main(int argc, char **argv) {
  char *err, *me, *filename;
  Nrrd *nin;
  unsigned int axi;

  me = argv[0];
  if (2 != argc) {
    fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <filename>\n", me);
    return 1;

  filename = argv[1];

  /* create a nrrd; at this point this is just an empty container */
  nin = nrrdNew();

  /* read in the nrrd from file */
  if (nrrdLoad(nin, filename, NULL)) {
    err = biffGetDone(NRRD);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble reading \"%s\":\n%s", me, filename, err);
    return 1;

  /* say something about the array */
  printf("%s: \"%s\" is a %d-dimensional nrrd of type %s (%d)\n",
         me, filename, nin->dim,
         airEnumStr(nrrdType, nin->type),
  for (axi=0; axi<nin->dim; axi++) {
    printf(" axis[%d] size = %u\n", axi, (unsigned int)nin->axis[axi].size);
  printf("%s: the array contains %d elements, each %d bytes in size\n",
         me, (int)nrrdElementNumber(nin), (int)nrrdElementSize(nin));

  /* blow away both the Nrrd struct *and* the memory at nin->data
     (nrrdNix() frees the struct but not the data,
     nrrdEmpty() frees the data but not the struct) */

    Nrrd *nout;
    unsigned int sx=640, sy=480, xi, yi, idx;
    unsigned char *odata, rr, gg, bb;
    odata = (unsigned char *)(malloc(sx*sy*3));
    for (yi=0; yi<sy; yi++) {
      rr = (unsigned char)(AIR_AFFINE(0, yi, sy, 0, 255));
      for (xi=0; xi<sx; xi++) {
        gg = (unsigned char)(AIR_AFFINE(0, xi, sx, 0, 255));
        bb = (unsigned char)(AIR_AFFINE(0, xi+yi, sx+sy, 0, 255));
        idx = xi + sx*yi;
        odata[0 + 3*idx] = rr;
        odata[1 + 3*idx] = gg;
        odata[2 + 3*idx] = bb;

    //Saves the contents of the buffer as a png image
    //Currently upsidedown
    nout = nrrdNew();
    if (nrrdWrap_va(nout, odata, nrrdTypeUChar, 3,
                    (size_t)3, (size_t)sx, (size_t)sy)
        || nrrdSave("out.png", nout, NULL)) {
      err = biffGetDone(NRRD);
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble wrapping image:\n%s", me, err);
      return 1;

  return 0;
unrrdu_mlutMain(int argc, char **argv, char *me, hestParm *hparm) {
  hestOpt *opt = NULL;
  char *out, *err;
  Nrrd *nin, **_nmlut, *nmlut, *nout;
  airArray *mop;
  int typeOut, rescale, pret, blind8BitRange;
  unsigned int _nmlutLen, mapAxis;
  double min, max;
  NrrdRange *range=NULL;

  hestOptAdd(&opt, "m,map", "mlut", airTypeOther, 1, -1, &_nmlut, NULL,
             "one nrrd of lookup tables to map input nrrd through, or, "
             "list of nrrds which contain the individual entries of "
             "the lookup table at each voxel, which will be joined together.",
             &_nmlutLen, NULL, nrrdHestNrrd);
  hestOptAdd(&opt, "r,rescale", NULL, airTypeInt, 0, 0, &rescale, NULL,
             "rescale the input values from the input range to the "
             "lut domain.  The lut domain is either explicitly "
             "defined by the axis min,max along axis 0 or 1, or, it "
             "is implicitly defined as zero to the length of that axis "
             "minus one.");
  hestOptAdd(&opt, "min,minimum", "value", airTypeDouble, 1, 1, &min, "nan",
             "Low end of input range. Defaults to lowest value "
             "found in input nrrd.  Explicitly setting this is useful "
             "only with rescaling (\"-r\")");
  hestOptAdd(&opt, "max,maximum", "value", airTypeDouble, 1, 1, &max, "nan",
             "High end of input range. Defaults to highest value "
             "found in input nrrd.  Explicitly setting this is useful "
             "only with rescaling (\"-r\")");
  hestOptAdd(&opt, "blind8", "bool", airTypeBool, 1, 1, &blind8BitRange,
             nrrdStateBlind8BitRange ? "true" : "false",
             "Whether to know the range of 8-bit data blindly "
             "(uchar is always [0,255], signed char is [-128,127]). "
             "Explicitly setting this is useful only with rescaling (\"-r\")");
  hestOptAdd(&opt, "t,type", "type", airTypeOther, 1, 1, &typeOut, "default",
             "specify the type (\"int\", \"float\", etc.) of the "
             "output nrrd. "
             "By default (not using this option), the output type "
             "is the lut's type.",
             NULL, NULL, &unrrduHestMaybeTypeCB);
  OPT_ADD_NIN(nin, "input nrrd");
  OPT_ADD_NOUT(out, "output nrrd");

  mop = airMopNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, opt, (airMopper)hestOptFree, airMopAlways);

  airMopAdd(mop, opt, (airMopper)hestParseFree, airMopAlways);

  nout = nrrdNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, nout, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);

  /* by the end of this block we need to have nmlut and mapAxis */
  if (1 == _nmlutLen) {
    /* we got the mlut as a single nrrd */
    nmlut = _nmlut[0];
    mapAxis = nmlut->dim - nin->dim - 1;
    /* its not our job to do real error checking ... */
    mapAxis = AIR_MIN(mapAxis, nmlut->dim - 1);
  } else {
    /* we have to join together multiple nrrds to get the mlut */
    nmlut = nrrdNew();
    airMopAdd(mop, nmlut, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
    /* assume that mlut component nrrds are all compatible sizes,
       nrrdJoin will fail if they aren't */
    mapAxis = _nmlut[0]->dim - nin->dim;
    if (nrrdJoin(nmlut, (const Nrrd**)_nmlut, _nmlutLen, mapAxis, AIR_TRUE)) {
      airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble joining mlut:\n%s", me, err);
      return 1;
    /* set these if they were given, they'll be NaN otherwise */
    nmlut->axis[mapAxis].min = min;
    nmlut->axis[mapAxis].max = max;

  if (!( AIR_EXISTS(nmlut->axis[mapAxis].min) && 
         AIR_EXISTS(nmlut->axis[mapAxis].max) )) {
    rescale = AIR_TRUE;
  if (rescale) {
    range = nrrdRangeNew(min, max);
    airMopAdd(mop, range, (airMopper)nrrdRangeNix, airMopAlways);
    nrrdRangeSafeSet(range, nin, blind8BitRange);

  if (nrrdTypeDefault == typeOut) {
    typeOut = nmlut->type;
  if (nrrdApplyMulti1DLut(nout, nin, range, nmlut, typeOut, rescale)) {
    airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble applying multi-LUT:\n%s", me, err);
    return 1;

  SAVE(out, nout, NULL);

  return 0;
文件: pusher.c 项目: rblake/seg3d2
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  char *me, *err;
  hestOpt *hopt=NULL;
  airArray *mop;
  char *outS[3];
  char *gravStr, *gravGradStr, *seedStr;
  pushContext *pctx;
  Nrrd *_nin, *nin, *nPosIn, *nPosOut, *nTenOut, *nEnrOut;
  NrrdKernelSpec *ksp00, *ksp11, *ksp22;
  pushEnergySpec *ensp;
  int E;
  me = argv[0];

  mop = airMopNew();
  pctx = pushContextNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, pctx, (airMopper)pushContextNix, airMopAlways);

  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "i", "nin", airTypeOther, 1, 1, &_nin, NULL,
             "input volume to filter", NULL, NULL, nrrdHestNrrd);
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "np", "# points", airTypeUInt, 1, 1,
             &(pctx->pointNum), "1000",
             "number of points to use in simulation");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "pi", "npos", airTypeOther, 1, 1, &nPosIn, "",
             "positions to start at (overrides \"-np\")",
             NULL, NULL, nrrdHestNrrd);
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "step", "step", airTypeDouble, 1, 1,
             &(pctx->stepInitial), "1",
             "step size for gradient descent");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "scl", "scale", airTypeDouble, 1, 1,
             &(pctx->scale), "1500",
             "scaling from tensor size to glyph size");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "wall", "wall", airTypeDouble, 1, 1,
             &(pctx->wall), "0.0",
             "spring constant of containing walls");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "cnts", "scale", airTypeDouble, 1, 1, 
             &(pctx->cntScl), "0.0",
             "scaling of containment force");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "limit", "frac", airTypeDouble, 1, 1, 
             &(pctx->deltaLimit), "0.3",
             "speed limit on particles' motion");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "dfmin", "frac", airTypeDouble, 1, 1, 
             &(pctx->deltaFracMin), "0.2",
             "decrease step size if deltaFrac goes below this");

  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "esf", "frac", airTypeDouble, 1, 1, 
             &(pctx->energyStepFrac), "0.9",
             "when energy goes up instead of down, fraction by "
             "which to scale step size");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "dfsf", "frac", airTypeDouble, 1, 1, 
             &(pctx->deltaFracStepFrac), "0.5",
             "when deltaFrac goes below deltaFracMin, fraction by "
             "which to scale step size");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "eimin", "frac", airTypeDouble, 1, 1, 
             &(pctx->energyImprovMin), "0.01",
             "convergence threshold: stop when fracional improvement "
             "(decrease) in energy dips below this");

  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "detr", NULL, airTypeBool, 0, 0, 
             &(pctx->detReject), NULL,
             "do determinant-based rejection of initial sample locations");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "rng", "seed", airTypeUInt, 1, 1, 
             &(pctx->seedRNG), "42",
             "seed value for RNG which determines initial point locations");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "nt", "# threads", airTypeUInt, 1, 1,
             &(pctx->threadNum), "1",
             "number of threads to run");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "nprob", "# iters", airTypeDouble, 1, 1,
             &(pctx->neighborTrueProb), "1.0",
             "do full neighbor traversal with this probability");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "pprob", "# iters", airTypeDouble, 1, 1,
             &(pctx->probeProb), "1.0",
             "do field probing with this probability");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "maxi", "# iters", airTypeUInt, 1, 1,
             &(pctx->maxIter), "0",
             "if non-zero, max # iterations to run");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "snap", "iters", airTypeUInt, 1, 1, &(pctx->snap), "0",
             "if non-zero, # iterations between which a snapshot "
             "is saved");

  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "grv", "item", airTypeString, 1, 1, &gravStr, "none",
             "item to act as gravity");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "grvgv", "item", airTypeString, 1, 1, &gravGradStr, "none",
             "item to act as gravity gradient");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "grvs", "scale", airTypeDouble, 1, 1, &(pctx->gravScl),
             "nan", "magnitude and scaling of gravity vector");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "grvz", "scale", airTypeDouble, 1, 1, &(pctx->gravZero),
             "nan", "height (WRT gravity) of zero potential energy");

  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "seed", "item", airTypeString, 1, 1, &seedStr, "none",
             "item to act as seed threshold");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "seedth", "thresh", airTypeDouble, 1, 1,
             &(pctx->seedThresh), "nan",
             "seed threshold threshold");

  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "energy", "spec", airTypeOther, 1, 1, &ensp, "cotan",
             "specification of energy function to use",
             NULL, NULL, pushHestEnergySpec);

  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "nobin", NULL, airTypeBool, 0, 0,
             &(pctx->binSingle), NULL,
             "turn off spatial binning (which prevents multi-threading "
             "from being useful), for debugging or speed-up measurement");

  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "k00", "kernel", airTypeOther, 1, 1, &ksp00,
             "tent", "kernel for tensor field sampling",
             NULL, NULL, nrrdHestKernelSpec);
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "k11", "kernel", airTypeOther, 1, 1, &ksp11,
             "fordif", "kernel for finding containment gradient from mask",
             NULL, NULL, nrrdHestKernelSpec);
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "k22", "kernel", airTypeOther, 1, 1, &ksp22,
             "cubicdd:1,0", "kernel for 2nd derivatives",
             NULL, NULL, nrrdHestKernelSpec);

  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "o", "nout", airTypeString, 3, 3, outS,
             "p.nrrd t.nrrd e.nrrd",
             "output files to save position and tensor info into");

  hestParseOrDie(hopt, argc-1, argv+1, NULL,
                 me, info, AIR_TRUE, AIR_TRUE, AIR_TRUE);
  airMopAdd(mop, hopt, (airMopper)hestOptFree, airMopAlways);
  airMopAdd(mop, hopt, (airMopper)hestParseFree, airMopAlways);

  nPosOut = nrrdNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, nPosOut, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
  nTenOut = nrrdNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, nTenOut, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
  nEnrOut = nrrdNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, nEnrOut, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
  if (3 == _nin->spaceDim && AIR_EXISTS(_nin->measurementFrame[0][0])) {
    nin = nrrdNew();
    airMopAdd(mop, nin, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
    if (tenMeasurementFrameReduce(nin, _nin)) {
      airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(TEN), airFree, airMopAlways);
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble undoing measurement frame:\n%s", me, err);
  } else {
    nin = _nin;

  pctx->nin = nin;
  pctx->npos = nPosIn;
  pctx->verbose = 0;
  pctx->binIncr = 84;  /* random small-ish value */
  pushEnergySpecSet(pctx->ensp, ensp->energy, ensp->parm);
  nrrdKernelSpecSet(pctx->ksp00, ksp00->kernel, ksp00->parm);
  nrrdKernelSpecSet(pctx->ksp11, ksp11->kernel, ksp11->parm);
  nrrdKernelSpecSet(pctx->ksp22, ksp22->kernel, ksp22->parm);
  if (strcmp("none", gravStr)) {
    pctx->gravItem = airEnumVal(tenGage, gravStr);
    if (tenGageUnknown == pctx->gravItem) {
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: couldn't parse \"%s\" as a %s (gravity)\n", me,
              gravStr, tenGage->name);
      return 1;
    pctx->gravGradItem = airEnumVal(tenGage, gravGradStr);
    if (tenGageUnknown == pctx->gravGradItem) {
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: couldn't parse \"%s\" as a %s (gravity grad)\n",
              me, gravGradStr, tenGage->name);
      return 1;
  } else {
    pctx->gravItem = tenGageUnknown;
    pctx->gravGradItem = tenGageUnknown;
    pctx->gravZero = AIR_NAN;
    pctx->gravScl = AIR_NAN;

  if (strcmp("none", seedStr)) {
    pctx->seedThreshItem = airEnumVal(tenGage, seedStr);
    if (tenGageUnknown == pctx->seedThreshItem) {
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: couldn't parse \"%s\" as a %s (seedthresh)\n", me,
              seedStr, tenGage->name);
      return 1;
  } else {
    pctx->seedThreshItem = 0;
    pctx->seedThresh = AIR_NAN;

  E = 0;
  if (!E) E |= pushStart(pctx);

  if (!E) E |= pushRun(pctx);
  if (!E) E |= pushOutputGet(nPosOut, nTenOut, nEnrOut, pctx);
  if (!E) E |= pushFinish(pctx);
  if (E) {
    airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(PUSH), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble:\n%s\n", me, err);
    return 1;
  fprintf(stderr, "%s: time for %d iterations= %g secs\n",
          me, pctx->iter, pctx->timeRun);
  if (nrrdSave(outS[0], nPosOut, NULL)
      || nrrdSave(outS[1], nTenOut, NULL)
      || nrrdSave(outS[2], nEnrOut, NULL)) {
    airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: couldn't save output:\n%s\n", me, err);
    return 1;
  return 0;
文件: deconv.c 项目: BRAINSia/teem
main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
  gageKind *kind;
  const char *me;
  char *outS, *err;
  hestParm *hparm;
  hestOpt *hopt = NULL;
  NrrdKernelSpec *ksp;
  int otype, separ, ret;
  unsigned int maxIter;
  double epsilon, lastDiff, step;
  Nrrd *nin, *nout;
  airArray *mop;

  mop = airMopNew();
  me = argv[0];
  hparm = hestParmNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, hparm, AIR_CAST(airMopper, hestParmFree), airMopAlways);
  hparm->elideSingleOtherType = AIR_TRUE;
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "i", "nin", airTypeOther, 1, 1, &nin, NULL,
             "input volume", NULL, NULL, nrrdHestNrrd);
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "k", "kind", airTypeOther, 1, 1, &kind, NULL,
             "\"kind\" of volume (\"scalar\", \"vector\", "
             "\"tensor\", or \"dwi\")",
             NULL, NULL, meetHestGageKind);
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "k00", "kernel", airTypeOther, 1, 1, &ksp, NULL,
             "convolution kernel",
             NULL, NULL, nrrdHestKernelSpec);
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "mi", "max # iters", airTypeUInt, 1, 1, &maxIter, "100",
             "maximum number of iterations with which to compute the "
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "e", "epsilon", airTypeDouble, 1, 1, &epsilon,
             "0.00000001", "convergence threshold");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "s", "step", airTypeDouble, 1, 1, &step, "1.0",
             "scaling of value update");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "t", "type", airTypeOther, 1, 1, &otype, "default",
             "type to save output as. By default (not using this option), "
             "the output type is the same as the input type",
             NULL, NULL, &unrrduHestMaybeTypeCB);
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "sep", "bool", airTypeBool, 1, 1, &separ, "false",
             "use fast separable deconvolution instead of brain-dead "
             "brute-force iterative method");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "o", "nout", airTypeString, 1, 1, &outS, "-",
             "output volume");
  hestParseOrDie(hopt, argc-1, argv+1, hparm,
                 me, deconvInfo, AIR_TRUE, AIR_TRUE, AIR_TRUE);
  airMopAdd(mop, hopt, AIR_CAST(airMopper, hestOptFree), airMopAlways);
  airMopAdd(mop, hopt, AIR_CAST(airMopper, hestParseFree), airMopAlways);

  nout = nrrdNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, nout, AIR_CAST(airMopper, nrrdNuke), airMopAlways);

  if (separ) {
    ret = gageDeconvolveSeparable(nout, nin, kind, ksp, otype);
  } else {
    ret = gageDeconvolve(nout, &lastDiff,
                         nin, kind,
                         ksp, otype,
                         maxIter, AIR_TRUE,
                         step, epsilon, 1);
  if (ret) {
    airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(GAGE), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble:\n%s\n", me, err);
    return 1;

  if (nrrdSave(outS, nout, NULL)) {
    airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble saving output:\n%s\n", me, err);
    return 1;

  return 0;
文件: spots.c 项目: BRAINSia/teem
main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
  const char *me;
  char *err;
  hestOpt *hopt = NULL;
  airArray *mop;

  char *outS;
  alanContext *actx;
  int *size, sizeLen, fi, si, wrap, nt, cfn, ha, maxi;
  unsigned int srnd;
  double deltaT, mch, xch, alphabeta[2], time0, time1, deltaX, react, rrange;
  Nrrd *ninit=NULL, *nten=NULL, *nparm=NULL;

  me = argv[0];
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "s", "sx sy", airTypeInt, 2, 3, &size, "128 128",
             "size of texture, and also determines its dimension",
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "srand", "N", airTypeUInt, 1, 1, &srnd, "42",
             "number to seed random number generator with.  This uses "
             "airDrandMT(), so it should be portable.");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "i", "tensors", airTypeOther, 1, 1, &nten, "",
             "diffusion tensors to use for guiding the texture generation. "
             "If used, over-rides the \"-s\" option, both for setting "
             "texture dimension and size.  If you want upsampling, you "
             "do it yourself before sending it here.",
             NULL, NULL, nrrdHestNrrd);
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "ha", NULL, airTypeInt, 0, 0, &ha, NULL,
             "use the homogenous anisotropy assumption- that the spatial "
             "derivative of the diffusion tensor is negligible when "
             "computing the diffusive term ");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "wrap", NULL, airTypeInt, 0, 0, &wrap, NULL,
             "wrap edges of texture around a topological torus (which "
             "makes a texture suitable for tiling)");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "ab", "alpha beta", airTypeDouble, 2, 2, alphabeta,
             "16.0 12.0",
             "the growth and decay parameters appearing in the reaction "
             "terms of the reaction-diffusion equations.  The default "
             "values were the ones published by Turing.");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "sr", "react", airTypeDouble, 1, 1, &react, "1.0",
             "scaling of reaction term");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "rr", "range range", airTypeDouble, 1, 1, &rrange, "4.0",
             "amount of random noise to add to inital textures");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "dt", "time", airTypeDouble, 1, 1, &deltaT, "1.0",
             "time-step size in Euler integration.  Can be larger, at "
             "risk of hitting divergent instability.");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "dx", "size", airTypeDouble, 1, 1, &deltaX, "1.3",
             "nominal size of simulation grid element.");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "mch", "change", airTypeDouble, 1, 1, &mch, "0.00001",
             "the minimum significant change (averaged over the whole "
             "texture) in the first morphogen: to signify convergence");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "xch", "change", airTypeDouble, 1, 1, &xch, "6",
             "the maximum allowable change (averaged over the whole "
             "texture) in the first morphogen: to signify divergence");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "maxi", "# iter", airTypeInt, 1, 1, &maxi, "0",
             "maximum number of iterations to run for, or \"0\" to have "
             "no limit based on iteration count");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "fi", "frame inter", airTypeInt, 1, 1, &fi, "0",
             "the number of iterations between which to save out an 8-bit "
             "image of the texture, or \"0\" to disable such action");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "si", "snap inter", airTypeInt, 1, 1, &si, "0",
             "the number of iterations between which to save out a complete "
             "floating-point snapshot of the morphogen state, suitable for "
             "later re-initialization, or \"0\" to disable such action");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "cfn", NULL, airTypeInt, 0, 0, &cfn, NULL,
             "when saving out frames or snapshots, use a constant filename, "
             "instead of incrementing it each save");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "nt", "# threads", airTypeInt, 1, 1, &nt, "1",
              ? "number of threads to use in computation"
              : "number of \"threads\" to use in computation, which is "
              "moot here because this Teem build doesn't support "
              "multi-threading. "));
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "o", "nout", airTypeString, 1, 1, &outS, NULL,
             "filename for output of final converged (two-channel) texture");
  hestParseOrDie(hopt, argc-1, argv+1, NULL,
                 me, spotsInfo, AIR_TRUE, AIR_TRUE, AIR_TRUE);
  mop = airMopNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, hopt, (airMopper)hestOptFree, airMopAlways);
  airMopAdd(mop, hopt, (airMopper)hestParseFree, airMopAlways);

  actx = alanContextNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, actx, (airMopper)alanContextNix, airMopAlways);
  if (nten) {
    if (alanDimensionSet(actx, nten->dim - 1)
        || alanTensorSet(actx, nten, 1)) {
      airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(ALAN), airFree, airMopAlways);
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble setting parameters:\n%s\n", me, err);
      return 1;
  } else {
    alanDimensionSet(actx, sizeLen);
    if (2 == sizeLen) {
      alan2DSizeSet(actx, size[0], size[1]);
    } else {
      alan3DSizeSet(actx, size[0], size[1], size[2]);

  if (alanParmSet(actx, alanParmVerbose, 1)
      || alanParmSet(actx, alanParmTextureType, alanTextureTypeTuring)
      || alanParmSet(actx, alanParmK, 0.0125)
      || alanParmSet(actx, alanParmAlpha, alphabeta[0])
      || alanParmSet(actx, alanParmBeta, alphabeta[1])
      || alanParmSet(actx, alanParmDeltaX, deltaX)
      || alanParmSet(actx, alanParmDeltaT, deltaT)
      || alanParmSet(actx, alanParmReact, react)
      || alanParmSet(actx, alanParmMinAverageChange, mch)
      || alanParmSet(actx, alanParmMaxPixelChange, xch)
      || alanParmSet(actx, alanParmMaxIteration, maxi)
      || alanParmSet(actx, alanParmRandRange, rrange)
      || alanParmSet(actx, alanParmSaveInterval, si)
      || alanParmSet(actx, alanParmFrameInterval, fi)
      || alanParmSet(actx, alanParmConstantFilename, cfn)
      || alanParmSet(actx, alanParmWrapAround, wrap)
      || alanParmSet(actx, alanParmHomogAniso, ha)
      || alanParmSet(actx, alanParmNumThreads, nt)) {
    airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(ALAN), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble setting parameters:\n%s\n", me, err);
    return 1;

  if (alanUpdate(actx) || alanInit(actx, ninit, nparm)) {
    airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(ALAN), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble initializing texture: %s\n", me, err);
    return 1;
  fprintf(stderr, "%s: going to run (%d threads) ...\n", me, actx->numThreads);
  time0 = airTime();
  if (alanRun(actx)) {
    airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(ALAN), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble generating texture: %s\n", me, err);
    return 1;
  time1 = airTime();
  fprintf(stderr, "%s: stopped after %d iterations (%g seconds): %s\n",
          me, actx->iter, time1 - time0,
          airEnumDesc(alanStop, actx->stop));

  if (nrrdSave(outS, actx->nlev, NULL)) {
    airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble saving output:\n%s\n", me, err);
    return 1;

  return 0;
tend_simMain(int argc, char **argv, char *me, hestParm *hparm) {
  int pret;
  hestOpt *hopt = NULL;
  char *perr, *err;
  tenEstimateContext *tec;
  airArray *mop;

  int E, oldstuff, seed;
  Nrrd *nin, *nT2, *nbmat, *nout;
  char *outS;
  float b, sigma;

  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "old", NULL, airTypeInt, 0, 0, &oldstuff, NULL,
             "don't use the new tenEstimateContext functionality");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "sigma", "sigma", airTypeFloat, 1, 1, &sigma, "0.0",
             "Rician noise parameter");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "seed", "seed", airTypeInt, 1, 1, &seed, "42",
             "seed value for RNG which creates noise");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "B", "B matrix", airTypeOther, 1, 1, &nbmat, NULL,
             "B matrix, one row per diffusion-weighted image", 
             NULL, NULL, nrrdHestNrrd);
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "r", "reference field", airTypeOther, 1, 1, &nT2, "-",
             "reference anatomical scan, with no diffusion weighting",
             NULL, NULL, nrrdHestNrrd);
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "i", "tensor field", airTypeOther, 1, 1, &nin, "-",
             "input diffusion tensor field", NULL, NULL, nrrdHestNrrd);
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "b", "b", airTypeFloat, 1, 1, &b, "1",
             "b value for simulated scan");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "o", "nout", airTypeString, 1, 1, &outS, "-",
             "output image (floating point)");

  mop = airMopNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, hopt, (airMopper)hestOptFree, airMopAlways);
  airMopAdd(mop, hopt, (airMopper)hestParseFree, airMopAlways);

  nout = nrrdNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, nout, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
  if (!oldstuff) {
    tec = tenEstimateContextNew();
    airMopAdd(mop, tec, (airMopper)tenEstimateContextNix, airMopAlways);
    E = 0;
    if (!E) E |= tenEstimateMethodSet(tec, tenEstimateMethodLLS);
    if (!E) E |= tenEstimateValueMinSet(tec, 0.0001);
    if (!E) E |= tenEstimateBMatricesSet(tec, nbmat, b, AIR_TRUE);
    if (!E) E |= tenEstimateThresholdSet(tec, 0, 0);
    if (!E) E |= tenEstimateUpdate(tec);
    if (!E) E |= tenEstimate1TensorSimulateVolume(tec, 
                                                  nout, sigma, b, 
                                                  nT2, nin,
    if (E) {
      airMopAdd(mop, err=biffGetDone(TEN), airFree, airMopAlways);
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble making DWI volume (new):\n%s\n", me, err);
      airMopError(mop); return 1;
  } else {
    if (tenSimulate(nout, nT2, nin, nbmat, b)) {
      airMopAdd(mop, err=biffGetDone(TEN), airFree, airMopAlways);
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble making DWI volume:\n%s\n", me, err);
      airMopError(mop); return 1;
  if (nrrdSave(outS, nout, NULL)) {
    airMopAdd(mop, err=biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble writing:\n%s\n", me, err);
    airMopError(mop); return 1;

  return 0;
文件: invert.c 项目: rblake/seg3d2
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  char *me, *outS, *err;
  hestOpt *hopt;
  hestParm *hparm;
  airArray *mop;
  Nrrd *nin, *nmat, *ninv, *nidn;
  int (*func)(Nrrd *, Nrrd *);

  double m3[9], m4[16];
  me = argv[0];
  mop = airMopNew();
  hparm = hestParmNew();
  hopt = NULL;
  airMopAdd(mop, hparm, (airMopper)hestParmFree, airMopAlways);
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, NULL, "matrix", airTypeOther, 1, 1, &nin, NULL,
             "transform(s) to apply to image",
             NULL, NULL, nrrdHestNrrd);
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "o", "filename", airTypeString, 1, 1, &outS, "-",
             "file to write output nrrd to");
  hestParseOrDie(hopt, argc-1, argv+1, hparm,
                 me, invInfo, AIR_TRUE, AIR_TRUE, AIR_TRUE);
  airMopAdd(mop, hopt, (airMopper)hestOptFree, airMopAlways);
  airMopAdd(mop, hopt, (airMopper)hestParseFree, airMopAlways);

  ninv = nrrdNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, ninv, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
  nidn = nrrdNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, nidn, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
  nmat = nrrdNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, nmat, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
  nrrdConvert(nmat, nin, nrrdTypeDouble);
  if (3 == nmat->axis[0].size && 3 == nmat->axis[1].size) {
    ell_3m_inv_d(m3, (double *)nmat->data);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: input:\n", me);
    ell_3m_print_d(stderr, (double *)nmat->data);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: inverse:\n", me);
    ell_3m_print_d(stderr, m3);
  if (4 == nmat->axis[0].size && 4 == nmat->axis[1].size) {
    ell_4m_inv_d(m4, (double *)nmat->data);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: input:\n", me);
    ell_4m_print_d(stderr, (double *)nmat->data);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: inverse:\n", me);
    ell_4m_print_d(stderr, m4);
  func = (nmat->axis[0].size == nmat->axis[1].size
          ? ell_Nm_inv
          : ell_Nm_pseudo_inv);
  if (func(ninv, nmat)) {
    airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(ELL), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: problem inverting:\n%s\n", me, err);
    airMopError(mop); return 1;

  if (nrrdSave(outS, ninv, NULL)) {
    airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: problem saving output:\n%s\n", me, err);
    airMopError(mop); return 1;

文件: gkms.c 项目: rblake/seg3d2
main(int argc, char **argv) {
  int i, ret;
  char *me, *argv0 = NULL, *err;
  hestParm *hparm;
  airArray *mop;

  me = argv[0];
  /* no harm done in making sure we're sane */
  if (!nrrdSanity()) {
    fprintf(stderr, "******************************************\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "******************************************\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "  %s: nrrd sanity check FAILED.\n", me);
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "  This means that either nrrd can't work on this "
            "platform, or (more likely)\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "  there was an error in the compilation options "
            "and variable definitions\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "  for Teem.\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "  %s\n", err = biffGetDone(NRRD));
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "******************************************\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "******************************************\n");
    return 1;

  mop = airMopNew();
  hparm = hestParmNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, hparm, (airMopper)hestParmFree, airMopAlways);
  hparm->elideSingleEnumType = AIR_TRUE;
  hparm->elideSingleOtherType = AIR_TRUE;
  hparm->elideSingleOtherDefault = AIR_FALSE;
  hparm->elideSingleNonExistFloatDefault = AIR_TRUE;
  hparm->elideMultipleNonExistFloatDefault = AIR_TRUE;
  hparm->elideSingleEmptyStringDefault = AIR_TRUE;
  hparm->elideMultipleEmptyStringDefault = AIR_TRUE;
  hparm->cleverPluralizeOtherY = AIR_TRUE;
  hparm->columns = 78;

  /* if there are no arguments, then we give general usage information */
  if (1 >= argc) {
    baneGkmsUsage(GKMS, hparm);
  /* else, we should see if they're asking for a command we know about */  
  /* baneGkmsCmdList[] is NULL-terminated */
  for (i=0; baneGkmsCmdList[i]; i++) {
    if (!strcmp(argv[1], baneGkmsCmdList[i]->name))
  if (baneGkmsCmdList[i]) {
    /* yes, we have that command */
    /* initialize variables used by the various commands */
    argv0 = AIR_CAST(char*, malloc(strlen(GKMS) + strlen(argv[1]) + 2));
    airMopMem(mop, &argv0, airMopAlways);
    sprintf(argv0, "%s %s", GKMS, argv[1]);

    /* run the individual unu program, saving its exit status */
    ret = baneGkmsCmdList[i]->main(argc-2, argv+2, argv0, hparm);
    if (1 == ret) {
      airMopAdd(mop, err=biffGetDone(BANE), airFree, airMopAlways);
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: error:\n%s", argv0, err);
    } else if (2 == ret) {
      /* gkms command has already handled printing error messages */
      ret = 1;
  } else {
unrrdu_acropMain(int argc, const char **argv, const char *me,
                 hestParm *hparm) {
  hestOpt *opt = NULL;
  char *out, *err;
  Nrrd *nin, *nout;
  int pret;
  airArray *mop;

  size_t min[NRRD_DIM_MAX], max[NRRD_DIM_MAX];
  unsigned int *axes, axesLen;
  double frac;
  int measr, offset;
  Nrrd *nbounds;
  char *boundsSave;

  hestOptAdd(&opt, "a,axes", "ax0", airTypeUInt, 0, -1, &axes, "",
             "the axes (if any) that should NOT be cropped", &axesLen);
  hestOptAdd(&opt, "m,measure", "measr", airTypeEnum, 1, 1, &measr, NULL,
             "How to measure slices (along axes to crop) as scalars, "
             "to form 1-D array analyzed to determine cropping extent. "
             "All the measures from \"unu project\" can be used, but "
             "those that make more sense here include:\n "
             "\b\bo \"max\", \"mean\", \"median\", "
             "\"variance\": (self-explanatory)\n "
             "\b\bo \"stdv\": standard deviation\n "
             "\b\bo \"cov\": coefficient of variation\n "
             "\b\bo \"product\", \"sum\": product or sum of all values\n "
             "\b\bo \"L1\", \"L2\", \"NL2\", \"RMS\", \"Linf\": "
             "different norms.", NULL, nrrdMeasure);
  hestOptAdd(&opt, "f,frac", "frac", airTypeDouble, 1, 1, &frac, "0.1",
             "threshold of cumulative sum of 1-D array at which to crop. "
             "Needs to be in interval [0.0,0.5).");
  hestOptAdd(&opt, "off,offset", "offset", airTypeInt, 1, 1, &offset, "1",
             "how much to offset the numerically determined cropping; "
             "positive offsets means expanding the interval of kept "
             "indices (less cropping)");
  hestOptAdd(&opt, "b,bounds", "filename", airTypeString, 1, 1,
             &boundsSave, "",
             "if a filename is given here, the automatically determined "
             "min and max bounds for cropping are saved to this file "
             "as a 2-D array; first scanline is for -min, second is for -max. "
             "Unfortunately nothing using the \"m\" and \"M\" semantics "
             "(above) can currently be saved in the bounds file.");
  OPT_ADD_NIN(nin, "input nrrd");
  OPT_ADD_NOUT(out, "output nrrd");

  mop = airMopNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, opt, (airMopper)hestOptFree, airMopAlways);

  airMopAdd(mop, opt, (airMopper)hestParseFree, airMopAlways);

  nout = nrrdNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, nout, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);

  if (nrrdCropAuto(nout, nin, min, max,
                   axes, axesLen,
                   measr, frac, offset)) {
    airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: error cropping nrrd:\n%s", me, err);
    return 1;
  if (airStrlen(boundsSave)) {
    unsigned int axi;
    airULLong *bounds;
    nbounds = nrrdNew();
    airMopAdd(mop, nbounds, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
    if (nrrdMaybeAlloc_va(nbounds, nrrdTypeULLong, 2,
                          AIR_CAST(airULLong, nin->dim),
                          AIR_CAST(airULLong, 2))) {
      airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: error allocating cropping bounds array:\n%s",
              me, err);
      return 1;
    bounds = AIR_CAST(airULLong*, nbounds->data);
    for (axi=0; axi<nin->dim; axi++) {
      bounds[axi + 0*(nin->dim)] = AIR_CAST(airULLong, min[axi]);
      bounds[axi + 1*(nin->dim)] = AIR_CAST(airULLong, max[axi]);
    if (nrrdSave(boundsSave, nbounds, NULL)) {
      airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: error saving cropping bounds array:\n%s",
              me, err);
      return 1;

  SAVE(out, nout, NULL);

  return 0;
tend_estimMain(int argc, char **argv, char *me, hestParm *hparm) {
  int pret;
  hestOpt *hopt = NULL;
  char *perr, *err;
  airArray *mop;

  Nrrd **nin, *nin4d, *nbmat, *nterr, *nB0, *nout;
  char *outS, *terrS, *bmatS, *eb0S;
  float soft, scale, sigma;
  int dwiax, EE, knownB0, oldstuff, estmeth, verbose, fixneg;
  unsigned int ninLen, axmap[4], wlsi, *skip, skipNum, skipIdx;
  double valueMin, thresh;

  Nrrd *ngradKVP=NULL, *nbmatKVP=NULL;
  double bKVP, bval;

  tenEstimateContext *tec;

  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "old", NULL, airTypeInt, 0, 0, &oldstuff, NULL,
             "instead of the new tenEstimateContext code, use "
             "the old tenEstimateLinear code");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "sigma", "sigma", airTypeFloat, 1, 1, &sigma, "nan",
             "Rician noise parameter");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "v", "verbose", airTypeInt, 1, 1, &verbose, "0",
             "verbosity level");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "est", "estimate method", airTypeEnum, 1, 1, &estmeth,
             "estimation method to use. \"lls\": linear-least squares",
             NULL, tenEstimate1Method);
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "wlsi", "WLS iters", airTypeUInt, 1, 1, &wlsi, "1",
             "when using weighted-least-squares (\"-est wls\"), how "
             "many iterations to do after the initial weighted fit.");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "fixneg", NULL, airTypeInt, 0, 0, &fixneg, NULL,
             "after estimating the tensor, ensure that there are no negative "
             "eigenvalues by adding (to all eigenvalues) the amount by which "
             "the smallest is negative (corresponding to increasing the "
             "non-DWI image value).");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "ee", "filename", airTypeString, 1, 1, &terrS, "",
             "Giving a filename here allows you to save out the tensor "
             "estimation error: a value which measures how much error there "
             "is between the tensor model and the given diffusion weighted "
             "measurements for each sample.  By default, no such error "
             "calculation is saved.");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "eb", "filename", airTypeString, 1, 1, &eb0S, "",
             "In those cases where there is no B=0 reference image given "
             "(\"-knownB0 false\"), "
             "giving a filename here allows you to save out the B=0 image "
             "which is estimated from the data.  By default, this image value "
             "is estimated but not saved.");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "t", "thresh", airTypeDouble, 1, 1, &thresh, "nan",
             "value at which to threshold the mean DWI value per pixel "
             "in order to generate the \"confidence\" mask.  By default, "
             "the threshold value is calculated automatically, based on "
             "histogram analysis.");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "soft", "soft", airTypeFloat, 1, 1, &soft, "0",
             "how fuzzy the confidence boundary should be.  By default, "
             "confidence boundary is perfectly sharp");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "scale", "scale", airTypeFloat, 1, 1, &scale, "1",
             "After estimating the tensor, scale all of its elements "
             "(but not the confidence value) by this amount.  Can help with "
             "downstream numerical precision if values are very large "
             "or small.");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "mv", "min val", airTypeDouble, 1, 1, &valueMin, "1.0",
             "minimum plausible value (especially important for linear "
             "least squares estimation)");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "B", "B-list", airTypeString, 1, 1, &bmatS, NULL,
             "6-by-N list of B-matrices characterizing "
             "the diffusion weighting for each "
             "image.  \"tend bmat\" is one source for such a matrix; see "
             "its usage info for specifics on how the coefficients of "
             "the B-matrix are ordered. "
             "An unadorned plain text file is a great way to "
             "specify the B-matrix.\n  **OR**\n "
             "Can say just \"-B kvp\" to try to learn B matrices from "
             "key/value pair information in input images.");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "b", "b", airTypeDouble, 1, 1, &bval, "nan",
             "\"b\" diffusion-weighting factor (units of sec/mm^2)");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "knownB0", "bool", airTypeBool, 1, 1, &knownB0, NULL,
             "Indicates if the B=0 non-diffusion-weighted reference image "
             "is known, or if it has to be estimated along with the tensor "
             "elements.\n "
             "\b\bo if \"true\": in the given list of diffusion gradients or "
             "B-matrices, there are one or more with zero norm, which are "
             "simply averaged to find the B=0 reference image value\n "
             "\b\bo if \"false\": there may or may not be diffusion-weighted "
             "images among the input; the B=0 image value is going to be "
             "estimated along with the diffusion model");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "i", "dwi0 dwi1", airTypeOther, 1, -1, &nin, "-",
             "all the diffusion-weighted images (DWIs), as separate 3D nrrds, "
             "**OR**: One 4D nrrd of all DWIs stacked along axis 0",
             &ninLen, NULL, nrrdHestNrrd);
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "o", "nout", airTypeString, 1, 1, &outS, "-",
             "output tensor volume");

  mop = airMopNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, hopt, (airMopper)hestOptFree, airMopAlways);
  airMopAdd(mop, hopt, (airMopper)hestParseFree, airMopAlways);

  nout = nrrdNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, nout, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
  nbmat = nrrdNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, nbmat, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);

  /* figure out B-matrix */
  if (strcmp("kvp", airToLower(bmatS))) {
    /* its NOT coming from key/value pairs */
    if (!AIR_EXISTS(bval)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: need to specify scalar b-value\n", me);
      airMopError(mop); return 1;
    if (nrrdLoad(nbmat, bmatS, NULL)) {
      airMopAdd(mop, err=biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble loading B-matrix:\n%s\n", me, err);
      airMopError(mop); return 1;
    nin4d = nin[0];
    skip = NULL;
    skipNum = 0;
  } else {
    /* it IS coming from key/value pairs */
    if (1 != ninLen) {
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: require a single 4-D DWI volume for "
              "key/value pair based calculation of B-matrix\n", me);
      airMopError(mop); return 1;
    if (oldstuff) {
      if (knownB0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: sorry, key/value-based DWI info not compatible "
                "with older implementation of knownB0\n", me);
        airMopError(mop); return 1;
    if (tenDWMRIKeyValueParse(&ngradKVP, &nbmatKVP, &bKVP,
                              &skip, &skipNum, nin[0])) {
      airMopAdd(mop, err=biffGetDone(TEN), airFree, airMopAlways);
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble parsing DWI info:\n%s\n", me, err);
      airMopError(mop); return 1;
    if (AIR_EXISTS(bval)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING: key/value pair derived b-value %g "
              "over-riding %g from command-line", me, bKVP, bval);
    bval = bKVP;
    if (ngradKVP) {
      airMopAdd(mop, ngradKVP, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
      if (tenBMatrixCalc(nbmat, ngradKVP)) {
        airMopAdd(mop, err=biffGetDone(TEN), airFree, airMopAlways);
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble finding B-matrix:\n%s\n", me, err);
        airMopError(mop); return 1;
    } else {
      airMopAdd(mop, nbmatKVP, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
      if (nrrdConvert(nbmat, nbmatKVP, nrrdTypeDouble)) {
        airMopAdd(mop, err=biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble converting B-matrix:\n%s\n", me, err);
        airMopError(mop); return 1;
    /* this will work because of the impositions of tenDWMRIKeyValueParse */
    dwiax = ((nrrdKindList == nin[0]->axis[0].kind ||
              nrrdKindVector == nin[0]->axis[0].kind)
             ? 0
             : ((nrrdKindList == nin[0]->axis[1].kind ||
                 nrrdKindVector == nin[0]->axis[1].kind)
                ? 1
                : ((nrrdKindList == nin[0]->axis[2].kind ||
                    nrrdKindVector == nin[0]->axis[2].kind)
                   ? 2
                   : 3)));
    if (0 == dwiax) {
      nin4d = nin[0];
    } else {
      axmap[0] = dwiax;
      axmap[1] = 1 > dwiax ? 1 : 0;
      axmap[2] = 2 > dwiax ? 2 : 1;
      axmap[3] = 3 > dwiax ? 3 : 2;
      nin4d = nrrdNew();
      airMopAdd(mop, nin4d, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
      if (nrrdAxesPermute(nin4d, nin[0], axmap)) {
        airMopAdd(mop, err=biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble creating DWI volume:\n%s\n", me, err);
        airMopError(mop); return 1;

  nterr = NULL;
  nB0 = NULL;
  if (!oldstuff) {
    if (1 != ninLen) {
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: sorry, currently need single 4D volume "
              "for new implementation\n", me);
      airMopError(mop); return 1;
    if (!AIR_EXISTS(thresh)) {
      if (tend_estimThresholdFind(&thresh, nbmat, nin4d)) {
        airMopAdd(mop, err=biffGetDone(TEN), airFree, airMopAlways);
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble finding threshold:\n%s\n", me, err);
        airMopError(mop); return 1;
      /* HACK to lower threshold a titch */
      thresh *= 0.93;
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: using mean DWI threshold %g\n", me, thresh);
    tec = tenEstimateContextNew();
    tec->progress = AIR_TRUE;
    airMopAdd(mop, tec, (airMopper)tenEstimateContextNix, airMopAlways);
    EE = 0;
    if (!EE) tenEstimateVerboseSet(tec, verbose);
    if (!EE) tenEstimateNegEvalShiftSet(tec, fixneg);
    if (!EE) EE |= tenEstimateMethodSet(tec, estmeth);
    if (!EE) EE |= tenEstimateBMatricesSet(tec, nbmat, bval, !knownB0);
    if (!EE) EE |= tenEstimateValueMinSet(tec, valueMin);
    for (skipIdx=0; skipIdx<skipNum; skipIdx++) {
      /* fprintf(stderr, "%s: skipping %u\n", me, skip[skipIdx]); */
      if (!EE) EE |= tenEstimateSkipSet(tec, skip[skipIdx], AIR_TRUE);
    switch(estmeth) {
    case tenEstimate1MethodLLS:
      if (airStrlen(terrS)) {
        tec->recordErrorLogDwi = AIR_TRUE;
        /* tec->recordErrorDwi = AIR_TRUE; */
    case tenEstimate1MethodNLS:
      if (airStrlen(terrS)) {
        tec->recordErrorDwi = AIR_TRUE;
    case tenEstimate1MethodWLS:
      if (!EE) tec->WLSIterNum = wlsi;
      if (airStrlen(terrS)) {
        tec->recordErrorDwi = AIR_TRUE;
    case tenEstimate1MethodMLE:
      if (!(AIR_EXISTS(sigma) && sigma > 0.0)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't do %s w/out sigma > 0 (not %g)\n",
                me, airEnumStr(tenEstimate1Method, tenEstimate1MethodMLE),
        airMopError(mop); return 1;
      if (!EE) EE |= tenEstimateSigmaSet(tec, sigma);
      if (airStrlen(terrS)) {
        tec->recordLikelihoodDwi = AIR_TRUE;
    if (!EE) EE |= tenEstimateThresholdSet(tec, thresh, soft);
    if (!EE) EE |= tenEstimateUpdate(tec);
    if (EE) {
      airMopAdd(mop, err=biffGetDone(TEN), airFree, airMopAlways);
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble setting up estimation:\n%s\n", me, err);
      airMopError(mop); return 1;
    if (tenEstimate1TensorVolume4D(tec, nout, &nB0,
                                   ? &nterr 
                                   : NULL, 
                                   nin4d, nrrdTypeFloat)) {
      airMopAdd(mop, err=biffGetDone(TEN), airFree, airMopAlways);
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble doing estimation:\n%s\n", me, err);
      airMopError(mop); return 1;
    if (airStrlen(terrS)) {
      airMopAdd(mop, nterr, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
  } else {
    EE = 0;
    if (1 == ninLen) {
      EE = tenEstimateLinear4D(nout, airStrlen(terrS) ? &nterr : NULL, &nB0,
                               nin4d, nbmat, knownB0, thresh, soft, bval);
    } else {
      EE = tenEstimateLinear3D(nout, airStrlen(terrS) ? &nterr : NULL, &nB0,
                               (const Nrrd**)nin, ninLen, nbmat,
                               knownB0, thresh, soft, bval);
    if (EE) {
      airMopAdd(mop, err=biffGetDone(TEN), airFree, airMopAlways);
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble making tensor volume:\n%s\n", me, err);
      airMopError(mop); return 1;
  if (nterr) {
    /* it was allocated by tenEstimate*, we have to clean it up */
    airMopAdd(mop, nterr, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
  if (nB0) {
    /* it was allocated by tenEstimate*, we have to clean it up */
    airMopAdd(mop, nB0, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
  if (1 != scale) {
    if (tenSizeScale(nout, nout, scale)) {
      airMopAdd(mop, err=biffGetDone(TEN), airFree, airMopAlways);
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble doing scaling:\n%s\n", me, err);
      airMopError(mop); return 1;
  if (nterr) {
    if (nrrdSave(terrS, nterr, NULL)) {
      airMopAdd(mop, err=biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble writing error image:\n%s\n", me, err);
      airMopError(mop); return 1;
  if (!knownB0 && airStrlen(eb0S)) {
    if (nrrdSave(eb0S, nB0, NULL)) {
      airMopAdd(mop, err=biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble writing estimated B=0 image:\n%s\n",
              me, err);
      airMopError(mop); return 1;

  if (nrrdSave(outS, nout, NULL)) {
    airMopAdd(mop, err=biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble writing:\n%s\n", me, err);
    airMopError(mop); return 1;

  return 0;
unrrdu_shuffleMain(int argc, char **argv, char *me, hestParm *hparm) {
  hestOpt *opt = NULL;
  char *out, *err;
  Nrrd *nin, *nout;
  unsigned int di, axis, permLen, *perm, *iperm, *whichperm;
  size_t *realperm;
  int inverse, pret;
  airArray *mop;

  /* so that long permutations can be read from file */
  hparm->respFileEnable = AIR_TRUE;

  hestOptAdd(&opt, "p,permute", "slc0 slc1", airTypeUInt, 1, -1, &perm, NULL,
             "new slice ordering", &permLen);
  hestOptAdd(&opt, "inv,inverse", NULL, airTypeInt, 0, 0, &inverse, NULL,
             "use inverse of given permutation");
  OPT_ADD_AXIS(axis, "axis to shuffle along");
  OPT_ADD_NIN(nin, "input nrrd");
  OPT_ADD_NOUT(out, "output nrrd");

  mop = airMopNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, opt, (airMopper)hestOptFree, airMopAlways);

  airMopAdd(mop, opt, (airMopper)hestParseFree, airMopAlways);

  nout = nrrdNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, nout, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
  /* we have to do error checking on axis in order to do error
     checking on length of permutation */
  if (!( axis < nin->dim )) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: axis %d not in valid range [0,%d]\n", 
            me, axis, nin->dim-1);
    return 1;
  if (!( permLen == nin->axis[axis].size )) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: permutation length (%u) != axis %d's size ("
            _AIR_SIZE_T_CNV ")\n",
            me, permLen, axis, nin->axis[axis].size);
    return 1;
  if (inverse) {
    iperm = (unsigned int*)calloc(permLen, sizeof(unsigned int));
    airMopAdd(mop, iperm, airFree, airMopAlways);
    if (nrrdInvertPerm(iperm, perm, permLen)) {
              "%s: couldn't compute inverse of given permutation\n", me);
      return 1;
    whichperm = iperm;
  } else {
    whichperm = perm;
  realperm = (size_t*)calloc(permLen, sizeof(size_t));
  airMopAdd(mop, realperm, airFree, airMopAlways);
  for (di=0; di<permLen; di++) {
    realperm[di] = whichperm[di];
  if (nrrdShuffle(nout, nin, axis, realperm)) {
    airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: error shuffling nrrd:\n%s", me, err);
    return 1;

  SAVE(out, nout, NULL);

  return 0;
tend_evecMain(int argc, char **argv, char *me, hestParm *hparm) {
  int pret;
  hestOpt *hopt = NULL;
  char *perr, *err;
  airArray *mop;

  int ret, *comp, compLen, cc;
  Nrrd *nin, *nout;
  char *outS;
  float thresh, *edata, *tdata, eval[3], evec[9], scl;
  size_t N, I, sx, sy, sz;

  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "c", "c0 ", airTypeInt, 1, 3, &comp, NULL,
             "which eigenvalues should be saved out. \"0\" for the "
             "largest, \"1\" for the middle, \"2\" for the smallest, "
             "\"0 1\", \"1 2\", \"0 1 2\" or similar for more than one",
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "t", "thresh", airTypeFloat, 1, 1, &thresh, "0.5",
             "confidence threshold");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "i", "nin", airTypeOther, 1, 1, &nin, "-",
             "input diffusion tensor volume", NULL, NULL, nrrdHestNrrd);
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "o", "nout", airTypeString, 1, 1, &outS, "-",
             "output image (floating point)");

  mop = airMopNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, hopt, (airMopper)hestOptFree, airMopAlways);
  airMopAdd(mop, hopt, (airMopper)hestParseFree, airMopAlways);

  for (cc=0; cc<compLen; cc++) {
    if (!AIR_IN_CL(0, comp[cc], 2)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: requested component %d (%d of 3) not in [0..2]\n",
              me, comp[cc], cc+1);
      airMopError(mop); return 1;
  if (tenTensorCheck(nin, nrrdTypeFloat, AIR_TRUE, AIR_TRUE)) {
    airMopAdd(mop, err=biffGetDone(TEN), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: didn't get a valid DT volume:\n%s\n", me, err);
    airMopError(mop); return 1;
  sx = nin->axis[1].size;
  sy = nin->axis[2].size;
  sz = nin->axis[3].size;

  nout = nrrdNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, nout, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
  ret = nrrdMaybeAlloc_va(nout, nrrdTypeFloat, 4,
                          AIR_CAST(size_t, 3*compLen), sx, sy, sz);
  if (ret) {
    airMopAdd(mop, err=biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble allocating output:\n%s\n", me, err);
    airMopError(mop); return 1;

  N = sx*sy*sz;
  edata = (float *)nout->data;
  tdata = (float *)nin->data;
  if (1 == compLen) {
    for (I=0; I<N; I++) {
      tenEigensolve_f(eval, evec, tdata);
      scl = AIR_CAST(float, tdata[0] >= thresh);
      ELL_3V_SCALE(edata, scl, evec+3*comp[0]);
      edata += 3;
      tdata += 7;
  } else {
    for (I=0; I<N; I++) {
文件: rmap.c 项目: CIBC-Internal/teem
unrrdu_rmapMain(int argc, const char **argv, const char *me,
                hestParm *hparm) {
  hestOpt *opt = NULL;
  char *out, *err;
  Nrrd *nin, *nmap, *nout;
  airArray *mop;
  NrrdRange *range=NULL;
  int typeOut, rescale, pret, blind8BitRange;
  double min, max;

  hestOptAdd(&opt, "m,map", "map", airTypeOther, 1, 1, &nmap, NULL,
             "regular map to map input nrrd through",
             NULL, NULL, nrrdHestNrrd);
  hestOptAdd(&opt, "r,rescale", NULL, airTypeInt, 0, 0, &rescale, NULL,
             "rescale the input values from the input range to the "
             "map domain.  The map domain is either explicitly "
             "defined by the axis min,max along axis 0 or 1, or, it "
             "is implicitly defined as zero to the length of "
             "that axis minus one.");
  hestOptAdd(&opt, "min,minimum", "value", airTypeDouble, 1, 1, &min, "nan",
             "Low end of input range. Defaults to lowest value "
             "found in input nrrd.  Explicitly setting this is useful "
             "only with rescaling (\"-r\") or if the map domain is only "
             "implicitly defined");
  hestOptAdd(&opt, "max,maximum", "value", airTypeDouble, 1, 1, &max, "nan",
             "High end of input range. Defaults to highest value "
             "found in input nrrd.  Explicitly setting this is useful "
             "only with rescaling (\"-r\") or if the map domain is only "
             "implicitly defined");
  hestOptAdd(&opt, "blind8", "bool", airTypeBool, 1, 1, &blind8BitRange,
             nrrdStateBlind8BitRange ? "true" : "false",
             "Whether to know the range of 8-bit data blindly "
             "(uchar is always [0,255], signed char is [-128,127]). "
             "Explicitly setting this is useful "
             "only with rescaling (\"-r\") or if the map domain is only "
             "implicitly defined");
  hestOptAdd(&opt, "t,type", "type", airTypeOther, 1, 1, &typeOut, "default",
             "specify the type (\"int\", \"float\", etc.) of the "
             "output nrrd. "
             "By default (not using this option), the output type "
             "is the map's type.",
             NULL, NULL, &unrrduHestMaybeTypeCB);
  OPT_ADD_NIN(nin, "input nrrd");
  OPT_ADD_NOUT(out, "output nrrd");

  mop = airMopNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, opt, (airMopper)hestOptFree, airMopAlways);

  airMopAdd(mop, opt, (airMopper)hestParseFree, airMopAlways);

  nout = nrrdNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, nout, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);

  /* here is a big difference between unu and nrrd: we enforce
     rescaling any time that the map domain is implicit.  This
     is how the pre-1.6 functionality is recreated.  Also, whenever
     there is rescaling we pass a NrrdRange to reflect the (optional)
     user range specification, instead of letting nrrdApply1DRegMap
     find the input range itself (by passing a NULL NrrdRange).
  if (!( AIR_EXISTS(nmap->axis[nmap->dim - 1].min) &&
         AIR_EXISTS(nmap->axis[nmap->dim - 1].max) )) {
    rescale = AIR_TRUE;
  if (rescale) {
    range = nrrdRangeNew(min, max);
    airMopAdd(mop, range, (airMopper)nrrdRangeNix, airMopAlways);
    nrrdRangeSafeSet(range, nin, blind8BitRange);

  if (nrrdTypeDefault == typeOut) {
    typeOut = nmap->type;
  if (nrrdApply1DRegMap(nout, nin, range, nmap, typeOut, rescale)) {
    airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble applying map:\n%s", me, err);
    return 1;

  SAVE(out, nout, NULL);

  return 0;
main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
  const char *me;
  hestOpt *hopt;
  hestParm *hparm;
  airArray *mop;

  char *err, *outS;
  double sigmaMax, convEps, cutoff;
  int measr[2], tentRecon;
  unsigned int sampleNumMax, dim, measrSampleNum, maxIter, num, ii;
  gageOptimSigParm *osparm;
  double *scalePos, *out, info[512];
  Nrrd *nout;
  double *plotPos; unsigned int plotPosNum;

  me = argv[0];
  mop = airMopNew();
  hparm = hestParmNew();
  hopt = NULL;
  airMopAdd(mop, hparm, (airMopper)hestParmFree, airMopAlways);
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "num", "# samp", airTypeUInt, 1, 1, &sampleNumMax, NULL,
             "maximum number of samples to optimize");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "dim", "dimension", airTypeUInt, 1, 1, &dim, "3",
             "dimension of image to work with");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "max", "sigma", airTypeDouble, 1, 1, &sigmaMax, NULL,
             "sigma to use for top sample (using 0 for bottom sample)");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "cut", "cut", airTypeDouble, 1, 1, &cutoff, "4",
             "at how many sigmas to cut-off discrete gaussian");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "mi", "max", airTypeUInt, 1, 1, &maxIter, "1000",
             "maximum # iterations");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "N", "# samp", airTypeUInt, 1, 1, &measrSampleNum, "300",
             "number of samples in the measurement of error across scales");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "eps", "eps", airTypeDouble, 1, 1, &convEps, "0.0001",
             "convergence threshold for optimization");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "m", "m1 m2", airTypeEnum, 2, 2, measr, "l2 l2",
             "how to measure error across image, and across scales",
             NULL, nrrdMeasure);
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "p", "s0 s1", airTypeDouble, 2, -1, &plotPos, "nan nan",
             "hack: dont do optimization; just plot the recon error given "
             "these samples along scale", &plotPosNum);
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "tent", NULL, airTypeInt, 0, 0, &tentRecon, NULL,
             "same hack: plot error with tent recon, not hermite");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "o", "nout", airTypeString, 1, 1, &outS, NULL,
             "output array");
  hestParseOrDie(hopt, argc-1, argv+1, hparm,
                 me, optsigInfo, AIR_TRUE, AIR_TRUE, AIR_TRUE);
  airMopAdd(mop, hopt, (airMopper)hestOptFree, airMopAlways);
  airMopAdd(mop, hopt, (airMopper)hestParseFree, airMopAlways);

  nout = nrrdNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, nout, AIR_CAST(airMopper, nrrdNuke), airMopAlways);

  osparm = gageOptimSigParmNew(sampleNumMax);
  airMopAdd(mop, osparm, AIR_CAST(airMopper, gageOptimSigParmNix),
  scalePos = AIR_CAST(double *, calloc(sampleNumMax, sizeof(double)));
  airMopAdd(mop, scalePos, airFree, airMopAlways);

  osparm->plotting = (AIR_EXISTS(plotPos[0]) && AIR_EXISTS(plotPos[1]));
  if (gageOptimSigTruthSet(osparm, dim, sigmaMax, cutoff, measrSampleNum)) {
    airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(GAGE), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble:\n%s", me, err);
    airMopError(mop); return 1;

  if (osparm->plotting) {
    if (gageOptimSigPlot(osparm, nout, plotPos, plotPosNum,
                         measr[0], tentRecon)) {
      airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(GAGE), airFree, airMopAlways);
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble:\n%s", me, err);
      airMopError(mop); return 1;
  } else {
    /* do sample position optimization */
    if (nrrdMaybeAlloc_va(nout, nrrdTypeDouble, 2,
                          AIR_CAST(size_t, sampleNumMax+1),
                          AIR_CAST(size_t, sampleNumMax+1))) {
      airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble allocating output:\n%s", me, err);
      airMopError(mop); return 1;
    out = AIR_CAST(double *, nout->data);
    /* hacky way of saving some of the computation information */
    info[0] = cutoff;
    info[1] = measrSampleNum;
    info[2] = measr[0];
    info[3] = measr[1];
    info[4] = convEps;
    info[5] = maxIter;
    for (ii=0; ii<sampleNumMax+1; ii++) {
      out[ii] = info[ii];
    for (num=2; num<=sampleNumMax; num++) {
      printf("\n%s: ======= optimizing %u/%u samples (sigmaMax %g) \n\n",
             me, num, sampleNumMax, sigmaMax);
      if (gageOptimSigCalculate(osparm, scalePos, num,
                                measr[0], measr[1],
                                convEps, maxIter)) {
        airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(GAGE), airFree, airMopAlways);
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble:\n%s", me, err);
        airMopError(mop); return 1;
      out[sampleNumMax + (sampleNumMax+1)*num] = osparm->finalErr;
      for (ii=0; ii<num; ii++) {
        out[ii + (sampleNumMax+1)*num] = scalePos[ii];
  if (nrrdSave(outS, nout, NULL)) {
    airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble saving output:\n%s\n", me, err);
    return 1;

文件: trv.c 项目: BRAINSia/teem
main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
  const char *me;
  char *err, *outS;
  hestOpt *hopt=NULL;
  airArray *mop;

  limnPolyData *pld, *pldSub;
  gageContext *gctx=NULL;
  gagePerVolume *pvl;
  Nrrd *nin, *nmeas;
  double kparm[3], strength, scaling[3];
  seekContext *sctx;
  FILE *file;
  unsigned int ncc;
  size_t samples[3];
  gageKind *kind;
  char *itemGradS; /* , *itemEvalS[2], *itemEvecS[2]; */
  int itemGrad; /* , itemEval[2], itemEvec[2]; */
  int E;

  me = argv[0];
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "i", "nin", airTypeOther, 1, 1, &nin, NULL,
             "input volume to analyze",
             NULL, NULL, nrrdHestNrrd);
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "k", "kind", airTypeOther, 1, 1, &kind, NULL,
             "\"kind\" of volume (\"scalar\", \"vector\", \"tensor\")",
             NULL, NULL, &probeKindHestCB);
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "s", "strength", airTypeDouble, 1, 1, &strength, "0.01",
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "gi", "grad item", airTypeString, 1, 1, &itemGradS, NULL,
             "item for gradient vector");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "c", "scaling", airTypeDouble, 3, 3, scaling, "1 1 1",
             "amount by which to up/down-sample on each spatial axis");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "n", "# CC", airTypeUInt, 1, 1, &ncc, "0",
             "if non-zero, number of CC to save");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "o", "output LMPD", airTypeString, 1, 1, &outS, "out.lmpd",
             "output file to save LMPD into");
  hestParseOrDie(hopt, argc-1, argv+1, NULL,
                 me, info, AIR_TRUE, AIR_TRUE, AIR_TRUE);
  mop = airMopNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, hopt, (airMopper)hestOptFree, airMopAlways);
  airMopAdd(mop, hopt, (airMopper)hestParseFree, airMopAlways);

  itemGrad = airEnumVal(kind->enm, itemGradS);

  pld = limnPolyDataNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, pld, (airMopper)limnPolyDataNix, airMopAlways);
  pldSub = limnPolyDataNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, pldSub, (airMopper)limnPolyDataNix, airMopAlways);

  file = airFopen(outS, stdout, "w");
  airMopAdd(mop, file, (airMopper)airFclose, airMopAlways);

  sctx = seekContextNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, sctx, (airMopper)seekContextNix, airMopAlways);

  gctx = gageContextNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, gctx, (airMopper)gageContextNix, airMopAlways);
  ELL_3V_SET(kparm, 1, 1.0, 0.0);
  if (!(pvl = gagePerVolumeNew(gctx, nin, kind))
      || gagePerVolumeAttach(gctx, pvl)
      || gageKernelSet(gctx, gageKernel00, nrrdKernelBCCubic, kparm)
      || gageKernelSet(gctx, gageKernel11, nrrdKernelBCCubicD, kparm)
      || gageKernelSet(gctx, gageKernel22, nrrdKernelBCCubicDD, kparm)
      || gageQueryItemOn(gctx, pvl, itemGrad)
      || gageQueryItemOn(gctx, pvl, gageSclHessEval)
      || gageQueryItemOn(gctx, pvl, gageSclHessEval2)
      || gageQueryItemOn(gctx, pvl, gageSclHessEvec)
      || gageQueryItemOn(gctx, pvl, gageSclHessEvec2)
      || gageUpdate(gctx)) {
    airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(GAGE), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble:\n%s\n", me, err);
    airMopError(mop); return 1;

  seekVerboseSet(sctx, 10);

  E = 0;
  if (!E) E |= seekDataSet(sctx, NULL, gctx, 0);
             scaling[0]*nin->axis[kind->baseDim + 0].size,
             scaling[1]*nin->axis[kind->baseDim + 1].size,
             scaling[2]*nin->axis[kind->baseDim + 2].size);
  if (!E) E |= seekSamplesSet(sctx, samples);
  if (!E) E |= seekItemGradientSet(sctx, itemGrad);
  if (!E) E |= seekItemEigensystemSet(sctx, gageSclHessEval,
  if (!E) E |= seekItemNormalSet(sctx, gageSclHessEvec2);
  if (!E) E |= seekStrengthUseSet(sctx, AIR_TRUE);
  if (!E) E |= seekStrengthSet(sctx, -1, strength);
  if (!E) E |= seekItemStrengthSet(sctx, gageSclHessEval2);
  if (!E) E |= seekNormalsFindSet(sctx, AIR_TRUE);
  if (!E) E |= seekTypeSet(sctx, seekTypeRidgeSurface);
  if (!E) E |= seekUpdate(sctx);
  if (!E) E |= seekExtract(sctx, pld);
  if (E) {
    airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(SEEK), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble:\n%s\n", me, err);
    airMopError(mop); return 1;
  fprintf(stderr, "%s: extraction time = %g\n", me, sctx->time);

  nmeas = nrrdNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, nmeas, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
  if (limnPolyDataVertexWindingFix(pld, AIR_TRUE)
      || limnPolyDataVertexWindingFlip(pld)
      || limnPolyDataVertexNormals(pld)
      || limnPolyDataCCFind(pld)
      || limnPolyDataPrimitiveArea(nmeas, pld)
      || limnPolyDataPrimitiveSort(pld, nmeas)) {
    err = biffGetDone(LIMN);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble sorting:\n%s", me, err);

  if (ncc > 1) {
    double *meas;
    unsigned int ccIdx;
    nrrdSave("meas.nrrd", nmeas, NULL);
    ncc = AIR_MIN(ncc, nmeas->axis[0].size);
    meas = AIR_CAST(double *, nmeas->data);
    for (ccIdx=ncc; ccIdx<nmeas->axis[0].size; ccIdx++) {
      meas[ccIdx] = 0.0;
    if (!E) E |= limnPolyDataPrimitiveSelect(pldSub, pld, nmeas);
    if (!E) E |= limnPolyDataWriteLMPD(file, pldSub);
  } else {
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  char *me, *err;
  hestOpt *hopt=NULL;
  airArray *mop;
  unsigned int sx, sy, sz, ss, ii, anisoTypeNum, anisoTypeIdx,
    roiVoxNum, roiVoxIdx, statNum, statIdx;
  float *ten, *roi, *aniso, eval[3], *stat;
  Nrrd *nten, *_nroi, *nroi, *naniso, *nstat;
  int *anisoType, *measr;
  size_t anisoSize[2];
  mop = airMopNew();
  me = argv[0];
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "r,roi", "roi", airTypeOther, 1, 1, &_nroi, NULL,
             "ROI volume", NULL, NULL, nrrdHestNrrd);
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "i,input", "volume", airTypeOther, 1, 1, &nten, "-",
             "tensor volume", NULL, NULL, nrrdHestNrrd);
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "a,aniso", "aniso", airTypeEnum, 1, -1, &anisoType, NULL,
             "which anisotropy measures to measure",
             &anisoTypeNum, tenAniso);
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "m,measr", "measr", airTypeEnum, 1, -1, &measr, NULL,
             "which measures/statistics to calculate",
             &statNum, nrrdMeasure);
  hestParseOrDie(hopt, argc-1, argv+1, NULL,
                 me, info, AIR_TRUE, AIR_TRUE, AIR_TRUE);
  airMopAdd(mop, hopt, (airMopper)hestOptFree, airMopAlways);
  airMopAdd(mop, hopt, (airMopper)hestParseFree, airMopAlways);

  if (tenTensorCheck(nten, nrrdTypeFloat, AIR_TRUE, AIR_TRUE)) {
    airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(TEN), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: didn't get tensor input:\n%s\n", me, err);
    return 1;

  nroi = nrrdNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, nroi, AIR_CAST(airMopper, nrrdNuke), airMopAlways);
  if (nrrdConvert(nroi, _nroi, nrrdTypeFloat)) {
    airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: couldn't convert ROI to float:\n%s\n", me, err);
    return 1;

  sx = nten->axis[1].size;
  sy = nten->axis[2].size;
  sz = nten->axis[3].size;
  if (!(3 == nroi->dim 
        && sx == nroi->axis[0].size
        && sy == nroi->axis[1].size
        && sz == nroi->axis[2].size)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: ROI dimension or axis sizes don't match volume", me);
    return 1;
  ss = sx*sy*sz;

  ten = AIR_CAST(float*, nten->data);
  roi = AIR_CAST(float*, nroi->data);
  /* NOTE: for time being the statistics are not weighted, because
     nrrdMeasureLine[]() can't take a weight vector... */

  /* find number of voxels in ROI */
  roiVoxNum = 0;
  for (ii=0; ii<ss; ii++) {
    roiVoxNum += (roi[ii] > 0);
  /* fprintf(stderr, "%s: # voxels in ROI == %u\n", me, roiVoxNum); */

  /* allocate anisotropy buffers */
  naniso = nrrdNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, naniso, AIR_CAST(airMopper, nrrdNuke), airMopAlways);
  anisoSize[0] = roiVoxNum;
  anisoSize[1] = anisoTypeNum;
  if (nrrdMaybeAlloc_nva(naniso, nrrdTypeFloat, 2, anisoSize)) {
    airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: couldn't allocate aniso:\n%s\n", me, err);
    return 1;
  aniso = AIR_CAST(float *, naniso->data);

  /* store all anisotropies in all ROI voxels */
  roiVoxIdx = 0;
  for (ii=0; ii<ss; ii++) {
    if (roi[ii] > 0) {
      tenEigensolve_f(eval, NULL, ten + 7*ii);
      for (anisoTypeIdx=0; anisoTypeIdx<anisoTypeNum; anisoTypeIdx++) {
        aniso[roiVoxIdx + roiVoxNum*anisoTypeIdx] 
          = tenAnisoEval_f(eval, anisoType[anisoTypeIdx]);

  for (anisoTypeIdx=0; anisoTypeIdx<anisoTypeNum; anisoTypeIdx++) {
    printf(" %s", airEnumStr(tenAniso, anisoType[anisoTypeIdx]));

  /* do per-anisotropy statistics */
  nstat = nrrdNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, nstat, AIR_CAST(airMopper, nrrdNuke), airMopAlways);
  for (statIdx=0; statIdx<statNum; statIdx++) {
    printf("%s:", airEnumStr(nrrdMeasure, measr[statIdx]));

    if (nrrdProject(nstat, naniso, 0, measr[statIdx], nrrdTypeFloat)) {
      airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: couldn't measure:\n%s\n", me, err);
      return 1;
    stat = AIR_CAST(float *, nstat->data);
    for (anisoTypeIdx=0; anisoTypeIdx<anisoTypeNum; anisoTypeIdx++) {
      printf(" %g", stat[anisoTypeIdx]);

  return 0;
文件: lpu_psel.c 项目: rblake/seg3d2
limnpu_pselMain(int argc, char **argv, char *me, hestParm *hparm) {
  hestOpt *hopt = NULL;
  char *err, *perr;
  airArray *mop;
  int pret;

  limnPolyData *pldIn, *pldOut;
  unsigned int prange[2], pi;
  Nrrd *nsel;
  double *sel;
  char *out;
  size_t size[NRRD_DIM_MAX];

  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "r", "range", airTypeUInt, 2, 2, prange, NULL,
             "range of indices of primitives to select");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, NULL, "input", airTypeOther, 1, 1, &pldIn, NULL,
             "input polydata filename",
             NULL, NULL, limnHestPolyDataLMPD);
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, NULL, "output", airTypeString, 1, 1, &out, NULL,
             "output polydata filename");
  mop = airMopNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, hopt, (airMopper)hestOptFree, airMopAlways);

  airMopAdd(mop, hopt, (airMopper)hestParseFree, airMopAlways);

  if (!( prange[0] <= pldIn->primNum-1 &&
         prange[1] <= pldIn->primNum-1 )) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: prange[0] %u or [1] %u outside range [0,%u]", me,
            prange[0], prange[1], pldIn->primNum-1);
    return 1;
  if (!( prange[0] <= prange[1] )) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: need prange[0] %u <= [1] %u", me,
            prange[0], prange[1]);
    return 1;

  nsel = nrrdNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, nsel, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
  size[0] = pldIn->primNum;
  if (nrrdMaybeAlloc_nva(nsel, nrrdTypeDouble, 1, size)) {
    airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble allocating buffer:%s", me, err);
    return 1;

  sel = AIR_CAST(double *, nsel->data);
  for (pi=prange[0]; pi<=prange[1]; pi++) {
    sel[pi] = 1;

  pldOut = limnPolyDataNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, pldOut, (airMopper)limnPolyDataNix, airMopAlways);
  if (limnPolyDataPrimitiveSelect(pldOut, pldIn, nsel)
      || limnPolyDataSave(out, pldOut)) {
    airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(LIMN), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble:%s", me, err);
    return 1;
  return 0;
unrrdu_cropMain(int argc, char **argv, char *me, hestParm *hparm) {
  hestOpt *opt = NULL;
  char *out, *err;
  Nrrd *nin, *nout;
  unsigned int ai;
  int minLen, maxLen, pret;
  long int *minOff, *maxOff;
  size_t min[NRRD_DIM_MAX], max[NRRD_DIM_MAX];
  airArray *mop;

  OPT_ADD_BOUND("min,minimum", minOff,
                "low corner of bounding box.\n "
                "\b\bo <int> gives 0-based index\n "
                "\b\bo M, M+<int>, M-<int> give index relative "
                "to the last sample on the axis (M == #samples-1).",
  OPT_ADD_BOUND("max,maximum", maxOff, "high corner of bounding box.  Besides "
                "the specification styles described above, there's also:\n "
                "\b\bo m+<int> give index relative to minimum.",
  OPT_ADD_NIN(nin, "input nrrd");
  OPT_ADD_NOUT(out, "output nrrd");

  mop = airMopNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, opt, (airMopper)hestOptFree, airMopAlways);

  airMopAdd(mop, opt, (airMopper)hestParseFree, airMopAlways);

  if (!( minLen == (int)nin->dim && maxLen == (int)nin->dim )) {
            "%s: # min coords (%d) or max coords (%d) != nrrd dim (%d)\n",
            me, minLen, maxLen, nin->dim);
    return 1;
  for (ai=0; ai<nin->dim; ai++) {
    if (-1 == minOff[0 + 2*ai]) {
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't use m+<int> specification for axis %d min\n",
              me, ai);
      return 1;
  for (ai=0; ai<nin->dim; ai++) {
    min[ai] = minOff[0 + 2*ai]*(nin->axis[ai].size-1) + minOff[1 + 2*ai];
    if (-1 == maxOff[0 + 2*ai]) {
      max[ai] = min[ai] + maxOff[1 + 2*ai];
    } else {
      max[ai] = maxOff[0 + 2*ai]*(nin->axis[ai].size-1) + maxOff[1 + 2*ai];
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: ai %2d: min = %4d, max = %4d\n",
            me, ai, min[ai], max[ai]);

  nout = nrrdNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, nout, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);

  if (nrrdCrop(nout, nin, min, max)) {
    airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: error cropping nrrd:\n%s", me, err);
    return 1;

  SAVE(out, nout, NULL);

  return 0;
******** pushIterate
** (documentation)
** NB: this implements the body of thread 0
pushIterate(pushContext *pctx) {
  char me[]="pushIterate", *_err, err[BIFF_STRLEN];
  unsigned int ti, numThing;

  if (!pctx) {
    sprintf(err, "%s: got NULL pointer", me);
    biffAdd(PUSH, err); return 1;
  if (pctx->verbose) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: starting iteration\n", me);
  /* the _pushWorker checks finished after the barriers */
  pctx->finished = AIR_FALSE;
  for (ti=0; ti<pctx->numThread; ti++) {
    pctx->task[ti]->sumVel = 0;
    pctx->task[ti]->numThing = 0;
  do {
    if (pctx->numThread > 1) {
    if (pctx->verbose) {
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: starting iter %d stage %d\n", me, 
              pctx->iter, pctx->stageIdx);
    if (_pushStageRun(pctx->task[0], pctx->stageIdx)) {
      _err = biffGetDone(PUSH);
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: task %d trouble w/ iter %d stage %d:\n%s", me,
              pctx->task[0]->threadIdx, pctx->iter,
              pctx->task[0]->pctx->stageIdx, _err);
      return 1;
    if (pctx->numThread > 1) {
    /* This is the only code to happen between barriers */
  } while (pctx->stageIdx < pctx->numStage);
  pctx->meanVel = 0;
  numThing = 0;
  for (ti=0; ti<pctx->numThread; ti++) {
    pctx->meanVel += pctx->task[ti]->sumVel;
    fprintf(stderr, "!%s: task %d sumVel = %g\n", me,
            ti, pctx->task[ti]->sumVel);
    numThing += pctx->task[ti]->numThing;
  pctx->meanVel /= numThing;
  if (pushRebin(pctx)) {
    sprintf(err, "%s: problem with new point locations", me);
    biffAdd(PUSH, err); return 1;
  if (0 && 100 == pctx->iter) {
    _pushForceSample(pctx, 300, 300);
  return 0;
unrrdu_quantizeMain(int argc, const char **argv, const char *me,
                    hestParm *hparm) {
  hestOpt *opt = NULL;
  char *out, *err;
  Nrrd *nin, *nout;
  char *minStr, *maxStr;
  int pret, blind8BitRange;
  unsigned int bits, hbins;
  NrrdRange *range;
  airArray *mop;

  hestOptAdd(&opt, "b,bits", "bits", airTypeOther, 1, 1, &bits, NULL,
             "Number of bits to quantize down to; determines the type "
             "of the output nrrd:\n "
             "\b\bo \"8\": unsigned char\n "
             "\b\bo \"16\": unsigned short\n "
             "\b\bo \"32\": unsigned int",
             NULL, NULL, &unrrduHestBitsCB);
  hestOptAdd(&opt, "min,minimum", "value", airTypeString, 1, 1,
             &minStr, "nan",
             "The value to map to zero, given explicitly as a regular number, "
             "*or*, if the number is given with a \"" NRRD_MINMAX_PERC_SUFF
             "\" suffix, this "
             "minimum is specified in terms of the percentage of samples in "
             "input that are lower. "
             "\"0" NRRD_MINMAX_PERC_SUFF "\" means the "
             "lowest input value is used, "
             "\"1" NRRD_MINMAX_PERC_SUFF "\" means that the "
             "1% of the lowest values are all mapped to zero. "
             "By default (not using this option), the lowest input value is "
  hestOptAdd(&opt, "max,maximum", "value", airTypeString, 1, 1,
             &maxStr, "nan",
             "The value to map to the highest unsigned integral value, given "
             "explicitly as a regular number, "
             "*or*, if the number is given with "
             "a \"" NRRD_MINMAX_PERC_SUFF "\" suffix, "
             "this maximum is specified "
             "in terms of the percentage of samples in input that are higher. "
             "\"0" NRRD_MINMAX_PERC_SUFF "\" means the highest input value is "
             "used, which is also the default "
             "behavior (same as not using this option).");
  hestOptAdd(&opt, "hb,bins", "bins", airTypeUInt, 1, 1, &hbins, "5000",
             "number of bins in histogram of values, for determining min "
             "or max by percentiles.  This has to be large enough so that "
             "any errant very high or very low values do not compress the "
             "interesting part of the histogram to an inscrutably small "
             "number of bins.");
  hestOptAdd(&opt, "blind8", "bool", airTypeBool, 1, 1, &blind8BitRange,
             nrrdStateBlind8BitRange ? "true" : "false",
             "if not using \"-min\" or \"-max\", whether to know "
             "the range of 8-bit data blindly (uchar is always [0,255], "
             "signed char is [-128,127])");
  OPT_ADD_NIN(nin, "input nrrd");
  OPT_ADD_NOUT(out, "output nrrd");

  mop = airMopNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, opt, (airMopper)hestOptFree, airMopAlways);

  airMopAdd(mop, opt, (airMopper)hestParseFree, airMopAlways);

  range = nrrdRangeNew(AIR_NAN, AIR_NAN);
  airMopAdd(mop, range, (airMopper)nrrdRangeNix, airMopAlways);
  nout = nrrdNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, nout, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
  if (nrrdRangePercentileFromStringSet(range, nin, minStr, maxStr,
                                       hbins, blind8BitRange)
      || nrrdQuantize(nout, nin, range, bits)) {
    airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: error with range or quantizing:\n%s", me, err);
    return 1;

  SAVE(out, nout, NULL);

  return 0;
文件: jhisto.c 项目: rblake/seg3d2
unrrdu_jhistoMain(int argc, char **argv, char *me, hestParm *hparm) {
  hestOpt *opt = NULL;
  char *out, *err;
  Nrrd **nin;
  Nrrd *nout, *nwght;
  size_t *bin;
  int type, clamp[NRRD_DIM_MAX], pret;
  unsigned int binLen, minLen, maxLen, ninLen, ai;
  airArray *mop;
  double *min, *max;
  NrrdRange **range;

  hestOptAdd(&opt, "b,bin", "bins0 bins1", airTypeSize_t, 2, -1, &bin, NULL,
             "bins<i> is the number of bins to use along axis i (of joint "
             "histogram), which represents the values of nin<i> ",
  hestOptAdd(&opt, "w,weight", "nweight", airTypeOther, 1, 1, &nwght, "",
             "how to weigh contributions to joint histogram.  By default "
             "(not using this option), the increment is one bin count per "
             "sample, but by giving a nrrd, the value in the nrrd at the "
             "corresponding location will be the bin count increment ",
             NULL, NULL, nrrdHestNrrd);
  hestOptAdd(&opt, "min,minimum", "min0 min1", airTypeDouble, 2, -1,
             &min, "nan nan",
             "min<i> is the low range of values to be quantized along "
             "axis i; use \"nan\" to represent lowest value present ",
  hestOptAdd(&opt, "max,maximum", "max0 max1", airTypeDouble, 2, -1,
             &max, "nan nan",
             "max<i> is the high range of values to be quantized along "
             "axis i; use \"nan\" to represent highest value present ",
  OPT_ADD_TYPE(type, "type to use for output (the type used to store hit "
               "counts in the joint histogram).  Clamping is done on hit "
               "counts so that they never overflow a fixed-point type",
  hestOptAdd(&opt, "i,input", "nin0 nin1", airTypeOther, 2, -1, &nin, NULL,
             "All input nrrds",
             &ninLen, NULL, nrrdHestNrrd);
  OPT_ADD_NOUT(out, "output nrrd");

  mop = airMopNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, opt, (airMopper)hestOptFree, airMopAlways);

  airMopAdd(mop, opt, (airMopper)hestParseFree, airMopAlways);

  if (ninLen != binLen) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: # input nrrds (%d) != # bin specifications (%d)\n",
            me, ninLen, binLen);
    return 1;
  range = (NrrdRange **)calloc(ninLen, sizeof(NrrdRange*));
  airMopAdd(mop, range, airFree, airMopAlways);
  for (ai=0; ai<ninLen; ai++) {
    range[ai] = nrrdRangeNew(AIR_NAN, AIR_NAN);
    airMopAdd(mop, range[ai], (airMopper)nrrdRangeNix, airMopAlways);
  if (2 != minLen || (AIR_EXISTS(min[0]) || AIR_EXISTS(min[1]))) {
    if (minLen != ninLen) {
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: # mins (%d) != # input nrrds (%d)\n", me,
              minLen, ninLen);
      airMopError(mop); return 1;
    for (ai=0; ai<ninLen; ai++) {
      range[ai]->min = min[ai];
  if (2 != maxLen || (AIR_EXISTS(max[0]) || AIR_EXISTS(max[1]))) {
    if (maxLen != ninLen) {
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: # maxs (%d) != # input nrrds (%d)\n", me,
              maxLen, ninLen);
      airMopError(mop); return 1;
    for (ai=0; ai<ninLen; ai++) {
      range[ai]->max = max[ai];
  for (ai=0; ai<ninLen; ai++) {
    clamp[ai] = 0;

  nout = nrrdNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, nout, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);

  if (nrrdHistoJoint(nout, (const Nrrd**)nin, (const NrrdRange**)range,
                     ninLen, nwght, bin, type, clamp)) {
    airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: error doing joint histogram:\n%s", me, err);
    return 1;

  SAVE(out, nout, NULL);

  return 0;
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    char *me, *err, *outS;
    limnCamera *cam;
    float matA[16], matB[16], winscale, edgeWidth[5];
    hestOpt *hopt=NULL;
    airArray *mop;
    limnObject *obj;
    limnLook *look;
    int lookIdx;
    limnWindow *win;
    int partIdx, wire, concave;
    Nrrd *nmap;

    mop = airMopNew();
    cam = limnCameraNew();
    airMopAdd(mop, cam, (airMopper)limnCameraNix, airMopAlways);

    me = argv[0];
    hestOptAdd(&hopt, "fr", "from point", airTypeDouble, 3, 3, cam->from,"4 4 4",
               "position of camera, used to determine view vector");
    hestOptAdd(&hopt, "at", "at point", airTypeDouble, 3, 3, cam->at, "0 0 0",
               "camera look-at point, used to determine view vector");
    hestOptAdd(&hopt, "up", "up vector", airTypeDouble, 3, 3, cam->up, "0 0 1",
               "camera pseudo-up vector, used to determine view coordinates");
    hestOptAdd(&hopt, "rh", NULL, airTypeInt, 0, 0, &(cam->rightHanded), NULL,
               "use a right-handed UVN frame (V points down)");
    hestOptAdd(&hopt, "or", NULL, airTypeInt, 0, 0, &(cam->orthographic), NULL,
               "use orthogonal projection");
    hestOptAdd(&hopt, "ur", "uMin uMax", airTypeDouble, 2, 2, cam->uRange,
               "-1 1", "range in U direction of image plane");
    hestOptAdd(&hopt, "vr", "vMin vMax", airTypeDouble, 2, 2, cam->vRange,
               "-1 1", "range in V direction of image plane");
    hestOptAdd(&hopt, "e", "envmap", airTypeOther, 1, 1, &nmap, NULL,
               "16checker-based environment map",
               NULL, NULL, nrrdHestNrrd);
    hestOptAdd(&hopt, "ws", "winscale", airTypeFloat, 1, 1, &winscale,
               "200", "world to points (PostScript) scaling");
    hestOptAdd(&hopt, "wire", NULL, airTypeInt, 0, 0, &wire, NULL,
               "just do wire-frame rendering");
    hestOptAdd(&hopt, "concave", NULL, airTypeInt, 0, 0, &concave, NULL,
               "use slightly buggy rendering method suitable for "
               "concave or self-occluding objects");
    hestOptAdd(&hopt, "wd", "5 widths", airTypeFloat, 5, 5, edgeWidth,
               "0.0 0.0 3.0 2.0 0.0",
               "width of edges drawn for five kinds of "
               "edges: back non-crease, back crease, "
               "silohuette, front crease, front non-crease");
    hestOptAdd(&hopt, "o", "output PS", airTypeString, 1, 1, &outS, "out.ps",
               "output file to render postscript into");
    hestParseOrDie(hopt, argc-1, argv+1, NULL,
                   me, info, AIR_TRUE, AIR_TRUE, AIR_TRUE);
    airMopAdd(mop, hopt, (airMopper)hestOptFree, airMopAlways);
    airMopAdd(mop, hopt, (airMopper)hestParseFree, airMopAlways);

    cam->neer = -0.000000001;
    cam->dist = 0;
    cam->faar = 0.0000000001;
    cam->atRelative = AIR_TRUE;

    if (limnCameraUpdate(cam)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble:\n%s\n", me, err = biffGet(LIMN));
        return 1;
    obj = limnObjectNew(10, AIR_TRUE);
    airMopAdd(mop, obj, (airMopper)limnObjectNix, airMopAlways);

    /* create limnLooks for diffuse (#0) and flat (#1) shading */
    lookIdx = airArrayLenIncr(obj->lookArr, 2);
    look = obj->look + lookIdx + 0;
    ELL_4V_SET(look->rgba, 1, 1, 1, 1);
    ELL_3V_SET(look->kads, 0, 1, 0);
    look->spow = 0;
    look = obj->look + lookIdx + 1;
    ELL_4V_SET(look->rgba, 1, 1, 1, 1);
    ELL_3V_SET(look->kads, 1, 0, 0);
    look->spow = 0;

    /* X axis: rod */
    partIdx = limnObjectCylinderAdd(obj, 0, 0, 16);
    ELL_4M_SCALE_SET(matB, 1, 0.2, 0.2);
    ell_4m_post_mul_f(matA, matB);
    ELL_4M_TRANSLATE_SET(matB, 1.3, 0.0, 0.0);
    ell_4m_post_mul_f(matA, matB);
    limnObjectPartTransform(obj, partIdx, matA);

    /* Y axis: rod + ball */
    partIdx = limnObjectCylinderAdd(obj, 0, 1, 16);
    ELL_4M_SCALE_SET(matB, 0.2, 1, 0.2);
    ell_4m_post_mul_f(matA, matB);
    ELL_4M_TRANSLATE_SET(matB, 0.0, 1.3, 0.0);
    ell_4m_post_mul_f(matA, matB);
    limnObjectPartTransform(obj, partIdx, matA);

    partIdx = limnObjectPolarSphereAdd(obj, 0, 0, 32, 16);
    ELL_4M_SCALE_SET(matB, 0.28, 0.28, 0.28);
    ell_4m_post_mul_f(matA, matB);
    ELL_4M_TRANSLATE_SET(matB, 0.0, 2.6, 0.0);
    ell_4m_post_mul_f(matA, matB);
    limnObjectPartTransform(obj, partIdx, matA);

    /* Z axis: rod + ball + ball */
    partIdx = limnObjectCylinderAdd(obj, 0, 2, 16);
    ELL_4M_SCALE_SET(matB, 0.2, 0.2, 1);
    ell_4m_post_mul_f(matA, matB);
    ELL_4M_TRANSLATE_SET(matB, 0.0, 0.0, 1.3);
    ell_4m_post_mul_f(matA, matB);
    limnObjectPartTransform(obj, partIdx, matA);

    partIdx = limnObjectPolarSphereAdd(obj, 0, 1, 32, 16);
    ELL_4M_SCALE_SET(matB, 0.28, 0.28, 0.28);
    ell_4m_post_mul_f(matA, matB);
    ELL_4M_TRANSLATE_SET(matB, 0.0, 0.0, 2.6);
    ell_4m_post_mul_f(matA, matB);
    limnObjectPartTransform(obj, partIdx, matA);

    partIdx = limnObjectPolarSphereAdd(obj, 0, 2, 32, 16);
    ELL_4M_SCALE_SET(matB, 0.28, 0.28, 0.28);
    ell_4m_post_mul_f(matA, matB);
    ELL_4M_TRANSLATE_SET(matB, 0.0, 0.0, 3.2);
    ell_4m_post_mul_f(matA, matB);
    limnObjectPartTransform(obj, partIdx, matA);

    win = limnWindowNew(limnDevicePS);
    win->scale = winscale;
    win->ps.wireFrame = wire;
    win->ps.lineWidth[limnEdgeTypeBackFacet] = edgeWidth[0];
    win->ps.lineWidth[limnEdgeTypeBackCrease] = edgeWidth[1];
    win->ps.lineWidth[limnEdgeTypeContour] = edgeWidth[2];
    win->ps.lineWidth[limnEdgeTypeFrontCrease] = edgeWidth[3];
    win->ps.lineWidth[limnEdgeTypeFrontFacet] = edgeWidth[4];

    win->file = fopen(outS, "w");
    airMopAdd(mop, win, (airMopper)limnWindowNix, airMopAlways);

    if (limnObjectRender(obj, cam, win)
            || (concave
                ? limnObjectPSDrawConcave(obj, cam, nmap, win)
                : limnObjectPSDraw(obj, cam, nmap, win))) {
        airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(LIMN), airFree, airMopAlways);
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble:\n%s\n", me, err);
        return 1;

    return 0;
int NrrdWriter(HxUniformScalarField3* field, const char* filename, int encoding)
	// Identify data type
	int nrrdType = nrrdTypeUnknown;
	switch ( field->primType() )
		case McPrimType::mc_uint8:  nrrdType = nrrdTypeUChar; break;
		case McPrimType::mc_int8:   nrrdType = nrrdTypeChar; break;
		case McPrimType::mc_uint16: nrrdType = nrrdTypeUShort; break;
		case McPrimType::mc_int16:  nrrdType = nrrdTypeShort; break;
		case McPrimType::mc_int32:  nrrdType = nrrdTypeInt; break;
		case McPrimType::mc_float:  nrrdType = nrrdTypeFloat; break;
		case McPrimType::mc_double: nrrdType = nrrdTypeDouble; break;
		default: break;

	if(nrrdType == nrrdTypeUnknown)
		theMsg->printf("ERROR: unsupported output type: %s for nrrd",field->primType().getName());
		return 0;

	void* data = field->lattice.dataPtr();

	Nrrd *nrrd = nrrdNew();
	NrrdIoState *nios = nrrdIoStateNew();

	if ( encoding == nrrdEncodingTypeGzip) {
		if (nrrdEncodingGzip->available() )
			nrrdIoStateEncodingSet( nios, nrrdEncodingGzip );
			nrrdIoStateSet( nios, nrrdIoStateZlibLevel, 9 );
		else theMsg->printf("WARNING: Nrrd library does not support Gzip compression encoding.\n Make sure Teem_ZLIB is on in CMAKE when building Nrrd library.\n");
	} else if ( encoding == nrrdEncodingTypeBzip2) {
		if (nrrdEncodingBzip2->available() )
			nrrdIoStateEncodingSet( nios, nrrdEncodingBzip2 );
			// nrrdIoStateSet( nios, nrrdIoStateBzip2BlockSize, 9 );
		else theMsg->printf("WARNING: Nrrd library does not support Bzip2 compression encoding.\n Make sure Teem_BZIP2 is on in CMAKE when building Nrrd library.\n");
	} else if ( encoding == nrrdEncodingTypeAscii) {
		nrrdIoStateEncodingSet( nios, nrrdEncodingAscii );
	} else {
		theMsg->printf("ERROR: Unimplemented nrrd encoding type: %d\n",encoding);
		return 0;

		if ( nrrdWrap_va( nrrd, data, nrrdType, (size_t)3,
		    (size_t)field->lattice.dimsInt()[2] ) )
			throw( biffGetDone(NRRD) );

		nrrdSpaceDimensionSet( nrrd, 3 );

		// TODO: Would be nice to set space units.  How does Amira store this?
//		if ( writeVolume->MetaKeyExists(CMTK_META_SPACE_UNITS_STRING) )
//		{
//			nrrd->spaceUnits[0] = strdup( writeVolume->m_MetaInformation[CMTK_META_SPACE_UNITS_STRING].c_str() );
//			nrrd->spaceUnits[1] = strdup( writeVolume->m_MetaInformation[CMTK_META_SPACE_UNITS_STRING].c_str() );
//			nrrd->spaceUnits[2] = strdup( writeVolume->m_MetaInformation[CMTK_META_SPACE_UNITS_STRING].c_str() );
//		}

		int kind[NRRD_DIM_MAX] = { nrrdKindDomain, nrrdKindDomain, nrrdKindDomain };
		nrrdAxisInfoSet_nva( nrrd, nrrdAxisInfoKind, kind );

		// TODO: Would be nice to write some kind of space if this exists

		// Fetch bounding box information and voxel size
		float* bbox = field->bbox();
		McVec3f voxelSize = field->getVoxelSize();

		// Just deal with space directions orthogonal to data axes
		// TODO: Fetch transformation and use that
		double spaceDir[NRRD_DIM_MAX][NRRD_SPACE_DIM_MAX];
		for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
			for ( int j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
				if (i == j) spaceDir[i][j] = (double) voxelSize[i];
				else spaceDir[i][j] = 0.0; // Can't assume that memory is zeroed
		nrrdAxisInfoSet_nva( nrrd, nrrdAxisInfoSpaceDirection, spaceDir );

		double origin[NRRD_DIM_MAX] = { bbox[0], bbox[2], bbox[4] };
		if ( nrrdSpaceOriginSet( nrrd, origin ) )
			throw( biffGetDone(NRRD) );

		nrrdAxisInfoSet_va( nrrd, nrrdAxisInfoLabel, "x", "y", "z" );

		if ( nrrdSave( filename, nrrd, nios ) )
			throw( biffGetDone(NRRD) );
	catch ( char* err )
		theMsg->printf("ERROR: hxNrrdIO library returned error '%s'\n", err);
		free( err );
		return 0;

	nrrdIoStateNix( nios );

    return 1; 
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  char *me, *outS;
  hestOpt *hopt;
  hestParm *hparm;
  airArray *mop;

  char *err;
  Nrrd *nin, *nhist;
  double vmin, vmax, rmax, val, cent[2], rad;
  int bins[2], sx, sy, xi, yi, ridx, hidx, rbins, hbins;
  NrrdRange *range;
  double (*lup)(const void *v, size_t I), *hist;
  me = argv[0];
  mop = airMopNew();
  hparm = hestParmNew();
  hopt = NULL;
  airMopAdd(mop, hparm, (airMopper)hestParmFree, airMopAlways);
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "i", "nin", airTypeOther, 1, 1, &nin, NULL,
             "input image", NULL, NULL, nrrdHestNrrd);
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "b", "rbins hbins", airTypeInt, 2, 2, bins, NULL,
             "# of histogram bins: radial and value");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "min", "value", airTypeDouble, 1, 1, &vmin, "nan",
             "Value at low end of histogram. Defaults to lowest value "
             "found in input nrrd.");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "max", "value", airTypeDouble, 1, 1, &vmax, "nan",
             "Value at high end of histogram. Defaults to highest value "
             "found in input nrrd.");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "rmax", "max radius", airTypeDouble, 1, 1, &rmax, "nan",
             "largest radius to include in histogram");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "c", "center x, y", airTypeDouble, 2, 2, cent, NULL,
             "The center point around which to build radial histogram");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "o", "filename", airTypeString, 1, 1, &outS, "-",
             "file to write histogram to");
  hestParseOrDie(hopt, argc-1, argv+1, hparm,
                 me, histradInfo, AIR_TRUE, AIR_TRUE, AIR_TRUE);
  airMopAdd(mop, hopt, (airMopper)hestOptFree, airMopAlways);
  airMopAdd(mop, hopt, (airMopper)hestParseFree, airMopAlways);

  if (2 != nin->dim) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: need 2-D input (not %d-D)\n", me, nin->dim);
    airMopError(mop); return 1;

  rbins = bins[0];
  hbins = bins[1];
  nhist = nrrdNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, nhist, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
  if (nrrdMaybeAlloc_va(nhist, nrrdTypeDouble, 2,
                        AIR_CAST(size_t, rbins),
                        AIR_CAST(size_t, hbins))) {
    airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: couldn't allocate histogram:\n%s", me, err);
    airMopError(mop); return 1;

  if (!( AIR_EXISTS(vmin) && AIR_EXISTS(vmax) )) {
    range = nrrdRangeNewSet(nin, nrrdStateBlind8BitRange);
    airMopAdd(mop, range, (airMopper)nrrdRangeNix, airMopAlways);
    vmin = AIR_EXISTS(vmin) ? vmin : range->min;
    vmax = AIR_EXISTS(vmax) ? vmax : range->max;

#define DIST(x0, y0, x1, y1) (sqrt((x0-x1)*(x0-x1) + (y0-y1)*(y0-y1)))

  sx = nin->axis[0].size;
  sy = nin->axis[1].size;
  if (!AIR_EXISTS(rmax)) {
    rmax = 0;
    rmax = AIR_MAX(rmax, DIST(cent[0], cent[1], 0, 0));
    rmax = AIR_MAX(rmax, DIST(cent[0], cent[1], sx-1, 0));
    rmax = AIR_MAX(rmax, DIST(cent[0], cent[1], 0, sy-1));
    rmax = AIR_MAX(rmax, DIST(cent[0], cent[1], sx-1, sy-1));
  lup = nrrdDLookup[nin->type];
  hist = (double*)(nhist->data);
  for (xi=0; xi<sx; xi++) {
    for (yi=0; yi<sy; yi++) {
      rad = DIST(cent[0], cent[1], xi, yi);
      if (!AIR_IN_OP(0, rad, rmax)) {
      val = lup(nin->data, xi + sx*yi);
      if (!AIR_IN_OP(vmin, val, vmax)) {
      ridx = airIndex(0, rad, rmax, rbins);
      hidx = airIndex(vmin, val, vmax, hbins);
      hist[ridx + rbins*hidx] += 1;
  nhist->axis[0].min = 0;
  nhist->axis[0].max = rmax;
  nhist->axis[1].min = vmin;
  nhist->axis[1].max = vmax;
  if (nrrdSave(outS, nhist, NULL)) {
    airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: couldn't save output:\n%s", me, err);
    airMopError(mop); return 1;

unrrdu_diceMain(int argc, char **argv, char *me, hestParm *hparm) {
  hestOpt *opt = NULL;
  char *base, *err, fnout[AIR_STRLEN_MED], /* file name out */
    fffname[AIR_STRLEN_MED],  /* format for filename */
    *ftmpl;                   /* format template */
  Nrrd *nin, *nout;
  int top, pret, start, fit;
  unsigned int axis;
  size_t pos;
  airArray *mop;

  OPT_ADD_AXIS(axis, "axis to slice along");
  OPT_ADD_NIN(nin, "input nrrd");
  hestOptAdd(&opt, "s,start", "start", airTypeInt, 1, 1, &start, "0",
             "integer value to start numbering with");
  hestOptAdd(&opt, "ff,format", "form", airTypeString, 1, 1, &ftmpl, "",
             "a printf-style format to use for generating all "
             "filenames.  Use this to override the number of characters "
             "used to represent the slice position, or the file format "
             "of the output, e.g. \"-ff %03d.ppm\" for 000.ppm, "
             "001.ppm, etc. By default (not using this option), slices "
             "are saved in NRRD format (or PNM or PNG where possible) "
             "with shortest possible filenames.");
  hestOptAdd(&opt, "o,output", "prefix", airTypeString, 1, 1, &base, NULL,
             "output filename prefix (excluding info set via \"-ff\"), "
             "basically to set path of output files (so be sure to end "
             "with \"/\".");

  mop = airMopNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, opt, (airMopper)hestOptFree, airMopAlways);

  airMopAdd(mop, opt, (airMopper)hestParseFree, airMopAlways);

  if (start < 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: given start index (%d) less than zero\n", me, start);
    return 1;
  if (!( axis < nin->dim )) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: given axis (%u) outside range [0,%u]\n",
            me, axis, nin->dim-1);
    return 1;
  /* HEY: this should use nrrdSaveMulti(), and if there's additional
     smarts here, they should be moved into nrrdSaveMulti() */
  if (airStrlen(ftmpl)) {
    if (!( _nrrdContainsPercentThisAndMore(ftmpl, 'd') 
           || _nrrdContainsPercentThisAndMore(ftmpl, 'u') )) {
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: given filename format \"%s\" doesn't seem to "
              "have the converstion specification to print an integer\n",
              me, ftmpl);
      return 1;
    sprintf(fffname, "%%s%s", ftmpl);
  } else {
    top = start + nin->axis[axis].size-1;
    if (top > 9999999) {
      sprintf(fffname, "%%s%%08d.nrrd");
    } else if (top > 999999) {
      sprintf(fffname, "%%s%%07d.nrrd");
    } else if (top > 99999) {
      sprintf(fffname, "%%s%%06d.nrrd");
    } else if (top > 9999) {
      sprintf(fffname, "%%s%%05d.nrrd");
    } else if (top > 999) {
      sprintf(fffname, "%%s%%04d.nrrd");
    } else if (top > 99) {
      sprintf(fffname, "%%s%%03d.nrrd");
    } else if (top > 9) {
      sprintf(fffname, "%%s%%02d.nrrd");
    } else {
      sprintf(fffname, "%%s%%01d.nrrd");
  nout = nrrdNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, nout, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);

  for (pos=0; pos<nin->axis[axis].size; pos++) {
    if (nrrdSlice(nout, nin, axis, pos)) {
      airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: error slicing nrrd:%s\n", me, err);
      return 1;
    if (0 == pos && !airStrlen(ftmpl)) {
      /* See if these slices would be better saved as PNG or PNM images.
         Altering the file name will tell nrrdSave() to use a different
         file format. */
      if (nrrdFormatPNG->fitsInto(nout, nrrdEncodingRaw, AIR_FALSE)) {
        strcpy(fffname + strlen(fffname) - 4, "png");
      } else {
        fit = nrrdFormatPNM->fitsInto(nout, nrrdEncodingRaw, AIR_FALSE);
        if (2 == fit) {
          strcpy(fffname + strlen(fffname) - 4, "pgm");
        } else if (3 == fit) {
          strcpy(fffname + strlen(fffname) - 4, "ppm");
    sprintf(fnout, fffname, base, pos+start);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s ...\n", me, fnout);
    if (nrrdSave(fnout, nout, NULL)) {
      airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: error writing nrrd to \"%s\":%s\n",
              me, fnout, err);
      return 1;

  return 0;
main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
  const char *me;
  char *err, *inS, *outS;
  limnCamera *cam;
  float bg[3], winscale, edgeWidth[5], creaseAngle;
  hestOpt *hopt=NULL;
  airArray *mop;
  limnObject *obj;
  limnLook *look; unsigned int lookIdx;
  limnWindow *win;
  Nrrd *nmap;
  FILE *file;
  int wire, concave, describe, reverse, nobg;

  mop = airMopNew();
  cam = limnCameraNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, cam, (airMopper)limnCameraNix, airMopAlways);

  me = argv[0];
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "i", "input OFF", airTypeString, 1, 1, &inS, NULL,
             "input OFF file");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "fr", "from point", airTypeDouble, 3, 3, cam->from,"4 4 4",
             "position of camera, used to determine view vector");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "at", "at point", airTypeDouble, 3, 3, cam->at, "0 0 0",
             "camera look-at point, used to determine view vector");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "up", "up vector", airTypeDouble, 3, 3, cam->up, "0 0 1",
             "camera pseudo-up vector, used to determine view coordinates");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "rh", NULL, airTypeInt, 0, 0, &(cam->rightHanded), NULL,
             "use a right-handed UVN frame (V points down)");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "or", NULL, airTypeInt, 0, 0, &(cam->orthographic), NULL,
             "use orthogonal projection");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "ur", "uMin uMax", airTypeDouble, 2, 2, cam->uRange,
             "-1 1", "range in U direction of image plane");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "vr", "vMin vMax", airTypeDouble, 2, 2, cam->vRange,
             "-1 1", "range in V direction of image plane");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "e", "envmap", airTypeOther, 1, 1, &nmap, "",
             "16octa-based environment map",
             NULL, NULL, nrrdHestNrrd);
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "ws", "winscale", airTypeFloat, 1, 1, &winscale,
             "200", "world to points (PostScript) scaling");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "wire", NULL, airTypeInt, 0, 0, &wire, NULL,
             "just do wire-frame rendering");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "concave", NULL, airTypeInt, 0, 0, &concave, NULL,
             "use slightly buggy rendering method suitable for "
             "concave or self-occluding objects");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "reverse", NULL, airTypeInt, 0, 0, &reverse, NULL,
             "reverse ordering of vertices per face (needed if they "
             "specified in clockwise order)");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "describe", NULL, airTypeInt, 0, 0, &describe, NULL,
             "for debugging: list object definition of OFF read");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "bg", "background", airTypeFloat, 3, 3, bg, "1 1 1",
             "background RGB color; each component in range [0.0,1.0]");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "nobg", NULL, airTypeInt, 0, 0, &nobg, NULL,
             "don't initially fill with background color");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "wd", "5 widths", airTypeFloat, 5, 5, edgeWidth,
             "0.0 0.0 3.0 2.0 0.0",
             "width of edges drawn for five kinds of "
             "edges: back non-crease, back crease, "
             "silohuette, front crease, front non-crease");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "ca", "angle", airTypeFloat, 1, 1, &creaseAngle, "30",
             "dihedral angles greater than this are creases");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "o", "output PS", airTypeString, 1, 1, &outS, "out.ps",
             "output file to render postscript into");
  hestParseOrDie(hopt, argc-1, argv+1, NULL,
                 me, info, AIR_TRUE, AIR_TRUE, AIR_TRUE);
  airMopAdd(mop, hopt, (airMopper)hestOptFree, airMopAlways);
  airMopAdd(mop, hopt, (airMopper)hestParseFree, airMopAlways);

  cam->neer = -0.000000001;
  cam->dist = 0;
  cam->faar = 0.0000000001;
  cam->atRelative = AIR_TRUE;

  if (limnCameraUpdate(cam)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble:\n%s\n", me, err = biffGet(LIMN));
    return 1;

  obj = limnObjectNew(10, AIR_TRUE);
  airMopAdd(mop, obj, (airMopper)limnObjectNix, airMopAlways);
  if (!(file = airFopen(inS, stdin, "r"))) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: couldn't open \"%s\" for reading\n", me, inS);
    airMopError(mop); return 1;
  airMopAdd(mop, file, (airMopper)airFclose, airMopAlways);
  if (limnObjectReadOFF(obj, file)) {
    airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(LIMN), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble:\n%s\n", me, err);
    airMopError(mop); return 1;
  if (describe) {
    fprintf(stdout, "----------------- POST-READ -----------------\n");
    limnObjectDescribe(stdout, obj);
    fprintf(stdout, "----------------- POST-READ -----------------\n");
  if (reverse) {
    if (limnObjectFaceReverse(obj)) {
      airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(LIMN), airFree, airMopAlways);
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble:\n%s\n", me, err);
      airMopError(mop); return 1;
  if (describe) {
    fprintf(stdout, "----------------- POST-REVERSE -----------------\n");
    limnObjectDescribe(stdout, obj);
    fprintf(stdout, "----------------- POST-REVERSE -----------------\n");
  win = limnWindowNew(limnDevicePS);
  win->ps.lineWidth[limnEdgeTypeBackFacet] = edgeWidth[0];
  win->ps.lineWidth[limnEdgeTypeBackCrease] = edgeWidth[1];
  win->ps.lineWidth[limnEdgeTypeContour] = edgeWidth[2];
  win->ps.lineWidth[limnEdgeTypeFrontCrease] = edgeWidth[3];
  win->ps.lineWidth[limnEdgeTypeFrontFacet] = edgeWidth[4];

  win->ps.wireFrame = wire;
  win->ps.creaseAngle = creaseAngle;
  win->ps.noBackground = nobg;
  ELL_3V_COPY(win->ps.bg, bg);

  win->file = airFopen(outS, stdout, "w");
  airMopAdd(mop, win, (airMopper)limnWindowNix, airMopAlways);
  win->scale = winscale;

  for (lookIdx=0; lookIdx<obj->lookNum; lookIdx++) {
    look = obj->look + lookIdx;
    /* earlier version of limn/test/soid used (0.2,0.8,0.0), I think.
       Now we assume that any useful shading is happening in the emap */
    ELL_3V_SET(look->kads, 0.2, 0.8, 0);

  if (limnObjectRender(obj, cam, win)
      || (concave
          ? limnObjectPSDrawConcave(obj, cam, nmap, win)
          : limnObjectPSDraw(obj, cam, nmap, win))) {
    airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(LIMN), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble:\n%s\n", me, err);
    airMopError(mop); return 1;

  if (describe) {
    fprintf(stdout, "----------------- POST-RENDER -----------------\n");
    limnObjectDescribe(stdout, obj);
    fprintf(stdout, "----------------- POST-RENDER -----------------\n");

  return 0;
main(int argc, const char **argv) {
  /* stock variables */
  char me[] = BKEY;
  hestOpt *hopt=NULL;
  hestParm *hparm;
  airArray *mop;
  /* variables specific to this program */
  int negskip, progress;
  Nrrd *nref, *nin;
  size_t *size, ii, nn, tick, pad[2];
  unsigned int axi, refCRC, gotCRC, sizeNum;
  char *berr, *outS[2], stmp[AIR_STRLEN_SMALL], doneStr[AIR_STRLEN_SMALL];
  airRandMTState *rng;
  unsigned int seed, *rdata, printbytes;
  unsigned char *dataUC;
  double time0, time1;
  FILE *fout;

  /* start-up */
  mop = airMopNew();
  hparm = hestParmNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, hparm, (airMopper)hestParmFree, airMopAlways);
  /* learn things from hest */
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "seed", "N", airTypeUInt, 1, 1, &seed, "42",
             "seed for RNG");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "s", "sz0", airTypeSize_t, 1, -1, &size, NULL,
             "sizes of desired output", &sizeNum);
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "p", "pb pa", airTypeSize_t, 2, 2, pad, "0 0",
             "bytes of padding before, and after, the data segment "
             "in the written data");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "ns", "bool", airTypeInt, 0, 0, &negskip, NULL,
             "skipping should be relative to end of file");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "pb", "print", airTypeUInt, 1, 1, &printbytes, "0",
             "bytes to print at beginning and end of data, to help "
             "debug problems");
  hestOptAdd(&hopt, "o", "out.data out.nhdr", airTypeString, 2, 2,
             outS, NULL, "output filenames of data and header");
  hestParseOrDie(hopt, argc-1, argv+1, hparm, me, tskipInfo,
                 AIR_TRUE, AIR_TRUE, AIR_TRUE);
  airMopAdd(mop, hopt, (airMopper)hestOptFree, airMopAlways);
  airMopAdd(mop, hopt, (airMopper)hestParseFree, airMopAlways);

  /* generate reference nrrd data */
  nref = nrrdNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, nref, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
  if (nrrdMaybeAlloc_nva(nref, nrrdTypeUInt, sizeNum, size)) {
    airMopAdd(mop, berr=biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: error allocating data: %s\n", me, berr);
    airMopError(mop); return 1;
  rng = airRandMTStateNew(seed);
  airMopAdd(mop, rng, (airMopper)airRandMTStateNix, airMopAlways);
  nn = nrrdElementNumber(nref);
  rdata = AIR_CAST(unsigned int *, nref->data);
  fprintf(stderr, "generating data: . . .       "); fflush(stderr);
  time0 = airTime();
  progress = AIR_FALSE;
  tick = nn/100;
  for (ii=0; ii<nn; ii++) {
    rdata[ii] = airUIrandMT_r(rng);
    if (ii && tick && !(ii % tick)) {
      time1 = airTime();
      if (time1 - time0 > 1.0) {
        /* if it took more than a second to do 1% of the thing,
           would be good to generate some progress indication */
        progress = AIR_TRUE;
      if (progress) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s", airDoneStr(0, ii, nn, doneStr)); fflush(stderr);
  if (progress) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", airDoneStr(0, ii, nn, doneStr)); fflush(stderr);
  } else {
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "finding reference (big-endian) CRC: "); fflush(stderr);
  refCRC = nrrdCRC32(nref, airEndianBig);
  fprintf(stderr, "%u\n", refCRC);

  /* write data, with padding */
  fprintf(stderr, "saving data . . . "); fflush(stderr);
  if (!(fout = fopen(outS[0], "wb" COMMIT))) {
    fprintf(stderr, "\n%s: couldn't open %s for writing: %s\n", me,
            outS[0], strerror(errno));
    airMopError(mop); return 1;
  airMopAdd(mop, fout, (airMopper)airFclose, airMopAlways);
  for (ii=0; ii<pad[0]; ii++) {
    if (EOF == fputc(1, fout)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "\n%s: error doing pre-padding\n", me);
      airMopError(mop); return 1;
  if (nn != fwrite(nref->data, nrrdElementSize(nref), nn, fout)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "\n%s: error writing data\n", me);
    airMopError(mop); return 1;
  for (ii=0; ii<pad[1]; ii++) {
    if (EOF == fputc(2, fout)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "\n%s: error doing post-padding\n", me);
      airMopError(mop); return 1;
  if (EOF == fflush(fout)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "\n%s: error fflushing data: %s\n", me,
  fprintf(stderr, "\n");
  if (printbytes) {
    size_t bi, rpb, nn;
    char stmp[AIR_STRLEN_SMALL];
    nn = nrrdElementSize(nref)*nrrdElementNumber(nref);
    rpb = AIR_MIN(printbytes, nn);
    dataUC = AIR_CAST(unsigned char *, nref->data);
    fprintf(stderr, "CORRECT %s bytes at beginning:\n",
            airSprintSize_t(stmp, rpb));
    for (bi=0; bi<rpb; bi++) {
      fprintf(stderr, "%x ", dataUC[bi]);
    fprintf(stderr, "...\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "CORRECT %s bytes at end:\n",
            airSprintSize_t(stmp, rpb));
    fprintf(stderr, "...");
    for (bi=nn - rpb; bi<nn; bi++) {
      fprintf(stderr, " %x", dataUC[bi]);
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
  airMopSingleOkay(mop, fout);
  airMopSingleOkay(mop, nref); nref = NULL;

  /* write header; for now just writing the header directly */
  fprintf(stderr, "writing header . . . \n");
  if (!(fout = fopen(outS[1], "w"))) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: couldn't open %s for writing: %s\n", me,
            outS[1], strerror(errno));
    airMopError(mop); return 1;
  airMopAdd(mop, fout, (airMopper)airFclose, airMopAlways);
  fprintf(fout, "NRRD0005\n");
  fprintf(fout, "type: unsigned int\n");
  fprintf(fout, "dimension: %u\n", sizeNum);
  fprintf(fout, "sizes:");
  for (axi=0; axi<sizeNum; axi++) {
    fprintf(fout, " %s", airSprintSize_t(stmp, size[axi]));
  fprintf(fout, "\n");
  fprintf(fout, "endian: %s\n", airEnumStr(airEndian, airMyEndian()));
  fprintf(fout, "encoding: %s\n", airEnumStr(nrrdEncodingType,
  if (!negskip) {
    if (pad[0]) {
      fprintf(fout, "byte skip: %s\n", airSprintSize_t(stmp, pad[0]));
  } else {
    fprintf(fout, "byte skip: -%s\n", airSprintSize_t(stmp, pad[1]+1));
  fprintf(fout, "data file: %s\n", outS[0]);
  airMopSingleOkay(mop, fout);

  /* read it in, make sure it checks out */
  fprintf(stderr, "reading data . . . \n");
  nin = nrrdNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, nin, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
  if (nrrdLoad(nin, outS[1], NULL)) {
    airMopAdd(mop, berr=biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: error reading back in: %s\n", me, berr);
    airMopError(mop); return 1;
  if (printbytes) {
    size_t bi, rpb, nn;
    char stmp[AIR_STRLEN_SMALL];
    nn = nrrdElementSize(nin)*nrrdElementNumber(nin);
    rpb = AIR_MIN(printbytes, nn);
    dataUC = AIR_CAST(unsigned char *, nin->data);
    fprintf(stderr, "FOUND %s bytes at beginning:\n",
            airSprintSize_t(stmp, rpb));
    for (bi=0; bi<rpb; bi++) {
      fprintf(stderr, "%x ", dataUC[bi]);
    fprintf(stderr, "...\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "FOUND %s bytes at end:\n",
            airSprintSize_t(stmp, rpb));
    fprintf(stderr, "...");
    for (bi=nn - rpb; bi<nn; bi++) {
      fprintf(stderr, " %x", dataUC[bi]);
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "finding new CRC . . . \n");
  gotCRC = nrrdCRC32(nin, airEndianBig);
  if (refCRC != gotCRC) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: got CRC %u but wanted %u\n", me, gotCRC, refCRC);
    airMopError(mop); return 1;
  fprintf(stderr, "(all ok)\n");

  /* HEY: to test gzip reading, we really want to do a system call to
     gzip compress the data, and write a new header to point to the
     compressed data, and make sure we can read in that just the same */

  return 0;
main(int argc, const char **argv) {
  const char *me;
  Nrrd *nscl;
  double *dscl;
  airArray *mop;
  char *fullname;
  gageContext *igctx[INTERP_KERN_NUM], *bgctx[BLUR_KERN_NUM];
  const NrrdKernel *ikern[INTERP_KERN_NUM] = {
    {1.0, 0.0, 0.5},
  const NrrdKernel *bkern[BLUR_KERN_NUM] = {
  const NrrdKernel *bkernD[BLUR_KERN_NUM] = {
  const NrrdKernel *bkernDD[BLUR_KERN_NUM] = {
    {2.0, 1.0, 0.0},
    {1.2, 5.0},
  const double *ivalAns[INTERP_KERN_NUM], *bvalAns[BLUR_KERN_NUM],
    *bgrdAns[BLUR_KERN_NUM], *bhesAns[BLUR_KERN_NUM];
  int E;
  unsigned int sx, sy, sz, ki;

  me = argv[0];
  mop = airMopNew();

  nscl = nrrdNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, nscl, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
  fullname = testDataPathPrefix("fmob-c4h.nrrd");
  airMopAdd(mop, fullname, airFree, airMopAlways);
  if (nrrdLoad(nscl, fullname, NULL)) {
    char *err;
    airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble reading data \"%s\":\n%s",
            me, fullname, err);
    airMopError(mop); return 1;
  /* make sure its a double-type volume (assumed below) */
  if (nrrdTypeDouble != nscl->type) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: volume type %s != expected type %s\n", me,
            airEnumStr(nrrdType, nscl->type),
            airEnumStr(nrrdType, nrrdTypeDouble));
    airMopError(mop); return 1;
  dscl = AIR_CAST(double *, nscl->data);
  sx = AIR_CAST(unsigned int, nscl->axis[0].size);
  sy = AIR_CAST(unsigned int, nscl->axis[1].size);
  sz = AIR_CAST(unsigned int, nscl->axis[2].size);

  for (ki=0; ki<INTERP_KERN_NUM; ki++) {
    gagePerVolume *gpvl;
    igctx[ki] = gageContextNew();
    airMopAdd(mop, igctx[ki], (airMopper)gageContextNix, airMopAlways);
    gageParmSet(igctx[ki], gageParmRenormalize, AIR_FALSE);
    gageParmSet(igctx[ki], gageParmCheckIntegrals, AIR_TRUE);
    gageParmSet(igctx[ki], gageParmOrientationFromSpacing, AIR_FALSE);
    E = 0;
    if (!E) E |= !(gpvl = gagePerVolumeNew(igctx[ki], nscl, gageKindScl));
    if (!E) E |= gageKernelSet(igctx[ki], gageKernel00,
                               ikern[ki], ikparm[ki]);
    if (!E) E |= gagePerVolumeAttach(igctx[ki], gpvl);
    if (!E) E |= gageQueryItemOn(igctx[ki], gpvl, gageSclValue);
    if (!E) E |= gageUpdate(igctx[ki]);
    if (E) {
      char *err;
      airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(GAGE), airFree, airMopAlways);
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble %s set-up:\n%s\n", me,
              ikern[ki]->name, err);
      airMopError(mop); return 1;
    ivalAns[ki] = gageAnswerPointer(igctx[ki], gpvl, gageSclValue);

  /* traverse all samples of volume, probing with the interpolating
     kernels, make sure we recover the original values */
    unsigned int xi, yi, zi;
    double pval[INTERP_KERN_NUM], err, rval;
    int pret;
    for (zi=0; zi<sz; zi++) {
      for (yi=0; yi<sy; yi++) {
        for (xi=0; xi<sx; xi++) {
          rval = dscl[xi + sx*(yi + sy*zi)];
          for (ki=0; ki<INTERP_KERN_NUM; ki++) {
            pret = gageProbeSpace(igctx[ki], xi, yi, zi,
                                  AIR_TRUE /* indexSpace */,
                                  AIR_FALSE /* clamp */);
            if (pret) {
              fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s probe error(%d): %s\n", me,
                      ikern[ki]->name, igctx[ki]->errNum, igctx[ki]->errStr);

              airMopError(mop); return 1;
            pval[ki] = *ivalAns[ki];
            err = AIR_ABS(rval - pval[ki]);
            if (err) {
              fprintf(stderr, "%s: interp's [%u,%u,%u] %s probe %f "
                      "!= true %f (err %f)\n", me, xi, yi, zi,
                      ikern[ki]->name, pval[ki], rval, err);
              airMopError(mop); return 1;

  /* set up contexts for non-interpolating (blurring) kernels,
     and their first and second derivatives */
  for (ki=0; ki<BLUR_KERN_NUM; ki++) {
    gagePerVolume *gpvl;
    bgctx[ki] = gageContextNew();
    airMopAdd(mop, bgctx[ki], (airMopper)gageContextNix, airMopAlways);
    gageParmSet(bgctx[ki], gageParmRenormalize, AIR_TRUE);
    gageParmSet(bgctx[ki], gageParmCheckIntegrals, AIR_TRUE);
    gageParmSet(bgctx[ki], gageParmOrientationFromSpacing, AIR_FALSE);
    E = 0;
    if (!E) E |= !(gpvl = gagePerVolumeNew(bgctx[ki], nscl, gageKindScl));
    if (!E) E |= gageKernelSet(bgctx[ki], gageKernel00,
                               bkern[ki], bkparm[ki]);
    if (!E) E |= gageKernelSet(bgctx[ki], gageKernel11,
                               bkernD[ki], bkparm[ki]);
    if (!E) E |= gageKernelSet(bgctx[ki], gageKernel22,
                               bkernDD[ki], bkparm[ki]);
    if (!E) E |= gagePerVolumeAttach(bgctx[ki], gpvl);
    if (!E) E |= gageQueryItemOn(bgctx[ki], gpvl, gageSclValue);
    if (!E) E |= gageQueryItemOn(bgctx[ki], gpvl, gageSclGradVec);
    if (!E) E |= gageQueryItemOn(bgctx[ki], gpvl, gageSclHessian);
    if (!E) E |= gageUpdate(bgctx[ki]);
    if (E) {
      char *err;
      airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(GAGE), airFree, airMopAlways);
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble %s set-up:\n%s\n", me,
              bkern[ki]->name, err);
      airMopError(mop); return 1;
    fprintf(stderr, "%s radius = %u\n", bkern[ki]->name, bgctx[ki]->radius);
    bvalAns[ki] = gageAnswerPointer(bgctx[ki], gpvl, gageSclValue);
    bgrdAns[ki] = gageAnswerPointer(bgctx[ki], gpvl, gageSclGradVec);
    bhesAns[ki] = gageAnswerPointer(bgctx[ki], gpvl, gageSclHessian);

#define POS_NUM 12
    double xp[POS_NUM], yp[POS_NUM], zp[POS_NUM],
      pos[POS_NUM*POS_NUM*POS_NUM][3], *prbd,
      offs[POS_NUM/2] = {0, 1.22222, 2.444444, 3.777777, 5.88888, 7.55555};
    Nrrd *nprbd, *ncorr;
    unsigned int ii, jj, kk, qlen = 1 + 3 + 9;
    char *corrfn, explain[AIR_STRLEN_LARGE];
    int pret, differ;

    corrfn = testDataPathPrefix("test/probeSclAns.nrrd");
    airMopAdd(mop, corrfn, airFree, airMopAlways);
    ncorr = nrrdNew();
    airMopAdd(mop, ncorr, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
    if (nrrdLoad(ncorr, corrfn, NULL)) {
      char *err;
      airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble reading data \"%s\":\n%s",
              me, corrfn, err);
      airMopError(mop); return 1;
    for (ii=0; ii<POS_NUM/2; ii++) {
      xp[ii] = yp[ii] = zp[ii] = offs[ii];
      xp[POS_NUM-1-ii] = AIR_CAST(double, sx)-1.0-offs[ii];
      yp[POS_NUM-1-ii] = AIR_CAST(double, sy)-1.0-offs[ii];
      zp[POS_NUM-1-ii] = AIR_CAST(double, sz)-1.0-offs[ii];
    for (kk=0; kk<POS_NUM; kk++) {
      for (jj=0; jj<POS_NUM; jj++) {
        for (ii=0; ii<POS_NUM; ii++) {
          ELL_3V_SET(pos[ii + POS_NUM*(jj + POS_NUM*kk)],
                     xp[ii], yp[jj], zp[kk]);
    nprbd = nrrdNew();
    airMopAdd(mop, nprbd, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
    if (nrrdMaybeAlloc_va(nprbd, nrrdTypeDouble, 3,
                          AIR_CAST(size_t, qlen),
                          AIR_CAST(size_t, BLUR_KERN_NUM),
                          AIR_CAST(size_t, POS_NUM*POS_NUM*POS_NUM))) {
      char *err;
      airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble setting up prbd:\n%s", me, err);
      airMopError(mop); return 1;
    prbd = AIR_CAST(double *, nprbd->data);
    for (ii=0; ii<POS_NUM*POS_NUM*POS_NUM; ii++) {
      for (ki=0; ki<BLUR_KERN_NUM; ki++) {
        pret = gageProbeSpace(bgctx[ki], pos[ii][0], pos[ii][1], pos[ii][2],
                              AIR_TRUE /* indexSpace */,
                              AIR_FALSE /* clamp */);
        if (pret) {
          fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s probe error(%d): %s\n", me,
                  bkern[ki]->name, bgctx[ki]->errNum, bgctx[ki]->errStr);
          airMopError(mop); return 1;
        prbd[0 + qlen*(ki + BLUR_KERN_NUM*(ii))] = bvalAns[ki][0];
        ELL_3V_COPY(prbd + 1 + qlen*(ki + BLUR_KERN_NUM*(ii)), bgrdAns[ki]);
        ELL_9V_COPY(prbd + 4 + qlen*(ki + BLUR_KERN_NUM*(ii)), bhesAns[ki]);
    /* HEY: weirdly, so far its only on Windows (and more than 10 times worse
       on Cygwin) this epsilon needs to be larger than zero, and only for the
       radius 6 Gaussian? */
    if (nrrdCompare(ncorr, nprbd, AIR_FALSE /* onlyData */,
                    8.0e-14 /* epsilon */, &differ, explain)) {
      char *err;
      airMopAdd(mop, err = biffGetDone(NRRD), airFree, airMopAlways);
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: trouble comparing:\n%s", me, err);
      airMopError(mop); return 1;
    if (differ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: probed values not correct: %s\n", me, explain);
      airMopError(mop); return 1;
    } else {
      fprintf(stderr, "all good\n");

  return 0;
文件: test.c 项目: CIBC-Internal/teem
main() {
  char *tmp, *s1, *s2;
  biffMsg *msg1, *msg2;

  biffAdd("axis", "the first error axis");
  biffAdd("axis", "the second error axis");
  biffAdd("axis", "the third error axis");
  biffAdd("chard", "the first error chard");
  biffAdd("chard", "the second error chard");
  biffAdd("chard", "the third error chard");
  biffAdd("bingo", "zero-eth bingo message");
  biffMove("bingo", NULL, "chard");
  biffAdd("bingo", "the first error bingo");
  biffAdd("bingo", "the second bll boo boo boo error bingo");
  biffAdd("bingo", "the third error bingo");
  printf("%s\n", (tmp = biffGet("bingo")));
  printf("%s\n", (tmp = biffGet("chard")));
  printf("%s\n", (tmp = biffGet("axis")));

  biffAdd("harold", "the first error harold");
  biffAdd("harold", "the second error harold");
  biffAdd("harold", "the third error harold");
  printf("%s\n", (tmp = biffGet("harold")));

  biffAdd("axis", "the first error axis");
  biffAdd("axis", "the second error axis");
  biffAdd("axis", "the third error axis");
  biffAdd("axis", "the fourth error axis");
  biffAdd("axis", "the fifth error axis");
  printf("%s", (tmp = biffGet("axis")));

  biffAdd("axo", "the first error axis");
  biffAdd("axo", "the second error axis");
  biffAdd("axo", "the third error axis");
  biffAdd("axo", "the fourth error axis");
  biffAdd("axo", "the fifth error axis");
  printf("%s", (tmp = biffGetDone("axo")));

  msg1 = biffMsgNew("roberts");
  biffMsgAdd(msg1, "biffMsgAdd hello, said roberts");
  biffMsgAddf(msg1, "biffMsgAddf: there's an int %d and a float %g",
              42, AIR_PI);
  s1 = biffMsgStrGet(msg1);
  printf("from msg1:\n%s", s1);
  s1 = airFree(s1);
  msg2 = biffMsgNew("sue");
  biffMsgAdd(msg2, "biffMsgAdd hi from sue");
  biffMsgAddf(msg2, "biffMsgAddf: another float %g", AIR_PI*AIR_PI);
  s2 = biffMsgStrGet(msg2);
  printf("from msg2:\n%s", s2);
  s2 = airFree(s2);
  biffMsgMovef(msg1, msg2, "biffMsgMovef: good int %d", 10);
  s1 = biffMsgStrGet(msg1);
  printf("from msg1:\n%s", s1);
  s1 = airFree(s1);
  msg1 = biffMsgNix(msg1);
  msg2 = biffMsgNix(msg2);

  biffAddf("test", "%s: this is a test %d %f", "me", 1, 2.0);
  printf("%s\n", (tmp = biffGet("test")));

main(int argc, char **argv) {
  int i, ret;
  char *me, *argv0 = NULL, *err;
  hestParm *hparm;
  airArray *mop;

  me = argv[0];

  /* parse environment variables first, in case they break nrrdDefault*
     or nrrdState* variables in a way that nrrdSanity() should see */

  /* if user hasn't tried to set nrrdStateKindNoop by an environment
     variable, we set it to false, since its probably what people expect */
  if (!getenv("NRRD_STATE_KIND_NOOP")) {
    nrrdStateKindNoop = AIR_FALSE;

  /* no harm done in making sure we're sane */
  if (!nrrdSanity()) {
    fprintf(stderr, "******************************************\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "******************************************\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "  %s: nrrd sanity check FAILED.\n", me);
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "  This means that either nrrd can't work on this "
            "platform, or (more likely)\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "  there was an error in the compilation options "
            "and variable definitions\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "  for how Teem was built here.\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "  %s\n", err = biffGetDone(NRRD));
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "******************************************\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "******************************************\n");
    return 1;

  mop = airMopNew();
  hparm = hestParmNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, hparm, (airMopper)hestParmFree, airMopAlways);
  hparm->elideSingleEnumType = AIR_TRUE;
  hparm->elideSingleOtherType = AIR_TRUE;
  hparm->elideSingleOtherDefault = AIR_TRUE;
  hparm->elideSingleNonExistFloatDefault = AIR_TRUE;
  hparm->elideMultipleNonExistFloatDefault = AIR_TRUE;
  hparm->elideSingleEmptyStringDefault = AIR_TRUE;
  hparm->elideMultipleEmptyStringDefault = AIR_TRUE;
  hparm->columns = unrrduDefNumColumns;

  /* if there are no arguments, then we give general usage information */
  if (1 >= argc) {
    unrrduUsage("unu", hparm);
  /* else, we should see if they're asking for a command we know about */  
  for (i=0; unrrduCmdList[i]; i++) {
    if (!strcmp(argv[1], unrrduCmdList[i]->name))
  /* unrrduCmdList[] is NULL-terminated */
  if (unrrduCmdList[i]) {
    /* yes, we have that command */
    /* initialize variables used by the various commands */
    argv0 = (char *)calloc(strlen(UNU) + strlen(argv[1]) + 2, sizeof(char));
    airMopMem(mop, &argv0, airMopAlways);
    sprintf(argv0, "%s %s", UNU, argv[1]);

    /* run the individual unu program, saving its exit status */
    ret = unrrduCmdList[i]->main(argc-2, argv+2, argv0, hparm);
  } else {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: unrecognized command: \"%s\"; type \"%s\" for "
            "complete list\n", me, argv[1], me);
    ret = 1;

  airMopDone(mop, ret);
  return ret;