 | expr_to_ir
struct irinfo *expr_to_ir(struct ast *subtree)
    struct irinfo *left;
    struct irinfo *right;

    /* vars for dealing with loops */
    struct flow *tflow;
    struct ast *cond;
    struct ast *thendo;
    struct ast *elsedo;
    struct ast *forinit;
    struct ast *forupdate;

    char elselabel[25]= "else";
    char thenlabel[25]= "then";
    char endlabel[25]= "end";
    char testcondlabel[25]= "test";

    struct ast *dstat;
    struct decostat_list *dlist;
    int i;
    int tmpreg;

    struct irinfo *tcresult=  emalloc(sizeof(struct irinfo));

    if(subtree == NULL)
    {   printf("received a null subtree...\n");
        return NULL;
    {   printf("DEBUG: expr_to_ir: ENTERED with NON NULL subtree...\n");

    /* figure out what type of node i'm looking at */
    printf("\texpr_to_ir called with expr type: %d\n", subtree->nodetype);

        case DECL:

        case DECOSTAT_LIST:
	   printf("found a decostat_list...\n\n\n");
	   dlist= (struct decostat_list *)subtree;
	   {   dstat= dlist->decostat;
	       printf("calling expr_to_ir from expr_to_ir\n");
	       left= expr_to_ir(dstat);
	       printf("dstat_list_element_%d\n", ++i);
	   }while( (dlist= dlist->next) != NULL);

	   tcresult->nodetype= left->nodetype;
	   tcresult->regnum= left->regnum;

	   return tcresult;

	   printf("found parenthsized expr... type of subtree->l: %d\n\n\n", subtree->l->nodetype);

	   left= expr_to_ir(subtree->l);

	   tcresult->nodetype= left->nodetype;
	   tcresult->regnum= left->regnum;

	   printf("DEBUG: PARENTHESIZED_EXPR returning tcresult nodetype %d and regnum %d\n",

	   return tcresult;

        case INTEGER_CONSTANT:
           tcresult->nodetype= RVALUE;
           tcresult->regnum= ++regnum;

           irlist= irlist_front;
           while(irlist->next != NULL)
           {   irlist= irlist->next;
           irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	   irlist->next->prev= irlist;
           irlist= irlist->next;
           irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
           irlist->ircode= LOADCONSTANT;
           irlist->oprnd1= tcresult->regnum;

	   printf("DEBUG: loading constant: %d\n", (int)(long)((struct constant *)subtree)->value);
	   irlist->oprnd2= (int)(long)((struct constant *)subtree)->value;

           return tcresult;

           tcresult->nodetype= LVALUE;
           tcresult->regnum= ++regnum;

	   printf("DEBUG: dealing with simple declarator, context clue is: %d\n", context_clue);

           irlist= irlist_front;
           while(irlist->next != NULL)
           {   irlist= irlist->next;
           irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	   irlist->next->prev= irlist;
           irlist= irlist->next;
           irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;

	   if(context_clue != 0)
	   {   irlist->ircode= LOADWORD;
	       printf("DEBUG: since context clue is %d, doing loadword...\n", context_clue);
	   {   irlist->ircode= LOADADDRESS;
	       printf("DEBUG: since context clue is %d, doing loadaddress...\n", context_clue);
           irlist->oprnd1= tcresult->regnum;
           irlist->symptr= (struct declarator *)subtree;

           return tcresult;

        case OP_ASSIGNMENT:
	   printf("DEBUG: found an OP_ASSIGNMENT...\n\n\n");
	   left= expr_to_ir(subtree->l);
	   right= expr_to_ir(subtree->r);

	   if((left->nodetype == LVALUE) && (right->nodetype == RVALUE))
	   {   irlist= irlist_front;
               while(irlist->next != NULL)
               {   irlist= irlist->next;

	       /* add node for storewordindirect */
               irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	       irlist->next->prev= irlist;
               irlist= irlist->next;
               irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
               irlist->ircode= STOREWORDINDIRECT;
               irlist->oprnd1= right->regnum;
	       irlist->oprnd2= left->regnum;
	   else if((left->nodetype == LVALUE) && (right->nodetype == LVALUE))
	   {   irlist= irlist_front;
               while(irlist->next != NULL)
               {   irlist= irlist->next;

	       /* add nodes for load/storewordindirect */
               irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	       irlist->next->prev= irlist;
               irlist= irlist->next;
               irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
               irlist->ircode= LOADWORDINDIRECT;
               irlist->oprnd1= ++regnum;
	       irlist->oprnd2= right->regnum;

               irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	       irlist->next->prev= irlist;
               irlist= irlist->next;
               irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
               irlist->ircode= STOREWORDINDIRECT;
               irlist->oprnd1=  regnum;
	       irlist->oprnd2=  left->regnum;



        case PLUS_SIGN:
	   context_clue= PLUS_SIGN;
	   printf("DEBUG: found an PLUS_SIGN...\n\n\n");
	   left= expr_to_ir(subtree->l);
	   right= expr_to_ir(subtree->r);

	   {   irlist= irlist_front;
               while(irlist->next != NULL)
               {   irlist= irlist->next;

               irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	       irlist->next->prev= irlist;
               irlist= irlist->next;
               irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
               irlist->ircode= ADD;
               irlist->oprnd1= ++regnum;
	       irlist->oprnd2= left->regnum;
               irlist->oprnd3= right->regnum;

               tcresult->nodetype= RVALUE;
               tcresult->regnum= irlist->oprnd1;

	   context_clue= 0;
	   return tcresult;

        case MINUS_SIGN:
           context_clue= MINUS_SIGN;
           printf("DEBUG: found a MINUS_SIGN...\n\n\n");
           left= expr_to_ir(subtree->l);
           right= expr_to_ir(subtree->r);

           {   irlist= irlist_front;
               while(irlist->next != NULL)
               {   irlist= irlist->next;

               irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
               irlist->next->prev= irlist;
               irlist= irlist->next;
               irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
               irlist->ircode= SUBTRACT;
               irlist->oprnd1= ++regnum;
               irlist->oprnd2= left->regnum;
               irlist->oprnd3= right->regnum;

               tcresult->nodetype= RVALUE;
               tcresult->regnum= irlist->oprnd1;

           context_clue= 0;
           return tcresult;

        case OP_REMAINDER:
	   context_clue= OP_REMAINDER;
	   printf("DEBUG: found an OP_REMAINDER...\n\n\n");
	   left= expr_to_ir(subtree->l);
	   right= expr_to_ir(subtree->r);

	   {   irlist= irlist_front;
               while(irlist->next != NULL)
               {   irlist= irlist->next;

               irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	       irlist->next->prev= irlist;
               irlist= irlist->next;
               irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
               irlist->ircode= REMAINDER;
               irlist->oprnd1= ++regnum;
	       irlist->oprnd2= left->regnum;
               irlist->oprnd3= right->regnum;

               tcresult->nodetype= RVALUE;
               tcresult->regnum= irlist->oprnd1;

	   context_clue= 0;
	   return tcresult;

	   context_clue= POSTINCREMENT_EXPR;
	   printf("DEBUG: found a POSTINCREMENT_EXPR...\n\n\n");
	   printf("\tDEBUG: subtree->l type: %d\n", subtree->l->nodetype);
	   left= expr_to_ir(subtree->l);

	   {   irlist= irlist_front;
               while(irlist->next != NULL)
               {   irlist= irlist->next;

               irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	       irlist->next->prev= irlist;
               irlist= irlist->next;
               irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
               irlist->ircode= ADD1;
	       tmpreg= ++regnum;
               irlist->oprnd1= tmpreg;
	       irlist->oprnd2= left->regnum;

               tcresult->nodetype= RVALUE;
               tcresult->regnum= irlist->oprnd1;
	       context_clue= 0;

               /* store result */
	       left= expr_to_ir(subtree->l);
               irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	       irlist->next->prev= irlist;
               irlist= irlist->next;
               irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
               irlist->ircode= STOREWORDINDIRECT;
               irlist->oprnd1= tmpreg;
	       irlist->oprnd2= left->regnum;

	   return tcresult;

	   context_clue= POSTDECREMENT_EXPR;
	   printf("DEBUG: found a POSTDECREMENT_EXPR...\n\n\n");
	   printf("\tDEBUG: subtree->l type: %d\n", subtree->l->nodetype);
	   left= expr_to_ir(subtree->l);

	   {   irlist= irlist_front;
               while(irlist->next != NULL)
               {   irlist= irlist->next;

               irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	       irlist->next->prev= irlist;
               irlist= irlist->next;
               irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
               irlist->ircode= SUB1;
	       tmpreg= ++regnum;
               irlist->oprnd1= tmpreg;
	       irlist->oprnd2= left->regnum;

               tcresult->nodetype= RVALUE;
               tcresult->regnum= irlist->oprnd1;
	       context_clue= 0;

               /* store result */
	       left= expr_to_ir(subtree->l);
               irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	       irlist->next->prev= irlist;
               irlist= irlist->next;
               irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
               irlist->ircode= STOREWORDINDIRECT;
               irlist->oprnd1= tmpreg;
	       irlist->oprnd2= left->regnum;

	   return tcresult;

        case IF_STATEMENT:
           irlist= irlist_front;
           while(irlist->next != NULL)
           {   irlist= irlist->next;

           /* retrieve if statement components
           tflow= (struct flow *)subtree;
           cond= tflow->cond;
           thendo= tflow->thendo;

	    /* print C code to IR file.
	    printf("DEBUG: cond type: %d\n", cond->nodetype);
	    printf("DEBUG: thendo type: %d\n", thendo->nodetype);
	    sprintf(&tmpstr[strlen(tmpstr)], "if(");
	    sprintf(&tmpstr[strlen(tmpstr)], ")\n");
	    fprintf(irout,tmpstr); clearstr(tmpstr);

           /* Generate necessary labels
	   sprintf(&elselabel[strlen(elselabel)], "%d", ++labelnum);
	   sprintf(&endlabel[strlen(endlabel)], "%d", ++labelnum);

           printf("\t\tDEBUG: type of condition: %d\n", cond->l->nodetype);
           printf("\t\tDEBUG: type of thendo: %d\n", thendo->nodetype);

	   /* create node for conditional statement
	   sprintf(&thenlabel[strlen(thenlabel)], "%d", labelnum);

	   /* create node for empty else block
           irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	   irlist->next->prev= irlist;
           irlist= irlist->next;
           irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
           irlist->ircode= MIPSLABEL;
           strcpy(irlist->label, elselabel);

           irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	   irlist->next->prev= irlist;
           irlist= irlist->next;
           irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
           irlist->ircode= JUMP;
           strcpy(irlist->label, endlabel);

           /* create nodes for then block */
           irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	   irlist->next->prev= irlist;
           irlist= irlist->next;
           irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
           irlist->ircode= MIPSLABEL;
           strcpy(irlist->label, thenlabel);

           /* create node for end block
           irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	   irlist->next->prev= irlist;
           irlist= irlist->next;
           irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
           irlist->ircode= MIPSLABEL;
           strcpy(irlist->label, endlabel);


        case IF_ELSE_STATEMENT:
           irlist= irlist_front;
           while(irlist->next != NULL)
           {   irlist= irlist->next;

           /* retrieve if statement components
           tflow= (struct flow *)subtree;
           cond= tflow->cond;
           thendo= tflow->thendo;
	   elsedo= tflow->elsedo;

           /* Generate necessary labels
	   sprintf(&elselabel[strlen(elselabel)], "%d", ++labelnum);
	   sprintf(&endlabel[strlen(endlabel)], "%d", ++labelnum);

           printf("\t\tDEBUG: type of condition: %d\n", cond->l->nodetype);
           printf("\t\tDEBUG: type of thendo: %d\n", thendo->nodetype);

	   /* create node for conditional statement
	   sprintf(&thenlabel[strlen(thenlabel)], "%d", labelnum);

	   /* create nodes for else block
           irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	   irlist->next->prev= irlist;
           irlist= irlist->next;
           irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
           irlist->ircode= MIPSLABEL;
           strcpy(irlist->label, elselabel);


           irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	   irlist->next->prev= irlist;
           irlist= irlist->next;
           irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
           irlist->ircode= JUMP;
           strcpy(irlist->label, endlabel);

           /* create nodes for then block */
           irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	   irlist->next->prev= irlist;
           irlist= irlist->next;
           irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
           irlist->ircode= MIPSLABEL;
           strcpy(irlist->label, thenlabel);

           /* create node for end block
           irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	   irlist->next->prev= irlist;
           irlist= irlist->next;
           irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
           irlist->ircode= MIPSLABEL;
           strcpy(irlist->label, endlabel);


        case FOR_STATEMENT:
           irlist= irlist_front;
           while(irlist->next != NULL)
           {   irlist= irlist->next;

           /* retrieve for statement components
           tflow     = (struct flow *)subtree;
	   forinit   = tflow->forinit;
           cond      = tflow->cond;
	   forupdate = tflow->forupdate;
           thendo    = tflow->thendo;

           /* Generate necessary labels
	   sprintf(elselabel, "forelse%d", ++labelnum);
	   sprintf(&thenlabel[strlen(thenlabel)], "%d", ++labelnum);
	   sprintf(&endlabel[strlen(endlabel)], "%d", ++labelnum);
	   sprintf(&testcondlabel[strlen(testcondlabel)], "%d", ++labelnum);

           printf("\t\tDEBUG: type of forinit: %d\n", forinit->l->nodetype);
           printf("\t\tDEBUG: type of condition: %d\n", cond->l->nodetype);
           printf("\t\tDEBUG: type of thendo: %d\n", thendo->nodetype);
           printf("\t\tDEBUG: type of forupdate: %d\n", forupdate->l->nodetype);

	   /* create nodes for init statement
               irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	       irlist->next->prev= irlist;
               irlist= irlist->next;
               irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
               irlist->ircode= COMMENT;
               strncpy(irlist->label, "For Loop Initialization",49);

	       if(forinit != NULL)
	       {   expr_to_ir(forinit->l);

	   /* create nodes for conditional statement
           irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	   irlist->next->prev= irlist;
           irlist= irlist->next;
           irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
           irlist->ircode= COMMENT;
           strncpy(irlist->label, "For Loop Test Condition",49);

           irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	   irlist->next->prev= irlist;
           irlist= irlist->next;
           irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
           irlist->ircode= MIPSLABEL;
           strcpy(irlist->label, testcondlabel);

           forjump= atoi(&thenlabel[strlen(thenlabel)-1]);
	   if(cond != NULL)
	   {   expr_to_ir(cond->l);
	   forjump= 0;

	   /* create node for empty else block
           irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	   irlist->next->prev= irlist;
           irlist= irlist->next;
           irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
           irlist->ircode= MIPSLABEL;
           strcpy(irlist->label, elselabel);

           irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	   irlist->next->prev= irlist;
           irlist= irlist->next;
           irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
           irlist->ircode= JUMP;
           strcpy(irlist->label, endlabel);

           /* create nodes for then block
           irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	   irlist->next->prev= irlist;
           irlist= irlist->next;
           irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
           irlist->ircode= MIPSLABEL;
           strcpy(irlist->label, thenlabel);
	   if(thendo != NULL)
	   {   expr_to_ir(thendo);

           /* create nodes for for loop update
           irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	   irlist->next->prev= irlist;
           irlist= irlist->next;
           irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
           irlist->ircode= COMMENT;
           strncpy(irlist->label, "For Loop Update Statement",49);

           if(forupdate != NULL)
	   {   expr_to_ir(forupdate->l);

           /* jump back to test condition
           irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	   irlist->next->prev= irlist;
           irlist= irlist->next;
           irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
           irlist->ircode= JUMP;
           strcpy(irlist->label, testcondlabel);

           /* create node for end block
           irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	   irlist->next->prev= irlist;
           irlist= irlist->next;
           irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
           irlist->ircode= MIPSLABEL;
           strcpy(irlist->label, endlabel);


        case WHILE_STATEMENT:
           irlist= irlist_front;
           while(irlist->next != NULL)
           {   irlist= irlist->next;

           /* retrieve for statement components
           tflow     = (struct flow *)subtree;
           cond      = tflow->cond;
           thendo    = tflow->thendo;

           /* Generate necessary labels
	   sprintf(elselabel, "whileelse%d", ++labelnum);
	   sprintf(&thenlabel[strlen(thenlabel)], "%d", ++labelnum);
	   sprintf(&endlabel[strlen(endlabel)], "%d", ++labelnum);
	   sprintf(&testcondlabel[strlen(testcondlabel)], "%d", ++labelnum);

	   /* create nodes for conditional statement
           irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	   irlist->next->prev= irlist;
           irlist= irlist->next;
           irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
           irlist->ircode= COMMENT;
           strncpy(irlist->label, "WHILE Loop Test Condition",49);

           irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	   irlist->next->prev= irlist;
           irlist= irlist->next;
           irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
           irlist->ircode= MIPSLABEL;
           strcpy(irlist->label, testcondlabel);

           forjump= atoi(&thenlabel[strlen(thenlabel)-1]);
	   if(cond != NULL)
	   {   expr_to_ir(cond->l);
	   forjump= 0;

	   /* create node for empty else block
           irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	   irlist->next->prev= irlist;
           irlist= irlist->next;
           irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
           irlist->ircode= MIPSLABEL;
           strcpy(irlist->label, elselabel);

           irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	   irlist->next->prev= irlist;
           irlist= irlist->next;
           irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
           irlist->ircode= JUMP;
           strcpy(irlist->label, endlabel);

           /* create nodes for then block
           irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	   irlist->next->prev= irlist;
           irlist= irlist->next;
           irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
           irlist->ircode= MIPSLABEL;
           strcpy(irlist->label, thenlabel);
	   if(thendo != NULL)
	   {   expr_to_ir(thendo);

           /* jump back to test condition
           irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	   irlist->next->prev= irlist;
           irlist= irlist->next;
           irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
           irlist->ircode= JUMP;
           strcpy(irlist->label, testcondlabel);

           /* create node for end block
           irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	   irlist->next->prev= irlist;
           irlist= irlist->next;
           irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
           irlist->ircode= MIPSLABEL;
           strcpy(irlist->label, endlabel);


        case RW_BREAK:
           printf("DEBUG: found a RW_BREAK...\n\n\n");
           char tlabel[50];

           {   irlist= irlist_front;
               while(irlist->next != NULL)
               {   irlist= irlist->next;

               while( (strstr(irlist->label,"forelse")) == NULL  &&   (irlist != NULL))
               {   irlist=irlist->prev;
                   printf("rewinding from irnode %d\n", irlist->sid);
               if(irlist != NULL)
               {   strcpy(tlabel,irlist->label);
                   printf("tlabel set to: %s\n", tlabel);

               irlist= irlist_front;
               while(irlist->next != NULL)
               {   irlist= irlist->next;

               irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
               irlist->next->prev= irlist;
               irlist= irlist->next;
               irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
               irlist->ircode= JUMP;

        case OP_EQUALITY:
           printf("DEBUG: found a OP_EQUALITY...\n\n\n");
	   context_clue= OP_EQUALITY;
           irlist= irlist_front;
           while(irlist->next != NULL)
           {   irlist= irlist->next;

	   left   = expr_to_ir(subtree->l);
	   right  = expr_to_ir(subtree->r);

	   printf("DEBUG: expr_to_ir(): left regnum: %d\n", left->regnum);
	   printf("DEBUG: expr_to_ir(): right regnum: %d\n", right->regnum);

           char eqthenlabel[25]= "then";
	   sprintf(&eqthenlabel[strlen(eqthenlabel)], "%d", ++labelnum);

           irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	   irlist->next->prev= irlist;
           irlist= irlist->next;
           irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
           irlist->ircode= BRANCH_EQ;
           irlist->oprnd1= left->regnum;
           irlist->oprnd2= right->regnum;
           strcpy(irlist->label, eqthenlabel);
	   context_clue= 0;

           tcresult->nodetype= RVALUE;
           tcresult->regnum= irlist->oprnd1;

	   return tcresult;

	   context_clue= CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT;
           irlist= irlist_front;
           while(irlist->next != NULL)
           {   irlist= irlist->next;

	   printf("DEBUG: expr_to_ir(): received a greater than symbol....\n");
	   left   = expr_to_ir(subtree->l);
	   right  = expr_to_ir(subtree->r);

           char gtthenlabel[25]= "then";
	   sprintf(&gtthenlabel[strlen(gtthenlabel)], "%d", (forjump > 0)? forjump : ++labelnum);

           irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	   irlist->next->prev= irlist;
           irlist= irlist->next;
           irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
           irlist->ircode= BRANCH_GT;
           irlist->oprnd1= left->regnum;
           irlist->oprnd2= right->regnum;
           strcpy(irlist->label, gtthenlabel);
	   context_clue= 0;

        case OP_RELATIONAL_GTE:
	   context_clue= CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT;
           irlist= irlist_front;
           while(irlist->next != NULL)
           {   irlist= irlist->next;

	   printf("DEBUG: expr_to_ir(): received a greater than symbol....\n");
	   left   = expr_to_ir(subtree->l);
	   right  = expr_to_ir(subtree->r);

           char gtethenlabel[25]= "then";
	   sprintf(&gtethenlabel[strlen(gtethenlabel)], "%d", (forjump > 0)? forjump : ++labelnum);

           irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	   irlist->next->prev= irlist;
           irlist= irlist->next;
           irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
           irlist->ircode= BRANCH_GTE;
           irlist->oprnd1= left->regnum;
           irlist->oprnd2= right->regnum;
           strcpy(irlist->label, gtethenlabel);
	   context_clue= 0;

        case OP_RELATIONAL_LT:
	   context_clue= OP_RELATIONAL_LT;
           irlist= irlist_front;
           while(irlist->next != NULL)
           {   irlist= irlist->next;

	   printf("DEBUG: expr_to_ir(): received a greater than symbol....\n");
	   left   = expr_to_ir(subtree->l);
	   right  = expr_to_ir(subtree->r);

           char ltthenlabel[25]= "then";
	   sprintf(&ltthenlabel[strlen(ltthenlabel)], "%d", (forjump > 0)? forjump : ++labelnum);

           irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	   irlist->next->prev= irlist;
           irlist= irlist->next;
           irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
           irlist->ircode= BRANCH_LT;
           irlist->oprnd1= left->regnum;
           irlist->oprnd2= right->regnum;
           strcpy(irlist->label, ltthenlabel);
	   context_clue= 0;

        case OP_RELATIONAL_LTE:
	   context_clue= OP_RELATIONAL_LTE;
           irlist= irlist_front;
           while(irlist->next != NULL)
           {   irlist= irlist->next;

	   printf("DEBUG: expr_to_ir(): received a greater than symbol....\n");
	   left   = expr_to_ir(subtree->l);
	   right  = expr_to_ir(subtree->r);

           char ltethenlabel[25]= "then";
	   sprintf(&ltethenlabel[strlen(ltethenlabel)], "%d", (forjump > 0)? forjump : ++labelnum);

           irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	   irlist->next->prev= irlist;
           irlist= irlist->next;
           irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
           irlist->ircode= BRANCH_LTE;
           irlist->oprnd1= left->regnum;
           irlist->oprnd2= right->regnum;
           strcpy(irlist->label, ltethenlabel);
	   context_clue= 0;

	   printf("DEBUG: expr_to_ir() called with compound statement  ...\n");
	   printf("\tDEBUG: subtree type: %d\n", subtree->nodetype);

        case FUNCTION_CALL:
	   char funcname[40];
	   struct declarator *d= (struct declarator *)subtree->l;
	   struct parameter_list *plist;
           if(d->nodetype == SIMPLE_DECLARATOR)
           {   strcpy(funcname,d->id);
           {   strcpy(funcname,d->adeclarator->id);
	   printf("DEBUG: expr_to_ir FUNCTION CALL: %s\n", funcname);

	   /* If this is a built-in function...
	   if( (!strcmp(funcname,"printint"))      ||
               (!strcmp(funcname,"printstring"))   ||
	       /* printint function...
	       if(! strcmp(funcname,"printint"))
	       {   printf("printint invoked...\n");
	           irlist= irlist_front;
                   while(irlist->next != NULL)
                   {   irlist= irlist->next;

	           /* add nodes for printint */
                   irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	           irlist->next->prev= irlist;
                   irlist= irlist->next;
                   irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
                   irlist->ircode= PRINTINT;

                   irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	           irlist->next->prev= irlist;
                   irlist= irlist->next;
                   irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
                   irlist->ircode= LOADWORD;
                   irlist->oprnd1= SYSCALL_ARG_REG;
	           irlist->symptr= (struct declarator *)subtree->r->l;

                   irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	           irlist->next->prev= irlist;
                   irlist= irlist->next;
                   irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
                   irlist->ircode= SYSCALL;

	       /* printstring function...
	       if(! strcmp(funcname,"printstring"))
	           /* Retrieve parameter
		   struct constant *k= (struct constant *)subtree->r->l;
		   char *param= k->value;
		   printf("param: %s (%ld)\n", param, param);

	           irlist= irlist_front;
                   while(irlist->next != NULL)
                   {   irlist= irlist->next;

	           /* add nodes for printstring */
                   irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	           irlist->next->prev= irlist;
                   irlist= irlist->next;
                   irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
                   irlist->ircode= PRINTSTRING;
		   irlist->oprnd1= ++regnum;

                   irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	           irlist->next->prev= irlist;
                   irlist= irlist->next;
                   irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
                   irlist->ircode= CREATE_STRINGVAR;
		   irlist->symptr= (struct declarator *)param;
		   sprintf(irlist->label,"stringvar%d", ++stringvarnum);

                   irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	           irlist->next->prev= irlist;
                   irlist= irlist->next;
                   irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
                   irlist->ircode= SYSCALL;


	       /* readint function...
	       if(! strcmp(funcname,"readint"))

	           irlist= irlist_front;
                   while(irlist->next != NULL)
                   {   irlist= irlist->next;

	           /* add nodes for readint */
                   irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	           irlist->next->prev= irlist;
                   irlist= irlist->next;
                   irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
                   irlist->ircode= READINT;

                   irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	           irlist->next->prev= irlist;
                   irlist= irlist->next;
                   irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
                   irlist->ircode= SYSCALL;

	           /* add nodes for result storage */
                   irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	           irlist->next->prev= irlist;
                   irlist= irlist->next;
                   irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
                   irlist->ircode= LOADADDRESS;
                   irlist->oprnd1= ++regnum;
	           irlist->symptr= (struct declarator *)subtree->r->l;

                   irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	           irlist->next->prev= irlist;
                   irlist= irlist->next;
                   irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
                   irlist->ircode= STOREWORDINDIRECT;
                   irlist->oprnd1= SYSCALL_REG;
                   irlist->oprnd2= regnum;
	           irlist->symptr= (struct declarator *)subtree->r->l;


	   /* If it's not a builtin function
	   {   printf("function '%s' has been called...\n",funcname);
	       irlist= irlist_front;
               while(irlist->next != NULL)
               {   irlist= irlist->next;

	       /* add nodes for printint */
               irlist->next= emalloc(sizeof(struct irnode));
	       irlist->next->prev= irlist;
               irlist= irlist->next;
               irlist->sid= ++irnodenum;
               irlist->ircode= FUNCTIONCALL;
	       irlist->symptr= d;



	   printf("DEBUG: expr_to_ir: NOT SURE WHAT TO DO WITH TYPE: %d\n", subtree->nodetype);

    return tcresult;
Instruction *expr_to_ir(Env *env, ExpNode *expr, char **result_sym) {
    if (!expr)
        return NULL;
    //printf("NODE TYPE : %d\n", expr->node_type);
    switch (expr->node_type) {
        case CONSTANT_EXPNODE: { // leaf
            //printf("CONST EXPR!\n");
            Instruction *inst;
            if (expr->return_type == TYPE_INT)
                inst = load_int_instruction_new(expr->int_val);
                inst = load_float_instruction_new(expr->float_val);

            char **ret_sym = &((LoadIntInstruction *) inst->value)->return_symbol;
            *ret_sym = next_tmp_symbol(env);
            if (result_sym)
                *result_sym = *ret_sym;
            //printf("Printing const expnode\n");
            return inst;
        } case BOOLEAN_EXPNODE: {
            //printf("Entering boolean expnode\n");
            // truth_val = 0
            // evaluate shit, jump to true if true
            // goto end
            // true:
            //   truth_val = 1
            // end:

            char *truth_var = next_tmp_symbol(env);

            Instruction *init = load_int_instruction_new(0);
            ((LoadIntInstruction *) init->value)->return_symbol = truth_var;

            Instruction *true_label = label_instruction_new(next_tmp_symbol(env));
            Instruction *end_label = label_instruction_new(next_tmp_symbol(env));

            char *lhs_sym, *rhs_sym;
            Instruction *lhs = expr_to_ir(env, expr->lhs, &lhs_sym); 
            Instruction *rhs = NULL;
            if (expr->rhs)
                rhs = expr_to_ir(env, expr->rhs, &rhs_sym); 

            Instruction *evaluate;
            //printf("Before evaluate\n");
            if (!strcmp(expr->op, "||")) {
                // do first
                // if first, jump to true
                // do second
                // if second, jump to true
                Instruction *jump1 = cond_jump_instruction_new(lhs_sym, true_label);
                Instruction *jump2 = cond_jump_instruction_new(rhs_sym, true_label);
                evaluate = concat_inst(4, lhs, jump1, rhs, jump2);
            } else if (!strcmp(expr->op, "&&")) {
                // do first
                // if first, jump to maybe
                // goto end

                // maybe:
                // do second
                // if second, jump to true
                // (goto end)
                Instruction *maybe_label = label_instruction_new(next_tmp_symbol(env));
                Instruction *jump_to_maybe = cond_jump_instruction_new(lhs_sym, maybe_label);
                Instruction *jump_to_end = uncond_jump_instruction_new(end_label);
                Instruction *jump_to_true = cond_jump_instruction_new(rhs_sym, true_label);

                evaluate = concat_inst(6, lhs, jump_to_maybe, jump_to_end, 
                    maybe_label, rhs, jump_to_true);
            } else {
                // (boolean negation)
                // do first
                // if first, jump to end
                // jump to true
                Instruction *jump_to_end = cond_jump_instruction_new(lhs_sym, end_label);
                Instruction *jump_to_true = uncond_jump_instruction_new(true_label);
                //printf("CONCAT %p %p %p\n", lhs, jump_to_end, jump_to_true);
                evaluate = concat_inst(3, lhs, jump_to_end, jump_to_true);
            //printf("After evaluate\n");

            Instruction *goto_end = uncond_jump_instruction_new(end_label);

            char *load_one_var = next_tmp_symbol(env);
            Instruction *load_one = load_int_instruction_new(1);
            ((LoadIntInstruction *) load_one->value)->return_symbol = load_one_var;
            Instruction *set_true = copy_instruction_new(truth_var, load_one_var, NULL);

            if (result_sym)
                *result_sym = truth_var;
            // init
            // evaluate
            // goto end
            // true:
            // set_to_1
            // end:

            //printf("Entering boolean expnode\n");
            return concat_inst(
        } case COMP_EXPNODE: {
            // return value should be 0 or 1
            //printf("Entering comp expnode\n");
            char *truth_var = next_tmp_symbol(env);

            Instruction *init = load_int_instruction_new(0);
            ((LoadIntInstruction *) init->value)->return_symbol = truth_var;

            Instruction *true_label = label_instruction_new(next_tmp_symbol(env));
            Instruction *end_label = label_instruction_new(next_tmp_symbol(env));

            char *return_symbol = next_tmp_symbol(env);
            if (result_sym)
                *result_sym = return_symbol;

            char *lhs_sym, *rhs_sym;
            Instruction *lhs = expr_to_ir(env, expr->lhs, &lhs_sym);
            Instruction *rhs = expr_to_ir(env, expr->rhs, &rhs_sym);

            Instruction *jump_to_end = uncond_jump_instruction_new(end_label);

            Instruction *jump_to_true = cond_comp_jump_instruction_new(
                expr->op, lhs_sym, rhs_sym, true_label);

            char *load_one_var = next_tmp_symbol(env);
            Instruction *load_one = load_int_instruction_new(1);
            ((LoadIntInstruction *) load_one->value)->return_symbol = load_one_var;
            Instruction *set_true = copy_instruction_new(truth_var, load_one_var, NULL);

            if (result_sym)
                *result_sym = truth_var;

            //printf("Exiting comp expnode\n");
            return concat_inst(9, lhs, rhs, init, jump_to_true, 
                jump_to_end, true_label, load_one, set_true, end_label);
        } case ARITHMETIC_EXPNODE: {
            //printf("Entering math expnode\n");

            char *lhs_sym, *rhs_sym;
            rhs_sym = NULL;
            Instruction *lhs = expr_to_ir(env, expr->lhs, &lhs_sym);
            Instruction *rhs = NULL;
            if (expr->rhs)
                rhs = expr_to_ir(env, expr->rhs, &rhs_sym);

            char *return_sym = next_tmp_symbol(env);
            Instruction *inst_cont = arithmetic_instruction_new(expr->op, lhs_sym, rhs_sym, return_sym);

            if (result_sym)
                *result_sym = return_sym;
            // prepend lhs and rhs and inst_cont
            //printf("%p %p %p\n", lhs, rhs, inst_cont);
            Instruction *result = concat_inst(3, lhs, rhs, inst_cont);
            //printf("Exiting math expnode\n");
            return result;
        } case INVOCATION_EXPNODE: {
            Array *sym_list = array_new(0, sizeof(char **));
            Instruction *param_eval = NULL;
            int i;
            //printf("count: %d\n", expr->expns->length);
            for (i = 0; i < expr->expns->length; i++) {
                char *sym_name;
                ExpNode *exp = *((ExpNode **) array_get(expr->expns, i));
                param_eval = concat_inst(2, param_eval, expr_to_ir(env, exp, &sym_name));
                //printf("INVOC: %s\n", sym_name);
                array_append(sym_list, &sym_name);

            char *return_symbol = NULL;
            if (result_sym) {
                return_symbol = next_tmp_symbol(env);
                *result_sym = return_symbol;
            Instruction *invocation = invocation_instruction_new(return_symbol, expr->op, sym_list);

            return concat_inst(2, param_eval, invocation);
        } case ID_EXPNODE: // leaf
            //printf("ID_EXPNODE: %s\n", expr->op);
            if (expr->index == NULL) {
                if (result_sym)
                    *result_sym = expr->op;
            } else {
                char *return_symbol = next_tmp_symbol(env);
                if (result_sym)
                    *result_sym = return_symbol; 

                char *index_sym = NULL;
                Instruction *index_code = expr_to_ir(env, expr->index, &index_sym);
                return concat_inst(2,
                    array_element_instruction_new(expr->op, index_sym, return_symbol)
            return NULL;
        case ASSIGNMENT_EXPNODE: {
            //printf("Entering assignment expnode\n");
            char *lhs_sym, *rhs_sym, *index_sym;
            lhs_sym = rhs_sym = index_sym = NULL;

            assert(expr->lhs->node_type == ID_EXPNODE);
            Instruction *index_inst = NULL;
            if (expr->lhs->index != NULL)
                index_inst = expr_to_ir(env, expr->lhs->index, &index_sym);
            lhs_sym = expr->lhs->op;

            Instruction *rhs = expr_to_ir(env, expr->rhs, &rhs_sym);
            //printf("LHS: %p, RHS: %p\n", lhs_sym, rhs_sym);
            Instruction *cpy_inst = copy_instruction_new(lhs_sym, rhs_sym, index_sym);
            Instruction *result = concat_inst(3, index_inst, rhs, cpy_inst);
            return result;
        } default:
    return NULL;
 | compound_to_ir
void compound_to_ir(struct ast *cstmt)
{   char genstr[TMPSTRSZ];
    struct ast *decostat;
    struct decostat_list *dlist= (struct decostat_list *) cstmt->l;
    struct flow *tflow;
    struct ast *cond;
    struct ast *thendo;

    printf("DEBUG: compound_to_ir called with nodetype: %d\n", cstmt->nodetype);

    fprintf(irout,"%s",genstr); clearstr(genstr);

    {   decostat= dlist->decostat;

        /* Generate IR node
	regnum=0;   /* reset register count to 0 */
	printf("c2ir calling e2ir...\n");

        /* write C statement to file

	if(decostat->nodetype == COMPOUND_STATEMENT)
	{   clearstr(genstr);

        {   print_expr(dlist->decostat,genstr);

        /* no semicolons after compound statements */
        if(   (dlist->decostat->nodetype == COMPOUND_STATEMENT)      ||
              ( (dlist->decostat->nodetype == LABELED_STATEMENT)     &&
                (dlist->decostat->r->nodetype == COMPOUND_STATEMENT)
        {   fprintf(irout,"\n\n");
        {   fprintf(irout,"%s;\n",genstr); clearstr(genstr);
        fprintf(irout,"%s",genstr); clearstr(genstr);

        /* write IR nodes to file
	statement_end_sid= irnodenum;
	statement_begin_sid= ++statement_end_sid;

    } while( (dlist= dlist->next) != NULL);

    fprintf(irout,"%s",genstr); clearstr(genstr);