cube Utils::conv3(cube body, cube kernel)
	if (body.max() <= 0)
		return zeros(body.n_rows, body.n_cols, body.n_slices);
	cube Q(body);
	for (int i = 1; i < body.n_slices - 1; i++)
		Q.slice(i) = conv2(body.slice(i), kernel.slice(1), "same") +
			conv2(body.slice(i - 1), kernel.slice(0), "same") +
			conv2(body.slice(i + 1), kernel.slice(2), "same");
	return Q;
void convolve(double picMatrix[],int picRowSize,int picColSize ,int numPics,double filterMatrix[],int filterRowSize,int filterColSize,int numFilters,double bias[],double picOut[],int oRowSize,int oColSize)
    int picLen=picRowSize*picColSize;
    int filterLen=filterRowSize*filterColSize;
    int oLen=oRowSize*oColSize;
    int i,j;
    double *p=picMatrix;
    double *f=filterMatrix;
    double *o=picOut;
    for(i=0; i<numPics; i++)
        for(j=0; j<numFilters; j++)
static sample_t diff_resampled(const SRCParams &params, sample_t *buf1, sample_t *buf2, size_t size)
  // After resample only q*nyquist of the bandwidth is preserved. Therefore,
  // to compare output of the resampler with the original signal we must feed
  // the resampler with the bandlimited signal. Bandlimiting filter has a
  // transition band and we must guarantee:
  // passband + transition_band <= q*nyquist.
  // It looks reasonable to make the transition band of the bandlimiting filter
  // to be equal to the transition band of the resampler. In this case we have:
  // passband + (1-q)*nyquist <= q*nyquist
  // passband <= (2q - 1)*nyquist
  // In normalized form nyquist = 0.5, so we have following parameters of the
  // bandlimiting filter: passband = q-0.5, transition band = 0.5*(1-q)

  ParamFIR low_pass(ParamFIR::low_pass, params.q-0.5, 0, 0.5*(1-params.q), params.a + 10, true);

  const FIRInstance *fir = low_pass.make(params.fs);
  BOOST_REQUIRE(fir != 0);
  int trans_len = fir->length * 2;
  delete fir;

  Speakers spk(FORMAT_LINEAR, MODE_MONO, params.fs);
  samples_t s1, s2;
  s1.zero(); s1[0] = buf1;
  s2.zero(); s2[0] = buf2;

  ChunkSource src1(spk, Chunk(s1, size));
  ChunkSource src2(spk, Chunk(s2, size));
  Convolver   conv1(&low_pass);
  Convolver   conv2(&low_pass);
  SliceFilter slice1(trans_len, size - trans_len);
  SliceFilter slice2(trans_len, size - trans_len);
  FilterChain chain1(&conv1, &slice1);
  FilterChain chain2(&conv2, &slice2);
  return calc_diff(&src1, &chain1, &src2, &chain2);
//function sm = moveav(Im,nk),
//kern = ones(nk)./nk.^2; sm = conv2(Im,kern,'same');
double *moveac(double *image, int nk)
{  double *c, *out,*b_matrix;
   int a,b,x,y;
   for (x=0;x<nk*nk;x++)

   conv2(c, image, b_matrix, Im->width, Im->height, nk, nk, 1);

   out=new double[nk*nk];
   for (y=(Im->height+nk-1)/2-(nk/2);y<(Im->height+nk-1)/2-(nk/2)+nk;y++)
   {  for (x=(Im->width+nk-1)/2-(nk/2);x<(Im->width+nk-1)/2-(nk/2)+nk;x++)
      {  out[b*nk+a]=fabs(c[y*(Im->height+nk-1)+x]);

   delete image;
   delete b_matrix;
   delete c;
bool PNGFormat::ReadMolecule(OBBase* pOb, OBConversion* pConv)
  istream& ifs = *pConv->GetInStream();
  const char pngheader[] = {-119,80,78,71,13,10,26,10,0};
  char readbytes[9];
  ifs.read(readbytes, 8);

  if(!equal(pngheader, pngheader+8, readbytes))
    obErrorLog.ThrowError("PNG Format","Not a PNG file", obError);
     return false;

  //Loop through all the chunks
    unsigned int len = Read32(ifs);
    string chunkid(readbytes, readbytes+4);
      bytesToIEND = ifs.tellg();
      bytesToIEND -= 8;
    streampos pos = ifs.tellg();

    const char* altid = pConv->IsOption("y",OBConversion::INOPTIONS);
    if(chunkid=="tEXt" || chunkid=="zTXt" || (altid && chunkid==altid))
      string keyword;
      getline(ifs, keyword, '\0');
      unsigned int datalength = len - keyword.size()-1;

      //remove "file" from end of keyword
      string::size_type pos = keyword.find("file");

      OBFormat* pFormat = OBConversion::FindFormat(keyword.c_str());
        //We have found embedded text that we need to extract
        stringstream ss;
          //Copy it to a stringstream
          istreambuf_iterator<char> initer(ifs);
          ostreambuf_iterator<char> outiter(ss);
          for (unsigned int i = 0; i < datalength; ++i)
            *outiter++ = *initer++;

          //Needs to be uncompressed first
          Bytef* pCompTxt = new Bytef[datalength];
          ifs.read((char*)pCompTxt, datalength);
          --datalength; //for compression method byte
          uLongf uncompLen;
          Bytef* pUncTxt = new Bytef[datalength*6];//guess uncompressed length. NASTY!
          if(*pCompTxt!=0 /*compression method*/
            || uncompress(pUncTxt, &uncompLen, pCompTxt+1, datalength)!=Z_OK)
            obErrorLog.ThrowError("PNG Format","Errors in decompression", obError);
            delete[] pUncTxt;
            delete[] pCompTxt;
            return false;
          pUncTxt[uncompLen] = '\0';
          delete[] pUncTxt;
          delete[] pCompTxt;

        //Use a new OBConversion object to convert embedded text
        OBConversion conv2(&ss, pConv->GetOutStream());
        conv2.SetInAndOutFormats(pFormat, pConv->GetOutFormat());
        _count += conv2.Convert();

        continue; //already at the end of the chunk
    //Move to end of chunk
    ifs.ignore(len+4); //data + CRC

  //if we will be writing a png file, read and save the whole input file.
    copy(istreambuf_iterator<char>(ifs), istreambuf_iterator<char>(),back_inserter(CopyOfInput));

  if(pConv->IsLastFile() && _count>0)
    pConv->ReportNumberConverted(_count); //report the number of chemical objects
    pConv->SetOutFormat(this); //so that number of files is reported as "PNG_files"

  return true;
文件: gaexpr.c 项目: cjg/grads
gaint gagchk (struct gagrid *pgr1, struct gagrid *pgr2, gaint dim) {
gadouble gmin1,gmax1,gmin2,gmax2,fuz1,fuz2,fuzz;
gadouble (*conv1) (gadouble *, gadouble);
gadouble (*conv2) (gadouble *, gadouble);
gadouble *vals1, *vals2;
gaint i1,i2,i,siz1,siz2;
struct dt dtim1,dtim2;

  if (dim<0) return(0);

  if (dim==pgr1->idim) {
    conv1 = pgr1->igrab;
    vals1 = pgr1->ivals;
    i1 = pgr1->ilinr;
    siz1 = pgr1->isiz;
  } else if (dim==pgr1->jdim) {
    conv1 = pgr1->jgrab;
    vals1 = pgr1->jvals;
    i1 = pgr1->jlinr;
    siz1 = pgr1->jsiz;
  } else return (1);

  if (dim==pgr2->idim) {
    conv2 = pgr2->igrab;
    vals2 = pgr2->ivals;
    i2 = pgr2->ilinr;
    siz2 = pgr2->isiz;
  } else if (dim==pgr2->jdim) {
    conv2 = pgr2->jgrab;
    vals2 = pgr2->jvals;
    i2 = pgr2->jlinr;
    siz2 = pgr2->jsiz;
  } else return (1);

  if (siz1 != siz2) return(1);
  gmin1 = pgr1->dimmin[dim];
  gmax1 = pgr1->dimmax[dim];
  gmin2 = pgr2->dimmin[dim];
  gmax2 = pgr2->dimmax[dim];

  if (dim==3) {                         /* Dimension is time.      */
    gr2t (vals1, gmin1, &dtim1);
    gr2t (vals2, gmin2, &dtim2);
    if (dtim1.yr != dtim2.yr) return (1);
    if (dtim1.mo != dtim2.mo) return (1);
    if (dtim1.dy != dtim2.dy) return (1);
    if (dtim1.hr != dtim2.hr) return (1);
    if (dtim1.mn != dtim2.mn) return (1);
    gr2t (vals1, gmax1, &dtim1);
    gr2t (vals2, gmax2, &dtim2);
    if (dtim1.yr != dtim2.yr) return (1);
    if (dtim1.mo != dtim2.mo) return (1);
    if (dtim1.dy != dtim2.dy) return (1);
    if (dtim1.hr != dtim2.hr) return (1);
    if (dtim1.mn != dtim2.mn) return (1);
    return (0);

  /* Check endpoints.  If unequal, then automatic no match.        */

  if ( fabs((conv1(vals1,gmin1)) - (conv2(vals2,gmin2))) > fuzz ) return (1);
  if ( fabs((conv1(vals1,gmax1)) - (conv2(vals2,gmax2))) > fuzz ) return (1);
  if (i1!=i2) return (1);
  if (i1) return (0);                   /* If linear then matches  */

  /* Nonlinear, but endpoints match.  Check every grid point for a
     match.  If any non-matches, then not a match.     */

  for (i=0; i<siz1; i++) {
    if (fabs((conv1(vals1,gmin1+(gadouble)i)) - (conv2(vals2,gmin2+(gadouble)i))) > fuzz ) {
      return (1);

  return (0);
IplImage* getStroke(const char *filename)
	// 加载原图    
	IplImage *pStrokeImage = cvLoadImage(filename, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
	Image gray(pStrokeImage);
	//Sobel算子 边缘检测
	for (int i = 0; i < gray.getH() - 2; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < gray.getW() - 2; j++)
			int cx = (2 * gray[i + 2][j + 1] + gray[i + 2][j] + gray[i + 2][j + 2])
				- (2 * gray[i][j + 1] + gray[i][j] + gray[i][j + 2]);
			int cy = (2 * gray[i + 1][j + 2] + gray[i][j + 2] + gray[i + 2][j + 2])
				- (2 * gray[i + 1][j] + gray[i][j] + gray[i + 2][j]);

			/*梯度算子 边缘检测
			cx = gray[i+1][j] - gray[i][j];
			cy = gray[i][j+1] - gray[i][j];
			gray[i][j] = sqrt(cx*cx + cy*cy);
	Mat sobel;
	Mat(pStrokeImage).convertTo(sobel, CV_32FC1);
	sobel /= 256;

	int dirNum = 8;
	int sz = 5;
	int len = sz * 2 + 1;
	Mat L(len, len, CV_32FC1, Scalar::all(0));
	for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) L.at<float>(sz, i) = 1.0/len;

	Mat *l = new Mat[dirNum];
	Mat *G = new Mat[dirNum];
	for (int i = 0; i < dirNum; i++)
		l[i] = rotateImage(L, i * 180.0 / dirNum);
		conv2(sobel, l[i], G[i]);

	Mat *C = new Mat[dirNum];
	for (int i = 0; i < dirNum; i++)
		C[i] = Mat(gray.getH(), gray.getW(), CV_32FC1, Scalar::all(0));

	for (int i = 0; i < gray.getH(); i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < gray.getW(); j++) {
			int key = 0;
			for (int k = 1; k < dirNum; k++)
				if (G[key].at<float>(i, j) < G[k].at<float>(i, j))
					key = k;
			C[key].at<float>(i, j) = sobel.at<float>(i, j);

	Mat temp;
	Mat S(gray.getH(), gray.getW(), CV_32FC1, Scalar::all(0));
	for (int i = 0; i < dirNum; i++) {
		conv2(C[i], l[i], temp);
		S += temp;
	float Max = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < S.rows; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < S.cols; j++) Max = max(Max, S.at<float>(i, j));
	S = (1 - S / Max) * 240;

	for (int i = 0; i < S.rows; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < S.cols; j++) gray[i][j] = S.at<float>(i, j);
	return pStrokeImage;
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void mlhoee_spyr(double *I , double *H, int ny , int nx  , int nH , int dimcolor , struct opts options  )
	double *spyr = options.spyr , *norma = options.norma  , *kernelx = options.kernelx , *kernely = options.kernely;
	double min_bin , max_bin , diff_bin ;
	double bin_size , center_offset , mini_b , f , absf;
	double clamp = options.clamp , temp , scaley , scalex, angle , mag , tempsx , tempsy  , ratiox , ratioy  , maxfactor = 0.0  , ratio;

	int i , j , p , l , x , y , o , q , v ;
	int kyy = options.kyy , kxy = options.kxy , kyx = options.kyx , kxx = options.kxx , bndori = options.bndori;
	int nspyr = options.nspyr , nori = options.nori  , norm = options.norm , nori2 = nori - 1 , interpolate = options.interpolate;
	int by , bx , ly , lx, pady , padx , nypad , nxpad , nypadnxpad , nynew , nxnew , nynxnew ,  nx1, ny1 , ny1nx1 , nygrady , nxgrady , nygradx , nxgradx; 	
	int indjx , indjy , indjm , indi , indj , index , indexo , indexp  , indtmpx , indtmpy , bin , nhd_bin;
	int deltay, deltax, sy , sx, origy, origx , offsety , offsetx , offy , offx , extraoy , extraox , offye , offxe, x0 , y0 , x1 , y1;

	int offyx , eyx , offxx , exx , offyy , eyy , offxy , exy , sf;
	int nynx = ny*nx , norinH = nori*nH , vnynx , vnorinH;

	double *Ipaded;
	double *grady , *gradx  , *R , *m  , *sat , *cell;

	if(bndori == 0)
		min_bin  = -PI/2;
		max_bin  = PI/2;		    
		min_bin = -PI;
		max_bin = PI;

	diff_bin      = (max_bin - min_bin);
    bin_size      = diff_bin/nori;
	center_offset = bin_size*0.5;
	mini_b        = min_bin+center_offset;

	for (p = 0 ; p < nspyr ; p++)
		maxfactor   = max(maxfactor , spyr[p + 0]*spyr[p + nspyr]);

    by          = (int) ceil(ny*norma[0]);
	bx          = (int) ceil(nx*norma[1]);

    nynew       = ((int) ceil(ny/(double)by))*by;
    nxnew       = ((int) ceil(nx/(double)bx))*bx;

	nynxnew     = nynew*nxnew;

	ratioy      = (nynew - ny)/2.0;
	offy        = (int) floor(ratioy);
	extraoy     = (int) ceil((ratioy - offy)/2.0);
	offye       = offy + extraoy;

	ratiox      = (nxnew - nx)/2.0;
	offx        = (int) floor(ratiox);
	extraox     = (int) ceil((ratiox - offx)/2.0);
	offxe       = offx + extraox;

	pady        = max(1  , max(offy , max(kyx , kyy)));
    padx        = max(1  , max(offx , max(kxx , kxy)));

	pady        = max(1  , max(offye , max(kyx , kyy)));
    padx        = max(1  , max(offxe , max(kxx , kxy)));

	nypad       = ny + 2*pady;
	nxpad       = nx + 2*padx;
	nypadnxpad  = nypad*nxpad; 

	offyx       = (int) (floor((kyx + 1)/2));
	eyx         = 2*offyx - kyx;

	offxx       = (int) (floor((kxx + 1)/2));
	exx         = 2*offxx - kxx;

	offyy       = (int) (floor((kyy + 1)/2));
	eyy         = 2*offyy - kyy;

	offxy       = (int) (floor((kxy + 1)/2));
	exy         = 2*offxy - kxy;

	Ipaded      = (double *)malloc(nypadnxpad*sizeof(double));

    nygrady     = nypad + kyy - 1;
	nxgrady     = nxpad + kxy - 1;
	nygradx     = nypad + kyx - 1;
	nxgradx     = nxpad + kxx - 1;

	grady       = (double *)malloc(nygrady*nxgrady*sizeof(double));
	gradx       = (double *)malloc(nygradx*nxgradx*sizeof(double));

	R           = (double *)malloc(nynxnew*nori*sizeof(double));
	m           = (double *)malloc(nynxnew*sizeof(double));

	nx1         = nxnew + 1;
	ny1         = nynew + 1;
	ny1nx1      = ny1*nx1;

	sat         = (double *)malloc(ny1nx1*sizeof(double));
	cell        = (double *)malloc(5*nH*sizeof(double));

	for (v = 0 ; v < dimcolor ; v++)
		vnynx      = v*nynx;
		vnorinH    = v*norinH;

		/* Pading */

		for(i = 0 ; i < nypadnxpad ; i++)
			Ipaded[i] = 0.0;

		padarray(I + vnynx , ny , nx , pady , padx , Ipaded);

		/* Gradient computation */

		conv2(Ipaded , kernely , nypad , nxpad , kyy , kxy , nygrady , nygrady , grady);
		conv2(Ipaded , kernelx , nypad , nxpad , kyx , kxx , nygradx , nxgradx , gradx);
		indtmpx     = max(0,padx + offxx - exx - offxe); 
		indtmpy     = max(0,pady + offxy - exy - offxe);

		indtmpx     = padx + offxx - exx - offxe; 
		indtmpy     = pady + offxy - exy - offxe;

		indtmpx     = max(0,padx + offxx - exx - offxe); 
		indtmpy     = max(0,padx + offxy - exy - offxe);

		for (i = 0 ; i < nynxnew*nori ; i++)
			R[i] = 0.0;

		if(bndori == 0)
			for(j = 0  ; j < nxnew  ; j++)
				indjx                         = pady + offyx - eyx - offye  + (j + indtmpx)*nygradx;
				indjy                         = pady + offyy - eyy - offye  + (j + indtmpy)*nygrady;
				indjm                         = j*nynew;

				for(i = 0 ; i < nynew ; i++)
					tempsx                       = gradx[i + indjx];
					tempsy                       = grady[i + indjy];

					angle                        = atan(tempsy/(tempsx + verytiny));  
					mag                          = sqrt((tempsx*tempsx) + (tempsy*tempsy)); 

					bin                          = min(nori2 , max(0 , (int)floor(nori*(angle - min_bin)/diff_bin)));


						f                              = (angle - (mini_b + bin*bin_size))/bin_size;
						absf                           = fabs(f);
						sf                             = sign(f);
						nhd_bin                        = mymod(bin + sf  , nori2);
						R[i + indjm + bin*nynxnew]     = mag*(1.0 - absf);
						R[i + indjm + nhd_bin*nynxnew] = mag*absf;

						R[i + indjm + bin*nynxnew]   = mag;

					m[i + indjm]                 = mag; 

			for(j = 0  ; j < nxnew  ; j++)
				indjx                         = pady + offyx - eyx - offye  + (j + indtmpx)*nygradx;
				indjy                         = pady + offyy - eyy - offye + (j + indtmpy)*nygrady;
				indjm                         = j*nynew;

				for(i = 0 ; i < nynew ; i++)
					tempsx                       = gradx[i + indjx];
					tempsy                       = grady[i + indjy];

					angle                        = atan2(-tempsy , -(tempsx + verytiny));  
					mag                          = sqrt((tempsx*tempsx) + (tempsy*tempsy)); 

					bin                          = min(nori2 , max(0 , (int)floor(nori*(angle - min_bin)/diff_bin)));

						f                              = (angle - (mini_b + bin*bin_size))/bin_size;
						absf                           = fabs(f);
						sf                             = sign(f);
						nhd_bin                        = mymod(bin + sf  , nori2);
						R[i + indjm + bin*nynxnew]     = mag*(1.0 - absf);
						R[i + indjm + nhd_bin*nynxnew] = mag*absf;

						R[i + indjm + bin*nynxnew]   = mag;

					m[i + indjm]                 = mag; 


		/* L1 block-normalization via the Integral Image*/

		for(i = 0 ; i < ny1nx1 ; i++)
			sat[i]   = 0.0;

		for (j=1 ; j < nx1; j++)
			indj  =  j*ny1;
			index =  indj - ny1;
			indi  =  (j-1)*nynew;
			for (i = 1 ; i < ny1 ; i++)
				sat[i + indj] = sat[i-1 + indj] + sat[i + index] - sat[(i-1) + index] + m[(i-1) + indi]; 

		for(l = 0 ; l < (nxnew/bx)  ; l++)
			x  = l*bx;
			for(p = 0 ; p < (nynew/by)  ; p++)
				y     = p*by;
				x1    = x + bx;
				y1    = y + by;

				temp  = (sat[y1 + x1*ny1] - (sat[y1 + x*ny1] + sat[y + x1*ny1]) + sat[y + x*ny1]);
				if(temp != 0.0)
					temp  = 1.0/temp; 
					temp = 1.0;
				for (o = 0 ; o < nori ; o++)
					index = o*nynxnew;
					for(i = x ; i < x + bx ; i++)
						indi = i*nynew + index;
						for(j = y ; j < y + by ; j++)
							R[j + indi] *= temp;

		/*---- Orientation block definitions ----  */

		index          = 0;
		for (p = 0 ; p < nspyr ; p++)
			scaley      = (spyr[p + nspyr*2]);
			ly          = (int) ( (1 - spyr[p + 0])/scaley + 1);
			deltay      = (int) (ny*scaley);
			sy          = (int) (ny*spyr[p + 0]);
			offsety     = max(0 , (int) ( floor(ny - ( (ly-1)*deltay + sy + 1)) ));

			scalex      = (spyr[p + nspyr*3]);
			lx          = (int) ( (1 - spyr[p + nspyr*1])/scalex + 1);
			deltax      = (int) (nx*scalex);
			sx          = (int) (nx*spyr[p + nspyr*1]);
			offsetx     = max(0 , (int) ( floor(nx - ( (lx-1)*deltax + sx + 1)) ));

			ratio       = maxfactor/(spyr[p + 0]*spyr[p + nspyr]);

			for(l = 0 ; l < lx ; l++) /* Loop shift on x-axis */
				origx  = offsetx + l*deltax ;

				for(q = 0 ; q < ly ; q++)   /* Loop shift on y-axis  */
					origy             = offsety + q*deltay ;

					cell[0 + index]   = origy + offye;
					cell[1 + index]   = origx + offxe;
					cell[2 + index]   = origy + sy;
					cell[3 + index]   = origx + sx;
					cell[4 + index]   = ratio;
					index            += 5;


		/*---- Compute Oriented Edge Energy via the cumulated Integral Image over each orientations ----  */

		for(i = 0 ; i < ny1nx1 ; i++)
			sat[i] = 0.0;

		for (o = 0 ; o < nori ; o++)
			indexo = o*nynxnew;
			for (j = 1 + offxe; j<nx1; j++)
				indj  =  j*ny1;
				index =  indj - ny1;
				indi  = (j-1)*nynew;

				for (i = 1 + offye ; i<ny1; i++)
					sat[i + indj] = sat[i-1 + indj] + sat[i + index] - sat[(i-1) + index] + R[(i-1) + indi + indexo]; 

			index  = 0;
			indexp = o*nH + vnorinH; 

			for (j=0 ; j < nH ; j++)
				y0                     = (int) cell[0 + index];
				x0                     = (int) cell[1 + index];
				y1                     = (int) cell[2 + index];
				x1                     = (int) cell[3 + index];

				H[j + indexp]          = (sat[y1 + x1*ny1] - (sat[y1 + x0*ny1] + sat[y0 + x1*ny1]) + sat[y0 + x0*ny1])*cell[4 + index];
				index                 += 5;

		/*---- Normalization ----  */

		if(norm == 1) /* L1-norm */
			for(j = 0 ; j < nH ; j++)
				indj  = j*nori + vnorinH;
				temp  = 0.0;
				for(i = indj ; i < (nori+indj); i++)
					temp   += H[i];

				temp  = 1.0/(temp + tiny);

				for(i = indj ; i < (nori+indj); i++)
					H[i]  *= temp;

		if(norm == 2)  /* L2-norm */
			for(j = 0 ; j < nH ; j++)
				indj  = j*nori + vnorinH;
				temp  = 0.0;

				for(i = indj ; i < (nori+indj); i++)
					temp   += (H[i]*H[i]);

				temp  = 1.0/sqrt(temp + verytiny);
				for(i = indj ; i < (nori+indj); i++)
					H[i]  *= temp;

		if(norm == 3)  /* L1-sqrt */
			for(j = 0 ; j < nH ; j++)
				indj  = j*nori + vnorinH;
				temp  = 0.0;

				for(i = indj ; i < (nori+indj); i++)
					temp   += H[i];

				temp  = 1.0/(temp + tiny);
				for(i = indj ; i < (nori+indj); i++)
					H[i]  = sqrt(H[i]*temp);

		if(norm == 4)  /* L2-clamped */
			for(j = 0 ; j < nH ; j++)
				indj  = j*nori + vnorinH;
				temp  = 0.0;
				for(i = indj ; i < (nori+indj); i++)
					temp   += (H[i]*H[i]);
				temp  = 1.0/sqrt(temp + verytiny);
				for(i = indj ; i < (nori+indj); i++)
					H[i]  *= temp;

					if(H[i] > clamp)
						H[i] = clamp;
				temp  = 0.0;
				for(i = indj ; i < (nori+indj); i++)
					temp   += (H[i]*H[i]);

				temp  = 1.0/sqrt(temp + verytiny);
				for(i = indj ; i < (nori+indj); i++)
					H[i]  *= temp;