 * Deactivates a menu pointed by the function argument.
void fgDeactivateSubMenu( SFG_MenuEntry *menuEntry )
    SFG_Window *current_window = fgStructure.Window;
    SFG_MenuEntry *subMenuIter;
     * Hide the present menu's window
    fgSetWindow( menuEntry->SubMenu->Window );
    glutHideWindow( );

     * Forget about having that menu active anymore, now:
    menuEntry->SubMenu->Window->ActiveMenu = NULL;
    menuEntry->SubMenu->IsActive = GL_FALSE;

     * Hide all submenu windows, and the root menu's window.
    for ( subMenuIter = (SFG_MenuEntry *)menuEntry->SubMenu->Entries.First;
          subMenuIter = (SFG_MenuEntry *)subMenuIter->Node.Next )
         * Is that an active submenu by any case?
        if( subMenuIter->SubMenu )
            fgDeactivateSubMenu( subMenuIter );

    fgSetWindow( current_window );
void fgFinishMenu(SFG_Window *win, int x, int y)
		/* Setting fgMappedMenu to NULL permits operations that
		change menus or destroy the menu window again. */
		fgMappedMenu = NULL;
		fgState.MenuStatusCallback(GLUT_MENU_NOT_IN_USE, x, y);
	/* Setting fgMappedMenu to NULL permits operations that
	change menus or destroy the menu window again. */
	fgMappedMenu = NULL;
	/* If an item is selected and it is not a submenu trigger,
	generate menu callback. */
	if(fgItemSelected && !fgItemSelected->IsTrigger) 
		/* When menu callback is triggered, current menu should be
		set to the callback menu. */
	fgMenuWindow = NULL;
 * Calls a window's redraw method. This is used when
 * a redraw is forced by the incoming window messages,
 * or if a redisplay is otherwise pending.
 * this is lean and mean without checks as it is
 * currently only called from fghcbDisplayWindow which
 * only calls this if the window is visible and needs
 * a redisplay.
 * Note that the fgSetWindow call on Windows makes the
 * right device context current on windows, allowing
 * direct drawing without BeginPaint/EndPaint in the
 * WM_PAINT handler.
void fghRedrawWindow ( SFG_Window *window )
    SFG_Window *current_window = fgStructure.CurrentWindow;

    fgSetWindow( window );
    INVOKE_WCB( *window, Display, ( ) );

    fgSetWindow( current_window );
 * Displays the currently active menu for the current window
void fgDisplayMenu( void )
    SFG_Window* window = fgStructure.Window;
    SFG_Menu* menu = NULL;


     * Check if there is an active menu attached to this window...
    menu = window->ActiveMenu;
    freeglut_return_if_fail( menu );

    fgSetWindow( menu->Window );

                  GL_POLYGON_BIT );

    glDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
    glDisable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
    glDisable( GL_LIGHTING   );
    glDisable( GL_CULL_FACE  );

    glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
    glPushMatrix( );
    glLoadIdentity( );
         0, glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH  ),
         glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT ), 0,
        -1, 1

    glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
    glPushMatrix( );
    glLoadIdentity( );

    fghCheckMenuStatus( window, menu );
    fghDisplayMenuBox( menu );

    glPopAttrib( );

    glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
    glPopMatrix( );
    glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
    glPopMatrix( );

    glutSwapBuffers( );

    fgSetWindow ( window );
 * Displays the currently active menu for the current window
void fgDisplayMenu( void )
    SFG_Window* window = fgStructure.CurrentWindow;
    SFG_Menu* menu = NULL;

    FREEGLUT_INTERNAL_ERROR_EXIT ( fgStructure.CurrentWindow, "Displaying menu in nonexistent window",
                                   "fgDisplayMenu" );
    if (!window) return;

    /* Check if there is an active menu attached to this window... */
    menu = window->ActiveMenu;
    freeglut_return_if_fail( menu );

    fgSetWindow( menu->Window );

                  GL_POLYGON_BIT );

    glDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
    glDisable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
    glDisable( GL_LIGHTING   );
    glDisable( GL_CULL_FACE  );

    glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
    glPushMatrix( );
    glLoadIdentity( );
         0, glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH  ),
         glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT ), 0,
        -1, 1

    glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
    glPushMatrix( );
    glLoadIdentity( );

    fghDisplayMenuBox( menu );

    glPopAttrib( );

    glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
    glPopMatrix( );
    glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
    glPopMatrix( );

    glutSwapBuffers( );

    fgSetWindow ( window );
 * Activates a menu pointed by the function argument
static void fghActivateMenu( SFG_Window* window, int button )
    int max_x, max_y;

    /* We'll be referencing this menu a lot, so remember its address: */
    SFG_Menu* menu = window->Menu[ button ];
    SFG_Window* current_window = fgStructure.CurrentWindow;

    /* If the menu is already active in another window, deactivate it there */
    if ( menu->ParentWindow )
      menu->ParentWindow->ActiveMenu = NULL ;

    /* Mark the menu as active, so that it gets displayed: */
    window->ActiveMenu = menu;
    menu->IsActive = GL_TRUE;
    fghSetMenuParentWindow ( window, menu );

    /* Set up the initial menu position now: */
    fghGetVMaxExtent(menu->ParentWindow, &max_x, &max_y);
    fgSetWindow( window );
    menu->X = window->State.MouseX + glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_X );
    menu->Y = window->State.MouseY + glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_Y );

    if( menu->X + menu->Width > max_x )
        menu->X -=menu->Width;

    if( menu->Y + menu->Height > max_y )
        menu->Y -=menu->Height;
        if( menu->Y < 0 )
            menu->Y = 0;

    menu->Window->State.MouseX =
        window->State.MouseX + glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_X ) - menu->X;
    menu->Window->State.MouseY =
        window->State.MouseY + glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_Y ) - menu->Y;

    fgSetWindow( menu->Window );
    glutPositionWindow( menu->X, menu->Y );
    glutReshapeWindow( menu->Width, menu->Height );
    glutPopWindow( );
    glutShowWindow( );
    menu->Window->ActiveMenu = menu;
    fghCheckMenuStatus( menu );
    fgSetWindow( current_window );
void fgStartMenu(SFG_WinMenu * menu, SFG_Window * window,
			int x, int y, int x_win, int y_win)
	assert(fgMappedMenu == NULL);
	fgMappedMenu = menu;
	fgMenuWindow = window;
	fgItemSelected = NULL;
		fgState.MenuStatusCallback(GLUT_MENU_IN_USE, x_win, y_win);

	eglSwapBuffers(fgDisplay.eglDisplay, window->Window.Surface);
	RedrawWindow(window->Window.Handle, NULL, NULL, RDW_INTERNALPAINT);

#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
	TrackPopupMenu(menu->Handle, TPM_LEFTALIGN 
		x, y, 0, fgStructure.Window->Window.Handle, NULL);
	TrackPopupMenu(menu->Handle, TPM_LEFTALIGN, 
		x, y, 0, fgStructure.Window->Window.Handle, NULL);
void fgPlatformMainLoopPreliminaryWork ( void )
    SFG_Window *window = (SFG_Window *)fgStructure.Windows.First ;

     * Processing before the main loop:  If there is a window which is open and
     * which has a visibility callback, call it.  I know this is an ugly hack,
     * but I'm not sure what else to do about it.  Ideally we should leave
     * something uninitialized in the create window code and initialize it in
     * the main loop, and have that initialization create a "WM_ACTIVATE"
     * message.  Then we would put the visibility callback code in the
     * "case WM_ACTIVATE" block below.         - John Fay -- 10/24/02
    while( window )
        if ( FETCH_WCB( *window, Visibility ) )
            SFG_Window *current_window = fgStructure.CurrentWindow ;

            INVOKE_WCB( *window, Visibility, ( window->State.Visible ) );
            fgSetWindow( current_window );

        window = (SFG_Window *)window->Node.Next ;
void fghOnReshapeNotify(SFG_Window *window, int width, int height, GLboolean forceNotify)
    GLboolean notify = GL_FALSE;

    if( width  != window->State.Width ||
        height != window->State.Height )
        window->State.Width = width;
        window->State.Height = height;

        notify = GL_TRUE;

    if (notify || forceNotify)
        SFG_Window *saved_window = fgStructure.CurrentWindow;

        INVOKE_WCB( *window, Reshape, ( width, height ) );

         * Force a window redraw.  In Windows at least this is only a partial
         * solution:  if the window is increasing in size in either dimension,
         * the already-drawn part does not get drawn again and things look funny.
         * But without this we get this bad behaviour whenever we resize the
         * window.
         * DN: Hmm.. the above sounds like a concern only in single buffered mode...
        window->State.WorkMask |= GLUT_DISPLAY_WORK;
        if( window->IsMenu )
            fgSetWindow( saved_window );
 * This private function creates a menu and adds it to the menus list
SFG_Menu* fgCreateMenu( FGCBMenu menuCallback )
    int x = 100, y = 100, w = 1, h = 1;
    SFG_Window *current_window = fgStructure.CurrentWindow;

    /* Have the menu object created */
    SFG_Menu* menu = (SFG_Menu *)calloc( sizeof(SFG_Menu), 1 );

    menu->ParentWindow = NULL;

    /* Create a window for the menu to reside in. */

    fgCreateWindow( NULL, "freeglut menu", GL_TRUE, x, y, GL_TRUE, w, h,
                    GL_FALSE, GL_TRUE );
    menu->Window = fgStructure.CurrentWindow;
    glutDisplayFunc( fgDisplayMenu );

    glutHideWindow( );  /* Hide the window for now */
    fgSetWindow( current_window );

    /* Initialize the object properties: */
    menu->ID       = ++fgStructure.MenuID;
    menu->Callback = menuCallback;
    menu->ActiveEntry = NULL;

    fgListInit( &menu->Entries );
    fgListAppend( &fgStructure.Menus, &menu->Node );

    /* Newly created menus implicitly become current ones */
    fgStructure.CurrentMenu = menu;

    return menu;
文件: fg_window.c 项目: d3x0r/SACK
 * Opens a window. Requires a SFG_Window object created and attached
 * to the freeglut structure. OpenGL context is created here.
void fgOpenWindow( SFG_Window* window, const char* title,
                   GLboolean positionUse, int x, int y,
                   GLboolean sizeUse, int w, int h,
                   GLboolean gameMode, GLboolean isSubWindow )
	fgPlatformOpenWindow( window, title,
                   positionUse, x, y,
                   sizeUse, w, h,
                   gameMode, isSubWindow );

    fgSetWindow( window );

    window->Window.DoubleBuffered =
        ( fgState.DisplayMode & GLUT_DOUBLE ) ? 1 : 0;

#ifndef EGL_VERSION_1_0  /* No glDrawBuffer/glReadBuffer in GLES */
    if ( ! window->Window.DoubleBuffered )
        glDrawBuffer ( GL_FRONT );
        glReadBuffer ( GL_FRONT );
    window->Window.attribute_v_coord = -1;
    window->Window.attribute_v_normal = -1;


    window->State.NeedToInitContext = GL_TRUE;
 * This function destroys a window and all of its subwindows. Actually,
 * another function, defined in freeglut_window.c is called, but this is
 * a whole different story...
void fgDestroyWindow( SFG_Window* window )
    FREEGLUT_INTERNAL_ERROR_EXIT ( window, "Window destroy function called with null window",
                                   "fgDestroyWindow" );

    while( window->Children.First )
        fgDestroyWindow( ( SFG_Window * )window->Children.First );

        SFG_Window *activeWindow = fgStructure.CurrentWindow;
        INVOKE_WCB( *window, Destroy, ( ) );
        fgSetWindow( activeWindow );

    if( window->Parent )
        fgListRemove( &window->Parent->Children, &window->Node );
        fgListRemove( &fgStructure.Windows, &window->Node );

    if( window->ActiveMenu )
      fgDeactivateMenu( window );

    fghClearCallBacks( window );
    fgCloseWindow( window );
    free( window );
    if( fgStructure.CurrentWindow == window )
        fgStructure.CurrentWindow = NULL;
 * Activates a menu pointed by the function argument
void fgActivateMenu( SFG_Window* window, int button )
     * We'll be referencing this menu a lot, so remember its address:
    SFG_Menu* menu = window->Menu[ button ];

     * Mark the menu as active, so that it gets displayed:
    window->ActiveMenu = menu;
    menu->IsActive = GL_TRUE;

     * Set up the initial menu position now:
    menu->X = window->State.MouseX + glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_X );
    menu->Y = window->State.MouseY + glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_Y );

    if( menu->X + menu->Width > glutGet ( GLUT_SCREEN_WIDTH ) )
        menu->X -=menu->Width;

    if( menu->Y + menu->Height > glutGet ( GLUT_SCREEN_HEIGHT ) )
        menu->Y -=menu->Height;

    fgSetWindow( menu->Window );
    glutPositionWindow( menu->X, menu->Y );
    glutReshapeWindow( menu->Width, menu->Height );
    glutPopWindow( );
    glutShowWindow( );
    menu->Window->ActiveMenu = menu;
 * Deactivates a menu pointed by the function argument.
void fgDeactivateMenu( SFG_Window *window )
    SFG_Window *current_window = fgStructure.Window;

     * Check if there is an active menu attached to this window...
    SFG_Menu* menu = window->ActiveMenu;
    SFG_MenuEntry *menuEntry;

     * Did we find an active window?
    freeglut_return_if_fail( menu );

     * Hide the present menu's window
    fgSetWindow( menu->Window );
    glutHideWindow( );

     * Forget about having that menu active anymore, now:
    menu->Window->ActiveMenu = NULL;
    menu->ParentWindow->ActiveMenu = NULL;
    menu->IsActive = GL_FALSE;


     * Hide all submenu windows, and the root menu's window.
    for ( menuEntry = ( SFG_MenuEntry * )menu->Entries.First;
          menuEntry = ( SFG_MenuEntry * )menuEntry->Node.Next )
         * Is that an active submenu by any case?
        if( menuEntry->SubMenu )
            fgDeactivateSubMenu( menuEntry );

    fgSetWindow( current_window );
 * This function destroys a menu specified by the parameter. All menus
 * and windows are updated to make sure no ill pointers hang around.
void fgDestroyMenu( SFG_Menu* menu )
    SFG_Window *window;
    SFG_Menu *from;

    FREEGLUT_INTERNAL_ERROR_EXIT ( menu, "Menu destroy function called with null menu",
                                   "fgDestroyMenu" );

    /* First of all, have all references to this menu removed from all windows: */
    for( window = (SFG_Window *)fgStructure.Windows.First;
         window = (SFG_Window *)window->Node.Next )
        fghRemoveMenuFromWindow( window, menu );

    /* Now proceed with removing menu entries that lead to this menu */
    for( from = ( SFG_Menu * )fgStructure.Menus.First;
         from = ( SFG_Menu * )from->Node.Next )
        fghRemoveMenuFromMenu( from, menu );

     * If the programmer defined a destroy callback, call it
     * A. Donev: But first make this the active menu
    if( menu->Destroy )
        SFG_Menu *activeMenu=fgStructure.CurrentMenu;
        fgStructure.CurrentMenu = menu;
        menu->Destroy( );
        fgStructure.CurrentMenu = activeMenu;

     * Now we are pretty sure the menu is not used anywhere
     * and that we can remove all of its entries
    while( menu->Entries.First )
        SFG_MenuEntry *entry = ( SFG_MenuEntry * ) menu->Entries.First;

        fgListRemove( &menu->Entries, &entry->Node );

        if( entry->Text )
            free( entry->Text );
        entry->Text = NULL;

        free( entry );

    if( fgStructure.CurrentWindow == menu->Window )
        fgSetWindow( NULL );
    fgDestroyWindow( menu->Window );
    fgListRemove( &fgStructure.Menus, &menu->Node );
    if( fgStructure.CurrentMenu == menu )
        fgStructure.CurrentMenu = NULL;

    free( menu );
 * This function selects the current window
void FGAPIENTRY glutSetWindow( int ID )
    SFG_Window* window = NULL;

    if( fgStructure.Window != NULL )
        if( fgStructure.Window->ID == ID )

    window = fgWindowByID( ID );
    if( window == NULL )
        fgWarning( "glutSetWindow(): window ID %i not found!", ID );

    fgSetWindow( window );
 * This function selects the current window
void FGAPIENTRY glutSetWindow( int ID )
    SFG_Window* window = NULL;

    if( fgStructure.CurrentWindow != NULL )
        if( fgStructure.CurrentWindow->ID == ID )

    window = fgWindowByID( ID );
    if( window == NULL )
        fgWarning( "glutSetWindow(): window ID %d not found!", ID );

    fgSetWindow( window );
void fghOnPositionNotify(SFG_Window *window, int x, int y, GLboolean forceNotify)
    GLboolean notify = GL_FALSE;

    if( x  != window->State.Xpos ||
        y != window->State.Ypos )
        window->State.Xpos = x;
        window->State.Ypos = y;

        notify = GL_TRUE;

    if (notify || forceNotify)
        SFG_Window *saved_window = fgStructure.CurrentWindow;
        INVOKE_WCB( *window, Position, ( x, y ) );
        fgSetWindow( saved_window );
文件: fg_main.c 项目: d3x0r/SACK
static void fghReshapeWindow ( SFG_Window *window, int width, int height )
    SFG_Window *current_window = fgStructure.CurrentWindow;

    freeglut_return_if_fail( window != NULL );

	fgPlatformReshapeWindow ( window, width, height );

     * Force a window redraw.  In Windows at least this is only a partial
     * solution:  if the window is increasing in size in either dimension,
     * the already-drawn part does not get drawn again and things look funny.
     * But without this we get this bad behaviour whenever we resize the
     * window.
     * DN: Hmm.. the above sounds like a concern only in single buffered mode...
    window->State.Redisplay = GL_TRUE;

    if( window->IsMenu )
        fgSetWindow( current_window );
 * Private function to check for the current menu/sub menu activity state
static GLboolean fghCheckMenuStatus( SFG_Menu* menu )
    SFG_MenuEntry* menuEntry;
    int x, y;

    /* First of all check any of the active sub menus... */
    for( menuEntry = (SFG_MenuEntry *)menu->Entries.First;
         menuEntry = (SFG_MenuEntry *)menuEntry->Node.Next )
        if( menuEntry->SubMenu && menuEntry->IsActive )
             * OK, have the sub-menu checked, too. If it returns GL_TRUE, it
             * will mean that it caught the mouse cursor and we do not need
             * to regenerate the activity list, and so our parents do...
            GLboolean return_status;

            menuEntry->SubMenu->Window->State.MouseX =
                menu->Window->State.MouseX + menu->X - menuEntry->SubMenu->X;
            menuEntry->SubMenu->Window->State.MouseY =
                menu->Window->State.MouseY + menu->Y - menuEntry->SubMenu->Y;
            return_status = fghCheckMenuStatus( menuEntry->SubMenu );

            if ( return_status )
                return GL_TRUE;

    /* That much about our sub menus, let's get to checking the current menu: */
    x = menu->Window->State.MouseX;
    y = menu->Window->State.MouseY;

    /* Check if the mouse cursor is contained within the current menu box */
    if( ( x >= FREEGLUT_MENU_BORDER ) &&
        ( x < menu->Width  - FREEGLUT_MENU_BORDER ) &&
        ( y >= FREEGLUT_MENU_BORDER ) &&
        ( y < menu->Height - FREEGLUT_MENU_BORDER )  )

        /* The mouse cursor is somewhere over our box, check it out. */
        menuEntry = fghFindMenuEntry( menu, menuID + 1 );
        FREEGLUT_INTERNAL_ERROR_EXIT( menuEntry, "Cannot find menu entry",
                                      "fghCheckMenuStatus" );

        menuEntry->IsActive = GL_TRUE;
        menuEntry->Ordinal = menuID;

         * If this is not the same as the last active menu entry, deactivate
         * the previous entry.  Specifically, if the previous active entry
         * was a submenu then deactivate it.
        if( menu->ActiveEntry && ( menuEntry != menu->ActiveEntry ) )
            if( menu->ActiveEntry->SubMenu )
                fghDeactivateSubMenu( menu->ActiveEntry );

        if( menuEntry != menu->ActiveEntry )
            menu->Window->State.Redisplay = GL_TRUE;
            if( menu->ActiveEntry )
                menu->ActiveEntry->IsActive = GL_FALSE;

        menu->ActiveEntry = menuEntry;
        menu->IsActive = GL_TRUE;  /* XXX Do we need this? */

         * OKi, we have marked that entry as active, but it would be also
         * nice to have its contents updated, in case it's a sub menu.
         * Also, ignore the return value of the check function:
        if( menuEntry->SubMenu )
            if ( ! menuEntry->SubMenu->IsActive )
                int max_x, max_y;
                SFG_Window *current_window = fgStructure.CurrentWindow;

                /* Set up the initial menu position now... */
                menuEntry->SubMenu->IsActive = GL_TRUE;

                /* Set up the initial submenu position now: */
                fghGetVMaxExtent(menu->ParentWindow, &max_x, &max_y);
                menuEntry->SubMenu->X = menu->X + menu->Width;
                menuEntry->SubMenu->Y = menu->Y +
                    menuEntry->Ordinal * FREEGLUT_MENU_HEIGHT;

                if( menuEntry->SubMenu->X + menuEntry->SubMenu->Width > max_x )
                    menuEntry->SubMenu->X = menu->X - menuEntry->SubMenu->Width;

                if( menuEntry->SubMenu->Y + menuEntry->SubMenu->Height > max_y )
                    menuEntry->SubMenu->Y -= ( menuEntry->SubMenu->Height -
                                               FREEGLUT_MENU_HEIGHT -
                                               2 * FREEGLUT_MENU_BORDER );
                    if( menuEntry->SubMenu->Y < 0 )
                        menuEntry->SubMenu->Y = 0;

                fgSetWindow( menuEntry->SubMenu->Window );
                glutPositionWindow( menuEntry->SubMenu->X,
                                    menuEntry->SubMenu->Y );
                glutReshapeWindow( menuEntry->SubMenu->Width,
                                   menuEntry->SubMenu->Height );
                glutPopWindow( );
                glutShowWindow( );
                menuEntry->SubMenu->Window->ActiveMenu = menuEntry->SubMenu;
                fgSetWindow( current_window );
                menuEntry->SubMenu->Window->State.MouseX =
                    x + menu->X - menuEntry->SubMenu->X;
                menuEntry->SubMenu->Window->State.MouseY =
                    y + menu->Y - menuEntry->SubMenu->Y;
                fghCheckMenuStatus( menuEntry->SubMenu );

            /* Activate it because its parent entry is active */
            menuEntry->SubMenu->IsActive = GL_TRUE;  /* XXX Do we need this? */

        /* Report back that we have caught the menu cursor */
        return GL_TRUE;

    /* Looks like the menu cursor is somewhere else... */
    if( menu->ActiveEntry && menu->ActiveEntry->IsActive &&
        ( !menu->ActiveEntry->SubMenu ||
          !menu->ActiveEntry->SubMenu->IsActive ) )
        menu->Window->State.Redisplay = GL_TRUE;
        menu->ActiveEntry->IsActive = GL_FALSE;
        menu->ActiveEntry = NULL;

    return GL_FALSE;
void fgPlatformProcessSingleEvent ( void )
    SFG_Window* window;
    XEvent event;

    /* This code was repeated constantly, so here it goes into a definition: */
#define GETWINDOW(a)                             \
    window = fgWindowByHandle( event.a.window ); \
    if( window == NULL )                         \

#define GETMOUSE(a)                              \
    window->State.MouseX = event.a.x;            \
    window->State.MouseY = event.a.y;


    while( XPending( fgDisplay.pDisplay.Display ) )
        XNextEvent( fgDisplay.pDisplay.Display, &event );
#if _DEBUG
        fghPrintEvent( &event );

        switch( event.type )
        case ClientMessage:
            if (fgStructure.CurrentWindow)
                if(fgIsSpaceballXEvent(&event)) {
            /* Destroy the window when the WM_DELETE_WINDOW message arrives */
            if( (Atom) event.xclient.data.l[ 0 ] == fgDisplay.pDisplay.DeleteWindow )
                GETWINDOW( xclient );

                fgDestroyWindow ( window );

                if( fgState.ActionOnWindowClose == GLUT_ACTION_EXIT )
                    fgDeinitialize( );
                    exit( 0 );
                else if( fgState.ActionOnWindowClose == GLUT_ACTION_GLUTMAINLOOP_RETURNS )
                    fgState.ExecState = GLUT_EXEC_STATE_STOP;


             * CreateNotify causes a configure-event so that sub-windows are
             * handled compatibly with GLUT.  Otherwise, your sub-windows
             * (in freeglut only) will not get an initial reshape event,
             * which can break things.
             * GLUT presumably does this because it generally tries to treat
             * sub-windows the same as windows.
        case CreateNotify:
        case ConfigureNotify:
                int width, height, x, y;
                if( event.type == CreateNotify ) {
                    GETWINDOW( xcreatewindow );
                    width = event.xcreatewindow.width;
                    height = event.xcreatewindow.height;
                    x = event.xcreatewindow.x;
                    y = event.xcreatewindow.y;
                } else {
                    GETWINDOW( xconfigure );
                    width = event.xconfigure.width;
                    height = event.xconfigure.height;
                    x = event.xconfigure.x;
                    y = event.xconfigure.y;

                /* Update state and call callback, if there was a change */
                fghOnPositionNotify(window, x, y, GL_FALSE);
                /* Update state and call callback, if there was a change */
                fghOnReshapeNotify(window, width, height, GL_FALSE);

        case DestroyNotify:
             * This is sent to confirm the XDestroyWindow call.
             * XXX WHY is this commented out?  Should we re-enable it?
            /* fgAddToWindowDestroyList ( window ); */

        case Expose:
             * We are too dumb to process partial exposes...
             * XXX Well, we could do it.  However, it seems to only
             * XXX be potentially useful for single-buffered (since
             * XXX double-buffered does not respect viewport when we
             * XXX do a buffer-swap).
            if( event.xexpose.count == 0 )
                GETWINDOW( xexpose );
                window->State.WorkMask |= GLUT_DISPLAY_WORK;

        case MapNotify:

        case UnmapNotify:
            /* We get this when iconifying a window. */ 
            GETWINDOW( xunmap );
            INVOKE_WCB( *window, WindowStatus, ( GLUT_HIDDEN ) );
            window->State.Visible = GL_FALSE;

        case MappingNotify:
             * Have the client's keyboard knowledge updated (xlib.ps,
             * page 206, says that's a good thing to do)
            XRefreshKeyboardMapping( (XMappingEvent *) &event );

        case VisibilityNotify:
             * Sending this event, the X server can notify us that the window
             * has just acquired one of the three possible visibility states:
             * VisibilityUnobscured, VisibilityPartiallyObscured or
             * VisibilityFullyObscured. Note that we DO NOT receive a
             * VisibilityNotify event when iconifying a window, we only get an
             * UnmapNotify then.
            GETWINDOW( xvisibility );
            switch( event.xvisibility.state )
            case VisibilityUnobscured:
                INVOKE_WCB( *window, WindowStatus, ( GLUT_FULLY_RETAINED ) );
                window->State.Visible = GL_TRUE;

            case VisibilityPartiallyObscured:
                INVOKE_WCB( *window, WindowStatus,
                            ( GLUT_PARTIALLY_RETAINED ) );
                window->State.Visible = GL_TRUE;

            case VisibilityFullyObscured:
                INVOKE_WCB( *window, WindowStatus, ( GLUT_FULLY_COVERED ) );
                window->State.Visible = GL_FALSE;

                fgWarning( "Unknown X visibility state: %d",
                           event.xvisibility.state );

        case EnterNotify:
        case LeaveNotify:
            GETWINDOW( xcrossing );
            GETMOUSE( xcrossing );
            if( ( event.type == LeaveNotify ) && window->IsMenu &&
                window->ActiveMenu && window->ActiveMenu->IsActive )
                fgUpdateMenuHighlight( window->ActiveMenu );

            INVOKE_WCB( *window, Entry, ( ( EnterNotify == event.type ) ?
                                          GLUT_ENTERED :
                                          GLUT_LEFT ) );

        case MotionNotify:
            /* if GLUT_SKIP_STALE_MOTION_EVENTS is true, then discard all but
             * the last motion event from the queue
            if(fgState.SkipStaleMotion) {
                while(XCheckIfEvent(fgDisplay.pDisplay.Display, &event, match_motion, 0));

            GETWINDOW( xmotion );
            GETMOUSE( xmotion );

            if( window->ActiveMenu )
                if( window == window->ActiveMenu->ParentWindow )
                    window->ActiveMenu->Window->State.MouseX =
                        event.xmotion.x_root - window->ActiveMenu->X;
                    window->ActiveMenu->Window->State.MouseY =
                        event.xmotion.y_root - window->ActiveMenu->Y;

                fgUpdateMenuHighlight( window->ActiveMenu );


             * XXX For more than 5 buttons, just check {event.xmotion.state},
             * XXX rather than a host of bit-masks?  Or maybe we need to
             * XXX track ButtonPress/ButtonRelease events in our own
             * XXX bit-mask?
            fgState.Modifiers = fgPlatformGetModifiers( event.xmotion.state );
            if ( event.xmotion.state & ( Button1Mask | Button2Mask | Button3Mask | Button4Mask | Button5Mask ) ) {
                INVOKE_WCB( *window, Motion, ( event.xmotion.x,
                                               event.xmotion.y ) );
            } else {
                INVOKE_WCB( *window, Passive, ( event.xmotion.x,
                                                event.xmotion.y ) );
            fgState.Modifiers = INVALID_MODIFIERS;

        case ButtonRelease:
        case ButtonPress:
            GLboolean pressed = GL_TRUE;
            int button;

            if( event.type == ButtonRelease )
                pressed = GL_FALSE ;

             * A mouse button has been pressed or released. Traditionally,
             * break if the window was found within the freeglut structures.
            GETWINDOW( xbutton );
            GETMOUSE( xbutton );

             * An X button (at least in XFree86) is numbered from 1.
             * A GLUT button is numbered from 0.
             * Old GLUT passed through buttons other than just the first
             * three, though it only gave symbolic names and official
             * support to the first three.
            button = event.xbutton.button - 1;

             * Do not execute the application's mouse callback if a menu
             * is hooked to this button.  In that case an appropriate
             * private call should be generated.
            if( fgCheckActiveMenu( window, button, pressed,
                                   event.xbutton.x, event.xbutton.y ) )

             * Check if there is a mouse or mouse wheel callback hooked to the
             * window
            if( ! FETCH_WCB( *window, Mouse ) &&
                ! FETCH_WCB( *window, MouseWheel ) )

            fgState.Modifiers = fgPlatformGetModifiers( event.xbutton.state );

            /* Finally execute the mouse or mouse wheel callback */
            if( ( button < glutDeviceGet ( GLUT_NUM_MOUSE_BUTTONS ) ) || ( ! FETCH_WCB( *window, MouseWheel ) ) )
                INVOKE_WCB( *window, Mouse, ( button,
                                              pressed ? GLUT_DOWN : GLUT_UP,
                                              event.xbutton.y )
                 * Map 4 and 5 to wheel zero; EVEN to +1, ODD to -1
                 *  "  6 and 7 "    "   one; ...
                 * XXX This *should* be behind some variables/macros,
                 * XXX since the order and numbering isn't certain
                 * XXX See XFree86 configuration docs (even back in the
                 * XXX 3.x days, and especially with 4.x).
                 * XXX Note that {button} has already been decremented
                 * XXX in mapping from X button numbering to GLUT.
				 * XXX Should add support for partial wheel turns as Windows does -- 5/27/11
                int wheel_number = (button - glutDeviceGet ( GLUT_NUM_MOUSE_BUTTONS )) / 2;
                int direction = -1;
                if( button % 2 )
                    direction = 1;

                if( pressed )
                    INVOKE_WCB( *window, MouseWheel, ( wheel_number,
                                                       event.xbutton.y )
            fgState.Modifiers = INVALID_MODIFIERS;

        case KeyRelease:
        case KeyPress:
            FGCBKeyboard keyboard_cb;
            FGCBSpecial special_cb;

            GETWINDOW( xkey );
            GETMOUSE( xkey );

            /* Detect auto repeated keys, if configured globally or per-window */

            if ( fgState.KeyRepeat==GLUT_KEY_REPEAT_OFF || window->State.IgnoreKeyRepeat==GL_TRUE )
                if (event.type==KeyRelease)
                     * Look at X11 keystate to detect repeat mode.
                     * While X11 says the key is actually held down, we'll ignore KeyRelease/KeyPress pairs.

                    char keys[32];
                    XQueryKeymap( fgDisplay.pDisplay.Display, keys ); /* Look at X11 keystate to detect repeat mode */

                    if ( event.xkey.keycode<256 )            /* XQueryKeymap is limited to 256 keycodes    */
                        if ( keys[event.xkey.keycode>>3] & (1<<(event.xkey.keycode%8)) )
                            window->State.pWState.KeyRepeating = GL_TRUE;
                            window->State.pWState.KeyRepeating = GL_FALSE;
                window->State.pWState.KeyRepeating = GL_FALSE;

            /* Cease processing this event if it is auto repeated */

            if (window->State.pWState.KeyRepeating)
                if (event.type == KeyPress) window->State.pWState.KeyRepeating = GL_FALSE;

            if( event.type == KeyPress )
                keyboard_cb = (FGCBKeyboard)( FETCH_WCB( *window, Keyboard ));
                special_cb  = (FGCBSpecial) ( FETCH_WCB( *window, Special  ));
                keyboard_cb = (FGCBKeyboard)( FETCH_WCB( *window, KeyboardUp ));
                special_cb  = (FGCBSpecial) ( FETCH_WCB( *window, SpecialUp  ));

            /* Is there a keyboard/special callback hooked for this window? */
            if( keyboard_cb || special_cb )
                XComposeStatus composeStatus;
                char asciiCode[ 32 ];
                KeySym keySym;
                int len;

                /* Check for the ASCII/KeySym codes associated with the event: */
                len = XLookupString( &event.xkey, asciiCode, sizeof(asciiCode),
                                     &keySym, &composeStatus

                /* GLUT API tells us to have two separate callbacks... */
                if( len > 0 )
                    /* ...one for the ASCII translateable keypresses... */
                    if( keyboard_cb )
                        fgSetWindow( window );
                        fgState.Modifiers = fgPlatformGetModifiers( event.xkey.state );
                        keyboard_cb( asciiCode[ 0 ],
                                     event.xkey.x, event.xkey.y
                        fgState.Modifiers = INVALID_MODIFIERS;
                    int special = -1;

                     * ...and one for all the others, which need to be
                     * translated to GLUT_KEY_Xs...
                    switch( keySym )
                    case XK_F1:     special = GLUT_KEY_F1;     break;
                    case XK_F2:     special = GLUT_KEY_F2;     break;
                    case XK_F3:     special = GLUT_KEY_F3;     break;
                    case XK_F4:     special = GLUT_KEY_F4;     break;
                    case XK_F5:     special = GLUT_KEY_F5;     break;
                    case XK_F6:     special = GLUT_KEY_F6;     break;
                    case XK_F7:     special = GLUT_KEY_F7;     break;
                    case XK_F8:     special = GLUT_KEY_F8;     break;
                    case XK_F9:     special = GLUT_KEY_F9;     break;
                    case XK_F10:    special = GLUT_KEY_F10;    break;
                    case XK_F11:    special = GLUT_KEY_F11;    break;
                    case XK_F12:    special = GLUT_KEY_F12;    break;

                    case XK_KP_Left:
                    case XK_Left:   special = GLUT_KEY_LEFT;   break;
                    case XK_KP_Right:
                    case XK_Right:  special = GLUT_KEY_RIGHT;  break;
                    case XK_KP_Up:
                    case XK_Up:     special = GLUT_KEY_UP;     break;
                    case XK_KP_Down:
                    case XK_Down:   special = GLUT_KEY_DOWN;   break;

                    case XK_KP_Prior:
                    case XK_Prior:  special = GLUT_KEY_PAGE_UP; break;
                    case XK_KP_Next:
                    case XK_Next:   special = GLUT_KEY_PAGE_DOWN; break;
                    case XK_KP_Home:
                    case XK_Home:   special = GLUT_KEY_HOME;   break;
                    case XK_KP_End:
                    case XK_End:    special = GLUT_KEY_END;    break;
                    case XK_KP_Insert:
                    case XK_Insert: special = GLUT_KEY_INSERT; break;

                    case XK_Num_Lock :  special = GLUT_KEY_NUM_LOCK;  break;
                    case XK_KP_Begin :  special = GLUT_KEY_BEGIN;     break;
                    case XK_KP_Delete:  special = GLUT_KEY_DELETE;    break;

                    case XK_Shift_L:   special = GLUT_KEY_SHIFT_L;    break;
                    case XK_Shift_R:   special = GLUT_KEY_SHIFT_R;    break;
                    case XK_Control_L: special = GLUT_KEY_CTRL_L;     break;
                    case XK_Control_R: special = GLUT_KEY_CTRL_R;     break;
                    case XK_Alt_L:     special = GLUT_KEY_ALT_L;      break;
                    case XK_Alt_R:     special = GLUT_KEY_ALT_R;      break;

                     * Execute the callback (if one has been specified),
                     * given that the special code seems to be valid...
                    if( special_cb && (special != -1) )
                        fgSetWindow( window );
                        fgState.Modifiers = fgPlatformGetModifiers( event.xkey.state );
                        special_cb( special, event.xkey.x, event.xkey.y );
                        fgState.Modifiers = INVALID_MODIFIERS;
 * Activates a menu pointed by the function argument
static void fghActivateMenu( SFG_Window* window, int button )
    int max_x, max_y;
    SFG_XYUse mouse_pos;

    /* We'll be referencing this menu a lot, so remember its address: */
    SFG_Menu* menu = window->Menu[ button ];
    SFG_Window* current_window = fgStructure.CurrentWindow;

    /* If the menu is already active in another window, deactivate it (and any submenus) there */
    if ( menu->ParentWindow )

    /* Mark the menu as active, so that it gets displayed: */
    window->ActiveMenu = menu;
    menu->IsActive = GL_TRUE;
    fghSetMenuParentWindow ( window, menu );

    /* Set up the initial menu position now: */
    fghGetVMaxExtent(menu->ParentWindow, &max_x, &max_y);
    fgSetWindow( window );
    /* get mouse position on screen (window->State.MouseX and window->State.MouseY
     * are relative to client area origin), and not easy to correct given that
     * glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_X ) and glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_Y ) return relative to parent
     * origin when looking at a child window
     * for parent windows: window->State.MouseX + glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_X ) == mouse_pos.X
    menu->X = mouse_pos.X;
    menu->Y = mouse_pos.Y;

    /* Make sure the whole menu is on the screen */
    if( menu->X + menu->Width > max_x )
        menu->X -=menu->Width;

    if( menu->Y + menu->Height > max_y )
        menu->Y -=menu->Height;
        if( menu->Y < 0 )
            menu->Y = 0;

    /* Set position of mouse relative to top-left menu in menu's window state (could as well set 0 at creation time...) */
    menu->Window->State.MouseX = mouse_pos.X - menu->X;
    menu->Window->State.MouseY = mouse_pos.Y - menu->Y;

    /* Menu status callback */
    if (fgState.MenuStateCallback || fgState.MenuStatusCallback)
        fgStructure.CurrentMenu = menu;
        fgStructure.CurrentWindow = window;
        if (fgState.MenuStateCallback)
        if (fgState.MenuStatusCallback)
            /* window->State.MouseX and window->State.MouseY are relative to client area origin, as needed */
            fgState.MenuStatusCallback(GLUT_MENU_IN_USE, window->State.MouseX, window->State.MouseY);

    fgSetWindow( menu->Window );
    glutPositionWindow( menu->X, menu->Y );
    glutReshapeWindow( menu->Width, menu->Height );
    glutPopWindow( );
    glutShowWindow( );
    menu->Window->ActiveMenu = menu;
    fghCheckMenuStatus( menu );
    fgSetWindow( current_window );
 * Check whether an active menu absorbs a mouse click
GLboolean fgCheckActiveMenu ( SFG_Window *window, int button, GLboolean pressed,
                              int mouse_x, int mouse_y )
     * Near as I can tell, this is the menu behaviour:
     *  - Down-click the menu button, menu not active:  activate
     *    the menu with its upper left-hand corner at the mouse
     *    location.
     *  - Down-click any button outside the menu, menu active:
     *    deactivate the menu
     *  - Down-click any button inside the menu, menu active:
     *    select the menu entry and deactivate the menu
     *  - Up-click the menu button, menu not active:  nothing happens
     *  - Up-click the menu button outside the menu, menu active:
     *    nothing happens
     *  - Up-click the menu button inside the menu, menu active:
     *    select the menu entry and deactivate the menu
     * Since menus can have submenus, we need to check this recursively.
    if( window->ActiveMenu )
        if( window == window->ActiveMenu->ParentWindow )
            window->ActiveMenu->Window->State.MouseX =
                                       mouse_x - window->ActiveMenu->X;
            window->ActiveMenu->Window->State.MouseY =
                                       mouse_y - window->ActiveMenu->Y;

        /* In the menu, invoke the callback and deactivate the menu */
        if( fghCheckMenuStatus( window->ActiveMenu ) )
             * Save the current window and menu and set the current
             * window to the window whose menu this is
            SFG_Window *save_window = fgStructure.CurrentWindow;
            SFG_Menu *save_menu = fgStructure.CurrentMenu;
            SFG_Window *parent_window = window->ActiveMenu->ParentWindow;
            fgSetWindow( parent_window );
            fgStructure.CurrentMenu = window->ActiveMenu;

            /* Execute the menu callback */
            fghExecuteMenuCallback( window->ActiveMenu );
            fgDeactivateMenu( parent_window );

            /* Restore the current window and menu */
            fgSetWindow( save_window );
            fgStructure.CurrentMenu = save_menu;
        else if( pressed )
             * Outside the menu, deactivate if it's a downclick
             * A downclick outside of the interior of our freeglut windows
             * is dealt with in the WM_KILLFOCUS handler of fgPlatformWindowProc
            fgDeactivateMenu( window->ActiveMenu->ParentWindow );

         * XXX Why does an active menu require a redisplay at
         * XXX this point?  If this can come out cleanly, then
         * XXX it probably should do so; if not, a comment should
         * XXX explain it.
        if( ! window->IsMenu )
            window->State.Redisplay = GL_TRUE;

        return GL_TRUE;

    /* No active menu, let's check whether we need to activate one. */
    if( ( 0 <= button ) &&
        ( FREEGLUT_MAX_MENUS > button ) &&
        ( window->Menu[ button ] ) &&
        pressed )
        /* XXX Posting a requisite Redisplay seems bogus. */
        window->State.Redisplay = GL_TRUE;
        fghActivateMenu( window, button );
        return GL_TRUE;

    return GL_FALSE;
 * The window procedure for handling Win32 events
LRESULT CALLBACK fgPlatformWindowProc( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
    SFG_Window *window;
    LRESULT lRet = 1;
    static int setCaptureActive = 0;


    window = fgWindowByHandle( hWnd );

    if ( ( window == NULL ) && ( uMsg != WM_CREATE ) )
      return DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );

    /* printf ( "Window %3d message <%04x> %12d %12d\n", window?window->ID:0,
             uMsg, wParam, lParam ); */

    switch( uMsg )
    case WM_CREATE:
        /* The window structure is passed as the creation structure parameter... */
        window = (SFG_Window *) (((LPCREATESTRUCT) lParam)->lpCreateParams);
        FREEGLUT_INTERNAL_ERROR_EXIT ( ( window != NULL ), "Cannot create window",
                                       "fgPlatformWindowProc" );

        window->Window.Handle = hWnd;
        window->Window.pContext.Device = GetDC( hWnd );
        if( window->IsMenu )
            unsigned int current_DisplayMode = fgState.DisplayMode;
            fgState.DisplayMode = GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DEPTH;
#if !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
            fgSetupPixelFormat( window, GL_FALSE, PFD_MAIN_PLANE );
            fgState.DisplayMode = current_DisplayMode;

            if( fgStructure.MenuContext )
                wglMakeCurrent( window->Window.pContext.Device,
                fgStructure.MenuContext =
                    (SFG_MenuContext *)malloc( sizeof(SFG_MenuContext) );
                fgStructure.MenuContext->MContext =
                    wglCreateContext( window->Window.pContext.Device );

            /* window->Window.Context = wglGetCurrentContext ();   */
            window->Window.Context = wglCreateContext( window->Window.pContext.Device );
#if !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
            fgSetupPixelFormat( window, GL_FALSE, PFD_MAIN_PLANE );

            if( ! fgState.UseCurrentContext )
                window->Window.Context =
                    wglCreateContext( window->Window.pContext.Device );
                window->Window.Context = wglGetCurrentContext( );
                if( ! window->Window.Context )
                    window->Window.Context =
                        wglCreateContext( window->Window.pContext.Device );

#if !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
            fgNewWGLCreateContext( window );

        window->State.NeedToResize = GL_TRUE;
        /* if we used CW_USEDEFAULT (thats a negative value) for the size
         * of the window, query the window now for the size at which it
         * was created.
        if( ( window->State.Width < 0 ) || ( window->State.Height < 0 ) )
            SFG_Window *current_window = fgStructure.CurrentWindow;

            fgSetWindow( window );
            window->State.Width = glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH );
            window->State.Height = glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT );
            fgSetWindow( current_window );

        ReleaseDC( window->Window.Handle, window->Window.pContext.Device );

#if defined(_WIN32_WCE)
        /* Take over button handling */
            HINSTANCE dxDllLib=LoadLibrary(_T("gx.dll"));
            if (dxDllLib)
                GXGetDefaultKeys_=(GXGETDEFAULTKEYS)GetProcAddress(dxDllLib, _T("?GXGetDefaultKeys@@YA?AUGXKeyList@@H@Z"));
                GXOpenInput_=(GXOPENINPUT)GetProcAddress(dxDllLib, _T("?GXOpenInput@@YAHXZ"));

                gxKeyList = (*GXGetDefaultKeys_)(GX_LANDSCAPEKEYS);

#endif /* defined(_WIN32_WCE) */

    case WM_SIZE:
        /* printf("WM_SIZE (ID: %i): wParam: %i, new size: %ix%i \n",window->ID,wParam,LOWORD(lParam),HIWORD(lParam)); */

        /* Update visibility state of the window */
        if (wParam==SIZE_MINIMIZED)
        else if (wParam==SIZE_RESTORED && !window->State.Visible)

        /* Check window visible, we don't want to resize when the user or glutIconifyWindow minimized the window */
        if( window->State.Visible )
            /* get old values first to compare to below */
            int width = window->State.Width, height=window->State.Height;
#if defined(_WIN32_WCE)
            window->State.Width  = HIWORD(lParam);
            window->State.Height = LOWORD(lParam);
            window->State.Width  = LOWORD(lParam);
            window->State.Height = HIWORD(lParam);
#endif /* defined(_WIN32_WCE) */
            if (width!=window->State.Width || height!=window->State.Height)
                SFG_Window* saved_window = fgStructure.CurrentWindow;
                /* size changed, call reshape callback */
                INVOKE_WCB( *window, Reshape, ( width, height ) );
                glutPostRedisplay( );
                if( window->IsMenu )
                    fgSetWindow( saved_window );

        /* according to docs, should return 0 */
        lRet = 0;

    case WM_MOVE:
            SFG_Window* saved_window = fgStructure.CurrentWindow;
            RECT windowRect;

            /* Check window is minimized, we don't want to call the position callback when the user or glutIconifyWindow minimized the window */
            if (!IsIconic(window->Window.Handle))
                /* Get top-left of non-client area of window, matching coordinates of
                 * glutInitPosition and glutPositionWindow, but not those of 
                 * glutGet(GLUT_WINDOW_X) and glutGet(GLUT_WINDOW_Y), which return
                 * top-left of client area.
                GetWindowRect( window->Window.Handle, &windowRect );
                if (window->Parent)
                    /* For child window, we should return relative to upper-left
                     * of parent's client area.
                    POINT topleft = {windowRect.left,windowRect.top};

                    windowRect.left = topleft.x;
                    windowRect.top  = topleft.y;

                INVOKE_WCB( *window, Position, ( windowRect.left, windowRect.top ) );

        /* according to docs, should return 0 */
        lRet = 0;

    case WM_SETFOCUS:
        /*printf("WM_SETFOCUS: %p\n", window );*/
        lRet = DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );

        SetActiveWindow( window->Window.Handle );
        UpdateWindow ( hWnd );


    case WM_KILLFOCUS:
        /*printf("WM_KILLFOCUS: %p\n", window ); */
        lRet = DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );

        /* Check if there are any open menus that need to be closed */

#if 0
    case WM_ACTIVATE:
        //printf("WM_ACTIVATE: %x (ID: %i) %d %d\n",lParam, window->ID, HIWORD(wParam), LOWORD(wParam));
        if (LOWORD(wParam) != WA_INACTIVE)
/*            printf("WM_ACTIVATE: fgSetCursor( %p, %d)\n", window,
                   window->State.Cursor ); */
            fgSetCursor( window, window->State.Cursor );

        lRet = DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );

    case WM_SETCURSOR:
/*      printf ( "Cursor event %x %x %x %x\n", window, window->State.Cursor, lParam, wParam ) ; */
        if( LOWORD( lParam ) == HTCLIENT )
            if (!window->State.pWState.MouseTracking)
                TRACKMOUSEEVENT tme;

                /* Cursor just entered window, set cursor look */ 
                fgSetCursor ( window, window->State.Cursor ) ;

                /* If an EntryFunc callback is specified by the user, also
                 * invoke that callback and start mouse tracking so that
                 * we get a WM_MOUSELEAVE message
                if (FETCH_WCB( *window, Entry ))
                    SFG_Window* saved_window = fgStructure.CurrentWindow;
                    INVOKE_WCB( *window, Entry, ( GLUT_ENTERED ) );

                    tme.cbSize = sizeof(TRACKMOUSEEVENT);
                    tme.dwFlags = TME_LEAVE;
                    tme.hwndTrack = window->Window.Handle;

                    window->State.pWState.MouseTracking = GL_TRUE;
            /* Only pass non-client WM_SETCURSOR to DefWindowProc, or we get WM_SETCURSOR on parents of children as well */
            lRet = DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );

            /* NB: This message is only received when a EntryFunc callback
             * is specified by the user, as that is the only condition under
             * which mouse tracking is setup in WM_SETCURSOR handler above
            SFG_Window* saved_window = fgStructure.CurrentWindow;
            INVOKE_WCB( *window, Entry, ( GLUT_LEFT ) );

            window->State.pWState.MouseTracking = GL_FALSE;
            lRet = 0;   /* As per docs, must return zero */

        /* printf("WM_SHOWWINDOW, shown? %i, source: %i\n",wParam,lParam); */
        if (wParam)
            fghUpdateWindowStatus(window, GL_TRUE);
            window->State.Redisplay = GL_TRUE;
            fghUpdateWindowStatus(window, GL_FALSE);
            window->State.Redisplay = GL_FALSE;

    case WM_PAINT:
        RECT rect;

        if (GetUpdateRect(hWnd,&rect,FALSE))
            /* As per docs, upon receiving WM_PAINT, first check if the update region is not empty before you call BeginPaint */
            PAINTSTRUCT ps;

            /* Turn on the visibility in case it was turned off somehow */
            window->State.Visible = GL_TRUE;

            InvalidateRect( hWnd, NULL, GL_FALSE );
            BeginPaint( hWnd, &ps );
            fghRedrawWindow( window );
            EndPaint( hWnd, &ps );
        lRet = 0;   /* As per docs, should return 0 */

    case WM_CLOSE:
        fgDestroyWindow ( window );
        if ( fgState.ActionOnWindowClose != GLUT_ACTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION )

    case WM_DESTROY:
         * The window already got destroyed, so don't bother with it.
        return 0;

    case WM_MOUSEMOVE:
        /* Per docs, use LOWORD/HIWORD for WinCE and GET_X_LPARAM/GET_Y_LPARAM for desktop windows */
#if defined(_WIN32_WCE)
        window->State.MouseX = 320-HIWORD( lParam );    /* XXX: Docs say x should be loword and y hiword? */
        window->State.MouseY = LOWORD( lParam );
        window->State.MouseX = GET_X_LPARAM( lParam );
        window->State.MouseY = GET_Y_LPARAM( lParam );
#endif /* defined(_WIN32_WCE) */
        /* Restrict to [-32768, 32767] to match X11 behaviour       */
        /* See comment in "freeglut_developer" mailing list 10/4/04 */
        if ( window->State.MouseX > 32767 ) window->State.MouseX -= 65536;
        if ( window->State.MouseY > 32767 ) window->State.MouseY -= 65536;

        if ( window->ActiveMenu )
            fgUpdateMenuHighlight( window->ActiveMenu );

        fgState.Modifiers = fgPlatformGetModifiers( );

        if( ( wParam & MK_LBUTTON ) ||
            ( wParam & MK_MBUTTON ) ||
            ( wParam & MK_RBUTTON ) )
            INVOKE_WCB( *window, Motion, ( window->State.MouseX,
                                           window->State.MouseY ) );
            INVOKE_WCB( *window, Passive, ( window->State.MouseX,
                                            window->State.MouseY ) );

        fgState.Modifiers = INVALID_MODIFIERS;

    case WM_LBUTTONUP:
    case WM_MBUTTONUP:
    case WM_RBUTTONUP:
        GLboolean pressed = GL_TRUE;
        int button;

        /* Per docs, use LOWORD/HIWORD for WinCE and GET_X_LPARAM/GET_Y_LPARAM for desktop windows */
#if defined(_WIN32_WCE)
        window->State.MouseX = 320-HIWORD( lParam );    /* XXX: Docs say x should be loword and y hiword? */
        window->State.MouseY = LOWORD( lParam );
        window->State.MouseX = GET_X_LPARAM( lParam );
        window->State.MouseY = GET_Y_LPARAM( lParam );
#endif /* defined(_WIN32_WCE) */

        /* Restrict to [-32768, 32767] to match X11 behaviour       */
        /* See comment in "freeglut_developer" mailing list 10/4/04 */
        if ( window->State.MouseX > 32767 ) window->State.MouseX -= 65536;
        if ( window->State.MouseY > 32767 ) window->State.MouseY -= 65536;

        switch( uMsg )
        case WM_LBUTTONDOWN:
            pressed = GL_TRUE;
            button = GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON;
        case WM_MBUTTONDOWN:
            pressed = GL_TRUE;
            button = GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON;
        case WM_RBUTTONDOWN:
            pressed = GL_TRUE;
            button = GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON;
        case WM_LBUTTONUP:
            pressed = GL_FALSE;
            button = GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON;
        case WM_MBUTTONUP:
            pressed = GL_FALSE;
            button = GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON;
        case WM_RBUTTONUP:
            pressed = GL_FALSE;
            button = GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON;
            pressed = GL_FALSE;
            button = -1;

#if !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
        if( GetSystemMetrics( SM_SWAPBUTTON ) )
            if( button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON )
                button = GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON;
                if( button == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON )
                    button = GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON;
#endif /* !defined(_WIN32_WCE) */

        if( button == -1 )
            return DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, lParam, wParam );

         * Do not execute the application's mouse callback if a menu
         * is hooked to this button.  In that case an appropriate
         * private call should be generated.
        if( fgCheckActiveMenu( window, button, pressed,
                               window->State.MouseX, window->State.MouseY ) )

        /* Set capture so that the window captures all the mouse messages
         * The mouse is not released from the window until all buttons have
         * been released, even if the user presses a button in another window.
         * This is consistent with the behavior on X11.
        if ( pressed == GL_TRUE )
            if (!setCaptureActive)
                SetCapture ( window->Window.Handle ) ;
            setCaptureActive = 1; /* Set to false in WM_CAPTURECHANGED handler */
        else if (!GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) && !GetAsyncKeyState(VK_MBUTTON) && !GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RBUTTON))
          /* Make sure all mouse buttons are released before releasing capture */
          ReleaseCapture () ;

        if( ! FETCH_WCB( *window, Mouse ) )

        fgSetWindow( window );
        fgState.Modifiers = fgPlatformGetModifiers( );

            *window, Mouse,
            ( button,
              pressed ? GLUT_DOWN : GLUT_UP,

        fgState.Modifiers = INVALID_MODIFIERS;

        /* As per docs, should return zero */
        lRet = 0;

        int wheel_number = 0;   /* Only one scroll wheel on windows */
#if defined(_WIN32_WCE)
        int modkeys = LOWORD(wParam); 
        short ticks = (short)HIWORD(wParam);
        /* commented out as should not be needed here, mouse motion is processed in WM_MOUSEMOVE first:
        xPos = LOWORD(lParam);  -- straight from docs, not consistent with mouse nutton and mouse motion above (which i think is wrong)
        yPos = HIWORD(lParam);
        /* int modkeys = GET_KEYSTATE_WPARAM( wParam ); */
        short ticks = GET_WHEEL_DELTA_WPARAM( wParam );
        /* commented out as should not be needed here, mouse motion is processed in WM_MOUSEMOVE first:
        window->State.MouseX = GET_X_LPARAM( lParam );
        window->State.MouseY = GET_Y_LPARAM( lParam );
#endif /* defined(_WIN32_WCE) */

        window = fghWindowUnderCursor(window);

		fgState.MouseWheelTicks += ticks;
        if ( abs ( fgState.MouseWheelTicks ) >= WHEEL_DELTA )
			int direction = ( fgState.MouseWheelTicks > 0 ) ? 1 : -1;

            if( ! FETCH_WCB( *window, MouseWheel ) &&
                ! FETCH_WCB( *window, Mouse ) )

            fgSetWindow( window );
            fgState.Modifiers = fgPlatformGetModifiers( );

            while( abs ( fgState.MouseWheelTicks ) >= WHEEL_DELTA )
                if( FETCH_WCB( *window, MouseWheel ) )
                    INVOKE_WCB( *window, MouseWheel,
                                ( wheel_number,
                else  /* No mouse wheel, call the mouse button callback twice */
                     * Map wheel zero to button 3 and 4; +1 to 3, -1 to 4
                     *  "    "   one                     +1 to 5, -1 to 6, ...
                     * XXX The below assumes that you have no more than 3 mouse
                     * XXX buttons.  Sorry.
                    int button = wheel_number * 2 + 3;
                    if( direction < 0 )
                    INVOKE_WCB( *window, Mouse,
                                ( button, GLUT_DOWN,
                                  window->State.MouseX, window->State.MouseY )
                    INVOKE_WCB( *window, Mouse,
                                ( button, GLUT_UP,
                                  window->State.MouseX, window->State.MouseY )

				fgState.MouseWheelTicks -= WHEEL_DELTA * direction;

            fgState.Modifiers = INVALID_MODIFIERS;
        /* Per docs, should return zero */
        lRet = 0;
    break ;

    case WM_KEYDOWN:
        window = fghWindowUnderCursor(window);
        lRet = fghWindowProcKeyPress(window,uMsg,GL_TRUE,wParam,lParam);

    case WM_SYSKEYUP:
    case WM_KEYUP:
        window = fghWindowUnderCursor(window);
        lRet = fghWindowProcKeyPress(window,uMsg,GL_FALSE,wParam,lParam);

    case WM_SYSCHAR:
    case WM_CHAR:
      window = fghWindowUnderCursor(window);

      if( (fgState.KeyRepeat==GLUT_KEY_REPEAT_OFF || window->State.IgnoreKeyRepeat==GL_TRUE) && (HIWORD(lParam) & KF_REPEAT) )

        fgState.Modifiers = fgPlatformGetModifiers( );
        INVOKE_WCB( *window, Keyboard,
                    ( (char)wParam,
                      window->State.MouseX, window->State.MouseY )
        fgState.Modifiers = INVALID_MODIFIERS;

        if (!lParam || !fgWindowByHandle((HWND)lParam))
            /* Capture released or capture taken by non-FreeGLUT window */
            setCaptureActive = 0;
        /* Docs advise a redraw */
        InvalidateRect( hWnd, NULL, GL_FALSE );
        lRet = 0;   /* Per docs, should return zero */

#if !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
    case WM_SYNCPAINT:  /* 0x0088 */
        /* Another window has moved, need to update this one */
        window->State.Redisplay = GL_TRUE;
        lRet = DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );
        /* Help screen says this message must be passed to "DefWindowProc" */

    case WM_SYSCOMMAND :  /* 0x0112 */
           * We have received a system command message.  Try to act on it.
           * The commands are passed in through the "wParam" parameter:
           * The least significant digit seems to be which edge of the window
           * is being used for a resize event:
           *     4  3  5
           *     1     2
           *     7  6  8
           * Congratulations and thanks to Richard Rauch for figuring this out..
            switch ( wParam & 0xfff0 )
            case SC_SIZE       :
                break ;

            case SC_MOVE       :
                break ;

            case SC_MINIMIZE   :
                /* User has clicked on the "-" to minimize the window */
                /* Turning off the visibility is handled in WM_SIZE handler */

                break ;

            case SC_MAXIMIZE   :
                break ;

            case SC_NEXTWINDOW :
                break ;

            case SC_PREVWINDOW :
                break ;

            case SC_CLOSE      :
                /* Followed very closely by a WM_CLOSE message */
                break ;

            case SC_VSCROLL    :
                break ;

            case SC_HSCROLL    :
                break ;

            case SC_MOUSEMENU  :
                break ;

            case SC_KEYMENU    :
                break ;

            case SC_ARRANGE    :
                break ;

            case SC_RESTORE    :
                break ;

            case SC_TASKLIST   :
                break ;

            case SC_SCREENSAVE :
                break ;

            case SC_HOTKEY     :
                break ;

#if(WINVER >= 0x0400)
            case SC_DEFAULT    :
                break ;

            case SC_MONITORPOWER    :
                break ;

            case SC_CONTEXTHELP    :
                break ;
#endif /* WINVER >= 0x0400 */

#if _DEBUG
                fgWarning( "Unknown wParam type 0x%x", wParam );
#endif /* !defined(_WIN32_WCE) */

        /* We need to pass the message on to the operating system as well */
        lRet = DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );

#ifdef WM_TOUCH
	/* handle multi-touch messages */
	case WM_TOUCH:
		unsigned int numInputs = (unsigned int)wParam;
		unsigned int i = 0;
		TOUCHINPUT* ti = (TOUCHINPUT*)malloc( sizeof(TOUCHINPUT)*numInputs);

		if (fghGetTouchInputInfo == (pGetTouchInputInfo)0xDEADBEEF) {
		    fghGetTouchInputInfo = (pGetTouchInputInfo)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("user32"),"GetTouchInputInfo");
		    fghCloseTouchInputHandle = (pCloseTouchInputHandle)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("user32"),"CloseTouchInputHandle");

		if (!fghGetTouchInputInfo) { 
			free( (void*)ti );

		if (fghGetTouchInputInfo( (HTOUCHINPUT)lParam, numInputs, ti, sizeof(TOUCHINPUT) )) {
			/* Handle each contact point */
			for (i = 0; i < numInputs; ++i ) {

				POINT tp;
				tp.x = TOUCH_COORD_TO_PIXEL(ti[i].x);
				tp.y = TOUCH_COORD_TO_PIXEL(ti[i].y);
				ScreenToClient( hWnd, &tp );

				ti[i].dwID = ti[i].dwID * 2;

				if (ti[i].dwFlags & TOUCHEVENTF_DOWN) {
					INVOKE_WCB( *window, MultiEntry,  ( ti[i].dwID, GLUT_ENTERED ) );
					INVOKE_WCB( *window, MultiButton, ( ti[i].dwID, tp.x, tp.y, 0, GLUT_DOWN ) );
				} else if (ti[i].dwFlags & TOUCHEVENTF_MOVE) {
					INVOKE_WCB( *window, MultiMotion, ( ti[i].dwID, tp.x, tp.y ) );
				} else if (ti[i].dwFlags & TOUCHEVENTF_UP)   { 
					INVOKE_WCB( *window, MultiButton, ( ti[i].dwID, tp.x, tp.y, 0, GLUT_UP ) );
					INVOKE_WCB( *window, MultiEntry,  ( ti[i].dwID, GLUT_LEFT ) );
		free( (void*)ti );
		lRet = 0; /*DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );*/
        /* Handle unhandled messages */
        lRet = DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );

    return lRet;
 * Opens a window. Requires a SFG_Window object created and attached
 * to the freeglut structure. OpenGL context is created here.
void fgOpenWindow( SFG_Window* window, const char* title,
                   int x, int y, int w, int h,
                   GLboolean gameMode, GLboolean isSubWindow )
    XSetWindowAttributes winAttr;
    XTextProperty textProperty;
    XSizeHints sizeHints;
    XWMHints wmHints;
    unsigned long mask;
    unsigned int current_DisplayMode = fgState.DisplayMode ;

    /* Save the display mode if we are creating a menu window */
    if( window->IsMenu && ( ! fgStructure.MenuContext ) )
        fgState.DisplayMode = GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB ;

    window->Window.VisualInfo = fgChooseVisual( );

    if( window->IsMenu && ( ! fgStructure.MenuContext ) )
        fgState.DisplayMode = current_DisplayMode ;

    if( ! window->Window.VisualInfo )
         * The "fgChooseVisual" returned a null meaning that the visual
         * context is not available.
         * Try a couple of variations to see if they will work.
        if( !( fgState.DisplayMode & GLUT_DOUBLE ) )
            fgState.DisplayMode |= GLUT_DOUBLE ;
            window->Window.VisualInfo = fgChooseVisual( );
            fgState.DisplayMode &= ~GLUT_DOUBLE;

         * GLUT also checks for multi-sampling, but I don't see that
         * anywhere else in FREEGLUT so I won't bother with it for the moment.

    FREEGLUT_INTERNAL_ERROR_EXIT( window->Window.VisualInfo != NULL,
                                  "Visual with necessary capabilities not found", "fgOpenWindow" );

     * XXX HINT: the masks should be updated when adding/removing callbacks.
     * XXX       This might speed up message processing. Is that true?
     * XXX
     * XXX A: Not appreciably, but it WILL make it easier to debug.
     * XXX    Try tracing old GLUT and try tracing freeglut.  Old GLUT
     * XXX    turns off events that it doesn't need and is a whole lot
     * XXX    more pleasant to trace.  (Think mouse-motion!  Tons of
     * XXX    ``bonus'' GUI events stream in.)
    winAttr.event_mask        =
        StructureNotifyMask | SubstructureNotifyMask | ExposureMask |
        ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask |
        VisibilityChangeMask | EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask |
        PointerMotionMask | ButtonMotionMask;
    winAttr.background_pixmap = None;
    winAttr.background_pixel  = 0;
    winAttr.border_pixel      = 0;

    winAttr.colormap = XCreateColormap(
        fgDisplay.Display, fgDisplay.RootWindow,
        window->Window.VisualInfo->visual, AllocNone

    mask = CWBackPixmap | CWBorderPixel | CWColormap | CWEventMask;

    if( window->IsMenu || ( gameMode == GL_TRUE ) )
        winAttr.override_redirect = True;
        mask |= CWOverrideRedirect;

    window->Window.Handle = XCreateWindow(
        window->Parent == NULL ? fgDisplay.RootWindow :
        x, y, w, h, 0,
        window->Window.VisualInfo->depth, InputOutput,
        window->Window.VisualInfo->visual, mask,

     * The GLX context creation, possibly trying the direct context rendering
     *  or else use the current context if the user has so specified
    if( window->IsMenu )
         * If there isn't already an OpenGL rendering context for menu
         * windows, make one
        if( !fgStructure.MenuContext )
            fgStructure.MenuContext =
                (SFG_MenuContext *)malloc( sizeof(SFG_MenuContext) );
            fgStructure.MenuContext->VisualInfo = window->Window.VisualInfo;
            fgStructure.MenuContext->Context = glXCreateContext(
                fgDisplay.Display, fgStructure.MenuContext->VisualInfo,
                NULL, ( fgState.DirectContext != GLUT_FORCE_INDIRECT_CONTEXT )

        /* window->Window.Context = fgStructure.MenuContext->Context; */
        window->Window.Context = glXCreateContext(
            fgDisplay.Display, window->Window.VisualInfo,
            NULL, ( fgState.DirectContext != GLUT_FORCE_INDIRECT_CONTEXT )
    else if( fgState.UseCurrentContext )
        window->Window.Context = glXGetCurrentContext( );

        if( ! window->Window.Context )
            window->Window.Context = glXCreateContext(
                fgDisplay.Display, window->Window.VisualInfo,
                NULL, ( fgState.DirectContext != GLUT_FORCE_INDIRECT_CONTEXT )
        window->Window.Context = glXCreateContext(
            fgDisplay.Display, window->Window.VisualInfo,
            NULL, ( fgState.DirectContext != GLUT_FORCE_INDIRECT_CONTEXT )

#if !defined( __FreeBSD__ ) && !defined( __NetBSD__ )
    if(  !glXIsDirect( fgDisplay.Display, window->Window.Context ) )
      if( fgState.DirectContext == GLUT_FORCE_DIRECT_CONTEXT )
        fgError( "Unable to force direct context rendering for window '%s'",
                 title );
      else if( fgState.DirectContext == GLUT_TRY_DIRECT_CONTEXT )
        fgWarning( "Unable to create direct context rendering for window '%s'\nThis may hurt performance.",
                 title );

     * XXX Assume the new window is visible by default
     * XXX Is this a  safe assumption?
    window->State.Visible = GL_TRUE;

    sizeHints.flags = 0;
    if ( fgState.Position.Use )
        sizeHints.flags |= USPosition;
    if ( fgState.Size.Use )
        sizeHints.flags |= USSize;

     * Fill in the size hints values now (the x, y, width and height
     * settings are obsolete, are there any more WMs that support them?)
     * Unless the X servers actually stop supporting these, we should
     * continue to fill them in.  It is *not* our place to tell the user
     * that they should replace a window manager that they like, and which
     * works, just because *we* think that it's not "modern" enough.
    sizeHints.x      = x;
    sizeHints.y      = y;
    sizeHints.width  = w;
    sizeHints.height = h;

    wmHints.flags = StateHint;
    wmHints.initial_state = fgState.ForceIconic ? IconicState : NormalState;
    /* Prepare the window and iconified window names... */
    XStringListToTextProperty( (char **) &title, 1, &textProperty );

    XFree( textProperty.value );

    XSetWMProtocols( fgDisplay.Display, window->Window.Handle,
                     &fgDisplay.DeleteWindow, 1 );


    XMapWindow( fgDisplay.Display, window->Window.Handle );


    WNDCLASS wc;
    DWORD flags;
    DWORD exFlags = 0;
    ATOM atom;

    /* Grab the window class we have registered on glutInit(): */
    atom = GetClassInfo( fgDisplay.Instance, _T("FREEGLUT"), &wc );
    FREEGLUT_INTERNAL_ERROR_EXIT ( atom, "Window Class Info Not Found",
                                   "fgOpenWindow" );

    if( gameMode )
        FREEGLUT_INTERNAL_ERROR_EXIT ( window->Parent == NULL,
                                       "Game mode being invoked on a subwindow",
                                       "fgOpenWindow" );

         * Set the window creation flags appropriately to make the window
         * entirely visible:
        if ( ( ! isSubWindow ) && ( ! window->IsMenu ) )
             * Update the window dimensions, taking account of window
             * decorations.  "freeglut" is to create the window with the
             * outside of its border at (x,y) and with dimensions (w,h).
            w += (GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSIZEFRAME ) )*2;
            h += (GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSIZEFRAME ) )*2 +
                GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYCAPTION );
#endif /* TARGET_HOST_WINCE */

        if( ! fgState.Position.Use )
            x = CW_USEDEFAULT;
            y = CW_USEDEFAULT;
        if( ! fgState.Size.Use )
            w = CW_USEDEFAULT;
            h = CW_USEDEFAULT;

         * There's a small difference between creating the top, child and
         * game mode windows

        if ( window->IsMenu )
            flags |= WS_POPUP;
            exFlags |= WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW;
        else if( window->Parent == NULL )
            flags |= WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW;
            flags |= WS_CHILD;

        wchar_t* wstr = fghWstrFromStr(title);

        window->Window.Handle = CreateWindow(
            WS_VISIBLE | WS_POPUP,
            0,0, 240,320,
            (LPVOID) window


        SHFullScreen(window->Window.Handle, SHFS_HIDESTARTICON);
        SHFullScreen(window->Window.Handle, SHFS_HIDESIPBUTTON);
        SHFullScreen(window->Window.Handle, SHFS_HIDETASKBAR);
        MoveWindow(window->Window.Handle, 0, 0, 240, 320, TRUE);
        ShowWindow(window->Window.Handle, SW_SHOW);
    window->Window.Handle = CreateWindowExA(
        x, y, w, h,
        (HWND) window->Parent == NULL ? NULL : window->Parent->Window.Handle,
        (HMENU) NULL,
        (LPVOID) window
#endif /* TARGET_HOST_WINCE */

    if( !( window->Window.Handle ) )
        fgError( "Failed to create a window (%s)!", title );

    ShowWindow( window->Window.Handle, SW_SHOW );
    ShowWindow( window->Window.Handle,
                fgState.ForceIconic ? SW_SHOWMINIMIZED : SW_SHOW );
#endif /* TARGET_HOST_WINCE */

    UpdateWindow( window->Window.Handle );
    ShowCursor( TRUE );  /* XXX Old comments say "hide cursor"! */


    fgSetWindow( window );

    window->Window.DoubleBuffered =
        ( fgState.DisplayMode & GLUT_DOUBLE ) ? 1 : 0;

    if ( ! window->Window.DoubleBuffered )
        glDrawBuffer ( GL_FRONT );
        glReadBuffer ( GL_FRONT );
 * The window procedure for handling Win32 events
LRESULT CALLBACK fgPlatformWindowProc( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam,
                                       LPARAM lParam )
    static unsigned char lControl = 0, rControl = 0, lShift = 0,
                         rShift = 0, lAlt = 0, rAlt = 0;

    SFG_Window* window;
    LRESULT lRet = 1;


    window = fgWindowByHandle( hWnd );

    if ( ( window == NULL ) && ( uMsg != WM_CREATE ) )
      return DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );

    /* printf ( "Window %3d message <%04x> %12d %12d\n", window?window->ID:0,
             uMsg, wParam, lParam ); */

    if ( window )
      /* Checking for CTRL, ALT, and SHIFT key positions:  Key Down! */
      if ( !lControl && GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_LCONTROL ) )
          INVOKE_WCB	( *window, Special,
                        ( GLUT_KEY_CTRL_L, window->State.MouseX, window->State.MouseY )

          lControl = 1;

      if ( !rControl && GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_RCONTROL ) )
          INVOKE_WCB ( *window, Special,
                       ( GLUT_KEY_CTRL_R, window->State.MouseX, window->State.MouseY )

          rControl = 1;

      if ( !lShift && GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_LSHIFT ) )
          INVOKE_WCB ( *window, Special,
                       ( GLUT_KEY_SHIFT_L, window->State.MouseX, window->State.MouseY )

          lShift = 1;

      if ( !rShift && GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_RSHIFT ) )
          INVOKE_WCB ( *window, Special,
                       ( GLUT_KEY_SHIFT_R, window->State.MouseX, window->State.MouseY )

          rShift = 1;

      if ( !lAlt && GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_LMENU ) )
          INVOKE_WCB ( *window, Special,
                       ( GLUT_KEY_ALT_L, window->State.MouseX, window->State.MouseY )

          lAlt = 1;

      if ( !rAlt && GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_RMENU ) )
          INVOKE_WCB ( *window, Special,
                       ( GLUT_KEY_ALT_R, window->State.MouseX, window->State.MouseY )

          rAlt = 1;

      /* Checking for CTRL, ALT, and SHIFT key positions:  Key Up! */
      if ( lControl && !GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_LCONTROL ) )
          INVOKE_WCB ( *window, SpecialUp,
                       ( GLUT_KEY_CTRL_L, window->State.MouseX, window->State.MouseY )

          lControl = 0;

      if ( rControl && !GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_RCONTROL ) )
          INVOKE_WCB ( *window, SpecialUp,
                       ( GLUT_KEY_CTRL_R, window->State.MouseX, window->State.MouseY )

          rControl = 0;

      if ( lShift && !GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_LSHIFT ) )
          INVOKE_WCB ( *window, SpecialUp,
                       ( GLUT_KEY_SHIFT_L, window->State.MouseX, window->State.MouseY )

          lShift = 0;

      if ( rShift && !GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_RSHIFT ) )
          INVOKE_WCB ( *window, SpecialUp,
                       ( GLUT_KEY_SHIFT_R, window->State.MouseX, window->State.MouseY )

          rShift = 0;

      if ( lAlt && !GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_LMENU ) )
          INVOKE_WCB ( *window, SpecialUp,
                       ( GLUT_KEY_ALT_L, window->State.MouseX, window->State.MouseY )

          lAlt = 0;

      if ( rAlt && !GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_RMENU ) )
          INVOKE_WCB ( *window, SpecialUp,
                       ( GLUT_KEY_ALT_R, window->State.MouseX, window->State.MouseY )

          rAlt = 0;

    switch( uMsg )
    case WM_CREATE:
        /* The window structure is passed as the creation structure parameter... */
        window = (SFG_Window *) (((LPCREATESTRUCT) lParam)->lpCreateParams);
        FREEGLUT_INTERNAL_ERROR_EXIT ( ( window != NULL ), "Cannot create window",
                                       "fgPlatformWindowProc" );

        window->Window.Handle = hWnd;
        window->Window.pContext.Device = GetDC( hWnd );
        if( window->IsMenu )
            unsigned int current_DisplayMode = fgState.DisplayMode;
            fgState.DisplayMode = GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DEPTH;
#if !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
            fgSetupPixelFormat( window, GL_FALSE, PFD_MAIN_PLANE );
            fgState.DisplayMode = current_DisplayMode;

            if( fgStructure.MenuContext )
                wglMakeCurrent( window->Window.pContext.Device,
                fgStructure.MenuContext =
                    (SFG_MenuContext *)malloc( sizeof(SFG_MenuContext) );
                fgStructure.MenuContext->MContext =
                    wglCreateContext( window->Window.pContext.Device );

            /* window->Window.Context = wglGetCurrentContext ();   */
            window->Window.Context = wglCreateContext( window->Window.pContext.Device );
#if !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
            fgSetupPixelFormat( window, GL_FALSE, PFD_MAIN_PLANE );

            if( ! fgState.UseCurrentContext )
                window->Window.Context =
                    wglCreateContext( window->Window.pContext.Device );
                window->Window.Context = wglGetCurrentContext( );
                if( ! window->Window.Context )
                    window->Window.Context =
                        wglCreateContext( window->Window.pContext.Device );

#if !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
            fgNewWGLCreateContext( window );

        window->State.NeedToResize = GL_TRUE;
        /* if we used CW_USEDEFAULT (thats a negative value) for the size
         * of the window, query the window now for the size at which it
         * was created.
        if( ( window->State.Width < 0 ) || ( window->State.Height < 0 ) )
            SFG_Window *current_window = fgStructure.CurrentWindow;

            fgSetWindow( window );
            window->State.Width = glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH );
            window->State.Height = glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT );
            fgSetWindow( current_window );

        ReleaseDC( window->Window.Handle, window->Window.pContext.Device );

#if defined(_WIN32_WCE)
        /* Take over button handling */
            HINSTANCE dxDllLib=LoadLibrary(_T("gx.dll"));
            if (dxDllLib)
                GXGetDefaultKeys_=(GXGETDEFAULTKEYS)GetProcAddress(dxDllLib, _T("?GXGetDefaultKeys@@YA?AUGXKeyList@@H@Z"));
                GXOpenInput_=(GXOPENINPUT)GetProcAddress(dxDllLib, _T("?GXOpenInput@@YAHXZ"));

                gxKeyList = (*GXGetDefaultKeys_)(GX_LANDSCAPEKEYS);

#endif /* defined(_WIN32_WCE) */

    case WM_SIZE:
         * If the window is visible, then it is the user manually resizing it.
         * If it is not, then it is the system sending us a dummy resize with
         * zero dimensions on a "glutIconifyWindow" call.
        if( window->State.Visible )
            window->State.NeedToResize = GL_TRUE;
#if defined(_WIN32_WCE)
            window->State.Width  = HIWORD(lParam);
            window->State.Height = LOWORD(lParam);
            window->State.Width  = LOWORD(lParam);
            window->State.Height = HIWORD(lParam);
#endif /* defined(_WIN32_WCE) */


    case WM_SETFOCUS:
/*        printf("WM_SETFOCUS: %p\n", window ); */
        lRet = DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );
        INVOKE_WCB( *window, Entry, ( GLUT_ENTERED ) );

		UpdateWindow ( hWnd );

    case WM_KILLFOCUS:
/*        printf("WM_KILLFOCUS: %p\n", window ); */
        lRet = DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );
        INVOKE_WCB( *window, Entry, ( GLUT_LEFT ) );

        if( window->IsMenu &&
            window->ActiveMenu && window->ActiveMenu->IsActive )
            fgUpdateMenuHighlight( window->ActiveMenu );


#if 0
    case WM_ACTIVATE:
        if (LOWORD(wParam) != WA_INACTIVE)
/*            printf("WM_ACTIVATE: fgSetCursor( %p, %d)\n", window,
                   window->State.Cursor ); */
            fgSetCursor( window, window->State.Cursor );

        lRet = DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );

    case WM_SETCURSOR:
/*      printf ( "Cursor event %x %x %x %x\n", window, window->State.Cursor, lParam, wParam ) ; */
        if( LOWORD( lParam ) == HTCLIENT )
            fgSetCursor ( window, window->State.Cursor ) ;
            lRet = DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );

        window->State.Visible = GL_TRUE;
        window->State.Redisplay = GL_TRUE;

    case WM_PAINT:
        /* Turn on the visibility in case it was turned off somehow */
        window->State.Visible = GL_TRUE;
        BeginPaint( hWnd, &ps );
        fghRedrawWindow( window );
        EndPaint( hWnd, &ps );

    case WM_CLOSE:
        fgDestroyWindow ( window );
        if ( fgState.ActionOnWindowClose != GLUT_ACTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION )

    case WM_DESTROY:
         * The window already got destroyed, so don't bother with it.
        return 0;

    case WM_MOUSEMOVE:
#if defined(_WIN32_WCE)
        window->State.MouseX = 320-HIWORD( lParam );
        window->State.MouseY = LOWORD( lParam );
        window->State.MouseX = LOWORD( lParam );
        window->State.MouseY = HIWORD( lParam );
#endif /* defined(_WIN32_WCE) */
        /* Restrict to [-32768, 32767] to match X11 behaviour       */
        /* See comment in "freeglut_developer" mailing list 10/4/04 */
        if ( window->State.MouseX > 32767 ) window->State.MouseX -= 65536;
        if ( window->State.MouseY > 32767 ) window->State.MouseY -= 65536;

        if ( window->ActiveMenu )
            fgUpdateMenuHighlight( window->ActiveMenu );

        fgState.Modifiers = fgPlatformGetModifiers( );

        if( ( wParam & MK_LBUTTON ) ||
            ( wParam & MK_MBUTTON ) ||
            ( wParam & MK_RBUTTON ) )
            INVOKE_WCB( *window, Motion, ( window->State.MouseX,
                                           window->State.MouseY ) );
            INVOKE_WCB( *window, Passive, ( window->State.MouseX,
                                            window->State.MouseY ) );

        fgState.Modifiers = INVALID_MODIFIERS;

    case WM_LBUTTONUP:
    case WM_MBUTTONUP:
    case WM_RBUTTONUP:
        GLboolean pressed = GL_TRUE;
        int button;

#if defined(_WIN32_WCE)
        window->State.MouseX = 320-HIWORD( lParam );
        window->State.MouseY = LOWORD( lParam );
        window->State.MouseX = LOWORD( lParam );
        window->State.MouseY = HIWORD( lParam );
#endif /* defined(_WIN32_WCE) */

        /* Restrict to [-32768, 32767] to match X11 behaviour       */
        /* See comment in "freeglut_developer" mailing list 10/4/04 */
        if ( window->State.MouseX > 32767 ) window->State.MouseX -= 65536;
        if ( window->State.MouseY > 32767 ) window->State.MouseY -= 65536;

        switch( uMsg )
        case WM_LBUTTONDOWN:
            pressed = GL_TRUE;
            button = GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON;
        case WM_MBUTTONDOWN:
            pressed = GL_TRUE;
            button = GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON;
        case WM_RBUTTONDOWN:
            pressed = GL_TRUE;
            button = GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON;
        case WM_LBUTTONUP:
            pressed = GL_FALSE;
            button = GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON;
        case WM_MBUTTONUP:
            pressed = GL_FALSE;
            button = GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON;
        case WM_RBUTTONUP:
            pressed = GL_FALSE;
            button = GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON;
            pressed = GL_FALSE;
            button = -1;

#if !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
        if( GetSystemMetrics( SM_SWAPBUTTON ) )
            if( button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON )
                button = GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON;
                if( button == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON )
                    button = GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON;
#endif /* !defined(_WIN32_WCE) */

        if( button == -1 )
            return DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, lParam, wParam );

         * Do not execute the application's mouse callback if a menu
         * is hooked to this button.  In that case an appropriate
         * private call should be generated.
        if( fgCheckActiveMenu( window, button, pressed,
                               window->State.MouseX, window->State.MouseY ) )

        /* Set capture so that the window captures all the mouse messages */
         * XXX - Multiple button support:  Under X11, the mouse is not released
         * XXX - from the window until all buttons have been released, even if the
         * XXX - user presses a button in another window.  This will take more
         * XXX - code changes than I am up to at the moment (10/5/04).  The present
         * XXX - is a 90 percent solution.
        if ( pressed == GL_TRUE )
          SetCapture ( window->Window.Handle ) ;
          ReleaseCapture () ;

        if( ! FETCH_WCB( *window, Mouse ) )

        fgSetWindow( window );
        fgState.Modifiers = fgPlatformGetModifiers( );

            *window, Mouse,
            ( button,
              pressed ? GLUT_DOWN : GLUT_UP,

        fgState.Modifiers = INVALID_MODIFIERS;

    case 0x020a:
        /* Should be WM_MOUSEWHEEL but my compiler doesn't recognize it */
        int wheel_number = LOWORD( wParam );
        short ticks = ( short )HIWORD( wParam );
		fgState.MouseWheelTicks += ticks;

         * XXX Should use WHEEL_DELTA instead of 120
		if ( abs ( fgState.MouseWheelTicks ) > 120 )
			int direction = ( fgState.MouseWheelTicks > 0 ) ? 1 : -1;

            if( ! FETCH_WCB( *window, MouseWheel ) &&
                ! FETCH_WCB( *window, Mouse ) )

            fgSetWindow( window );
            fgState.Modifiers = fgPlatformGetModifiers( );

             * XXX Should use WHEEL_DELTA instead of 120
            while( abs ( fgState.MouseWheelTicks ) > 120 )
                if( FETCH_WCB( *window, MouseWheel ) )
                    INVOKE_WCB( *window, MouseWheel,
                                ( wheel_number,
                else  /* No mouse wheel, call the mouse button callback twice */
                     * Map wheel zero to button 3 and 4; +1 to 3, -1 to 4
                     *  "    "   one                     +1 to 5, -1 to 6, ...
                     * XXX The below assumes that you have no more than 3 mouse
                     * XXX buttons.  Sorry.
                    int button = wheel_number * 2 + 3;
                    if( direction < 0 )
                    INVOKE_WCB( *window, Mouse,
                                ( button, GLUT_DOWN,
                                  window->State.MouseX, window->State.MouseY )
                    INVOKE_WCB( *window, Mouse,
                                ( button, GLUT_UP,
                                  window->State.MouseX, window->State.MouseY )

                 * XXX Should use WHEEL_DELTA instead of 120
				fgState.MouseWheelTicks -= 120 * direction;

            fgState.Modifiers = INVALID_MODIFIERS;
    break ;

    case WM_KEYDOWN:
        int keypress = -1;
        POINT mouse_pos ;

        if( ( fgState.KeyRepeat==GLUT_KEY_REPEAT_OFF || window->State.IgnoreKeyRepeat==GL_TRUE ) && (HIWORD(lParam) & KF_REPEAT) )

         * Remember the current modifiers state. This is done here in order
         * to make sure the VK_DELETE keyboard callback is executed properly.
        fgState.Modifiers = fgPlatformGetModifiers( );

        GetCursorPos( &mouse_pos );
        ScreenToClient( window->Window.Handle, &mouse_pos );

        window->State.MouseX = mouse_pos.x;
        window->State.MouseY = mouse_pos.y;

        /* Convert the Win32 keystroke codes to GLUTtish way */
#       define KEY(a,b) case a: keypress = b; break;

        switch( wParam )
            KEY( VK_F1,     GLUT_KEY_F1        );
            KEY( VK_F2,     GLUT_KEY_F2        );
            KEY( VK_F3,     GLUT_KEY_F3        );
            KEY( VK_F4,     GLUT_KEY_F4        );
            KEY( VK_F5,     GLUT_KEY_F5        );
            KEY( VK_F6,     GLUT_KEY_F6        );
            KEY( VK_F7,     GLUT_KEY_F7        );
            KEY( VK_F8,     GLUT_KEY_F8        );
            KEY( VK_F9,     GLUT_KEY_F9        );
            KEY( VK_F10,    GLUT_KEY_F10       );
            KEY( VK_F11,    GLUT_KEY_F11       );
            KEY( VK_F12,    GLUT_KEY_F12       );
            KEY( VK_PRIOR,  GLUT_KEY_PAGE_UP   );
            KEY( VK_NEXT,   GLUT_KEY_PAGE_DOWN );
            KEY( VK_HOME,   GLUT_KEY_HOME      );
            KEY( VK_END,    GLUT_KEY_END       );
            KEY( VK_LEFT,   GLUT_KEY_LEFT      );
            KEY( VK_UP,     GLUT_KEY_UP        );
            KEY( VK_RIGHT,  GLUT_KEY_RIGHT     );
            KEY( VK_DOWN,   GLUT_KEY_DOWN      );
            KEY( VK_INSERT, GLUT_KEY_INSERT    );
            KEY( VK_LSHIFT, GLUT_KEY_SHIFT_L   );
            KEY( VK_RSHIFT, GLUT_KEY_SHIFT_R   );
            KEY( VK_LMENU,  GLUT_KEY_ALT_L     );
            KEY( VK_RMENU,  GLUT_KEY_ALT_R     );

        case VK_DELETE:
            /* The delete key should be treated as an ASCII keypress: */
            INVOKE_WCB( *window, Keyboard,
                        ( 127, window->State.MouseX, window->State.MouseY )

#if defined(_WIN32_WCE)
        if(!(lParam & 0x40000000)) /* Prevent auto-repeat */
                keypress = GLUT_KEY_RIGHT;
            else if(wParam==(unsigned)gxKeyList.vkLeft)
                keypress = GLUT_KEY_LEFT;
            else if(wParam==(unsigned)gxKeyList.vkUp)
                keypress = GLUT_KEY_UP;
            else if(wParam==(unsigned)gxKeyList.vkDown)
                keypress = GLUT_KEY_DOWN;
            else if(wParam==(unsigned)gxKeyList.vkA)
                keypress = GLUT_KEY_F1;
            else if(wParam==(unsigned)gxKeyList.vkB)
                keypress = GLUT_KEY_F2;
            else if(wParam==(unsigned)gxKeyList.vkC)
                keypress = GLUT_KEY_F3;
            else if(wParam==(unsigned)gxKeyList.vkStart)
                keypress = GLUT_KEY_F4;

        if( keypress != -1 )
            INVOKE_WCB( *window, Special,
                        ( keypress,
                          window->State.MouseX, window->State.MouseY )

        fgState.Modifiers = INVALID_MODIFIERS;

    case WM_SYSKEYUP:
    case WM_KEYUP:
        int keypress = -1;
        POINT mouse_pos;

         * Remember the current modifiers state. This is done here in order
         * to make sure the VK_DELETE keyboard callback is executed properly.
        fgState.Modifiers = fgPlatformGetModifiers( );

        GetCursorPos( &mouse_pos );
        ScreenToClient( window->Window.Handle, &mouse_pos );

        window->State.MouseX = mouse_pos.x;
        window->State.MouseY = mouse_pos.y;

         * Convert the Win32 keystroke codes to GLUTtish way.
         * "KEY(a,b)" was defined under "WM_KEYDOWN"

        switch( wParam )
            KEY( VK_F1,     GLUT_KEY_F1        );
            KEY( VK_F2,     GLUT_KEY_F2        );
            KEY( VK_F3,     GLUT_KEY_F3        );
            KEY( VK_F4,     GLUT_KEY_F4        );
            KEY( VK_F5,     GLUT_KEY_F5        );
            KEY( VK_F6,     GLUT_KEY_F6        );
            KEY( VK_F7,     GLUT_KEY_F7        );
            KEY( VK_F8,     GLUT_KEY_F8        );
            KEY( VK_F9,     GLUT_KEY_F9        );
            KEY( VK_F10,    GLUT_KEY_F10       );
            KEY( VK_F11,    GLUT_KEY_F11       );
            KEY( VK_F12,    GLUT_KEY_F12       );
            KEY( VK_PRIOR,  GLUT_KEY_PAGE_UP   );
            KEY( VK_NEXT,   GLUT_KEY_PAGE_DOWN );
            KEY( VK_HOME,   GLUT_KEY_HOME      );
            KEY( VK_END,    GLUT_KEY_END       );
            KEY( VK_LEFT,   GLUT_KEY_LEFT      );
            KEY( VK_UP,     GLUT_KEY_UP        );
            KEY( VK_RIGHT,  GLUT_KEY_RIGHT     );
            KEY( VK_DOWN,   GLUT_KEY_DOWN      );
            KEY( VK_INSERT, GLUT_KEY_INSERT    );
            KEY( VK_LSHIFT, GLUT_KEY_SHIFT_L   );
            KEY( VK_RSHIFT, GLUT_KEY_SHIFT_R   );
            KEY( VK_LMENU,  GLUT_KEY_ALT_L     );
            KEY( VK_RMENU,  GLUT_KEY_ALT_R     );

          case VK_DELETE:
              /* The delete key should be treated as an ASCII keypress: */
              INVOKE_WCB( *window, KeyboardUp,
                          ( 127, window->State.MouseX, window->State.MouseY )

#if !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
            BYTE state[ 256 ];
            WORD code[ 2 ];

            GetKeyboardState( state );

            if( ToAscii( (UINT)wParam, 0, state, code, 0 ) == 1 )
                wParam=code[ 0 ];

            INVOKE_WCB( *window, KeyboardUp,
                        ( (char)wParam,
                          window->State.MouseX, window->State.MouseY )
#endif /* !defined(_WIN32_WCE) */

        if( keypress != -1 )
            INVOKE_WCB( *window, SpecialUp,
                        ( keypress,
                          window->State.MouseX, window->State.MouseY )

        fgState.Modifiers = INVALID_MODIFIERS;

    case WM_SYSCHAR:
    case WM_CHAR:
      if( (fgState.KeyRepeat==GLUT_KEY_REPEAT_OFF || window->State.IgnoreKeyRepeat==GL_TRUE) && (HIWORD(lParam) & KF_REPEAT) )

        fgState.Modifiers = fgPlatformGetModifiers( );
        INVOKE_WCB( *window, Keyboard,
                    ( (char)wParam,
                      window->State.MouseX, window->State.MouseY )
        fgState.Modifiers = INVALID_MODIFIERS;

        /* User has finished resizing the window, force a redraw */
        INVOKE_WCB( *window, Display, ( ) );

        /*lRet = DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam ); */

        /* Other messages that I have seen and which are not handled already */
    case WM_SETTEXT:  /* 0x000c */
        lRet = DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );
        /* Pass it on to "DefWindowProc" to set the window text */

    case WM_GETTEXT:  /* 0x000d */
        /* Ideally we would copy the title of the window into "lParam" */
        /* strncpy ( (char *)lParam, "Window Title", wParam );
           lRet = ( wParam > 12 ) ? 12 : wParam;  */
        /* the number of characters copied */
        lRet = DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );

    case WM_GETTEXTLENGTH:  /* 0x000e */
        /* Ideally we would get the length of the title of the window */
        lRet = 12;
        /* the number of characters in "Window Title\0" (see above) */

    case WM_ERASEBKGND:  /* 0x0014 */
        lRet = DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );

#if !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
    case WM_SYNCPAINT:  /* 0x0088 */
        /* Another window has moved, need to update this one */
        window->State.Redisplay = GL_TRUE;
        lRet = DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );
        /* Help screen says this message must be passed to "DefWindowProc" */

    case WM_NCPAINT:  /* 0x0085 */
      /* Need to update the border of this window */
        lRet = DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );
        /* Pass it on to "DefWindowProc" to repaint a standard border */

    case WM_SYSCOMMAND :  /* 0x0112 */
           * We have received a system command message.  Try to act on it.
           * The commands are passed in through the "wParam" parameter:
           * The least significant digit seems to be which edge of the window
           * is being used for a resize event:
           *     4  3  5
           *     1     2
           *     7  6  8
           * Congratulations and thanks to Richard Rauch for figuring this out..
            switch ( wParam & 0xfff0 )
            case SC_SIZE       :
                break ;

            case SC_MOVE       :
                break ;

            case SC_MINIMIZE   :
                /* User has clicked on the "-" to minimize the window */
                /* Turn off the visibility */
                window->State.Visible = GL_FALSE ;

                break ;

            case SC_MAXIMIZE   :
                break ;

            case SC_NEXTWINDOW :
                break ;

            case SC_PREVWINDOW :
                break ;

            case SC_CLOSE      :
                /* Followed very closely by a WM_CLOSE message */
                break ;

            case SC_VSCROLL    :
                break ;

            case SC_HSCROLL    :
                break ;

            case SC_MOUSEMENU  :
                break ;

            case SC_KEYMENU    :
                break ;

            case SC_ARRANGE    :
                break ;

            case SC_RESTORE    :
                break ;

            case SC_TASKLIST   :
                break ;

            case SC_SCREENSAVE :
                break ;

            case SC_HOTKEY     :
                break ;

#if(WINVER >= 0x0400)
            case SC_DEFAULT    :
                break ;

            case SC_MONITORPOWER    :
                break ;

            case SC_CONTEXTHELP    :
                break ;
#endif /* WINVER >= 0x0400 */

#if _DEBUG
                fgWarning( "Unknown wParam type 0x%x", wParam );
#endif /* !defined(_WIN32_WCE) */

        /* We need to pass the message on to the operating system as well */
        lRet = DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );

#ifdef WM_TOUCH
	/* handle multi-touch messages */
	case WM_TOUCH:
		unsigned int numInputs = (unsigned int)wParam;
		unsigned int i = 0;
		TOUCHINPUT* ti = (TOUCHINPUT*)malloc( sizeof(TOUCHINPUT)*numInputs);

		if (fghGetTouchInputInfo == (pGetTouchInputInfo)0xDEADBEEF) {
		    fghGetTouchInputInfo = (pGetTouchInputInfo)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("user32"),"GetTouchInputInfo");
		    fghCloseTouchInputHandle = (pCloseTouchInputHandle)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("user32"),"CloseTouchInputHandle");

		if (!fghGetTouchInputInfo) { 
			free( (void*)ti );

		if (fghGetTouchInputInfo( (HTOUCHINPUT)lParam, numInputs, ti, sizeof(TOUCHINPUT) )) {
			/* Handle each contact point */
			for (i = 0; i < numInputs; ++i ) {

				POINT tp;
				tp.x = TOUCH_COORD_TO_PIXEL(ti[i].x);
				tp.y = TOUCH_COORD_TO_PIXEL(ti[i].y);
				ScreenToClient( hWnd, &tp );

				ti[i].dwID = ti[i].dwID * 2;

				if (ti[i].dwFlags & TOUCHEVENTF_DOWN) {
					INVOKE_WCB( *window, MultiEntry,  ( ti[i].dwID, GLUT_ENTERED ) );
					INVOKE_WCB( *window, MultiButton, ( ti[i].dwID, tp.x, tp.y, 0, GLUT_DOWN ) );
				} else if (ti[i].dwFlags & TOUCHEVENTF_MOVE) {
					INVOKE_WCB( *window, MultiMotion, ( ti[i].dwID, tp.x, tp.y ) );
				} else if (ti[i].dwFlags & TOUCHEVENTF_UP)   { 
					INVOKE_WCB( *window, MultiButton, ( ti[i].dwID, tp.x, tp.y, 0, GLUT_UP ) );
					INVOKE_WCB( *window, MultiEntry,  ( ti[i].dwID, GLUT_LEFT ) );
		free( (void*)ti );
		lRet = 0; /*DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );*/
        /* Handle unhandled messages */
        lRet = DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );

    return lRet;
 * Deactivates a menu pointed by the function argument.
void fgDeactivateMenu( SFG_Window *window )
    SFG_Window *parent_window = NULL;
    SFG_Menu* menu;
    SFG_MenuEntry *menuEntry;

    /* Did we find an active window? */
    freeglut_return_if_fail( window );
    /* Check if there is an active menu attached to this window... */
    menu = window->ActiveMenu;
    freeglut_return_if_fail( menu );

    parent_window = menu->ParentWindow;

    /* Hide the present menu's window */
    fgSetWindow( menu->Window );
    glutHideWindow( );

    /* Forget about having that menu active anymore, now: */
    menu->Window->ActiveMenu = NULL;
    menu->ParentWindow->ActiveMenu = NULL;
    fghSetMenuParentWindow ( NULL, menu );
    menu->IsActive = GL_FALSE;
    menu->ActiveEntry = NULL;


    /* Hide all submenu windows, and the root menu's window. */
    for ( menuEntry = ( SFG_MenuEntry * )menu->Entries.First;
          menuEntry = ( SFG_MenuEntry * )menuEntry->Node.Next )
        menuEntry->IsActive = GL_FALSE;

        /* Is that an active submenu by any chance? */
        if( menuEntry->SubMenu )
            fghDeactivateSubMenu( menuEntry );

    fgSetWindow ( parent_window ) ;

    /* Menu status callback */
    if (fgState.MenuStateCallback || fgState.MenuStatusCallback)
        fgStructure.CurrentMenu = menu;
        fgStructure.CurrentWindow = parent_window;
        if (fgState.MenuStateCallback)
        if (fgState.MenuStatusCallback)
            /* Get cursor position on screen and convert to relative to parent_window's client area */
            SFG_XYUse mouse_pos;
            mouse_pos.X -= glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_X );
            mouse_pos.Y -= glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_Y );

            fgState.MenuStatusCallback(GLUT_MENU_NOT_IN_USE, mouse_pos.X, mouse_pos.Y);
 * Enters the freeglut processing loop.
 * Stays until the "ExecState" changes to "GLUT_EXEC_STATE_STOP".
void FGAPIENTRY glutMainLoopMT( void )
    //int action; //MT

    SFG_Window *window = (SFG_Window *)fgStructure.Windows.First ;


     * Processing before the main loop:  If there is a window which is open and
     * which has a visibility callback, call it.  I know this is an ugly hack,
     * but I'm not sure what else to do about it.  Ideally we should leave
     * something uninitialized in the create window code and initialize it in
     * the main loop, and have that initialization create a "WM_ACTIVATE"
     * message.  Then we would put the visibility callback code in the
     * "case WM_ACTIVATE" block below.         - John Fay -- 10/24/02
    while( window )
        if ( FETCH_WCB( *window, Visibility ) )
            SFG_Window *current_window = fgStructure.CurrentWindow ;

            INVOKE_WCB( *window, Visibility, ( window->State.Visible ) );
            fgSetWindow( current_window );

        window = (SFG_Window *)window->Node.Next ;

    fgState.ExecState = GLUT_EXEC_STATE_RUNNING ;
    while( fgState.ExecState == GLUT_EXEC_STATE_RUNNING )
        SFG_Window *window;

        glutMainLoopEvent( );
         * Step through the list of windows, seeing if there are any
         * that are not menus
        for( window = ( SFG_Window * )fgStructure.Windows.First;
             window = ( SFG_Window * )window->Node.Next )
            if ( ! ( window->IsMenu ) )

        if( ! window )
            fgState.ExecState = GLUT_EXEC_STATE_STOP;
            if( fgState.IdleCallback )
                if( fgStructure.CurrentWindow &&
                    fgStructure.CurrentWindow->IsMenu )
                    /* fail safe */
                    fgSetWindow( window );
                fgState.IdleCallback( );

            fghSleepForEvents( );

#if 0 //Marc Toussaint
     * When this loop terminates, destroy the display, state and structure
     * of a freeglut session, so that another glutInit() call can happen
     * Save the "ActionOnWindowClose" because "fgDeinitialize" resets it.
    action = fgState.ActionOnWindowClose;
    fgDeinitialize( );
    if( action == GLUT_ACTION_EXIT )
        exit( 0 );
 * Private function to check for the current menu/sub menu activity state
static GLboolean fghCheckMenuStatus( SFG_Window* window, SFG_Menu* menu )
    SFG_MenuEntry* menuEntry;
    int x, y;

     * First of all check any of the active sub menus...
    for( menuEntry = (SFG_MenuEntry *)menu->Entries.First;
         menuEntry = (SFG_MenuEntry *)menuEntry->Node.Next )
        if( menuEntry->SubMenu && menuEntry->IsActive )
             * OK, have the sub-menu checked, too. If it returns GL_TRUE, it
             * will mean that it caught the mouse cursor and we do not need
             * to regenerate the activity list, and so our parents do...
            GLboolean return_status = fghCheckMenuStatus( window,
                                                          menuEntry->SubMenu );

             * Reactivate the submenu as the checkMenuStatus may have turned
             * it off if the mouse is in its parent menu entry.
            menuEntry->SubMenu->IsActive = GL_TRUE;
            if ( return_status )
                return GL_TRUE;

     * That much about our sub menus, let's get to checking the current menu:
    x = window->State.MouseX;
    y = window->State.MouseY;

    for( menuEntry = (SFG_MenuEntry *)menu->Entries.First;
         menuEntry = (SFG_MenuEntry *)menuEntry->Node.Next )
        menuEntry->IsActive = GL_FALSE;

    menu->IsActive = GL_FALSE;

     * Check if the mouse cursor is contained within the current menu box
    if( ( x >= FREEGLUT_MENU_BORDER ) &&
        ( x < menu->Width  - FREEGLUT_MENU_BORDER ) &&
        ( y >= FREEGLUT_MENU_BORDER ) &&
        ( y < menu->Height - FREEGLUT_MENU_BORDER ) &&
        ( window == menu->Window ) )

         * The mouse cursor is somewhere over our box, check it out.
        menuEntry = fghFindMenuEntry( menu, menuID + 1 );
        assert( menuEntry );

        menuEntry->IsActive = GL_TRUE;
        menuEntry->Ordinal = menuID;

         * If this is not the same as the last active menu entry, deactivate
         * the previous entry.  Specifically, if the previous active entry
         * was a submenu then deactivate it.
        if( menu->ActiveEntry && ( menuEntry != menu->ActiveEntry ) )
            if( menu->ActiveEntry->SubMenu )
                fgDeactivateSubMenu( menu->ActiveEntry );

        menu->ActiveEntry = menuEntry;
        menu->IsActive = GL_TRUE;

         * OKi, we have marked that entry as active, but it would be also
         * nice to have its contents updated, in case it's a sub menu.
         * Also, ignore the return value of the check function:
        if( menuEntry->SubMenu )
            if ( ! menuEntry->SubMenu->IsActive )
                SFG_Window *current_window = fgStructure.Window;

                 * Set up the initial menu position now...
                menuEntry->SubMenu->IsActive = GL_TRUE;

                 * Set up the initial submenu position now:
                menuEntry->SubMenu->X = menu->X + menu->Width;
                menuEntry->SubMenu->Y = menu->Y +
                    menuEntry->Ordinal * FREEGLUT_MENU_HEIGHT;

                if( menuEntry->SubMenu->X + menuEntry->SubMenu->Width >
                    glutGet( GLUT_SCREEN_WIDTH ) )
                    menuEntry->SubMenu->X = menu->X -

                if( menuEntry->SubMenu->Y + menuEntry->SubMenu->Height >
                    glutGet( GLUT_SCREEN_HEIGHT ) )
                    menuEntry->SubMenu->Y -= ( menuEntry->SubMenu->Height -
                                               FREEGLUT_MENU_HEIGHT -
                                               2 * FREEGLUT_MENU_BORDER );

                fgSetWindow( menuEntry->SubMenu->Window );
                glutPositionWindow( menuEntry->SubMenu->X,
                                    menuEntry->SubMenu->Y );
                glutReshapeWindow( menuEntry->SubMenu->Width,
                                   menuEntry->SubMenu->Height );
                glutPopWindow( );
                glutShowWindow( );
                menuEntry->SubMenu->Window->ActiveMenu = menuEntry->SubMenu;
                fgSetWindow( current_window );

            fghCheckMenuStatus( window, menuEntry->SubMenu );

             * Activate it because its parent entry is active
            menuEntry->SubMenu->IsActive = GL_TRUE;

         * Report back that we have caught the menu cursor
        return GL_TRUE;

     * Looks like the menu cursor is somewhere else...
    return GL_FALSE;
 * Displays a menu box and all of its submenus (if they are active)
static void fghDisplayMenuBox( SFG_Menu* menu )
    SFG_MenuEntry *menuEntry;
    int i;
    int border = FREEGLUT_MENU_BORDER;

     * Have the menu box drawn first. The +- values are
     * here just to make it more nice-looking...
    /* a non-black dark version of the below. */
    glColor4f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
    glBegin( GL_QUAD_STRIP );
        glVertex2i( menu->Width         , 0                    );
        glVertex2i( menu->Width - border,                border);
        glVertex2i( 0                   , 0                    );
        glVertex2i(               border,                border);
        glVertex2i( 0                   , menu->Height         );
        glVertex2i(               border, menu->Height - border);
    glEnd( );

    /* a non-black dark version of the below. */
    glColor4f( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f );
    glBegin( GL_QUAD_STRIP );
        glVertex2i( 0                   , menu->Height         );
        glVertex2i(               border, menu->Height - border);
        glVertex2i( menu->Width         , menu->Height         );
        glVertex2i( menu->Width - border, menu->Height - border);
        glVertex2i( menu->Width         , 0                    );
        glVertex2i( menu->Width - border,                border);
    glEnd( );

    glColor4fv( menu_pen_back );
    glBegin( GL_QUADS );
        glVertex2i(               border,                border);
        glVertex2i( menu->Width - border,                border);
        glVertex2i( menu->Width - border, menu->Height - border);
        glVertex2i(               border, menu->Height - border);
    glEnd( );

     * Check if any of the submenus is currently active...
    for( menuEntry = (SFG_MenuEntry *)menu->Entries.First;
         menuEntry = (SFG_MenuEntry *)menuEntry->Node.Next )
         * Has the menu been marked as active, maybe?
        if( menuEntry->IsActive )
             * That's truly right, and we need to have it highlighted.
             * There is an assumption that mouse cursor didn't move
             * since the last check of menu activity state:
            int menuID = menuEntry->Ordinal;

             * So have the highlight drawn...
            glColor4fv( menu_pen_hback );
            glBegin( GL_QUADS );
                glVertex2i( border,
                            (menuID + 0)*FREEGLUT_MENU_HEIGHT + border );
                glVertex2i( menu->Width - border,
                            (menuID + 0)*FREEGLUT_MENU_HEIGHT + border );
                glVertex2i( menu->Width - border,
                            (menuID + 1)*FREEGLUT_MENU_HEIGHT + border );
                glVertex2i( border,
                            (menuID + 1)*FREEGLUT_MENU_HEIGHT + border );
            glEnd( );

     * Print the menu entries now...

    glColor4fv( menu_pen_fore );

    for( menuEntry = (SFG_MenuEntry *)menu->Entries.First, i = 0;
         menuEntry = (SFG_MenuEntry *)menuEntry->Node.Next, ++i )
         * If the menu entry is active, set the color to white
        if( menuEntry->IsActive )
            glColor4fv( menu_pen_hfore );

         * Move the raster into position...
        /* Try to center the text - JCJ 31 July 2003*/
            2 * border,
            ( i + 1 )*FREEGLUT_MENU_HEIGHT -
            ( int )( FREEGLUT_MENU_HEIGHT*0.3 - border )

         * Have the label drawn, character after character:
        glutBitmapString( FREEGLUT_MENU_FONT,
                          (unsigned char *)menuEntry->Text);

         * If it's a submenu, draw a right arrow
        if( menuEntry->SubMenu )
            int width = glutBitmapWidth( FREEGLUT_MENU_FONT, '_' );
            int x_base = menu->Width - 2 - width;
            int y_base = i*FREEGLUT_MENU_HEIGHT + border;
            glBegin( GL_TRIANGLES );
                glVertex2i( x_base, y_base + 2*border);
                glVertex2i( menu->Width - 2, y_base +
                            ( FREEGLUT_MENU_HEIGHT + border) / 2 );
                glVertex2i( x_base, y_base + FREEGLUT_MENU_HEIGHT - border );
            glEnd( );

         * If the menu entry is active, reset the color
        if( menuEntry->IsActive )
            glColor4fv( menu_pen_fore );

     * Now we are ready to check if any of our children needs to be redrawn:
    for( menuEntry = ( SFG_MenuEntry * )menu->Entries.First;
         menuEntry = ( SFG_MenuEntry * )menuEntry->Node.Next )
         * Is that an active sub menu by any case?
        if( menuEntry->SubMenu && menuEntry->IsActive )
             * Yeah, indeed. Have it redrawn now:
            fgSetWindow( menuEntry->SubMenu->Window );
            fghDisplayMenuBox( menuEntry->SubMenu );
            fgSetWindow( menu->Window );