文件: spell.c 项目: FredrIQ/nhfourk
static void
    int loglev = 0;
    int l = u.ulevel;
    int natac = get_player_ac() + u.uspellprot;
    int gain;

    /* loglev=log2(u.ulevel)+1 (1..5) */
    while (l) {
        l /= 2;

     * The more u.uspellprot you already have, the less you get,
     * and the better your natural ac, the less you get.
     *	LEVEL AC    SPELLPROT from sucessive SPE_PROTECTION casts
     *      1     10    0,  1,  2,  3,  4
     *      1      0    0,  1,  2,  3
     *      1    -10    0,  1,  2
     *      2-3   10    0,  2,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8
     *      2-3    0    0,  2,  4,  5,  6
     *      2-3  -10    0,  2,  3,  4
     *      4-7   10    0,  3,  6,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12
     *      4-7    0    0,  3,  5,  7,  8,  9
     *      4-7  -10    0,  3,  5,  6
     *      7-15 -10    0,  3,  5,  6
     *      8-15  10    0,  4,  7, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
     *      8-15   0    0,  4,  7,  9, 10, 11, 12
     *      8-15 -10    0,  4,  6,  7,  8
     *     16-30  10    0,  5,  9, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
     *     16-30   0    0,  5,  9, 11, 13, 14, 15
     *     16-30 -10    0,  5,  8,  9, 10
    gain = loglev - (int)u.uspellprot / (4 - min(3, (10 - natac) / 10));

    if (gain > 0) {
        if (!Blind) {
            const char *hgolden = hcolor("golden");

            if (u.uspellprot)
                pline("The %s haze around you becomes more dense.", hgolden);
                pline("The %s around you begins to shimmer with %s haze.",
                      (Underwater || Is_waterlevel(&u.uz)) ? "water" :
                      Engulfed ? mbodypart(u.ustuck, STOMACH) :
                      IS_STWALL(level->locations[u.ux][u.uy].typ) ? "stone" :
        u.uspellprot += gain;
        u.uspmtime =
            P_SKILL(spell_skilltype(SPE_PROTECTION)) == P_EXPERT ? 20 : 10;
        if (!u.usptime)
            u.usptime = u.uspmtime;
    } else {
        pline("Your %s feels warm for a moment.", body_part(SKIN));
const char *body_part(int part)
	return mbodypart(&youmonst, part);
/* the tsurugi of muramasa or vorpal blade hit someone */
static boolean artifact_hit_behead(struct monst *magr, struct monst *mdef,
			           struct obj *otmp, int *dmgptr, int dieroll)
    boolean youattack = (magr == &youmonst);
    boolean youdefend = (mdef == &youmonst);
    boolean vis = (!youattack && magr && cansee(magr->mx, magr->my))
	|| (!youdefend && cansee(mdef->mx, mdef->my))
	|| (youattack && u.uswallow && mdef == u.ustuck && !Blind);
    const char *wepdesc;
    char hittee[BUFSZ];

    strcpy(hittee, youdefend ? "you" : mon_nam(mdef));
    /* We really want "on a natural 20" but Nethack does it in reverse from AD&D. */
    if (otmp->oartifact == ART_TSURUGI_OF_MURAMASA && dieroll == 1) {
	wepdesc = "The razor-sharp blade";
	/* not really beheading, but so close, why add another SPFX */
	if (youattack && u.uswallow && mdef == u.ustuck) {
	    pline("You slice %s wide open!", mon_nam(mdef));
	    *dmgptr = 2 * mdef->mhp + FATAL_DAMAGE_MODIFIER;
	    return TRUE;
	if (!youdefend) {
		/* allow normal cutworm() call to add extra damage */
		if (notonhead)
		    return FALSE;

		if (bigmonst(mdef->data)) {
			if (youattack)
				pline("You slice deeply into %s!",
			else if (vis)
				pline("%s cuts deeply into %s!",
					Monnam(magr), hittee);
			*dmgptr *= 2;
			return TRUE;
		*dmgptr = 2 * mdef->mhp + FATAL_DAMAGE_MODIFIER;
		pline("%s cuts %s in half!", wepdesc, mon_nam(mdef));
		otmp->dknown = TRUE;
		return TRUE;
	} else {
		if (bigmonst(youmonst.data)) {
			pline("%s cuts deeply into you!",
				magr ? Monnam(magr) : wepdesc);
			*dmgptr *= 2;
			return TRUE;

		/* Players with negative AC's take less damage instead
		    * of just not getting hit.  We must add a large enough
		    * value to the damage so that this reduction in
		    * damage does not prevent death.
		*dmgptr = 2 * (Upolyd ? u.mh : u.uhp) + FATAL_DAMAGE_MODIFIER;
		pline("%s cuts you in half!", wepdesc);
		otmp->dknown = TRUE;
		return TRUE;
    } else if (otmp->oartifact == ART_VORPAL_BLADE &&
		(dieroll == 1 || mdef->data == &mons[PM_JABBERWOCK])) {
	static const char * const behead_msg[2] = {
		"%s beheads %s!",
		"%s decapitates %s!"

	if (youattack && u.uswallow && mdef == u.ustuck)
		return FALSE;
	wepdesc = artilist[ART_VORPAL_BLADE].name;
	if (!youdefend) {
		if (!has_head(mdef->data) || notonhead || u.uswallow) {
			if (youattack)
				pline("Somehow, you miss %s wildly.",
			else if (vis)
				pline("Somehow, %s misses wildly.",
			*dmgptr = 0;
			return (boolean)(youattack || vis);
		if (noncorporeal(mdef->data) || amorphous(mdef->data)) {
			pline("%s slices through %s %s.", wepdesc,
			return TRUE;
		*dmgptr = 2 * mdef->mhp + FATAL_DAMAGE_MODIFIER;
			wepdesc, mon_nam(mdef));
		otmp->dknown = TRUE;
		return TRUE;
	} else {
		if (!has_head(youmonst.data)) {
			pline("Somehow, %s misses you wildly.",
				magr ? mon_nam(magr) : wepdesc);
			*dmgptr = 0;
			return TRUE;
		if (noncorporeal(youmonst.data) || amorphous(youmonst.data)) {
			pline("%s slices through your %s.",
				wepdesc, body_part(NECK));
			return TRUE;
		*dmgptr = 2 * (Upolyd ? u.mh : u.uhp)
			wepdesc, "you");
		otmp->dknown = TRUE;
		/* Should amulets fall off? */
		return TRUE;
    return FALSE;