static void well_state_add_LGR_connections( well_state_type * well_state , const ecl_grid_type * grid , ecl_file_type * ecl_file, int global_well_nr ) {
  // Go through all the LGRs and add connections; both in the bulk
  // grid and as wellhead.
  int num_lgr = ecl_grid_get_num_lgr( grid );
  int lgr_index;
  for (lgr_index = 0; lgr_index < num_lgr; lgr_index++) {
    ecl_file_push_block( ecl_file );                                  // <-------------------------//
    {                                                                                              //
      ecl_file_subselect_block( ecl_file , LGR_KW , lgr_index );                                      //
      {                                                                                            //  Restrict the file view
        const char * grid_name = ecl_grid_iget_lgr_name( grid , lgr_index );                          //
        int well_nr = well_state_get_lgr_well_nr( well_state , ecl_file );                         //  to one LGR block.
        if (well_nr >= 0)                                                                          //
          well_state_add_connections__( well_state , ecl_file , grid_name , lgr_index + 1, well_nr ); //
      }                                                                                            //
    }                                                                                              //
    ecl_file_pop_block( ecl_file );                                   // <-------------------------//
std::vector<int> RifEclipseUnifiedRestartFileAccess::reportNumbers()
    std::vector<int> reportNr;

    // Taken from well_info_add_UNRST_wells

    int num_blocks = ecl_file_get_num_named_kw(m_ecl_file, SEQNUM_KW);
    int block_nr;
    for (block_nr = 0; block_nr < num_blocks; block_nr++) {
        ecl_file_push_block(m_ecl_file);      // <-------------------------------------------------------
        {                                                                                               //
            ecl_file_subselect_block(m_ecl_file, SEQNUM_KW, block_nr);                                  //  Ensure that the status
            {                                                                                             //  is not changed as a side
                const ecl_kw_type * seqnum_kw = ecl_file_iget_named_kw(m_ecl_file, SEQNUM_KW, 0);          //  effect.
                int report_nr = ecl_kw_iget_int(seqnum_kw, 0);                                           //

            }                                                                                             //
        }                                                                                               //
        ecl_file_pop_block(m_ecl_file);       // <-------------------------------------------------------

    return reportNr;
void RifEclipseOutputFileTools::createReportStepsMetaData(std::vector<ecl_file_type*> ecl_files, std::vector<RifRestartReportStep>* reportSteps)
    if (!reportSteps) return;

    for (auto ecl_file : ecl_files)
        if (!ecl_file) continue;

        int reportStepCount = ecl_file_get_num_named_kw(ecl_file, INTEHEAD_KW);
        for (int reportStepIndex = 0; reportStepIndex < reportStepCount; reportStepIndex++)
            ecl_file_view_type* rst_view = ecl_file_get_global_view(ecl_file);
            if (!rst_view) continue;

            ecl_rsthead_type* restart_header = ecl_rsthead_alloc(rst_view, reportStepIndex);
            if (restart_header)

                    ecl_file_select_block(ecl_file, INTEHEAD_KW, reportStepIndex);

                    RifRestartReportStep reportStep;

                    // Set Date
                        QDateTime reportDateTime(QDate(restart_header->year, restart_header->month, restart_header->day));
                        reportStep.dateTime = reportDateTime;

                    // Find number of keywords withing this report step
                    int numKeywords = ecl_file_get_num_distinct_kw(ecl_file);
                    for (int iKey = 0; iKey < numKeywords; iKey++)
                        const char* kw = ecl_file_iget_distinct_kw(ecl_file, iKey);

                        int namedKeywordCount = ecl_file_get_num_named_kw(ecl_file, kw);
                        for (int iOcc = 0; iOcc < namedKeywordCount; iOcc++)
                            ecl_data_type dataType = ecl_file_iget_named_data_type(ecl_file, kw, iOcc);
                            ecl_type_enum dataTypeEmum = ecl_type_get_type(dataType);
                            if (dataTypeEmum != ECL_DOUBLE_TYPE && dataTypeEmum != ECL_FLOAT_TYPE && dataTypeEmum != ECL_INT_TYPE)

                            int itemCount = ecl_file_iget_named_size(ecl_file, kw, iOcc);
                            reportStep.m_keywords.appendKeyword(kw, itemCount, iOcc);


