void ifaGroup::verifyFactorNames(SEXP mat, const char *matName)
	static const char *dimname[] = { "row", "col" };

	SEXP dimnames;
	Rf_protect(dimnames = Rf_getAttrib(mat, R_DimNamesSymbol));
	if (!Rf_isNull(dimnames) && Rf_length(dimnames) == 2) {
		for (int dx=0; dx < 2; ++dx) {
			SEXP names;
			Rf_protect(names = VECTOR_ELT(dimnames, dx));
			if (!Rf_length(names)) continue;
			if (int(factorNames.size()) != Rf_length(names)) {
				mxThrow("%s %snames must be length %d",
					 matName, dimname[dx], (int) factorNames.size());
			int nlen = Rf_length(names);
			for (int nx=0; nx < nlen; ++nx) {
				const char *name = CHAR(STRING_ELT(names, nx));
				if (strEQ(factorNames[nx].c_str(), name)) continue;
				mxThrow("%s %snames[%d] is '%s', does not match factor name '%s'",
					 matName, dimname[dx], 1+nx, name, factorNames[nx].c_str());
	// Does vector=TRUE mean something sensible? Mixture of mixtures?
	void state::init()
		auto *oo = this;
		auto *ms = this;
		if (!oo->expectation) { mxThrow("%s requires an expectation", oo->fitType); }

		oo->units = FIT_UNITS_MINUS2LL;
		oo->canDuplicate = true;

		omxState *currentState = oo->matrix->currentState;
		const char *myex1 = "MxExpectationHiddenMarkov";
		const char *myex2 = "MxExpectationMixture";
		if (!expectation || !(strEQ(expectation->expType, myex1) ||
				      strEQ(expectation->expType, myex2)))
			mxThrow("%s must be paired with %s or %s", oo->name(), myex1, myex2);

		ProtectedSEXP Rverbose(R_do_slot(oo->rObj, Rf_install("verbose")));
		ms->verbose = Rf_asInteger(Rverbose);

		ProtectedSEXP Rcomponents(R_do_slot(oo->rObj, Rf_install("components")));
		int nc = Rf_length(Rcomponents);
		int *cvec = INTEGER(Rcomponents);
		for (int cx=0; cx < nc; ++cx) {
			omxMatrix *fmat = currentState->algebraList[ cvec[cx] ];
			if (fmat->fitFunction) {
				auto ff = fmat->fitFunction;
				if (ff->units != FIT_UNITS_PROBABILITY) {
					omxRaiseErrorf("%s: component %s must be in probability units",
						       oo->name(), ff->name());
				if (componentUnits == FIT_UNITS_UNINITIALIZED) {
					componentUnits = ff->units;
				} else if (ff->units != componentUnits) {
					omxRaiseErrorf("%s: components with heterogenous units %s and %s in same mixture",
						       oo->name(), fitUnitsToName(ff->units), fitUnitsToName(componentUnits));
		if (componentUnits == FIT_UNITS_UNINITIALIZED) componentUnits = FIT_UNITS_PROBABILITY;

		ms->initial = expectation->getComponent("initial");
		ms->transition = expectation->getComponent("transition");
void ifaGroup::setMinItemsPerScore(int mips)
	if (numItems() && mips > numItems()) {
		mxThrow("minItemsPerScore (=%d) cannot be larger than the number of items (=%d)",
			 mips, numItems());
	minItemsPerScore = mips;
void ba81NormalQuad::layer::detectTwoTier(Eigen::ArrayBase<T1> &param,
					  Eigen::MatrixBase<T2> &mean, Eigen::MatrixBase<T3> &cov)
	if (mean.rows() < 3) return;

	std::vector<int> orthogonal;

	Eigen::Matrix<Eigen::DenseIndex, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>
		numCov((cov.array() != 0.0).matrix().colwise().count());
	std::vector<int> candidate;
	for (int fx=0; fx < numCov.rows(); ++fx) {
		if (numCov(fx) == 1) candidate.push_back(fx);
	if (candidate.size() > 1) {
		std::vector<bool> mask(numItems());
		for (int cx=candidate.size() - 1; cx >= 0; --cx) {
			std::vector<bool> loading(numItems());
			for (int ix=0; ix < numItems(); ++ix) {
				loading[ix] = param(candidate[cx], itemsMap[ix]) != 0;
			std::vector<bool> overlap(loading.size());
			std::transform(loading.begin(), loading.end(),
				       mask.begin(), overlap.begin(),
			if (std::find(overlap.begin(), overlap.end(), true) == overlap.end()) {
				std::transform(loading.begin(), loading.end(),
					       mask.begin(), mask.begin(),
	std::reverse(orthogonal.begin(), orthogonal.end());

	if (orthogonal.size() == 1) orthogonal.clear();
	if (orthogonal.size() && orthogonal[0] != mean.rows() - int(orthogonal.size())) {
		mxThrow("Independent specific factors must be given after general dense factors");

	numSpecific = orthogonal.size();

	if (numSpecific) {
		Sgroup.assign(numItems(), 0);
		for (int ix=0; ix < numItems(); ix++) {
			for (int dx=orthogonal[0]; dx < mean.rows(); ++dx) {
				if (param(dx, itemsMap[ix]) != 0) {
					Sgroup[ix] = dx - orthogonal[0];
		//Eigen::Map< Eigen::ArrayXi > foo(Sgroup.data(), param.cols());
		//mxPrintMat("sgroup", foo);
void FitMultigroup::init()
	auto *oo = this;
	FitMultigroup *mg =this;

	SEXP rObj = oo->rObj;
	if (!rObj) return;

	if (mg->fits.size()) return; // hack to prevent double initialization, remove TOOD

	oo->gradientAvailable = TRUE;
	oo->hessianAvailable = TRUE;
	oo->canDuplicate = true;

	omxState *os = oo->matrix->currentState;

	ProtectedSEXP Rverb(R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("verbose")));
	mg->verbose = Rf_asInteger(Rverb);

	ProtectedSEXP Rgroups(R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("groups")));
	int *fits = INTEGER(Rgroups);
	for(int gx = 0; gx < Rf_length(Rgroups); gx++) {
		if (isErrorRaised()) break;
		omxMatrix *mat;
		if (fits[gx] >= 0) {
			mat = os->algebraList[fits[gx]];
		} else {
			mxThrow("Can only add algebra and fitfunction");
		if (mat == oo->matrix) mxThrow("Cannot add multigroup to itself");
		if (mat->fitFunction) {
			oo->gradientAvailable = (oo->gradientAvailable && mat->fitFunction->gradientAvailable);
			oo->hessianAvailable = (oo->hessianAvailable && mat->fitFunction->hessianAvailable);
		} else {
			oo->gradientAvailable = FALSE;
			oo->hessianAvailable = FALSE;
/* MX_OVERRIDDEN */ void mx::FileStream::Flush(void)

    if (EOF == fflush(m_hFileDescriptor))
        // We cannot reach eof during write (check it).
        // File I/O error other than EOF.
void ifaGroup::importSpec(SEXP slotValue)
	for (int sx=0; sx < Rf_length(slotValue); ++sx) {
		SEXP model = VECTOR_ELT(slotValue, sx);
		if (!OBJECT(model)) {
			mxThrow("Item models must inherit rpf.base");
		SEXP Rspec;
		ScopedProtect p1(Rspec, R_do_slot(model, Rf_install("spec")));


	impliedParamRows = 0;
	totalOutcomes = 0;
	maxOutcomes = 0;
	itemDims = -1;
	for (int cx = 0; cx < numItems(); cx++) {
		const double *ispec = spec[cx];
		int id = ispec[RPF_ISpecID];
		int dims = ispec[RPF_ISpecDims];
		if (itemDims == -1) {
			itemDims = dims;
		} else if (dims != itemDims) {
			mxThrow("All items must have the same number of factors (%d != %d)",
				 itemDims, dims);
		int no = ispec[RPF_ISpecOutcomes];
		maxOutcomes = std::max(maxOutcomes, no);
		totalOutcomes += no;

		int numParam = (*Glibrpf_model[id].numParam)(ispec);
		if (impliedParamRows < numParam)
			impliedParamRows = numParam;
void ifaGroup::learnMaxAbilities()
	int maxAbilities = 0;
	Eigen::ArrayXi loadings(itemDims);
	for (int cx = 0; cx < numItems(); cx++) {
		for (int dx=0; dx < itemDims; ++dx) {
			if (getItemParam(cx)[dx] != 0) loadings[dx] += 1;
	maxAbilities = (loadings != 0).count();
	if (itemDims != maxAbilities) {
		for (int lx=0; lx < itemDims; ++lx) {
			if (loadings[lx] == 0) mxThrow("Factor %d does not load on any items", 1+lx);
void FitMultigroup::compute(int want, FitContext *fc)
	omxMatrix *fitMatrix = matrix;
	double fit = 0;
	double mac = 0;

	FitMultigroup *mg = (FitMultigroup*) this;

	for (size_t ex=0; ex < mg->fits.size(); ex++) {
		omxMatrix* f1 = mg->fits[ex];
		if (f1->fitFunction) {
			omxFitFunctionCompute(f1->fitFunction, want, fc);
				mac = std::max(fc->mac, mac);
				if (units == FIT_UNITS_UNINITIALIZED) {
					units = f1->fitFunction->units;
				} else if (units != f1->fitFunction->units) {
					mxThrow("%s: cannot combine units %s and %s (from %s)",
						matrix->name(), fitUnitsToName(units),
						fitUnitsToName(f1->fitFunction->units), f1->name());
		} else {
			omxRecompute(f1, fc);
		if (want & FF_COMPUTE_FIT) {
			if(f1->rows != 1 || f1->cols != 1) {
				omxRaiseErrorf("%s[%d]: %s of type %s does not evaluate to a 1x1 matrix",
					       fitMatrix->name(), (int)ex, f1->name(), f1->fitFunction->fitType);
			fit += f1->data[0];
			if (mg->verbose >= 1) { mxLog("%s: %s fit=%f", fitMatrix->name(), f1->name(), f1->data[0]); }

	if (fc) fc->mac = mac;

	if (want & FF_COMPUTE_FIT) {
		fitMatrix->data[0] = fit;
		if (mg->verbose >= 1) { mxLog("%s: fit=%f", fitMatrix->name(), fit); }
void ifaGroup::buildRowSkip()
	rowSkip.assign(rowMap.size(), false);

	if (itemDims == 0) return;

	// Rows with no information about an ability will obtain the
	// prior distribution as an ability estimate. This will
	// throw off multigroup latent distribution estimates.
	for (size_t rx=0; rx < rowMap.size(); rx++) {
		bool hasNA = false;
		std::vector<int> contribution(itemDims);
		for (int ix=0; ix < numItems(); ix++) {
			int pick = dataColumn(ix)[ rowMap[rx] ];
			if (pick == NA_INTEGER) {
				hasNA = true;
			const double *ispec = spec[ix];
			int dims = ispec[RPF_ISpecDims];
			double *iparam = getItemParam(ix);
			for (int dx=0; dx < dims; dx++) {
				// assume factor loadings are the first item parameters
				if (iparam[dx] == 0) continue;
				contribution[dx] += 1;
		if (!hasNA) continue;
		if (minItemsPerScore == NA_INTEGER) {
			mxThrow("You have missing data. You must set minItemsPerScore");
		for (int ax=0; ax < itemDims; ++ax) {
			if (contribution[ax] < minItemsPerScore) {
				// We could compute the other scores, but estimation of the
				// latent distribution is in the hot code path. We can reconsider
				// this choice when we try generating scores instead of the
				// score distribution.
				rowSkip[rx] = true;
/* MX_OVERRIDDEN */ mx::Size mx::FileStream::PrintfV(
        const Char * const sFormat, va_list pArguments)
    mxAssert(sFormat != NULL);

    int iCharsWritten;
    if ((iCharsWritten =
                 (m_hFileDescriptor, sFormat, pArguments))
        < 0)
        // We cannot reach eof during write (check it).
        // File I/O error other than EOF.

    return iCharsWritten;
void omxComputeNumericDeriv::computeImpl(FitContext *fc)
	if (fc->fitUnits == FIT_UNITS_SQUARED_RESIDUAL ||
	    fc->fitUnits == FIT_UNITS_SQUARED_RESIDUAL_CHISQ) {  // refactor TODO
		numParams = 0;
		if (verbose >= 1) mxLog("%s: derivatives %s units are meaningless",
					name, fitUnitsToName(fc->fitUnits));
		return; //Possible TODO: calculate Hessian anyway?

	int newWanted = fc->wanted | FF_COMPUTE_GRADIENT;
	if (wantHessian) newWanted |= FF_COMPUTE_HESSIAN;

	int nf = fc->calcNumFree();
	if (numParams != 0 && numParams != nf) {
		mxThrow("%s: number of parameters changed from %d to %d",
			 name, numParams, nf);

	numParams = nf;
	if (numParams <= 0) { complainNoFreeParam(); return; }

	for (int px=0,ex=0; px < numParams; ++ex) {
		if (fc->profiledOut[ex]) continue;
		paramMap[px++] = ex;

	omxAlgebraPreeval(fitMat, fc);
	fc->createChildren(fitMat); // allow FIML rowwiseParallel even when parallel=false

	fc->state->countNonlinearConstraints(fc->state->numEqC, fc->state->numIneqC, false);
	int c_n = fc->state->numEqC + fc->state->numIneqC;
	fc->constraintJacobian.resize(c_n, numParams);
		omxCalcFinalConstraintJacobian(fc, numParams);
	// TODO: Allow more than one hessian value for calculation

	int numChildren = 1;
	if (parallel && !fc->openmpUser && fc->childList.size()) numChildren = fc->childList.size();

	if (!fc->haveReferenceFit(fitMat)) return;

	minimum = fc->fit;

	hessWorkVector = new hess_struct[numChildren];
	if (numChildren == 1) {
		omxPopulateHessianWork(hessWorkVector, fc);
	} else {
		for(int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
			omxPopulateHessianWork(hessWorkVector + i, fc->childList[i]);
	if(verbose >= 1) mxLog("Numerical Hessian approximation (%d children, ref fit %.2f)",
			       numChildren, minimum);

	hessian = NULL;
	if (wantHessian) {
		hessian = fc->getDenseHessUninitialized();
		Eigen::Map< Eigen::MatrixXd > eH(hessian, numParams, numParams);

		if (knownHessian) {
			int khSize = int(khMap.size());
			Eigen::Map< Eigen::MatrixXd > kh(knownHessian, khSize, khMap.size());
			for (int rx=0; rx < khSize; ++rx) {
				for (int cx=0; cx < khSize; ++cx) {
					if (khMap[rx] < 0 || khMap[cx] < 0) continue;
					eH(khMap[rx], khMap[cx]) = kh(rx, cx);

	if (detail) {
		recordDetail = false; // already done it once
	} else {
		Rf_protect(detail = Rf_allocVector(VECSXP, 4));
		SET_VECTOR_ELT(detail, 0, Rf_allocVector(LGLSXP, numParams));
		for (int gx=0; gx < 3; ++gx) {
			SET_VECTOR_ELT(detail, 1+gx, Rf_allocVector(REALSXP, numParams));
		SEXP detailCols;
		Rf_protect(detailCols = Rf_allocVector(STRSXP, 4));
		Rf_setAttrib(detail, R_NamesSymbol, detailCols);
		SET_STRING_ELT(detailCols, 0, Rf_mkChar("symmetric"));
		SET_STRING_ELT(detailCols, 1, Rf_mkChar("forward"));
		SET_STRING_ELT(detailCols, 2, Rf_mkChar("central"));
		SET_STRING_ELT(detailCols, 3, Rf_mkChar("backward"));

		SEXP detailRowNames;
		Rf_protect(detailRowNames = Rf_allocVector(STRSXP, numParams));
		Rf_setAttrib(detail, R_RowNamesSymbol, detailRowNames);
		for (int nx=0; nx < int(numParams); ++nx) {
			SET_STRING_ELT(detailRowNames, nx, Rf_mkChar(fc->varGroup->vars[nx]->name));

	gforward = REAL(VECTOR_ELT(detail, 1));
	gcentral = REAL(VECTOR_ELT(detail, 2));
	gbackward = REAL(VECTOR_ELT(detail, 3));
	Eigen::Map< Eigen::ArrayXd > Gf(gforward, numParams);
	Eigen::Map< Eigen::ArrayXd > Gc(gcentral, numParams);
	Eigen::Map< Eigen::ArrayXd > Gb(gbackward, numParams);

	calcHessianEntry che(this);
	CovEntrywiseParallel(numChildren, che);

	for(int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
		struct hess_struct *hw = hessWorkVector + i;
		totalProbeCount += hw->probeCount;
	delete [] hessWorkVector;
	if (isErrorRaised()) return;

	Eigen::Map< Eigen::ArrayXi > Gsymmetric(LOGICAL(VECTOR_ELT(detail, 0)), numParams);
	double gradNorm = 0.0;
	double feasibilityTolerance = Global->feasibilityTolerance;
	for (int px=0; px < numParams; ++px) {
		// factor out simliar code in ComputeNR
		omxFreeVar &fv = *fc->varGroup->vars[ paramMap[px] ];
		if ((fabs(optima[px] - fv.lbound) < feasibilityTolerance && Gc[px] > 0) ||
		    (fabs(optima[px] - fv.ubound) < feasibilityTolerance && Gc[px] < 0)) {
			Gsymmetric[px] = false;
		gradNorm += Gc[px] * Gc[px];
		double relsym = 2 * fabs(Gf[px] + Gb[px]) / (Gb[px] - Gf[px]);
		Gsymmetric[px] = (Gf[px] < 0 && 0 < Gb[px] && relsym < 1.5);
		if (checkGradient && verbose >= 2 && !Gsymmetric[px]) {
			mxLog("%s: param[%d] %d %f", name, px, Gsymmetric[px], relsym);
		fc->analyticIneqJacTmp.resize(fc->state->numIneqC, numParams);
		fc->myineqFun(true, verbose, omxConstraint::LESS_THAN, false);

	gradNorm = sqrt(gradNorm);
	double gradThresh = Global->getGradientThreshold(minimum);
	//The gradient will generally not be near zero at a local minimum if there are equality constraints 
	//or active inequality constraints:
	if ( checkGradient && gradNorm > gradThresh && !(fc->state->numEqC || fc->inequality.array().sum()) ) {
		if (verbose >= 1) {
			mxLog("Some gradient entries are too large, norm %f", gradNorm);
		if (fc->getInform() < INFORM_NOT_AT_OPTIMUM) fc->setInform(INFORM_NOT_AT_OPTIMUM);

	// auxillary information like per-row likelihoods need a refresh
	ComputeFit(name, fitMat, FF_COMPUTE_FIT, fc);
	fc->wanted = newWanted;
void omxComputeNumericDeriv::initFromFrontend(omxState *state, SEXP rObj)
	super::initFromFrontend(state, rObj);

	/*if (state->conListX.size()) {
		mxThrow("%s: cannot proceed with constraints (%d constraints found)",
			name, int(state->conListX.size()));

	fitMat = omxNewMatrixFromSlot(rObj, state, "fitfunction");

	SEXP slotValue;

	Rf_protect(slotValue = R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("iterations")));
	numIter = INTEGER(slotValue)[0];
	if (numIter < 2) mxThrow("stepSize must be 2 or greater");

	Rf_protect(slotValue = R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("parallel")));
	parallel = Rf_asLogical(slotValue);

	Rf_protect(slotValue = R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("checkGradient")));
	checkGradient = Rf_asLogical(slotValue);

	Rf_protect(slotValue = R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("verbose")));
	verbose = Rf_asInteger(slotValue);

		ProtectedSEXP Rhessian(R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("hessian")));
		wantHessian = Rf_asLogical(Rhessian);

	Rf_protect(slotValue = R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("stepSize")));
	stepSize = GRADIENT_FUDGE_FACTOR(3.0) * REAL(slotValue)[0];
	if (stepSize <= 0) mxThrow("stepSize must be positive");

	knownHessian = NULL;
		ScopedProtect(slotValue, R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("knownHessian")));
		if (!Rf_isNull(slotValue)) {
			knownHessian = REAL(slotValue);
			SEXP dimnames;
			ScopedProtect pdn(dimnames, Rf_getAttrib(slotValue, R_DimNamesSymbol));
				SEXP names;
				ScopedProtect p1(names, VECTOR_ELT(dimnames, 0));
					int nlen = Rf_length(names);
					khMap.assign(nlen, -1);
					for (int nx=0; nx < nlen; ++nx) {
						const char *vname = CHAR(STRING_ELT(names, nx));
						for (int vx=0; vx < int(varGroup->vars.size()); ++vx) {
							if (strEQ(vname, varGroup->vars[vx]->name)) {
								khMap[nx] = vx;
								if (verbose >= 1) mxLog("%s: knownHessian[%d] '%s' mapped to %d",
											name, nx, vname, vx);

	numParams = 0;
	totalProbeCount = 0;
	numParams = 0;
	recordDetail = true;
	detail = 0;
void ifaGroup::setFactorNames(std::vector<const char *> &names)
	if (int(names.size()) < itemDims) mxThrow("Not enough names");
	for (int fx=0; fx < itemDims; ++fx) factorNames[fx] = names[fx];
	void state::compute(int want, FitContext *fc)
		state *st = (state*) this;
		auto *oo = this;

		for (auto c1 : components) {
			if (c1->fitFunction) {
				omxFitFunctionCompute(c1->fitFunction, want, fc);
			} else {
				omxRecompute(c1, fc);
		if (!(want & FF_COMPUTE_FIT)) return;

		int nrow = components[0]->rows;
		for (auto c1 : components) {
			if (c1->rows != nrow) {
				mxThrow("%s: component '%s' has %d rows but component '%s' has %d rows",
					 oo->name(), components[0]->name(), nrow, c1->name(), c1->rows);

		Eigen::VectorXd expect;
		Eigen::VectorXd rowResult;
		int numC = components.size();
		Eigen::VectorXd tp(numC);
		double lp=0;
		for (int rx=0; rx < nrow; ++rx) {
			if (expectation->loadDefVars(rx) || rx == 0) {
				omxExpectationCompute(fc, expectation, NULL);
				if (!st->transition || rx == 0) {
					EigenVectorAdaptor Einitial(st->initial);
					expect = Einitial;
					if (expect.rows() != numC || expect.cols() != 1) {
						omxRaiseErrorf("%s: initial prob matrix must be %dx%d not %dx%d",
							       name(), numC, 1, expect.rows(), expect.cols());
				if (st->transition && (st->transition->rows != numC || st->transition->cols != numC)) {
					omxRaiseErrorf("%s: transition prob matrix must be %dx%d not %dx%d",
						       name(), numC, numC, st->transition->rows, st->transition->cols);
			for (int cx=0; cx < int(components.size()); ++cx) {
				EigenVectorAdaptor Ecomp(components[cx]);
				tp[cx] = Ecomp[rx];
			if (st->verbose >= 4) {
				mxPrintMat("tp", tp);
			if (st->transition) {
				EigenMatrixAdaptor Etransition(st->transition);
				expect = (Etransition * expect).eval();
			rowResult = tp.array() * expect.array();
			double rowp = rowResult.sum();
			rowResult /= rowp;
			lp += log(rowp);
			if (st->transition) expect = rowResult;
		oo->matrix->data[0] = Global->llScale * lp;
		if (st->verbose >= 2) mxLog("%s: fit=%f", oo->name(), lp);
void ifaGroup::import(SEXP Rlist)
	SEXP argNames;
	Rf_protect(argNames = Rf_getAttrib(Rlist, R_NamesSymbol));
	if (Rf_length(Rlist) != Rf_length(argNames)) {
		mxThrow("All list elements must be named");

	std::vector<const char *> dataColNames;

	paramRows = -1;
	int pmatCols=-1;
	int mips = 1;
	int dataRows = 0;
	SEXP Rmean=0, Rcov=0;

	for (int ax=0; ax < Rf_length(Rlist); ++ax) {
		const char *key = R_CHAR(STRING_ELT(argNames, ax));
		SEXP slotValue = VECTOR_ELT(Rlist, ax);
		if (strEQ(key, "spec")) {
		} else if (strEQ(key, "param")) {
			if (!Rf_isReal(slotValue)) mxThrow("'param' must be a numeric matrix of item parameters");
			param = REAL(slotValue);
			getMatrixDims(slotValue, &paramRows, &pmatCols);

			SEXP dimnames;
			Rf_protect(dimnames = Rf_getAttrib(slotValue, R_DimNamesSymbol));
			if (!Rf_isNull(dimnames) && Rf_length(dimnames) == 2) {
				SEXP names;
				Rf_protect(names = VECTOR_ELT(dimnames, 0));
				int nlen = Rf_length(names);
				for (int nx=0; nx < nlen; ++nx) {
					factorNames[nx] = CHAR(STRING_ELT(names, nx));
				Rf_protect(names = VECTOR_ELT(dimnames, 1));
				nlen = Rf_length(names);
				for (int nx=0; nx < nlen; ++nx) {
					itemNames[nx] = CHAR(STRING_ELT(names, nx));
		} else if (strEQ(key, "mean")) {
			Rmean = slotValue;
			if (!Rf_isReal(slotValue)) mxThrow("'mean' must be a numeric vector or matrix");
			mean = REAL(slotValue);
		} else if (strEQ(key, "cov")) {
			Rcov = slotValue;
			if (!Rf_isReal(slotValue)) mxThrow("'cov' must be a numeric matrix");
			cov = REAL(slotValue);
		} else if (strEQ(key, "data")) {
			Rdata = slotValue;
			dataRows = Rf_length(VECTOR_ELT(Rdata, 0));

			SEXP names;
			Rf_protect(names = Rf_getAttrib(Rdata, R_NamesSymbol));
			int nlen = Rf_length(names);
			for (int nx=0; nx < nlen; ++nx) {
				dataColNames.push_back(CHAR(STRING_ELT(names, nx)));
			Rf_protect(dataRowNames = Rf_getAttrib(Rdata, R_RowNamesSymbol));
		} else if (strEQ(key, "weightColumn")) {
			if (Rf_length(slotValue) != 1) {
				mxThrow("You can only have one %s", key);
			weightColumnName = CHAR(STRING_ELT(slotValue, 0));
		} else if (strEQ(key, "freqColumn")) {
			if (Rf_length(slotValue) != 1) {
				mxThrow("You can only have one %s", key);
			freqColumnName = CHAR(STRING_ELT(slotValue, 0));
		} else if (strEQ(key, "qwidth")) {
			qwidth = Rf_asReal(slotValue);
		} else if (strEQ(key, "qpoints")) {
			qpoints = Rf_asInteger(slotValue);
		} else if (strEQ(key, "minItemsPerScore")) {
			mips = Rf_asInteger(slotValue);
		} else {
			// ignore


	if (itemDims < (int) factorNames.size())

	if (int(factorNames.size()) < itemDims) {
		const int SMALLBUF = 24;
		char buf[SMALLBUF];
		while (int(factorNames.size()) < itemDims) {
			snprintf(buf, SMALLBUF, "s%d", int(factorNames.size()) + 1);

	if (Rmean) {
		if (Rf_isMatrix(Rmean)) {
			int nrow, ncol;
			getMatrixDims(Rmean, &nrow, &ncol);
			if (!(nrow * ncol == itemDims && (nrow==1 || ncol==1))) {
				mxThrow("mean must be a column or row matrix of length %d", itemDims);
		} else {
			if (Rf_length(Rmean) != itemDims) {
				mxThrow("mean must be a vector of length %d", itemDims);

		verifyFactorNames(Rmean, "mean");

	if (Rcov) {
		if (Rf_isMatrix(Rcov)) {
			int nrow, ncol;
			getMatrixDims(Rcov, &nrow, &ncol);
			if (nrow != itemDims || ncol != itemDims) {
				mxThrow("cov must be %dx%d matrix", itemDims, itemDims);
		} else {
			if (Rf_length(Rcov) != 1) {
				mxThrow("cov must be %dx%d matrix", itemDims, itemDims);

		verifyFactorNames(Rcov, "cov");

	setLatentDistribution(mean, cov);


	if (numItems() != pmatCols) {
		mxThrow("item matrix implies %d items but spec is length %d",
			 pmatCols, numItems());

	if (Rdata) {
		if (itemNames.size() == 0) mxThrow("Item matrix must have colnames");
		for (int ix=0; ix < numItems(); ++ix) {
			bool found=false;
			for (int dc=0; dc < int(dataColNames.size()); ++dc) {
				if (strEQ(itemNames[ix], dataColNames[dc])) {
					SEXP col = VECTOR_ELT(Rdata, dc);
					if (!Rf_isFactor(col)) {
						if (TYPEOF(col) == INTSXP) {
							mxThrow("Column '%s' is an integer but "
								 "not an ordered factor",
						} else {
							mxThrow("Column '%s' is of type %s; expecting an "
								 "ordered factor (integer)",
								 dataColNames[dc], Rf_type2char(TYPEOF(col)));
			if (!found) {
				mxThrow("Cannot find item '%s' in data", itemNames[ix]);
		if (weightColumnName) {
			for (int dc=0; dc < int(dataColNames.size()); ++dc) {
				if (strEQ(weightColumnName, dataColNames[dc])) {
					SEXP col = VECTOR_ELT(Rdata, dc);
					if (TYPEOF(col) != REALSXP) {
						mxThrow("Column '%s' is of type %s; expecting type numeric (double)",
							 dataColNames[dc], Rf_type2char(TYPEOF(col)));
					rowWeight = REAL(col);
			if (!rowWeight) {
				mxThrow("Cannot find weight column '%s'", weightColumnName);
		if (freqColumnName) {
			for (int dc=0; dc < int(dataColNames.size()); ++dc) {
				if (strEQ(freqColumnName, dataColNames[dc])) {
					SEXP col = VECTOR_ELT(Rdata, dc);
					if (TYPEOF(col) != INTSXP) {
						mxThrow("Column '%s' is of type %s; expecting type integer",
							 dataColNames[dc], Rf_type2char(TYPEOF(col)));
					rowFreq = INTEGER(col);
			if (!rowFreq) {
				mxThrow("Cannot find frequency column '%s'", freqColumnName);
		for (int rx=0; rx < dataRows; ++rx) rowMap.push_back(rx);

	Eigen::Map< Eigen::ArrayXXd > Eparam(param, paramRows, numItems());
	Eigen::Map< Eigen::VectorXd > meanVec(mean, itemDims);
	Eigen::Map< Eigen::MatrixXd > covMat(cov, itemDims, itemDims);

	quad.setStructure(qwidth, qpoints, Eparam, meanVec, covMat);

	if (paramRows < impliedParamRows) {
		mxThrow("At least %d rows are required in the item parameter matrix, only %d found",
			 impliedParamRows, paramRows);
	quad.refresh(meanVec, covMat);
void omxLISRELExpectation::studyExoPred() // compare with similar function for RAM
	if (data->defVars.size() == 0 || !TY || !TY->isSimple() || !PS->isSimple()) return;

	Eigen::VectorXd estSave;
	copyParamToModelFake1(currentState, estSave);
	omxRecompute(PS, 0);
	omxRecompute(LY, 0);
	omxRecompute(BE, 0);

	EigenMatrixAdaptor ePS(PS);  // latent covariance
	EigenMatrixAdaptor eLY(LY);  // to manifest loading
	EigenMatrixAdaptor eBE(BE);  // to latent loading
	Eigen::VectorXd hasVariance = ePS.diagonal().array().abs().matrix();

	int found = 0;
	std::vector<int> exoDataCol(PS->rows, -1);
	int alNum = ~AL->matrixNumber;
	for (int k=0; k < int(data->defVars.size()); ++k) {
		omxDefinitionVar &dv = data->defVars[k];
		if (dv.matrix == alNum && hasVariance[ dv.row ] == 0.0) {
			for (int cx=0; cx < eBE.rows(); ++cx) {
				if (eBE(cx, dv.row) == 0.0) continue;
				mxThrow("%s: latent exogenous variables are not supported (%s -> %s)", name,
					 PS->rownames[dv.row], BE->rownames[cx]);
			if (eLY.col(dv.row).array().abs().sum() == 0.) continue;
			exoDataCol[dv.row] = dv.column;
			found += 1;
			dv.loadData(currentState, 0.);
			if (verbose >= 1) {
				mxLog("%s: set defvar '%s' for latent '%s' to exogenous mode",
				      name, data->columnName(dv.column), PS->rownames[dv.row]);
			data->defVars.erase(data->defVars.begin() + k--);

	copyParamToModelRestore(currentState, estSave);

	if (!found) return;

	slope = omxInitMatrix(LY->rows, found, currentState);
	EigenMatrixAdaptor eSl(slope);

	for (int cx=0, ex=0; cx < PS->rows; ++cx) {
		if (exoDataCol[cx] == -1) continue;
		for (int rx=0; rx < LY->rows; ++rx) {
			slope->addPopulate(LY, rx, cx, rx, ex);
		ex += 1;

	for (int cx=0; cx < int(exoDataColumns.size()); ++cx) {
		auto &e1 = data->rawCols[ exoDataColumns[cx] ];
		Eigen::Map< Eigen::VectorXd > vec(e1.ptr.realData, data->numRawRows());
		exoPredMean[cx] = vec.mean();