static gsl_poly_int* mygsl_poly_laguerre(int n)
  size_t m, k;
  int val;
  gsl_vector_int *p0;
  if (n < 0) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "order must be >= 0");
  p0 = gsl_vector_int_calloc(n + 1);
  switch (n) {
  case 0:
    gsl_vector_int_set(p0, 0, 1);
  case 1:
    gsl_vector_int_set(p0, 0, 1);
    gsl_vector_int_set(p0, 1, -1);
    k = gsl_sf_fact(n);
    for (m = 0; m <= n; m++) {
      val = k*k/gsl_sf_fact(n-m)/gsl_pow_2(gsl_sf_fact(m));
      if (m%2 == 1) val *= -1;
      gsl_vector_int_set(p0, m, val);
  return p0;
文件: thit.c 项目: jotok/banmi
static SCM
thit_new_model(SCM s_max_rows, SCM s_bds_disc, SCM s_n_cont, SCM s_dp_weight,
               SCM s_init_crosstab, SCM s_lambda_a, SCM s_lambda_b) 
    int max_rows = scm_to_int(s_max_rows);
    int n_cont = scm_to_int(s_n_cont);
    double dp_weight = scm_to_double(s_dp_weight);
    double init_crosstab = scm_to_double(s_init_crosstab);
    double lambda_a = scm_to_double(s_lambda_a);
    double lambda_b = scm_to_double(s_lambda_b);

    int n_disc = scm_to_int(scm_length(s_bds_disc));
    gsl_vector_int *bds_disc =  gsl_vector_int_alloc(n_disc);

    int i, b;
    for (i = 0; i < n_disc; i++) {
        b = scm_to_int(scm_list_ref(s_bds_disc, scm_from_int(i)));
        gsl_vector_int_set(bds_disc, i, b);

    banmi_model_t *model = new_banmi_model(max_rows, bds_disc, n_cont, dp_weight,
                                           init_crosstab, lambda_a, lambda_b);

    SCM smob;
    SCM_NEWSMOB(smob, thit_model_tag, model);

    return smob;
int factorTest(void) {
	int i;
	gsl_vector_int* f = gsl_vector_int_alloc(3);
	if (!f) {
		return -1;
	gsl_vector_int_set(f, 0, 2);
	gsl_vector_int_set(f, 1, 4);
	gsl_vector_int_set(f, 2, 5);

	int n = 3;
	int m = factor_size(f);
	printf("m:%d\n", m);

	int a[3];
	int s = 1;
	factor_scalar_to_vector(f, s, a);
	printf("s:%d\n", s);
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		printf("a[%d]:%d\n", i, a[i]);
	s = factor_vector_to_scalar(f, a);
	printf("s:%d\n\n", s);

	s = 39;
	factor_scalar_to_vector(f, s, a);
	printf("s:%d\n", s);
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		printf("a[%d]:%d\n", i, a[i]);
	s = factor_vector_to_scalar(f, a);
	printf("s:%d\n\n", s);

	s = 25;
	factor_scalar_to_vector(f, s, a);
	printf("s:%d\n", s);
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		printf("a[%d]:%d\n", i, a[i]);
	s = factor_vector_to_scalar(f, a);
	printf("s:%d\n\n", s);
	return 0;
文件: fft.c 项目: james-barnard/gsl
static VALUE rb_GSL_FFT_Wavetable_factor(VALUE obj)
  GSL_FFT_Wavetable *table;
  gsl_vector_int *v;
  size_t i;
  Data_Get_Struct(obj, GSL_FFT_Wavetable, table);
  v = gsl_vector_int_alloc(table->nf);
  for (i = 0; i < table->nf; i++) gsl_vector_int_set(v, i, table->factor[i]);
  return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_vector_int, 0, gsl_vector_int_free, v);
static gsl_poly_int* mygsl_poly_bessel(int n)
  size_t k;
  gsl_vector_int *p0;
  if (n < 0) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "order must be >= 0");
  p0 = gsl_vector_int_calloc(n + 1);
  for (k = 0; k <= n; k++) {
    gsl_vector_int_set(p0, k, gsl_sf_fact(n+k)/gsl_sf_fact(n-k)/gsl_sf_fact(k)/((int) pow(2, k)));
  return p0;
VALUE rb_gsl_multiset_data(VALUE mm)
  gsl_multiset *m;
  size_t *p;
  gsl_vector_int *v;
  size_t i;
  Data_Get_Struct(mm, gsl_multiset, m);
  p = gsl_multiset_data(m);
  v = gsl_vector_int_alloc(m->k);
  for (i = 0; i < v->size; i++) gsl_vector_int_set(v, i, p[i]);
  return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_vector_int, 0, gsl_vector_int_free, v);
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
	unsigned int i;
	unsigned int ndim;
	double exactness;
	gsl_vector * start;
	if (argc < 2 + 4 * 1) {
		return 1;
	exactness = atof(argv[1]);
	if ((argc - 2) % 4) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: wrong number of arguments\n", argv[0]);
	ndim = (argc - 2) / 4;
	round = gsl_vector_int_alloc(ndim);
	min = gsl_vector_alloc(ndim);
	max = gsl_vector_alloc(ndim);
	start = gsl_vector_alloc(ndim);

	for (i = 0; i < ndim; i++) {
		if (strcmp(argv[2 + i * 4], "i") == 0)
			gsl_vector_int_set(round, i, 1);
		else if (strcmp(argv[2 + i * 4], "d") == 0)
			gsl_vector_int_set(round, i, 0);
		gsl_vector_set(min, i, atof(argv[2 + i * 4 + 1]));
		gsl_vector_set(max, i, atof(argv[2 + i * 4 + 2]));
		gsl_vector_set(start, i, (atof(argv[2 + i * 4 + 3]) - gsl_vector_get(
				min, i)) / (gsl_vector_get(max, i) - gsl_vector_get(min, i)));

	find_local_maximum(ndim, exactness, start);
	fprintf(stderr, "--- best: ---");

	return 0;
static gsl_poly_int* mygsl_poly_bell(int n1)
  size_t n, j;
  gsl_vector_int *p1, *p0;
  int coef1[2] = {0, 1};
  int coef2[3] = {0, 1, 1};
  if (n1 < 0) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "order must be >= 0");
  p0 = gsl_vector_int_calloc(n1 + 1);
  switch (n1) {
  case 0:
    gsl_vector_int_set(p0, 0, 1);
  case 1:
    memcpy(p0->data, coef1, 2*sizeof(int));
  case 2:
    memcpy(p0->data, coef2, 3*sizeof(int));
    p1 = gsl_vector_int_calloc(n1 + 1);
    memcpy(p1->data, coef2, 3*sizeof(int));
    for (n = 2; n < n1; n++) {
      gsl_vector_int_memcpy(p0, p1);
      mygsl_vector_int_shift(p0, n);
      for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
	gsl_vector_int_set(p1, j, gsl_vector_int_get(p1, j+1)*(j+1));
      gsl_vector_int_set(p1, n, 0);
      mygsl_vector_int_shift(p1, n);
      gsl_vector_int_add(p0, p1);
      /* save for the next iteration */
      gsl_vector_int_memcpy(p1, p0);
  return p0;
bool RPeaksDetector::hilbertRPeaksDetection(ECGSignalChannel *signal)

	ECGSignalChannel sig = *signal;

    if(sig->signal->size < 1)
		#ifdef DEBUG
				qDebug() << "Input signal size is 0";
		TRI_LOG_STR("Input signal size is 0");
		return false;
	int n = sig->signal->size;

	std::vector<double> sygnal(n);
	int i = 0;

	for ( ; i < n ; ++i)
		sygnal[i] = gsl_vector_get (sig->signal, i);


	std::vector<int> pozycje;
	int czestotliwosc = 360;

	hilbertDetection(sygnal, czestotliwosc, pozycje);

	IntSignal rs;
	rs = IntSignal(new WrappedVectorInt);

	n = pozycje.size();

	rs->signal = gsl_vector_int_alloc(n);

	for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
		gsl_vector_int_set(rs->signal, i, pozycje.at(i));


	#ifdef DEBUG
		qDebug() << "Number of detected R-peaks:" << n;

	rsDetected = true;
	return true;
文件: rng.c 项目: Fudge/rb-gsl
  Document-method: <i>GSL::Rng#get</i>
    Returns a random integer from the generator. 
    The minimum and maximum values depend on the algorithm used, 
    but all integers in the range [min,max] are equally likely. 
    The values of min and max can determined using the auxiliary 
    methodss GSL::Rng#max and GSL::Rng#min.
static VALUE rb_gsl_rng_get(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj)
  gsl_rng *r = NULL;
  gsl_vector_int *v;
  size_t n, i;
  Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_rng, r);
  switch (argc) {
  case 0:
    return UINT2NUM(gsl_rng_get(r));
  case 1:
    n = NUM2INT(argv[0]);
    v = gsl_vector_int_alloc(n);
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) gsl_vector_int_set(v, i, (int) gsl_rng_get(r));
    return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_vector_int, 0, gsl_vector_int_free, v);
    rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments (%d for 0 or 1)", argc);
static gsl_poly_int* mygsl_poly_hermite(int n1)
  size_t n;
  gsl_vector_int *p1, *p2, *p0;
  int coef1[2] = {0, 2};
  int coef2[3] = {-2, 0, 4};
  if (n1 < 0) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "order must be >= 0");
  p0 = gsl_vector_int_calloc(n1 + 1);
  switch (n1) {
  case 0:
    gsl_vector_int_set(p0, 0, 1);
  case 1:
    memcpy(p0->data, coef1, 2*sizeof(int));
  case 2:
    memcpy(p0->data, coef2, 3*sizeof(int));
    p1 = gsl_vector_int_calloc(n1 + 1);
    p2 = gsl_vector_int_calloc(n1 + 1);
    memcpy(p1->data, coef2, 3*sizeof(int));
    memcpy(p2->data, coef1, 2*sizeof(int));
    for (n = 2; n < n1; n++) {
      gsl_vector_int_memcpy(p0, p1);
      mygsl_vector_int_shift_scale2(p0, n);
      gsl_vector_int_scale(p2, 2*n);

      gsl_vector_int_sub(p0, p2);
      /* save for the next iteration */
      gsl_vector_int_memcpy(p2, p1);
      gsl_vector_int_memcpy(p1, p0);
  return p0;
gsl_vector_int* vector2gsl_int( const vector< int >& v )
    gsl_vector_int* result = gsl_vector_int_alloc( v.size() );
    for ( int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++ ) gsl_vector_int_set( result, i, v[ i ] );
    return result;
void WrappedVectorInt::set(size_t it, int value)
  gsl_vector_int_set(signal, it, value);
bool RPeaksDetector::panTompkinsRPeaksDetection(ECGSignalChannel *signal)
	ECGSignalChannel sig;
	sig = *signal;
	int sigSize = 0;
	if(sig->signal->size < 1)
		#ifdef DEBUG
			qDebug() << "Input signal size is 0";
		TRI_LOG_STR("Input signal size is 0");
		return false;
		sigSize = sig->signal->size;
			qDebug() << "Input signal";	
			for(int i = 0; i < sigSize; i++)
				double inputValue = gsl_vector_get (sig->signal, i);	
				qDebug() << inputValue;	

	//Convolution [-0.125 -0.25 0.25 0.125] (Here we lose 4 signal samples)	
	#ifdef DEBUG
		qDebug() << "Convolution [-0.125 -0.25 0.25 0.125]" << endl << "Orginal signal size: " << sigSize;
	int newSigSize = 0;
	ECGSignalChannel diffSig;
	diffSig = ECGSignalChannel(new WrappedVector);
	diffSig->signal = gsl_vector_alloc(sigSize);
	double filter[] = {-0.125, -0.25, 0.25, 0.125};
	int filterSize = 4;
	for(int i = 0; i < sigSize - filterSize; i++)
		double tmpSum = 0;
		for(int j = 0; j < filterSize; j++)
			double inputValue = gsl_vector_get (sig->signal, i + j);			
			tmpSum += inputValue * filter[j];
				qDebug() << "Signal: " << inputValue << " Filter: " << filter[j] << " Sum: " << tmpSum;
			qDebug() << "Final val: " << tmpSum << " at index: " << i;
		gsl_vector_set(diffSig->signal, i, tmpSum);
	sigSize = newSigSize;
	#ifdef DEBUG
		qDebug() << "Exponentiation ^2" << endl << "Signal size after convolution: " << sigSize;
	ECGSignalChannel powSig;
	powSig = ECGSignalChannel(new WrappedVector);
	powSig->signal = gsl_vector_alloc(sigSize);
	for(int i = 0; i < sigSize; i++)
		double inputValue = gsl_vector_get (diffSig->signal, i);			
		double powVal = pow(inputValue, 2);
		gsl_vector_set(powSig->signal, i, powVal);
				qDebug() << " Pow: "<< powVal << " at index: " << i;

	//Calculae moving window lenght or use custom value
	// N=30 for f=200Hz - from literature
	// N=24 for f=360Hz - from literature and tests
	// Linear function for calculating window lenght
	// wl = -0.0375 * fs + 37.5
	if(panTompkinsMovinghWindowLenght == 0)
		panTompkinsMovinghWindowLenght = -0.0375 * signalFrequency + 37.5;

	//Moving window integration (Here we lose "movinghWindowLenght" signal samples)
	#ifdef DEBUG
		qDebug() << "Moving window integration" << endl << "Window size: " << panTompkinsMovinghWindowLenght << endl
				  << "Signal size after exponentiation: " << sigSize;
	ECGSignalChannel integrSig;
	integrSig = ECGSignalChannel(new WrappedVector);
	integrSig->signal = gsl_vector_alloc(sigSize);
	newSigSize = 0;
	int movinghWindowLenght = panTompkinsMovinghWindowLenght;
	double tmpSum = 0;

	for(int i = movinghWindowLenght; i < sigSize; i++)
		for(int j = movinghWindowLenght - 1; j >= 0 ; j--)
			double inputValue = gsl_vector_get (powSig->signal, i - j);			
			tmpSum += inputValue;
				qDebug() << "Signal: " << inputValue << " Sum: " << tmpSum;
		int index = i - movinghWindowLenght;
		// TODO Why this is not working? (To small values and all are save as zero)
		//double mwico = (1/movinghWindowLenght) * tmpSum;
		double mwico =  tmpSum;
			qDebug() << "Final val: " << mwico << " at index: " << index;
		gsl_vector_set(integrSig->signal, index, mwico);
		tmpSum = 0;

	//Calculating detection threshold
	//TODO (Not important now) Try to find another way to calcutale threshold position, maybe dynamic threshold?
	sigSize = newSigSize;
	#ifdef DEBUG
	qDebug() << "Calculating detection threshold" << endl << "After moving window integration signal size: " << sigSize;
	double sigMaxVal = 0;
	double meanVal = 0;

	for(int i = 0; i < sigSize; i++)
		double inputValue = gsl_vector_get (integrSig->signal, i);					
		if(inputValue > sigMaxVal)
			sigMaxVal = inputValue;
			#ifdef DEBUG_SIGNAL
				qDebug() << "New max signal value: " << inputValue;
		meanVal += inputValue;
	meanVal = meanVal / sigSize;

	#ifdef DEBUG
		qDebug() << "Final max value for channel one: " << sigMaxVal << endl
	         << "Final mean value: " << meanVal << endl;


	// Select automatic or manual thersold
	double threshold = 0;
	if( this->panTompkinsThershold == 0)
		threshold = meanVal + (sigMaxVal * 0.04);
		threshold = this->panTompkinsThershold;

	//Looking for points over thersold
	#ifdef DEBUG
		qDebug() << "Current thresold value: " << threshold << endl << "Looking for points over thersold";
	ECGSignalChannel overThersold;
	overThersold = ECGSignalChannel(new WrappedVector);
	overThersold->signal = gsl_vector_alloc(sigSize);
	for(int i = 0; i < sigSize; i++)
		double inputValue = gsl_vector_get (integrSig->signal, i);			
		if(inputValue > threshold * sigMaxVal)
			gsl_vector_set(overThersold->signal, i, 1);
			#ifdef DEBUG_SIGNAL
				qDebug() << "Value over thersold at index: " << i;
			gsl_vector_set(overThersold->signal, i, 0);
		qDebug() << "Signal with points over thersold";
		for(int i = 0; i < sigSize; i++)
			qDebug() << gsl_vector_get(overThersold->signal, i);
	#ifdef DEBUG
		qDebug() << "Detect begin and end of QRS complex";
	ECGSignalChannel leftPoints;
	ECGSignalChannel tmpRightPoints;
	leftPoints = ECGSignalChannel(new WrappedVector);
	tmpRightPoints = ECGSignalChannel(new WrappedVector);
	leftPoints->signal = gsl_vector_alloc(sigSize);
	tmpRightPoints->signal = gsl_vector_alloc(sigSize);
	int leftPointsCount = 0;
	int rightPointsCount = 0;

	gsl_vector* copiedSig = gsl_vector_calloc(sigSize);
	gsl_vector_memcpy(copiedSig, overThersold->signal);

	// Boundary values
	if(gsl_vector_get (copiedSig, 0) == 1)
		gsl_vector_set(leftPoints->signal, leftPointsCount, 0);
			qDebug() << "QRS complex left point at index: " << 0;
	if(gsl_vector_get (copiedSig, sigSize - 1) == 1)
		gsl_vector_set(tmpRightPoints->signal, rightPointsCount, sigSize - 1);
			qDebug() << "QRS complex right point at index: " << sigSize - 1;

	// Left points of QRS complex
	for(int i = 0; i < sigSize - 1; i++)
		double inputValue = gsl_vector_get (copiedSig, i);
		double inputValueIndexPlus = gsl_vector_get (copiedSig, i + 1);
		if((inputValueIndexPlus - inputValue) == 1)
			gsl_vector_set(leftPoints->signal, leftPointsCount, i);
			#ifdef DEBUG_SIGNAL
				qDebug() << "QRS complex left point at index: " << i;

	// Rights points of QRS complex
	for(int i = sigSize - 1; i > 0; i--)
		double reversedInput = gsl_vector_get(copiedSig, i);
		double reversedInputIndexMinus = gsl_vector_get (copiedSig, i - 1);
		if((reversedInputIndexMinus - reversedInput) == 1)
			gsl_vector_set(tmpRightPoints->signal, rightPointsCount, i);
			#ifdef DEBUG_SIGNAL
				qDebug() << "QRS complex right at index: " << i;

		cout << "Vector with left points:" << endl;
		for(int i = 0; i < leftPointsCount; i++)
			qDebug() << gsl_vector_get(leftPoints->signal, i);
		qDebug() << endl << "Vector with right points:";
		for(int i = 0; i < rightPointsCount; i++)
			qDebug() << gsl_vector_get(tmpRightPoints->signal, i);
		cout << endl;
	// Invert vector with rightPoints
	ECGSignalChannel rightPoints;
	rightPoints = ECGSignalChannel(new WrappedVector);
	rightPoints->signal = gsl_vector_alloc(sigSize);
	for(int i = 0; i < rightPointsCount; i++)
		double tmp = gsl_vector_get(tmpRightPoints->signal, rightPointsCount - i - 1);
		gsl_vector_set(rightPoints->signal, i, tmp );
	for(int i = 0; i < rightPointsCount; i++)
		double tmp = gsl_vector_get(tmpRightPoints->signal, rightPointsCount - i - 1);
		gsl_vector_set(rightPoints->signal, i, tmp );
		qDebug() << "After vector invertion" << endl;
		qDebug() << "Vector with left points:" << endl;
		for(int i = 0; i < leftPointsCount; i++)
			qDebug() << gsl_vector_get(leftPoints->signal, i);
		qDebug() << endl << "Vector with right points:" << endl;
		for(int i = 0; i < rightPointsCount; i++)
			qDebug() << gsl_vector_get(rightPoints->signal, i);
	#ifdef DEBUG
		qDebug() << "Number of left points: " << leftPointsCount << endl
			     << "Number of right points: " << rightPointsCount;

	//Final R peaks detection
	#ifdef DEBUG
		qDebug() << "Final R peaks detection";

	int partLength;
	IntSignal rs;
	int numberRs = 0;

	if(leftPointsCount > 0 )
		rs = IntSignal(new WrappedVectorInt);
		rs->signal = gsl_vector_int_alloc(leftPointsCount);
		for(int i = 0; i < leftPointsCount; i++)
			partLength = gsl_vector_get (rightPoints->signal, i) - gsl_vector_get(leftPoints->signal, i);
			double tmpMax = 0;
			int tmpMaxIndex = 0;
			for(int j = 0; j < partLength; j++)
				int sigIndex = gsl_vector_get (leftPoints->signal, i) + j;
				double sigVal = gsl_vector_get(sig->signal, sigIndex);
				if(sigVal > tmpMax)
					tmpMax = sigVal;
					tmpMaxIndex = sigIndex;

			gsl_vector_int_set(rs->signal, i, tmpMaxIndex);
			#ifdef DEBUG_SIGNAL
				qDebug() << "R point at index: " << tmpMaxIndex 
					     << " signal value: " << gsl_vector_get(sig->signal, tmpMaxIndex);
		#ifdef DEBUG
			qDebug() << "Number of detected R-peaks:" << numberRs;
		#ifdef DEBUG
			qDebug() << "R peaks not detected. Check input signal.";
		TRI_LOG_STR("R peaks not detected. Check input signal.");
		return false;

	rsDetected = true;
	#ifdef DEBUG
		qDebug() << "Done";
	return true;
 * The function analyzes the fluximages in a
 * fluxcube structure and sorts their indices in
 * ascending wavelength. The vector with the
 * ordered indices is given back.
 * @param  fcube - the pointer to the fluxcube structure
gsl_vector_int *
order_fluxims(flux_cube *fcube)
  gsl_vector     *fimage_wavelength;

  gsl_vector_int *fimage_order;

  int i, j, k;

  // allocate space for the order vector
  fimage_order = gsl_vector_int_alloc(fcube->n_fimage);

  // put a default order in the vector
  for (i=0; i<fcube->n_fimage; i++)
    gsl_vector_int_set(fimage_order, i, i);

  // order the wavelength
  if (fcube->n_fimage > 1)

      // create a vector for the wavelengths
      fimage_wavelength = gsl_vector_alloc(fcube->n_fimage);

      // set the first entry for the wavelength
      gsl_vector_set(fimage_wavelength, 0, fcube->fluxims[0]->wavelength);

      // go over all fluximages
      for (i=1; i<fcube->n_fimage; i++)

          // find the correct position of the fluximage
          while (j < i && gsl_vector_get(fimage_wavelength, j) <= fcube->fluxims[i]->wavelength)

          // check whether the correct poition of the fluximage is at the end
          if (j == i)

              // append the fluximage at the end
              gsl_vector_set(fimage_wavelength, j, fcube->fluxims[i]->wavelength);
              gsl_vector_int_set(fimage_order, j, i);

              // move all fluximages one index up
              for (k=i; k > j; k--)
                  gsl_vector_set(fimage_wavelength, k, gsl_vector_get(fimage_wavelength, k-1));
                  gsl_vector_int_set(fimage_order, k, gsl_vector_int_get(fimage_order, k-1));

              // place the flux image at the correct position
              gsl_vector_set(fimage_wavelength, j, fcube->fluxims[i]->wavelength);
              gsl_vector_int_set(fimage_order, j, i);

      // release the space for the wavelength vector

  // return the order vector
  return fimage_order;
/** **************************************************************************************************************/
void build_designmatrix_gaus_rv(network *dag,datamatrix *obsdata, double priormean, double priorsd,const double priorgamshape, const double priorgamscale,datamatrix *designmatrix, int nodeid, int storeModes)
 int i,j,k;
 int numparents=0;
 gsl_vector_int *parentindexes=0;
 int num_unq_grps=0;
 int *groupcnts;
 int *curindex;
 gsl_matrix **array_of_designs;
 gsl_vector **array_of_Y;
 /** collect parents of this node **/
              if(   dag->defn[nodeid][j]==1    /** got a parent so get its index **/
                 && numparents<dag->maxparents /** if numparents==dag->maxparents then we are done **/
		        gsl_vector_int_set(parentindexes,numparents++,j);/** store index of parent **/
 } /** check for maxparent=0 */		
  /** this part is new and just for posterior param est - it does not affect Laplace approx in any way****/
  /** setup matrix where each non DBL_MAX entry in a row is for a parameter to be estimated and the col is which param
      first col is for the intercept */
    for(k=0;k<dag->numNodes+3;k++){gsl_matrix_set(dag->modes,nodeid,k,DBL_MAX);} /** initialise row to DBL_MAX n.b. +2 here is need in fitabn.R part**/
    gsl_matrix_set(dag->modes,nodeid,0,1);/** the intercept term - always have an intercept - but not in dag.m definition */  
    for(k=0;k<numparents;k++){gsl_matrix_set(dag->modes,nodeid,gsl_vector_int_get(parentindexes,k)+1,1);} /** offset is 1 due to intercept */
    gsl_matrix_set(dag->modes,nodeid,dag->numNodes+1,1);/** the residual precision **/
    gsl_matrix_set(dag->modes,nodeid,dag->numNodes+2,1);/** the group level precision term put at end of other params */ 
  /** ****************************************************************************************************/
  designmatrix->datamatrix=gsl_matrix_alloc(obsdata->numDataPts,numparents+1+1);/** +1=intercept +1=rv_precision - note this is just for the mean so no extra term for gaussian node **/
  designmatrix->priorgamshape=gsl_vector_alloc(1); /** only 1 of these per node - NOTE: use same prior for group precision and overall precision */
  designmatrix->priorgamscale=gsl_vector_alloc(1); /** only 1 of these per node - NOTE: use same prior for group precision and overall precision */
  designmatrix->datamatrix_noRV=gsl_matrix_alloc(obsdata->numDataPts,numparents+1);/** drop the last col - used for initial value estimation only**/
  /** create design matrix - ALL DATA POINTS - copy relevant cols from the observed data **/
 /** int** designmatrix is just used as storage space, fill up from left cols across until as far as needed */
 for(i=0;i<obsdata->numDataPts;i++){/** for each observed data point **/
   gsl_matrix_set(designmatrix->datamatrix,i,0,1.0); /** set first column - intercept -  to 1's **/
   gsl_matrix_set(designmatrix->datamatrix_noRV,i,0,1.0);/** build matrix same as datamatrix just without the last col (which contains 1's for epsilon rv term */
   gsl_matrix_set(designmatrix->datamatrix,i,(designmatrix->datamatrix)->size2-1,1.0);/** set last column - rv precision to 1.0 **/
   gsl_vector_set(designmatrix->Y,i,obsdata->defn[i][nodeid]);/** copy values at node - response values - into vector Y */
   for(k=0;k<numparents;k++){/** now build design matrix of explanatories other than intercept*/
                            } /** end of explanatories **/                     
   } /** end of data point loop */   
   designmatrix->numparams=numparents+1;/** +1 for intercept - excludes precisions **/
   /** now set the priormean and priorsd vector */
   for(k=0;k<designmatrix->numparams;k++){/** num params does NOT include precision term **/
   /** set prior for precision **/
   gsl_vector_set(designmatrix->priorgamshape,0,priorgamshape);/** prior for precision term */
   gsl_vector_set(designmatrix->priorgamscale,0,priorgamscale);/** prior for precision term */
   gsl_vector_int_free(parentindexes);/** finished with this **/
   /** ***********************************************************************************************************************/
   /** ***********************************************************************************************************************/
   /** DOWN HERE is splitting the single single design matrix and Y into separate chunks *************************************/
   /** we now want to split designmatrix->datamatrix and designmatrix->Y into grouped blocks                                **/
   /** ***********************************************************************************************************************/
   /** get number of unique groups - equal to max int since using R factors **/
   groupcnts=(int *)R_alloc(num_unq_grps,sizeof(int));/** will hold n_j's e.g. counts of how many obs in each group **/
   curindex=(int *)R_alloc(num_unq_grps,sizeof(int)); 
   for(i=0;i<num_unq_grps;i++){/** for each unique group of data **/
     for(j=0;j<obsdata->numDataPts;j++){/** for each observation **/
         if( (obsdata->groupIDs[j]-1)==i){groupcnts[i]++;/** increment count **/}
  /** create an array of gsl_matrix where each one is the design matrix for a single group of data **/
  array_of_designs=(gsl_matrix **)R_alloc(num_unq_grps,sizeof(gsl_matrix*));/** a list of design matrix, one for each group */
  array_of_Y=(gsl_vector **)R_alloc(num_unq_grps,sizeof(gsl_vector*)); /** a list of Y vectors,, one for each group */
  /** now loop through group j; for fixed j loop through each record in total design matrix and copying group members into new group design matrix **/
  for(j=0;j<num_unq_grps;j++){/** for each group **/
    for(i=0;i<obsdata->numDataPts;i++){/** for each data point **/ 
	   if( (obsdata->groupIDs[i]-1)==j){/** if current data point is for group j then store **/
	     for(k=0;k<(designmatrix->datamatrix)->size2;k++){/** for each member of the row in design matrix **/
             gsl_vector_set(array_of_Y[j],curindex[j],gsl_vector_get(designmatrix->Y,i));/** copy relevant Ys for fixed j */
  /** uncomment to print out array of design matrices - one for each data group **/
 /* Rprintf("no cols=%d\n",array_of_designs[0]->size2);
   for(j=0;j<num_unq_grps;j++){Rprintf("-------group %d------\n",j);
       Rprintf("%f ",gsl_matrix_get(array_of_designs[j],i,k));
 /** down to here we now have a split the design matrix and Y up into separate matrices and vectors, one for each observational group */
 /** so we can free the previous datamatrix as this is not needed, also the previous Y **/
 /*gsl_vector_free(designmatrix->Y);*/ /** need to keep y*/
 /** copy addresses */
