int ThresholdMain::process_buffer(VFrame *frame,
	int64_t start_position,
	double frame_rate)

	int use_opengl = get_use_opengl() &&
		(!config.plot || !gui_open());


	if(use_opengl) return run_opengl();


		threshold_engine = new ThresholdEngine(this);
	return 0;
 * Here's where all the action takes place!
void real_main (int argc, char **argv)
    show_version ();

#if defined (NATMEM_OFFSET)
    if (NATMEM_OFFSET == 0 && sizeof (void*) < 8) {
      write_log ("NATMEM_OFFSET is 0; I hope you used 'uae-preloader' to load me, or else ...\n");

#ifdef FILESYS
    currprefs.mountinfo = changed_prefs.mountinfo = &options_mountinfo;
    restart_program = 1;
#ifdef _WIN32
    sprintf (restart_config, "%sConfigurations\\", start_path);
    strcat (restart_config, OPTIONSFILENAME);

    /* Initial state is stopped */
    uae_target_state = UAE_STATE_STOPPED;

    while (uae_target_state != UAE_STATE_QUITTING) {
	int want_gui;

	set_state (uae_target_state);

	do_preinit_machine (argc, argv);

	/* Should we open the GUI? TODO: This mess needs to go away */
	want_gui = currprefs.start_gui;
	if (restart_program == 2)
	    want_gui = 0;
	else if (restart_program == 3)
	    want_gui = 1;

	changed_prefs = currprefs;

	if (want_gui) {
	    /* Handle GUI at start-up */
	    int err = gui_open ();

	    if (err >= 0) {
		do {
		    gui_handle_events ();

		    uae_msleep (10);

		} while (!uae_state_change_pending ());
	    } else if (err == - 1) {
		if (restart_program == 3) {
		    restart_program = 0;
		    uae_quit ();
	    } else
		uae_quit ();

	    currprefs = changed_prefs;
	    fix_options ();
	    inputdevice_init ();

	restart_program = 0;

	if (uae_target_state == UAE_STATE_QUITTING)

	uae_target_state = UAE_STATE_COLD_START;

	/* Start emulator proper. */
	if (!do_init_machine ())

	while (uae_target_state != UAE_STATE_QUITTING && uae_target_state != UAE_STATE_STOPPED) {
	    /* Reset */
	    set_state (uae_target_state);
	    do_reset_machine (uae_state == UAE_STATE_COLD_START);

	    /* Running */
	    uae_target_state = UAE_STATE_RUNNING;

	     * Main Loop
	    do {
		set_state (uae_target_state);

		/* Run emulator. */
		do_run_machine ();

		if (uae_target_state == UAE_STATE_PAUSED) {
		    /* Paused */
		    set_state (uae_target_state);

		    audio_pause ();

		    /* While UAE is paused we have to handle
		     * input events, etc. ourselves.
		    do {
			gui_handle_events ();
			handle_events ();

			/* Manually pump input device */ (); (); ();
			inputdevice_handle_inputcode ();

			/* Don't busy wait. */
			uae_msleep (10);

		    } while (!uae_state_change_pending ());

		    audio_resume ();

	    } while (uae_target_state == UAE_STATE_RUNNING);

	     * End of Main Loop
	     * We're no longer running or paused.

	    set_inhibit_frame (IHF_QUIT_PROGRAM);

#ifdef FILESYS
	    /* Ensure any cached changes to virtual filesystem are flushed before
	     * resetting or exitting. */
	    filesys_prepare_reset ();

	} /* while (!QUITTING && !STOPPED) */

	do_exit_machine ();

	/* TODO: This stuff is a hack. What we need to do is
	 * check whether a config GUI is available. If not,
	 * then quit.
	restart_program = 3;
    zfile_exit ();
文件: texmacs.cpp 项目: mgubi/texmacs
TeXmacs_main (int argc, char** argv) {
  int i;
  bool flag= true;
  string the_default_font;
  for (i=1; i<argc; i++)
    if (argv[i][0] == '\0') argc= i;
    else if (((argv[i][0] == '-') ||
	      (argv[i][0] == '+')) && (argv[i][1] != '\0'))
      string s= argv[i];
      if ((N(s)>=2) && (s(0,2)=="--")) s= s (1, N(s));
      if ((s == "-s") || (s == "-silent")) flag= false;
      else if ((s == "-V") || (s == "-verbose"))
        debug (DEBUG_FLAG_VERBOSE, true);
      else if ((s == "-d") || (s == "-debug")) debug (DEBUG_FLAG_STD, true);
      else if (s == "-debug-events") debug (DEBUG_FLAG_EVENTS, true);
      else if (s == "-debug-io") debug (DEBUG_FLAG_IO, true);
      else if (s == "-debug-bench") debug (DEBUG_FLAG_BENCH, true);
      else if (s == "-debug-history") debug (DEBUG_FLAG_HISTORY, true);
      else if (s == "-debug-qt") debug (DEBUG_FLAG_QT, true);
      else if (s == "-debug-qt-widgets") debug (DEBUG_FLAG_QT_WIDGETS, true);
      else if (s == "-debug-keyboard") debug (DEBUG_FLAG_KEYBOARD, true);
      else if (s == "-debug-packrat") debug (DEBUG_FLAG_PACKRAT, true);
      else if (s == "-debug-flatten") debug (DEBUG_FLAG_FLATTEN, true);
      else if (s == "-debug-correct") debug (DEBUG_FLAG_CORRECT, true);
      else if (s == "-debug-convert") debug (DEBUG_FLAG_CONVERT, true);
      else if (s == "-debug-all") {
        debug (DEBUG_FLAG_EVENTS, true);
        debug (DEBUG_FLAG_STD, true);
        debug (DEBUG_FLAG_IO, true);
        debug (DEBUG_FLAG_HISTORY, true);
        debug (DEBUG_FLAG_BENCH, true);
        debug (DEBUG_FLAG_QT, true);
        debug (DEBUG_FLAG_QT_WIDGETS, true);
      else if (s == "-disable-error-recovery") disable_error_recovery= true;
      else if ((s == "-fn") || (s == "-font")) {
	if (i<argc) the_default_font= argv[i];
      else if ((s == "-g") || (s == "-geometry")) {
	if (i<argc) {
	  string g= argv[i];
	  int j=0, j1, j2, j3;
	  for (j=0; j<N(g); j++)
	    if (g[j] == 'x') break;
	  j1=j; if (j<N(g)) j++;
	  for (; j<N(g); j++)
	    if ((g[j] == '+') || (g[j] == '-')) break;
	  j2=j; if (j<N(g)) j++;
	  for (; j<N(g); j++)
	    if ((g[j] == '+') || (g[j] == '-')) break;
	  if (j1<N(g)) {
	    geometry_w= max (as_int (g (0, j1)), 320);
	    geometry_h= max (as_int (g (j1+1, j2)), 200);
	  if (j3<N(g)) {
	    if (g[j2] == '-') geometry_x= as_int (g (j2, j3)) - 1;
	    else geometry_x= as_int (g (j2+1, j3));
	    if (g[j3] == '-') geometry_y= as_int (g (j3, N(g))) - 1;
	    else geometry_y= as_int (g (j3+1, N(g)));
      else if ((s == "-b") || (s == "-initialize-buffer")) {
	if (i<argc) tm_init_buffer_file= url_system (argv[i]);
      else if ((s == "-i") || (s == "-initialize")) {
	if (i<argc) tm_init_file= url_system (argv[i]);
      else if ((s == "-v") || (s == "-version")) {
	cout << "\n";
	cout << "TeXmacs version " << TEXMACS_VERSION << "\n";
	cout << TEXMACS_COPYRIGHT << "\n";
	cout << "\n";
	exit (0);
      else if ((s == "-p") || (s == "-path")) {
	cout << get_env ("TEXMACS_PATH") << "\n";
	exit (0);
      else if ((s == "-bp") || (s == "-binpath")) {
	cout << get_env ("TEXMACS_BIN_PATH") << "\n";
	exit (0);
      else if ((s == "-q") || (s == "-quit"))
	my_init_cmds= my_init_cmds * " (quit-TeXmacs)";
      else if ((s == "-r") || (s == "-reverse"))
	set_reverse_colors (true);
      else if (s == "-no-retina") {
        retina_manual= true;
        retina_factor= 1;
        retina_icons = 1;
	retina_scale = 1.0;
      else if ((s == "-R") || (s == "-retina")) {
        retina_manual= true;
        retina_factor= 2;
        retina_icons = 2;
	retina_scale = 1.4;
      else if (s == "-no-retina-icons") {
        retina_iman  = true;
        retina_icons = 1;
      else if (s == "-retina-icons") {
        retina_iman  = true;
        retina_icons = 2;
      else if ((s == "-c") || (s == "-convert")) {
	if (i<argc) {
	  url in  ("$PWD", argv[i-1]);
	  url out ("$PWD", argv[ i ]);
	  my_init_cmds= my_init_cmds * " " *
	    "(load-buffer " * scm_quote (as_string (in)) * " :strict) " *
	    "(export-buffer " * scm_quote (as_string (out)) * ")";
      else if ((s == "-x") || (s == "-execute")) {
	if (i<argc) my_init_cmds= (my_init_cmds * " ") * argv[i];
      else if (s == "-server") start_server_flag= true;
      else if (s == "-log-file") i++;
      else if ((s == "-Oc") || (s == "-no-char-clipping")) char_clip= false;
      else if ((s == "+Oc") || (s == "-char-clipping")) char_clip= true;
      else if ((s == "-S") || (s == "-setup") ||
	       (s == "-delete-cache") || (s == "-delete-font-cache") ||
	       (s == "-delete-style-cache") || (s == "-delete-file-cache") ||
	       (s == "-delete-doc-cache") || (s == "-delete-plugin-cache") ||
	       (s == "-delete-server-data") || (s == "-delete-databases"));
      else if (starts (s, "-psn"));
      else {
	cout << "\n";
	cout << "Options for TeXmacs:\n\n";
	cout << "  -b [file]  Specify scheme buffers initialization file\n";
	cout << "  -c [i] [o] Convert file 'i' into file 'o'\n";
	cout << "  -d         For debugging purposes\n";
	cout << "  -fn [font] Set the default TeX font\n";
	cout << "  -g [geom]  Set geometry of window in pixels\n";
	cout << "  -h         Display this help message\n";
	cout << "  -i [file]  Specify scheme initialization file\n";
	cout << "  -p         Get the TeXmacs path\n";
	cout << "  -q         Shortcut for -x \"(quit-TeXmacs)\"\n";
	cout << "  -r         Reverse video mode\n";
	cout << "  -s         Suppress information messages\n";
	cout << "  -S         Rerun TeXmacs setup program before starting\n";
	cout << "  -v         Display current TeXmacs version\n";
	cout << "  -V         Show some informative messages\n";
	cout << "  -x [cmd]   Execute scheme command\n";
	cout << "  -Oc        TeX characters bitmap clipping off\n";
	cout << "  +Oc        TeX characters bitmap clipping on (default)\n";
	cout << "\nPlease report bugs to <*****@*****.**>\n";
	cout << "\n";
	exit (0);
  if (flag) debug (DEBUG_FLAG_AUTO, true);

  // Further options via environment variables
  if (get_env ("TEXMACS_RETINA") == "off") {
    retina_manual= true;
    retina_factor= 1;
    retina_icons = 1;
    retina_scale = 1.0;
  if (get_env ("TEXMACS_RETINA") == "on") {
    retina_manual= true;
    retina_factor= 2;
    retina_icons = 2;
    retina_scale = 1.4;
  if (get_env ("TEXMACS_RETINA_ICONS") == "off") {
    retina_iman  = true;
    retina_icons = 1;
  if (get_env ("TEXMACS_RETINA_ICONS") == "on") {
    retina_iman  = true;
    retina_icons = 2;
  // End options via environment variables
  if (DEBUG_STD) debug_boot << "Installing internal plug-ins...\n";
  bench_start ("initialize plugins");
  init_plugins ();
  bench_cumul ("initialize plugins");
  if (DEBUG_STD) debug_boot << "Opening display...\n";
#if defined(X11TEXMACS) && defined(MACOSX_EXTENSIONS)
  init_mac_application ();
  gui_open (argc, argv);
  set_default_font (the_default_font);
  if (DEBUG_STD) debug_boot << "Starting server...\n";
  { // opening scope for server sv
  server sv;

  // HACK:
  // Qt and Guile want to change the locale. 
  // We need to force it to C to parse correctly the configuration files
  // (see as_double() in string.cpp)
  setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");    
  string where= "";
  for (i=1; i<argc; i++) {
    if (argv[i] == NULL) break;
    string s= argv[i];
    if ((N(s)>=2) && (s(0,2)=="--")) s= s (1, N(s));
    if ((s[0] != '-') && (s[0] != '+')) {
      if (DEBUG_STD) debug_boot << "Loading " << s << "...\n";
      url u= url_system (s);
      if (!is_rooted (u)) u= resolve (url_pwd (), "") * u;
      string b= scm_quote (as_string (u));
      string cmd= "(load-buffer " * b * " " * where * ")";
      where= " :new-window";
      exec_delayed (scheme_cmd (cmd));
    if      ((s == "-c") || (s == "-convert")) i+=2;
    else if ((s == "-b") || (s == "-initialize-buffer") ||
             (s == "-fn") || (s == "-font") ||
             (s == "-i") || (s == "-initialize") ||
             (s == "-g") || (s == "-geometry") ||
             (s == "-x") || (s == "-execute") ||
             (s == "-log-file")) i++;
  if (install_status == 1) {
    if (DEBUG_STD) debug_boot << "Loading welcome message...\n";
    url u= "tmfs://help/plain/tm/doc/about/welcome/";
    string b= scm_quote (as_string (u));
    string cmd= "(load-buffer " * b * " " * where * ")";
    where= " :new-window";
    exec_delayed (scheme_cmd (cmd));
  else if (install_status == 2) {
    if (DEBUG_STD) debug_boot << "Loading upgrade message...\n";
    url u= "tmfs://help/plain/tm/doc/about/changes/";
    string b= scm_quote (as_string (u));
    string cmd= "(load-buffer " * b * " " * where * ")";
    where= " :new-window";
    exec_delayed (scheme_cmd (cmd));
  if (number_buffers () == 0) {
    if (DEBUG_STD) debug_boot << "Creating 'no name' buffer...\n";
    open_window ();

  bench_print ();
  bench_reset ("initialize texmacs");
  bench_reset ("initialize plugins");
  bench_reset ("initialize scheme");

  if (DEBUG_STD) debug_boot << "Starting event loop...\n";
  texmacs_started= true;
  if (!disable_error_recovery) signal (SIGSEGV, clean_exit_on_segfault);
  if (start_server_flag) server_start ();
  gui_start_loop ();

  if (DEBUG_STD) debug_boot << "Stopping server...\n";
  } // ending scope for server sv

  if (DEBUG_STD) debug_boot << "Closing display...\n";
  gui_close ();
#if defined(X11TEXMACS) && defined(MACOSX_EXTENSIONS)
  finalize_mac_application ();
  if (DEBUG_STD) debug_boot << "Good bye...\n";