 * e_book_backend_db_cache_add_contact:
 * @db: DB Handle
 * @contact: an #EContact
 * Adds @contact to @cache.
 * Returns: %TRUE if the contact was cached successfully, %FALSE otherwise.
e_book_backend_db_cache_add_contact (DB *db,
				     EContact *contact)
	DBT	uid_dbt, vcard_dbt;
	gint	db_error;
	gchar	*vcard_str;
	const gchar *uid;

	uid = e_contact_get_const (contact, E_CONTACT_UID);
	if (!uid) {
		printf ("no uid\n");
		printf("name:%s, email:%s\n",
			(gchar *)e_contact_get (contact, E_CONTACT_GIVEN_NAME),
			(gchar *)e_contact_get (contact, E_CONTACT_EMAIL_1));
		return FALSE;
	string_to_dbt (uid, &uid_dbt);

	vcard_str = e_vcard_to_string (E_VCARD (contact), EVC_FORMAT_VCARD_30);
	string_to_dbt (vcard_str, &vcard_dbt);

	/* db_error = db->del (db, NULL, &uid_dbt, 0); */
	db_error = db->put (db, NULL, &uid_dbt, &vcard_dbt, 0);

	g_free (vcard_str);

	if (db_error != 0) {
		g_warning ("db->put failed with %d", db_error);
		return FALSE;
		return TRUE;
static gboolean
fill_book_client (EBookClient *book_client,
                  GSList **uids)
	EContact *contact;

	g_return_val_if_fail (book_client != NULL, FALSE);
	g_return_val_if_fail (uids != NULL, FALSE);

	*uids = NULL;

	if (!add_contact_from_test_case_verify (book_client, "simple-1", &contact))
		return FALSE;

	*uids = g_slist_append (*uids, e_contact_get (contact, E_CONTACT_UID));
	g_object_unref (contact);

	if (!add_contact_from_test_case_verify (book_client, "simple-2", &contact))
		return FALSE;

	*uids = g_slist_append (*uids, e_contact_get (contact, E_CONTACT_UID));
	g_object_unref (contact);

	return TRUE;
static void
eds_receive_contacts_cb (EBook         *book,
			 EBookStatus    status,
			 GList         *contacts,
			 gpointer       user_data)
	GtkTreeIter        iter;
	GList             *l;
	GtkListStore      *model;
	PlannerPlugin     *plugin;
	PlannerPluginPriv *priv;
	GdkPixbuf         *pixbuf;
	AsyncQuery        *async_query;
	const gchar       *uid;
	gchar             *filename;

	async_query = (AsyncQuery *) user_data;

	uid = async_query->uid;
	plugin = async_query->plugin;
	priv = plugin->priv;
	model = GTK_LIST_STORE (priv->resources_model);

	g_free (async_query);

	if (eds_query_cancelled (plugin, uid)) {
		g_message ("Answer for query cancelled: %s", uid);

	g_message ("Book status response: %d", status);
	g_message ("Answer for the query: %s", uid);

	/* Exceed limit is E_BOOK_ERROR_OTHER_ERROR :( */
	if (status == E_BOOK_ERROR_OK || status == E_BOOK_ERROR_OTHER_ERROR) {
		filename = mrp_paths_get_image_dir ("/resources.png");
		pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (filename, NULL);
		g_free (filename);
		for (l = contacts; l; l = l->next) {
			gchar *name, *email;
			name = e_contact_get (l->data, E_CONTACT_FULL_NAME);
			g_message ("Resource name: %s\n", name);
			email = e_contact_get (l->data, E_CONTACT_EMAIL_1);
			gtk_list_store_append (model, &iter);
			gtk_list_store_set (model, &iter,
					    COL_RESOURCE_NAME, name,
					    COL_RESOURCE_EMAIL, email,
					    COL_RESOURCE_PHOTO, pixbuf,
					    COL_RESOURCE_OBJECT, l->data, -1);
	} else {
		g_warning ("Problem getting contacts ...");

	eds_plugin_busy (plugin, FALSE);
/* retrieve a list of contacts from the address book */
static int
addrbook_libebook_retrieve(ship_list_t *list)
	int ret = -1;
	contact_t *ct = 0;
	GError *error = 0;
	GList *contacts = 0, *loop;
	EBookQuery *query = 0;

	ASSERT_TRUE(query = e_book_query_any_field_contains(""), err);
	ASSERT_TRUE(e_book_get_contacts(book, query, &contacts, &error), err);
	ASSERT_ZERO(error, err);

	for (loop = contacts; loop; loop = g_list_next(loop)) {
		EContact *c = loop->data;
		char *name = 0;
		name = e_contact_get(c, E_CONTACT_OSSO_CONTACT_STATE);
		if (!name || strcmp(name, "DELETED")) {
			char **arrs = 0;

			ASSERT_TRUE(ct = ident_contact_new(), cerr);
			ASSERT_TRUE(ct->name = e_contact_get(c, E_CONTACT_FULL_NAME), cerr);
			ASSERT_TRUE(arrs = e_contact_get(c, E_CONTACT_SIP), cerr);
			ASSERT_TRUE(ct->sip_aor = addrbook_normalize_aor(arrs[0]), cerr);
			/* apparently arrs doesn't need to be free'd afterwards */
			g_list_foreach((GList*)arrs, (GFunc)g_free, NULL);
			ship_list_add(list, ct);
			ct = 0;
		if (name)
	ret = 0;
	if (contacts) {
	if (query) {

	if (error) {
		LOG_ERROR("Error getting contacts: %s\n", error->message);

	return ret;
static gboolean
bbdb_merge_buddy_to_contact (EBook *book, GaimBuddy *b, EContact *c)
	EContactField field;
	GList *ims, *l;
	gboolean dirty = FALSE;

	EContactPhoto *photo = NULL;

	GError *error = NULL;

	/* Set the IM account */
	field = proto_to_contact_field (b->proto);
	ims = e_contact_get (c, field);
	if (! im_list_contains_buddy (ims, b)) {
		ims = g_list_append (ims, (gpointer) b->account_name);
		e_contact_set (c, field, (gpointer) ims);
		dirty = TRUE;

        /* Set the photo if it's not set */
	if (b->icon != NULL) {
		photo = e_contact_get (c, E_CONTACT_PHOTO);
		if (photo == NULL) {
			gchar *contents = NULL;

			photo = g_new0 (EContactPhoto, 1);

			if (! g_file_get_contents (b->icon, &contents, &photo->data.inlined.length, &error)) {
				g_warning ("bbdb: Could not read buddy icon: %s\n", error->message);
				g_error_free (error);
				for (l = ims; l != NULL; l = l->next)
					g_free ((char *) l->data);
				g_list_free (ims);
				return dirty;

			photo->data.inlined.data = (unsigned char *)contents;
			e_contact_set (c, E_CONTACT_PHOTO, (gpointer) photo);
			dirty = TRUE;

	/* Clean up */
	if (photo != NULL)
		e_contact_photo_free (photo);

	for (l = ims; l != NULL; l = l->next)
		g_free ((char *) l->data);
	g_list_free (ims);

	return dirty;
static void
eds_ok_button_clicked (GtkButton     *button,
		       PlannerPlugin *plugin)
	GtkTreeIter        iter;
	PlannerPluginPriv *priv = plugin->priv;
	GList             *resources_orig;

	/* We are going to modify the resources. Work with a copy */
	resources_orig = mrp_project_get_resources (plugin->priv->project);

	if (!priv->resources_model) {
		eds_dialog_close (plugin);

	gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (priv->resources_model, &iter);

	if (!gtk_list_store_iter_is_valid (GTK_LIST_STORE (priv->resources_model),
					   &iter)) {
		eds_dialog_close (plugin);

	/* Custom property for e-d-s resource UID */
	if (!mrp_project_has_property (plugin->priv->project,
				       MRP_TYPE_RESOURCE, "eds-uid")) {
		eds_create_uid_property (plugin);

	do {
		EContact *contact;
		gboolean  selected;

		gtk_tree_model_get (priv->resources_model, &iter,
				    COL_RESOURCE_SELECTED, &selected,
				    COL_RESOURCE_OBJECT, &contact,

		if (selected) {
			gchar *name = e_contact_get (contact, E_CONTACT_FULL_NAME);
			gchar *email = e_contact_get (contact, E_CONTACT_EMAIL_1);
			gchar *eds_uid = e_contact_get (contact, E_CONTACT_UID);
			eds_import_resource (name, email, eds_uid, plugin, resources_orig);
			g_free (name);
			g_free (email);
			g_free (eds_uid);
	} while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next (priv->resources_model, &iter));

	eds_dialog_close (plugin);
eab_contact_compare_email (EContact *contact1,
                           EContact *contact2)
	GList *contact1_email, *contact2_email;
	GList *i1, *i2;

	g_return_val_if_fail (contact1 && E_IS_CONTACT (contact1), EAB_CONTACT_MATCH_NOT_APPLICABLE);
	g_return_val_if_fail (contact2 && E_IS_CONTACT (contact2), EAB_CONTACT_MATCH_NOT_APPLICABLE);

	contact1_email = e_contact_get (contact1, E_CONTACT_EMAIL);
	contact2_email = e_contact_get (contact2, E_CONTACT_EMAIL);

	if (contact1_email == NULL || contact2_email == NULL) {
		g_list_foreach (contact1_email, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
		g_list_free (contact1_email);

		g_list_foreach (contact2_email, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
		g_list_free (contact2_email);

	i1 = contact1_email;

	/* Do pairwise-comparisons on all of the e-mail addresses.  If
	 * we find an exact match, there is no reason to keep
	 * checking. */
	while (i1 && match != EAB_CONTACT_MATCH_EXACT) {
		gchar *addr1 = (gchar *) i1->data;

		i2 = contact2_email;
		while (i2 && match != EAB_CONTACT_MATCH_EXACT) {
			gchar *addr2 = (gchar *) i2->data;

			match = combine_comparisons (match, compare_email_addresses (addr1, addr2));

			i2 = i2->next;

		i1 = i1->next;

	g_list_foreach (contact1_email, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
	g_list_free (contact1_email);

	g_list_foreach (contact2_email, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
	g_list_free (contact2_email);

	return match;
static gboolean
compare_im (EContact *contact,
            const gchar *str,
            gchar * (*compare) (const gchar *,
                                const gchar *),
            EContactField im_field)
	GList    *aims, *l;
	gboolean  found_it = FALSE;

	aims = e_contact_get (contact, im_field);

	for (l = aims; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
		gchar *im = (gchar *) l->data;

		if (im && compare (im, str)) {
			found_it = TRUE;

	g_list_foreach (aims, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
	g_list_free (aims);

	return found_it;
static void eds_contacts_added_cb(EBookView *view, const GList *contacts, gpointer data)
  const GList *walk;
  GList **address_list = (GList**) data;

  for(walk = contacts; walk; walk = walk->next) {
    const char *name;
    GList *email_list, *email_entry;
    EContact *contact = walk->data;


    name = e_contact_get_const(contact, E_CONTACT_FULL_NAME);
    email_list = e_contact_get(contact, E_CONTACT_EMAIL);
    for(email_entry = email_list; email_entry; email_entry = email_entry->next) {
      address_entry *ae;
      const char *email_address = email_entry->data;

      ae = g_new0(address_entry, 1);
      ae->name = g_strdup(name);
      ae->address = g_strdup(email_address);
      ae->grp_emails = NULL;
      *address_list = g_list_prepend(*address_list, ae);

      addr_compl_add_address1(name, ae);
      if(email_address && *email_address != '\0')
        addr_compl_add_address1(email_address, ae);
static gchar *
make_string_from_list (EContact *contact,
                       EContactField field)
	GList *values, *l;
	GString *string;

	string = g_string_new ("<span size=\"x-small\">");
	values = e_contact_get (contact, field);

	for (l = values; l; l = l->next) {
		gchar *value = (gchar *) l->data;

		if (l->prev != NULL)
			g_string_append (string, ", ");

		g_string_append (string, value);

	if (!values)
		g_string_append (string, " - none - ");

	e_contact_attr_list_free (values);
	g_string_append (string, "</span>");

	return g_string_free (string, FALSE);
char *
gevo_get_email_for_buddy(PurpleBuddy *buddy)
	EContact *contact;
	char *mail = NULL;

	contact = gevo_search_buddy_in_contacts(buddy, NULL);

	if (contact != NULL)
		mail = g_strdup(e_contact_get(contact, E_CONTACT_EMAIL_1));

	if (mail == NULL)
		PurpleAccount *account = purple_buddy_get_account(buddy);
		const char *prpl_id = purple_account_get_protocol_id(account);

		if (!strcmp(prpl_id, "prpl-msn"))
			mail = g_strdup(purple_normalize(account,
		else if (!strcmp(prpl_id, "prpl-yahoo"))
			mail = g_strdup_printf("*****@*****.**",

	return mail;
/* This provokes the backend to handle a cross-referenced photo
 * between contacts, how the backend handles this is it's choice,
 * we should test that when deleting one of the contacts, the other
 * contact does not lose it's photo on disk as a result.
static void
give_james_brown_micheal_jacksons_face (EBookClient *book)
	EContact       *micheal = NULL, *james = NULL;
	EContactPhoto  *micheal_face;
	EContactPhoto  *james_face;
	GError         *error = NULL;

	if (!e_book_client_get_contact_sync (book, micheal_jackson_uid, &micheal, NULL, &error))
	  g_error ("Unable to get micheal jackson's contact information: %s", error->message);

	if (!e_book_client_get_contact_sync (book, james_brown_uid, &james, NULL, &error))
	  g_error ("Unable to get james brown's contact information: %s", error->message);

	g_assert (micheal);
	g_assert (james);

	micheal_face = e_contact_get (micheal, E_CONTACT_PHOTO);
	g_assert (micheal_face->type == E_CONTACT_PHOTO_TYPE_URI);

	james_face  = g_new (EContactPhoto, 1);
	james_face->type     = E_CONTACT_PHOTO_TYPE_URI;
	james_face->data.uri = g_strdup (micheal_face->data.uri);

	e_contact_set (james, E_CONTACT_PHOTO, james_face);

	g_print ("Giving james brown micheal jacksons face: %s\n", micheal_face->data.uri);

	if (!e_book_client_modify_contact_sync (book, james, NULL, &error))
		g_error ("Failed to modify contact with cross referenced photo: %s", error->message);
static gboolean
includes_contact (HitoGroup *group, EContact *contact)
  HitoCategoryGroupPrivate *priv;
  GList *categories, *l;
  gboolean visible = FALSE;

  g_return_val_if_fail (HITO_IS_CATEGORY_GROUP (group), FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (E_IS_CONTACT (contact), FALSE);

  priv = GET_PRIVATE (group);

  categories = e_contact_get (contact, E_CONTACT_CATEGORY_LIST);
  for (l = categories; l ; l = l->next) {
    /* TODO: strmp? or funky decomposition compare? */
    if (strcmp (priv->name, l->data) == 0) {
      visible = TRUE;
  g_list_foreach (categories, (GFunc)g_free, NULL);
  g_list_free (categories);

  return visible;
static void
add_contact_inline (EBookClient *book)
	EContact *contact;
	EContactPhoto *photo;
	guchar *data;
	gsize length = 0;

	contact = e_contact_new ();

	data = g_base64_decode (photo_data, &length);

	photo = g_new (EContactPhoto, 1);
	photo->data.inlined.mime_type = NULL;
	photo->data.inlined.data = data;
	photo->data.inlined.length = length;

	/* set the photo */
	e_contact_set (contact, E_CONTACT_PHOTO, photo);
	e_contact_set (contact, E_CONTACT_FULL_NAME, "Micheal Jackson");

	if (!add_contact_verify  (book, contact))
		g_error ("Failed to add contact");

	micheal_jackson_uid = e_contact_get (contact, E_CONTACT_UID);
static void
test_remove_contact_sync (ETestServerFixture *fixture,
                          gconstpointer user_data)
	EBookClient *book_client;
	GError *error = NULL;
	EContact *contact = NULL;
	gchar *uid;

	book_client = E_TEST_SERVER_UTILS_SERVICE (fixture, EBookClient);

	if (!add_contact_from_test_case_verify (book_client, "simple-1", &contact))
		g_error ("Failed to add contact");

	uid = e_contact_get (contact, E_CONTACT_UID);

	if (!e_book_client_remove_contact_sync (book_client, contact, NULL, &error))
		g_error ("remove contact sync: %s", error->message);

	g_object_unref (contact);

	check_removed_contact (book_client, uid);

	g_free (uid);
static gint
add_record (GnomePilotConduitSyncAbs *conduit,
	    GnomePilotRecord *remote,
	    EAddrConduitContext *ctxt)
	EContact *contact;
	int retval = 0;

	g_return_val_if_fail (remote != NULL, -1);

	LOG (g_message ( "add_record: adding %s to desktop\n", print_remote (remote) ));

	contact = ecard_from_remote_record (ctxt, remote, NULL);

	/* add the ecard to the server */
	if (!e_book_add_contact (ctxt->ebook, contact, NULL)) {
		WARN ("add_record: failed to add card to ebook\n");
		g_object_unref (contact);

		return -1;

	e_pilot_map_insert (ctxt->map, remote->ID, e_contact_get (contact, E_CONTACT_UID), FALSE);

	g_object_unref (contact);

	return retval;
static gboolean
compare_category (EContact *contact,
                  const gchar *str,
                  const gchar *region,
                  CompareFunc compare)
	GList *categories;
	GList *iterator;
	gboolean ret_val = FALSE;

	categories = e_contact_get (contact, E_CONTACT_CATEGORY_LIST);

	for (iterator = categories; iterator; iterator = iterator->next) {
		const gchar *category = iterator->data;

		if (compare (category, str, region)) {
			ret_val = TRUE;

	g_list_foreach (categories, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
	g_list_free (categories);

	return ret_val;
static gboolean
compare_im (EContact *contact,
            const gchar *str,
            const gchar *region,
            CompareFunc compare,
            EContactField im_field)
	GList    *aims, *l;
	gboolean  found_it = FALSE;

	aims = e_contact_get (contact, im_field);

	for (l = aims; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
		gchar *im = (gchar *) l->data;

		if (im && compare (im, str, region)) {
			found_it = TRUE;

	e_contact_attr_list_free (aims);

	return found_it;
static void
test_remove_contact_async (ETestServerFixture *fixture,
                           gconstpointer user_data)
	EBookClient *book_client;
	EContact *contact = NULL;
	gchar *uid;
	RemoveData data;

	book_client = E_TEST_SERVER_UTILS_SERVICE (fixture, EBookClient);

	if (!add_contact_from_test_case_verify (book_client, "simple-1", &contact))
		g_error ("Failed to add contact");

	uid = e_contact_get (contact, E_CONTACT_UID);

	data.uid = uid;
	data.loop = fixture->loop;
	e_book_client_remove_contact (book_client, contact, NULL, remove_contact_cb, &data);

	g_object_unref (contact);

	g_main_loop_run (fixture->loop);
	g_free (uid);
static gboolean
compare_address (EContact *contact,
                 const gchar *str,
                 const gchar *region,
                 CompareFunc compare)

	gint i;
	gboolean rv = FALSE;

		EContactAddress *address = e_contact_get (contact, i);
		if (address) {
			rv = (address->po && compare (address->po, str, region)) ||
				(address->street && compare (address->street, str, region)) ||
				(address->ext && compare (address->ext, str, region)) ||
				(address->locality && compare (address->locality, str, region)) ||
				(address->region && compare (address->region, str, region)) ||
				(address->code && compare (address->code, str, region)) ||
				(address->country && compare (address->country, str, region));

			e_contact_address_free (address);

			if (rv)

	return rv;

static gint
replace_record (GnomePilotConduitSyncAbs *conduit,
		EAddrLocalRecord *local,
		GnomePilotRecord *remote,
		EAddrConduitContext *ctxt)
	EContact *new_contact;
	EBookChange *ebc;
	char *old_id;
	int retval = 0;

	g_return_val_if_fail (remote != NULL, -1);

	LOG (g_message ("replace_record: replace %s with %s\n",
	     print_local (local), print_remote (remote)));

	old_id = e_contact_get (local->contact, E_CONTACT_UID);
	ebc = g_hash_table_lookup (ctxt->changed_hash, old_id);

	new_contact = ecard_from_remote_record (ctxt, remote, local->contact);
	g_object_unref (local->contact);
	local->contact = new_contact;

	if (ebc && ebc->change_type == E_BOOK_CHANGE_CARD_DELETED) {
		if (!e_book_add_contact (ctxt->ebook, local->contact, NULL)) {
			WARN (G_STRLOC ": failed to add card\n");

			return -1;

	} else {
		if (!e_book_commit_contact (ctxt->ebook, local->contact, NULL)) {
			WARN (G_STRLOC ": failed to commit card\n");

			return -1;

	/* Adding a record causes wombat to assign a new uid so we must tidy */
	if (ebc && ebc->change_type == E_BOOK_CHANGE_CARD_DELETED) {
		const char *uid = e_contact_get_const (local->contact, E_CONTACT_UID);
		gboolean arch;

		arch = e_pilot_map_uid_is_archived (ctxt->map, uid);
		e_pilot_map_insert (ctxt->map, remote->ID, uid, arch);

		ebc = g_hash_table_lookup (ctxt->changed_hash, old_id);
		if (ebc) {
			g_hash_table_remove (ctxt->changed_hash, old_id);
			g_object_unref (ebc->contact);
			g_object_ref (local->contact);
			ebc->contact = local->contact;
			/* FIXME We should possibly be duplicating the uid */
			g_hash_table_insert (ctxt->changed_hash, (gpointer) uid, ebc);

	return retval;
static void
resolve_list_card (LDIFImporter *gci,
                   EContact *contact)
	GList *email, *l;
	GList *email_attrs = NULL;
	gchar *full_name;

	/* set file_as to full_name so we don't later try and figure
	 * out a first/last name for the list. */
	full_name = e_contact_get (contact, E_CONTACT_FULL_NAME);
	if (full_name)
		e_contact_set (contact, E_CONTACT_FILE_AS, full_name);
	g_free (full_name);

	/* FIMXE getting might not be implemented in ebook */
	email = e_contact_get (contact, E_CONTACT_EMAIL);
	for (l = email; l; l = l->next) {
		/* mozilla stuffs dn's in the EMAIL list for contact lists */
		gchar *dn = l->data;
		EContact *dn_contact = g_hash_table_lookup (gci->dn_contact_hash, dn);

		/* break list chains here, since we don't support them just yet */
		if (dn_contact && !e_contact_get (dn_contact, E_CONTACT_IS_LIST)) {
			EDestination *dest;
			EVCardAttribute *attr = e_vcard_attribute_new (NULL, EVC_EMAIL);

			/* Hard-wired for default e-mail, since
			 * netscape only exports 1 email address. */
			dest = e_destination_new ();
			e_destination_set_contact (dest, dn_contact, 0);

			e_destination_export_to_vcard_attribute (dest, attr);

			g_object_unref (dest);

			email_attrs = g_list_append (email_attrs, attr);
	e_contact_set_attributes (contact, E_CONTACT_EMAIL, email_attrs);

	g_list_foreach (email, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
	g_list_free (email);
	g_list_foreach (email_attrs, (GFunc) e_vcard_attribute_free, NULL);
	g_list_free (email_attrs);
/* This function returns the height of the minicontact in question */
static int
addressbook_height (EReflowModel *erm, int i, GnomeCanvasGroup *parent)
	EAddressbookReflowAdapter *adapter = E_ADDRESSBOOK_REFLOW_ADAPTER(erm);
	EAddressbookReflowAdapterPrivate *priv = adapter->priv;
	EContactField field;
	int count = 0;
	char *string;
	EContact *contact = (EContact*)eab_model_contact_at (priv->model, i);
	PangoLayout *layout = gtk_widget_create_pango_layout (GTK_WIDGET (GNOME_CANVAS_ITEM (parent)->canvas), "");
	int height;

	string = e_contact_get(contact, E_CONTACT_FILE_AS);
	height = text_height (layout, string ? string : "") + 10.0;

	for(field = E_CONTACT_FULL_NAME; field != E_CONTACT_LAST_SIMPLE_STRING && count < 5; field++) {

		if (field == E_CONTACT_FAMILY_NAME || field == E_CONTACT_GIVEN_NAME)

		string = e_contact_get(contact, field);
		if (string && *string) {
			int this_height;
			int field_text_height;

			this_height = text_height (layout, e_contact_pretty_name(field));

			field_text_height = text_height (layout, string);
			if (this_height < field_text_height)
				this_height = field_text_height;

			this_height += 3;

			height += this_height;
			count ++;
		g_free (string);
	height += 2;

	g_object_unref (layout);

	return height;
static void
print_contact (EContact *contact)
	EContactPhoto *photo = e_contact_get (contact, E_CONTACT_PHOTO);

	g_assert (photo != NULL);
	g_assert (photo->type == E_CONTACT_PHOTO_TYPE_URI);
	g_print ("Test passed with photo uri: %s\n", photo->data.uri);
static void
contact_draw (EContact *contact,
              EContactPrintContext *ctxt)
	GtkPageSetup *setup;
	gdouble page_height;
	gchar *file_as;
	gboolean new_section = FALSE;

	setup = gtk_print_context_get_page_setup (ctxt->context);
	page_height = gtk_page_setup_get_page_height (setup, GTK_UNIT_POINTS);

	file_as = e_contact_get (contact, E_CONTACT_FILE_AS);

	if (file_as != NULL) {
		gchar *section;
		gsize width;

		width = g_utf8_next_char (file_as) - file_as;
		section = g_utf8_strup (file_as, width);

		new_section = (ctxt->section == NULL ||
			g_utf8_collate (ctxt->section, section) != 0);

		if (new_section) {
			g_free (ctxt->section);
			ctxt->section = section;
		} else
			g_free (section);

	if (new_section) {
		if (!ctxt->first_contact) {
			if (ctxt->style->sections_start_new_page)
				e_contact_start_new_page (ctxt);
			else if ((ctxt->y + e_contact_get_contact_height (
					contact, ctxt)) > page_height)
				e_contact_start_new_column (ctxt);
		if (ctxt->style->letter_headings)
			e_contact_print_letter_heading (ctxt, ctxt->section);
		ctxt->first_section = FALSE;

	else if (!ctxt->first_contact && ((ctxt->y +
		e_contact_get_contact_height (contact, ctxt)) > page_height)) {
		e_contact_start_new_column (ctxt);
		if (ctxt->style->letter_headings)
			e_contact_print_letter_heading (ctxt, ctxt->section);

	e_contact_print_contact (contact, ctxt);

	ctxt->first_contact = FALSE;
static GtkWidget *
ldif_get_preview (EImport *ei,
                  EImportTarget *target,
                  EImportImporter *im)
	GtkWidget *preview;
	GSList *contacts = NULL;
	EContact *contact;
	EImportTargetURI *s = (EImportTargetURI *) target;
	gchar *filename;
	GHashTable *dn_contact_hash;
	FILE *file;

	filename = g_filename_from_uri (s->uri_src, NULL, NULL);
	if (filename == NULL) {
		g_message (G_STRLOC ": Couldn't get filename from URI '%s'", s->uri_src);
		return NULL;

	file = g_fopen(filename, "r");
	g_free (filename);

	if (file == NULL) {
		g_message (G_STRLOC ": Can't open .ldif file");
		return NULL;

	dn_contact_hash = g_hash_table_new_full (
		g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
		(GDestroyNotify) g_free,
		(GDestroyNotify) NULL);

	while (contact = getNextLDIFEntry (dn_contact_hash, file), contact != NULL) {
		if (!e_contact_get (contact, E_CONTACT_IS_LIST)) {
			add_to_notes (contact, E_CONTACT_OFFICE);
			add_to_notes (contact, E_CONTACT_SPOUSE);
			add_to_notes (contact, E_CONTACT_BLOG_URL);

		contacts = g_slist_prepend (contacts, contact);

	g_hash_table_destroy (dn_contact_hash);

	contacts = g_slist_reverse (contacts);
	preview = evolution_contact_importer_get_preview_widget (contacts);

	e_client_util_free_object_slist (contacts);
	fclose (file);

	return preview;
moko_contacts_get_photo (MokoContacts *contacts, MokoContact *m_contact)
  MokoContactsPrivate *priv;
  EContact *e_contact;
  EContactPhoto *photo;
  GError *err = NULL;
  GdkPixbufLoader *loader;
  g_return_if_fail (MOKO_IS_CONTACTS (contacts));
  g_return_if_fail (m_contact);
  priv = contacts->priv;
  if (!e_book_get_contact (priv->book, m_contact->uid, &e_contact, &err))
    g_warning ("%s\n", err->message);
    m_contact->photo = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (PKGDATADIR"/person.png", NULL);
    if (m_contact->photo)
      g_object_ref (m_contact->photo); 
  photo = e_contact_get (e_contact, E_CONTACT_PHOTO);
  if (!photo)
    m_contact->photo = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (PKGDATADIR"/person.png", NULL);
    if (m_contact->photo)
      g_object_ref (m_contact->photo);
  loader = gdk_pixbuf_loader_new ();
  gdk_pixbuf_loader_write (loader, 
  gdk_pixbuf_loader_close (loader, NULL);
  m_contact->photo = gdk_pixbuf_loader_get_pixbuf (loader);

  if (GDK_IS_PIXBUF (m_contact->photo))
    g_object_ref (m_contact->photo);
    m_contact->photo = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (PKGDATADIR"/person.png", NULL);
    if (m_contact->photo)
      g_object_ref (m_contact->photo); 

  g_object_unref (loader);
  e_contact_photo_free (photo);
eab_contact_compare (EContact *contact1,
                     EContact *contact2)
	EABContactMatchType result;

	g_return_val_if_fail (contact1 && E_IS_CONTACT (contact1), EAB_CONTACT_MATCH_NOT_APPLICABLE);
	g_return_val_if_fail (contact2 && E_IS_CONTACT (contact2), EAB_CONTACT_MATCH_NOT_APPLICABLE);

	if (!e_contact_get (contact1, E_CONTACT_IS_LIST)) {
		result = combine_comparisons (result, eab_contact_compare_name      (contact1, contact2));
		result = combine_comparisons (result, eab_contact_compare_nickname  (contact1, contact2));
		if (!e_contact_get (contact2, E_CONTACT_IS_LIST))
			result = combine_comparisons (result, eab_contact_compare_email (contact1, contact2));
		result = combine_comparisons (result, eab_contact_compare_address   (contact1, contact2));
		result = combine_comparisons (result, eab_contact_compare_telephone (contact1, contact2));
	result = combine_comparisons (result, eab_contact_compare_file_as   (contact1, contact2));

	return result;
static void
render_address_link (GString *buffer,
                     EContact *contact,
                     gint map_type)
	EContactAddress *adr;
	GString *link = g_string_new ("");

	adr = e_contact_get (contact, map_type);
	if (adr &&
	    (adr->street || adr->locality || adr->region || adr->country)) {
		gchar *escaped;

		if (adr->street && *adr->street)
			g_string_append_printf (link, "%s", adr->street);

		if (adr->locality && *adr->locality) {
			if (link->len)
				g_string_append (link, ", ");

			g_string_append_printf (link, "%s", adr->locality);

		if (adr->region && *adr->region) {
			if (link->len)
				g_string_append (link, ", ");

			g_string_append_printf (link, "%s", adr->region);

		if (adr->country && *adr->country) {
			if (link->len)
				g_string_append (link, ", ");

			g_string_append_printf (link, "%s", adr->country);

		escaped = g_uri_escape_string (link->str, NULL, TRUE);
		g_string_assign (link, escaped);
		g_free (escaped);

		g_string_prepend (link, "<a href=\"open-map:");
		g_string_append_printf (link, "\">%s</a>", _("Open map"));

	if (adr)
		e_contact_address_free (adr);

	g_string_append (buffer, link->str);
	g_string_free (link, TRUE);
static void
accum_attribute_multival (GString *buffer,
                          EContact *contact,
                          const gchar *html_label,
                          EContactField field,
                          const gchar *icon,
                          guint html_flags)
	GList *val_list, *l;
	GString *val = g_string_new ("");
	const gchar *str;
	gchar *tmp;

	val_list = e_contact_get (contact, field);

	for (l = val_list; l; l = l->next) {
		str = l->data;

		if (l != val_list)
			g_string_append (val, "<br>");

		tmp = maybe_create_url (str, html_flags);
		if (tmp)
			str = tmp;

		if ((html_flags & E_TEXT_TO_HTML_CONVERT_URLS) != 0) {
			gchar *value = e_text_to_html (str, html_flags);

			if (value && *value)
				g_string_append (val, value);

			g_free (value);
		} else {
			g_string_append (val, str);

		g_free (tmp);

	if (val->str && *val->str) {
		if ((html_flags & E_TEXT_TO_HTML_CONVERT_URLS) != 0)
			html_flags = 0;

		render_table_row (buffer, html_label, val->str, icon, html_flags);

	g_string_free (val, TRUE);
	g_list_foreach (val_list, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
	g_list_free (val_list);