int fptc_getreply(struct ftpc_session_s *session) { char tmp[5]="xxx "; int ret; /* Set up a timeout */ if (session->replytimeo) { ret = wd_start(session->wdog, session->replytimeo, ftpc_timeout, 1, session); } /* Get the next line from the server */ ret = ftpc_gets(session); /* Do we still have a connection? */ if (!ftpc_sockconnected(&session->cmd)) { /* No.. cancel the timer and return an error */ wd_cancel(session->wdog); nvdbg("Lost connection\n"); return ERROR; } /* Did an error occur? */ if (ret < 0) { /* No.. cancel the timer and return an error */ wd_cancel(session->wdog); nvdbg("ftpc_gets failed\n"); return ERROR; } nvdbg("Reply: %s\n", session->reply); if (session->reply[3] == '-') { /* Multi-line response */ strncpy(tmp, session->reply, 3); do { if (ftpc_gets(session) == -1) { break; } nvdbg("Reply: %s\n", session->reply); } while (strncmp(tmp, session->reply, 4) != 0); } wd_cancel(session->wdog); return ret; }
void ftpc_sockcopy(FAR struct ftpc_socket_s *dest, FAR const struct ftpc_socket_s *src) { memcpy(&dest->laddr, &src->laddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); dest->connected = ftpc_sockconnected(src); }
static int ftpc_gets(struct ftpc_session_s *session) { int ch; int ndx = 0; /* Start wth an empty response string */ session->reply[0] = '\0'; /* Verify that the command channel is still connected */ if (!ftpc_sockconnected(&session->cmd)) { ndbg("Cmd channel disconnected\n"); return ERROR; } /* Loop until the full line is obtained */ for (;;) { /* Get the next character from incoming command stream */ ch = ftpc_sockgetc(&session->cmd); /* Check if the command stream was closed */ if (ch == EOF) { ndbg("EOF: Server closed command stream\n"); ftpc_reset(session); return ERROR; } /* Handle embedded Telnet stuff */ else if (ch == TELNET_IAC) { /* Handle TELNET commands */ switch(ch = ftpc_sockgetc(&session->cmd)) { case TELNET_WILL: case TELNET_WONT: ch = ftpc_sockgetc(&session->cmd); ftpc_sockprintf(&session->cmd, "%c%c%c", TELNET_IAC, TELNET_DONT, ch); ftpc_sockflush(&session->cmd); break; case TELNET_DO: case TELNET_DONT: ch = ftpc_sockgetc(&session->cmd); ftpc_sockprintf(&session->cmd, "%c%c%c", TELNET_IAC, TELNET_WONT, ch); ftpc_sockflush(&session->cmd); break; default: break; } continue; } /* Deal with carriage returns */ else if (ch == ISO_cr) { /* What follows the carriage return? */ ch = ftpc_sockgetc(&session->cmd); if (ch == '\0') { /* If it is followed by a NUL then keep it */ ch = ISO_cr; } /* If it is followed by a newline then break out of the loop. */ else if (ch == ISO_nl) { /* Newline terminates the reply */ break; } /* If we did not lose the connection, then push the character * following the carriage back on the "stack" and continue to * examine it from scratch (if could be part of the Telnet * protocol). */ else if (ch != EOF) { ungetc(ch, session->cmd.instream); continue; } } else if (ch == ISO_nl) { /* The ISO newline character terminates the string. Just break * out of the loop. */ break; } /* Put the character into the response buffer. Is there space for * another character in the reply buffer? */ if (ndx < CONFIG_FTP_MAXREPLY) { /* Yes.. put the character in the reply buffer */ session->reply[ndx++] = (char)ch; } else { ndbg("Reply truncated\n"); } } session->reply[ndx] = '\0'; session->code = atoi(session->reply); return session->code; }