compute_new_velocity(carmen_simulator_ackerman_config_t *simulator_config)
	double minimum_time_to_reach_desired_velocity;
	double acceleration;
	int signal_target_v, signal_v, command_signal;
	double target_v, time, time_rest;

	signal_target_v = simulator_config->target_v >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
	signal_v = simulator_config->v >= 0 ? 1 : -1;

	target_v = simulator_config->target_v;

	if (signal_target_v != signal_v)
		target_v = 0;

	acceleration = get_acceleration(simulator_config->v, target_v, simulator_config);

	minimum_time_to_reach_desired_velocity = fabs((target_v - simulator_config->v) / acceleration); // s = v / a, i.e., s = (m/s) / (m/s^2)

	command_signal = simulator_config->v < target_v ? 1 : -1;

	time = fmin(simulator_config->delta_t, minimum_time_to_reach_desired_velocity);

	simulator_config->v += command_signal * acceleration * time;

	if (signal_target_v != signal_v)
		time_rest = simulator_config->delta_t - time;
		target_v = simulator_config->target_v;

		acceleration = get_acceleration(simulator_config->v, target_v, simulator_config);

		minimum_time_to_reach_desired_velocity = fabs((target_v - simulator_config->v) / acceleration); // s = v / a, i.e., s = (m/s) / (m/s^2)

		command_signal = simulator_config->v < target_v ? 1 : -1;

		time = fmin(time_rest, minimum_time_to_reach_desired_velocity);

		simulator_config->v += command_signal * acceleration * time;

	simulator_config->v = carmen_clamp(
	return (simulator_config->v);
//equation 1-4 respectively calculates kinimatic equations 1-4
void equation1(float *result) {
	float a, b, c;	//input storage
	a = get_velocity_initial();	//get inputs
	b = get_acceleration();
	c = get_time();
	out = a + (b*c);	//calculation
	*result = out;	//the passed pointer result point to out which stores the calculated result
void equation2(float *result) {
	float a, b, c, d;	//input storage
	a = get_position_initial();
	b = get_velocity_initial();
	c = get_time();
	d = get_acceleration();
	out = a + (b*c) + (c*c*d/2);
	*result = out;	//the passed pointer result point to out which stores the calculated result
void equation3(float *result) {
	float a, b, c, d;	//input storage
	a = get_velocity_initial();
	b = get_acceleration();
	c = get_position_final();
	d = get_position_initial();
	out = sqrt((a*a) + (2*b*(c-d)));
	*result = out;	//the passed pointer result point to out which stores the calculated result
void start_scheduler(void) {
    while (1) {
        //timer interrupt
        if (sampling_flag == 1) {

            if (curr_channel == 1) {
                // used to indicate scheduler cycle in GPIO pin RA5
                PORTAbits.RA5 = !PORTAbits.RA5;
            } else if (curr_channel == 100) {
                done = gyro_task();
            } else if (curr_channel == 200) {
                done = get_acceleration();
            } else if (curr_channel == 300) {
                done = get_compass();
//              //done = Compass_test_single();
//            } else if (curr_channel == 250) {
            } else if (curr_channel == 400) {
            } else if (curr_channel == 700) {
                //done = uart_task();
        } else {
             //update status if a task terminate
            if (done && (check_status() == SYSTEM_UART) && TXSTAbits.TRMT) {
                done = 0;
            } else if (done && ((check_status() == SYSTEM_GYRO) ||
                    check_status() == SYSTEM_ACCELERO ||
                    check_status() == SYSTEM_COMPASS  ||
                    check_status() == SYSTEM_FUSION
                    )) {
                done = 0;
static double
get_motion_command_v(double v, double desired_v, double time)
	double max_acceleration;
	double new_v, acceleration;	// @@@ nao estou considerando frenagens...

	if (time == 0)
		return v;

	max_acceleration = get_acceleration(v, desired_v, &carmen_robot_ackerman_config);
	acceleration = (desired_v - v) / time; // @@@ estou supondo que a velocidade esta sempre abaixo da maxima...
	if (fabs(acceleration) > max_acceleration)	// @@@ tem que tratar o sinal de acceleration (quande de uma re)
		acceleration = max_acceleration * (acceleration / fabs(acceleration));

	new_v = v + acceleration * time;

	return (new_v);
int main(int argc, char **argv){
  /*positions of all particles*/
  FLOAT *x;
  FLOAT *y;
  FLOAT *z;
  /*velocities of all particles*/
  FLOAT *v_x;
  FLOAT *v_y;
  FLOAT *v_z;

  /*accelerations of all particles*/
  FLOAT *a_x;
  FLOAT *a_y;
  FLOAT *a_z;
/*terms for runge-kutta*/
  FLOAT *a_x_old;
  FLOAT *a_y_old;
  FLOAT *a_z_old;
  FLOAT  *k_1_x;
  FLOAT  *k_1_y;
  FLOAT  *k_1_z;
  FLOAT  *k_1_v_x;
  FLOAT  *k_1_v_y;
  FLOAT  *k_1_v_z;
  FLOAT  *k_2_x;
  FLOAT  *k_2_y;
  FLOAT  *k_2_z;
  FLOAT  *k_2_v_x;
  FLOAT  *k_2_v_y;
  FLOAT  *k_2_v_z;
  FLOAT  *k_3_x;
  FLOAT  *k_3_y;
  FLOAT  *k_3_z;

  FLOAT  *k_3_v_x;
  FLOAT  *k_3_v_y;
  FLOAT  *k_3_v_z;
  FLOAT  *k_4_x;
  FLOAT  *k_4_y;
  FLOAT  *k_4_z;
  FLOAT  *k_4_v_x;
  FLOAT  *k_4_v_y;
  FLOAT  *k_4_v_z;
  FLOAT *xtemp;
  FLOAT *ytemp;
  FLOAT *ztemp;
  FLOAT *v_xtemp;
  FLOAT *v_ytemp;
  FLOAT *v_ztemp;
  FLOAT *a_xtemp;
  FLOAT *a_ytemp;
  FLOAT *a_ztemp;
  FLOAT *mass;

  /*timestep variables*/
  FLOAT h= 0.001;
  int n_steps = (int)(100/h);
  int n_points = 3;
  FLOAT radius = 100.0;
  FLOAT unit_mass = 1.0; 
  FLOAT vel_initial = sqrt((11.0/3.0) * G_GRAV * unit_mass / (sqrt(3.0)*radius));
  FLOAT kinetic;
  FLOAT potential;
  int i,j,k;
  /*memory allocation*/
  x = get_memory(n_points);
  y = get_memory(n_points);
  z = get_memory(n_points);
  v_x = get_memory(n_points);
  v_y = get_memory(n_points);
  v_z = get_memory(n_points);
  a_x = get_memory(n_points);
  a_y = get_memory(n_points);
  a_z = get_memory(n_points);
  mass = get_memory(n_points);
  k_1_x = get_memory(n_points);
  k_1_y = get_memory(n_points);
  k_1_z = get_memory(n_points);
  k_1_v_x = get_memory(n_points);
  k_1_v_y = get_memory(n_points);
  k_1_v_z = get_memory(n_points);
  k_2_x = get_memory(n_points);
  k_2_y = get_memory(n_points);
  k_2_z = get_memory(n_points);
  k_2_v_x = get_memory(n_points);
  k_2_v_y = get_memory(n_points);
  k_2_v_z = get_memory(n_points);
  k_3_x = get_memory(n_points);
  k_3_y = get_memory(n_points);
  k_3_z = get_memory(n_points);
  k_3_v_x = get_memory(n_points);
  k_3_v_y = get_memory(n_points);
  k_3_v_z = get_memory(n_points);
  k_4_x = get_memory(n_points);
  k_4_y = get_memory(n_points);
  k_4_z = get_memory(n_points);
  k_4_v_x = get_memory(n_points);
  k_4_v_y = get_memory(n_points);
  k_4_v_z = get_memory(n_points);
  xtemp = get_memory(n_points);
  ytemp = get_memory(n_points);
  ztemp = get_memory(n_points);
  v_xtemp = get_memory(n_points);
  v_ytemp = get_memory(n_points);
  v_ztemp = get_memory(n_points);
  a_xtemp = get_memory(n_points);
  a_ytemp = get_memory(n_points);
  a_ztemp = get_memory(n_points);

  initialize_pos(x,y,z, n_points, radius);
  initialize_vel(v_x,v_y,v_z, n_points, vel_initial, radius);
  initialize_mass(mass, n_points, unit_mass);

  /*implementation of a second order runge kutta integration*/
    FILE *in;
    in = fopen("3cuerpos.dat","w");
      a_x_old = a_x;
      a_y_old = a_y;
      a_z_old = a_z;
    get_acceleration(a_x, a_y, a_z, x, y, z, mass, n_points);

        k_1_x[j] = v_x[j];
        k_1_y[j] = v_y[j];
        k_1_z[j] = v_z[j];
        k_1_v_x[j] = a_x[j];
        k_1_v_y[j] = a_y[j];
        k_1_v_z[j] = a_z[j];
        //FIRST STEP
        xtemp[j] = x[j] + (h/2.0)*k_1_x[j];
        ytemp[j] = y[j] + (h/2.0)*k_1_y[j];
        ztemp[j] = z[j] + (h/2.0)*k_1_z[j];
        v_xtemp[j] = v_x[j] + (h/2.0)*k_1_v_x[j];
        v_ytemp[j] = v_y[j] + (h/2.0)*k_1_v_y[j];
        v_ztemp[j] = v_z[j] + (h/2.0)*k_1_v_z[j];
        k_2_x[j] = v_xtemp[j];
        k_2_y[j] = v_ytemp[j];
        k_2_z[j] = v_ztemp[j];
      get_acceleration(a_xtemp,a_ytemp,a_ztemp,xtemp,ytemp,ztemp, mass, n_points);
        k_2_v_x[j] = a_xtemp[j];
        k_2_v_y[j] = a_ytemp[j];
        k_2_v_z[j] = a_ztemp[j];
        //SECOND STEP
        xtemp[j] = x[j] + (h/2.0)*k_2_x[j];
        ytemp[j] = y[j] + (h/2.0)*k_2_y[j];
        ztemp[j] = z[j] + (h/2.0)*k_2_z[j];
        v_xtemp[j] = v_x[j] + (h/2.0)*k_2_v_x[j];
        v_ytemp[j] = v_y[j] + (h/2.0)*k_2_v_y[j];
        v_ztemp[j] = v_z[j] + (h/2.0)*k_2_v_z[j];
        k_3_x[j] = v_xtemp[j];
        k_3_y[j] = v_ytemp[j];
        k_3_z[j] = v_ztemp[j];
      get_acceleration(a_xtemp,a_ytemp,a_ztemp,xtemp,ytemp,ztemp, mass, n_points);
          k_3_v_x[j] = a_xtemp[j];
          k_3_v_y[j] = a_ytemp[j];
          k_3_v_z[j] = a_ztemp[j];
          //THIRD STEP
          xtemp[j] = x[j] + h*k_3_x[j];
          ytemp[j] = y[j] + h*k_3_y[j];
          ztemp[j] = z[j] + h*k_3_z[j];
          v_xtemp[j] = v_x[j] + h*k_3_v_x[j];
          v_ytemp[j] = v_y[j] + h*k_3_v_y[j];
          v_ztemp[j] = v_z[j] + h*k_3_v_z[j];
          k_4_x[j] = v_xtemp[j];
          k_4_y[j] = v_ytemp[j];
          k_4_z[j] = v_ztemp[j];
      get_acceleration(a_xtemp,a_ytemp,a_ztemp,xtemp,ytemp,ztemp, mass, n_points);
          k_4_v_x[j] = a_xtemp[j];
          k_4_v_y[j] = a_ytemp[j];
          k_4_v_z[j] = a_ztemp[j];
          //FOURTH STEP
          x[j] = x[j] + h*(1.0/6.0)*(k_1_x[j]+2*k_2_x[j]+2*k_3_x[j]+k_4_x[j]);
          y[j] = y[j] + h*(1.0/6.0)*(k_1_y[j]+2*k_2_y[j]+2*k_3_y[j]+k_4_y[j]);
          z[j] = z[j] + h*(1.0/6.0)*(k_1_z[j]+2*k_2_z[j]+2*k_3_z[j]+k_4_z[j]);
          v_x[j] = v_x[j] + h*(1.0/6.0)*(k_1_v_x[j]+2*k_2_v_x[j]+2*k_3_v_x[j]+k_4_v_x[j]);
          v_y[j] = v_y[j] + h*(1.0/6.0)*(k_1_v_y[j]+2*k_2_v_y[j]+2*k_3_v_y[j]+k_4_v_y[j]);
          v_z[j] = v_z[j] + h*(1.0/6.0)*(k_1_v_z[j]+2*k_2_v_z[j]+2*k_3_v_z[j]+k_4_v_z[j]);
          fprintf(in," %f %f %f ", x[k], y[k], z[k]);
      kinetic = get_kinetic(x, y, z, v_x, v_y, v_z, a_x, a_y, a_z, mass, n_points);
      potential = get_potential(x, y, z, v_x, v_y, v_z, a_x, a_y, a_z, mass, n_points);
      fprintf(in,"%f %f \n",kinetic, potential);