double randn ( void ) { double rand1 = genrand_real2(); double rand2 = genrand_real2(); double R = sqrt(-2.0 * log(rand1)); double T = 2 * M_PI * rand2; return R * cos(T); }
extern void Stochastic(_parameter *par, double *Time, double *sigma_react, double *exp_rand){ int j,fire; double z[Sto_rapi_Num], p[Sto_rapi_Num]={0}; double random; //generate random number func1(p,par->Sto_rapi,par->Sto_conc,&(*Time)); *sigma_react = *sigma_react + dt * p[Sto_rapi_Num-1]; //initilize the change of molecules if (*sigma_react >= *exp_rand){ for(j=0; j < Sto_rapi_Num ; j++)z[j] = 0; fire = 0; //generate random variable random = p[Sto_rapi_Num-1] * genrand_real2(); //choose fired reaction if(random < p[0]){ z[0] = 1 ; fire = 1 ; } else{ for(j = 1 ; j < Sto_rapi_Num ; j++){ if(fire == 1)break; if(( p[j-1] <= random) && (random < p[j] )){ z[j] = 1 ; fire = 1 ; } } } *sigma_react = 0.0; func2(z, par->Sto_conc); *exp_rand = -1*log(genrand_real2()); } }
/** * Zufallspositionsgenerator. * Liefert innerhalb der Spielfeldgrösse eine zufällige Position zurück. * @return liefert eine zufällige Position zurück */ location randomize_location() { location pos; pos.x = genrand_real2()*PLAYGROUND_X_MAX; pos.y = genrand_real2()*PLAYGROUND_Y_MAX; return pos; }
void initialise(int A[], int B[], double d[], double d2[]){ int i; // initialise the lattice randomly and zero the density to start with. for (i = 0; i < Ns; i++){ if ( genrand_real2() <= 0.5) A[i] = 1; else A[i] = 0; if ( genrand_real2() <= 0.5) B[i] = 1; else B[i] = 0; d[i] = 0.0; //initialise the density to be zero on the site. d2[i] = 0.0; //initialise the density to be zero on the site. } }
void kitagawa_resampling (double *w, size_t n_weights, size_t *s_res, size_t n_res) { // deterministic Kitagawa resampling double *u = malloc(sizeof(double) * n_res); double x = genrand_real2(); for (size_t i = 0; i < n_res; ++i) { u[i] = ((double)i + x) / (double)(n_res); } double *cdf = malloc(sizeof(double) * n_weights); build_multinomial_cdf(cdf, w, n_weights); for (size_t i = 0; i < n_res; ++i) { size_t idx = n_res; for (size_t j = 0; j < n_weights; ++j) { if (u[i] <= cdf[j]) { idx = j; break; } } s_res[i] = idx; } free(u); free(cdf); }
// move the particle in 2D // Movement of particles on the lattice depending on the BCs. void moveParticle2D(int C[], int D[], int rn){ int r1 = D[rn] + D[rn+1]; double rate = (1 + (beta-1)*r1/2.0); if (genrand_real2() <= rate){ C[rn] = 0; C[rn+1]=1; } }
size_t sample_uniform(size_t pdf_size) { double x = genrand_real2(); size_t result = (size_t)floor(x * (double)pdf_size); if (result == pdf_size) { result = pdf_size - 1; } return result; }
void parameter_sampler(double parameter[]) { double unit_r; int chosen_num; unit_r = genrand_real2(); chosen_num = (int)(PARA_N*unit_r); unit_r = genrand_real1(); parameter[chosen_num] = parameter[chosen_num]*pow(10.0, (unit_r-0.5)*STEP_PARA); }
void cMatMul(double* A, double* B, double* C, double scalar_k, int m, int n) { init_genrand(12); int i, j ; int index = 0 ; for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { C[index] = scalar_k * A[index] * B[index] + genrand_real2(); index ++ ; } } return ; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 関数 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static RXREAL GaussianNoise() { RXREAL x1, x2; RXREAL ret; RXREAL r2; do { x1 = 2.0 * genrand_real2() - 1.0; /* [-1, 1) */ x2 = 2.0 * genrand_real2() - 1.0; r2 = x1*x1 + x2*x2; } while ((r2 == 0) || (r2 > 1.0)); ret = x1 * sqrt((-2.0 * log(r2))/r2); ret *= 0.25; // Possibility of ( N(0, 1) < 4.0 ) = 100% if (ret < -1.0) ret = -1.0; /* Account for loss of precision. */ if (ret > 1.0) ret = 1.0; return ret; }
int main ( int argc, char * const argv[] ) { printf( "Testing output and speed of inventors' Mersenne Twister program\n" ); printf( "\nTest of random integer generation:\n" ); unsigned long oneSeed = 4357UL; unsigned long bigSeed[4] = { 0x123UL, 0x234UL, 0x345UL, 0x456UL }; printf( "\nTest of random integer generation:\n" ); init_by_array( bigSeed, 4 ); unsigned long i; for( i = 0; i < 1000UL; ++i ) { printf( "%10lu ", genrand_int32() ); if( i % 5 == 4 ) printf("\n"); } printf( "\nTest of random real number [0,1) generation:\n" ); for( i = 0; i < 1000UL; ++i ) { printf( "%10.8f ", genrand_real2() ); if( i % 5 == 4 ) printf("\n"); } printf( "\nTest of random real number [0,1] generation:\n" ); init_genrand( oneSeed ); for( i = 0; i < 2000UL; ++i ) { printf( "%10.8f ", genrand_real1() ); if( i % 5 == 4 ) printf("\n"); } printf( "\nTest of time to generate one billion random integers:\n" ); init_genrand( oneSeed ); unsigned long junk = 0; clock_t start = clock(); for( i = 0; i < 1000000000UL; ++i ) { junk ^= genrand_int32(); } clock_t stop = clock(); if( junk == 0 ) printf( "jinx\n" ); printf( "Time elapsed = " ); printf( "%8.3f", double( stop - start ) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC ); printf( " s\n" ); return 0; }
size_t sample_multinomial_cdf(double *cdf, size_t cdf_size) { double x = genrand_real2(); // linear search to find the corresponding idx for (size_t i = 0; i < cdf_size; ++i) { if (x <= cdf[i]) { return i; } } printf("ERR: sample_multinomial_cdf() failed\n"); return -1; }
static int Lvaluei(lua_State *L) /** valuei(c,a,[b]) */ { MT *c=Pget(L,1); int a,b; if (lua_gettop(L)==2) { a=1; b=luaL_checkint(L,2); } else { a=luaL_checkint(L,2); b=luaL_checkint(L,3); } lua_pushnumber(L,floor(a+genrand_real2(c)*(b-a+1))); return 1; }
void NNMatrixSampler (long index, _Matrix& bnds, _SimpleList& varList, _SimpleList& reidx, _Matrix* modelMatrix, _List& trainIn, _List& trainOut) { _Parameter lb = bnds (index,0), ub = bnds (index,1); if (ub<=lb) // freq parameter { ub = 1.; lb = 0.; for (long k = index-1; k>=0; k--) { ub -= LocateVar (varList.lData[reidx.lData[k]])->Value(); if (bnds (k,1) > bnds (k,0)) { break; } } if ((index == varList.lLength - 1)||(bnds (index+1,1) > bnds (index+1,0))) { lb = ub; } } _Constant cv (lb + genrand_real2 () * (ub-lb)); LocateVar (varList.lData[reidx.lData[index]])->SetValue (&cv); if (index == varList.lLength - 1) { _Matrix* inMx = new _Matrix (index+1,1,false,true); checkPointer (inMx); for (long m = 0; m <= index; m++) { inMx->Store (m,0,LocateVar (varList.lData[reidx.lData[m]])->Value()); } trainIn << inMx; DeleteObject (inMx); _Matrix *em = ((_Matrix*)modelMatrix->ComputeNumeric())->Exponentiate(); trainOut << em; DeleteObject (em); } else { NNMatrixSampler (index+1, bnds, varList, reidx, modelMatrix, trainIn, trainOut); } }
int main(void) { unsigned long oneSeed = 4357UL; unsigned long bigSeed[4] = { 0x123, 0x234, 0x345, 0x456 }; printf( "Testing output and speed of mt19937ar-c*k.c\n" ); printf( "\nTest of random integer generation:\n" ); init_by_array( bigSeed, 4 ); for( i = 0; i < 1000; ++i ) { printf( "%10lu ", genrand_int32() ); if( i % 5 == 4 ) printf("\n"); } printf( "\nTest of random real number [0,1) generation:\n" ); for( i = 0; i < 1000; ++i ) { printf( "%10.8f ", genrand_real2() ); if( i % 5 == 4 ) printf("\n"); } printf( "\nTest of random real number [0,1] generation:\n" ); init_genrand( oneSeed ); for( i = 0; i < 1000; ++i ) { printf( "%10.8f ", genrand_real1() ); if( i % 5 == 4 ) printf("\n"); } printf( "\nTest of time to generate 300 million random integers:\n" ); init_genrand( oneSeed ); start = clock(); for( i = 0; i < 300000000; ++i ) { junk = genrand_int32(); } stop = clock(); printf( "Time elapsed = " ); printf( "%8.3f", (double)( stop - start ) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC ); printf( " s\n" ); return 0; }
void parameter_sampler(double parameter[]) { double unit_r; int chosen_num, i; for( ; ; ){ unit_r = genrand_real2(); chosen_num = (int)(PARA_N*unit_r); if(chosen_num < 7){ unit_r = genrand_real1(); parameter[chosen_num] = parameter[chosen_num]*pow(10.0, (unit_r-0.5)*STEP_PARA); break; } else{ continue; } } }
int main(void) { int i; unsigned long init[4]={0x123, 0x234, 0x345, 0x456}, length=4; init_by_array(init, length); /* This is an example of initializing by an array. */ /* You may use init_genrand(seed) with any 32bit integer */ /* as a seed for a simpler initialization */ printf("1000 outputs of genrand_int32()\n"); for (i=0; i<1000; i++) { printf("%10lu ", genrand_int32()); if (i%5==4) printf("\n"); } printf("\n1000 outputs of genrand_real2()\n"); for (i=0; i<1000; i++) { printf("%10.8f ", genrand_real2()); if (i%5==4) printf("\n"); } return 0; }
// A stupid, basic and crappy linear search-based sampling algorithm. int sample_from_discrete_log_pd(double *log_pd, int log_pd_size) { double log_x = log(genrand_real2()); double log_F = log(DBL_MIN); int i = 0; int sampled_idx = -1; for (i = 0; i < log_pd_size; ++i) { log_F = log_sum_exp(log_F, log_pd[i]); if (log_F >= log_x) { sampled_idx = i; break; } } if (sampled_idx < 0) { if (exp(log_F) < 1) { // This is due to rounding errors resulting in log_pd not // log-exp-summing up to exactly 1.0, so allocate that round-off // error to the last element in the multinomial pd. return log_pd_size - 1; } else { // OMG WTF this is badness. // Should really be throwing an exception, but whatevs. return -1; } } return sampled_idx; }
int NewPosition(double new_xyz[3], double xyz[3], double vel[3]) { /* */ /* DESCRIPTION */ /* */ /* 9/19/2011 */ /* I split up Sunny's NewPosition (see description below) into two: */ /* i.e., giving tau_goal using a random number here, and do the */ /* remaining calculations in the other subroutine, namely, */ /* "NewPosition4givenTau". */ /* */ /* --- (Sunny's description */ /* Get a new position new_xyz[3] from the current position xyz[3], */ /* given unit displacement vector vel[3], by calculating optical */ /* depth (in situ) of the model nebula extended from Rmin to Rmax */ /* Destiny 1 : photon_will_be_out of the entire nebula */ /* Destiny 2 : achieved, tau -> tau_goal in the photon path */ /* */ /* distance2border = X = distance from xyz[3] to a border at r0 */ /* xyz[3] = (x,y,z) = position vector */ /* vel[3] = (dx_norm,dy_norm,dz_norm) = unit velocity vector */ /* --> | vec{r} + X vec{dr_norm} |^2 = r0^2 */ /* --> X^2 + 2 B X + C = 0 where B = vec{r} * vec{dr_norm} */ /* C = r^2 - r0^2 */ /* --> X = -B +/- sqrt( B^2 - C ) */ /* */ /* INPUTS */ /* xyz[3] */ /* vel[3] */ /* disk[][91] */ /* (Rmin, Rmax) */ /* OUTPUT */ /* new_xyz[3] */ /* photon_will_be_out */ /* */ /* 2011-09-01 Hyosun Kim */ /* */ /* --- */ /* */ /* Revision by Hiro */ /* */ /* 9/19/2011 */ /* Now the correct tau is provided when the photon goes out from the */ /* nebula. (The calculation for the last step was skipped in Hyoson's */ /* original code.) */ /* I also have temporarily set dpath constant (0.3). */ /* */ /* 2/22/2012 */ /* I have changed the unit of the coordinate to AU. */ /* */ /* 3/3/2012 */ /* The array for opacity distribution ("disk") is removed. */ /* We alternatively use the Shakura & Sunyaev function. */ /* */ int photon_goes_out; double tau_goal; tau_goal = -log(genrand_real2()); photon_goes_out=NewPosition4givenTau(tau_goal,new_xyz,xyz,vel); return photon_goes_out; }
// remove particle void removeParticle(int A[], double rbc){ double rn1; rn1 = genrand_real2(); if (rn1 <=rbc) A[Ns-1]=0; }
void sampleIM_unif(const IMInputModel * p_in_model, const IMSimParams * p_sim_params, IMMCMCDiagnostics * p_out_data) { SAWData saw_data; IMState im_state; initIMState(&im_state, p_in_model, p_sim_params); double gamma_min = p_sim_params->gammas[0]; double gamma_max = p_sim_params->gammas[p_sim_params->n_gammas - 1]; // Set up the heaps, etc. initSAWData(&saw_data, p_in_model, p_sim_params); int nruns_until_next_param_update = 0; int n_accepted = 0; int n_proposed = 0; for (int curr_move = 0; curr_move < p_sim_params->n_moves; curr_move++) { if (nruns_until_next_param_update == 0) { nruns_until_next_param_update = p_sim_params->nruns_per_param_update; saw_data.SAW_length = p_sim_params->SAW_length_min; // Draw SAW length from NAIVE uniform distribution // U[SAW_length_min, SAW_length_max] saw_data.SAW_length = p_sim_params->SAW_length_min + (int) (genrand_real2() * (p_sim_params->SAW_length_max - p_sim_params->SAW_length_min + 1)); // Draw gamma from NAIVE uniform distribution // U[gammas[0], gammas[n_gammas - 1]] saw_data.gamma_up = gamma_min + (genrand_real2() * (gamma_max - gamma_min)); saw_data.gamma_down = saw_data.gamma_up; } --nruns_until_next_param_update; double E_initial = im_state.E; proposeIMMove(&saw_data, &im_state, p_in_model, p_sim_params); // Compute MH_ratio double MH_ratio = p_sim_params->beta_true * (E_initial - im_state.E); MH_ratio += (saw_data.log_f_rev - saw_data.log_f_fwd); MH_ratio = exp(MH_ratio); MH_ratio = MH_ratio > 1.0 ? 1.0 : MH_ratio; storeDiagnosticsData(p_out_data, curr_move, E_initial, im_state.E, saw_data.log_f_fwd, saw_data.log_f_rev, MH_ratio, saw_data.SAW_length, saw_data.gamma_up); // If rejection, restore state: if (genrand_real2() > MH_ratio) { undoIMMove(&saw_data, &im_state, p_in_model, p_sim_params); } } storeEndState(p_out_data, im_state.S, p_in_model->num_nodes); freeIMState(&im_state, p_in_model, p_sim_params); freeSAWData(&saw_data, p_in_model, p_sim_params); }
int main(){ //// Declarations // define functions for modularity void initialise( int [], int [], double [], double []); void addParticle( int [], double); void removeParticle(int [], double); void moveParticle( int [], int ); void moveParticle2D(int [], int [], int ); int iter=1e8; // lattice and iterations to be done on them. int i, j, ii, rn; int intrvl = 100; // interval after how many iterations at which observation is made. double lbc=0.4, rbc=0.2; // boundary conditions (BCs) on the left and right boundaries. double lbc2=0.001, rbc2=0.8; // boundary conditions (BCs) on the left and right boundaries. int A[Ns], B[Ns]; // occupancy of the site on the two lattices double d[Ns], d2[Ns]; // density on the two lattices init_genrand(time(NULL)); // seed the random number generator with the NULL of the time! initialise(A, B, d, d2); // initialise the array! // now simulate for (j=1; j<iter; j++){ rn = genrand_real2()*(Ns+1); // NOTE that we have generated N+1 RNs for N sized lattice. if (genrand_real2() <0.5){ // choose the lattice randomly! // case corresponding to the addition of particle if (( rn == Ns) && (A[0]==0) ) addParticle(A, lbc); // case corresponding to the particle removal else if ( (rn == Ns-1) && (A[Ns-1]==1) ) removeParticle(A, rbc); // move the particles on the lattice else if ( (A[rn]==1) && (A[rn+1]==0) ) moveParticle2D(A, B, rn); } // lattice 2 else{ // case corresponding to the addition of particle if (( rn == Ns) && (B[0]==0) ) addParticle(B, lbc2); // case corresponding to the particle removal else if ( (rn == Ns-1) && (B[Ns-1]==1) ) removeParticle(B, rbc2); // move the particles on the lattice else if ( (B[rn]==1) && (B[rn+1]==0) ) moveParticle2D(B, A, rn); } // take the observation with this interval! if (j>1e5 && j%intrvl==0){ for (ii=0; ii<Ns; ii++) { d[ii] +=A[ii]; d2[ii]+=B[ii]; } } } //simulation completed! Now plot, save, etc. with the data. FILE *fp; fp = fopen("testData.txt", "w"); for (i=0; i<Ns; i++){ printf( "%d \t %0.4f\t%0.4f\t \n", i, intrvl*d[i]/iter, intrvl*d2[i]/iter); fprintf(fp, "%d \t %0.4f\t%0.4f\t \n", i, intrvl*d[i]/iter, intrvl*d2[i]/iter); } fclose(fp); // that is all! return 0; }
int main(void) { double y[EQ_N][2]; double (*func[EQ_N])(); double parameter[PARTICLE_N][PARA_N], parameter_memory[PARA_N], resampled_parameter[PARTICLE_N][PARA_N]; double time_point[TIME_POINT_N]; double ref_time_point[TIME_POINT_N]; int i, j, k, l, m; int mcmc_num, pa_num, integral_num, particle_num, rk_num, timepoint_num, parameter_num, equation_num; int x_flag = 0; double X, dt; double probability_before, probability_after, probability_ratio; int move_count = 0; double weight[PARTICLE_N], weight_tmp[PARTICLE_N]; double total_weight = 0, power_total_weight, partial_total_weight, upper_weight, lower_weight; double log_weight[PARTICLE_N], log_weight_tmp[PARTICLE_N]; double total_likelihood[PARTICLE_N], total_likelihood_previous[PARTICLE_N]; double log_likelihood[PARTICLE_N], total_log_likelihood; double epsilon[POPULATION_N] = {2, 1, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25}; double ess; int sampling_num; int resampling_count = 0; int weighten_particle_num[POPULATION_N] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, last_weighten_particle_num = 0; int resampling_flag[POPULATION_N] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; double effective_particle_num = 0, total_effective_particle_num = 0; double weighten_particle_multiplier = 1; int mcmc_step; double unit_r, chosen_num; FILE *fp1, *fp2, *fp3, *fp4, *fp5, *fp6, *fp7, *fin; clock_t start, end; dt = 0.01; X = 1.0; function_set(func); /*** 計算開始 **********************************************************************************************************************************/ /* 時間を計る */ start = clock(); /* 乱数の初期化 */ init_genrand(12); /* ファイル設定 */ fp1 = fopen("","w"); /* 実験データの読み込み */ fin = fopen("","r"); for(timepoint_num=0;timepoint_num<TIME_POINT_N;timepoint_num++){ fscanf(fin, "%lf", &ref_time_point[timepoint_num]); } fclose(fin); /* 実験データの読み込み終了 */ /* サンプル番号初期化 */ sampling_num = 0; printf("0 th population\n"); /* ランダムサンプリングによる 粒子数個のパラメータセットの発生 **************************************************************************************/ for(particle_num=0;particle_num<PARTICLE_N;particle_num++){ /* パラメータ、合計濃度、変動係数を発生させる */ parameter_set(parameter[particle_num]); parameter_generation(parameter[particle_num]); } /* 重みを初期化 正規化 */ for(particle_num=0;particle_num<PARTICLE_N;particle_num++){ weight[particle_num] = 1.0/PARTICLE_N; } /* ランダムサンプリングによる初期パラメータ発生 終了 ************************************************************************************************/ /* Population annealing 開始 *****************************************************************************************************************/ for(pa_num=0;pa_num<POPULATION_N;pa_num++){ printf("%d th population\n", pa_num+1); /* 各粒子ごとに尤度の計算 */ for(particle_num=0;particle_num<PARTICLE_N;particle_num++){ total_likelihood[particle_num] = 0; /* 初期化 */ total_likelihood_previous[particle_num] = 0; /* 初期化 */ } /* 中間分布の計算 */ for(particle_num=0;particle_num<PARTICLE_N;particle_num++){ /* time point データの発生 */ y[0][0] = 0.0; y[1][0] = 0.0; rk_search(X, dt, func, y, parameter[particle_num], time_point); /* 尤度の計算 */ total_likelihood[particle_num] = indicator_function(time_point, ref_time_point, epsilon[pa_num]); if(pa_num==0){ total_likelihood_previous[particle_num] = 1; } else{ total_likelihood_previous[particle_num] = indicator_function(time_point, ref_time_point, epsilon[pa_num-1]); } } /* 中間分布の計算終了 */ /* 重みの計算 */ for(particle_num=0;particle_num<PARTICLE_N;particle_num++){ weight[particle_num] = weight[particle_num] * total_likelihood[particle_num]/total_likelihood_previous[particle_num]; if(total_likelihood[particle_num]==0 || total_likelihood_previous[particle_num]==0) weight[particle_num] = 0.0; } total_weight = 0.0; for(particle_num=0;particle_num<PARTICLE_N;particle_num++){ total_weight = total_weight + weight[particle_num]; } for(particle_num=0;particle_num<PARTICLE_N;particle_num++){ weight[particle_num] = weight[particle_num]/total_weight; } /* 重みを持つ粒子数の計算 */ for(particle_num=0;particle_num<PARTICLE_N;particle_num++){ if(weight[particle_num]!=0) weighten_particle_num[pa_num]++; } fprintf(fp1, "weighten particle num = %d\n", weighten_particle_num[pa_num]); /* 各粒子ごとに */ for(particle_num=0;particle_num<PARTICLE_N;particle_num++){ /* 重みが0なら飛ばす */ if(weight[particle_num]==0) continue; /* フラグの初期化 */ x_flag = 0; /* MCMC 計算 */ for(mcmc_num=0;mcmc_num<MCMC_MAX_STEP;mcmc_num++){ /* 許容されなければ、元のままのパラメータ */ if(x_flag == 1){ for(parameter_num=0;parameter_num<PARA_N;parameter_num++){ parameter[particle_num][parameter_num] = parameter_memory[parameter_num]; } } /* 確率の初期化 */ probability_before = 1.0; probability_after = 1.0; /* フラグの初期化 */ x_flag = 0; /* 新候補の計算前の値を記憶 */ for(parameter_num=0;parameter_num<PARA_N;parameter_num++){ parameter_memory[parameter_num] = parameter[particle_num][parameter_num]; } /* 移動前の確率を計算 */ probability_before = probability_before*pdf_uniform_parameter(parameter[particle_num]); /* 事前分布を乗じる */ total_likelihood[particle_num] = 0.0; /* 初期化 */ /* time point データの発生 */ y[0][0] = 0.0; y[1][0] = 0.0; rk_search(X, dt, func, y, parameter[particle_num], time_point); /* 尤度の計算 */ total_likelihood[particle_num] = indicator_function(time_point, ref_time_point, epsilon[pa_num]); probability_before = probability_before * total_likelihood[particle_num]; /* 移動前の確率 */ /* 新候補を計算 パラメータの中から1つだけ動かす */ unit_r = genrand_real2(); chosen_num = PERTURB_PARA_N*unit_r; parameter_sampler(parameter[particle_num]); /* 移動後の確率を計算 : 一様事前分布を乗じる */ probability_after = probability_after*pdf_uniform_parameter(parameter[particle_num]); /* 事前分布を乗じる */ if(probability_after == 0.0){ x_flag = 1; for(parameter_num=0;parameter_num<PARA_N;parameter_num++){ parameter[particle_num][parameter_num] = parameter_memory[parameter_num]; } continue; } /* 移動後の確率を計算 */ total_likelihood[particle_num] = 0.0; /* 初期化 */ /* time point データの発生 */ y[0][0] = 0.0; y[1][0] = 0.0; rk_search(X, dt, func, y, parameter[particle_num], time_point); /* 尤度の計算 */ total_likelihood[particle_num] = indicator_function(time_point, ref_time_point, epsilon[pa_num]); probability_after = probability_after * total_likelihood[particle_num]; /* 移動後の確率 */ if(probability_after == 0.0){ x_flag = 1; for(parameter_num=0;parameter_num<PARA_N;parameter_num++){ parameter[particle_num][parameter_num] = parameter_memory[parameter_num]; } continue; } /* 移動前と移動後の確率の比の計算 */ probability_ratio = probability_after/probability_before; /* [0,1) 単位乱数の発生 */ unit_r = genrand_real2(); /* 移動の判定 */ if(probability_ratio > unit_r){ move_count++; } else{ x_flag = 1; for(parameter_num=0;parameter_num<PARA_N;parameter_num++){ parameter[particle_num][parameter_num] = parameter_memory[parameter_num]; } continue; } } /* particle_num 番目の粒子の MCMC 終了 */ } /* 全粒子の MCMC 終了 */ /* リサンプリング ********************************************************/ power_total_weight = 0.0; ess = 0.0; for(particle_num=0;particle_num<PARTICLE_N;particle_num++){ power_total_weight = power_total_weight + pow(weight[particle_num], 2); } /* Effective Sample Size の計算 */ ess = 1.0/power_total_weight; //if(pa_num==4) ess = 0.0; fprintf(fp1, "%d th population", pa_num); fprintf(fp1, "ESS = %f\t particle_num/2 = %f\n\n", ess, PARTICLE_N/2.0); /* リサンプリングの判定と実行 */ if(ess < PARTICLE_N/2){ fprintf(fp1, "resampling\n"); resampling_count++; resampling_flag[pa_num] = 1; fprintf(fp1, "resampling flag = %d\n", resampling_flag[pa_num]); /* 粒子数個リサンプリングする 重複可 */ for(m=0;m<PARTICLE_N;m++){ /* [0,1) 乱数発生 */ unit_r = genrand_real2(); partial_total_weight = 0.0; /* l 番目の粒子が選ばれる */ for(l=0;l<PARTICLE_N;l++){ partial_total_weight = partial_total_weight + weight[l]; upper_weight = partial_total_weight; lower_weight = partial_total_weight - weight[l]; if((unit_r >= lower_weight) && (unit_r < upper_weight)){ for(i=0;i<PARA_N;i++){ resampled_parameter[m][i] = parameter[l][i]; } break; } } } /* 粒子数個リサンプリング終了 */ /* リサンプル後のパラメータと活性化時間の再設定 */ for(l=0;l<PARTICLE_N;l++){ for(i=0;i<PARA_N;i++){ parameter[l][i] = resampled_parameter[l][i]; } } /* リサンプル後の重みを初期化 正規化 */ for(l=0;l<PARTICLE_N;l++){ weight[l] = 1.0/PARTICLE_N; } } /* リサンプリングの判定と実行 終了 */ /* リサンプリング終了 ****************************************************/ } /* Population annealing 終了 *****************************************************************************************************************/ for(pa_num=0;pa_num<POPULATION_N;pa_num++){ if(resampling_flag[pa_num]==1){ weighten_particle_multiplier = weighten_particle_multiplier * weighten_particle_num[pa_num]/PARTICLE_N; } } /* 重みを持つ粒子数の計算 */ last_weighten_particle_num = 0; for(particle_num=0;particle_num<PARTICLE_N;particle_num++){ if(weight[particle_num]!=0) last_weighten_particle_num++; } effective_particle_num = last_weighten_particle_num*weighten_particle_multiplier; fprintf(fp1, "effective particle number = %f\n", effective_particle_num); /* 移動回数、 リサンプリング回数、 モデル数を出力 */ fprintf(fp1, "%d times move\n", move_count); fprintf(fp1, "%d times resampling\n", resampling_count); end = clock(); /* 計算時間の出力 */ fprintf(fp1, "%f min\n", (double)(end - start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC/60.0); fclose(fp1); return 0; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void acvmpm(EMMPM_Data* data, EMMPM_CallbackFunctions* callbacks) { double* yk; double sqrt2pi, current, con[EMMPM_MAX_CLASSES]; double x, post[EMMPM_MAX_CLASSES], sum, edge; int k, l, prior; int i, j, d; size_t ld, ijd, ij, lij, i1j1; int dims = data->dims; int rows = data->rows; int cols = data->columns; int classes = data->classes; unsigned char* y = data->y; unsigned char* xt = data->xt; double* probs = data->probs; double* m = data->m; double* v = data->v; double* ccost = data->ccost; double* ns = data->ns; double* ew = data->ew; double* sw = data->sw; double* nw = data->nw; char msgbuff[256]; float totalLoops; float currentLoopCount = 0.0; // double local_beta; size_t nsCols = data->columns - 1; // size_t nsRows = data->rows; size_t ewCols = data->columns; // size_t ewRows = data->rows - 1; size_t swCols = data->columns - 1; // size_t swRows = data->rows - 1; size_t nwCols = data->columns-1; // size_t nwRows = data->rows-1; memset(post, 0, EMMPM_MAX_CLASSES * sizeof(double)); memset(con, 0, EMMPM_MAX_CLASSES * sizeof(double)); totalLoops = (float)(data->emIterations * data->mpmIterations + data->mpmIterations); memset(msgbuff, 0, 256); data->progress++; yk = (double*)malloc(cols * rows * classes * sizeof(double)); sqrt2pi = sqrt(2.0 * M_PI); unsigned long long int millis = EMMPM_getMilliSeconds(); for (l = 0; l < classes; l++) { con[l] = 0; for (d = 0; d < dims; d++) { ld = dims * l + d; con[l] += -log(sqrt2pi * sqrt(v[ld])); } } for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) { for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) { for (l = 0; l < classes; l++) { lij = (cols * rows * l) + (cols * i) + j; probs[lij] = 0; yk[lij] = con[l]; for (d = 0; d < dims; d++) { ld = dims * l + d; ijd = (dims * cols * i) + (dims * j) + d; yk[lij] += ((y[ijd] - m[ld]) * (y[ijd] - m[ld]) / (-2.0 * v[ld])); } } } } printf("Serial Millis to complete initialization: %llu \n", EMMPM_getMilliSeconds() - millis); /* Perform the MPM loops */ for (k = 0; k < data->mpmIterations; k++) { data->currentMPMLoop = k; if (data->cancel) { data->progress = 100.0; break; } data->inside_mpm_loop = 1; millis = EMMPM_getMilliSeconds(); for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) { for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) { ij = (cols * i) + j; sum = 0; for (l = 0; l < classes; l++) { /* edge penalties (in both x and y) */ prior = 0; edge = 0; if (i - 1 >= 0) { if (j - 1 >= 0) { i1j1 = (cols*(i-1))+j-1; if (xt[i1j1] != l) { prior++; i1j1 = (swCols*(i-1))+j-1; edge += sw[i1j1]; } } //Mark1 i1j1 = (cols*(i-1))+j; if (xt[i1j1] != l) { prior++; i1j1 = (ewCols*(i-1))+j; edge += ew[i1j1]; } //mark2 if (j + 1 < cols) { i1j1 = (cols*(i-1))+j+1; if (xt[i1j1] != l) { prior++; i1j1 = (nwCols*(i-1))+j; edge += nw[i1j1]; } } } //mark3 if (i + 1 < rows) { if (j - 1 >= 0) { i1j1 = (cols*(i+1))+j-1; if (xt[i1j1] != l) { prior++; i1j1 = (nwCols*(i))+j-1; edge += nw[i1j1]; } } //mark4 i1j1 = (cols*(i+1))+j; if (xt[i1j1] != l) { prior++; i1j1 = (ewCols*(i))+j; edge += ew[i1j1]; } //mark5 if (j + 1 < cols) { i1j1 = (cols*(i+1))+j+1; if (xt[i1j1] != l) { prior++; i1j1 = (swCols*(i))+j; edge += sw[i1j1]; } } } //mark6 if (j - 1 >= 0) { i1j1 = (cols*(i))+j-1; if (xt[i1j1] != l) { prior++; i1j1 = (nsCols*(i))+j-1; edge += ns[i1j1]; } } //mark7 if (j + 1 < cols) { i1j1 = (cols*(i))+j+1; if (xt[i1j1] != l) { prior++; i1j1 = (nsCols*(i))+j; edge += ns[i1j1]; } } lij = (cols * rows * l) + (cols * i) + j; post[l] = exp(yk[lij] - (data->workingBeta * (double)prior) - edge - (data->beta_c * ccost[lij]) - data->w_gamma[l]); sum += post[l]; } x = genrand_real2(data->rngVars); current = 0; for (l = 0; l < classes; l++) { lij = (cols * rows * l) + (cols * i) + j; ij = (cols*i)+j; if ((x >= current) && (x <= (current + post[l] / sum))) { xt[ij] = l; probs[lij] += 1.0; } current += post[l] / sum; } } } printf("Millis to complete loop: %llu \n", EMMPM_getMilliSeconds() - millis); EMMPM_ConvertXtToOutputImage(data, callbacks); if (callbacks->EMMPM_ProgressFunc != NULL) { data->currentMPMLoop = k; snprintf(msgbuff, 256, "MPM Loop %d", data->currentMPMLoop); callbacks->EMMPM_ProgressFunc(msgbuff, data->progress); } if (NULL != callbacks->EMMPM_ProgressStatsFunc) { currentLoopCount = data->mpmIterations * data->currentEMLoop + data->currentMPMLoop; data->progress = currentLoopCount / totalLoops * 100.0; callbacks->EMMPM_ProgressStatsFunc(data); } } data->inside_mpm_loop = 0; if (!data->cancel) { /* Normalize probabilities */ for (i = 0; i < data->rows; i++) { for (j = 0; j < data->columns; j++) { for (l = 0; l < classes; l++) { lij = (cols * rows * l) + (cols * i) + j; data->probs[lij] = data->probs[lij] / (double)data->mpmIterations; } } } } /* Clean Up Memory */ free(yk); }
Simulation::Simulation( const unsigned long rabbitsNum, const int month, double survivalRateYoung, double survivalRateAdult ) : _month( month ), _rabbitsNum( rabbitsNum ), _survivalRateYoung( survivalRateYoung ), _survivalRateAdult( survivalRateAdult ) { // Allocation for the table of rabbits _population = new std::list<Rabbits*>*[ _month + 1 ]; // month m + 1 is a buffer for( int i = 0; i < _month; ++i ) _population[ i ] = new std::list<Rabbits*>; // Allocation for the pool of rabbits _pool = new Rabbits*[ _rabbitsNum ]; for( unsigned long i = 0; i < _rabbitsNum; ++i ) _pool[ i ] = new Rabbits( false, genrand_real2( ) >= 0.5 ); // This pointer points to the last unusued rabbit in the pool _pt = _pool + _rabbitsNum - 1; _newRabbits = 0; _file = NULL; }
int EddSPM_cycle(struct SimData *SD, double n) { if (SD->flags & S12_FLAG_INCOMPAT & ~S12_FLAG_FROZEN ) { printf("Incompatible features seen: %d (bxcon)\n", SD->flags); exit(205); } if (SD->MLLlen == 0 && SD->MLLlen_down == 0) { // If no moves are possible, then time passes by instantly. SD->MLLextraTime = 0; return(0); } int frozenEnabled = SD->flags & S12_FLAG_FROZEN; int naccept = 0; //struct LList llist; llist.n = 0; double maxTime = (double) n; double time = SD->MLLextraTime; //printf("eddCycle: time:%f maxTime%f\n", time, maxTime); double c = 1./(1. + exp(SD->beta)); //printf("beta:%f c:%f\n", SD->beta, c); double wUp = 1-(c); double wDown = c; double eta = 0; if (SD->hardness != 1./0.) eta = exp(-SD->beta*SD->hardness); double pdf_wDown = wDown * (SD->MLLlen_down); double pdf_wUp = wUp * (SD->MLLlen ); double pdf_wDown_frozen = eta*wDown*(SD->lattSize - SD->N - SD->MLLlen_down); double pdf_wUp_frozen = eta*wUp *(SD->lattSize); double cdf_wDown = pdf_wDown; double cdf_wUp = cdf_wDown + pdf_wUp; double cdf_wDown_frozen = cdf_wUp + pdf_wDown_frozen; double cdf_wUp_frozen = cdf_wDown_frozen + pdf_wUp_frozen; double wTot = cdf_wUp_frozen ; if (time == -1.) { // pre-move, advance time until the first event. Otherwise we // always end up moving right at time == 0 double timestep = 1./wTot; timestep *= -log(genrand_real3()); time = timestep; } while (time < maxTime) { int pos; double rand = genrand_real2() * wTot; if (rand < cdf_wDown) { // pick some down spin to flip up int i = (int) (rand / wDown); pos = SD->MLL_down[i]; if (debugedd) printf("move: flipping down->up at pos:%d\n", pos); FAremoveFromMLL(SD, 'd', pos); addParticle(SD, pos, SD->inserttype); FAaddToMLL(SD, 'u', pos); SD->persist[pos] = 1; } else if (rand < cdf_wUp) { // pick some up spin to flip down int i = (int) ((rand - cdf_wDown) / wUp); pos = SD->MLL[i]; if (debugedd) { printf("move: flipping up->down at pos:%d\n", pos); if (i > SD->MLLlen ) exit(158); } FAremoveFromMLL(SD, 'u', pos); delParticle(SD, pos); FAaddToMLL(SD, 'd', pos); SD->persist[pos] = 1; } else if (rand < cdf_wDown_frozen) { // Pick a immobile down spin to flip. exit(56); // This is not working yet! while (1) { // Find a down spin that isn't active pos = SD->lattSize * genrand_real2(); if (SD->lattsite[pos] == S12_EMPTYSITE && /* site is down */ SD->MLLr[pos] == -1 ) /* site is not mobile */ break; } if (debugedd) { // Some error checking printf("move: (immoblie) flipping down->up at pos:%d\n", pos); } if ( frozenEnabled && SD->frozen[pos]) { // If we are frozen, do nothing. } else { addParticle(SD, pos, SD->inserttype); SD->persist[pos] = 1; } } else { // (rand < cdf_wUp_frozen) // Pick a immobile up spin to flip. exit(56); // This is not working yet! while (1) { // Find a down spin that isn't active int i = SD->N * genrand_real2(); pos = SD->atompos[i]; if (SD->MLLr[pos] == -1 ) /* site is not mobile */ break; } if (debugedd) { // Some error checking printf("move: (immobile) flipping up->down at pos:%d\n", pos); if (SD->lattsite[pos] == S12_EMPTYSITE) exit(165); } if ( frozenEnabled && SD->frozen[pos]) { // If we are frozen, do nothing. } else { delParticle(SD, pos); SD->persist[pos] = 1; } } //llist.n = 0; EddSPM_updateLatNeighbors(SD, pos); naccept += 1; pdf_wDown = wDown * (SD->MLLlen_down); pdf_wUp = wUp * (SD->MLLlen ); pdf_wDown_frozen = eta*wDown*(SD->lattSize - SD->N - SD->MLLlen_down); pdf_wUp_frozen = eta*wUp *(SD->lattSize); cdf_wDown = pdf_wDown; cdf_wUp = cdf_wDown + pdf_wUp; cdf_wDown_frozen = cdf_wUp + pdf_wDown_frozen; cdf_wUp_frozen = cdf_wDown_frozen + pdf_wUp_frozen; wTot = cdf_wUp_frozen ; // Advance time double timestep = 1./wTot; timestep *= -log(genrand_real3()); // exponential distribution of times. // genrand_real3() -> (0, 1) time += timestep; //printf("interval: %f\n", (SD->N * SD->connMax) / (double)SD->MLLlen); //if (naccept == 1) //return(naccept); } // MLLextraTime is a positive, the amount to increment before our next stop. SD->MLLextraTime = time - maxTime; //printf("eddCycle: final time:%f maxTime:%f extraTime:%f\n", // time, maxTime, SD->MLLextraTime); return(naccept); }
int cycleSPM(struct SimData *SD, double n) { printf("error: Using SPM without event driven dynamics does NOT WORK(yet)\n"); printf("Enable event-driven dynamics (.eddEnable())\n"); exit(94); int i_trial; int naccept = 0; int N = SD->N; // initial N value, use SD->N for instantaneous double c = 1./(1. + exp(SD->beta)); //printf("beta:%f c:%f\n", SD->beta, c); double wUp = 1-(c); double wDown = c; //double maxTime = N*n; //double time ; //for (i_trial=0 ; i_trial<(n*SD->N) ; i_trial++) { for (i_trial=0 ; naccept<(N*n) ; i_trial++ ) { // otherwise, do a regular move (this should be the most common // case and thus inlined) // Find a lattice site with a particle: if (SD->N == 0) { printf("we are out of particles!\n"); exit(165); } int pos; int atomtype; int state; while(1) { pos = (int)(SD->lattSize * genrand_real2()); if (SD->lattsite[pos] != S12_EMPTYSITE) { // particle present, can we flip it down? atomtype = atomType(SD, pos); state = 1; } else { // trip flipping down to up. atomtype = SD->inserttype; state = 0; } if (SD->nneighbors[pos] >= atomtype) // we are mobile here-- continue with the move function from this spot. break; } double rand = genrand_real2(); if (state == 1 && rand < wUp) { if(debugedd) printf("accepting FA move: %d up -> down\n", pos); naccept += 1; delParticle(SD, pos); } else if (state == 0 && rand < wDown) { if(debugedd) printf("accepting FA move: %d down -> up\n", pos); naccept += 1; addParticle(SD, pos, SD->inserttype); } else { if(debugedd) printf("rejecting FA move FA move: %d (was %d)\n", pos, state); } } return(naccept); // Return 1, since we accepted one move }
// Call the destructor // void Simulation::End( ) { ~Simulation( ); } // The simulation // time: the number of months the simulation has to last. Can end earlier if no rabbits are left in the pool. int Simulation::MonthSimul( int time ) { clock_t simulBegin = clock( ); clock_t simulEnd; int j = 0; // The current month unsigned long tmp = 0; unsigned long died = 0; // The number of rabbits which have died this month unsigned long newBorns = 0; unsigned long females = 0; unsigned long reproduction = 0; _newRabbits = 0; // This variable stores the number of rabbits which should be created when the simulation ends /**/ for( int i = 0; i < time; ++i ) { /** fprintf( _file, "%d\n", i ); died = 0; /**/ // std::cout<< "Month: " << i << std::endl; // At the last month, all living rabbits die. for( _it = _population[ _month - 1 ]->begin( ); _it != _population[ _month - 1 ]->end( ); ) { ++died; ++_pt; *_pt = *_it; _it = _population[ _month - 1 ]->erase( _it ); } /** fprintf( _file, "%d\t%ld\n", _month - 1, died ); died = 0; /**/ // Mature and old rabbits [9-132-240] for( j = _month ; j > 8; --j ) { // Move the lists to the left _population[ j ] = _population[ j - 1 ]; for( _it = _population[ j ]->begin( ); _it != _population[ j ]->end( ); ++_it ) { if( !death( j ) ) { if( (*_it)->get_sex( ) ) { ++females; if( genrand_real1( ) >= 0.60 ) { ++reproduction; tmp = (*_it)->reproduce( *_it ); newBorns += tmp; _newRabbits += tmp; } } ++_it; } else ++died; } /**/ fprintf( _file, "%d\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\n", j, died, newBorns, _population[ j ]->size( ), females, reproduction ); died = 0; newBorns = 0; females = 0; reproduction = 0; /**/ } // Final deadline for maturity [8-8] _population[ j ] = _population[ j - 1 ]; // On decale les listes de lapins vers la gauche for( _it = _population[ j ]->begin( ); _it != _population[ j ]->end( ); ) { if( !death( j ) ) { if( !(*_it)->get_mature( ) ) { (*_it)->set_mature( true ); if( (*_it)->get_sex( ) ) { ++females; ++reproduction; tmp = (*_it)->reproduce( *_it ); newBorns += tmp; _newRabbits += tmp; } } else { if( (*_it)->get_sex( ) ) { ++females; if( genrand_real1( ) >= 0.60 ) { ++reproduction; tmp = (*_it)->reproduce( *_it ); newBorns += tmp; _newRabbits += tmp; } } } ++_it; } else ++died; } /**/ fprintf( _file, "%d\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\n", j, died, newBorns, _population[ j ]->size( ), females, reproduction ); died = 0; newBorns = 0; females = 0; reproduction = 0; /**/ // Rabbits getting maturity [5-7] for( j = 7; j >= 5; --j ) { // On decale les listes de lapins vers la gauche _population[ j ] = _population[ j - 1 ]; for( _it = _population[ j ]->begin( ); _it != _population[ j ]->end( ); ++_it ) { if( !death( j ) ) { if( !(*_it)->get_mature( ) ) { if( genrand_real1( ) >= 0.2 ) { // 80% of becoming mature each month (*_it)->set_mature( true ); if( (*_it)->get_sex( ) ) { ++females; ++reproduction; // Females reproduce their first month of maturity tmp = (*_it)->reproduce( *_it ); newBorns += tmp; _newRabbits += tmp; } } } else { if( (*_it)->get_sex( ) ) { ++females; if( genrand_real1( ) >= 0.60 ) { ++reproduction; tmp = (*_it)->reproduce( *_it ); newBorns += tmp; _newRabbits += tmp; } } } ++_it; } else ++died; } /**/ fprintf( _file, "%d\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\n", j, died, newBorns, _population[ j ]->size( ), females, reproduction ); died = 0; newBorns = 0; females = 0; reproduction = 0; /**/ } // Newly-born, young rabbits [1-4] for( j = 4; j > 0; --j ) { _population[ j ] = _population[ j - 1 ]; // On decale les listes de lapins vers la gauche for( _it = _population[ j ]->begin( ); _it != _population[ j ]->end( ); ) { if( !death( j ) ) { if( (*_it)->get_sex( ) ) { ++females; } ++_it; } else ++died; } /**/ fprintf( _file, "%d\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\n", j, died, newBorns, _population[ j ]->size( ), females, reproduction ); died = 0; newBorns = 0; females = 0; reproduction = 0; /**/ } // Moving the dead 20 years old rabbits' list to the new born's list _population[ 0 ] = _population[ _month ]; _population[ _month ] = NULL; // std::cout << "Death of " << died << " rabbits" << std::endl; if( _pt - _pool < _newRabbits ) { // End of the simulation i = time; // std::cout<< "Still " << _pt - _pool << " rabbits staying versus " << _newRabbits << " rabbits to be born" << std::endl; } else { // std::cout<< "Still " << _pt - _pool << " rabbits" << std::endl; // std::cout<< "Birthing of " << _newRabbits << " rabbits" << std::endl; for( j = 0; j < _newRabbits; ++j ) { // // std::cout << "Birthing of a rabbit" << std::endl; // initialisation of the rabbits (*_pt)->set_sex( ( genrand_real2( ) >= 0.5 ) ); if( (*_pt)->get_sex( ) ) { ++females; } (*_pt)->set_mature( false ); (*_pt)->set_monthsPassed( 0 ); // Rabbits are being born _population[ 0 ]->push_back( *_pt ); *_pt = NULL; if( _pt > _pool ) --_pt; } _newRabbits = 0; /**/ fprintf( _file, "%d\t%d\t%d\t%ld\t%ld\t%d\n", 0, 0, 0, _population[ 0 ]->size( ), females, 0 ); females = 0; /**/ } /**/ } /**/ simulEnd = clock( ); fprintf( _file, "%ld\t%f\t", (long) ( simulEnd - simulBegin ), (double) ( simulEnd - simulBegin ) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC ); return _newRabbits; }
void main() { std::ifstream fdata;"Curves1020"); integer NN = 100, num = 1020, n = NN + 1, d = 2; double *data = new double[d * NN * num + 2 * d * n]; double *C1 = data + d * NN * num; double *C2 = C1 + d * n; for (integer i = 0; i < NN; i++) { for (integer j = 0; j < num; j++) { for (integer k = 0; k < 2; k++) { fdata >> data[k * NN + i + j * 2 * NN]; } } } // choose a random seed unsigned tt = (unsigned)time(NULL); tt = 1425718285; std::cout << "rand seed:" << tt << std::endl;//-- init_genrand(tt); integer idx1 = static_cast<integer> (floor(genrand_real2() * 1020)), idx2 = static_cast<integer> (floor(genrand_real2() * 1020)); //idx1 = 0; //idx2 = 2; std::cout << "idx1:" << idx1 << ", idx2:" << idx2 << std::endl;//-- for (integer i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (integer j = 0; j < d; j++) { C1[i + j * n] = data[i + j * NN + idx1 * d * NN]; C2[i + j * n] = data[i + j * NN + idx2 * d * NN]; } } for (integer j = 0; j < d; j++) { C1[NN + j * n] = C1[0 + j * n]; C2[NN + j * n] = C2[0 + j * n]; } //double O[] = { cos(0.5), -sin(0.5), sin(0.5), cos(0.5) }; //char *transn = const_cast<char *> ("n"); //double one = 1, zero = 0; //dgemm_(transn, transn, &n, &d, &d, &one, C1, &n, O, &d, &zero, C2, &n); //ForDebug::Print("O first:", O, d, d);//--- //ForDebug::Print("C1:", C1, n, d);//-- //ForDebug::Print("C2:", C2, n, d);//-- //for (integer i = 0; i < n; i++)///--------- //{ // C1[i + 0 * n] = i / (n - 1); // C1[i + 1 * n] = sin(static_cast<double> (i) / (n - 1) / 2); // C2[i + 0 * n] = i / (n - 1); // C2[i + 1 * n] = sin(static_cast<double> (i) / (n - 1) / 2 + PI / 6); //}//------- integer numofmanis = 3; integer numofmani1 = 1; integer numofmani2 = 1; integer numofmani3 = 1; L2SphereVariable *FNSV = new L2SphereVariable(n); OrthGroupVariable *OGV = new OrthGroupVariable(d); EucVariable *EucV = new EucVariable(1); ProductElement *Xopt = new ProductElement(numofmanis, FNSV, numofmani1, OGV, numofmani2, EucV, numofmani3); bool rotated = true; bool isclosed = true; bool onlyDP = false; bool swap; integer autoselectC = 1; double *fopts = new double[10]; double *comtime = fopts + 5; integer ns, lms; DriverElasticCurvesRO(C1, C2, d, n, 0.01, rotated, isclosed, onlyDP, 4, "LRTRSR1", autoselectC, Xopt, swap, fopts, comtime, ns, lms); delete[] fopts; delete[] data; delete FNSV; delete OGV; delete EucV; delete Xopt; #ifdef _WIN64 #ifdef _DEBUG _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(); #endif #endif };
LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc( HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { // Build list when first playing a file if ( uMsg == WM_USER && lParam == IPC_PLAYING_FILE ) { OutputDebugString( "IPC_PLAYING_FILE" ); OutputDebugString(( char* )wParam ); if ( !master_built ) { OutputDebugString( "Play: Rebuilding track lists" ); build_master(); copy_master(); master_built = 1; } // Restore playing status if ( is_pause ) { OutputDebugString( "Pausing:" ); SendMessage( hwnd, WM_COMMAND, WINAMP_PAUSE, 0 ); } is_pause = 0; } // Mark the playlist as dirty upon any modification if ( uMsg == WM_USER && lParam == IPC_PLAYLIST_MODIFIED ) { master_built = 0; // Clear the history history_clear(); } if ( uMsg == WM_USER && lParam == IPC_GET_PREVIOUS_PLITEM ) { // If plugin not enabled, let winamp do default action if ( !cfg_enabled ) return -1; // If there is history, return that and rebuild the random list if ( history_size() > 0 ) { // Get playing status status = SendMessage( hwnd, WM_WA_IPC, 0, IPC_ISPLAYING ); // Pretend it is paused if anything but playing. is_pause = ( status != IS_PLAY ); if ( is_pause ) OutputDebugString( "Prev track: Is paused" ); OutputDebugString( "Prev track: Rebuilding track lists" ); copy_master(); return history_pop(); } } if ( uMsg == WM_USER && lParam == IPC_GET_NEXT_PLITEM ) { // Playlist is dirty! Rebuild if ( !master_built ) { OutputDebugString( "Next track: Rebuilding track lists" ); build_master(); copy_master(); master_built = 1; } if( atrack_size() == 0 ) { /* Apparently Winamp crashes anyways if your playlist is all separators * and you can't do anything to stop it. This is stupid. */ OutputDebugString( "Next track: No playable tracks" ); return -1; } index = SendMessage( plugin.hwndParent, WM_WA_IPC, 0, IPC_GETLISTPOS ); // Check for any other plugin that wants to modify the next item // Especially JTFE ft_index = CallWindowProc( lpWndProcOld, hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam ); if ( ft_index != -1 ) { wsprintf( debug_string, "Next track: Fall through index: %d", ft_index ); OutputDebugString( debug_string ); if ( cfg_enabled ) { history_add( index ); copy_master(); } return ft_index; } // If plugin is not enabled, let Winamp shuffle if ( !cfg_enabled ) { return -1; } playlist_wnd = get_playlist_hwnd(); pl_len = SendMessage( hwnd, WM_WA_IPC, 0, IPC_GETLISTLENGTH ); file.fileindex = index; // This is zero indexed ret = SendMessage( playlist_wnd, WM_WA_IPC, IPC_PE_GETINDEXTITLE, ( LPARAM ) & file ); // If it returns 0 then track information was received if ( !ret ) { // Check the track type to determine our behavior int type = atrack_type( index ); // Get playing status status = SendMessage( hwnd, WM_WA_IPC, 0, IPC_ISPLAYING ); // Pretend it is paused if anything but playing. Don't include separators because they are always stopped. is_pause = ( status != IS_PLAY && type != IS_ALBUM_SEP && type != IS_RANDOM_SEP ); if ( is_pause ) OutputDebugString( "Next track: Is paused" ); wsprintf( debug_string, "Next track: Track type: %d", type ); OutputDebugString( debug_string ); if ( ( type == IS_ALBUM || type == IS_ALBUM_SEP ) && index < pl_len - 1 ) { /* Track is an album separator or is in an album. Do not shuffle. Return * the next in the playlist */ OutputDebugString( "In an album:" ); wsprintf( debug_string, "Old index: %d", index ); OutputDebugString( debug_string ); if ( type == IS_ALBUM ) history_add( index ); return ( index + 1 ) % pl_len; } else { /* Track is a random separator, the end of an album, the last album separator, * or in a random section. * Select a random track from the remaining list */ is_shuffle = SendMessage( hwnd, WM_WA_IPC, 0, IPC_GET_SHUFFLE ); if ( is_shuffle ) { int rand_i; // Return random number in interval [0 atrack_size()] OutputDebugString( "Next track: Not in an album / exiting an album" ); wsprintf( debug_string, "Next track: Items remaining: %d", atrack_size() ); OutputDebugString( debug_string ); // Select random entry and play the entry rand_i = ( unsigned int )( atrack_size() * genrand_real2() ); next = rm_atrack( rand_i ); wsprintf( debug_string, "Next track: Random selected: %d", next ); OutputDebugString( debug_string ); // If the list of random tracks is empty, copy from the master list if ( atrack_size() == 0 ) { OutputDebugString( "Next track: Track list empty, rebuilding the list" ); copy_master(); } // Don't add separators to the history if ( type == IS_ALBUM_LAST || type == IS_RANDOM ) history_add( index ); return next; } else return -1; } } return -1; } return CallWindowProc( lpWndProcOld, hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam ); }