension block with our data
                while (nullptr != extData) {
                    // Add a single block
                    if (GIF_ERROR == GifAddExtensionBlock(&saveExt.ExtensionBlockCount,
                                                          extFunction, extData[0], &extData[1]))
                        return gif_error("Could not add extension block.\n", kIncompleteInput);
                    // Move to the next block
                    if (GIF_ERROR == DGifGetExtensionNext(gif, &extData)) {
                        return gif_error("Could not get next extension.\n", kIncompleteInput);

            // Signals the end of the gif file
            case TERMINATE_RECORD_TYPE:

                // DGifGetRecordType returns an error if the record type does
                // not match one of the above cases.  This should not be
                // reached.
    } while (TERMINATE_RECORD_TYPE != recordType);

    return gif_error("Could not find any images to decode in gif file.\n", kInvalidInput);