文件: kvmetis.c 项目: cran/BigQuic
* This function is the entry point for KWMETIS
void METIS_WPartGraphVKway(int *nvtxs, idxtype *xadj, idxtype *adjncy, idxtype *vwgt, 
                          idxtype *vsize, int *wgtflag, int *numflag, int *nparts, 
                          float *tpwgts, int *options, int *volume, idxtype *part)
  int i, j;
  GraphType graph;
  CtrlType ctrl;

  if (*numflag == 1)
    Change2CNumbering(*nvtxs, xadj, adjncy);

  VolSetUpGraph(&graph, OP_KVMETIS, *nvtxs, 1, xadj, adjncy, vwgt, vsize, *wgtflag);

  if (options[0] == 0) {  /* Use the default parameters */
    ctrl.CType = KVMETIS_CTYPE;
    ctrl.IType = KVMETIS_ITYPE;
    ctrl.RType = KVMETIS_RTYPE;
    ctrl.dbglvl = KVMETIS_DBGLVL;
  else {
    ctrl.CType = options[OPTION_CTYPE];
    ctrl.IType = options[OPTION_ITYPE];
    ctrl.RType = options[OPTION_RTYPE];
    ctrl.dbglvl = options[OPTION_DBGLVL];
  ctrl.optype = OP_KVMETIS;
  ctrl.CoarsenTo = amax((*nvtxs)/(40*log2_metis(*nparts)), 20*(*nparts));
  ctrl.maxvwgt = (int) 1.5*((graph.vwgt ? idxsum(*nvtxs, graph.vwgt) : (*nvtxs))/ctrl.CoarsenTo);


  AllocateWorkSpace(&ctrl, &graph, *nparts);

  IFSET(ctrl.dbglvl, DBG_TIME, InitTimers(&ctrl));
  IFSET(ctrl.dbglvl, DBG_TIME, starttimer(ctrl.TotalTmr));

  *volume = MlevelVolKWayPartitioning(&ctrl, &graph, *nparts, part, tpwgts, 1.03);

  IFSET(ctrl.dbglvl, DBG_TIME, stoptimer(ctrl.TotalTmr));
  IFSET(ctrl.dbglvl, DBG_TIME, PrintTimers(&ctrl));

  FreeWorkSpace(&ctrl, &graph);

  if (*numflag == 1)
    Change2FNumbering(*nvtxs, xadj, adjncy, part);
* multi-level weighted kernel k-means main function
Graclus normalizedCut(char* filename, int nparts)
  Graclus ncData;
  int options[11];
  idxtype *part;  // cluster result stored in array part
  float rubvec[MAXNCON], lbvec[MAXNCON];
  GraphType graph;
  int numflag = 0, wgtflag = 0, edgecut, chain_length = 0;
  int no_args = 1, levels = 0;

  no_args = 0;
  if (nparts < 2) 
    printf("The number of partitions should be greater than 1!\n");

  ReadGraph(&graph, filename, &wgtflag);
  if (graph.nvtxs <= 0) 
    puts("Empty graph. Nothing to do.\n");

	levels = amax((graph.nvtxs)/(40*log2_metis(nparts)), 20*(nparts));
  // if(graph.ncon > 1)
  //   printf("  Balancing Constraints: %d\n", graph.ncon);

  part = idxmalloc(graph.nvtxs, "main: part");
  options[0] = 0;

  // printf("#Clusters: %d\n", nparts);
  if (graph.ncon == 1) 
    MLKKM_PartGraphKway(&graph.nvtxs, graph.xadj, graph.adjncy, graph.vwgt, graph.adjwgt, 
			  &wgtflag, &numflag, &nparts, &chain_length, options, &edgecut, part, levels);
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < graph.ncon; i++)
      rubvec[i] = HORIZONTAL_IMBALANCE;

  ComputePartitionBalance(&graph, nparts, part, lbvec);
  ComputeNCut(&graph, part, nparts);
  //for(int i = 0; i < graph.nvtxs; i++) printf("%d\n", part[i]);
  //int clusterNum = graph.nvtxs;

  ncData.part = part;
  ncData.clusterNum = graph.nvtxs;

  //GKfree((void **) &graph.xadj, (void **) &graph.adjncy, (void **) &graph.vwgt, (void **) &graph.adjwgt, (void **) &part, LTERM);
  GKfree((void **) &graph.xadj, (void **) &graph.adjncy, (void **) &graph.vwgt, (void **) &graph.adjwgt, LTERM);  

  return ncData;