int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    uint8_t *data;
    int size;
    char *hashtype;
    char blobref[BLOBREF_MAX_STRING_SIZE];

    if (argc != 2) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Usage: cat file | blobref hashtype\n");
        exit (1);
    hashtype = argv[1];

    if ((size = read_all (STDIN_FILENO, (void **)&data)) < 0)
        log_err_exit ("read");

    if (blobref_hash (hashtype, data, size, blobref, sizeof (blobref)) < 0)
        log_err_exit ("blobref_hash");
    printf ("%s\n", blobref);
    return 0;
void store_cb (flux_t *h, flux_msg_handler_t *mh,
               const flux_msg_t *msg, void *arg)
    sqlite_ctx_t *ctx = arg;
    const void *data;
    int size, hash_len;
    uint8_t hash[BLOBREF_MAX_DIGEST_SIZE];
    char blobref[BLOBREF_MAX_STRING_SIZE] = "-";
    int uncompressed_size = -1;
    int rc = -1;
    int old_state;
    //delay cancellation to ensure lock-correctness in sqlite
    pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, &old_state);

    if (flux_request_decode_raw (msg, NULL, &data, &size) < 0) {
        flux_log_error (h, "store: request decode failed");
        goto done;
    if (size > ctx->blob_size_limit) {
        errno = EFBIG;
        goto done;
    if (blobref_hash (ctx->hashfun, (uint8_t *)data, size, blobref,
                      sizeof (blobref)) < 0)
        goto done;
    if ((hash_len = blobref_strtohash (blobref, hash, sizeof (hash))) < 0)
        goto done;
    if (size >= compression_threshold) {
        int r;
        int out_len = LZ4_compressBound(size);
        if (ctx->lzo_bufsize < out_len && grow_lzo_buf (ctx, out_len) < 0)
            goto done;
        r = LZ4_compress_default (data, ctx->lzo_buf, size, out_len);
        if (r == 0) {
            errno = EINVAL;
            goto done;
        uncompressed_size = size;
        size = r;
        data = ctx->lzo_buf;
    if (sqlite3_bind_text (ctx->store_stmt, 1, (char *)hash, hash_len,
                           SQLITE_STATIC) != SQLITE_OK) {
        log_sqlite_error (ctx, "store: binding key");
        set_errno_from_sqlite_error (ctx);
        goto done;
    if (sqlite3_bind_int (ctx->store_stmt, 2, uncompressed_size) != SQLITE_OK) {
        log_sqlite_error (ctx, "store: binding size");
        set_errno_from_sqlite_error (ctx);
        goto done;
    if (sqlite3_bind_blob (ctx->store_stmt, 3,
                           data, size, SQLITE_STATIC) != SQLITE_OK) {
        log_sqlite_error (ctx, "store: binding data");
        set_errno_from_sqlite_error (ctx);
        goto done;
    if (sqlite3_step (ctx->store_stmt) != SQLITE_DONE
                    && sqlite3_errcode (ctx->db) != SQLITE_CONSTRAINT) {
        log_sqlite_error (ctx, "store: executing stmt");
        set_errno_from_sqlite_error (ctx);
        goto done;
    rc = 0;
    if (rc < 0) {
        if (flux_respond_error (h, msg, errno, NULL) < 0)
            flux_log_error (h, "store: flux_respond_error");
    else {
        if (flux_respond_raw (h, msg, blobref, strlen (blobref) + 1) < 0)
            flux_log_error (h, "store: flux_respond_raw");
    (void) sqlite3_reset (ctx->store_stmt);
    pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, &old_state);
文件: blobref.c 项目: trws/flux-core
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    blobref_t ref;
    blobref_t ref2;
    uint8_t digest[BLOBREF_MAX_DIGEST_SIZE];
    uint8_t data[1024];

    plan (NO_PLAN);

    memset (data, 7, sizeof (data));

    /* invalid args */
    errno = 0;
    ok (blobref_hash ("nerf", data, sizeof (data), ref) < 0
        && errno == EINVAL,
        "blobref_hash fails EINVAL with unknown hash name");

    errno = 0;
    ok (blobref_strtohash (badref[0], digest, sizeof (digest)) < 0
        && errno == EINVAL,
        "blobref_strtohash fails EINVAL with unknown hash prefix");
    errno = 0;
    ok (blobref_strtohash (badref[1], digest, sizeof (digest)) < 0
        && errno == EINVAL,
        "blobref_strtohash fails EINVAL with missing hash prefix separator");
    errno = 0;
    ok (blobref_strtohash (badref[2], digest, sizeof (digest)) < 0
        && errno == EINVAL,
        "blobref_strtohash fails EINVAL with wrong blobref length for prefix");
    errno = 0;
    ok (blobref_strtohash (badref[3], digest, sizeof (digest)) < 0
        && errno == EINVAL,
        "blobref_strtohash fails EINVAL with out of range blobref chars");
    errno = 0;
    ok (blobref_strtohash (goodref[0], digest, 2) < 0
        && errno == EINVAL,
        "blobref_strtohash fails EINVAL with runt digest size");

    memset (digest, 6, sizeof (digest));
    errno = 0;
    ok (blobref_hashtostr ("nerf", digest, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE, ref) < 0
        && errno == EINVAL,
        "blobref_hashtostr fails EINVAL with unknown hash");
    errno = 0;
    ok (blobref_hashtostr ("sha1", digest, SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE, ref) < 0
        && errno == EINVAL,
        "blobref_hashtostr fails EINVAL with wrong digest size for hash");

    /* sha1 */
    ok (blobref_hash ("sha1", NULL, 0, ref) == 0,
        "blobref_hash sha1 handles zero length data");
    diag ("%s", ref);
    ok (blobref_hash ("sha1", data, sizeof (data), ref) == 0,
        "blobref_hash sha1 works");
    diag ("%s", ref);

    ok (blobref_strtohash (ref, digest, sizeof (digest)) == SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE,
        "blobref_strtohash returns expected size hash");
    ok (blobref_hashtostr ("sha1", digest, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE, ref2) == 0,
        "blobref_hashtostr back again works");
    diag ("%s", ref2);
    ok (strcmp (ref, ref2) == 0,
        "and blobrefs match");

    /* sha256 */
    ok (blobref_hash ("sha256", NULL, 0, ref) == 0,
        "blobref_hash sha256 handles zero length data");
    diag ("%s", ref);
    ok (blobref_hash ("sha256", data, sizeof (data), ref) == 0,
        "blobref_hash sha256 works");
    diag ("%s", ref);

    ok (blobref_strtohash (ref, digest, sizeof (digest)) == SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE,
        "blobref_strtohash returns expected size hash");
    ok (blobref_hashtostr ("sha256", digest, SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE, ref2) == 0,
        "blobref_hashtostr back again works");
    diag ("%s", ref2);
    ok (strcmp (ref, ref2) == 0,
        "and blobrefs match");

    /* blobref_validate */
    const char **pp;
    pp = &goodref[0];
    while (*pp) {
        ok (blobref_validate (*pp) == 0,
            "blobref_validate: %s", *pp);
    pp = &badref[0];
    while (*pp) {
        errno = 0;
        ok (blobref_validate (*pp) < 0 && errno == EINVAL,
            "blobref_validate not: %s", *pp);

    /* blobref_validate_hashtype */
    ok (blobref_validate_hashtype ("sha1") == 0,
        "blobref_validate_hashtype sha1 is valid");
    ok (blobref_validate_hashtype ("sha256") == 0,
        "blobref_validate_hashtype sha256 is valid");
    ok (blobref_validate_hashtype ("nerf") == -1,
        "blobref_validate_hashtype nerf is invalid");
    ok (blobref_validate_hashtype (NULL) == -1,
        "blobref_validate_hashtype NULL is invalid");
