void fx_Function_prototype_apply(txMachine* the) { txInteger c, i; if ((mxArgc < 2) || (mxArgv(1)->kind == XS_UNDEFINED_KIND) || (mxArgv(1)->kind == XS_NULL_KIND)) c = 0; else { fxToInstance(the, mxArgv(1)); mxPushSlot(mxArgv(1)); fxGetID(the, mxID(_length)); c = fxToInteger(the, the->stack); the->stack++; for (i = 0; i < c; i++) { mxPushSlot(mxArgv(1)); fxGetID(the, (txID)i); } } /* ARGC */ mxPushInteger(c); /* THIS */ if (mxArgc < 1) mxPushUndefined(); else mxPushSlot(mxArgv(0)); /* FUNCTION */ mxPushSlot(mxThis); fxCall(the); mxPullSlot(mxResult); }
void fx_Function_prototype_bound(txMachine* the) { txSlot* boundArguments; txInteger c, i; txSlot* argument; mxPush(*mxFunction); fxGetID(the, mxID(_boundArguments)); boundArguments = fxGetInstance(the, the->stack); the->stack++; c = boundArguments->next->value.array.length; argument = boundArguments->next->value.array.address; for (i = 0; i < c; i++) { mxPushSlot(argument); argument++; } for (i = 0; i < mxArgc; i++) { mxPushSlot(mxArgv(i)); } /* ARGC */ mxPushInteger(c + mxArgc); /* THIS */ mxPushSlot(mxFunction); fxGetID(the, mxID(_boundThis)); /* FUNCTION */ mxPushSlot(mxFunction); fxGetID(the, mxID(_boundFunction)); fxCall(the); mxPullSlot(mxResult); }
void fxCallID(txMachine* the, txInteger theID) { mxPushUndefined(); *the->stack = *(the->stack + 1); fxGetID(the, theID); fxCall(the); }
void fxSetID(txMachine* the, txInteger theID) { txSlot* anInstance; txSlot* aProperty; txSlot* aFunction; fxToInstance(the, the->stack); anInstance = fxGetInstance(the, the->stack); if (!anInstance) mxDebugID(XS_TYPE_ERROR, "C: xsSet %s: shared instance", theID); aProperty = fxSetProperty(the, anInstance, theID, C_NULL); if (!aProperty) mxDebugID(XS_TYPE_ERROR, "C: xsSet %s: not extensible", theID); if (aProperty->kind == XS_ACCESSOR_KIND) { mxPushInteger(1); /* SWAP THIS */ the->scratch = *(the->stack); *(the->stack) = *(the->stack + 1); *(the->stack + 1) = the->scratch; /* FUNCTION */ aFunction = aProperty->value.accessor.setter; if (!mxIsFunction(aFunction)) mxDebugID(XS_TYPE_ERROR, "C: xsCall set %s: no function", theID); mxPushReference(aFunction); fxCall(the); } else { the->stack++; if (aProperty->flag & XS_DONT_SET_FLAG) mxDebugID(XS_TYPE_ERROR, "C: xsSet %s: no permission", theID); aProperty->kind = the->stack->kind; aProperty->value = the->stack->value; } }
txBoolean fxCallArrayItem(txMachine* the, txSlot* function, txSlot* array, txIndex index, txSlot* item) { txSlot* slot = array->value.array.address + index; if (slot->ID) { /* ARG0 */ mxPushSlot(slot); if (item) { item->kind = the->stack->kind; item->value = the->stack->value; } /* ARG1 */ mxPushUnsigned(index); /* ARG2 */ mxPushSlot(mxThis); /* ARGC */ mxPushInteger(3); /* THIS */ if (mxArgc > 1) mxPushSlot(mxArgv(1)); else mxPushUndefined(); /* FUNCTION */ mxPushReference(function); fxCall(the); return 1; } return 0; }
void fxEnumerate(txMachine* the) { mxPushInteger(0); /* SWAP THIS */ the->scratch = *(the->stack); *(the->stack) = *(the->stack + 1); *(the->stack + 1) = the->scratch; /* FUNCTION */ mxPush(mxEnumeratorFunction); fxCall(the); }
void fxParseJSONObject(txMachine* the, txJSONParser* theParser) { txSlot* anObject; txSlot* at; txSlot* aProperty; fxGetNextJSONToken(the, theParser); mxPush(mxObjectPrototype); anObject = fxNewObjectInstance(the); for (;;) { if (theParser->token == XS_JSON_TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACE) break; if (theParser->token != XS_JSON_TOKEN_STRING) { mxSyntaxError("missing name"); break; } mxPushString(theParser->string->value.string); at = fxAt(the, the->stack); if (theParser->reviver) mxPushString(theParser->string->value.string); fxGetNextJSONToken(the, theParser); if (theParser->token != XS_JSON_TOKEN_COLON) { mxSyntaxError("missing :"); break; } fxGetNextJSONToken(the, theParser); fxParseJSONValue(the, theParser); if (theParser->reviver) { mxPushInteger(2); mxPushReference(anObject); mxPushReference(theParser->reviver); fxCall(the); } if (the->stack->kind != XS_UNDEFINED_KIND) { aProperty = fxSetProperty(the, anObject, at->value.at.id, at->value.at.index, XS_OWN); aProperty->kind = the->stack->kind; aProperty->value = the->stack->value; } the->stack++; the->stack++; if (theParser->token != XS_JSON_TOKEN_COMMA) break; fxGetNextJSONToken(the, theParser); } if (theParser->token != XS_JSON_TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACE) mxSyntaxError("missing }"); fxGetNextJSONToken(the, theParser); }
void fx_setTimeoutCallback(CFRunLoopTimerRef timer, void *info) { txTimeoutData* data = info; txMachine* the = data->the; fxBeginHost(the); { mxPush(data->argument); /* ARGC */ mxPushInteger(1); /* THIS */ mxPushUndefined(); /* FUNCTION */ mxPush(data->function); fxCall(the); the->stack++; } fxEndHost(the); }
int fxCompareArrayItem(txMachine* the, txSlot* function, txSlot* array, txInteger i) { txSlot* address = array->value.array.address; txSlot* a = address + i; txSlot* b = the->stack; int result; if (!(a->ID)) result = (!(b->ID)) ? 0 : 1; else if (!(b->ID)) result = -1; else if (a->kind == XS_UNDEFINED_KIND) result = (b->kind == XS_UNDEFINED_KIND) ? 0 : 1; else if (b->kind == XS_UNDEFINED_KIND) result = -1; else { mxPushSlot(a); mxPushSlot(b); if (function) { /* ARGC */ mxPushInteger(2); /* THIS */ mxPushSlot(mxThis); /* FUNCTION */ mxPushReference(function); fxCall(the); if (the->stack->kind == XS_INTEGER_KIND) result = the->stack->value.integer; else { txNumber number = fxToNumber(the, the->stack); result = (number < 0) ? -1 : (number > 0) ? 1 : 0; } the->stack++; } else { fxToString(the, the->stack + 1); fxToString(the, the->stack); result = c_strcmp((the->stack + 1)->value.string, the->stack->value.string); the->stack += 2; } } return result; }
void fx_Function_prototype_call(txMachine* the) { txInteger c, i; c = mxArgc; i = 1; while (i < c) { mxPushSlot(mxArgv(i)); i++; } /* ARGC */ mxPushInteger(i - 1); /* THIS */ if (mxArgc < 1) mxPushUndefined(); else mxPushSlot(mxArgv(0)); /* FUNCTION */ mxPushSlot(mxThis); fxCall(the); mxPullSlot(mxResult); }
void fxReduceArrayItem(txMachine* the, txSlot* function, txSlot* array, txIndex index) { txSlot* slot = array->value.array.address + index; if (slot->ID) { /* ARG0 */ mxPushSlot(mxResult); /* ARG1 */ mxPushSlot(slot); /* ARG2 */ mxPushUnsigned(index); /* ARG3 */ mxPushSlot(mxThis); /* ARGC */ mxPushInteger(4); /* THIS */ mxPushUndefined(); /* FUNCTION */ mxPushReference(function); fxCall(the); mxPullSlot(mxResult); } }
void fxGetID(txMachine* the, txInteger theID) { txSlot* anInstance; txSlot* aProperty; txSlot* aFunction; fxToInstance(the, the->stack); anInstance = fxGetInstance(the, the->stack); aProperty = fxGetProperty(the, anInstance, theID); if (!aProperty) { the->stack->kind = XS_UNDEFINED_KIND; //mxDebugID(XS_NO_ERROR, "C: xsGet %s: no property", theID); } else if (aProperty->kind == XS_ACCESSOR_KIND) { aFunction = aProperty->value.accessor.getter; if (mxIsFunction(aFunction)) { mxPushInteger(0); /* SWAP THIS */ the->scratch = *(the->stack); *(the->stack) = *(the->stack + 1); *(the->stack + 1) = the->scratch; /* FUNCTION */ aFunction = aProperty->value.accessor.getter; if (!mxIsFunction(aFunction)) mxDebugID(XS_TYPE_ERROR, "C: xsCall get %s: no function", theID); mxPushReference(aFunction); fxCall(the); } else the->stack->kind = XS_UNDEFINED_KIND; } else { the->stack->kind = aProperty->kind; the->stack->value = aProperty->value; } }
void console_log(xsMachine* the) { xsIntegerValue c = xsToInteger(xsArgc), i; xsBooleanValue space = 0; xsVars(4); console_log_depth++; for (i = 0; i < c; i++) { if (space) fprintf(stdout, " "); else space = 1; switch (xsTypeOf(xsArg(i))) { case xsUndefinedType: case xsNullType: case xsBooleanType: case xsIntegerType: case xsNumberType: fprintf(stdout, "%s", xsToString(xsArg(i))); break; case xsSymbolType: xsResult = xsCall1(xsGlobal, xsID("String"), xsArg(i)); fprintf(stdout, "%s", xsToString(xsResult)); break; case xsStringType: case xsStringXType: if ((console_log_depth == 1) && (i == 0)) fprintf(stdout, "%s", xsToString(xsArg(i))); else fprintf(stdout, "'%s'", xsToString(xsArg(i))); break; case xsReferenceType: if (console_log_depth < 3) { xsBooleanValue comma = 0; if (xsHas(xsArg(i), xsID("length"))) { xsIntegerValue length = xsToInteger(xsGet(xsArg(i), xsID("length"))), index; fprintf(stdout, "["); for (index = 0; index < length; index++) { if (comma) fprintf(stdout, ","); else comma = 1; fprintf(stdout, " "); if (xsHas(xsArg(i), (xsIndex)index)) { xsVar(1) = xsGet(xsArg(i), (xsIndex)index); fxPush(xsVar(1)); fxPushCount(the, 1); fxPush(xsThis); fxPush(xsFunction); fxCall(the); } } fprintf(stdout, " ]"); } else { fprintf(stdout, "{"); xsVar(0) = xsEnumerate(xsArg(i)); for (;;) { xsVar(1) = xsCall0(xsVar(0), xsID("next")); if (xsTest(xsGet(xsVar(1), xsID("done")))) break; xsVar(2) = xsGet(xsVar(1), xsID("value")); xsVar(3) = xsGetAt(xsArg(i), xsVar(2)); if (comma) fprintf(stdout, ","); else comma = 1; fprintf(stdout, " %s: ", xsToString(xsVar(2))); fxPush(xsVar(3)); fxPushCount(the, 1); fxPush(xsThis); fxPush(xsFunction); fxCall(the); } fprintf(stdout, " }"); } } else fprintf(stdout, "%s", xsToString(xsArg(i))); break; } } console_log_depth--; if (!console_log_depth) fprintf(stdout, "\n"); }
void fxSerializeJSONProperty(txMachine* the, txJSONSerializer* theSerializer, txInteger* theFlag) { txSlot* aWrapper = the->stack + 2; txSlot* aValue = the->stack + 1; txSlot* aKey = the->stack; txSlot* anInstance; txSlot* aProperty; txInteger aFlag; txIndex aLength, anIndex; if (mxIsReference(aValue)) { anInstance = fxGetInstance(the, aValue); if (anInstance->flag & XS_LEVEL_FLAG) mxTypeError("cyclic value"); mxPushSlot(aKey); /* COUNT */ mxPushInteger(1); /* THIS */ mxPushSlot(aValue); /* FUNCTION */ mxPushSlot(aValue); fxGetID(the, mxID(_toJSON)); if (mxIsReference(the->stack) && mxIsFunction(the->stack->value.reference)) { fxCall(the); mxPullSlot(aValue); } else { the->stack = aKey; } } else anInstance = C_NULL; if (theSerializer->replacer) { mxPushSlot(aKey); mxPushSlot(aValue); /* COUNT */ mxPushInteger(2); /* THIS */ mxPushSlot(aWrapper); /* FUNCTION */ mxPushSlot(theSerializer->replacer); fxCall(the); mxPullSlot(aValue); } again: switch (aValue->kind) { case XS_NULL_KIND: fxSerializeJSONName(the, theSerializer, theFlag); fxSerializeJSONChars(the, theSerializer, "null"); break; case XS_BOOLEAN_KIND: fxSerializeJSONName(the, theSerializer, theFlag); fxSerializeJSONChars(the, theSerializer, aValue->value.boolean ? "true" : "false"); break; case XS_INTEGER_KIND: fxSerializeJSONName(the, theSerializer, theFlag); fxSerializeJSONInteger(the, theSerializer, aValue->value.integer); break; case XS_NUMBER_KIND: fxSerializeJSONName(the, theSerializer, theFlag); fxSerializeJSONNumber(the, theSerializer, aValue->value.number); break; case XS_STRING_KIND: case XS_STRING_X_KIND: fxSerializeJSONName(the, theSerializer, theFlag); fxSerializeJSONString(the, theSerializer, aValue->value.string); break; case XS_ARRAY_KIND: fxSerializeJSONName(the, theSerializer, theFlag); anInstance->flag |= XS_LEVEL_FLAG; fxSerializeJSONChar(the, theSerializer, '['); theSerializer->level++; fxSerializeJSONIndent(the, theSerializer); aFlag = 4; aLength = aValue->value.array.length; for (anIndex = 0; anIndex < aLength; anIndex++) { aProperty = aValue->value.array.address + anIndex; mxPushSlot(aProperty); mxPushInteger(anIndex); fxSerializeJSONProperty(the, theSerializer, &aFlag); } theSerializer->level--; fxSerializeJSONIndent(the, theSerializer); fxSerializeJSONChar(the, theSerializer, ']'); anInstance->flag &= ~XS_LEVEL_FLAG; break; case XS_REFERENCE_KIND: anInstance = fxGetInstance(the, aValue); aValue = anInstance->next; if (aValue && (aValue->flag & XS_INTERNAL_FLAG) && (aValue->kind != XS_PROXY_KIND)) { goto again; } fxSerializeJSONName(the, theSerializer, theFlag); anInstance->flag |= XS_LEVEL_FLAG; if (fxIsArray(the, anInstance)) { fxSerializeJSONChar(the, theSerializer, '['); theSerializer->level++; fxSerializeJSONIndent(the, theSerializer); aFlag = 4; mxPushReference(anInstance); fxGetID(the, mxID(_length)); aLength = fxToInteger(the, the->stack); mxPop(); for (anIndex = 0; anIndex < aLength; anIndex++) { mxPushReference(anInstance); fxGetID(the, anIndex); mxPushInteger(anIndex); fxSerializeJSONProperty(the, theSerializer, &aFlag); } theSerializer->level--; fxSerializeJSONIndent(the, theSerializer); fxSerializeJSONChar(the, theSerializer, ']'); } else { fxSerializeJSONChar(the, theSerializer, '{'); theSerializer->level++; fxSerializeJSONIndent(the, theSerializer); aFlag = 2; { txSlot aContext; aContext.value.regexp.code = theSerializer; aContext.value.regexp.offsets = &aFlag; fxEachInstanceProperty(the, anInstance, XS_EACH_ENUMERABLE_FLAG | XS_EACH_STRING_FLAG | XS_STEP_GET_FLAG, fxSerializeJSONOwnProperty, &aContext, anInstance); } theSerializer->level--; fxSerializeJSONIndent(the, theSerializer); fxSerializeJSONChar(the, theSerializer, '}'); } anInstance->flag &= ~XS_LEVEL_FLAG; break; default: if (*theFlag & 4) { if (*theFlag & 1) { fxSerializeJSONChars(the, theSerializer, ","); fxSerializeJSONIndent(the, theSerializer); } else *theFlag |= 1; fxSerializeJSONChars(the, theSerializer, "null"); } break; } the->stack++; // POP VALUE }
void fx_Array_from(txMachine* the) { txSlot* list = fxNewInstance(the); txSlot* item = list; txIndex count = 0; txIndex index; txSlot* function = C_NULL; txSlot* _this = C_NULL; txSlot* resultArray; txSlot* resultSlot; if (mxArgc > 2) _this = mxArgv(2); if (mxArgc > 1) { txSlot* slot = mxArgv(1); if (slot->kind == XS_REFERENCE_KIND) { slot = slot->value.reference; if ((slot->next->kind == XS_CODE_KIND) || (slot->next->kind == XS_CALLBACK_KIND)) function = slot; } } if (mxArgc > 0) { mxPushSlot(mxArgv(0)); if (fxHasID(the, mxID(_Symbol_iterator))) { txSlot* iterator; txSlot* result; mxPushInteger(0); mxPushSlot(mxArgv(0)); fxCallID(the, mxID(_Symbol_iterator)); iterator = the->stack; { mxTry(the) { count = 0; for(;;) { mxCallID(iterator, mxID(_next), 0); result = the->stack; mxGetID(result, mxID(_done)); if (fxToBoolean(the, the->stack)) break; the->stack++; mxGetID(result, mxID(_value)); if (function) { /* ARG1 */ mxPushInteger(count); /* ARGC */ mxPushInteger(2); /* THIS */ if (_this) mxPushSlot(_this); else mxPushUndefined(); /* FUNCTION */ mxPushReference(function); fxCall(the); } item = fxNextSlotProperty(the, item, the->stack, XS_NO_ID, XS_NO_FLAG); the->stack++; count++; } } mxCatch(the) { mxCallID(iterator, mxID(_return), 0); fxJump(the); } } the->stack++; } else {
void xs_console_log(xsMachine* the) { xsIntegerValue c = xsToInteger(xsArgc), i; xsBooleanValue space = 0; xsBooleanValue comma = 0; xsBooleanValue nonl = 0; int options = 0; FILE *console_out = stdout; xsVars(4); console_log_depth++; for (i = 0; i < c; i++) { if (space && !nonl) CONSOLE_OUT("\n"); else space = 1; switch (xsTypeOf(xsArg(i))) { case xsUndefinedType: case xsNullType: case xsBooleanType: case xsIntegerType: case xsNumberType: CONSOLE_OUT("%s", xsToString(xsArg(i))); break; case xsSymbolType: xsResult = xsCall1(xsGlobal, xsID("String"), xsArg(i)); CONSOLE_OUT("%s", xsToString(xsResult)); break; case xsStringType: case xsStringXType: if (i == 0 || options) { const char *opt = xsToString(xsArg(i)); options = 0; if (strcmp(opt, "-n") == 0) { nonl++; options++; } else if (strcmp(opt, "-stderr") == 0) { console_out = stderr; options++; } else if (strcmp(opt, "-stdout") == 0) { console_out = stdout; options++; } else if (strncmp(opt, "-", 1) == 0) /* end of the option args */ break; if (options) { space = 0; break; } } if (console_log_depth == 1) CONSOLE_OUT("%s", xsToString(xsArg(i))); else CONSOLE_OUT("\"%s\"", xsToString(xsArg(i))); break; case xsReferenceType: if (xsIsInstanceOf(xsArg(i), xsFunctionPrototype)) { CONSOLE_OUT("function(...) { ... }"); } else if (xsIsInstanceOf(xsArg(i), xsArrayPrototype)) { xsGet(xsVar(0), xsArg(i), xsID("length")); xsIntegerValue length = xsToInteger(xsVar(0)), index; CONSOLE_OUT("[\n"); for (index = 0; index < length; index++) { xsGet(xsVar(1), xsArg(i), (xsIndex)index); if (comma) CONSOLE_OUT(",\n"); else comma = 1; indent(the, console_out, 0); fxPush(xsVar(1)); fxPushCount(the, 1); fxPush(xsThis); fxPush(xsFunction); fxCall(the); } CONSOLE_OUT("\n"); indent(the, console_out, -1); CONSOLE_OUT("]"); } else { CONSOLE_OUT( "{\n"); xsVar(0) = xsEnumerate(xsArg(i)); for (;;) { xsVar(1) = xsCall0(xsVar(0), xsID("next")); xsGet(xsVar(2), xsVar(1), xsID("done")); if (xsTest(xsVar(2))) break; xsGet(xsVar(2), xsVar(1), xsID("value")); xsGetAt(xsVar(3), xsArg(i), xsVar(2)); if (comma) CONSOLE_OUT( ",\n"); else comma = 1; indent(the, console_out, 0); CONSOLE_OUT("%s: ", xsToString(xsVar(2))); fxPush(xsVar(3)); fxPushCount(the, 1); fxPush(xsThis); fxPush(xsFunction); fxCall(the); } CONSOLE_OUT("\n"); indent(the, console_out, -1); CONSOLE_OUT("}"); } break; } } console_log_depth--; if (!console_log_depth && !nonl) CONSOLE_OUT("\n"); }