文件: hazi.cpp 项目: vmiklos/vmexam
		void draw() {
			for (float i = 0; i < sx; i++) {
				for (float j = 0; j < sy; j++) {
							gety((i+0.5)/sx, (j+0.5)/sy),
					glVertex3f(getx(i/sx, j/sy),
							gety(i/sx, j/sy),
							getz(i/sx, j/sy));
					glVertex3f(getx((i+1)/sx, j/sy),
							gety((i+1)/sx, j/sy),
							getz((i+1)/sx, j/sy));
					glVertex3f(getx((i+1)/sx, (j+1)/sy),
							gety((i+1)/sx, (j+1)/sy),
							getz((i+1)/sx, (j+1)/sy));
					glVertex3f(getx(i/sx, (j+1)/sy),
							gety(i/sx, (j+1)/sy),
							getz(i/sx, (j+1)/sy));
double getchi2(double dof, double alpha)
    double  tol = 1.0E-3;
    double  ac, lm, rm, eps, chi2, za, x;
    int     i, itmax = 100;
    if (dof > 30.0) {
        /* approximate a value if degrees of freedom are > 30 based on eqn 1. Sachs, 1984 */
        za   = -getz(alpha);        /* NB: Eq. requires change of sign for percentile */
         x    = 2.0 / 9.0 / dof;
         chi2 = pow((dof * (1.0 - x + za * sqrt(x))), 3.0);
      } else{
        lm   = 0.0;
         rm   = 1000.0;
         if (alpha > 0.5)
               eps = (1.0 - alpha) * tol;
            eps = alpha * tol;
        for (i = 1; i <= itmax; i++) {
               chi2 = 0.5 * (lm + rm);
            ac   = 1.0 - gammp(0.5 * dof, 0.5 * chi2);
               if (fabs(ac - alpha) <= eps) 
                return (chi2);    
               if (ac > alpha){
                  lm = chi2;
               }else {
                  rm = chi2;
    return (chi2);
double Plane::getzbound(Area* limit, vect2d pt, double rad, double height, bool clipsolid)

    if (slope==0 && !clipsolid) {
	// Special case: slope is zero, so bound is z [+-] height.
	return cpt.z+(ceil?-height:height);
    if (rad == 0) {
	return getz(pt)+(ceil?-height:height);

    // Calculate the highest (or lowest) point where the cylinder
    // intersects with the plane. This is always <px, py> [+-] <ix, iy>*rad

    vect2d tpt = pt;

    if ((slope>0) == ceil) {
	tpt -= dir*rad;
    } else {
	tpt += dir*rad;

    // If the limit area is not specified, or <tpx, tpy> is in the
    // area, simply return the value of the plane at that point [+-] height.

    if ((limit == NULL) || limit->pointin(tpt)) {
        double ret = getz(tpt);

        if (ceil) {
            ret -= height;
        } else {
            ret += height;

        return ret;

    // Ok, so the point is not in the area. So, we have to find some
    // other point to be the (max|min)imum. This point will either be
    // 1. a vertex of the area, or
    // 2. a point along one of the walls.
    // We start out with the value at [+-]infinity, and then check all
    // possible points. We loop through the walls, checking the vertex
    // if the vertex is inside the circle, then check the points where
    // the circle intersects the wall.

    double cz = (ceil?INFINITY:-INFINITY);

#define ckz(pt) {                                       \
	double tz=getz(pt) + (ceil?-height:height);     \
	if (ceil == (tz<cz)) cz = tz;                   \
    double rad2 = sqr(rad);
    FOREACHW(w, limit) {
	double a, ta;

	// Check the vertex.
	if (vlen2(w->v1-pt) < rad2) {

	// Transform the point to wall coordinate space.
	double doti = ~w->j*(pt-w->v1);
	double dotj = w->j*(pt-w->v1);

	// Circle does not intersect.
	if (fabs(doti)>rad+EPSILON) continue;

	// Check intersection points.
	a = sqrt(rad2-sqr(doti));
	if (isnan(a)) a = 0;
	ta = dotj+a;
	if (ta >= 0 && ta <= w->len) {

	ta = dotj-a;
	if (ta >= 0 && ta <= w->len) {
const tensor& DM04_PF::Dm_Dkin2(const stresstensor &Stre, 
                          const straintensor &Stra, 
                          const MaterialParameter &MaterialParameter_in) const
    const double oneOver3 = 1.0/3.0;
    const double rt23 = sqrt(2.0/3.0);
    tensor I2("I", 2, def_dim_2);    

    double e0 = gete0(MaterialParameter_in);
    double e_r = gete_r(MaterialParameter_in);
    double lambda_c = getlambda_c(MaterialParameter_in);
    double xi = getxi(MaterialParameter_in);
    double Pat = getPat(MaterialParameter_in);
    //double m = getm(MaterialParameter_in);
    double M_cal = getM_cal(MaterialParameter_in);
    double cc = getcc(MaterialParameter_in);
    double A0 = getA0(MaterialParameter_in);
    double nd = getnd(MaterialParameter_in);    

    stresstensor alpha = getalpha(MaterialParameter_in);
    stresstensor z = getz(MaterialParameter_in);

    stresstensor n;
    stresstensor alpha_d;
    stresstensor alpha_d_alpha;
    double g = 0.0;
    double ec = e_r;
    double stateParameter = 0.0;
    double expnd = 1.0;
    //double ad = 0.0;
    double D0 = 0.0;
    stresstensor s_bar;
    double norm_s = 0.0;
    double epsilon_v = 0.0;
    double e = e0;
    double J3D;
    double cos3theta = 0.0;
    double z_n = 0.0;
    double alpha_n = 0.0;
    double s_n = 0.0;

    double p = Stre.p_hydrostatic();
    stresstensor s = Stre.deviator();
    s_bar = s - (alpha *p);
    norm_s = sqrt( (s_bar("ij")*s_bar("ij")).trace() );
    if (p > 0.0 && norm_s > 0.0)
        n = s_bar * (1.0/norm_s);
    J3D = n.Jinvariant3();
    cos3theta = -3.0*sqrt(6.0) *J3D;
    if (cos3theta > 1.0) 
      cos3theta = 1.0;

    if (cos3theta < -1.0) 
      cos3theta = -1.0;
    g = getg(cc, cos3theta);

    if ( (p/Pat) >= 0.0 )
      ec = getec(e_r, lambda_c, xi, Pat, p);
    epsilon_v = Stra.Iinvariant1();
    e = e0 + (1.0 + e0) *epsilon_v;
    stateParameter = e - ec;    
    expnd = exp(nd*stateParameter);
    alpha_n = (alpha("ij")*n("ij")).trace();
    s_n = (s("ij")*n("ij")).trace();

    // way 1
    //ad = g*M_cal*expnd - m;
    //D0 = rt23 * ad - alpha_n;

    // way 2
    D0 = rt23*g*M_cal*expnd - s_n /p;

    tensor dD_dz(2, def_dim_2, 0.0);

    // dD_dz:
    if (z_n > 0.0)
      dD_dz = n *A0;

    // dm_da:
    tensor tensor1 = I2("ij")*dD_dz("mn");
    PlasticFlow::PF_tensorR4 = tensor1 *(-D0*oneOver3);   
    return PlasticFlow::PF_tensorR4;
const tensor& DM04_PF::Dm_Dkin(const stresstensor &Stre, 
                          const straintensor &Stra, 
                          const MaterialParameter &MaterialParameter_in) const
    const double oneOver3 = 1.0/3.0;
    const double rt23 = sqrt(2.0/3.0);

    tensor I2("I", 2, def_dim_2);    
    tensor I4 = I2("ij")*I2("kl");
    tensor I4s = ( I4.transpose0110() + I4.transpose0111() ) *0.5;

    double e0 = gete0(MaterialParameter_in);
    double e_r = gete_r(MaterialParameter_in);
    double lambda_c = getlambda_c(MaterialParameter_in);
    double xi = getxi(MaterialParameter_in);
    double Pat = getPat(MaterialParameter_in);
    //double m = getm(MaterialParameter_in);
    double M_cal = getM_cal(MaterialParameter_in);
    double cc = getcc(MaterialParameter_in);
    double A0 = getA0(MaterialParameter_in);
    double nd = getnd(MaterialParameter_in);    

    stresstensor alpha = getalpha(MaterialParameter_in);
    stresstensor z = getz(MaterialParameter_in);

    stresstensor n;
    stresstensor alpha_d;
    stresstensor alpha_d_alpha;
    double g = 0.0;
    double ec = e_r;
    double stateParameter = 0.0;
    double expnd = 1.0;
    //double ad = 0.0;
    double A_d = 0.0;
    double B = 1.0;
    double C = 0.0;
    double D0 = 0.0;
    stresstensor s_bar;
    double norm_s = 0.0;
    double epsilon_v = 0.0;
    double e = e0;
    double J3D;
    double cos3theta = 0.0;
    double z_n = 0.0;
    double alpha_n = 0.0;
    double s_n = 0.0;

    double p = Stre.p_hydrostatic();
    stresstensor s = Stre.deviator();
    s_bar = s - (alpha *p);
    norm_s = sqrt( (s_bar("ij")*s_bar("ij")).trace() );
    if (p > 0.0 && norm_s > 0.0)
        n = s_bar * (1.0/norm_s);
    J3D = n.Jinvariant3();
    cos3theta = -3.0*sqrt(6.0) *J3D;
    if (cos3theta > 1.0) 
      cos3theta = 1.0;

    if (cos3theta < -1.0) 
      cos3theta = -1.0;
    g = getg(cc, cos3theta);

    if ( (p/Pat) >= 0.0 )
      ec = getec(e_r, lambda_c, xi, Pat, p);
    epsilon_v = Stra.Iinvariant1();
    e = e0 + (1.0 + e0) *epsilon_v;
    stateParameter = e - ec;    
    expnd = exp(nd*stateParameter);
    alpha_n = (alpha("ij")*n("ij")).trace();
    s_n = (s("ij")*n("ij")).trace();

    // way 1
    //ad = g*M_cal*expnd - m;
    //D0 = rt23 * ad - alpha_n;

    // way 2
    D0 = rt23*g*M_cal*expnd - s_n /p;

    z_n = (z("ij")*n("ij")).trace();
    if (z_n < 0.0) 
      z_n = 0.0;
    A_d = A0 * (1.0 + z_n);

    B = 1.0 + 1.5 *((1.0-cc)/cc) *g *cos3theta;
    C = 3.0 *sqrt(1.5) *((1.0-cc)/cc) *g;
    tensor n_n = n("ik")*n("kj");

    tensor nt_nt = n("ij")*n("kl");

    tensor alpha_I = alpha("ij")*I2("kl");

    tensor n_I = n("ij")*I2("kl");

    // dn_dalpha:
    tensor dn_da = nt_nt - I4s;
    dn_da = dn_da *(p/norm_s);

    // dcos3theta_dalpha:
    tensor dcos3theta_da = dn_da("ijmn")*n_n("ji");
    dcos3theta_da = dcos3theta_da *(-3.0*sqrt(6.0));

    // dg_da:
    tensor dg_da = dcos3theta_da *(g*g*(1.0-cc)/(2.0*cc));

    // dB_da:
    tensor dB_da = (dg_da*cos3theta + dcos3theta_da*g) *(1.5*(1.0-cc)/cc);

    // dC_ds:
    tensor dC_da = dg_da *(3.0*sqrt(1.5)*(1.0-cc)/cc);

    // dR_da:
    tensor tensor1 = n("ij")*dB_da("mn");
    tensor tensor2 = n_n - I2 *oneOver3;
    tensor tensor3 = tensor2("ij")*dC_da("mn");
    tensor tensor4 = n("kj")*dn_da("ikmn");
    tensor dR_da = dn_da *B + tensor1 + tensor4 *(2.0*C) + tensor3;

    // dad_da:
    tensor dad_da = dg_da *(M_cal*expnd);

    // dD_da:
    // way 1
    //tensor tensor5 = alpha("pq")*dn_da("pqmn");
    //  tensor5.null_indices();
    //tensor dD_da = (dad_da *rt23 - n - tensor5) *(-A_d);
    // way 2
    tensor tensor5 = s("pq")*dn_da("pqmn");
    tensor dD_da = (dad_da *rt23 - tensor5 *(1.0/p)) *(-A_d);

    if (z_n > 0.0) {
      tensor tensor6 = z("pq")*dn_da("pqmn");
      dD_da += tensor6 *(-A0*D0);

    // dm_da:
    tensor tensor7 = I2("ij")*dD_da("mn");
    PlasticFlow::PF_tensorR4 = dR_da + tensor7 *oneOver3;   
    return PlasticFlow::PF_tensorR4;
const straintensor& DM04_PF::PlasticFlowTensor(const stresstensor& Stre, 
                                               const straintensor& Stra, 
                                               const MaterialParameter &MaterialParameter_in) const
    const double oneOver3 = 1.0/3.0;
    const double rt23 = sqrt(2.0/3.0);    
    tensor I2("I", 2, def_dim_2);

    double e0 = gete0(MaterialParameter_in);
    double e_r = gete_r(MaterialParameter_in);
    double lambda_c = getlambda_c(MaterialParameter_in);
    double xi = getxi(MaterialParameter_in);
    double Pat = getPat(MaterialParameter_in);
    //double m = getm(MaterialParameter_in);
    double M_cal = getM_cal(MaterialParameter_in);
    double cc = getcc(MaterialParameter_in);
    double A0 = getA0(MaterialParameter_in);
    double nd = getnd(MaterialParameter_in);    

    stresstensor alpha = getalpha(MaterialParameter_in);
    stresstensor z = getz(MaterialParameter_in);

    stresstensor n;
    stresstensor alpha_d;
    stresstensor alpha_d_alpha;
    double g = 0.0;
    double ec = e_r;
    double stateParameter = 0.0;
    double expnd = 1.0;
    //double ad = 0.0;
    double A_d = 0.0;
    double B = 1.0;
    double C = 0.0;
    double D = 0.0;
    double D0 = 0.0;
    stresstensor s_bar;
    double norm_s = 0.0;
    double epsilon_v = 0.0;
    double e = e0;
    double J3D;
    double cos3theta = 0.0;
    double z_n = 0.0;
    double alpha_n = 0.0;
    double s_n = 0.0;

    double p = Stre.p_hydrostatic();
    stresstensor s = Stre.deviator();
    s_bar = s - (alpha *p);
    norm_s = sqrt( (s_bar("ij")*s_bar("ij")).trace() );
    if (p > 0.0 && norm_s > 0.0)
      n = s_bar * (1.0/norm_s);
    J3D = n.Jinvariant3();
    cos3theta = -3.0*sqrt(6.0) *J3D;

    if (p <= 0.0)
      cos3theta = 1.0;
    if (cos3theta > 1.0) 
      cos3theta = 1.0;

    if (cos3theta < -1.0) 
      cos3theta = -1.0;
    g = getg(cc, cos3theta);

    if ( (p/Pat) >= 0.0 )
      ec = getec(e_r, lambda_c, xi, Pat, p);
    epsilon_v = Stra.Iinvariant1();
    e = e0 + (1.0 + e0) *epsilon_v;
    stateParameter = e - ec;    
    expnd = exp(nd*stateParameter);
    alpha_n = (alpha("ij")*n("ij")).trace();
    s_n = (s("ij")*n("ij")).trace();

    // way 1
    //ad = g*M_cal*expnd - m;
    //D0 = rt23 *ad - alpha_n;

    // way 2, better use this when "p" is small
    D0 = rt23*g*M_cal*expnd - s_n /p;

    z_n = (z("ij")*n("ij")).trace();
    if (z_n < 0.0) 
      z_n = 0.0;
    A_d = A0 * (1.0 + z_n);

    D = D0 *(-A_d);

    B = 1.0 + 1.5 *((1.0-cc)/cc) *g *cos3theta;
    C = 3.0 *sqrt(1.5) *((1.0-cc)/cc) *g;
    stresstensor n_n = n("ik")*n("kj");

    // note different 'positive-negative' since we assume extension (dilation) positive 
    // which is different from the Ref.
    DM04_PF::DM04m = n *B + n_n *C + I2 *((D-C)*oneOver3);
    return DM04_PF::DM04m;
void Matrix::addscale (float x,float y,float z)
	getx ()->mul (x);
	gety ()->mul (y);
	getz ()->mul (z);