// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSatCGetInputHandler::ConvertCharacterSet
// Converts USAT character set to SAT character set type.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TSatCharacterSet CSatCGetInputHandler::ConvertCharacterSet(
    const RSat::TGetInputRspFormat& aCharacterSet ) const
         "SATINTERNALCLIENT: CSatCGetInputHandler::ConvertCharacterSet calling" )

    TSatCharacterSet charSet( ESatCharSmsDefaultAlphabet );

          "SATINTERNALCLIENT: CSatCGetInputHandler::ConvertCharacterSet aCharacterSet: %d",
          aCharacterSet )

    if ( ( RSat::EDigitOnlyUnpacked == aCharacterSet ) ||
            ( RSat::EDigitOnlyPacked == aCharacterSet ) )
        charSet = ESatDigitOnly;
    else if ( aCharacterSet == RSat::EUcs2Alphabet )
        charSet = ESatCharUcs2Alphabet;
        charSet = ESatCharSmsDefaultAlphabet;

         "SATINTERNALCLIENT: CSatCGetInputHandler::ConvertCharacterSet exiting" )
    return charSet;
// Transform ICU-VERSION attribute (given by the user) in COLL-VERSION (to be stored).
bool IntlUtil::setupIcuAttributes(charset* cs, const string& specificAttributes,
	const string& configInfo, string& newSpecificAttributes)
	AutoPtr<Jrd::CharSet> charSet(Jrd::CharSet::createInstance(*getDefaultMemoryPool(), 0, cs));

	IntlUtil::SpecificAttributesMap map;
	if (!IntlUtil::parseSpecificAttributes(charSet, specificAttributes.length(),
			(const UCHAR*) specificAttributes.begin(), &map))
		return false;

	string icuVersion;
	map.get("ICU-VERSION", icuVersion);

	string collVersion;
	if (!UnicodeUtil::getCollVersion(icuVersion, configInfo, collVersion))
		return false;


	if (collVersion.hasData())
		map.put("COLL-VERSION", collVersion);

	newSpecificAttributes = IntlUtil::generateSpecificAttributes(charSet, map);
	return true;
NABoolean StmtModule::unparse(NAString &result, NABoolean wantR18behavior)
  NABoolean err = applyDefaults(wantR18behavior);

  result += NAString("MODULE ") + 
            name().getQualifiedNameAsAnsiNTFilenameString() +
  	    " NAMES ARE " + charSet() + ";";

  return err;
void CNumberEdit::Prepare()
	if( m_nType == ntDouble )
		struct lconv	*pConv = localeconv();
		CString				charSet( _T("1234567890") );

		if( m_dMin < 0.0 || m_dMax < 0.0 )
			charSet+= _T('-');

		SetCharSet( charSet + pConv->decimal_point );
		CString	charSet( _T("1234567890") );
		if( m_lMin < 0 || m_lMax < 0 )
			charSet+= _T('-');

		SetCharSet( charSet );
NABoolean StmtModule::unparseSimple(NAString &result, 
                                    NABoolean wantR18behavior)
  NABoolean err = applyDefaults(wantR18behavior); 
  // assume caller will handle err

  result += NAString("MODULE ") + 
            name().getQualifiedNameAsAnsiString() +
  	    " NAMES ARE " + charSet() + ";";

  return err;
// Apply defaults to self, and then (ANSI 12.1 SR 3) apply self to SchemaDB.
NABoolean StmtModule::applyDefaults(NABoolean wantR18behavior)
  NABoolean err = FALSE;

  if (charSet().isNull())
    charSet() = CharInfo::getCharSetName(CharInfo::DefaultCharSet);

  if (CharInfo::isCharSetSupported(charSet())) {
    // Get charset name in canonical format (the name of the enum of the name).
    charSet() = CharInfo::getCharSetName(CharInfo::getCharSetEnum(charSet()));
  else {
    *CmpCommon::diags() << DgSqlCode(-3010) << DgString0(charSet());
    err = TRUE;

  if (!CharInfo::isModuleCharSetSupported(CharInfo::getCharSetEnum(charSet()))) 
    *CmpCommon::diags() << DgSqlCode(-3404) << DgString0(charSet());
    err = TRUE;

  // Here we're using internal-format names
  if (name().getCatalogName().isNull()) {

    // Must be an Ansi name, not an MPLOC.
    const SchemaName& defcs =

    if (name().getSchemaName().isNull()) {
      if (name().getObjectName().isNull()) {


  if (wantR18behavior) {
    // And now we use external-format names, for the ANSI 12.1 SR 3 stuff.
    NAString catName(name().getCatalogNameAsAnsiString());
    if (!ActiveSchemaDB()->getDefaults().setCatalog(catName))
      err = TRUE;
    NAString schName(name().getUnqualifiedSchemaNameAsAnsiString());
    if (!ActiveSchemaDB()->getDefaults().setSchema(schName))
      err = TRUE;
  else { // want R2 (correct) behavior
    // We used to take the catalog & schema of the module directive and apply
    // them above as the default catalog & schema. This was a misguided
    // attempt to "use external-format names, for the ANSI 12.1 SR 3 stuff"
    // in the SQL92 std. 
    // In SQL99, this has been clarified in section 13.1 of ISO/IEC FDIS 
    // 9075-2:1999 (aka the 1999 Foundation doc) where syntax rules 3 & 4
    // specify that:
    // "If the explicit or implicit <schema name> does not specify a <catalog
    //  name>, then an implementation-defined <catalog name> is implicit."
    // "The implicit or explicit <catalog name> is the implicit <catalog name>
    //  for all unqualified <schema name>s in the <SQL-client module 
    //  definition>."
    // Three observations may be worth pointing out here:
    // 1) SQL/MX client modules do not have a <module authorization clause> as
    //    specified by the SQL99 std.
    // 2) Even if (in the future) SQL/MX tries to conform to the SQL99 std for 
    //    client module definition(s), the SQL99 std itself (syntax rule 3) 
    //    allows us to use "an implementation-defined <catalog name>" to 
    //    implicitly qualify unqualified <schema name>s.
    // 3) This current "implementation is a deviation from ANSI in
    //    that the module name is a 3-part name. This deviation and the use of
    //    cat/sch name to qualify unqualified SQL objects in the module are
    //    also 'valid' implementation of the 2 syntax rules 13.1, rules 3 & 4
    //    of ANSI."
    // Similar logic can be applied to using an implementation-defined
    // <schema name> to implicitly qualify unqualified table names, etc.
    // In other words, our technique of using CQD default CATALOG & SCHEMA
    // settings to qualify unqualified table names, view names, etc is allowed
    // for by the SQL99 std.
    // Deleting the old code that was here is part of the fix to genesis
    // cases 10-030725-8215, 10-030730-8326, 10-030826-0792.
  return err;
char* GTokenizer::nextArg(GCharSet& delimiters, char escapeChar)
	char c = m_pStream->peek();
	if(c == '"')
		if(peek() != '"')
			ThrowError("Expected matching double-quotes on line ", 
								 to_str(m_line), ", col ", to_str(col()));
		return m_pBufStart;
	else if(c == '\'')
		if(peek() != '\'')
			ThrowError("Expected a matching single-quote on line ", to_str(m_line), 
								 ", col ", to_str(col()));
		return m_pBufStart;

	m_pBufPos = m_pBufStart;
	bool inEscapeMode = false;
	while(m_len > 0)
		char c = m_pStream->peek();
			if(c == '\n')
				ThrowError("Error: '", to_str(escapeChar), "' character used as "
									 "last character on a line to attempt to extend string over "
									 "two lines on line" , to_str(m_line), ", col ", 
									 to_str(col()) );
			c = get();
			inEscapeMode = false;			
			if(c == '\n' || delimiters.find(c)){ break; }
			c = get();
			if(c == escapeChar)	{	inEscapeMode = true;	}
			else { bufferChar(c);	}

	if(m_pBufPos == m_pBufEnd)
	*m_pBufPos = '\0';

	//	std::cerr << "nextArg: '" << m_pBufStart << "'\n"; //DEBUG
	return m_pBufStart;
vector<ofUniChar> ofCharacterSet::getCharacterSet() {
    vector<ofUniChar> charSet(characters.begin(), characters.end());
    return charSet;