
\brief Converts BaseTypeEnum to Config.
\details Defined in dmzRuntimeConfigWrite.h.
\note Unlike the config_to_* functions, the \a Name parameter can not be scoped.
The \a Name parameter should not contain "." characters.
\param[in] Name String containing name of config context to create.
\param[in] AttrName String containing name of attribute to store the Boolean.
\param[in] Value BaseTypeEnum to convert to Config.
\return Returns a Config object containing the converted BaseTypeEnum.

dmz::base_type_enum_to_config (
      const String &Name,
      const String &AttrName,
      const BaseTypeEnum Value) {

   Config result (Name);

   String val (base_type_enum_to_string (Value));
   result.store_attribute (AttrName, val);

   return result;

\brief Converts Data to Config.
\details Defined in dmzRuntimeConfigWrite.h.
\note Unlike the config_to_* functions, the \a Name parameter can not be scoped.
The \a Name parameter should not contain "." characters.
\param[in] Source Data object to convert.
\param[in] context Pointer to the runtime context.
\param[in] log Pointer to the Log to be used for log messages.
\return Returns a Config object containing the converted Data object.
\sa config_to_data(const String &Name, const Config &Source, RuntimeContext *context, Data &target, Log *log)

dmz::data_to_config (
     const String &Name,
     const Data &Source,
     RuntimeContext *context,
     Log *log) {

   Config result (Name);

   Definitions defs (context);

   RuntimeIterator it;

   Handle handle (Source.get_first_attribute (it));

   while (handle) {

      Config attr ("attribute");

      attr.store_attribute ("name", defs.lookup_named_handle_name (handle));
      attr.store_attribute (
         base_type_enum_to_string (Source.lookup_attribute_base_type_enum (handle)));

      result.add_config (attr);

      const Int32 ElementCount (Source.lookup_attribute_element_count (handle));

      for (Int32 ix = 0; ix < ElementCount; ix++) {

         Config element ("element");

         String value;
         Source.lookup_string (handle, ix, value);
         element.store_attribute ("value", value);

         attr.add_config (element);

      handle = Source.get_next_attribute (it);

   return result;
   State (RuntimeContext *context) : handle (0)  {

      Definitions defs (context);

      handle = defs.create_named_handle (base_type_enum_to_string (BaseTypeString));