void read_cb(ev_loop *loop, ev_io *watcher, int revents)
	char buf[BUF_SIZE];
	ssize_t buf_cnt;

	LDAPMessage_t *req = NULL;
	asn_dec_rval_t rdecode;

	if (EV_ERROR & revents)
		fail("got invalid event");

	bzero(buf, sizeof(buf));
	buf_cnt = recv(watcher->fd, buf, sizeof(buf), 0);

	if (buf_cnt <= 0) {
		ev_close(loop, watcher);
		if (buf_cnt < 0)

	/* from asn1c's FAQ: If you want data to be BER or DER encoded, just invoke der_encode(). */
	rdecode = asn_DEF_LDAPMessage.ber_decoder(0, &asn_DEF_LDAPMessage, (void **)&req, buf, buf_cnt, 0);

	if (rdecode.code != RC_OK || (ssize_t) rdecode.consumed != buf_cnt) {
		ev_close(loop, watcher);
		fail((rdecode.code != RC_OK) ? "der_decoder" : "consumed");

	switch (req->protocolOp.present) {
	case LDAPMessage__protocolOp_PR_bindRequest:
		ldap_bind(req->messageID, &req->protocolOp.choice.bindRequest, loop, watcher);
	case LDAPMessage__protocolOp_PR_searchRequest:
		ldap_search(req->messageID, &req->protocolOp.choice.searchRequest, loop, watcher);
	case LDAPMessage__protocolOp_PR_unbindRequest:
		ev_close(loop, watcher);
		ev_close(loop, watcher);
 * We need a version of ldap_bind that times out, otherwise all
 * of Postfix can get wedged during daemon initialization.
static int dict_ldap_bind_st(DICT_LDAP *dict_ldap)
    int     msgid;
    LDAPMessage *res;
    struct timeval mytimeval;

    if ((msgid = ldap_bind(dict_ldap->ld, dict_ldap->bind_dn,
			   dict_ldap->bind_pw, LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE)) == -1)
	return (dict_ldap_get_errno(dict_ldap->ld));

    mytimeval.tv_sec = dict_ldap->timeout;
    mytimeval.tv_usec = 0;

    if (ldap_result(dict_ldap->ld, msgid, 1, &mytimeval, &res) == -1)
	return (dict_ldap_get_errno(dict_ldap->ld));

    if (dict_ldap_get_errno(dict_ldap->ld) == LDAP_TIMEOUT) {
	(void) ldap_abandon(dict_ldap->ld, msgid);
	return (dict_ldap_set_errno(dict_ldap->ld, LDAP_TIMEOUT));
    return (ldap_result2error(dict_ldap->ld, res, 1));
sInt32 CLDAPNode::BindProc ( sLDAPNodeStruct *inLDAPNodeStruct )

    sInt32				siResult		= eDSNoErr;
    int					bindMsgId		= 0;
	int					version			= -1;
    sLDAPConfigData	   *pConfig			= nil;
    char			   *ldapAcct		= nil;
    char			   *ldapPasswd		= nil;
    int					openTO			= 0;
	LDAP			   *inLDAPHost		= inLDAPNodeStruct->fHost;
	LDAPMessage		   *result			= nil;
	int					ldapReturnCode	= 0;

		if ( inLDAPNodeStruct == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eDSNullParameter );
		if (inLDAPNodeStruct->fLDAPSessionMutex != nil)
        // Here is the bind to the LDAP server
		// Note that there may be stored name/password in the config table
		// ie. always use the config table data if authentication has not explicitly been set
		// use LDAPAuthNodeMap if inLDAPNodeStruct contains a username
		//check that we were already here
		if (inLDAPHost == NULL)
			//retrieve the config data
			//don't need to retrieve for the case of "generic unknown" so don't check index 0
			if (( inLDAPNodeStruct->fLDAPConfigTableIndex < gConfigTableLen) && ( inLDAPNodeStruct->fLDAPConfigTableIndex >= 1 ))
				pConfig = (sLDAPConfigData *)gConfigTable->GetItemData( inLDAPNodeStruct->fLDAPConfigTableIndex );
				if (pConfig != nil)
					if ( (pConfig->bSecureUse) && (inLDAPNodeStruct->fUserName == nil) )
						if (pConfig->fServerAccount != nil)
							ldapAcct = new char[1+::strlen(pConfig->fServerAccount)];
							::strcpy( ldapAcct, pConfig->fServerAccount );
						if (pConfig->fServerPassword != nil)
							ldapPasswd = new char[1+::strlen(pConfig->fServerPassword)];
							::strcpy( ldapPasswd, pConfig->fServerPassword );
						if (inLDAPNodeStruct->fUserName != nil)
							ldapAcct = new char[1+::strlen(inLDAPNodeStruct->fUserName)];
							::strcpy( ldapAcct, inLDAPNodeStruct->fUserName );
						if (inLDAPNodeStruct->fAuthCredential != nil)
							if (inLDAPNodeStruct->fAuthType != nil)
								//auth type of clear text means char * password
								if (strcmp(inLDAPNodeStruct->fAuthType,kDSStdAuthClearText) == 0)
									ldapPasswd = new char[1+::strlen((char*)(inLDAPNodeStruct->fAuthCredential))];
									::strcpy( ldapPasswd, (char*)(inLDAPNodeStruct->fAuthCredential) );
							else //default is password
								ldapPasswd = new char[1+::strlen((char*)(inLDAPNodeStruct->fAuthCredential))];
								::strcpy( ldapPasswd, (char*)(inLDAPNodeStruct->fAuthCredential) );
					openTO		= pConfig->fOpenCloseTimeout;

			if (inLDAPNodeStruct->fLDAPConfigTableIndex != 0)
				if (pConfig != nil)
					inLDAPHost = ldap_init( pConfig->fServerName, pConfig->fServerPort );
				inLDAPHost = ldap_init( inLDAPNodeStruct->fServerName, inLDAPNodeStruct->fDirectLDAPPort );
			if ( inLDAPHost == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eDSCannotAccessSession );
			if (pConfig != nil)
				if ( pConfig->bIsSSL )
					int ldapOptVal = LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_HARD;
					ldap_set_option(inLDAPHost, LDAP_OPT_X_TLS, &ldapOptVal);
			/* LDAPv3 only */
			version = LDAP_VERSION3;
			ldap_set_option( inLDAPHost, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, &version );
			//heuristic to prevent many consecutive failures with long timeouts
			//ie. forcing quick failures after first failure during a window of
			//the same length as the timeout value
			//NN fLDAPNodeOpenMutex.Wait();
			if ( inLDAPNodeStruct->bHasFailed )
				if ( time( nil ) < inLDAPNodeStruct->fDelayedBindTime )
					//NN fLDAPNodeOpenMutex.Signal();
					throw( (sInt32)eDSCannotAccessSession );
					inLDAPNodeStruct->bHasFailed = false;
					//fDelayedBindTime then is unused so no need to reset
			//NN fLDAPNodeOpenMutex.Signal();

			//this is our and only our LDAP session for now
			//need to use our timeout so we don't hang indefinitely
			bindMsgId = ldap_bind( inLDAPHost, ldapAcct, ldapPasswd, LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE );
			if (openTO == 0)
				ldapReturnCode = ldap_result(inLDAPHost, bindMsgId, 0, NULL, &result);
				struct	timeval	tv;
				tv.tv_sec		= openTO;
				tv.tv_usec		= 0;
				ldapReturnCode	= ldap_result(inLDAPHost, bindMsgId, 0, &tv, &result);

			if ( ldapReturnCode == -1 )
				throw( (sInt32)eDSCannotAccessSession );
			else if ( ldapReturnCode == 0 )
				// timed out, let's forget it
				ldap_abandon(inLDAPHost, bindMsgId);

				//log this timed out connection
				if (pConfig != nil)
					syslog(LOG_INFO,"DSLDAPv3PlugIn: Timed out in attempt to bind to [%s] LDAP server.", pConfig->fServerName);
					syslog(LOG_INFO,"DSLDAPv3PlugIn: Disabled future attempts to bind to [%s] LDAP server for next %d seconds.", pConfig->fServerName, inLDAPNodeStruct->fDelayRebindTry);
					syslog(LOG_INFO,"DSLDAPv3PlugIn: Timed out in attempt to bind to [%s] LDAP server.", inLDAPNodeStruct->fServerName);
					syslog(LOG_INFO,"DSLDAPv3PlugIn: Disabled future attempts to bind to [%s] LDAP server for next %d seconds.", inLDAPNodeStruct->fServerName, inLDAPNodeStruct->fDelayRebindTry);
				//NN fLDAPNodeOpenMutex.Wait();
				inLDAPNodeStruct->bHasFailed = true;
				inLDAPNodeStruct->fDelayedBindTime = time( nil ) + inLDAPNodeStruct->fDelayRebindTry;
				//NN fLDAPNodeOpenMutex.Signal();
				throw( (sInt32)eDSCannotAccessSession );
			else if ( ldap_result2error(inLDAPHost, result, 1) != LDAP_SUCCESS )
				//NN fLDAPNodeOpenMutex.Wait();
				inLDAPNodeStruct->bHasFailed = true;
				inLDAPNodeStruct->fHost = inLDAPHost;
				//NN fLDAPNodeOpenMutex.Signal();
				throw( (sInt32)eDSCannotAccessSession );
			//NN fLDAPNodeOpenMutex.Wait();
			inLDAPNodeStruct->fHost = inLDAPHost;
			//NN fLDAPNodeOpenMutex.Signal();

			//result is consumed above within ldap_result2error
			result = nil;
	} // try
	catch ( sInt32 err )
		siResult = err;
	if (ldapAcct != nil)
		delete (ldapAcct);
		ldapAcct = nil;
	if (ldapPasswd != nil)
		delete (ldapPasswd);
		ldapPasswd = nil;
	if (inLDAPNodeStruct->fLDAPSessionMutex != nil)

	return (siResult);
}// BindProc
文件: test.c 项目: cptaffe/openldap
main( int argc, char **argv )
	LDAP		*ld = NULL;
	int		i, c, port, errflg, method, id, msgtype;
	char		line[256], command1, command2, command3;
	char		passwd[64], dn[256], rdn[64], attr[64], value[256];
	char		filter[256], *host, **types;
	char		**exdn;
	static const char usage[] =
		"usage: %s [-u] [-h host] [-d level] [-s dnsuffix] [-p port] [-t file] [-T file]\n";
	int		bound, all, scope, attrsonly;
	LDAPMessage	*res;
	LDAPMod		**mods, **attrs;
	struct timeval	timeout;
	char		*copyfname = NULL;
	int		copyoptions = 0;
	LDAPURLDesc	*ludp;

	host = NULL;
	port = LDAP_PORT;
	dnsuffix = "";
	errflg = 0;

	while (( c = getopt( argc, argv, "h:d:s:p:t:T:" )) != -1 ) {
		switch( c ) {
		case 'd':
			ldap_debug = atoi( optarg );
			if ( ldap_debug & LDAP_DEBUG_PACKETS ) {
				ber_set_option( NULL, LBER_OPT_DEBUG_LEVEL, &ldap_debug );
			printf( "Compile with -DLDAP_DEBUG for debugging\n" );

		case 'h':
			host = optarg;

		case 's':
			dnsuffix = optarg;

		case 'p':
			port = atoi( optarg );

		case 't':	/* copy ber's to given file */
			copyfname = strdup( optarg );
/*			copyoptions = LBER_TO_FILE; */

		case 'T':	/* only output ber's to given file */
			copyfname = strdup( optarg );
/*			copyoptions = (LBER_TO_FILE | LBER_TO_FILE_ONLY); */


	if ( host == NULL && optind == argc - 1 ) {
		host = argv[ optind ];

	if ( errflg || optind < argc - 1 ) {
		fprintf( stderr, usage, argv[ 0 ] );
		exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
	printf( "ldap_init( %s, %d )\n",
		host == NULL ? "(null)" : host, port );

	ld = ldap_init( host, port );

	if ( ld == NULL ) {
		perror( "ldap_init" );
		exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

	if ( copyfname != NULL ) {
		if ( ( ld->ld_sb->sb_fd = open( copyfname, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL,
		    0600 ))  == -1 ) {
			perror( copyfname );
			exit ( EXIT_FAILURE );
		ld->ld_sb->sb_options = copyoptions;

	bound = 0;
	timeout.tv_sec = 0;
	timeout.tv_usec = 0;

	(void) memset( line, '\0', sizeof(line) );
	while ( get_line( line, sizeof(line), stdin, "\ncommand? " ) != NULL ) {
		command1 = line[0];
		command2 = line[1];
		command3 = line[2];

		switch ( command1 ) {
		case 'a':	/* add or abandon */
			switch ( command2 ) {
			case 'd':	/* add */
				get_line( dn, sizeof(dn), stdin, "dn? " );
				strcat( dn, dnsuffix );
				if ( (attrs = get_modlist( NULL, "attr? ",
				    "value? " )) == NULL )
				if ( (id = ldap_add( ld, dn, attrs )) == -1 )
					ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_add" );
					printf( "Add initiated with id %d\n",
					    id );

			case 'b':	/* abandon */
				get_line( line, sizeof(line), stdin, "msgid? " );
				id = atoi( line );
				if ( ldap_abandon( ld, id ) != 0 )
					ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_abandon" );
					printf( "Abandon successful\n" );
				printf( "Possibilities: [ad]d, [ab]ort\n" );

		case 'b':	/* asynch bind */
			method = LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE;
			get_line( dn, sizeof(dn), stdin, "dn? " );
			strcat( dn, dnsuffix );

			if ( method == LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE && dn[0] != '\0' )
				get_line( passwd, sizeof(passwd), stdin,
				    "password? " );
				passwd[0] = '\0';

			if ( ldap_bind( ld, dn, passwd, method ) == -1 ) {
				fprintf( stderr, "ldap_bind failed\n" );
				ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_bind" );
			} else {
				printf( "Bind initiated\n" );
				bound = 1;

		case 'B':	/* synch bind */
			method = LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE;
			get_line( dn, sizeof(dn), stdin, "dn? " );
			strcat( dn, dnsuffix );

			if ( dn[0] != '\0' )
				get_line( passwd, sizeof(passwd), stdin,
				    "password? " );
				passwd[0] = '\0';

			if ( ldap_bind_s( ld, dn, passwd, method ) !=
			    LDAP_SUCCESS ) {
				fprintf( stderr, "ldap_bind_s failed\n" );
				ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_bind_s" );
			} else {
				printf( "Bind successful\n" );
				bound = 1;

		case 'c':	/* compare */
			get_line( dn, sizeof(dn), stdin, "dn? " );
			strcat( dn, dnsuffix );
			get_line( attr, sizeof(attr), stdin, "attr? " );
			get_line( value, sizeof(value), stdin, "value? " );

			if ( (id = ldap_compare( ld, dn, attr, value )) == -1 )
				ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_compare" );
				printf( "Compare initiated with id %d\n", id );

		case 'd':	/* turn on debugging */
			get_line( line, sizeof(line), stdin, "debug level? " );
			ldap_debug = atoi( line );
			if ( ldap_debug & LDAP_DEBUG_PACKETS ) {
				ber_set_option( NULL, LBER_OPT_DEBUG_LEVEL, &ldap_debug );
			printf( "Compile with -DLDAP_DEBUG for debugging\n" );

		case 'E':	/* explode a dn */
			get_line( line, sizeof(line), stdin, "dn? " );
			exdn = ldap_explode_dn( line, 0 );
			for ( i = 0; exdn != NULL && exdn[i] != NULL; i++ ) {
				printf( "\t%s\n", exdn[i] );

		case 'g':	/* set next msgid */
			get_line( line, sizeof(line), stdin, "msgid? " );
			ld->ld_msgid = atoi( line );

		case 'v':	/* set version number */
			get_line( line, sizeof(line), stdin, "version? " );
			ld->ld_version = atoi( line );

		case 'm':	/* modify or modifyrdn */
			if ( strncmp( line, "modify", 4 ) == 0 ) {
				get_line( dn, sizeof(dn), stdin, "dn? " );
				strcat( dn, dnsuffix );
				if ( (mods = get_modlist(
				    "mod (0=>add, 1=>delete, 2=>replace -1=>done)? ",
				    "attribute type? ", "attribute value? " ))
				    == NULL )
				if ( (id = ldap_modify( ld, dn, mods )) == -1 )
					ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_modify" );
					printf( "Modify initiated with id %d\n",
					    id );
			} else if ( strncmp( line, "modrdn", 4 ) == 0 ) {
				get_line( dn, sizeof(dn), stdin, "dn? " );
				strcat( dn, dnsuffix );
				get_line( rdn, sizeof(rdn), stdin, "newrdn? " );
				if ( (id = ldap_modrdn( ld, dn, rdn )) == -1 )
					ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_modrdn" );
					printf( "Modrdn initiated with id %d\n",
					    id );
			} else {
				printf( "Possibilities: [modi]fy, [modr]dn\n" );

		case 'q':	/* quit */
			ldap_unbind( ld );
			exit( EXIT_SUCCESS );

		case 'r':	/* result or remove */
			switch ( command3 ) {
			case 's':	/* result */
				get_line( line, sizeof(line), stdin,
				    "msgid (-1=>any)? " );
				if ( line[0] == '\0' )
					id = -1;
					id = atoi( line );
				get_line( line, sizeof(line), stdin,
				    "all (0=>any, 1=>all)? " );
				if ( line[0] == '\0' )
					all = 1;
					all = atoi( line );
				if (( msgtype = ldap_result( ld, id, all,
				    &timeout, &res )) < 1 ) {
					ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_result" );
				printf( "\nresult: msgtype %d msgid %d\n",
				    msgtype, res->lm_msgid );
				handle_result( ld, res );
				res = NULL;

			case 'm':	/* remove */
				get_line( dn, sizeof(dn), stdin, "dn? " );
				strcat( dn, dnsuffix );
				if ( (id = ldap_delete( ld, dn )) == -1 )
					ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_delete" );
					printf( "Remove initiated with id %d\n",
					    id );

				printf( "Possibilities: [rem]ove, [res]ult\n" );

		case 's':	/* search */
			get_line( dn, sizeof(dn), stdin, "searchbase? " );
			strcat( dn, dnsuffix );
			get_line( line, sizeof(line), stdin,
			    "scope (0=baseObject, 1=oneLevel, 2=subtree, 3=children)? " );
			scope = atoi( line );
			get_line( filter, sizeof(filter), stdin,
			    "search filter (e.g. sn=jones)? " );
			types = get_list( "attrs to return? " );
			get_line( line, sizeof(line), stdin,
			    "attrsonly (0=attrs&values, 1=attrs only)? " );
			attrsonly = atoi( line );

			    if (( id = ldap_search( ld, dn, scope, filter,
				    types, attrsonly  )) == -1 ) {
				ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_search" );
			    } else {
				printf( "Search initiated with id %d\n", id );
			free_list( types );

		case 't':	/* set timeout value */
			get_line( line, sizeof(line), stdin, "timeout? " );
			timeout.tv_sec = atoi( line );

		case 'p':	/* parse LDAP URL */
			get_line( line, sizeof(line), stdin, "LDAP URL? " );
			if (( i = ldap_url_parse( line, &ludp )) != 0 ) {
			    fprintf( stderr, "ldap_url_parse: error %d\n", i );
			} else {
			    printf( "\t  host: " );
			    if ( ludp->lud_host == NULL ) {
				printf( "DEFAULT\n" );
			    } else {
				printf( "<%s>\n", ludp->lud_host );
			    printf( "\t  port: " );
			    if ( ludp->lud_port == 0 ) {
				printf( "DEFAULT\n" );
			    } else {
				printf( "%d\n", ludp->lud_port );
			    printf( "\t    dn: <%s>\n", ludp->lud_dn );
			    printf( "\t attrs:" );
			    if ( ludp->lud_attrs == NULL ) {
				printf( " ALL" );
			    } else {
				for ( i = 0; ludp->lud_attrs[ i ] != NULL; ++i ) {
				    printf( " <%s>", ludp->lud_attrs[ i ] );
			    printf( "\n\t scope: %s\n",
					ludp->lud_scope == LDAP_SCOPE_BASE ? "baseObject"
					: ludp->lud_scope == LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL ? "oneLevel"
					: ludp->lud_scope == LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE ? "subtree"
					: ludp->lud_scope == LDAP_SCOPE_SUBORDINATE ? "children"
					: "**invalid**" );
			    printf( "\tfilter: <%s>\n", ludp->lud_filter );
			    ldap_free_urldesc( ludp );

		case 'n':	/* set dn suffix, for convenience */
			get_line( line, sizeof(line), stdin, "DN suffix? " );
			strcpy( dnsuffix, line );

		case 'o':	/* set ldap options */
			get_line( line, sizeof(line), stdin, "alias deref (0=never, 1=searching, 2=finding, 3=always)?" );
			ld->ld_deref = atoi( line );
			get_line( line, sizeof(line), stdin, "timelimit?" );
			ld->ld_timelimit = atoi( line );
			get_line( line, sizeof(line), stdin, "sizelimit?" );
			ld->ld_sizelimit = atoi( line );


			get_line( line, sizeof(line), stdin,
				"Recognize and chase referrals (0=no, 1=yes)?" );
			if ( atoi( line ) != 0 ) {
				LDAP_BOOL_SET(&ld->ld_options, LDAP_BOOL_REFERRALS);
				get_line( line, sizeof(line), stdin,
					"Prompt for bind credentials when chasing referrals (0=no, 1=yes)?" );
				if ( atoi( line ) != 0 ) {
					ldap_set_rebind_proc( ld, bind_prompt, NULL );

		case '?':	/* help */
"Commands: [ad]d         [ab]andon         [b]ind\n"
"          [B]ind async  [c]ompare\n"
"          [modi]fy      [modr]dn          [rem]ove\n"
"          [res]ult      [s]earch          [q]uit/unbind\n\n"
"          [d]ebug       set ms[g]id\n"
"          d[n]suffix    [t]imeout         [v]ersion\n"
"          [?]help       [o]ptions"
"          [E]xplode dn  [p]arse LDAP URL\n" );

			printf( "Invalid command.  Type ? for help.\n" );

		(void) memset( line, '\0', sizeof(line) );

	return( 0 );
文件: ldap.c 项目: fanf2/exim
static int
perform_ldap_search(uschar *ldap_url, uschar *server, int s_port, int search_type,
  uschar **res, uschar **errmsg, BOOL *defer_break, uschar *user, uschar *password,
  int sizelimit, int timelimit, int tcplimit, int dereference, void *referrals)
LDAPURLDesc     *ludp = NULL;
LDAPMessage     *result = NULL;
BerElement      *ber;

struct timeval timeout;
struct timeval *timeoutptr = NULL;

uschar *attr;
uschar **attrp;
uschar *data = NULL;
uschar *dn = NULL;
uschar *host;
uschar **values;
uschar **firstval;
uschar porttext[16];

uschar *error1 = NULL;   /* string representation of errcode (static) */
uschar *error2 = NULL;   /* error message from the server */
uschar *matched = NULL;  /* partially matched DN */

int    attr_count = 0;
int    error_yield = DEFER;
int    msgid;
int    rc, ldap_rc, ldap_parse_rc;
int    port;
int    ptr = 0;
int    rescount = 0;
int    size = 0;
BOOL   attribute_found = FALSE;
BOOL   ldapi = FALSE;

  debug_printf("perform_ldap_search: ldap%s URL = \"%s\" server=%s port=%d "
    "sizelimit=%d timelimit=%d tcplimit=%d\n",
    (search_type == SEARCH_LDAP_MULTIPLE)? "m" :
    (search_type == SEARCH_LDAP_DN)? "dn" :
    (search_type == SEARCH_LDAP_AUTH)? "auth" : "",
    ldap_url, server, s_port, sizelimit, timelimit, tcplimit);

/* Check if LDAP thinks the URL is a valid LDAP URL. We assume that if the LDAP
library that is in use doesn't recognize, say, "ldapi", it will barf here. */

if (!ldap_is_ldap_url(CS ldap_url))
  *errmsg = string_sprintf("ldap_is_ldap_url: not an LDAP url \"%s\"\n",

/* Parse the URL */

if ((rc = ldap_url_parse(CS ldap_url, &ludp)) != 0)
  *errmsg = string_sprintf("ldap_url_parse: (error %d) parsing \"%s\"\n", rc,

/* If the host name is empty, take it from the separate argument, if one is
given. OpenLDAP 2.0.6 sets an unset hostname to "" rather than empty, but
expects NULL later in ldap_init() to mean "default", annoyingly. In OpenLDAP
2.0.11 this has changed (it uses NULL). */

if ((ludp->lud_host == NULL || ludp->lud_host[0] == 0) && server != NULL)
  host = server;
  port = s_port;
  host = US ludp->lud_host;
  if (host != NULL && host[0] == 0) host = NULL;
  port = ludp->lud_port;

DEBUG(D_lookup) debug_printf("after ldap_url_parse: host=%s port=%d\n",
  host, port);

if (port == 0) port = LDAP_PORT;      /* Default if none given */
sprintf(CS porttext, ":%d", port);    /* For messages */

/* If the "host name" is actually a path, we are going to connect using a Unix
socket, regardless of whether "ldapi" was actually specified or not. This means
that a Unix socket can be declared in eldap_default_servers, and "traditional"
LDAP queries using just "ldap" can be used ("ldaps" is similarly overridden).
The path may start with "/" or it may already be escaped as "%2F" if it was
actually declared that way in eldap_default_servers. (I did it that way the
first time.) If the host name is not a path, the use of "ldapi" causes an
error, except in the default case. (But lud_scheme doesn't seem to exist in
older libraries.) */

if (host != NULL)
  if ((host[0] == '/' || Ustrncmp(host, "%2F", 3) == 0))
    ldapi = TRUE;
    porttext[0] = 0;    /* Remove port from messages */

  #if defined LDAP_LIB_OPENLDAP2
  else if (strncmp(ludp->lud_scheme, "ldapi", 5) == 0)
    *errmsg = string_sprintf("ldapi requires an absolute path (\"%s\" given)",
    goto RETURN_ERROR;

/* Count the attributes; we need this later to tell us how to format results */

for (attrp = USS ludp->lud_attrs; attrp != NULL && *attrp != NULL; attrp++)

/* See if we can find a cached connection to this host. The port is not
relevant for ldapi. The host name pointer is set to NULL if no host was given
(implying the library default), rather than to the empty string. Note that in
this case, there is no difference between ldap and ldapi. */

for (lcp = ldap_connections; lcp != NULL; lcp = lcp->next)
  if ((host == NULL) != (lcp->host == NULL) ||
      (host != NULL && strcmpic(lcp->host, host) != 0))
  if (ldapi || port == lcp->port) break;

/* Use this network timeout in any requests. */

if (tcplimit > 0)
  timeout.tv_sec = tcplimit;
  timeout.tv_usec = 0;
  timeoutptr = &timeout;

/* If no cached connection found, we must open a connection to the server. If
the server name is actually an absolute path, we set ldapi=TRUE above. This
requests connection via a Unix socket. However, as far as I know, only OpenLDAP
supports the use of sockets, and the use of ldap_initialize(). */

if (lcp == NULL)
  LDAP *ld;

  /* --------------------------- OpenLDAP ------------------------ */

  /* There seems to be a preference under OpenLDAP for ldap_initialize()
  instead of ldap_init(), though I have as yet been unable to find
  documentation that says this. (OpenLDAP documentation is sparse to
  non-existent). So we handle OpenLDAP differently here. Also, support for
  ldapi seems to be OpenLDAP-only at present. */


  /* We now need an empty string for the default host. Get some store in which
  to build a URL for ldap_initialize(). In the ldapi case, it can't be bigger
  than (9 + 3*Ustrlen(shost)), whereas in the other cases it can't be bigger
  than the host name + "ldaps:///" plus : and a port number, say 20 + the
  length of the host name. What we get should accommodate both, easily. */

  uschar *shost = (host == NULL)? US"" : host;
  uschar *init_url = store_get(20 + 3 * Ustrlen(shost));
  uschar *init_ptr;

  /* Handle connection via Unix socket ("ldapi"). We build a basic LDAP URI to
  contain the path name, with slashes escaped as %2F. */

  if (ldapi)
    int ch;
    init_ptr = init_url + 8;
    Ustrcpy(init_url, "ldapi://");
    while ((ch = *shost++) != 0)
      if (ch == '/')
        Ustrncpy(init_ptr, "%2F", 3);
        init_ptr += 3;
      else *init_ptr++ = ch;
    *init_ptr = 0;

  /* This is not an ldapi call. Just build a URI with the protocol type, host
  name, and port. */

    init_ptr = Ustrchr(ldap_url, '/');
    Ustrncpy(init_url, ldap_url, init_ptr - ldap_url);
    init_ptr = init_url + (init_ptr - ldap_url);
    sprintf(CS init_ptr, "//%s:%d/", shost, port);

  /* Call ldap_initialize() and check the result */

  DEBUG(D_lookup) debug_printf("ldap_initialize with URL %s\n", init_url);
  rc = ldap_initialize(&ld, CS init_url);
  if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS)
    *errmsg = string_sprintf("ldap_initialize: (error %d) URL \"%s\"\n",
      rc, init_url);
    goto RETURN_ERROR;
  store_reset(init_url);   /* Might as well save memory when we can */

  /* ------------------------- Not OpenLDAP ---------------------- */

  /* For libraries other than OpenLDAP, use ldap_init(). */

  #else   /* LDAP_LIB_OPENLDAP2 */
  ld = ldap_init(CS host, port);
  #endif  /* LDAP_LIB_OPENLDAP2 */

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */

  /* Handle failure to initialize */

  if (ld == NULL)
    *errmsg = string_sprintf("failed to initialize for LDAP server %s%s - %s",
      host, porttext, strerror(errno));
    goto RETURN_ERROR;

  /* Set the TCP connect time limit if available. This is something that is
  in Netscape SDK v4.1; I don't know about other libraries. */

  if (tcplimit > 0)
    int timeout1000 = tcplimit*1000;
    ldap_set_option(ld, LDAP_X_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, (void *)&timeout1000);
    int notimeout = LDAP_X_IO_TIMEOUT_NO_TIMEOUT;
    ldap_set_option(ld, LDAP_X_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, (void *)&notimeout);

  /* Set the TCP connect timeout. This works with OpenLDAP 2.2.14. */

  if (tcplimit > 0)
    ldap_set_option(ld, LDAP_OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT, (void *)timeoutptr);

  /* I could not get TLS to work until I set the version to 3. That version
  seems to be the default nowadays. The RFC is dated 1997, so I would hope
  that all the LDAP libraries support it. Therefore, if eldap_version hasn't
  been set, go for v3 if we can. */

  if (eldap_version < 0)
    #ifdef LDAP_VERSION3
    eldap_version = LDAP_VERSION3;
    eldap_version = 2;

  ldap_set_option(ld, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, (void *)&eldap_version);

  DEBUG(D_lookup) debug_printf("initialized for LDAP (v%d) server %s%s\n",
    eldap_version, host, porttext);

  /* If not using ldapi and TLS is available, set appropriate TLS options: hard
  for "ldaps" and soft otherwise. */

  #ifdef LDAP_OPT_X_TLS
  if (!ldapi)
    int tls_option;
    if (strncmp(ludp->lud_scheme, "ldaps", 5) == 0)
      tls_option = LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_HARD;
      DEBUG(D_lookup) debug_printf("LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_HARD set\n");
      tls_option = LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_TRY;
      DEBUG(D_lookup) debug_printf("LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_TRY set\n");
    ldap_set_option(ld, LDAP_OPT_X_TLS, (void *)&tls_option);
  #endif  /* LDAP_OPT_X_TLS */

  if (eldap_ca_cert_file != NULL)
    ldap_set_option(ld, LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_CACERTFILE, eldap_ca_cert_file);
  if (eldap_ca_cert_dir != NULL)
    ldap_set_option(ld, LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_CACERTDIR, eldap_ca_cert_dir);
  if (eldap_cert_file != NULL)
    ldap_set_option(ld, LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_CERTFILE, eldap_cert_file);
  if (eldap_cert_key != NULL)
    ldap_set_option(ld, LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_KEYFILE, eldap_cert_key);
  if (eldap_cipher_suite != NULL)
    ldap_set_option(ld, LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_CIPHER_SUITE, eldap_cipher_suite);
  if (eldap_require_cert != NULL)
    int cert_option = LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_NEVER;
    if (Ustrcmp(eldap_require_cert, "hard") == 0)
      cert_option = LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_HARD;
    else if (Ustrcmp(eldap_require_cert, "demand") == 0)
      cert_option = LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_DEMAND;
    else if (Ustrcmp(eldap_require_cert, "allow") == 0)
      cert_option = LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_ALLOW;
    else if (Ustrcmp(eldap_require_cert, "try") == 0)
      cert_option = LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_TRY;
    ldap_set_option(ld, LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, &cert_option);

  /* Now add this connection to the chain of cached connections */

  lcp = store_get(sizeof(LDAP_CONNECTION));
  lcp->host = (host == NULL)? NULL : string_copy(host);
  lcp->bound = FALSE;
  lcp->user = NULL;
  lcp->password = NULL;
  lcp->port = port;
  lcp->ld = ld;
  lcp->next = ldap_connections;
  ldap_connections = lcp;

/* Found cached connection */

    debug_printf("re-using cached connection to LDAP server %s%s\n",
      host, porttext);

/* Bind with the user/password supplied, or an anonymous bind if these values
are NULL, unless a cached connection is already bound with the same values. */

if (!lcp->bound ||
    (lcp->user == NULL && user != NULL) ||
    (lcp->user != NULL && user == NULL) ||
    (lcp->user != NULL && user != NULL && Ustrcmp(lcp->user, user) != 0) ||
    (lcp->password == NULL && password != NULL) ||
    (lcp->password != NULL && password == NULL) ||
    (lcp->password != NULL && password != NULL &&
      Ustrcmp(lcp->password, password) != 0))
  DEBUG(D_lookup) debug_printf("%sbinding with user=%s password=%s\n",
    (lcp->bound)? "re-" : "", user, password);
  /* The Oracle LDAP libraries (LDAP_LIB_TYPE=SOLARIS) don't support this: */
  if (eldap_start_tls)
    ldap_start_tls_s(lcp->ld, NULL, NULL);
  if ((msgid = ldap_bind(lcp->ld, CS user, CS password, LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE))
       == -1)
    *errmsg = string_sprintf("failed to bind the LDAP connection to server "
      "%s%s - ldap_bind() returned -1", host, porttext);
    goto RETURN_ERROR;

  if ((rc = ldap_result( lcp->ld, msgid, 1, timeoutptr, &result )) <= 0)
    *errmsg = string_sprintf("failed to bind the LDAP connection to server "
      "%s%s - LDAP error: %s", host, porttext,
      rc == -1 ? "result retrieval failed" : "timeout" );
    result = NULL;
    goto RETURN_ERROR;

  rc = ldap_result2error( lcp->ld, result, 0 );

  /* Invalid credentials when just checking credentials returns FAIL. This
  stops any further servers being tried. */

  if (search_type == SEARCH_LDAP_AUTH && rc == LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS)
      debug_printf("Invalid credentials: ldapauth returns FAIL\n");
    error_yield = FAIL;

  /* Otherwise we have a problem that doesn't stop further servers from being
  tried. */

  if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS)
    *errmsg = string_sprintf("failed to bind the LDAP connection to server "
      "%s%s - LDAP error %d: %s", host, porttext, rc, ldap_err2string(rc));
    goto RETURN_ERROR;

  /* Successful bind */

  lcp->bound = TRUE;
  lcp->user = (user == NULL)? NULL : string_copy(user);
  lcp->password = (password == NULL)? NULL : string_copy(password);

  result = NULL;

/* If we are just checking credentials, return OK. */

if (search_type == SEARCH_LDAP_AUTH)
  DEBUG(D_lookup) debug_printf("Bind succeeded: ldapauth returns OK\n");
  goto RETURN_OK;

/* Before doing the search, set the time and size limits (if given). Here again
the different implementations of LDAP have chosen to do things differently. */

ldap_set_option(lcp->ld, LDAP_OPT_SIZELIMIT, (void *)&sizelimit);
ldap_set_option(lcp->ld, LDAP_OPT_TIMELIMIT, (void *)&timelimit);
lcp->ld->ld_sizelimit = sizelimit;
lcp->ld->ld_timelimit = timelimit;

/* Similarly for dereferencing aliases. Don't know if this is possible on
an LDAP library without LDAP_OPT_DEREF. */

#if defined(LDAP_OPT_DEREF)
ldap_set_option(lcp->ld, LDAP_OPT_DEREF, (void *)&dereference);

/* Similarly for the referral setting; should the library follow referrals that
the LDAP server returns? The conditional is just in case someone uses a library
without it. */

ldap_set_option(lcp->ld, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, referrals);

/* Start the search on the server. */

DEBUG(D_lookup) debug_printf("Start search\n");

msgid = ldap_search(lcp->ld, ludp->lud_dn, ludp->lud_scope, ludp->lud_filter,
  ludp->lud_attrs, 0);

if (msgid == -1)
  #if defined LDAP_LIB_SOLARIS || defined LDAP_LIB_OPENLDAP2
  int err;
  ldap_get_option(lcp->ld, LDAP_OPT_ERROR_NUMBER, &err);
  *errmsg = string_sprintf("ldap_search failed: %d, %s", err,

  *errmsg = string_sprintf("ldap_search failed");


/* Loop to pick up results as they come in, setting a timeout if one was
given. */

while ((rc = ldap_result(lcp->ld, msgid, 0, timeoutptr, &result)) ==
  LDAPMessage  *e;

  DEBUG(D_lookup) debug_printf("ldap_result loop\n");

  for(e = ldap_first_entry(lcp->ld, result);
      e != NULL;
      e = ldap_next_entry(lcp->ld, e))
    uschar *new_dn;
    BOOL insert_space = FALSE;

    DEBUG(D_lookup) debug_printf("LDAP entry loop\n");

    rescount++;   /* Count results */

    /* Results for multiple entries values are separated by newlines. */

    if (data != NULL) data = string_cat(data, &size, &ptr, US"\n", 1);

    /* Get the DN from the last result. */

    new_dn = US ldap_get_dn(lcp->ld, e);
    if (new_dn != NULL)
      if (dn != NULL)
        #if defined LDAP_LIB_NETSCAPE || defined LDAP_LIB_OPENLDAP2
        #else   /* OPENLDAP 1, UMich, Solaris */
      /* Save for later */
      dn = new_dn;

    /* If the data we want is actually the DN rather than any attribute values,
    (an "ldapdn" search) add it to the data string. If there are multiple
    entries, the DNs will be concatenated, but we test for this case below, as
    for SEARCH_LDAP_SINGLE, and give an error. */

    if (search_type == SEARCH_LDAP_DN)   /* Do not amalgamate these into one */
      {                                  /* condition, because of the else */
      if (new_dn != NULL)                /* below, that's for the first only */
        data = string_cat(data, &size, &ptr, new_dn, Ustrlen(new_dn));
        data[ptr] = 0;
        attribute_found = TRUE;

    /* Otherwise, loop through the entry, grabbing attribute values. If there's
    only one attribute being retrieved, no attribute name is given, and the
    result is not quoted. Multiple values are separated by (comma, space).
    If more than one attribute is being retrieved, the data is given as a
    sequence of name=value pairs, with the value always in quotes. If there are
    multiple values, they are given within the quotes, comma separated. */

    else for (attr = US ldap_first_attribute(lcp->ld, e, &ber);
              attr != NULL;
              attr = US ldap_next_attribute(lcp->ld, e, ber))
      if (attr[0] != 0)
        /* Get array of values for this attribute. */

        if ((firstval = values = USS ldap_get_values(lcp->ld, e, CS attr))
             != NULL)
          if (attr_count != 1)
            if (insert_space)
              data = string_cat(data, &size, &ptr, US" ", 1);
              insert_space = TRUE;
            data = string_cat(data, &size, &ptr, attr, Ustrlen(attr));
            data = string_cat(data, &size, &ptr, US"=\"", 2);

          while (*values != NULL)
            uschar *value = *values;
            int len = Ustrlen(value);

            DEBUG(D_lookup) debug_printf("LDAP attr loop %s:%s\n", attr, value);

            if (values != firstval)
              data = string_cat(data, &size, &ptr, US", ", 2);

            /* For multiple attributes, the data is in quotes. We must escape
            internal quotes, backslashes, newlines. */

            if (attr_count != 1)
              int j;
              for (j = 0; j < len; j++)
                if (value[j] == '\n')
                  data = string_cat(data, &size, &ptr, US"\\n", 2);
                  if (value[j] == '\"' || value[j] == '\\')
                    data = string_cat(data, &size, &ptr, US"\\", 1);
                  data = string_cat(data, &size, &ptr, value+j, 1);

            /* For single attributes, copy the value verbatim */

            else data = string_cat(data, &size, &ptr, value, len);

            /* Move on to the next value */

            attribute_found = TRUE;

          /* Closing quote at the end of the data for a named attribute. */

          if (attr_count != 1)
            data = string_cat(data, &size, &ptr, US"\"", 1);

          /* Free the values */

          ldap_value_free(CSS firstval);

      #if defined LDAP_LIB_NETSCAPE || defined LDAP_LIB_OPENLDAP2

      /* Netscape and OpenLDAP2 LDAP's attrs are dynamically allocated and need
      to be freed. UMich LDAP stores them in static storage and does not require
      this. */

      }        /* End "for" loop for extracting attributes from an entry */
    }          /* End "for" loop for extracting entries from a result */

  /* Free the result */

  result = NULL;
  }            /* End "while" loop for multiple results */

/* Terminate the dynamic string that we have built and reclaim unused store */

if (data != NULL)
  data[ptr] = 0;
  store_reset(data + ptr + 1);

/* Copy the last dn into eldap_dn */

if (dn != NULL)
  eldap_dn = string_copy(dn);
  #if defined LDAP_LIB_NETSCAPE || defined LDAP_LIB_OPENLDAP2
  #else   /* OPENLDAP 1, UMich, Solaris */

DEBUG(D_lookup) debug_printf("search ended by ldap_result yielding %d\n",rc);

if (rc == 0)
  *errmsg = US"ldap_result timed out";

/* A return code of -1 seems to mean "ldap_result failed internally or couldn't
provide you with a message". Other error states seem to exist where
ldap_result() didn't give us any message from the server at all, leaving result
set to NULL. Apparently, "the error parameters of the LDAP session handle will
be set accordingly". That's the best we can do to retrieve an error status; we
can't use functions like ldap_result2error because they parse a message from
the server, which we didn't get.

Annoyingly, the different implementations of LDAP have gone for different
methods of handling error codes and generating error messages. */

if (rc == -1 || result == NULL)
  int err;
  DEBUG(D_lookup) debug_printf("ldap_result failed\n");

  #if defined LDAP_LIB_SOLARIS || defined LDAP_LIB_OPENLDAP2
    ldap_get_option(lcp->ld, LDAP_OPT_ERROR_NUMBER, &err);
    *errmsg = string_sprintf("ldap_result failed: %d, %s",
      err, ldap_err2string(err));

  #elif defined LDAP_LIB_NETSCAPE
    /* Dubious (surely 'matched' is spurious here?) */
    (void)ldap_get_lderrno(lcp->ld, &matched, &error1);
    *errmsg = string_sprintf("ldap_result failed: %s (%s)", error1, matched);

  #else                             /* UMich LDAP aka OpenLDAP 1.x */
    *errmsg = string_sprintf("ldap_result failed: %d, %s",
      lcp->ld->ld_errno, ldap_err2string(lcp->ld->ld_errno));


/* A return code that isn't -1 doesn't necessarily mean there were no problems
with the search. The message must be an LDAP_RES_SEARCH_RESULT or
LDAP_RES_SEARCH_REFERENCE or else it's something we can't handle. Some versions
of LDAP do not define LDAP_RES_SEARCH_REFERENCE (LDAP v1 is one, it seems). So
we don't provide that functionality when we can't. :-) */

  *errmsg = string_sprintf("ldap_result returned unexpected code %d", rc);

/* We have a result message from the server. This doesn't yet mean all is well.
We need to parse the message to find out exactly what's happened. */

#if defined LDAP_LIB_SOLARIS || defined LDAP_LIB_OPENLDAP2
  ldap_rc = rc;
  ldap_parse_rc = ldap_parse_result(lcp->ld, result, &rc, CSS &matched,
    CSS &error2, NULL, NULL, 0);
  DEBUG(D_lookup) debug_printf("ldap_parse_result: %d\n", ldap_parse_rc);
  if (ldap_parse_rc < 0 &&
      (ldap_parse_rc != LDAP_NO_RESULTS_RETURNED
      || ldap_rc != LDAP_RES_SEARCH_REFERENCE
    *errmsg = string_sprintf("ldap_parse_result failed %d", ldap_parse_rc);
    goto RETURN_ERROR;
  error1 = US ldap_err2string(rc);

#elif defined LDAP_LIB_NETSCAPE
  /* Dubious (it doesn't reference 'result' at all!) */
  rc = ldap_get_lderrno(lcp->ld, &matched, &error1);

#else                             /* UMich LDAP aka OpenLDAP 1.x */
  rc = ldap_result2error(lcp->ld, result, 0);
  error1 = ldap_err2string(rc);
  error2 = lcp->ld->ld_error;
  matched = lcp->ld->ld_matched;

/* Process the status as follows:

  (1) If we get LDAP_SIZELIMIT_EXCEEDED, just carry on, to return the
      truncated result list.

  (2) If we get LDAP_RES_SEARCH_REFERENCE, also just carry on. This was a
      submitted patch that is reported to "do the right thing" with Solaris
      LDAP libraries. (The problem it addresses apparently does not occur with
      Open LDAP.)

  (3) The range of errors defined by LDAP_NAME_ERROR generally mean "that
      object does not, or cannot, exist in the database". For those cases we
      fail the lookup.

  (4) All other non-successes here are treated as some kind of problem with
      the lookup, so return DEFER (which is the default in error_yield).

DEBUG(D_lookup) debug_printf("ldap_parse_result yielded %d: %s\n",
  rc, ldap_err2string(rc));

  *errmsg = string_sprintf("LDAP search failed - error %d: %s%s%s%s%s",
    (error1 != NULL)?                       error1  : US"",
    (error2 != NULL && error2[0] != 0)?     US"/"   : US"",
    (error2 != NULL)?                       error2  : US"",
    (matched != NULL && matched[0] != 0)?   US"/"   : US"",
    (matched != NULL)?                      matched : US"");

  #if defined LDAP_NAME_ERROR
  if (LDAP_NAME_ERROR(rc))
  #elif defined NAME_ERROR    /* OPENLDAP1 calls it this */
  if (NAME_ERROR(rc))
  if (rc == LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT)

    DEBUG(D_lookup) debug_printf("lookup failure forced\n");
    error_yield = FAIL;

/* The search succeeded. Check if we have too many results */

if (search_type != SEARCH_LDAP_MULTIPLE && rescount > 1)
  *errmsg = string_sprintf("LDAP search: more than one entry (%d) was returned "
    "(filter not specific enough?)", rescount);

/* Check if we have too few (zero) entries */

if (rescount < 1)
  *errmsg = string_sprintf("LDAP search: no results");
  error_yield = FAIL;

/* If an entry was found, but it had no attributes, we behave as if no entries
were found, that is, the lookup failed. */

if (!attribute_found)
  *errmsg = US"LDAP search: found no attributes";
  error_yield = FAIL;

/* Otherwise, it's all worked */

DEBUG(D_lookup) debug_printf("LDAP search: returning: %s\n", data);
*res = data;

if (result != NULL) ldap_msgfree(result);
return OK;

/* Error returns */

*defer_break = TRUE;

DEBUG(D_lookup) debug_printf("%s\n", *errmsg);

if (result != NULL) ldap_msgfree(result);
if (ludp != NULL) ldap_free_urldesc(ludp);

#if defined LDAP_LIB_OPENLDAP2
  if (error2 != NULL)  ldap_memfree(error2);
  if (matched != NULL) ldap_memfree(matched);

return error_yield;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef MACOS
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef THINK_C
#include <console.h>
#include <unix.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#endif /* THINK_C */
#include "macos.h"
#else /* MACOS */
#if defined( DOS ) || defined( _WIN32 )
#ifdef DOS
#include "msdos.h"
#if defined( WINSOCK ) || defined( _WIN32 )
#include "console.h"
#endif /* WINSOCK */
#else /* DOS */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#ifndef VMS
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#endif /* VMS */
#endif /* DOS */
#endif /* MACOS */

#include "lber.h"
#include "ldap.h"

#if !defined( PCNFS ) && !defined( WINSOCK ) && !defined( MACOS )
#endif /* !PCNFS && !WINSOCK && !MACOS */

static void handle_result( LDAP *ld, LDAPMessage *lm );
static void print_ldap_result( LDAP *ld, LDAPMessage *lm, char *s );
static void print_search_entry( LDAP *ld, LDAPMessage *res );
static void free_list( char **list );
static void handle_result();
static void print_ldap_result();
static void print_search_entry();
static void free_list();
#endif /* NEEDPROTOS */

		"don't compile with -DNO_CACHE if you desire local caching"

char *dnsuffix;

#ifndef WINSOCK
static char *
getline( char *line, int len, FILE *fp, char *prompt )

    if ( fgets( line, len, fp ) == NULL )
        return( NULL );

    line[ strlen( line ) - 1 ] = '\0';

    return( line );
#endif /* WINSOCK */

static char **
get_list( char *prompt )
    static char	buf[256];
    int		num;
    char		**result;

    num = 0;
    result = (char **) 0;
    while ( 1 ) {
        getline( buf, sizeof(buf), stdin, prompt );

        if ( *buf == '\0' )

        if ( result == (char **) 0 )
            result = (char **) malloc( sizeof(char *) );
            result = (char **) realloc( result,
                                        sizeof(char *) * (num + 1) );

        result[num++] = (char *) strdup( buf );
    if ( result == (char **) 0 )
        return( NULL );
    result = (char **) realloc( result, sizeof(char *) * (num + 1) );
    result[num] = NULL;

    return( result );

static void
free_list( char **list )
    int	i;

    if ( list != NULL ) {
        for ( i = 0; list[ i ] != NULL; ++i ) {
            free( list[ i ] );
        free( (char *)list );

static int
file_read( char *path, struct berval *bv )
    FILE		*fp;
    long		rlen;
    int		eof;

    if (( fp = fopen( path, "r" )) == NULL ) {
        perror( path );
        return( -1 );

    if ( fseek( fp, 0L, SEEK_END ) != 0 ) {
        perror( path );
        fclose( fp );
        return( -1 );

    bv->bv_len = ftell( fp );

    if (( bv->bv_val = (char *)malloc( bv->bv_len )) == NULL ) {
        perror( "malloc" );
        fclose( fp );
        return( -1 );

    if ( fseek( fp, 0L, SEEK_SET ) != 0 ) {
        perror( path );
        fclose( fp );
        return( -1 );

    rlen = fread( bv->bv_val, 1, bv->bv_len, fp );
    eof = feof( fp );
    fclose( fp );

    if ( rlen != bv->bv_len ) {
        perror( path );
        free( bv->bv_val );
        return( -1 );

    return( bv->bv_len );
#endif /* MOD_USE_BVALS */

static LDAPMod **
get_modlist( char *prompt1, char *prompt2, char *prompt3 )
    static char	buf[256];
    int		num;
    LDAPMod		tmp;
    LDAPMod		**result;
    struct berval	**bvals;
#endif /* MOD_USE_BVALS */

    num = 0;
    result = NULL;
    while ( 1 ) {
        if ( prompt1 ) {
            getline( buf, sizeof(buf), stdin, prompt1 );
            tmp.mod_op = atoi( buf );

            if ( tmp.mod_op == -1 || buf[0] == '\0' )

        getline( buf, sizeof(buf), stdin, prompt2 );
        if ( buf[0] == '\0' )
        tmp.mod_type = strdup( buf );

        tmp.mod_values = get_list( prompt3 );
        if ( tmp.mod_values != NULL ) {
            int	i;

            for ( i = 0; tmp.mod_values[i] != NULL; ++i )
            bvals = (struct berval **)calloc( i + 1,
                                              sizeof( struct berval *));
            for ( i = 0; tmp.mod_values[i] != NULL; ++i ) {
                bvals[i] = (struct berval *)malloc(
                               sizeof( struct berval ));
                if ( strncmp( tmp.mod_values[i], "{FILE}",
                              6 ) == 0 ) {
                    if ( file_read( tmp.mod_values[i] + 6,
                                    bvals[i] ) < 0 ) {
                        return( NULL );
                } else {
                    bvals[i]->bv_val = tmp.mod_values[i];
                    bvals[i]->bv_len =
                        strlen( tmp.mod_values[i] );
            tmp.mod_bvalues = bvals;
            tmp.mod_op |= LDAP_MOD_BVALUES;
#endif /* MOD_USE_BVALS */

        if ( result == NULL )
            result = (LDAPMod **) malloc( sizeof(LDAPMod *) );
            result = (LDAPMod **) realloc( result,
                                           sizeof(LDAPMod *) * (num + 1) );

        result[num] = (LDAPMod *) malloc( sizeof(LDAPMod) );
        *(result[num]) = tmp;	/* struct copy */
    if ( result == NULL )
        return( NULL );
    result = (LDAPMod **) realloc( result, sizeof(LDAPMod *) * (num + 1) );
    result[num] = NULL;

    return( result );

bind_prompt( LDAP *ld, char **dnp, char **passwdp, int *authmethodp,
             int freeit )
    static char	dn[256], passwd[256];

    if ( !freeit ) {
        getline( dn, sizeof(dn), stdin, "re-bind method (0->simple, "
                 "1->krbv41, 2->krbv42, 3->krbv41&2)? " );
        if (( *authmethodp = atoi( dn )) == 3 ) {
            *authmethodp = LDAP_AUTH_KRBV4;
        } else {
            *authmethodp |= 0x80;
#else /* KERBEROS */
        *authmethodp = LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE;
#endif /* KERBEROS */

        getline( dn, sizeof(dn), stdin, "re-bind dn? " );
        strcat( dn, dnsuffix );
        *dnp = dn;

        if ( *authmethodp == LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE && dn[0] != '\0' ) {
            getline( passwd, sizeof(passwd), stdin,
                     "re-bind password? " );
        } else {
            passwd[0] = '\0';
        *passwdp = passwd;

    return( LDAP_SUCCESS );
#endif /* LDAP_REFERRALS */

#ifdef WINSOCK
#else /* WINSOCK */
#endif /* WINSOCK */
    int argc, char **argv )
    LDAP		*ld;
    int		i, c, port, cldapflg, errflg, method, id, msgtype;
    char		line[256], command1, command2, command3;
    char		passwd[64], dn[256], rdn[64], attr[64], value[256];
    char		filter[256], *host, **types;
    char		**exdn;
    char		*usage = "usage: %s [-u] [-h host] [-d level] "
                         "[-s dnsuffix] [-p port] [-t file] [-T file]\n";
    int		bound, all, scope, attrsonly;
    LDAPMessage	*res;
    LDAPMod		**mods, **attrs;
    struct timeval	timeout;
    char		*copyfname = NULL;
    int		copyoptions = 0;
    LDAPURLDesc	*ludp;

    extern char	*optarg;
    extern int	optind;

#ifdef MACOS
    if (( argv = get_list( "cmd line arg?" )) == NULL ) {
        exit( 1 );
    for ( argc = 0; argv[ argc ] != NULL; ++argc ) {
#endif /* MACOS */

    host = NULL;
    port = LDAP_PORT;
    dnsuffix = "";
    cldapflg = errflg = 0;

    while (( c = getopt( argc, argv, "uh:d:s:p:t:T:" )) != -1 ) {
        switch( c ) {
        case 'u':
#ifdef CLDAP
#else /* CLDAP */
            printf( "Compile with -DCLDAP for UDP support\n" );
#endif /* CLDAP */

        case 'd':
            ldap_debug = atoi( optarg );
            if ( ldap_debug & LDAP_DEBUG_PACKETS ) {
                lber_debug = ldap_debug;
            printf( "Compile with -DLDAP_DEBUG for debugging\n" );

        case 'h':
            host = optarg;

        case 's':
            dnsuffix = optarg;

        case 'p':
            port = atoi( optarg );

#if !defined(MACOS) && !defined(DOS)
        case 't':	/* copy ber's to given file */
            copyfname = strdup( optarg );
            copyoptions = LBER_TO_FILE;

        case 'T':	/* only output ber's to given file */
            copyfname = strdup( optarg );
            copyoptions = (LBER_TO_FILE | LBER_TO_FILE_ONLY);


    if ( host == NULL && optind == argc - 1 ) {
        host = argv[ optind ];

    if ( errflg || optind < argc - 1 ) {
        fprintf( stderr, usage, argv[ 0 ] );
        exit( 1 );

    printf( "%sldap_open( %s, %d )\n", cldapflg ? "c" : "",
            host == NULL ? "(null)" : host, port );

    if ( cldapflg ) {
#ifdef CLDAP
        ld = cldap_open( host, port );
#endif /* CLDAP */
    } else {
        ld = ldap_open( host, port );

    if ( ld == NULL ) {
        perror( "ldap_open" );

#if !defined(MACOS) && !defined(DOS)
    if ( copyfname != NULL ) {
        if ( (ld->ld_sb.sb_fd = open( copyfname, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT,
                                      0600 ))  == -1 ) {
            perror( copyfname );
            exit ( 1 );
        ld->ld_sb.sb_options = copyoptions;

    bound = 0;
    timeout.tv_sec = 0;
    timeout.tv_usec = 0;

    (void) memset( line, '\0', sizeof(line) );
    while ( getline( line, sizeof(line), stdin, "\ncommand? " ) != NULL ) {
        command1 = line[0];
        command2 = line[1];
        command3 = line[2];

        switch ( command1 ) {
        case 'a':	/* add or abandon */
            switch ( command2 ) {
            case 'd':	/* add */
                getline( dn, sizeof(dn), stdin, "dn? " );
                strcat( dn, dnsuffix );
                if ( (attrs = get_modlist( NULL, "attr? ",
                                           "value? " )) == NULL )
                if ( (id = ldap_add( ld, dn, attrs )) == -1 )
                    ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_add" );
                    printf( "Add initiated with id %d\n",
                            id );

            case 'b':	/* abandon */
                getline( line, sizeof(line), stdin, "msgid? " );
                id = atoi( line );
                if ( ldap_abandon( ld, id ) != 0 )
                    ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_abandon" );
                    printf( "Abandon successful\n" );
                printf( "Possibilities: [ad]d, [ab]ort\n" );

        case 'b':	/* asynch bind */
            getline( line, sizeof(line), stdin,
                     "method (0->simple, 1->krbv41, 2->krbv42)? " );
            method = atoi( line ) | 0x80;
#else /* KERBEROS */
            method = LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE;
#endif /* KERBEROS */
            getline( dn, sizeof(dn), stdin, "dn? " );
            strcat( dn, dnsuffix );

            if ( method == LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE && dn[0] != '\0' )
                getline( passwd, sizeof(passwd), stdin,
                         "password? " );
                passwd[0] = '\0';

            if ( ldap_bind( ld, dn, passwd, method ) == -1 ) {
                fprintf( stderr, "ldap_bind failed\n" );
                ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_bind" );
            } else {
                printf( "Bind initiated\n" );
                bound = 1;

        case 'B':	/* synch bind */
            getline( line, sizeof(line), stdin,
                     "method 0->simple 1->krbv41 2->krbv42 3->krb? " );
            method = atoi( line );
            if ( method == 3 )
                method = LDAP_AUTH_KRBV4;
                method = method | 0x80;
#else /* KERBEROS */
            method = LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE;
#endif /* KERBEROS */
            getline( dn, sizeof(dn), stdin, "dn? " );
            strcat( dn, dnsuffix );

            if ( dn[0] != '\0' )
                getline( passwd, sizeof(passwd), stdin,
                         "password? " );
                passwd[0] = '\0';

            if ( ldap_bind_s( ld, dn, passwd, method ) !=
                    LDAP_SUCCESS ) {
                fprintf( stderr, "ldap_bind_s failed\n" );
                ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_bind_s" );
            } else {
                printf( "Bind successful\n" );
                bound = 1;

        case 'c':	/* compare */
            getline( dn, sizeof(dn), stdin, "dn? " );
            strcat( dn, dnsuffix );
            getline( attr, sizeof(attr), stdin, "attr? " );
            getline( value, sizeof(value), stdin, "value? " );

            if ( (id = ldap_compare( ld, dn, attr, value )) == -1 )
                ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_compare" );
                printf( "Compare initiated with id %d\n", id );

        case 'd':	/* turn on debugging */
            getline( line, sizeof(line), stdin, "debug level? " );
            ldap_debug = atoi( line );
            if ( ldap_debug & LDAP_DEBUG_PACKETS ) {
                lber_debug = ldap_debug;
            printf( "Compile with -DLDAP_DEBUG for debugging\n" );

        case 'E':	/* explode a dn */
            getline( line, sizeof(line), stdin, "dn? " );
            exdn = ldap_explode_dn( line, 0 );
            for ( i = 0; exdn != NULL && exdn[i] != NULL; i++ ) {
                printf( "\t%s\n", exdn[i] );

        case 'g':	/* set next msgid */
            getline( line, sizeof(line), stdin, "msgid? " );
            ld->ld_msgid = atoi( line );

        case 'v':	/* set version number */
            getline( line, sizeof(line), stdin, "version? " );
            ld->ld_version = atoi( line );

        case 'm':	/* modify or modifyrdn */
            if ( strncmp( line, "modify", 4 ) == 0 ) {
                getline( dn, sizeof(dn), stdin, "dn? " );
                strcat( dn, dnsuffix );
                if ( (mods = get_modlist(
                                 "mod (0=>add, 1=>delete, 2=>replace -1=>done)? ",
                                 "attribute type? ", "attribute value? " ))
                        == NULL )
                if ( (id = ldap_modify( ld, dn, mods )) == -1 )
                    ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_modify" );
                    printf( "Modify initiated with id %d\n",
                            id );
            } else if ( strncmp( line, "modrdn", 4 ) == 0 ) {
                getline( dn, sizeof(dn), stdin, "dn? " );
                strcat( dn, dnsuffix );
                getline( rdn, sizeof(rdn), stdin, "newrdn? " );
                if ( (id = ldap_modrdn( ld, dn, rdn )) == -1 )
                    ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_modrdn" );
                    printf( "Modrdn initiated with id %d\n",
                            id );
            } else {
                printf( "Possibilities: [modi]fy, [modr]dn\n" );

        case 'q':	/* quit */
#ifdef CLDAP
            if ( cldapflg )
                cldap_close( ld );
#endif /* CLDAP */
            if ( !cldapflg )
#else /* LDAP_REFERRALS */
            if ( !cldapflg && bound )
#endif /* LDAP_REFERRALS */
                ldap_unbind( ld );
            exit( 0 );

        case 'r':	/* result or remove */
            switch ( command3 ) {
            case 's':	/* result */
                getline( line, sizeof(line), stdin,
                         "msgid (-1=>any)? " );
                if ( line[0] == '\0' )
                    id = -1;
                    id = atoi( line );
                getline( line, sizeof(line), stdin,
                         "all (0=>any, 1=>all)? " );
                if ( line[0] == '\0' )
                    all = 1;
                    all = atoi( line );
                if (( msgtype = ldap_result( ld, id, all,
                                             &timeout, &res )) < 1 ) {
                    ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_result" );
                printf( "\nresult: msgtype %d msgid %d\n",
                        msgtype, res->lm_msgid );
                handle_result( ld, res );
                res = NULLMSG;

            case 'm':	/* remove */
                getline( dn, sizeof(dn), stdin, "dn? " );
                strcat( dn, dnsuffix );
                if ( (id = ldap_delete( ld, dn )) == -1 )
                    ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_delete" );
                    printf( "Remove initiated with id %d\n",
                            id );

                printf( "Possibilities: [rem]ove, [res]ult\n" );

        case 's':	/* search */
            getline( dn, sizeof(dn), stdin, "searchbase? " );
            strcat( dn, dnsuffix );
            getline( line, sizeof(line), stdin,
                     "scope (0=Base, 1=One Level, 2=Subtree)? " );
            scope = atoi( line );
            getline( filter, sizeof(filter), stdin,
                     "search filter (e.g. sn=jones)? " );
            types = get_list( "attrs to return? " );
            getline( line, sizeof(line), stdin,
                     "attrsonly (0=attrs&values, 1=attrs only)? " );
            attrsonly = atoi( line );

            if ( cldapflg ) {
#ifdef CLDAP
                getline( line, sizeof(line), stdin,
                         "Requestor DN (for logging)? " );
                if ( cldap_search_s( ld, dn, scope, filter, types,
                                     attrsonly, &res, line ) != 0 ) {
                    ldap_perror( ld, "cldap_search_s" );
                } else {
                    printf( "\nresult: msgid %d\n",
                            res->lm_msgid );
                    handle_result( ld, res );
                    res = NULLMSG;
#endif /* CLDAP */
            } else {
                if (( id = ldap_search( ld, dn, scope, filter,
                                        types, attrsonly  )) == -1 ) {
                    ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_search" );
                } else {
                    printf( "Search initiated with id %d\n", id );
            free_list( types );

        case 't':	/* set timeout value */
            getline( line, sizeof(line), stdin, "timeout? " );
            timeout.tv_sec = atoi( line );

        case 'U':	/* set ufn search prefix */
            getline( line, sizeof(line), stdin, "ufn prefix? " );
            ldap_ufn_setprefix( ld, line );

        case 'u':	/* user friendly search w/optional timeout */
            getline( dn, sizeof(dn), stdin, "ufn? " );
            strcat( dn, dnsuffix );
            types = get_list( "attrs to return? " );
            getline( line, sizeof(line), stdin,
                     "attrsonly (0=attrs&values, 1=attrs only)? " );
            attrsonly = atoi( line );

            if ( command2 == 't' ) {
                id = ldap_ufn_search_c( ld, dn, types,
                                        attrsonly, &res, ldap_ufn_timeout,
                                        &timeout );
            } else {
                id = ldap_ufn_search_s( ld, dn, types,
                                        attrsonly, &res );
            if ( res == NULL )
                ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_ufn_search" );
            else {
                printf( "\nresult: err %d\n", id );
                handle_result( ld, res );
                res = NULLMSG;
            free_list( types );

        case 'l':	/* URL search */
            getline( line, sizeof(line), stdin,
                     "attrsonly (0=attrs&values, 1=attrs only)? " );
            attrsonly = atoi( line );
            getline( line, sizeof(line), stdin, "LDAP URL? " );
            if (( id = ldap_url_search( ld, line, attrsonly  ))
                    == -1 ) {
                ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_url_search" );
            } else {
                printf( "URL search initiated with id %d\n", id );

        case 'p':	/* parse LDAP URL */
            getline( line, sizeof(line), stdin, "LDAP URL? " );
            if (( i = ldap_url_parse( line, &ludp )) != 0 ) {
                fprintf( stderr, "ldap_url_parse: error %d\n", i );
            } else {
                printf( "\t  host: " );
                if ( ludp->lud_host == NULL ) {
                    printf( "DEFAULT\n" );
                } else {
                    printf( "<%s>\n", ludp->lud_host );
                printf( "\t  port: " );
                if ( ludp->lud_port == 0 ) {
                    printf( "DEFAULT\n" );
                } else {
                    printf( "%d\n", ludp->lud_port );
                printf( "\t    dn: <%s>\n", ludp->lud_dn );
                printf( "\t attrs:" );
                if ( ludp->lud_attrs == NULL ) {
                    printf( " ALL" );
                } else {
                    for ( i = 0; ludp->lud_attrs[ i ] != NULL; ++i ) {
                        printf( " <%s>", ludp->lud_attrs[ i ] );
                printf( "\n\t scope: %s\n",
                        ludp->lud_scope == LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL ? "ONE"
                        : ludp->lud_scope == LDAP_SCOPE_BASE ? "BASE" :
                        ludp->lud_scope == LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE ? "SUB" :
                        "**invalid**" );
                printf( "\tfilter: <%s>\n", ludp->lud_filter );
                ldap_free_urldesc( ludp );

        case 'n':	/* set dn suffix, for convenience */
            getline( line, sizeof(line), stdin, "DN suffix? " );
            strcpy( dnsuffix, line );

        case 'e':	/* enable cache */
#ifdef NO_CACHE
            printf( NOCACHEERRMSG );
#else /* NO_CACHE */
            getline( line, sizeof(line), stdin,
                     "Cache timeout (secs)? " );
            i = atoi( line );
            getline( line, sizeof(line), stdin,
                     "Maximum memory to use (bytes)? " );
            if ( ldap_enable_cache( ld, i, atoi( line )) == 0 ) {
                printf( "local cache is on\n" );
            } else {
                printf( "ldap_enable_cache failed\n" );
#endif /* NO_CACHE */

        case 'x':	/* uncache entry */
#ifdef NO_CACHE
            printf( NOCACHEERRMSG );
#else /* NO_CACHE */
            getline( line, sizeof(line), stdin, "DN? " );
            ldap_uncache_entry( ld, line );
#endif /* NO_CACHE */

        case 'X':	/* uncache request */
#ifdef NO_CACHE
            printf( NOCACHEERRMSG );
#else /* NO_CACHE */
            getline( line, sizeof(line), stdin, "request msgid? " );
            ldap_uncache_request( ld, atoi( line ));
#endif /* NO_CACHE */

        case 'o':	/* set ldap options */
            getline( line, sizeof(line), stdin,
                     "alias deref (0=never, 1=searching, 2"
                     "=finding, 3=always)?" );
            ld->ld_deref = atoi( line );
            getline( line, sizeof(line), stdin, "timelimit?" );
            ld->ld_timelimit = atoi( line );
            getline( line, sizeof(line), stdin, "sizelimit?" );
            ld->ld_sizelimit = atoi( line );

            ld->ld_options = 0;

            getline( line, sizeof(line), stdin,
                     "Automatic translation of T.61 strings "
                     "(0=no, 1=yes)?" );
            if ( atoi( line ) == 0 ) {
                ld->ld_lberoptions &= ~LBER_TRANSLATE_STRINGS;
            } else {
                ld->ld_lberoptions |= LBER_TRANSLATE_STRINGS;
#ifdef LDAP_CHARSET_8859
                getline( line, sizeof(line), stdin,
                         "Translate to/from ISO-8859 "
                         "(0=no, 1=yes?" );
                if ( atoi( line ) != 0 ) {
                    ldap_set_string_translators( ld,
                                                 ldap_t61_to_8859 );
#endif /* LDAP_CHARSET_8859 */
#endif /* STR_TRANSLATION */

#ifdef LDAP_DNS
            getline( line, sizeof(line), stdin,
                     "Use DN & DNS to determine where to send "
                     "requests (0=no, 1=yes)?" );
            if ( atoi( line ) != 0 ) {
                ld->ld_options |= LDAP_OPT_DNS;
#endif /* LDAP_DNS */

            getline( line, sizeof(line), stdin,
                     "Recognize and chase referrals (0=no, 1=yes)?");
            if ( atoi( line ) != 0 ) {
                ld->ld_options |= LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS;
                getline( line, sizeof(line), stdin,
                         "Prompt for bind credentials when "
                         "chasing referrals (0=no, 1=yes)?" );
                if ( atoi( line ) != 0 ) {
                    ldap_set_rebind_proc( ld, bind_prompt );
#endif /* LDAP_REFERRALS */

        case 'O':	/* set cache options */
#ifdef NO_CACHE
            printf( NOCACHEERRMSG );
#else /* NO_CACHE */
            getline( line, sizeof(line), stdin,
                     "cache errors (0=smart, 1=never, 2=always)?" );
            switch( atoi( line )) {
            case 0:
                ldap_set_cache_options( ld, 0 );
            case 1:
                ldap_set_cache_options( ld,
                                        LDAP_CACHE_OPT_CACHENOERRS );
            case 2:
                ldap_set_cache_options( ld,
                                        LDAP_CACHE_OPT_CACHEALLERRS );
                printf( "not a valid cache option\n" );
#endif /* NO_CACHE */

        case '?':	/* help */
            printf( "Commands: [ad]d         [ab]andon         [b]ind\n" );
            printf( "          [B]ind async  [c]ompare         [l]URL search\n" );
            printf( "          [modi]fy      [modr]dn          [rem]ove\n" );
            printf( "          [res]ult      [s]earch          [q]uit/unbind\n\n" );
            printf( "          [u]fn search  [ut]fn search with timeout\n" );
            printf( "          [d]ebug       [e]nable cache    set ms[g]id\n" );
            printf( "          d[n]suffix    [t]imeout         [v]ersion\n" );
            printf( "          [U]fn prefix  [x]uncache entry  [X]uncache request\n" );
            printf( "          [?]help       [o]ptions         [O]cache options\n" );
            printf( "          [E]xplode dn  [p]arse LDAP URL\n" );

            printf( "Invalid command.  Type ? for help.\n" );

        (void) memset( line, '\0', sizeof(line) );

    return( 0 );