void iconTitleInit (void) {
	// initialize video mode

	// initialize VRAM banks

	// initialize bg2 as a rotation background and bg3 as a bmp background
	// http://mtheall.com/vram.html#T2=3&RNT2=96&MB2=3&TB2=0&S2=2&T3=6&MB3=1&S3=1
	bg2 = bgInit(2, BgType_Rotation, BgSize_R_512x512,   3, 0);
	bg3 = bgInit(3, BgType_Bmp16,    BgSize_B16_256x256, 1, 0);

	// initialize rotate, scale, and scroll
	bgSetRotateScale(bg3, 0, 1<<8, 1<<8);
	bgSetScroll(bg3, 0, 0);
	bgSetRotateScale(bg2, 0, 8*(1<<8)/6, 1<<8);
	bgSetScroll(bg2, -TITLE_POS_X, -TITLE_POS_Y);

	// clear bg2's map: 512x512 pixels is 64x64 tiles is 4KB
	dmaFillHalfWords(0, bgGetMapPtr(bg2), 4096);
	// load compressed font into bg2's tile data
	decompress(font6x8Tiles, bgGetGfxPtr(bg2), LZ77Vram);

	// load compressed bitmap into bg3
	decompress(hbmenu_bannerBitmap, bgGetGfxPtr(bg3), LZ77Vram);

	// load font palette
	dmaCopy(font6x8Pal, BG_PALETTE, font6x8PalLen);

	// apply the bg changes

	// initialize OAM
	oamInit(&oamMain, SpriteMapping_1D_128, false);
	sprite = oamAllocateGfx(&oamMain, SpriteSize_32x32, SpriteColorFormat_16Color);
	dmaFillHalfWords(0, sprite, sizeof(banner.icon));
	oamSet(&oamMain, 0, ICON_POS_X, ICON_POS_Y, 0, 0,
	       SpriteSize_32x32, SpriteColorFormat_16Color, sprite,
	       -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

	// oam can only be updated during vblank

	// everything's ready :)
	writeRow (0,"...initializing...");
	writeRow (1,"===>>> HBMenu+ <<<===");
	writeRow (2,"(this text should disappear...");
	writeRow (3,"...otherwise, trouble!)");
static int NDS_CreateWindowFramebuffer(_THIS, SDL_Window *window,
									   Uint32 *format, void **pixels,
									   int *pitch)
	struct NDS_WindowData *wdata;
    int bpp;
    Uint32 Rmask, Gmask, Bmask, Amask;
	const SDL_VideoDisplay *display = SDL_GetDisplayForWindow(window);
	const SDL_DisplayMode *mode = display->driverdata;
	const Uint32 fmt = mode->format;

	if (fmt != SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ABGR1555) {
		SDL_SetError("Unsupported pixel format (%x)", fmt);
		return -1;

    if (!SDL_PixelFormatEnumToMasks
        (fmt, &bpp, &Rmask, &Gmask, &Bmask, &Amask)) {
        SDL_SetError("Unknown texture format");
        return -1;

	wdata = SDL_calloc(1, sizeof(struct NDS_WindowData));
	if (!wdata) {
		return -1;

	if (bpp == 8) {
	} else {
	wdata->pixels = SDL_calloc(1, wdata->pixels_length);
	if (!wdata->pixels) {
		SDL_SetError("Not enough memory");
        return -1;

	if (bpp == 8) {
		wdata->main.bg_id = bgInit(2, BgType_Bmp8, BgSize_B8_256x256, 0, 0);
		wdata->sub.bg_id = bgInitSub(3, BgType_Bmp8, BgSize_B8_256x256, 0, 0);

		wdata->main.length = SCREEN_HEIGHT*SCREEN_WIDTH;
		wdata->main.pixels = wdata->pixels;

		wdata->sub.length = SCREEN_HEIGHT*SCREEN_WIDTH;
		wdata->sub.pixels = (u8 *)wdata->pixels + wdata->main.length;	/* or ...+SCREEN_GAP */
	} else {
		wdata->main.bg_id = bgInit(2, BgType_Bmp16, BgSize_B16_256x256, 0, 0);
		wdata->sub.bg_id = bgInitSub(3, BgType_Bmp16, BgSize_B16_256x256, 0, 0);

		wdata->main.length = SCREEN_HEIGHT*SCREEN_WIDTH*2;
		wdata->main.pixels = wdata->pixels;

		wdata->sub.length = SCREEN_HEIGHT*SCREEN_WIDTH*2;
		wdata->sub.pixels = (u8 *)wdata->pixels + wdata->main.length;	/* or ...+SCREEN_GAP */

	wdata->pitch = (window->w) * ((bpp+1) / 8);
	wdata->bpp = bpp;
	wdata->rotate = 0;
	wdata->scale.x = 0x100;
	wdata->scale.y = 0x100;
	wdata->scroll.x = 0;
	wdata->scroll.y = 0;

	wdata->main.vram_pixels = bgGetGfxPtr(wdata->main.bg_id);
	wdata->sub.vram_pixels = bgGetGfxPtr(wdata->sub.bg_id);

#if 0
	bgSetCenter(wdata->main.bg_id, 0, 0);
	bgSetRotateScale(wdata->main.bg_id, wdata->rotate, wdata->scale.x,
	bgSetScroll(wdata->main.bg_id, wdata->scroll.x, wdata->scroll.y);

#if 0
	bgSetCenter(wdata->sub.bg_id, 0, 0);
	bgSetRotateScale(wdata->sub.bg_id, wdata->rotate, wdata->scale.x,
	bgSetScroll(wdata->sub.bg_id, wdata->scroll.x, wdata->scroll.y);


	*format = fmt;
	*pixels = wdata->pixels;
	*pitch = wdata->pitch;

	window->driverdata = wdata;

	return 0;
int main(void) {

	const int tile_base = 0;
	const int map_base = 20;



	PrintConsole *console = consoleInit(0, 3, BgType_ExRotation, BgSize_ER_256x256, map_base, tile_base, false, false);

	ConsoleFont font;

	font.gfx = (u16*)fontTiles;
	font.pal = (u16*)fontPal;
	font.numChars = 95;
	font.numColors =  fontPalLen / 2;
	font.bpp = 8;
	font.asciiOffset = 32;
	font.convertSingleColor = false;
	consoleSetFont(console, &font);

	int bg3 = console->bgId;

	iprintf("Custom Font Demo\n");
	iprintf("   by Poffy\n");
	iprintf("modified by WinterMute and dovoto\n");
	iprintf("for libnds examples\n");

	unsigned int angle = 0;
    int scrollX = 0;
	int scrollY = 0;
	int scaleX = intToFixed(1,8);
	int scaleY = intToFixed(1,8);

	while(1) {
		u32 keys = keysHeld();

		if ( keys & KEY_L ) angle+=64; 
		if ( keys & KEY_R ) angle-=64;

		if ( keys & KEY_LEFT ) scrollX++;
		if ( keys & KEY_RIGHT ) scrollX--;
		if ( keys & KEY_UP ) scrollY++;
		if ( keys & KEY_DOWN ) scrollY--;

		if ( keys & KEY_A ) scaleX++;
		if ( keys & KEY_B ) scaleX--;

		if( keys & KEY_X ) scaleY++;
		if( keys & KEY_Y ) scaleY--;


		bgSetRotateScale(bg3, angle, scaleX, scaleY);
		bgSetScroll(bg3, scrollX, scrollY);

static int
NDS_CreateTexture(SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Texture * texture)
    NDS_RenderData *data = (NDS_RenderData *) renderer->driverdata;
    NDS_TextureData *txdat = NULL;
    int i;
    int bpp;
    Uint32 Rmask, Gmask, Bmask, Amask;

    if (!SDL_PixelFormatEnumToMasks
        (texture->format, &bpp, &Rmask, &Gmask, &Bmask, &Amask)) {
        SDL_SetError("Unknown texture format");
        return -1;

    /* conditional statements on w/h to place it as bg/sprite
       depending on which one it fits. */
    if (texture->w <= 64 && texture->h <= 64) {
        int whichspr = -1;
        printf("NDS_CreateTexture: Tried to make a sprite.\n");
        txdat->type = NDSTX_SPR;
#if 0
        for (i = 0; i < SPRITE_COUNT; ++i) {
            if (data->oam_copy.spriteBuffer[i].attribute[0] & ATTR0_DISABLED) {
                whichspr = i;
        if (whichspr >= 0) {
            SpriteEntry *sprent = &(data->oam_copy.spriteBuffer[whichspr]);
            int maxside = texture->w > texture->h ? texture->w : texture->h;
            int pitch;

            texture->driverdata = SDL_calloc(1, sizeof(NDS_TextureData));
            txdat = (NDS_TextureData *) texture->driverdata;
            if (!txdat) {
                return -1;

            sprent->objMode = OBJMODE_BITMAP;
            sprent->posX = 0;
            sprent->posY = 0;
            sprent->colMode = OBJCOLOR_16;      /* OBJCOLOR_256 for INDEX8 */

            /* the first 32 sprites get transformation matrices.
               first come, first served */
            if (whichspr < MATRIX_COUNT) {
                sprent->isRotoscale = 1;
                sprent->rsMatrixIdx = whichspr;

            /* containing shape (square or 2:1 rectangles) */
            sprent->objShape = OBJSHAPE_SQUARE;
            if (texture->w / 2 >= texture->h) {
                sprent->objShape = OBJSHAPE_WIDE;
            } else if (texture->h / 2 >= texture->w) {
                sprent->objShape = OBJSHAPE_TALL;

            /* size in pixels */
            /* FIXME: "pitch" is hardcoded for 2bytes per pixel. */
            sprent->objSize = OBJSIZE_64;
            pitch = 128;
            if (maxside <= 8) {
                sprent->objSize = OBJSIZE_8;
                pitch = 16;
            } else if (maxside <= 16) {
                sprent->objSize = OBJSIZE_16;
                pitch = 32;
            } else if (maxside <= 32) {
                sprent->objSize = OBJSIZE_32;
                pitch = 64;

            /* FIXME: this is hard-coded and will obviously only work for one
               sprite-texture.  tells it to look at the beginning of SPRITE_GFX
               for its pixels. */
            sprent->tileIdx = 0;

            /* now for the texture data */
            txdat->type = NDSTX_SPR;
            txdat->hw_index = whichspr;
            txdat->dim.hdx = 0x100;
            txdat->dim.hdy = 0;
            txdat->dim.vdx = 0;
            txdat->dim.vdy = 0x100;
            txdat->dim.pitch = pitch;
            txdat->dim.bpp = bpp;
            txdat->vram_pixels =
                (u16 *) (data->sub ? SPRITE_GFX_SUB : SPRITE_GFX);
            /* FIXME: use tileIdx*boundary
               to point to proper location */
        } else {
            SDL_SetError("Out of NDS sprites.");
    } else if (texture->w <= 256 && texture->h <= 256) {
        int whichbg = -1, base = 0;
        if (!data->bg_taken[2]) {
            whichbg = 2;
        } else if (!data->bg_taken[3]) {
            whichbg = 3;
            base = 4;
        if (whichbg >= 0) {
            texture->driverdata = SDL_calloc(1, sizeof(NDS_TextureData));
            txdat = (NDS_TextureData *) texture->driverdata;
            if (!txdat) {
                return -1;
// hard-coded for 256x256 for now...
// TODO: a series of if-elseif-else's to find the closest but larger size.
            if (!data->sub) {
                if (bpp == 8) {
                    txdat->hw_index =
                        bgInit(whichbg, BgType_Bmp8, BgSize_B8_256x256, 0, 0);
                } else {
                    txdat->hw_index =
                        bgInit(whichbg, BgType_Bmp16, BgSize_B16_256x256, 0,
            } else {
                if (bpp == 8) {
                    txdat->hw_index =
                        bgInitSub(whichbg, BgType_Bmp8, BgSize_B8_256x256, 0,
                } else {
                    txdat->hw_index =
                        bgInitSub(whichbg, BgType_Bmp16, BgSize_B16_256x256,
                                  0, 0);

/*   useful functions
		bgSetCenter(bg3, rcX, rcY);
		bgSetRotateScale(bg3, angle, scaleX, scaleY);
		bgSetScroll(bg3, scrollX, scrollY);
            txdat->type = NDSTX_BG;
            txdat->pitch = (texture->w) * (bpp / 8);
            txdat->bpp = bpp;
            txdat->rotate = 0;
            txdat->scale.x = 0x100;
            txdat->scale.y = 0x100;
            txdat->scroll.x = 0;
            txdat->scroll.y = 0;
            txdat->vram_pixels = (u16 *) bgGetGfxPtr(txdat->hw_index);

            bgSetCenter(txdat->hw_index, 0, 0);
            bgSetRotateScale(txdat->hw_index, txdat->rotate, txdat->scale.x,
            bgSetScroll(txdat->hw_index, txdat->scroll.x, txdat->scroll.y);

            data->bg_taken[whichbg] = 1;
            /*txdat->size = txdat->dim.pitch * texture->h; */
        } else {
            SDL_SetError("Out of NDS backgrounds.");
    } else {
        SDL_SetError("Texture too big for NDS hardware.");

    if (!texture->driverdata) {
        return -1;

    return 0;