static int camqp_config_connection (oconfig_item_t *ci, /* {{{ */
        _Bool publish)
    camqp_config_t *conf;
    int status;
    int i;

    conf = malloc (sizeof (*conf));
    if (conf == NULL)
        ERROR ("amqp plugin: malloc failed.");
        return (ENOMEM);

    /* Initialize "conf" {{{ */
    memset (conf, 0, sizeof (*conf));
    conf->publish = publish;
    conf->name = NULL;
    conf->format = CAMQP_FORMAT_COMMAND;
    conf->host = NULL;
    conf->port = 5672;
    conf->vhost = NULL;
    conf->user = NULL;
    conf->password = NULL;
    conf->exchange = NULL;
    conf->routing_key = NULL;
    /* publish only */
    conf->delivery_mode = CAMQP_DM_VOLATILE;
    conf->store_rates = 0;
    /* publish & graphite only */
    conf->prefix = NULL;
    conf->postfix = NULL;
    conf->escape_char = '_';
    /* subscribe only */
    conf->exchange_type = NULL;
    conf->queue = NULL;
    /* general */
    conf->connection = NULL;
    pthread_mutex_init (&conf->lock, /* attr = */ NULL);
    /* }}} */

    status = cf_util_get_string (ci, &conf->name);
    if (status != 0)
        sfree (conf);
        return (status);

    for (i = 0; i < ci->children_num; i++)
        oconfig_item_t *child = ci->children + i;

        if (strcasecmp ("Host", child->key) == 0)
            status = cf_util_get_string (child, &conf->host);
        else if (strcasecmp ("Port", child->key) == 0)
            status = cf_util_get_port_number (child);
            if (status > 0)
                conf->port = status;
                status = 0;
        else if (strcasecmp ("VHost", child->key) == 0)
            status = cf_util_get_string (child, &conf->vhost);
        else if (strcasecmp ("User", child->key) == 0)
            status = cf_util_get_string (child, &conf->user);
        else if (strcasecmp ("Password", child->key) == 0)
            status = cf_util_get_string (child, &conf->password);
        else if (strcasecmp ("Exchange", child->key) == 0)
            status = cf_util_get_string (child, &conf->exchange);
        else if ((strcasecmp ("ExchangeType", child->key) == 0) && !publish)
            status = cf_util_get_string (child, &conf->exchange_type);
        else if ((strcasecmp ("Queue", child->key) == 0) && !publish)
            status = cf_util_get_string (child, &conf->queue);
        else if (strcasecmp ("RoutingKey", child->key) == 0)
            status = cf_util_get_string (child, &conf->routing_key);
        else if ((strcasecmp ("Persistent", child->key) == 0) && publish)
            _Bool tmp = 0;
            status = cf_util_get_boolean (child, &tmp);
            if (tmp)
                conf->delivery_mode = CAMQP_DM_PERSISTENT;
                conf->delivery_mode = CAMQP_DM_VOLATILE;
        else if ((strcasecmp ("StoreRates", child->key) == 0) && publish)
            status = cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->store_rates);
        else if ((strcasecmp ("Format", child->key) == 0) && publish)
            status = camqp_config_set_format (child, conf);
        else if ((strcasecmp ("GraphitePrefix", child->key) == 0) && publish)
            status = cf_util_get_string (child, &conf->prefix);
        else if ((strcasecmp ("GraphitePostfix", child->key) == 0) && publish)
            status = cf_util_get_string (child, &conf->postfix);
        else if ((strcasecmp ("GraphiteEscapeChar", child->key) == 0) && publish)
            char *tmp_buff = NULL;
            status = cf_util_get_string (child, &tmp_buff);
            if (strlen (tmp_buff) > 1)
                WARNING ("amqp plugin: The option \"GraphiteEscapeChar\" handles "
                        "only one character. Others will be ignored.");
            conf->escape_char = tmp_buff[0];
            sfree (tmp_buff);
            WARNING ("amqp plugin: Ignoring unknown "
                    "configuration option \"%s\".", child->key);

        if (status != 0)
    } /* for (i = 0; i < ci->children_num; i++) */

    if ((status == 0) && (conf->exchange == NULL))
        if (conf->exchange_type != NULL)
            WARNING ("amqp plugin: The option \"ExchangeType\" was given "
                    "without the \"Exchange\" option. It will be ignored.");

        if (!publish && (conf->routing_key != NULL))
            WARNING ("amqp plugin: The option \"RoutingKey\" was given "
                    "without the \"Exchange\" option. It will be ignored.");


    if (status != 0)
        camqp_config_free (conf);
        return (status);

    if (conf->exchange != NULL)
        DEBUG ("amqp plugin: camqp_config_connection: exchange = %s;",

    if (publish)
        char cbname[128];
        user_data_t ud = { conf, camqp_config_free };

        ssnprintf (cbname, sizeof (cbname), "amqp/%s", conf->name);

        status = plugin_register_write (cbname, camqp_write, &ud);
        if (status != 0)
            camqp_config_free (conf);
            return (status);
        status = camqp_subscribe_init (conf);
        if (status != 0)
            camqp_config_free (conf);
            return (status);

    return (0);
} /* }}} int camqp_config_connection */
文件: amqp.c 项目: collectd/collectd
static int camqp_config_connection(oconfig_item_t *ci, /* {{{ */
                                   bool publish) {
  camqp_config_t *conf;
  int status;

  conf = calloc(1, sizeof(*conf));
  if (conf == NULL) {
    ERROR("amqp plugin: calloc failed.");
    return ENOMEM;

  /* Initialize "conf" {{{ */
  conf->publish = publish;
  conf->name = NULL;
  conf->format = CAMQP_FORMAT_COMMAND;
  conf->host = NULL;
  conf->port = 5672;
  conf->vhost = NULL;
  conf->user = NULL;
  conf->password = NULL;
  conf->exchange = NULL;
  conf->routing_key = NULL;
  conf->connection_retry_delay = 0;

  /* publish only */
  conf->delivery_mode = CAMQP_DM_VOLATILE;
  conf->store_rates = false;
  conf->graphite_flags = 0;
  /* publish & graphite only */
  conf->prefix = NULL;
  conf->postfix = NULL;
  conf->escape_char = '_';
  /* subscribe only */
  conf->exchange_type = NULL;
  conf->queue = NULL;
  conf->queue_durable = false;
  conf->queue_auto_delete = true;
  /* general */
  conf->connection = NULL;
  pthread_mutex_init(&conf->lock, /* attr = */ NULL);
  /* }}} */

  status = cf_util_get_string(ci, &conf->name);
  if (status != 0) {
    return status;

  for (int i = 0; i < ci->children_num; i++) {
    oconfig_item_t *child = ci->children + i;

    if (strcasecmp("Host", child->key) == 0)
      status = cf_util_get_string(child, &conf->host);
    else if (strcasecmp("Port", child->key) == 0) {
      status = cf_util_get_port_number(child);
      if (status > 0) {
        conf->port = status;
        status = 0;
    } else if (strcasecmp("VHost", child->key) == 0)
      status = cf_util_get_string(child, &conf->vhost);
    else if (strcasecmp("User", child->key) == 0)
      status = cf_util_get_string(child, &conf->user);
    else if (strcasecmp("Password", child->key) == 0)
      status = cf_util_get_string(child, &conf->password);
    else if (strcasecmp("Exchange", child->key) == 0)
      status = cf_util_get_string(child, &conf->exchange);
    else if (strcasecmp("ExchangeType", child->key) == 0)
      status = cf_util_get_string(child, &conf->exchange_type);
    else if ((strcasecmp("Queue", child->key) == 0) && !publish)
      status = cf_util_get_string(child, &conf->queue);
    else if ((strcasecmp("QueueDurable", child->key) == 0) && !publish)
      status = cf_util_get_boolean(child, &conf->queue_durable);
    else if ((strcasecmp("QueueAutoDelete", child->key) == 0) && !publish)
      status = cf_util_get_boolean(child, &conf->queue_auto_delete);
    else if (strcasecmp("RoutingKey", child->key) == 0)
      status = cf_util_get_string(child, &conf->routing_key);
    else if ((strcasecmp("Persistent", child->key) == 0) && publish) {
      bool tmp = 0;
      status = cf_util_get_boolean(child, &tmp);
      if (tmp)
        conf->delivery_mode = CAMQP_DM_PERSISTENT;
        conf->delivery_mode = CAMQP_DM_VOLATILE;
    } else if ((strcasecmp("StoreRates", child->key) == 0) && publish) {
      status = cf_util_get_boolean(child, &conf->store_rates);
      (void)cf_util_get_flag(child, &conf->graphite_flags,
    } else if ((strcasecmp("Format", child->key) == 0) && publish)
      status = camqp_config_set_format(child, conf);
    else if ((strcasecmp("GraphiteSeparateInstances", child->key) == 0) &&
      status = cf_util_get_flag(child, &conf->graphite_flags,
    else if ((strcasecmp("GraphiteAlwaysAppendDS", child->key) == 0) && publish)
      status = cf_util_get_flag(child, &conf->graphite_flags,
    else if ((strcasecmp("GraphitePreserveSeparator", child->key) == 0) &&
      status = cf_util_get_flag(child, &conf->graphite_flags,
    else if ((strcasecmp("GraphitePrefix", child->key) == 0) && publish)
      status = cf_util_get_string(child, &conf->prefix);
    else if ((strcasecmp("GraphitePostfix", child->key) == 0) && publish)
      status = cf_util_get_string(child, &conf->postfix);
    else if ((strcasecmp("GraphiteEscapeChar", child->key) == 0) && publish) {
      char *tmp_buff = NULL;
      status = cf_util_get_string(child, &tmp_buff);
      if (strlen(tmp_buff) > 1)
        WARNING("amqp plugin: The option \"GraphiteEscapeChar\" handles "
                "only one character. Others will be ignored.");
      conf->escape_char = tmp_buff[0];
    } else if (strcasecmp("ConnectionRetryDelay", child->key) == 0)
      status = cf_util_get_int(child, &conf->connection_retry_delay);
      WARNING("amqp plugin: Ignoring unknown "
              "configuration option \"%s\".",

    if (status != 0)
  } /* for (i = 0; i < ci->children_num; i++) */

  if ((status == 0) && (conf->exchange == NULL)) {
    if (conf->exchange_type != NULL)
      WARNING("amqp plugin: The option \"ExchangeType\" was given "
              "without the \"Exchange\" option. It will be ignored.");

    if (!publish && (conf->routing_key != NULL))
      WARNING("amqp plugin: The option \"RoutingKey\" was given "
              "without the \"Exchange\" option. It will be ignored.");

  if (status != 0) {
    return status;

  if (conf->exchange != NULL) {
    DEBUG("amqp plugin: camqp_config_connection: exchange = %s;",

  if (publish) {
    char cbname[128];
    snprintf(cbname, sizeof(cbname), "amqp/%s", conf->name);

    status =
        plugin_register_write(cbname, camqp_write,
                                  .data = conf, .free_func = camqp_config_free,
    if (status != 0) {
      return status;
  } else {