文件: thresh.c 项目: mrirecon/bart
static void unisoftthresh_apply(const operator_data_t* _data, float mu, complex float* dst, const complex float* src)
	const auto data = CAST_DOWN(thresh_s, _data);

	if (0. == mu) {

		md_copy(data->D, data->dim, dst, src, CFL_SIZE);

	} else {

		const long* transform_dims = linop_codomain(data->unitary_op)->dims;
		const long* transform_strs = linop_codomain(data->unitary_op)->strs;

		complex float* tmp = md_alloc_sameplace(data->D, transform_dims, CFL_SIZE, dst);

		linop_forward(data->unitary_op, data->D, transform_dims, tmp, data->D, data->dim, src);

		complex float* tmp_norm = md_alloc_sameplace(data->D, data->norm_dim, CFL_SIZE, dst);
		md_zsoftthresh_core2(data->D, transform_dims, data->lambda * mu, data->flags, tmp_norm, transform_strs, tmp, transform_strs, tmp);

		linop_adjoint(data->unitary_op, data->D, data->dim, dst, data->D, transform_dims, tmp);

文件: thresh.c 项目: mrirecon/bart
 * Proximal operator for l1-norm with unitary transform: f(x) = lambda || T x ||_1
 * @param D number of dimensions
 * @param dim dimensions of x
 * @param lambda threshold parameter
 * @param unitary_op unitary linear operator
 * @param flags bitmask for joint soft-thresholding
extern const struct operator_p_s* prox_unithresh_create(unsigned int D, const struct linop_s* unitary_op, const float lambda, const unsigned long flags)
	PTR_ALLOC(struct thresh_s, data);
	SET_TYPEID(thresh_s, data);

	data->lambda = lambda;
	data->D = D;
	data->flags = flags;
	data->unitary_op = unitary_op;

	const long* dims = linop_domain(unitary_op)->dims;

	PTR_ALLOC(long[D], ndim);
	md_copy_dims(D, *ndim, dims);
	data->dim = *PTR_PASS(ndim);

	PTR_ALLOC(long[D], nstr);
	md_calc_strides(D, *nstr, data->dim, CFL_SIZE);
	data->str = *PTR_PASS(nstr);

	// norm dimensions are the flagged transform dimensions
	// FIXME should use linop_codomain(unitary_op)->N 
	PTR_ALLOC(long[D], norm_dim);
	md_select_dims(D, ~flags, *norm_dim, linop_codomain(unitary_op)->dims);
	data->norm_dim = *PTR_PASS(norm_dim);

	return operator_p_create(D, dims, D, dims, CAST_UP(PTR_PASS(data)), unisoftthresh_apply, thresh_del);
文件: someops.c 项目: welcheb/bart
 * Efficiently chain two matrix linops by multiplying the actual matrices together.
 * Stores a copy of the new matrix.
 * Returns: C = B A
 * @param a first matrix (applied to input)
 * @param b second matrix (applied to output of first matrix)
struct linop_s* linop_matrix_chain(const struct linop_s* a, const struct linop_s* b)
	const struct operator_matrix_s* a_data = linop_get_data(a);
	const struct operator_matrix_s* b_data = linop_get_data(b);

	// check compatibility
	assert(linop_codomain(a)->N == linop_domain(b)->N);
	assert(md_calc_size(linop_codomain(a)->N, linop_codomain(a)->dims) == md_calc_size(linop_domain(b)->N, linop_domain(b)->dims));
	assert(a_data->K_dim != b_data->T_dim); // FIXME error for now -- need to deal with this specially.
	assert((a_data->T_dim == b_data->K_dim) && (a_data->T == b_data->K));

	unsigned int N = linop_domain(a)->N;

	long max_dims[N];

	md_singleton_dims(N, max_dims);
	max_dims[a_data->T_dim] = a_data->T;
	max_dims[a_data->K_dim] = a_data->K;
	max_dims[b_data->T_dim] = b_data->T;

	long matrix_dims[N];
	long matrix_strs[N];

	md_select_dims(N, ~MD_BIT(a_data->T_dim), matrix_dims, max_dims);
	md_calc_strides(N, matrix_strs, matrix_dims, CFL_SIZE);

	complex float* matrix = md_alloc_sameplace(N, matrix_dims, CFL_SIZE, a_data->mat);

	md_clear(N, matrix_dims, matrix, CFL_SIZE);
	md_zfmac2(N, max_dims, matrix_strs, matrix, a_data->mat_iovec->strs, a_data->mat, b_data->mat_iovec->strs, b_data->mat);

	struct linop_s* c = linop_matrix_create(N, linop_codomain(b)->dims, linop_domain(a)->dims, matrix_dims, matrix);


	return c;
文件: prox.c 项目: mjacob75/bart
const struct operator_p_s* prox_lineq_create(const struct linop_s* op, const complex float* y)
	PTR_ALLOC(struct prox_lineq_data, pdata);

	unsigned int N = linop_domain(op)->N;
	const long* dims = linop_domain(op)->dims;

	pdata->op = op;

	pdata->adj = md_alloc_sameplace(N, dims, CFL_SIZE, y);
	linop_adjoint(op, N, dims, pdata->adj, N, linop_codomain(op)->dims, y);

	pdata->tmp = md_alloc_sameplace(N, dims, CFL_SIZE, y);

	return operator_p_create(N, dims, N, dims, CAST_UP(PTR_PASS(pdata)), prox_lineq_apply, prox_lineq_del);
文件: iter2.c 项目: mrirecon/bart
/* Chambolle Pock Primal Dual algorithm. Solves G(x) + F(Ax)
 * Assumes that G is in prox_ops[0], F is in prox_ops[1], A is in ops[1]
void iter2_chambolle_pock(iter_conf* _conf,
		const struct operator_s* normaleq_op,
		unsigned int D,
		const struct operator_p_s* prox_ops[D],
		const struct linop_s* ops[D],
		const float* biases[D],
		const struct operator_p_s* xupdate_op,
		long size, float* image, const float* image_adj,
		struct iter_monitor_s* monitor)
	assert(D == 2);
	assert(NULL == biases);
	assert(NULL == normaleq_op);


	auto conf = CAST_DOWN(iter_chambolle_pock_conf, _conf);

	const struct iovec_s* iv = linop_domain(ops[1]);
	const struct iovec_s* ov = linop_codomain(ops[1]);

	assert((long)md_calc_size(iv->N, iv->dims) * 2 == size);

	// FIXME: sensible way to check for corrupt data?
#if 0
	float eps = md_norm(1, MD_DIMS(size), image_adj);

	if (checkeps(eps))
		goto cleanup;
	float eps = 1.;

	chambolle_pock(conf->maxiter, eps * conf->tol, conf->tau, conf->sigma, conf->theta, conf->decay, 2 * md_calc_size(iv->N, iv->dims), 2 * md_calc_size(ov->N, ov->dims), select_vecops(image),
			OPERATOR2ITOP(ops[1]->forward), OPERATOR2ITOP(ops[1]->adjoint), OPERATOR_P2ITOP(prox_ops[1]), OPERATOR_P2ITOP(prox_ops[0]), 
			image, monitor);

int main_bpsense(int argc, char* argv[])
	// -----------------------------------------------------------
	// set up conf and option parser
	struct bpsense_conf conf = bpsense_defaults;
	struct iter_admm_conf iconf = iter_admm_defaults;
	conf.iconf = &iconf;
	conf.iconf->rho = 10; // more sensibile default

	bool usegpu = false;
	const char* psf = NULL;
	const char* image_truth_fname = NULL;
	bool im_truth = false;
	bool use_tvnorm = false;

	double start_time = timestamp();

	const struct opt_s opts[] = {

		OPT_FLOAT('e', &conf.eps, "eps", "data consistency error"),
		OPT_FLOAT('r', &conf.lambda, "lambda", "l2 regularization parameter"),
		OPT_FLOAT('u', &conf.iconf->rho, "rho", "ADMM penalty parameter"),
		OPT_SET('c', &conf.rvc, "real-value constraint"),
		OPT_SET('t', &use_tvnorm, "use TV norm"),
		OPT_STRING('T', &image_truth_fname, "file", "compare to truth image"),
		OPT_UINT('i', &conf.iconf->maxiter, "iter", "max. iterations"),
		OPT_SET('g', &usegpu, "(use gpu)"),
		OPT_STRING('p', &psf, "file", "point-spread function"),

	cmdline(&argc, argv, 3, 3, usage_str, help_str, ARRAY_SIZE(opts), opts);

	if (NULL != image_truth_fname)
		im_truth = true;

	// -----------------------------------------------------------
	// load data and print some info about the recon

	int N = DIMS;

	long dims[N];
	long dims1[N];
	long img_dims[N];
	long ksp_dims[N];

	complex float* kspace_data = load_cfl(argv[1], N, ksp_dims);
	complex float* sens_maps = load_cfl(argv[2], N, dims);

	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)	// sizes2[4] may be > 1
		if (ksp_dims[i] != dims[i])
			error("Dimensions of kspace and sensitivities do not match!\n");

	assert(1 == ksp_dims[MAPS_DIM]);

	(usegpu ? num_init_gpu : num_init)();

	if (dims[MAPS_DIM] > 1) 
		debug_printf(DP_INFO, "%ld maps.\nESPIRiT reconstruction.\n", dims[4]);

	if (conf.lambda > 0.)
		debug_printf(DP_INFO, "l2 regularization: %f\n", conf.lambda);

	if (use_tvnorm)
		debug_printf(DP_INFO, "use Total Variation\n");
		debug_printf(DP_INFO, "use Wavelets\n");

	if (im_truth)
		debug_printf(DP_INFO, "Compare to truth\n");

	md_select_dims(N, ~(COIL_FLAG | MAPS_FLAG), dims1, dims);
	md_select_dims(N, ~COIL_FLAG, img_dims, dims);

	// -----------------------------------------------------------
	// initialize sampling pattern

	complex float* pattern = NULL;
	long pat_dims[N];

	if (NULL != psf) {

		pattern = load_cfl(psf, N, pat_dims);

		// FIXME: check compatibility
	} else {

		pattern = md_alloc(N, dims1, CFL_SIZE);
		estimate_pattern(N, ksp_dims, COIL_DIM, pattern, kspace_data);

	// -----------------------------------------------------------
	// print some statistics

	size_t T = md_calc_size(N, dims1);
	long samples = (long)pow(md_znorm(N, dims1, pattern), 2.);
	debug_printf(DP_INFO, "Size: %ld Samples: %ld Acc: %.2f\n", T, samples, (float)T/(float)samples); 

	// -----------------------------------------------------------
	// fftmod to un-center data
	fftmod(N, ksp_dims, FFT_FLAGS, kspace_data, kspace_data);
	fftmod(N, dims, FFT_FLAGS, sens_maps, sens_maps);

	// -----------------------------------------------------------
	// apply scaling

	float scaling = estimate_scaling(ksp_dims, NULL, kspace_data);

	debug_printf(DP_INFO, "Scaling: %f\n", scaling);

	if (scaling != 0.)
		md_zsmul(N, ksp_dims, kspace_data, kspace_data, 1. / scaling);

	// -----------------------------------------------------------
	// create l1 prox operator and transform

	long minsize[DIMS] = { [0 ... DIMS - 1] = 1 };
	minsize[0] = MIN(img_dims[0], 16);
	minsize[1] = MIN(img_dims[1], 16);
	minsize[2] = MIN(img_dims[2], 16);

	const struct linop_s* l1op = NULL;
	const struct operator_p_s* l1prox = NULL;

	if (use_tvnorm) {

		l1op = grad_init(DIMS, img_dims, FFT_FLAGS);
		l1prox = prox_thresh_create(DIMS + 1, linop_codomain(l1op)->dims, 1., 0u, usegpu);
		conf.l1op_obj = l1op;

	} else {

		bool randshift = true;
		l1op = linop_identity_create(DIMS, img_dims);
		conf.l1op_obj = wavelet_create(DIMS, img_dims, FFT_FLAGS, minsize, false, usegpu);
		l1prox = prox_wavethresh_create(DIMS, img_dims, FFT_FLAGS, minsize, 1., randshift, usegpu);

	// -----------------------------------------------------------
	// create image and load truth image
	complex float* image = create_cfl(argv[3], N, img_dims);
	md_clear(N, img_dims, image, CFL_SIZE);

	long img_truth_dims[DIMS];
	complex float* image_truth = NULL;

	if (im_truth)
		image_truth = load_cfl(image_truth_fname, DIMS, img_truth_dims);

	// -----------------------------------------------------------
	// call recon
	if (usegpu) 
#ifdef USE_CUDA
		bpsense_recon_gpu(&conf, dims, image, sens_maps, dims1, pattern, l1op, l1prox, ksp_dims, kspace_data, image_truth);
文件: someops.c 项目: hcmh/bart
 * Efficiently chain two matrix linops by multiplying the actual matrices together.
 * Stores a copy of the new matrix.
 * Returns: C = B A
 * @param a first matrix (applied to input)
 * @param b second matrix (applied to output of first matrix)
struct linop_s* linop_matrix_chain(const struct linop_s* a, const struct linop_s* b)
	const struct operator_matrix_s* a_data = CAST_DOWN(operator_matrix_s, linop_get_data(a));
	const struct operator_matrix_s* b_data = CAST_DOWN(operator_matrix_s, linop_get_data(b));

	// check compatibility
	assert(linop_codomain(a)->N == linop_domain(b)->N);
	assert(md_check_compat(linop_codomain(a)->N, 0u, linop_codomain(a)->dims, linop_domain(b)->dims));

	unsigned int D = linop_domain(a)->N;

	unsigned long outB_flags = md_nontriv_dims(D, linop_codomain(b)->dims);
	unsigned long inB_flags = md_nontriv_dims(D, linop_domain(b)->dims);

	unsigned long delB_flags = inB_flags & ~outB_flags;

	unsigned int N = a_data->N;
	assert(N == 2 * D);

	long in_dims[N];
	md_copy_dims(N, in_dims, a_data->in_dims);

	long matA_dims[N];
	md_copy_dims(N, matA_dims, a_data->mat_dims);

	long matB_dims[N];
	md_copy_dims(N, matB_dims, b_data->mat_dims);

	long out_dims[N];
	md_copy_dims(N, out_dims, b_data->out_dims);

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < D; i++) {

		if (MD_IS_SET(delB_flags, i)) {

			matA_dims[2 * i + 0] = a_data->mat_dims[2 * i + 1];
			matA_dims[2 * i + 1] = a_data->mat_dims[2 * i + 0];

			in_dims[2 * i + 0] = a_data->in_dims[2 * i + 1];
			in_dims[2 * i + 1] = a_data->in_dims[2 * i + 0];

	long matrix_dims[N];
	md_singleton_dims(N, matrix_dims);

	unsigned long iflags = md_nontriv_dims(N, in_dims);
	unsigned long oflags = md_nontriv_dims(N, out_dims);
	unsigned long flags = iflags | oflags;

	// we combine a and b and sum over dims not in input or output

	md_max_dims(N, flags, matrix_dims, matA_dims, matB_dims);

	debug_printf(DP_DEBUG1, "tensor chain: %ld x %ld -> %ld\n",
			md_calc_size(N, matA_dims), md_calc_size(N, matB_dims), md_calc_size(N, matrix_dims));

	complex float* matrix = md_alloc(N, matrix_dims, CFL_SIZE);

	debug_print_dims(DP_DEBUG2, N, matrix_dims);
	debug_print_dims(DP_DEBUG2, N, in_dims);
	debug_print_dims(DP_DEBUG2, N, matA_dims);
	debug_print_dims(DP_DEBUG2, N, matB_dims);
	debug_print_dims(DP_DEBUG2, N, out_dims);

	md_ztenmul(N, matrix_dims, matrix, matA_dims, a_data->mat, matB_dims, b_data->mat);

	// priv2 takes our doubled dimensions

	struct operator_matrix_s* data = linop_matrix_priv2(N, out_dims, in_dims, matrix_dims, matrix);

	/* although we internally use different dimensions we define the
	 * correct interface
	struct linop_s* c = linop_create(linop_codomain(b)->N, linop_codomain(b)->dims,
			linop_domain(a)->N, linop_domain(a)->dims, CAST_UP(data),
			linop_matrix_apply, linop_matrix_apply_adjoint,
			linop_matrix_apply_normal, NULL, linop_matrix_del);


	return c;
文件: optreg.c 项目: welcheb/bart
void opt_reg_configure(unsigned int N, const long img_dims[N], struct opt_reg_s* ropts, const struct operator_p_s* prox_ops[NUM_REGS], const struct linop_s* trafos[NUM_REGS], unsigned int llr_blk, bool randshift, bool use_gpu)
	float lambda = ropts->lambda;

	if (-1. == lambda)
		lambda = 0.;

	// if no penalities specified but regularization
	// parameter is given, add a l2 penalty

	struct reg_s* regs = ropts->regs;

	if ((0 == ropts->r) && (lambda > 0.)) {

		regs[0].xform = L2IMG;
		regs[0].xflags = 0u;
		regs[0].jflags = 0u;
		regs[0].lambda = lambda;
		ropts->r = 1;

	int nr_penalties = ropts->r;
	long blkdims[MAX_LEV][DIMS];
	int levels;

	for (int nr = 0; nr < nr_penalties; nr++) {

		// fix up regularization parameter
		if (-1. == regs[nr].lambda)
			regs[nr].lambda = lambda;

		switch (regs[nr].xform) {

			case L1WAV:
				debug_printf(DP_INFO, "l1-wavelet regularization: %f\n", regs[nr].lambda);

				if (0 != regs[nr].jflags)
					debug_printf(DP_WARN, "joint l1-wavelet thresholding not currently supported.\n");

				long minsize[DIMS] = { [0 ... DIMS - 1] = 1 };
				minsize[0] = MIN(img_dims[0], 16);
				minsize[1] = MIN(img_dims[1], 16);
				minsize[2] = MIN(img_dims[2], 16);

				unsigned int wflags = 0;
				for (unsigned int i = 0; i < DIMS; i++) {

					if ((1 < img_dims[i]) && MD_IS_SET(regs[nr].xflags, i)) {

						wflags = MD_SET(wflags, i);
						minsize[i] = MIN(img_dims[i], 16);

				trafos[nr] = linop_identity_create(DIMS, img_dims);
				prox_ops[nr] = prox_wavelet3_thresh_create(DIMS, img_dims, wflags, minsize, regs[nr].lambda, randshift);

			case TV:
				debug_printf(DP_INFO, "TV regularization: %f\n", regs[nr].lambda);

				trafos[nr] = linop_grad_create(DIMS, img_dims, regs[nr].xflags);
				prox_ops[nr] = prox_thresh_create(DIMS + 1,
						regs[nr].lambda, regs[nr].jflags | MD_BIT(DIMS), use_gpu);

			case LLR:
				debug_printf(DP_INFO, "lowrank regularization: %f\n", regs[nr].lambda);

				// add locally lowrank penalty
				levels = llr_blkdims(blkdims, regs[nr].jflags, img_dims, llr_blk);

				assert(1 == levels);
				assert(levels == img_dims[LEVEL_DIM]);

				for(int l = 0; l < levels; l++)
#if 0
					blkdims[l][MAPS_DIM] = img_dims[MAPS_DIM];
				blkdims[l][MAPS_DIM] = 1;

				int remove_mean = 0;

				trafos[nr] = linop_identity_create(DIMS, img_dims);
				prox_ops[nr] = lrthresh_create(img_dims, randshift, regs[nr].xflags, (const long (*)[DIMS])blkdims, regs[nr].lambda, false, remove_mean, use_gpu);

			case MLR:
#if 0
				// FIXME: multiscale low rank changes the output image dimensions 
				// and requires the forward linear operator. This should be decoupled...
				debug_printf(DP_INFO, "multi-scale lowrank regularization: %f\n", regs[nr].lambda);

				levels = multilr_blkdims(blkdims, regs[nr].jflags, img_dims, 8, 1);

				img_dims[LEVEL_DIM] = levels;
				max_dims[LEVEL_DIM] = levels;

				for(int l = 0; l < levels; l++)
					blkdims[l][MAPS_DIM] = 1;

				trafos[nr] = linop_identity_create(DIMS, img_dims);
				prox_ops[nr] = lrthresh_create(img_dims, randshift, regs[nr].xflags, (const long (*)[DIMS])blkdims, regs[nr].lambda, false, 0, use_gpu);

				const struct linop_s* decom_op = sum_create( img_dims, use_gpu );
				const struct linop_s* tmp_op = forward_op;
				forward_op = linop_chain(decom_op, forward_op);

				debug_printf(DP_WARN, "multi-scale lowrank regularization not yet supported: %f\n", regs[nr].lambda);


			case IMAGL1:
				debug_printf(DP_INFO, "l1 regularization of imaginary part: %f\n", regs[nr].lambda);

				trafos[nr] = linop_rdiag_create(DIMS, img_dims, 0, &(complex float){ 1.i });
				prox_ops[nr] = prox_thresh_create(DIMS, img_dims, regs[nr].lambda, regs[nr].jflags, use_gpu);

			case IMAGL2:
				debug_printf(DP_INFO, "l2 regularization of imaginary part: %f\n", regs[nr].lambda);

				trafos[nr] = linop_rdiag_create(DIMS, img_dims, 0, &(complex float){ 1.i });
				prox_ops[nr] = prox_leastsquares_create(DIMS, img_dims, regs[nr].lambda, NULL);

			case L1IMG:
				debug_printf(DP_INFO, "l1 regularization: %f\n", regs[nr].lambda);

				trafos[nr] = linop_identity_create(DIMS, img_dims);
				prox_ops[nr] = prox_thresh_create(DIMS, img_dims, regs[nr].lambda, regs[nr].jflags, use_gpu);

			case L2IMG:
				debug_printf(DP_INFO, "l2 regularization: %f\n", regs[nr].lambda);

				trafos[nr] = linop_identity_create(DIMS, img_dims);
				prox_ops[nr] = prox_leastsquares_create(DIMS, img_dims, regs[nr].lambda, NULL);

			case FTL1:
				debug_printf(DP_INFO, "l1 regularization of Fourier transform: %f\n", regs[nr].lambda);

				trafos[nr] = linop_fft_create(DIMS, img_dims, regs[nr].xflags);
				prox_ops[nr] = prox_thresh_create(DIMS, img_dims, regs[nr].lambda, regs[nr].jflags, use_gpu);
void iter2_admm(void* _conf,
		const struct operator_s* normaleq_op,
		unsigned int D,
		const struct operator_p_s** prox_ops,
		const struct linop_s** ops,
		const struct operator_p_s* xupdate_op,
		long size, float* image, const float* image_adj,
		const float* image_truth,
		void* obj_eval_data,
		float (*obj_eval)(const void*, const float*))
	struct iter_admm_conf* conf = _conf;

	struct admm_plan_s admm_plan = {

		.maxiter = conf->maxiter,
		.maxitercg = conf->maxitercg,
		.rho = conf->rho,
		.image_truth = image_truth,
		.num_funs = D,
		.do_warmstart = conf->do_warmstart,
		.dynamic_rho = conf->dynamic_rho,
		.hogwild = conf->hogwild,
		.ABSTOL = conf->ABSTOL,
		.RELTOL = conf->RELTOL,
		.alpha = conf->alpha,
		.tau = conf->tau,
		.mu = conf->mu,
		.fast = conf->fast,

	struct admm_op a_ops[D];
	struct admm_prox_op a_prox_ops[D];

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < D; i++) {

		a_ops[i].forward = linop_forward_iter;
		a_ops[i].normal = linop_normal_iter;
		a_ops[i].adjoint =  linop_adjoint_iter;
		a_ops[i].data = (void*)ops[i];

		a_prox_ops[i].prox_fun = operator_p_iter;
		a_prox_ops[i].data = (void*)prox_ops[i];

	admm_plan.ops = a_ops;
	admm_plan.prox_ops = a_prox_ops;

	admm_plan.xupdate_fun = operator_p_iter;
	admm_plan.xupdate_data = (void*)xupdate_op;

	struct admm_history_s admm_history;

	long z_dims[D];

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < D; i++)
		z_dims[i] = 2 * md_calc_size(linop_codomain(ops[i])->N, linop_codomain(ops[i])->dims);

	if (NULL != image_adj) {

		float eps = md_norm(1, MD_DIMS(size), image_adj);

		if (checkeps(eps))
			goto cleanup;

	admm(&admm_history, &admm_plan, admm_plan.num_funs, z_dims, size, (float*)image, image_adj, select_vecops(image), operator_iter, (void*)normaleq_op, obj_eval_data, obj_eval);



void iter2_pocs(void* _conf,
		const struct operator_s* normaleq_op,
		unsigned int D,
		const struct operator_p_s** prox_ops,
		const struct linop_s** ops,
		const struct operator_p_s* xupdate_op,
		long size, float* image, const float* image_adj,
		const float* image_truth,
		void* obj_eval_data,
		float (*obj_eval)(const void*, const float*))

	const struct iter_pocs_conf* conf = _conf;

	assert(NULL == normaleq_op);
	assert(NULL == ops);
	assert(NULL == image_adj);

	struct pocs_proj_op proj_ops[D];

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < D; i++) {

		proj_ops[i].proj_fun = operator_p_iter;
		proj_ops[i].data = (void*)prox_ops[i];

	pocs(conf->maxiter, D, proj_ops, select_vecops(image), size, image, image_truth, obj_eval_data, obj_eval);

void iter2_call_iter(void* _conf,
		const struct operator_s* normaleq_op,
		unsigned int D,
		const struct operator_p_s** prox_ops,
		const struct linop_s** ops,
		const struct operator_p_s* xupdate_op,
		long size, float* image, const float* image_adj,
		const float* image_truth,
		void* obj_eval_data,
		float (*obj_eval)(const void*, const float*))
	assert(D <= 1);
	assert(NULL == ops);


	struct iter_call_s* it = _conf;
	it->fun(it->_conf, normaleq_op, (1 == D) ? prox_ops[0] : NULL,
		size, image, image_adj,
		image_truth, obj_eval_data, obj_eval);
文件: iter2.c 项目: mrirecon/bart
void iter2_niht(iter_conf* _conf,
		const struct operator_s* normaleq_op,
		unsigned int D,
		const struct operator_p_s* prox_ops[D],
		const struct linop_s* ops[D],
		const float* biases[D],
		const struct operator_p_s* xupdate_op,
		long size, float* image, const float* image_adj,
		struct iter_monitor_s* monitor)

	assert(D == 1);
	auto conf = CAST_DOWN(iter_niht_conf, _conf);
	struct niht_conf_s niht_conf = {
		.maxiter = conf->maxiter,
		.N = size,
		.trans = 0,
		.do_warmstart = conf->do_warmstart,

	struct niht_transop trans;

	if (NULL != ops) {

		trans.forward = OPERATOR2ITOP(ops[0]->forward);
		trans.adjoint = OPERATOR2ITOP(ops[0]->adjoint);
		trans.N = 2 * md_calc_size(linop_codomain(ops[0])->N, linop_codomain(ops[0])->dims);
		niht_conf.trans = 1;
	float eps = md_norm(1, MD_DIMS(size), image_adj);

	if (checkeps(eps))
		goto cleanup;
	niht_conf.epsilon = eps * conf->tol;

	niht(&niht_conf, &trans, select_vecops(image_adj), OPERATOR2ITOP(normaleq_op), OPERATOR_P2ITOP(prox_ops[0]), image, image_adj, monitor);

void iter2_call_iter(iter_conf* _conf,
		const struct operator_s* normaleq_op,
		unsigned int D,
		const struct operator_p_s* prox_ops[D],
		const struct linop_s* ops[D],
		const float* biases[D],
		const struct operator_p_s* xupdate_op,
		long size, float* image, const float* image_adj,
		struct iter_monitor_s* monitor)
	assert(D <= 1);
	assert(NULL == ops);
	assert(NULL == biases);


	auto it = CAST_DOWN(iter_call_s, _conf);

	it->fun(it->_conf, normaleq_op, (1 == D) ? prox_ops[0] : NULL,
		size, image, image_adj, monitor);
文件: iter2.c 项目: mrirecon/bart
void iter2_admm(iter_conf* _conf,
		const struct operator_s* normaleq_op,
		unsigned int D,
		const struct operator_p_s* prox_ops[D],
		const struct linop_s* ops[D],
		const float* biases[D],
		const struct operator_p_s* xupdate_op,
		long size, float* image, const float* image_adj,
		struct iter_monitor_s* monitor)
	auto conf = CAST_DOWN(iter_admm_conf, _conf);

	struct admm_plan_s admm_plan = {

		.maxiter = conf->maxiter,
		.maxitercg = conf->maxitercg,
		.cg_eps = conf->cg_eps,
		.rho = conf->rho,
		.num_funs = D,
		.do_warmstart = conf->do_warmstart,
		.dynamic_rho = conf->dynamic_rho,
		.dynamic_tau = conf->dynamic_tau,
		.relative_norm = conf->relative_norm,
		.hogwild = conf->hogwild,
		.ABSTOL = conf->ABSTOL,
		.RELTOL = conf->RELTOL,
		.alpha = conf->alpha,
		.tau = conf->tau,
		.tau_max = conf->tau_max,
		.mu = conf->mu,
		.fast = conf->fast,
		.biases = biases,

	struct admm_op a_ops[D ?:1];
	struct iter_op_p_s a_prox_ops[D ?:1];

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < D; i++) {

		a_ops[i].forward = OPERATOR2ITOP(ops[i]->forward),
		a_ops[i].normal = OPERATOR2ITOP(ops[i]->normal);
		a_ops[i].adjoint = OPERATOR2ITOP(ops[i]->adjoint);

		a_prox_ops[i] = OPERATOR_P2ITOP(prox_ops[i]);

	admm_plan.ops = a_ops;
	admm_plan.prox_ops = a_prox_ops;

	admm_plan.xupdate = OPERATOR_P2ITOP(xupdate_op);

	long z_dims[D ?: 1];

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < D; i++)
		z_dims[i] = 2 * md_calc_size(linop_codomain(ops[i])->N, linop_codomain(ops[i])->dims);

	if (NULL != image_adj) {

		float eps = md_norm(1, MD_DIMS(size), image_adj);

		if (checkeps(eps))
			goto cleanup;

	admm(&admm_plan, admm_plan.num_funs, z_dims, size, (float*)image, image_adj, select_vecops(image), OPERATOR2ITOP(normaleq_op), monitor);



void iter2_pocs(iter_conf* _conf,
		const struct operator_s* normaleq_op,
		unsigned int D,
		const struct operator_p_s* prox_ops[D],
		const struct linop_s* ops[D],
		const float* biases[D],
		const struct operator_p_s* xupdate_op,
		long size, float* image, const float* image_adj,
		struct iter_monitor_s* monitor)
	auto conf = CAST_DOWN(iter_pocs_conf, _conf);

	assert(NULL == normaleq_op);
	assert(NULL == ops);
	assert(NULL == biases);
	assert(NULL == image_adj);

	struct iter_op_p_s proj_ops[D];

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < D; i++)
		proj_ops[i] = OPERATOR_P2ITOP(prox_ops[i]);

	pocs(conf->maxiter, D, proj_ops, select_vecops(image), size, image, monitor);