void * flint_stack_alloc_small(unsigned long length)
   if (length + 1L > block_left) // not enough space left, allocate a new block
      if (length + 3L > FLINT_SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE)
         printf("Error: attempt to allocate %ld limbs in small stack memory manager!\n", length);
      if (block_ptr == NULL)
         block_ptr = (mp_limb_t *) flint_heap_alloc(FLINT_SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE);
         block_left = FLINT_SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE - 2;
         block_ptr[0] = 0;
         block_ptr[1] = (unsigned long) NULL;
         block_ptr += 2;
      } else
         mp_limb_t * temp = (mp_limb_t *) flint_heap_alloc(FLINT_SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE);
         temp[0] = block_left;
         temp[1] = (unsigned long) block_ptr; 
         block_ptr = temp + 2;
         block_left = FLINT_SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE - 2;
   block_ptr[length] = length;
   block_ptr += (length+1L); 
   block_left -= (length+1L);
   return (void *) (block_ptr - (length + 1L)); 
void F_mpz_mod_poly_realloc(F_mpz_mod_poly_t poly, const ulong alloc)
   if (!alloc) // alloc == 0, clear up
         poly->coeffs = NULL;
         poly->alloc = 0;
         poly->length = 0;

	if (poly->alloc) // realloc
		F_mpz_mod_poly_truncate(poly, alloc);

		poly->coeffs = (F_mpz *) flint_heap_realloc(poly->coeffs, alloc);
		if (alloc > poly->alloc)
		   F_mpn_clear(poly->coeffs + poly->alloc, alloc - poly->alloc);
	} else // nothing allocated already so do it now
		poly->coeffs = (mp_limb_t*) flint_heap_alloc(alloc);
		F_mpn_clear(poly->coeffs, alloc);
   poly->alloc = alloc;  
void F_mpzmod_mat_init(F_mpzmod_mat_t mat, F_mpz_t p, ulong rows, ulong cols)
   mat->entries = (F_mpz *) flint_heap_alloc(rows*cols);
	mat->rows = (F_mpz **) flint_heap_alloc(rows);
   // Set up the rows
   for (ulong i = 0; i < rows; i++)
      mat->rows[i] = mat->entries + i*cols;

	for (ulong i = 0; i < rows*cols; i++)
		F_mpz_init(mat->entries + i);

   F_mpz_set(mat->p, p);
	mat->r = rows;
   mat->c = cols;
void F_mpz_mod_poly_init2(F_mpz_mod_poly_t poly, const F_mpz_t P, const ulong alloc)
   if (alloc) // allocate space for alloc small coeffs
      poly->coeffs = (F_mpz *) flint_heap_alloc(alloc);
		F_mpn_clear(poly->coeffs, alloc);
   else poly->coeffs = NULL;

   F_mpz_set(poly->P, P);   
   poly->alloc = alloc;
   poly->length = 0;
void F_mpzmod_mat_mul_classical(F_mpzmod_mat_t res, F_mpzmod_mat_t mat1, F_mpzmod_mat_t mat2)
   ulong c1 = mat1->c;
	ulong r2 = mat2->r;
	if ((c1 != r2) || (c1 == 0))
		printf("FLINT exception : invalid matrix multiplication!\n");

	ulong r1 = mat1->r;
   ulong c2 = mat2->c;

	if ((r1 == 0) || (c2 == 0)) return; // no work to do

	F_mpz * temp = (F_mpz *) flint_heap_alloc(c2);

	for (ulong i = 0; i < c2; i++)
		F_mpz_init(temp + i);
   for (ulong i = 0; i < r1; i++) // for each row of mat1
		F_mpz * c = mat1->rows[i];

		for (ulong k = 0; k < c2; k++) // do initial scalar product of row 1 of mat2 by c
		   F_mpz_mul2(temp + k, mat2->rows[0] + k, c);

		for (ulong j = 1; j < c1; j++) // compute scalar product for rows 1 to c1 of mat2
         for (ulong k = 0; k < c2; k++) // do scalar product of row j of mat2 by c
            F_mpz_addmul(temp + k, mat2->rows[j] + k, c + j);
		for (ulong k = 0; k < c2; k++) // do reduction mod p and store in result
		   F_mpz_mod(res->rows[i] + k, temp + k, mat1->p);

	for (ulong i = 0; i < c2; i++)
		F_mpz_clear(temp + i);

文件: fmpz.c 项目: hperl/flint
void fmpz_multi_CRT_ui(fmpz_t output, unsigned long * residues, fmpz_comb_t comb, fmpz_t ** comb_temp)
   ulong i, j, k;

   ulong n = comb->n;
   ulong num;
   ulong log_res;
	mp_limb_t * ptr;
	ulong size;
   ulong num_primes = comb->num_primes;

   if (num_primes == 1) // the output is less than a single prime, so just output the result
	   unsigned long p = comb->primes[0];
	   if ((p - residues[0]) < residues[0]) fmpz_set_si(output, (long) (residues[0] - p));
	   else fmpz_set_ui(output, residues[0]);

	// first layer of reconstruction
	num = (1L<<n);
   mp_limb_t temps[3];
   mp_limb_t temp2s[3];
   for (i = 0, j = 0; i + 2 <= num_primes; i += 2, j++)
      fmpz_set_ui(temps, residues[i]);
      fmpz_set_ui(temp2s, fmpz_mod_ui(temps, comb->primes[i+1]));
      fmpz_sub_ui_inplace(temp2s, residues[i + 1]);
      temp2s[0] = -temp2s[0];
      fmpz_mul(temps, temp2s, comb->res[0][j]);
      fmpz_set_ui(temp2s, fmpz_mod_ui(temps, comb->primes[i+1]));
      fmpz_mul_ui(temps, temp2s, comb->primes[i]); 
      fmpz_add_ui(comb_temp[0][j], temps, residues[i]);
   if (i < num_primes) fmpz_set_ui(comb_temp[0][j], residues[i]);
   // compute other layers of reconstruction
	fmpz_t temp = (fmpz_t) flint_heap_alloc(2*num + 1); 
   fmpz_t temp2 = (fmpz_t) flint_heap_alloc(2*num + 1); 
   num /= 2;
   log_res = 1;
   while (log_res < n)
      for (i = 0, j = 0; i < num; i += 2, j++)
         if (fmpz_is_one(comb->comb[log_res-1][i+1]))
		      if (!fmpz_is_one(comb->comb[log_res-1][i])) fmpz_set(comb_temp[log_res][j], comb_temp[log_res-1][i]);
		   } else
			   fmpz_mod(temp2, comb_temp[log_res-1][i], comb->comb[log_res-1][i+1]);
            fmpz_sub(temp, temp2, comb_temp[log_res-1][i+1]);
            temp[0] = -temp[0];
            fmpz_mul(temp2, temp, comb->res[log_res][j]);
            fmpz_mod(temp, temp2, comb->comb[log_res-1][i+1]);
            fmpz_mul(temp2, temp, comb->comb[log_res-1][i]);
            fmpz_add(comb_temp[log_res][j], temp2, comb_temp[log_res-1][i]);
      num /= 2; 

   // write out the output
	__fmpz_multi_CRT_sign(comb_temp[log_res - 1][0], comb_temp[log_res - 1][0], comb);
	fmpz_set(output, comb_temp[log_res - 1][0]);

   flint_heap_free(temp2); //temp2
   flint_heap_free(temp); //temp 
文件: fmpz.c 项目: hperl/flint
void fmpz_comb_init(fmpz_comb_t comb, ulong * primes, ulong num_primes)
   ulong i, j, k;
	comb->primes = primes;
   comb->num_primes = num_primes;

   ulong n = 0L;
   while (num_primes > (1L<<n)) n++;
   comb->n = n;
	ulong num;

   // create zn_poly modulus information
	comb->mod = (zn_mod_t *) flint_heap_alloc_bytes(sizeof(zn_mod_t)*num_primes);
   for (ulong i = 0; i < num_primes; i++) 
      zn_mod_init(comb->mod[i], primes[i]);

	if (n == 0) return; // nothing to do

	// allocate space for comb
   comb->comb = (fmpz_t **) flint_heap_alloc(n);

   j = (1L<<(n - 1));
   ulong size = 2;
   mp_limb_t * ptr;
   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
      comb->comb[i] = (fmpz_t *) flint_heap_alloc(j);

      ptr = (mp_limb_t *) flint_heap_alloc((1L<<n) + j);
      for (k = 0; k < j; k++, ptr += (size + 1))
         comb->comb[i][k] = ptr;


	// allocate space for res
	comb->res = (fmpz_t **) flint_heap_alloc(n);
   j = (1L<<(n - 1));
   size = 2;
   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
      comb->res[i] = (fmpz_t *) flint_heap_alloc(j);
      ptr = (mp_limb_t *) flint_heap_alloc((1L<<n) + j);
      for (k = 0; k < j; k++, ptr += (size + 1))
         comb->res[i][k] = ptr;

	// compute products of pairs of primes and place in comb
	for (i = 0, j = 0; i + 2 <= num_primes; i += 2, j++)
      fmpz_set_ui(comb->comb[0][j], primes[i]);
      fmpz_mul_ui(comb->comb[0][j], comb->comb[0][j], primes[i+1]);
   if (i < num_primes) // in case number of primes is odd
      fmpz_set_ui(comb->comb[0][j], primes[i]);
   num = (1L<<n); // set the rest of the entries on that row of the comb to 1
	for (; i < num; i += 2, j++)
      fmpz_set_ui(comb->comb[0][j], 1L);

	// compute rest of comb by multiplying in pairs
	ulong log_comb = 1;
	num /= 2;
   while (num >= 2)
      for (i = 0, j = 0; i < num; i += 2, j++)
         fmpz_mul(comb->comb[log_comb][j], comb->comb[log_comb-1][i], comb->comb[log_comb-1][i+1]);
      num /= 2;

	// compute inverses from pairs of primes
	fmpz_t temp = (fmpz_t) flint_stack_alloc(2);
   fmpz_t temp2 = (fmpz_t) flint_stack_alloc(2);
   for (i = 0, j = 0; i + 2 <= num_primes; i += 2, j++)
       fmpz_set_ui(temp, primes[i]);
       fmpz_set_ui(temp2, primes[i+1]);
       fmpz_invert(comb->res[0][j], temp, temp2);
   flint_stack_release(); //temp2
   flint_stack_release(); //temp
   ulong log_res = 1;
   num = (1L<<(n - 1));

   // compute remaining inverses, each level combining pairs from the level below
	while (log_res < n)
      for (i = 0, j = 0; i < num; i += 2, j++)
         fmpz_invert(comb->res[log_res][j], comb->comb[log_res-1][i], comb->comb[log_res-1][i+1]);
      num /= 2;