void InGameMenuScreen::render() {

	const char *title;
	if (UTF8StringHasNonASCII(game_title.c_str())) {
		title = "(can't display japanese title)";
	} else {
		title = game_title.c_str();

	ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU48, title, dp_xres / 2, 30, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_HCENTER);

	int x = 30;
	int y = 50;
	UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += 50, "Show Debug Statistics", ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bShowDebugStats);
	UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += 50, "Show FPS", ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bShowFPSCounter);

	// TODO: Maybe shouldn't show this if the screen ratios are very close...
	UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += 50, "Stretch to display", ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bStretchToDisplay);

	UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += 50, "Hardware Transform", ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bHardwareTransform);
	bool fs = g_Config.iFrameSkip == 1;
	UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += 50, "Frameskip", ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &fs);
	g_Config.iFrameSkip = fs ? 1 : 0;

	// TODO: Add UI for more than one slot.
	HLinear hlinear1(x, y + 80, 20);
	if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, "Save State", ALIGN_LEFT)) {
		SaveState::SaveSlot(0, 0, 0);
		screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_CANCEL);
	if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, "Load State", ALIGN_LEFT)) {
		SaveState::LoadSlot(0, 0, 0);
		screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_CANCEL);

	VLinear vlinear(dp_xres - 10, 160, 20);
	if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, "Continue", ALIGN_RIGHT)) {
		screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_CANCEL);
	if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, "Return to Menu", ALIGN_RIGHT)) {
		screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);
	if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, dp_yres - 10), LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH*2, "Debug: Dump Next Frame", ALIGN_BOTTOMRIGHT)) {


void GraphicsScreenP2::render() {

	I18NCategory *g = GetI18NCategory("General");
	I18NCategory *gs = GetI18NCategory("Graphics");

	ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.5f, 1.5f);
	ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, gs->T("Graphics Settings"), dp_xres / 2, 20, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_HCENTER);
	ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f);

	if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, dp_yres - 10), LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, g->T("Back"), ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_BOTTOM)) {
		screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);

	int x = 30;
	int y = 30;
	int stride = 40;
	int columnw = 400;

	UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Draw Wireframe"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bDrawWireframe);
	UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Display Raw Framebuffer"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bDisplayFramebuffer);
	UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("True Color"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bTrueColor);
	UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Anisotropic Filtering"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bAnisotropicFiltering);
	if (g_Config.bAnisotropicFiltering) {
		ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, gs->T("Level :"), x + 60, y += stride + 10, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
		HLinear hlinear1(x + 160 , y + 5, 20);
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 45, 0, "2x", ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 2;
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 45, 0, "4x", ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 4;
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 45, 0, "8x", ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 8;
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 60, 0, "16x", ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 16;
	} else
		g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 0;

void GraphicsScreenP2::render() {

	I18NCategory *g = GetI18NCategory("General");
	I18NCategory *gs = GetI18NCategory("Graphics");

	ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.5f, 1.5f);
	ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, gs->T("Graphics Settings"), dp_xres / 2, 10, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_HCENTER);
	ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f);

	if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, dp_yres - 10), LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, g->T("Back"), ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_BOTTOM)) {
		screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);

	int x = 30;
	int y = 30;
	int stride = 40;
	int columnw = 400;

	bool FpsLimit = g_Config.iFpsLimit != 0;
	UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride + 15, gs->T("Fps Limit"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &FpsLimit);
	if (FpsLimit) {
		if (g_Config.iFpsLimit == 0)
			g_Config.iFpsLimit = 60;
		ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, gs->T("Fps  :"), x + 60, y += stride, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
		HLinear hlinear1(x + 180 , y, 20);
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 80, 0, "Auto", ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iFpsLimit = 60;
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 60, 0, "-30", ALIGN_LEFT))
			if(g_Config.iFpsLimit > 30){
			g_Config.iFpsLimit -= 30;}
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 60, 0, "+30", ALIGN_LEFT))
			if(g_Config.iFrameSkip != 240){
			g_Config.iFpsLimit += 30;}
	} else {
			g_Config.iFpsLimit = 0;

	bool AnisotropicFiltering = g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel != 0;
	UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride + 15, gs->T("Anisotropic Filtering"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &AnisotropicFiltering);
	if (AnisotropicFiltering) {
		if (g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel == 0)
			g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 2;

		ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, gs->T("Level :"), x + 60, y += stride, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
		HLinear hlinear1(x + 180 , y, 20);
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 45, 0, "2x", ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 2;
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 45, 0, "4x", ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 4;
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 45, 0, "8x", ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 8;
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 60, 0, "16x", ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 16;
	} else {
		g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 0;
	bool TexScaling = g_Config.iTexScalingLevel > 1;
	UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride + 15, gs->T("xBRZ Texture Scaling"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &TexScaling);
	if (TexScaling) {
		if (g_Config.iTexScalingLevel <= 1)
			g_Config.iTexScalingLevel = 2;
		ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, gs->T("Level :"), x + 60, y += stride, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
		HLinear hlinear1(x + 180 , y, 20);
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 45, 0, "2x", ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iTexScalingLevel = 2;
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 45, 0, "3x", ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iTexScalingLevel = 3;
		UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x + 320, y , gs->T("Deposterize"), ALIGN_LEFT, &g_Config.bTexDeposterize);
		ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, gs->T("Type  :"), x + 60, y += stride + 15, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
		HLinear hlinear2(x + 180 , y + 10, 20);
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear2, 80, 0, "xBRZ", ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iTexScalingType = 0;
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear2, 140, 0, "Hybrid(H)", ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iTexScalingType = 1;
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear2, 150, 0, "Bicubic(B)", ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iTexScalingType = 2;
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear2, 65, 0, "H+B", ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iTexScalingType = 3;
	} else {
		g_Config.iTexScalingLevel = 1;

void PauseScreen::render() {

	std::string title = game_title.c_str();
	// Try to ignore (tm) etc.
	//if (UTF8StringNonASCIICount(game_title.c_str()) > 2) {
	//	title = "(can't display japanese title)";
	//} else {

	UIContext *ctx = screenManager()->getUIContext();
	// This might create a texture so we must flush first.
	GameInfo *ginfo = g_gameInfoCache.GetInfo(PSP_CoreParameter().fileToStart, true);

	if (ginfo) {
		title = ginfo->title;

	if (ginfo && ginfo->pic1Texture) {
		uint32_t color = whiteAlpha(ease((time_now_d() - ginfo->timePic1WasLoaded) * 3)) & 0xFFc0c0c0;
		ui_draw2d.DrawTexRect(0,0,dp_xres, dp_yres, 0,0,1,1,color);

	if (ginfo && ginfo->pic0Texture) {
		// Pic0 is drawn in the bottom right corner, overlaying pic1.
		float sizeX = dp_xres / 480 * ginfo->pic0Texture->Width();
		float sizeY = dp_yres / 272 * ginfo->pic0Texture->Height();
		uint32_t color = whiteAlpha(ease((time_now_d() - ginfo->timePic1WasLoaded) * 2)) & 0xFFc0c0c0;
		ui_draw2d.DrawTexRect(dp_xres - sizeX, dp_yres - sizeY, dp_xres, dp_yres, 0,0,1,1,color);

	if (ginfo && ginfo->iconTexture) {
		uint32_t color = whiteAlpha(ease((time_now_d() - ginfo->timeIconWasLoaded) * 1.5));

		// Maintain the icon's aspect ratio.  Minis are square, for example.
		float iconAspect = (float)ginfo->iconTexture->Width() / (float)ginfo->iconTexture->Height();
		float h = 80.0f;
		float w = 144.0f;
		float x = 10.0f + (w - h * iconAspect) / 2.0f;
		w = h * iconAspect;

		ui_draw2d.DrawTexRect(x, 10, x + w, 10 + h, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF);

	ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, title.c_str(), 10+144+10, 30, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);

	int x = 30;
	int y = 50;
	int stride = 40;
	int columnw = 400;

	// Shared with settings
	I18NCategory *ss = GetI18NCategory("System");
	I18NCategory *gs = GetI18NCategory("Graphics");
	I18NCategory *a = GetI18NCategory("Audio");
	UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, ss->T("Show FPS"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bShowFPSCounter);
	UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, a->T("Enable Sound"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bEnableSound);
	// TODO: Maybe shouldn't show this if the screen ratios are very close...
	if (pixel_xres == pixel_yres)
		UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Partial Vertical Stretch"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bPartialStretch);
	UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Stretch to Display"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bStretchToDisplay);

	UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Hardware Transform"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bHardwareTransform);
	if (UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Buffered Rendering"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bBufferedRendering)) {
		if (gpu)
	UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Media Engine"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bUseMediaEngine);
	bool enableFrameSkip = g_Config.iFrameSkip != 0;
	UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Frame Skipping"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &enableFrameSkip);
	if (enableFrameSkip) {
		if (g_Config.iFrameSkip == 0)
			g_Config.iFrameSkip = 3;

		float getfskip= g_Config.iFrameSkip;
		char showfskip[256];
		sprintf(showfskip, "Skip Frames: %0.0f", getfskip);
		ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, showfskip, dp_xres - 8, 12, 0xc0000000, ALIGN_TOPRIGHT);
		ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, showfskip, dp_xres - 10, 10, 0xFF3fFF3f, ALIGN_TOPRIGHT);
		ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, gs->T("Frames :"), x + 60, y += stride + 10, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
		HLinear hlinear1(x + 200 , y + 5, 20);
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 80, 0, "Auto", ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iFrameSkip = 3;
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 40, 0, "-1", ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iFrameSkip -= 1;}
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 40, 0, "+1", ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iFrameSkip += 1;}
	else {
		g_Config.iFrameSkip = 0;

	I18NCategory *i = GetI18NCategory("Pause");

	// TODO: Add UI for more than one slot.
	HLinear hlinear1(x, y + 80, 20);
	if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, i->T("Save State"), ALIGN_LEFT)) {
		SaveState::SaveSlot(0, 0, 0);
		screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_CANCEL);
	if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, i->T("Load State"), ALIGN_LEFT)) {
		SaveState::LoadSlot(0, 0, 0);
		screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_CANCEL);

	VLinear vlinear(dp_xres - 10, 160, 20);
	if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH + 20, 0, i->T("Continue"), ALIGN_RIGHT)) {
		screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_CANCEL);

	if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH + 20, 0, i->T("Settings"), ALIGN_RIGHT)) {
		screenManager()->push(new SettingsScreen(), 0);

	if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH + 20, 0, i->T("Back to Menu"), ALIGN_RIGHT)) {
		screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);

	if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, dp_yres - 10), LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH*2, 0, "Debug: Dump Next Frame", ALIGN_BOTTOMRIGHT)) {

void GraphicsScreenP3::render() {

	I18NCategory *g = GetI18NCategory("General");
	I18NCategory *gs = GetI18NCategory("Graphics");

	ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.5f, 1.5f);
	ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, gs->T("Graphics Settings"), dp_xres / 2, 10, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_HCENTER);
	ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f);

	if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, dp_yres - 10), LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, g->T("Back"), ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_BOTTOM)) {
		screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);

	HLinear hlinear(10, dp_yres - 10, 20.0f);
	if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH + 10, 0, g->T("Prev Page"), ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT)) {
		screenManager()->switchScreen(new GraphicsScreenP2());
	if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH + 10, 0, g->T("Next Page"), ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT)) {
		screenManager()->switchScreen(new GraphicsScreenP1());

	int x = 30;
	int y = 35;
	int stride = 40;
	int columnw = 400;

	bool FpsLimit = g_Config.iFpsLimit != 0;
	UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Fps Limit"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &FpsLimit);
	if (FpsLimit) {
		if (g_Config.iFpsLimit == 0)
			g_Config.iFpsLimit = 60;
		char showFps[256];
		sprintf(showFps, "%s %d", gs->T("Fps  :"), g_Config.iFpsLimit);
		ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, showFps, x + 60, (y += stride) - 5, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
	} else {
			g_Config.iFpsLimit = 0;
	HLinear hlinear1(x + 60, y += stride, 20);
	if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 80, 0, gs->T("Auto"), ALIGN_LEFT))
		g_Config.iFpsLimit = 60;
	if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 60, 0, gs->T("-30"), ALIGN_LEFT))
		if(g_Config.iFpsLimit > 30){
		g_Config.iFpsLimit -= 30;}
	if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 60, 0, gs->T("+30"), ALIGN_LEFT))
		if(g_Config.iFrameSkip != 240){
		g_Config.iFpsLimit += 30;}

	bool enableFrameSkip = g_Config.iFrameSkip != 0;
	UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride + 25, gs->T("Frame Skipping"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &enableFrameSkip);
	if (enableFrameSkip) {
		if (g_Config.iFrameSkip == 0)
			g_Config.iFrameSkip = 3;

		char showFrameSkip[256];
		sprintf(showFrameSkip, "%s %d", gs->T("Frames :"), g_Config.iFrameSkip);
		ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, showFrameSkip, x + 60, (y += stride) - 5, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
	else {
		g_Config.iFrameSkip = 0;
	HLinear hlinear2(x + 60, y += stride, 20);
	if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear2, 80, 0, gs->T("Auto"), ALIGN_LEFT))
		g_Config.iFrameSkip = 3;
	if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear2, 40, 0, gs->T("-1"), ALIGN_LEFT))
		if (g_Config.iFrameSkip > 1)
			g_Config.iFrameSkip -= 1;
	if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear2, 40, 0, gs->T("+1"), ALIGN_LEFT))
		if (g_Config.iFrameSkip < 9)
			g_Config.iFrameSkip += 1;

void GraphicsScreenP2::render() {

	I18NCategory *g = GetI18NCategory("General");
	I18NCategory *gs = GetI18NCategory("Graphics");

	ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.5f, 1.5f);
	ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, gs->T("Graphics Settings"), dp_xres / 2, 10, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_HCENTER);
	ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f);

	if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, dp_yres - 10), LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, g->T("Back"), ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_BOTTOM)) {
		screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);

	HLinear hlinear(10, dp_yres - 10, 20.0f);
	if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH + 10, 0, g->T("Prev Page"), ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT)) {
		screenManager()->switchScreen(new GraphicsScreenP1());
	if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH + 10, 0, g->T("Next Page"), ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT)) {
		screenManager()->switchScreen(new GraphicsScreenP3());

	int x = 30;
	int y = 35;
	int stride = 40;
	int columnw = 400;

	UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Linear Filtering"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bLinearFiltering);

	bool AnisotropicFiltering = g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel != 0;
	UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Anisotropic Filtering"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &AnisotropicFiltering);
	if (AnisotropicFiltering) {
		if (g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel == 0)
			g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 2;

		ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, gs->T("Level :"), x + 60, y += stride, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
		HLinear hlinear1(x + 180, y, 20);
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 45, 0, gs->T("2x"), ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 2;
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 45, 0, gs->T("4x"), ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 4;
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 45, 0, gs->T("8x"), ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 8;
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 60, 0, gs->T("16x"), ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 16;

		y += 20;
	} else {
		g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 0;
	bool TexScaling = g_Config.iTexScalingLevel > 1;
	UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("xBRZ Texture Scaling"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &TexScaling);
	if (TexScaling) {
		if (g_Config.iTexScalingLevel <= 1)
			g_Config.iTexScalingLevel = 2;
		ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, gs->T("Type  :"), x + 60, y += stride, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
		HLinear hlinear1(x + 180, y, 20);
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 80, 0, gs->T("xBRZ"), ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iTexScalingType = 0;
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 150, 0, gs->T("Hybrid", "Hybrid(H)"), ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iTexScalingType = 1;
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 150, 0, gs->T("Bicubic", "Bicubic(B)"), ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iTexScalingType = 2;
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 80, 0, gs->T("H+B", "H+B"), ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iTexScalingType = 3;
		ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, gs->T("Level :"), x + 60, y += stride + 20, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
		HLinear hlinear2(x + 180, y, 20);
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear2, 45, 0, gs->T("2x"), ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iTexScalingLevel = 2;
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear2, 45, 0, gs->T("3x"), ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iTexScalingLevel = 3;
		UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x + 60, y += stride + 20, gs->T("Deposterize"), ALIGN_LEFT, &g_Config.bTexDeposterize);
	} else {
		g_Config.iTexScalingLevel = 1;

void PauseScreen::render() {

	std::string title = game_title.c_str();
	// Try to ignore (tm) etc.
	//if (UTF8StringNonASCIICount(game_title.c_str()) > 2) {
	//	title = "(can't display japanese title)";
	//} else {

	UIContext *ctx = screenManager()->getUIContext();
	// This might create a texture so we must flush first.
	GameInfo *ginfo = g_gameInfoCache.GetInfo(PSP_CoreParameter().fileToStart, true);

	if (ginfo) {
		title = ginfo->title;

	if (ginfo && ginfo->pic1Texture) {
		uint32_t color = whiteAlpha(ease((time_now_d() - ginfo->timePic1WasLoaded) * 3)) & 0xFFc0c0c0;
		ui_draw2d.DrawTexRect(0,0,dp_xres, dp_yres, 0,0,1,1,color);

	if (ginfo && ginfo->pic0Texture) {
		// Pic0 is drawn in the bottom right corner, overlaying pic1.
		float sizeX = dp_xres / 480 * ginfo->pic0Texture->Width();
		float sizeY = dp_yres / 272 * ginfo->pic0Texture->Height();
		uint32_t color = whiteAlpha(ease((time_now_d() - ginfo->timePic1WasLoaded) * 2)) & 0xFFc0c0c0;
		ui_draw2d.DrawTexRect(dp_xres - sizeX, dp_yres - sizeY, dp_xres, dp_yres, 0,0,1,1,color);

	if (ginfo && ginfo->iconTexture) {
		uint32_t color = whiteAlpha(ease((time_now_d() - ginfo->timeIconWasLoaded) * 1.5));
		ui_draw2d.DrawTexRect(10,10,10+144, 10+80, 0,0,1,1,0xFFFFFFFF);

	ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, title.c_str(), 10+144+10, 30, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);

	int x = 30;
	int y = 50;
	int stride = 40;
	int columnw = 400;

	// Shared with settings
	I18NCategory *ss = GetI18NCategory("System");
	I18NCategory *gs = GetI18NCategory("Graphics");

	UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, ss->T("Show Debug Statistics"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bShowDebugStats);
	UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, ss->T("Show FPS"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bShowFPSCounter);

	// TODO: Maybe shouldn't show this if the screen ratios are very close...
	UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Stretch to Display"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bStretchToDisplay);

	UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Hardware Transform"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bHardwareTransform);
	if (UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Buffered Rendering"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bBufferedRendering)) {
		if (gpu)
	bool fs = g_Config.iFrameSkip == 1;
	UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Frame Skipping"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &fs);
	UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Media Engine"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bUseMediaEngine);
	g_Config.iFrameSkip = fs ? 1 : 0;

	I18NCategory *i = GetI18NCategory("Pause");

	// TODO: Add UI for more than one slot.
	HLinear hlinear1(x, y + 80, 20);
	if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, i->T("Save State"), ALIGN_LEFT)) {
		SaveState::SaveSlot(0, 0, 0);
		screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_CANCEL);
	if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, i->T("Load State"), ALIGN_LEFT)) {
		SaveState::LoadSlot(0, 0, 0);
		screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_CANCEL);

	VLinear vlinear(dp_xres - 10, 160, 20);
	if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH + 20, 0, i->T("Continue"), ALIGN_RIGHT)) {
		screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_CANCEL);

	if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH + 20, 0, i->T("Settings"), ALIGN_RIGHT)) {
		screenManager()->push(new SettingsScreen(), 0);

	if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH + 20, 0, i->T("Back to Menu"), ALIGN_RIGHT)) {
		screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);

	if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, dp_yres - 10), LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH*2, 0, "Debug: Dump Next Frame", ALIGN_BOTTOMRIGHT)) {

void GraphicsScreenP2::render() {

	I18NCategory *g = GetI18NCategory("General");
	I18NCategory *gs = GetI18NCategory("Graphics");

	ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.5f, 1.5f);
	ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, gs->T("Graphics Settings"), dp_xres / 2, 20, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_HCENTER);
	ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f);

	if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, dp_yres - 10), LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, g->T("Back"), ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_BOTTOM)) {
		screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);

	int x = 30;
	int y = 30;
	int stride = 40;
	int columnw = 400;

	if (g_Config.bBufferedRendering) {
		if (UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("AA", "Anti Aliasing"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.SSAntiAliasing)) {
			if (gpu)
	UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Draw Wireframe"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bDrawWireframe);
	UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Display Raw Framebuffer"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bDisplayFramebuffer);
	UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("True Color"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bTrueColor);

	bool AnisotropicFiltering = g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel != 0;
	UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Anisotropic Filtering"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &AnisotropicFiltering);
	if (AnisotropicFiltering) {
		if (g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel == 0)
			g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 2;

		ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, gs->T("Level :"), x + 60, y += stride - 5, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
		HLinear hlinear1(x + 160 , y + 5, 20);
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 45, 0, "2x", ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 2;
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 45, 0, "4x", ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 4;
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 45, 0, "8x", ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 8;
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 60, 0, "16x", ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 16;
	} else {
		g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 0;

	bool TexScaling = g_Config.iTexScalingLevel > 1;
	UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride + 20, gs->T("xBRZ Texture Scaling"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &TexScaling);
	if (TexScaling) {
		if (g_Config.iTexScalingLevel <= 1)
			g_Config.iTexScalingLevel = 2;

		ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, gs->T("Level :"), x + 60, y += stride + 5, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
		HLinear hlinear1(x + 160 , y - 5, 20);
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 45, 0, "2x", ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iTexScalingLevel = 2;
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 45, 0, "3x", ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iTexScalingLevel = 3;
		HLinear hlinear2(x + 160 , y + 60, 20);
		ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, gs->T("Type  :"), x + 60, y += stride + 20, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear2, 90, 0, "xBRZ", ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iTexScalingType = 0;
		if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear2, 100, 0, "Hybrid", ALIGN_LEFT))
			g_Config.iTexScalingType = 1;
	} else {
		g_Config.iTexScalingLevel = 1;