int NPathComplexityMetric::nPath(ForStmt *stmt)
    // TODO:
    // Base on Nejmeh's NPATH, the first expression is used to initialize a loop control variable,
    // But the first child node for For statment is a statement in Clang's AST.
    // So here we need to be clear that if it's a statement or an expression
    // If it's a statement, meaning, a sequential statement, npath will be 1
    // If it's an expression, on the contrary, without && or ||, npath should be 0
    // For the implementation below, we treat it as a statement for now.
    // And I realize here that, as a note:
    // If statment and If-Else statement are most easy cases to understand the nPath concept.
    // And both switch statement and for statement can be converted to if statement,
    // however, I noticed that, with the same logic, if the presentation formats are different,
    // the NPath of it may vary,
    // for example, for the following if statement
    // if (i == 1) { foo(1); } if (i == 2) { foo(2); }
    // NPath of it will be 4
    // However, if convert to switch statement, it will be
    // switch (i) { case 1: foo(1); break; case 2: foo(2); break; }, the NPath is 2 here
    // Converted to for statement, it is
    // for (int i = 1; i <= 2; i++) { foo(i); }, the NPath is 3
    // As a conclusion, in my opinion, same logic in different formats should not reduce
    // the complexity. However, here, I will follow Nejmeh's NPath

    return nPath(stmt->getInit()) + nPath(stmt->getCond()) + nPath(stmt->getInc())
        + nPath(stmt->getBody()) + 1;
int NPathComplexityMetric::nPath(BinaryOperator *expr)
    if (expr->getOpcode() == BO_LAnd || expr->getOpcode() == BO_LOr)
        return 1 + nPath(expr->getLHS()) + nPath(expr->getRHS());
    return 0;
int NPathComplexityMetric::nPath(IfStmt *stmt)
    int nPathElseStmt = 1;
    Stmt *elseStmt = stmt->getElse();
    if (elseStmt)
        nPathElseStmt = nPath(elseStmt);
    return nPath(stmt->getCond()) + nPath(stmt->getThen()) + nPathElseStmt;
 int minCut(string s) {
     int n = (int) s.length();
     vector<vector<int> > nexts(n+1);
     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
         for (int d = 0; (i-d >= 0 && i+d < n); d++){
             if (s[i-d] == s[i+d]) {
             else break;
         for (int d = 0; (i-d >= 0 && i+d < n); d++){
             if (s[i-d] == s[i+1+d]) {
             else break;
     // This version is a quadratic algorithm, subject to reduce to O(1)
     vector<int> nPath(n+1, INT_MAX);
     nPath[0] = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
         for (int j = 0; j < nexts[i].size(); j++){
             nPath[nexts[i][j]] = min(nPath[nexts[i][j]], nPath[i] + 1);
     return  nPath[n] - 1;
int NPathComplexityMetric::nPath(CompoundStmt *stmt)
    int npath = 1;
    for (CompoundStmt::body_iterator body = stmt->body_begin(), bodyEnd = stmt->body_end();
        body != bodyEnd; body++)
        npath *= nPath(*body);
    return npath;
int NPathComplexityMetric::nPath(SwitchStmt *stmt)
    int internalNPath = 0, nPathSwitchStmt = nPath(stmt->getCond());
    CompoundStmt *body = (CompoundStmt *)stmt->getBody();
    for (CompoundStmt::body_iterator bodyStmt = body->body_begin(), bodyStmtEnd = body->body_end();
        bodyStmt != bodyStmtEnd; bodyStmt++)
        if (isa<SwitchCase>(*bodyStmt))
            SwitchCase *switchCase = dyn_cast<SwitchCase>(*bodyStmt);
            nPathSwitchStmt += internalNPath;
            internalNPath = nPath(switchCase->getSubStmt());
            internalNPath *= nPath(*bodyStmt);
    return nPathSwitchStmt + internalNPath;
int NPathComplexityMetric::nPath(ObjCForCollectionStmt *stmt)
    // If we convert a foreach loop to a simple for loop, it will looks like
    // for (int i = 0; i < [anArray count]; i++) {
    //   id it = [anArray objectAtIndex:i];
    //   ... (same as foreach loop block)
    // }
    // So, convert to same logic in for statement, we assume the NPath complexity as below
    // NP(Foreach) := NP((for-range)) + 2

    return nPath(stmt->getBody()) + 2;
tree_node_<FILE_ITEM>* CFileTree::findNodeFromRootWithPath(char *path)
	// No topNode - bail out.
	if (topNode.node == NULL){
		return NULL;
	std::string sPath(path);
	std::string nPath(topNode->path);
	// topNode path and requested path are the same? Use the node.
	if (sPath == nPath) {
		return topNode.node;
	// printf("Did not find node for path : %s\n", path);

	// If the topNode path is part of the requested path this is a subpath.
	// Use the node.
	if (sPath.find(nPath) != std::string::npos) {
		// printf("Found %s is part of %s  \n", sPath.c_str(), topNode->path);
		std::string splittedString = sPath.substr(strlen(topNode->path) + 1);
		return findNodeWithPathFromNode(splittedString, topNode.node);
	else {
		// If the current topNode isn't related to the requested path
		// iterate over all _top_ level elements in the tree to look for
		// a matching item and register it as current top node.

		// printf("NOT found %s is NOT part of %s  \n", sPath.c_str(), topNode->path);
		tree<FILE_ITEM>::sibling_iterator it;
		for (it = filesTree.begin(); it != filesTree.end(); it++)
			std::string itPath(it.node->data.path);
			// Current item path matches the requested path - use the item as topNode.
			if (sPath == itPath) {
				// printf("Found parent node %s \n", it.node->data.path);
				topNode = it;
				return it.node;
			else if (sPath.find(itPath) != std::string::npos) {
				// If the item path is part of the requested path this is a subpath.
				// Use the the item as topNode and continue analyzing.
				// printf("Found root node %s \n", it.node->data.path);
				topNode = it;
				std::string splittedString = sPath.substr(itPath.length() + 1);
				return findNodeWithPathFromNode(splittedString, it.node);
	// Nothing found return NULL.
	return NULL;
tree_node_<FILE_ITEM>* CFileTree::findParentNodeFromRootForPath(char *path) {
	std::string sPath(path);
	std::string nPath(topNode->path);

	// If the topNode path is not part of the requested path bail out.
	// This avoids also issues with taking substrings of incompatible
	// paths below.
	if (sPath.find(nPath) == std::string::npos) {
		// printf("Path %s doesn't belong to current topNode %s Found %s is part of %s  \n", sPath.c_str(), topNode->path);
		return NULL;
	std::string currentPath = sPath.substr(strlen(topNode->path) + 1);
	std::string followingPath = _dirname_932(currentPath);
	if (followingPath.empty()) {
		return topNode.node;
	} else {
		return findNodeWithPathFromNode(followingPath, topNode.node);
int NPathComplexityMetric::nPath(ConditionalOperator *expr)
    return nPath(expr->getCond()) + nPath(expr->getTrueExpr()) + nPath(expr->getFalseExpr()) + 2;
int NPathComplexityMetric::nPath(DoStmt *stmt)
    return nPath(stmt->getCond()) + nPath(stmt->getBody()) + 1;
int NPathComplexityMetric::nPath(CastExpr *expr)
    return nPath(expr->getSubExpr());