void path_build( PATHNAME * f, string * file )
    file_build1( f, file );

    /* Do not prepend root if it is '.' or the directory is rooted. */
    if ( f->f_root.len
        && !( f->f_root.len == 1 && f->f_root.ptr[ 0 ] == '.' )
        && !( f->f_dir.len && f->f_dir.ptr[ 0 ] == '/' )
#if PATH_DELIM == '\\'
        && !( f->f_dir.len && f->f_dir.ptr[ 0 ] == '\\' )
        && !( f->f_dir.len && f->f_dir.ptr[ 1 ] == ':' )
        string_append_range( file, f->f_root.ptr, f->f_root.ptr + f->f_root.len
        /* If 'root' already ends with a path delimeter, do not add another one.
        if ( !is_path_delim( f->f_root.ptr[ f->f_root.len - 1 ] ) )
            string_push_back( file, as_path_delim( f->f_root.ptr[ f->f_root.len
                ] ) );

    if ( f->f_dir.len )
        string_append_range( file, f->f_dir.ptr, f->f_dir.ptr + f->f_dir.len );

    /* Put path separator between dir and file. */
    /* Special case for root dir: do not add another path separator. */
    if ( f->f_dir.len && ( f->f_base.len || f->f_suffix.len )
#if PATH_DELIM == '\\'
        && !( f->f_dir.len == 3 && f->f_dir.ptr[ 1 ] == ':' )
        && !( f->f_dir.len == 1 && is_path_delim( f->f_dir.ptr[ 0 ] ) ) )
        string_push_back( file, as_path_delim( f->f_dir.ptr[ f->f_dir.len ] ) );

    if ( f->f_base.len )
        string_append_range( file, f->f_base.ptr, f->f_base.ptr + f->f_base.len

    if ( f->f_suffix.len )
        string_append_range( file, f->f_suffix.ptr, f->f_suffix.ptr +
            f->f_suffix.len );

    if ( f->f_member.len )
        string_push_back( file, '(' );
        string_append_range( file, f->f_member.ptr, f->f_member.ptr +
            f->f_member.len );
        string_push_back( file, ')' );
文件: pathvms.c 项目: 4ukuta/core
void path_build( PATHNAME * f, string * file, int binding )
    struct dirinf root;
    struct dirinf dir;
    int g;

    file_build1( f, file );

    /* Get info on root and dir for combining. */
    dir_flags( f->f_root.ptr, f->f_root.len, &root );
    dir_flags( f->f_dir.ptr, f->f_dir.len, &dir );

    /* Combine. */
    switch ( g = grid[ root.flags ][ dir.flags ] )
    case G_DIR:
        /* take dir */
        string_append_range( file, f->f_dir.ptr, f->f_dir.ptr + f->f_dir.len  );

    case G_ROOT:
        /* take root */
        string_append_range( file, f->f_root.ptr, f->f_root.ptr + f->f_root.len  );

    case G_VAD:
        /* root's dev + abs directory */
        string_append_range( file, root.dev.ptr, root.dev.ptr + root.dev.len  );
        string_append_range( file, dir.dir.ptr, dir.dir.ptr + dir.dir.len  );

    case G_DRD:
    case G_DDD:
        /* root's dev:[dir] + rel directory */
        string_append_range( file, f->f_root.ptr, f->f_root.ptr + f->f_root.len  );

        /* sanity checks: root ends with ] */

        if ( file->value[file->size - 1] == ']' )
            string_pop_back( file );

        /* Add . if separating two -'s */

        if ( g == G_DDD )
            string_push_back( file, '.' );

        /* skip [ of dir */
        string_append_range( file, dir.dir.ptr + 1, dir.dir.ptr + 1 + dir.dir.len - 1  );

    case G_VRD:
        /* root's dev + rel directory made abs */
        string_append_range( file, root.dev.ptr, root.dev.ptr + root.dev.len  );
        string_push_back( file, '[' );
        /* skip [. of rel dir */
        string_append_range( file, dir.dir.ptr + 2, dir.dir.ptr + 2 + dir.dir.len - 2  );

# ifdef DEBUG
    if ( DEBUG_SEARCH && ( root.flags || dir.flags ) )
        printf( "%d x %d = %d (%s)\n", root.flags, dir.flags,
                grid[ root.flags ][ dir.flags ], file->value );
# endif

     * Now do the special :P modifier when no file was present.
     *  (none)      (none)
     *  [dir1.dir2] [dir1]
     *  [dir]       [000000]
     *  [.dir]      (none)
     *  []      []

    if ( ( file->value[ file->size - 1 ] == ']' ) && f->parent )
        char * p = file->value + file->size;
        while ( p-- > file->value )
            if ( *p == '.' )
                /* If we've truncated everything and left with '[',
                   return empty string. */
                if ( p == file->value + 1 )
                    string_truncate( file, 0 );
                    string_truncate( file, p - file->value );
                    string_push_back( file, ']' );
            if ( *p == '-' )
                /* handle .- or - */
                if ( ( p > file->value ) && ( p[ -1 ] == '.' ) )

                *p++ = ']';
            if ( *p == '[' )
                if ( p[ 1 ] == ']' )
                    /* CONSIDER: I don't see any use of this code. We immediately
                       break, and 'p' is a local variable. */
                    p += 2;
                    string_truncate( file, p - file->value );
                    string_append( file, "[000000]" );

    /* Now copy the file pieces. */
    if ( f->f_base.len )
        string_append_range( file, f->f_base.ptr, f->f_base.ptr + f->f_base.len  );

    /* If there is no suffix, we append a "." onto all generated names. This
     * keeps VMS from appending its own (wrong) idea of what the suffix should
     * be.
    if ( f->f_suffix.len )
        string_append_range( file, f->f_suffix.ptr, f->f_suffix.ptr + f->f_suffix.len  );
    else if ( binding && f->f_base.len )
        string_push_back( file, '.' );

    if ( f->f_member.len )
        string_push_back( file, '(' );
        string_append_range( file, f->f_member.ptr, f->f_member.ptr + f->f_member.len  );
        string_push_back( file, ')' );

# ifdef DEBUG
    if ( DEBUG_SEARCH )
        printf( "built %.*s + %.*s / %.*s suf %.*s mem %.*s -> %s\n",
               f->f_root.len, f->f_root.ptr,
               f->f_dir.len, f->f_dir.ptr,
               f->f_base.len, f->f_base.ptr,
               f->f_suffix.len, f->f_suffix.ptr,
               f->f_member.len, f->f_member.ptr,
               file->value );
# endif
文件: pathunix.c 项目: 4ukuta/core
    PATHNAME *f,
    string  *file,
    int binding )
    file_build1( f, file );

    /* Don't prepend root if it's . or directory is rooted */
# if PATH_DELIM == '/'

    if ( f->f_root.len
        && !( f->f_root.len == 1 && f->f_root.ptr[0] == '.' )
        && !( f->f_dir.len && f->f_dir.ptr[0] == '/' ) )

# else /* unix */

    if ( f->f_root.len
        && !( f->f_root.len == 1 && f->f_root.ptr[0] == '.' )
        && !( f->f_dir.len && f->f_dir.ptr[0] == '/' )
        && !( f->f_dir.len && f->f_dir.ptr[0] == '\\' )
        && !( f->f_dir.len && f->f_dir.ptr[1] == ':' ) )

# endif /* unix */

        string_append_range( file, f->f_root.ptr, f->f_root.ptr + f->f_root.len  );
        /* If 'root' already ends with path delimeter,
           don't add yet another one. */
        if ( ! is_path_delim( f->f_root.ptr[f->f_root.len-1] ) )
            string_push_back( file, as_path_delim( f->f_root.ptr[f->f_root.len] ) );

    if ( f->f_dir.len )
        string_append_range( file, f->f_dir.ptr, f->f_dir.ptr + f->f_dir.len  );

    /* UNIX: Put / between dir and file */
    /* NT:   Put \ between dir and file */

    if ( f->f_dir.len && ( f->f_base.len || f->f_suffix.len ) )
        /* UNIX: Special case for dir \ : don't add another \ */
        /* NT:   Special case for dir / : don't add another / */

# if PATH_DELIM == '\\'
        if ( !( f->f_dir.len == 3 && f->f_dir.ptr[1] == ':' ) )
# endif
            if ( !( f->f_dir.len == 1 && is_path_delim( f->f_dir.ptr[0] ) ) )
                string_push_back( file, as_path_delim( f->f_dir.ptr[f->f_dir.len] ) );

    if ( f->f_base.len )
        string_append_range( file, f->f_base.ptr, f->f_base.ptr + f->f_base.len  );

    if ( f->f_suffix.len )
        string_append_range( file, f->f_suffix.ptr, f->f_suffix.ptr + f->f_suffix.len  );

    if ( f->f_member.len )
        string_push_back( file, '(' );
        string_append_range( file, f->f_member.ptr, f->f_member.ptr + f->f_member.len  );
        string_push_back( file, ')' );
文件: pathmac.c 项目: Karlan88/xray
	string* file,
	int	binding )
    int dflag, rflag, act;

    file_build1( f, file );
    /* Combine root & directory, according to the grid. */
    dflag = file_flags( f->f_dir.ptr, f->f_dir.len );
    rflag = file_flags( f->f_root.ptr, f->f_root.len );
    switch( act = grid[ rflag ][ dflag ] )
    case G_DTDR:
            /* :: of rel dir */
            string_push_back( file, DELIM );
        /* fall through */
    case G_DIR: 	
        /* take dir */
        string_append_range( file, f->f_dir.ptr, f->f_dir.ptr + f->f_dir.len  );
    case G_ROOT:	
        /* take root */
        string_append_range( file, f->f_root.ptr, f->f_root.ptr + f->f_root.len  );
    case G_CAT:	
        /* prepend root to dir */
        string_append_range( file, f->f_root.ptr, f->f_root.ptr + f->f_root.len  );
        if( file->value[file->size - 1] == DELIM )
            string_pop_back( file );
        string_append_range( file, f->f_dir.ptr, f->f_dir.ptr + f->f_dir.len  );
    case G_DDDD:	
        /* make it ::: (../..) */
        string_append( file, ":::" );

    /* Put : between dir and file (if none already) */
    if( act != G_MT && 
        file->value[file->size - 1] != DELIM && 
        ( f->f_base.len || f->f_suffix.len ) )
        string_push_back( file, DELIM );

    if( f->f_base.len )
        string_append_range( file, f->f_base.ptr, f->f_base.ptr + f->f_base.len  );

    if( f->f_suffix.len )
        string_append_range( file, f->f_suffix.ptr, f->f_suffix.ptr + f->f_suffix.len  );

    if( f->f_member.len )
        string_push_back( file, '(' );
        string_append_range( file, f->f_member.ptr, f->f_member.ptr + f->f_member.len  );
        string_push_back( file, ')' );
    if( DEBUG_SEARCH )
        printf(" -> '%s'\n", file->value);