main(int argc, char **argv) 
{			/* create tst_classic_fills.nc */
   printf("\n*** Testing fill values.\n");
   printf("*** testing empty fill values of a string var...");
#define STRING_VAR_NAME "The_String"
#define NDIMS_STRING 1
#define FILLVALUE_LEN 1 /* There is 1 string, the empty one. */
#define DATA_START 2 /* Real data here. */

      int  ncid, varid, dimid, varid_in;
      const char *missing_val[FILLVALUE_LEN] = {""};
      const char *missing_val_in[FILLVALUE_LEN];
      const char *data_out[1] = {"The evil that men do lives after them; "
				 "the good is oft interred with their bones."};
      char **data_in;
      size_t index = DATA_START;
      int i;

      /* Create file with a 1D string var. Set its fill value to the
       * empty string. */
      if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_NETCDF4, &ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "rec", NC_UNLIMITED, &dimid)) ERR;
      if (nc_def_var(ncid, STRING_VAR_NAME, NC_STRING, NDIMS_STRING, &dimid, &varid)) ERR;
      if (nc_put_att_string(ncid, varid, "_FillValue", FILLVALUE_LEN, missing_val)) ERR;

      /* Check it out. */
      if (nc_inq_varid(ncid, STRING_VAR_NAME, &varid_in)) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_string(ncid, varid_in, "_FillValue", (char **)missing_val_in)) ERR;
      if (strcmp(missing_val[0], missing_val_in[0])) ERR;
      if (nc_free_string(FILLVALUE_LEN, (char **)missing_val_in)) ERR;

      /* Write one string, leaving some blank records which will then
       * get the fill value. */
      if (nc_put_var1_string(ncid, varid_in, &index, data_out)) ERR;

      /* Get all the data from the variable. */
      if (!(data_in = malloc((DATA_START + 1) * sizeof(char *)))) ERR;
      if (nc_get_var_string(ncid, varid_in, data_in)) ERR;

      /* First there should be fill values, then the data value we
       * wrote. */
      for (i = 0; i < DATA_START; i++)
	 if (strcmp(data_in[i], "")) ERR;
      if (strcmp(data_in[DATA_START], data_out[0])) ERR;

      /* Close everything up. */
      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;

      /* Now re-open file, read data, and check values again. */
      if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_inq_varid(ncid, STRING_VAR_NAME, &varid_in)) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_string(ncid, varid_in, "_FillValue", (char **)missing_val_in)) ERR;
      if (strcmp(missing_val[0], missing_val_in[0])) ERR;
      if (nc_free_string(FILLVALUE_LEN, (char **)missing_val_in)) ERR;
      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;

   printf("*** testing non-empty fill values of a string var...");
#define FILLVALUE_LEN2 1 /* There is 1 string in the fillvalue array. */
#define DATA_START2 9 /* Real data starts here. */

      int  ncid, varid, dimid, varid_in;
      const char *missing_val[FILLVALUE_LEN2] = {"I know that virtue to be in you, Brutus"};
      const char *missing_val_in[FILLVALUE_LEN2];
      const char *data_out[1] = {"The evil that men do lives after them; "
				 "the good is oft interred with their bones."};
      char **data_in;
      size_t index = DATA_START2;
      int i;

      /* Create file with a 1D string var. Set its fill value to the
       * a non-empty string. */
      if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_NETCDF4, &ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "rec", NC_UNLIMITED, &dimid)) ERR;
      if (nc_def_var(ncid, STRING_VAR_NAME2, NC_STRING, NDIMS_STRING, &dimid, &varid)) ERR;
      if (nc_put_att_string(ncid, varid, "_FillValue", FILLVALUE_LEN2, missing_val)) ERR;

      /* Check it out. */
      if (nc_inq_varid(ncid, STRING_VAR_NAME2, &varid_in)) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_string(ncid, varid_in, "_FillValue", (char **)missing_val_in)) ERR;
      if (strcmp(missing_val[0], missing_val_in[0])) ERR;
      if (nc_free_string(FILLVALUE_LEN2, (char **)missing_val_in)) ERR;

      /* Write one string, leaving some blank records which will then
       * get the fill value. */
      if (nc_put_var1_string(ncid, varid_in, &index, data_out)) ERR;

      /* Get all the data from the variable. */
      if (!(data_in = malloc((DATA_START2 + 1) * sizeof(char *)))) ERR;
      if (nc_get_var_string(ncid, varid_in, data_in)) ERR;

      /* First there should be fill values, then the data value we
       * wrote. */
      for (i = 0; i < DATA_START2; i++)
	 if (strcmp(data_in[i], missing_val[0])) ERR;
      if (strcmp(data_in[DATA_START2], data_out[0])) ERR;

      /* Close everything up. */
      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;

      /* Now re-open file, read data, and check values again. */
      if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_inq_varid(ncid, STRING_VAR_NAME2, &varid_in)) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_string(ncid, varid_in, "_FillValue", (char **)missing_val_in)) ERR;
      if (strcmp(missing_val[0], missing_val_in[0])) ERR;
      if (nc_free_string(FILLVALUE_LEN2, (char **)missing_val_in)) ERR;
      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;

   printf("*** testing fill values of one var...");
#define V1_NAME "v1"
#define MAX_VALS 10
      int  ncid, varid, rec_id, dims[2];
      static int rec[1] = {1};
      size_t start[2] = {0, 0};
      size_t count[2] = {1, MAX_VALS};
      char vals[MAX_VALS];
      int i;

      if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_NETCDF4, &ncid)) ERR;

      /* Define dimensions and two vars, a 1D coordinate var for
       * unlimited dimension, and a 2D var which uses the unlimited
       * dimension. */
      if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "rec", NC_UNLIMITED, &dims[0])) ERR;
      if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "len", MAX_VALS, &dims[1])) ERR;
      if (nc_def_var(ncid, "rec", NC_INT, 1, dims, &rec_id)) ERR;
      if (nc_def_var(ncid, V1_NAME, NC_CHAR, 2, dims, &varid)) ERR;

      /* Extend record dimension by 1. */
      if (nc_put_vara_int(ncid, rec_id, start, count, rec)) ERR;

      /* Read the other variable; it must have only fill values. */
      if (nc_get_vara_text(ncid, 1, start, count, vals)) ERR;
      for (i = 0; i < MAX_VALS; i++)
	 if(vals[i] != NC_FILL_CHAR) ERR;

      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;

      /* Now re-open file, read data, and check values again. */
      if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid)) ERR;

      /* Read the other variable; it must have only fill values. */
      if (nc_get_vara_text(ncid, 1, start, count, vals)) ERR;
      for (i = 0; i < MAX_VALS; i++)
	 if(vals[i] != NC_FILL_CHAR) ERR;

      if(nc_close(ncid)) ERR;

   printf("*** testing fill values of lots of vars...");

      int  ncid;			/* netCDF id */

#define NVALS 10		/* values per fixed-size variable or record */
#define NFIXVARS 6		/* number of fixed-size vars, one of each type */
#define NRECVARS 6		/* number of record vars, one of each type */
#define RANK_REC 1
#define RANK_FIXVARS 1
#define RANK_RECVARS 2

      /* dimension ids */
      int rec_dim;
      int len_dim;

      /* dimension lengths */
      size_t rec_len = NC_UNLIMITED;
      size_t len_len = NVALS;

      /* variable ids */
      int rec_id;
      int fixvar_ids[NFIXVARS];
      int recvar_ids[NRECVARS];
      int rec_dims[RANK_REC];
      int fixvar_dims[RANK_FIXVARS];
      int recvar_dims[RANK_RECVARS];
      int fixvar, recvar, i;

      char *fnames[] = {"c", "b", "s", "i", "f", "d"};
      char *rnames[] = {"cr", "br", "sr", "ir", "fr", "dr"};
      nc_type types[] = {NC_CHAR, NC_BYTE, NC_SHORT, NC_INT, NC_FLOAT, NC_DOUBLE};

      /*if (nc_set_default_format(format + 1, NULL)) ERR;*/
      if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_NETCDF4, &ncid)) ERR;

      /* define dimensions */
      if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "rec", rec_len, &rec_dim)) ERR;
      if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "len", len_len, &len_dim)) ERR;

      rec_dims[0] = rec_dim;
      if (nc_def_var(ncid, "rec", NC_INT, RANK_REC, rec_dims, &rec_id)) ERR;

      /* define fixed and record variables of all 6 primitive types */
      fixvar_dims[0] = len_dim;
      for (fixvar = 0; fixvar < NFIXVARS; fixvar++)
	 if (nc_def_var(ncid, fnames[fixvar], types[fixvar], RANK_FIXVARS,
			fixvar_dims, &fixvar_ids[fixvar])) ERR;

      recvar_dims[0] = rec_dim;
      recvar_dims[1] = len_dim;
      for (recvar = 0; recvar < NRECVARS; recvar++)
	 if (nc_def_var(ncid, rnames[recvar], types[recvar], RANK_RECVARS,
			recvar_dims, &recvar_ids[recvar])) ERR;

      /* leave define mode */
      if (nc_enddef(ncid)) ERR;

      {			/* store rec */
	 static size_t rec_start[RANK_REC];
	 static size_t rec_count[RANK_REC];
	 static int rec[] = {1};
	 rec_len = 1;			/* number of records of rec data */
	 rec_start[0] = 0;
	 rec_count[0] = rec_len;
	 if (nc_put_vara_int(ncid, rec_id, rec_start, rec_count, rec)) ERR;
      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;

      /* Now re-open file, read data, and check values */
      if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid)) ERR;

      /* Check that fixed-size variables are full of fill values */
      for (fixvar = 0; fixvar < NFIXVARS; fixvar++) {
	 int varid;
	 nc_type type;

	 if (nc_inq_varid(ncid, fnames[fixvar], &varid)) ERR;
	 if (nc_inq_vartype(ncid, varid, &type)) ERR;
	 switch(type) {
	    case NC_CHAR:
	       char vals[NVALS];
	       if (nc_get_var_text(ncid, varid, vals)) ERR;
	       for (i = 0; i < NVALS; i++)
		  if(vals[i] != NC_FILL_CHAR) ERR;
	    case NC_BYTE:
	       signed char vals[NVALS];
	       if (nc_get_var_schar(ncid, varid, vals)) ERR;
	       for (i = 0; i < NVALS; i++)
		  if(vals[i] != NC_FILL_BYTE) ERR;
	    case NC_SHORT:
	       short vals[NVALS];
	       if (nc_get_var_short(ncid, varid, vals)) ERR;
	       for (i = 0; i < NVALS; i++)
		  if(vals[i] != NC_FILL_SHORT) ERR;
	    case NC_INT:
	       int vals[NVALS];
	       if (nc_get_var_int(ncid, varid, vals)) ERR;
	       for (i = 0; i < NVALS; i++)
		  if(vals[i] != NC_FILL_INT) ERR;
	    case NC_FLOAT:
	       float vals[NVALS];
	       if (nc_get_var_float(ncid, varid, vals)) ERR;
	       for (i = 0; i < NVALS; i++)
		  if(vals[i] != NC_FILL_FLOAT) ERR;
	    case NC_DOUBLE:
	       double vals[NVALS];
	       if (nc_get_var_double(ncid, varid, vals)) ERR;
	       for (i = 0; i < NVALS; i++)
		  if (vals[i] != NC_FILL_DOUBLE) ERR;

      /* Read record, check record variables have only fill values */
      for (recvar = 0; recvar < NRECVARS; recvar++) {
	 int varid;
	 nc_type type;
	 size_t start[] = {0, 0};
	 size_t count[] = {1, NVALS};

	 if (nc_inq_varid(ncid, rnames[recvar], &varid)) ERR;
	 if (nc_inq_vartype(ncid, varid, &type)) ERR;
	 switch(type) {
	    case NC_CHAR:
	       char vals[NVALS];
	       if (nc_get_vara_text(ncid, varid, start, count, vals)) ERR;
	       for (i = 0; i < NVALS; i++)
		  if(vals[i] != NC_FILL_CHAR) ERR;
	    case NC_BYTE:
	       signed char vals[NVALS];
	       if (nc_get_vara_schar(ncid, varid, start, count, vals)) ERR;
	       for (i = 0; i < NVALS; i++)
		  if(vals[i] != NC_FILL_BYTE) ERR;
	    case NC_SHORT:
	       short vals[NVALS];
	       if (nc_get_vara_short(ncid, varid, start, count, vals)) ERR;
	       for (i = 0; i < NVALS; i++)
		  if(vals[i] != NC_FILL_SHORT) ERR;
	    case NC_INT:
	       int vals[NVALS];
	       if (nc_get_vara_int(ncid, varid, start, count, vals)) ERR;
	       for (i = 0; i < NVALS; i++)
		  if(vals[i] != NC_FILL_INT) ERR;
	    case NC_FLOAT:
	       float vals[NVALS];
	       if (nc_get_vara_float(ncid, varid, start, count, vals)) ERR;
	       for (i = 0; i < NVALS; i++)
		  if(vals[i] != NC_FILL_FLOAT) ERR;
	    case NC_DOUBLE:
	       double vals[NVALS];
	       if (nc_get_vara_double(ncid, varid, start, count, vals)) ERR;
	       for (i = 0; i < NVALS; i++)
		  if(vals[i] != NC_FILL_DOUBLE) ERR;

      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;

   return 0;
/* Both read and write will be tested */
int test_pio(int flag) 
   /* MPI stuff. */
   int mpi_size, mpi_rank;
   MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
   MPI_Info info = MPI_INFO_NULL;

   /* Netcdf-4 stuff. */
   int ncid;
   int nvid,uvid;
   int rvid;
   unsigned m,k,j,i;

   /* two dimensional integer data test */
   int dimids[NDIMS1];
   size_t start[NDIMS1];
   size_t count[NDIMS1];

   int *data;
   int *tempdata;
   int *rdata;
   int *temprdata;

   /* four dimensional integer data test,
      time dimension is unlimited.*/
   int  dimuids[NDIMS2];
   size_t ustart[NDIMS2];
   size_t ucount[NDIMS2];

   int *udata;
   int *tempudata;
   int *rudata;
   int *temprudata;

   /* Initialize MPI. */
   MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_size);
   MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_rank);

   /* Create a parallel netcdf-4 file. */
   if (nc_create_par(file_name, facc_type, comm, info, &ncid)) ERR;

   /* The first case is two dimensional variables, no unlimited dimension */

   /* Create two dimensions. */
   if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "d1", DIMSIZE2, dimids)) ERR;
   if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "d2", DIMSIZE, &dimids[1])) ERR;

   /* Create one var. */
   if (nc_def_var(ncid, "v1", NC_INT, NDIMS1, dimids, &nvid)) ERR;

   if (nc_enddef(ncid)) ERR;

   /* Set up slab for this process. */
   start[0] = 0;
   start[1] = mpi_rank * DIMSIZE/mpi_size;
   count[0] = DIMSIZE2;
   count[1] = DIMSIZE/mpi_size;

   /* start parallel netcdf4 */
   if (nc_var_par_access(ncid, nvid, flag)) ERR;

   if (!(data = malloc(sizeof(int)*count[1]*count[0]))) ERR;
   tempdata = data;
   for (j = 0; j < count[0]; j++){
      for (i = 0; i < count[1]; i++)
	 *tempdata = mpi_rank * (j + 1);

   /* Write two dimensional integer data */
   if (nc_put_vara_int(ncid, nvid, start, count, data)) ERR;

   /* Case 2: create four dimensional integer data,
      one dimension is unlimited. */

   /* Create four dimensions. */
   if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "ud1", NC_UNLIMITED, dimuids)) ERR;
   if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "ud2", DIMSIZE3, &dimuids[1])) ERR;
   if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "ud3", DIMSIZE2, &dimuids[2])) ERR;
   if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "ud4", DIMSIZE, &dimuids[3])) ERR;

   /* Create one var. */
   if (nc_def_var(ncid, "uv1", NC_INT, NDIMS2, dimuids, &uvid)) ERR;

   if (nc_enddef(ncid)) ERR;
   /* Set up selection parameters */
   ustart[0] = 0;
   ustart[1] = 0;
   ustart[2] = 0;
   ustart[3] = DIMSIZE*mpi_rank/mpi_size;
   ucount[0] = TIMELEN;
   ucount[1] = DIMSIZE3;
   ucount[2] = DIMSIZE2;
   ucount[3] = DIMSIZE/mpi_size;

   /* Access parallel */
   if (nc_var_par_access(ncid, uvid, flag)) ERR;
   /* Create phony data. */
   if (!(udata = malloc(ucount[0]*ucount[1]*ucount[2]*ucount[3]*sizeof(int)))) ERR;
   tempudata = udata;
   for( m=0; m<ucount[0];m++)
      for( k=0; k<ucount[1];k++)
	 for (j=0; j<ucount[2];j++)
	    for (i=0; i<ucount[3]; i++)
	       *tempudata = (1+mpi_rank)*2*(j+1)*(k+1)*(m+1);

   /* Write slabs of phoney data. */
   if (NC_INDEPENDENT == flag) {
       int res;
       res = nc_put_vara_int(ncid, uvid, ustart, ucount, udata);
       if(res != NC_ECANTEXTEND) ERR;
   else {
       if (nc_put_vara_int(ncid, uvid, ustart, ucount, udata)) ERR;

   /* Close the netcdf file. */
   if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;

   if (nc_open_par(file_name, facc_type_open, comm, info, &ncid)) ERR;

   /* Case 1: read two-dimensional variables, no unlimited dimension */
   /* Set up slab for this process. */
   start[0] = 0;
   start[1] = mpi_rank * DIMSIZE/mpi_size;
   count[0] = DIMSIZE2;
   count[1] = DIMSIZE/mpi_size;

   if (nc_inq_varid(ncid, "v1", &rvid)) ERR;

   if (nc_var_par_access(ncid, rvid, flag)) ERR;
   if (!(rdata = malloc(sizeof(int)*count[1]*count[0]))) ERR;
   if (nc_get_vara_int(ncid, rvid, start, count, rdata)) ERR;

   temprdata = rdata;
   for (j=0; j<count[0];j++){
      for (i=0; i<count[1]; i++){
	 if(*temprdata != mpi_rank*(j+1)) 

   /* Case 2: read four dimensional data, one dimension is unlimited. */

   /* set up selection parameters */
   ustart[0] = 0;
   ustart[1] = 0;
   ustart[2] = 0;
   ustart[3] = DIMSIZE*mpi_rank/mpi_size;
   ucount[0] = TIMELEN;
   ucount[1] = DIMSIZE3;
   ucount[2] = DIMSIZE2;
   ucount[3] = DIMSIZE/mpi_size;
   /* Inquiry the data */
   /* (NOTE: This variable isn't written out, when access is independent) */
   if (NC_INDEPENDENT != flag) {
       if (nc_inq_varid(ncid, "uv1", &rvid)) ERR;
       /* Access the parallel */
       if (nc_var_par_access(ncid, rvid, flag)) ERR;

       if (!(rudata = malloc(ucount[0]*ucount[1]*ucount[2]*ucount[3]*sizeof(int)))) ERR;
       temprudata = rudata;

       /* Read data */
       if (nc_get_vara_int(ncid, rvid, ustart, ucount, rudata)) ERR;

       for(m = 0; m < ucount[0]; m++)
          for(k = 0; k < ucount[1]; k++)
             for(j = 0; j < ucount[2]; j++)
                for(i = 0; i < ucount[3]; i++)
                   if(*temprudata != (1+mpi_rank)*2*(j+1)*(k+1)*(m+1))


   /* Close the netcdf file. */
   if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;

   return 0;
/* test different hyperslab settings */
int test_pio_hyper(int flag){
   /* MPI stuff. */
   int mpi_size, mpi_rank;
   int res = NC_NOERR;
   MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
   MPI_Info info = MPI_INFO_NULL;

   /* Netcdf-4 stuff. */
   int ncid;
   int nvid;
   int rvid;
   int j, i;

   /* two dimensional integer data test */
   int dimids[NDIMS1];
   size_t start[NDIMS1], count[NDIMS1];
   int *data;
   int *tempdata;
   int *rdata;
   int *temprdata;
   int count_atom;

   /* Initialize MPI. */
   MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_size);
   MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_rank);

   if(mpi_size == 1) return 0;

   /* Create a parallel netcdf-4 file. */
/*      nc_set_log_level(NC_TURN_OFF_LOGGING); */
/*      nc_set_log_level(4);*/

   if (nc_create_par(file_name, facc_type, comm, info, &ncid)) ERR;

   /* The case is two dimensional variables, no unlimited dimension */

   /* Create two dimensions. */
   if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "d1", DIMSIZE2, dimids)) ERR;
   if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "d2", DIMSIZE, &dimids[1])) ERR;

   /* Create one var. */
   if (nc_def_var(ncid, "v1", NC_INT, NDIMS1, dimids, &nvid)) ERR;

   if (nc_enddef(ncid)) ERR;

   /* hyperslab illustration for 3-processor case 

      |bbbb    |
      |bbbb    |

   /* odd number of processors should be treated differently */
   if(mpi_size%2 != 0) {
      count_atom = DIMSIZE*2/(mpi_size+1);
      if(mpi_rank <= mpi_size/2) {
         start[0] = 0;
         start[1] = mpi_rank*count_atom;
         count[0] = DIMSIZE2/2;
         count[1] = count_atom;
      else {
         start[0] = DIMSIZE2/2;
         start[1] = (mpi_rank-mpi_size/2-1)*count_atom;
         count[0] = DIMSIZE2/2;
         count[1] = count_atom;
   else  {
      count_atom = DIMSIZE*2/mpi_size;
      if(mpi_rank < mpi_size/2) {
         start[0] = 0;
         start[1] = mpi_rank*count_atom;
         count[0] = DIMSIZE2/2;
         count[1] = count_atom;
      else {
         start[0] = DIMSIZE2/2;
         start[1] = (mpi_rank-mpi_size/2)*count_atom;
         count[0] = DIMSIZE2/2;
         count[1] = count_atom;

   if (nc_var_par_access(ncid, nvid, flag)) ERR;
   data      = malloc(sizeof(int)*count[1]*count[0]);
   tempdata  = data;
   for (j=0; j<count[0];j++){
      for (i=0; i<count[1]; i++){
	 *tempdata = mpi_rank*(j+1);
	 tempdata ++;

   if (nc_put_vara_int(ncid, nvid, start, count, data)) ERR;

   /* Close the netcdf file. */
   if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;

   if (nc_open_par(file_name, facc_type_open, comm, info, &ncid)) ERR;
   /* Inquiry the variable */
   if (nc_inq_varid(ncid, "v1", &rvid)) ERR;

   if (nc_var_par_access(ncid, rvid, flag)) ERR;
   rdata      = malloc(sizeof(int)*count[1]*count[0]);
   /* Read the data with the same slab settings */
   if (nc_get_vara_int(ncid, rvid, start, count, rdata)) ERR;

   temprdata = rdata;
   for (j=0; j<count[0];j++){
      for (i=0; i<count[1]; i++){
	 if(*temprdata != mpi_rank*(j+1)) 
	    res = -1;

   if(res == -1) ERR_RET;

   /* Close the netcdf file. */
   if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
   return 0;
int ex_get_partial_num_map(int exoid, ex_entity_type map_type, ex_entity_id map_id,
                           int64_t ent_start, int64_t ent_count, void_int *map)
  int         dimid, var_id, id_ndx, status;
  size_t      num_mobj, start[1], count[1];
  char        errmsg[MAX_ERR_LENGTH];
  const char *dim_map_size;
  const char *dim_num_maps;

  switch (map_type) {
  case EX_NODE_MAP:
    dim_map_size = DIM_NUM_NODES;
    dim_num_maps = DIM_NUM_NM;
  case EX_EDGE_MAP:
    dim_map_size = DIM_NUM_EDGE;
    dim_num_maps = DIM_NUM_EDM;
  case EX_FACE_MAP:
    dim_map_size = DIM_NUM_FACE;
    dim_num_maps = DIM_NUM_FAM;
  case EX_ELEM_MAP:
    dim_map_size = DIM_NUM_ELEM;
    dim_num_maps = DIM_NUM_EM;
    exerrval = EX_BADPARAM;
    snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "Bad map type (%d) specified", map_type);
    ex_err("ex_get_partial_num_map", errmsg, exerrval);
    return (EX_FATAL);

  exerrval = 0; /* clear error code */

  /* See if file contains any elements...*/
  if (nc_inq_dimid(exoid, dim_map_size, &dimid) != NC_NOERR) {
    return (EX_NOERR);

  if ((status = nc_inq_dimlen(exoid, dimid, &num_mobj)) != NC_NOERR) {
    exerrval = status;
    snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "ERROR: failed to get number of mesh objects in file id %d",
    ex_err("ex_get_partial_num_map", errmsg, exerrval);
    return (EX_FATAL);

  /* Check input parameters for a valid range of numbers */
  if (ent_start <= 0 || ent_start > num_mobj) {
    exerrval = EX_FATAL;
    snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "ERROR: start count is invalid in file id %d", exoid);
    ex_err("ex_get_partial_num_map", errmsg, exerrval);
    return (EX_FATAL);

  if (ent_count < 0) {
    exerrval = EX_FATAL;
    snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "ERROR: Invalid count value in file id %d", exoid);
    ex_err("ex_get_partial_num_map", errmsg, exerrval);
    return (EX_FATAL);

  if (ent_start + ent_count - 1 > num_mobj) {
    exerrval = EX_FATAL;
    snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH,
             "ERROR: start+count-1 is larger than element count in file id %d", exoid);
    ex_err("ex_get_partial_num_map", errmsg, exerrval);
    return (EX_FATAL);

  /* first check if any maps have been defined */
  if ((status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, dim_num_maps, &dimid)) != NC_NOERR) {
    exerrval = status;
    snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "Warning: no %ss defined in file id %d",
             ex_name_of_object(map_type), exoid);
    ex_err("ex_get_partial_num_map", errmsg, exerrval);
    return (EX_WARN);

  /* Lookup index of element map id property array */
  id_ndx = ex_id_lkup(exoid, map_type, map_id);
  if (exerrval != 0) {
    snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH,
             "ERROR: failed to locate %s id %" PRId64 " in id variable in file id %d",
             ex_name_of_object(map_type), map_id, exoid);
    ex_err("ex_get_partial_num_map", errmsg, exerrval);
    return (EX_FATAL);

  /* inquire id's of previously defined dimensions and variables */
  if ((status = nc_inq_varid(exoid, ex_name_of_map(map_type, id_ndx), &var_id)) != NC_NOERR) {
    exerrval = status;
    snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "ERROR: failed to locate %s %" PRId64 " in file id %d",
             ex_name_of_object(map_type), map_id, exoid);
    ex_err("ex_get_partial_num_map", errmsg, exerrval);
    return (EX_FATAL);

  /* read in the map */
  start[0] = ent_start - 1;
  count[0] = ent_count;

  if (ex_int64_status(exoid) & EX_MAPS_INT64_API) {
    status = nc_get_vara_longlong(exoid, var_id, start, count, map);
  else {
    status = nc_get_vara_int(exoid, var_id, start, count, map);

  if (status == -1) {
    exerrval = status;
    snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "ERROR: failed to get %s in file id %d",
             ex_name_of_object(map_type), exoid);
    ex_err("ex_get_partial_num_map", errmsg, exerrval);
    return (EX_FATAL);
  return (EX_NOERR);
int ex_get_n_node_set (int   exoid,
                       ex_entity_id node_set_id,
                       int64_t   start_node_num,
                       int64_t   num_nodes,
                       void_int  *node_set_node_list)
  int     dimid, node_list_id, node_set_id_ndx, status;
  size_t  num_nodes_in_set, start[1], count[1];
  char errmsg[MAX_ERR_LENGTH];

  exerrval = 0; /* clear error code */

  /* first check if any node sets are specified */

  if ((status = nc_inq_dimid (exoid, DIM_NUM_NS, &dimid))  != NC_NOERR) {
    exerrval = status;
            "Warning: no node sets defined in file id %d",
    return (EX_WARN);

  /* Lookup index of node set id in VAR_NS_IDS array */
  if ((node_set_id_ndx = ex_id_lkup(exoid, EX_NODE_SET, node_set_id)) < 0) {
    if (exerrval == EX_NULLENTITY) {
              "Warning: node set %"PRId64" is NULL in file id %d",
      return (EX_WARN);
    } else {

              "Error: failed to locate node set %"PRId64" in %s in file id %d",
      return (EX_FATAL);

  /* inquire id's of previously defined dimensions and variables */
  if ((status = nc_inq_dimid (exoid, DIM_NUM_NOD_NS(node_set_id_ndx), &dimid)) != NC_NOERR) {
    exerrval = status;
         "Error: failed to locate number of nodes in node set %"PRId64" in file id %d",
    return (EX_FATAL);

  if ((status = nc_inq_dimlen(exoid, dimid, &num_nodes_in_set)) != NC_NOERR) {
    exerrval = status;
            "Error: failed to get number of nodes in set %"PRId64" in file id %d",
            node_set_id, exoid);
    return (EX_FATAL);

  /* Check input parameters for a valid range of numbers */
  if (start_node_num < 0 || start_node_num > num_nodes_in_set) {
    exerrval = EX_BADPARAM;
    sprintf(errmsg, "Error: Invalid input");
    return (EX_FATAL);

  if (num_nodes < 0) {
    exerrval = EX_BADPARAM;
    sprintf(errmsg, "Error: Invalid number of nodes in nodes set!");
    return (EX_FATAL);

  /* start_node_num now starts at 1, not 0 */
  if ((start_node_num + num_nodes - 1) > num_nodes_in_set) {
    exerrval = EX_BADPARAM;
    sprintf(errmsg, "Error: request larger than number of nodes in set!");
    return (EX_FATAL);

  if ((status = nc_inq_varid (exoid, VAR_NODE_NS(node_set_id_ndx), &node_list_id)) != NC_NOERR) {
    exerrval = status;
            "Error: failed to locate node set %"PRId64" node list in file id %d",
    return (EX_FATAL);

  /* read in the node list array */
  start[0] = --start_node_num;
  count[0] = num_nodes;

  if (ex_int64_status(exoid) & EX_BULK_INT64_API) {
    status = nc_get_vara_longlong(exoid, node_list_id, start, count, node_set_node_list);
  } else {
    status = nc_get_vara_int(exoid, node_list_id, start, count, node_set_node_list);

  if (status != NC_NOERR) {
    exerrval = status;
            "Error: failed to get node set node list in file id %d",
    return (EX_FATAL);
  return (EX_NOERR);
int ex_get_object_truth_vector (int  exoid,
				ex_entity_type obj_type,
				ex_entity_id  entity_id,
				int  num_var,
				int *var_vec)
  int statust;
  int varid, tabid, i, status, ent_ndx;
  size_t num_var_db = 0;
  size_t start[2], count[2]; 
  char errmsg[MAX_ERR_LENGTH];
  const char* routine = "ex_get_object_truth_vector";

   * The ent_type and the var_name are used to build the netcdf
   * variables name.  Normally this is done via a macro defined in
   * exodusII_int.h
  const char* ent_type = NULL;
  const char* var_name = NULL;

  exerrval = 0; /* clear error code */
  switch (obj_type) {
    status = ex_get_dimension(exoid, DIM_NUM_EDG_VAR,  "edge variables", &num_var_db, &varid, routine);
    statust = nc_inq_varid(exoid, VAR_EBLK_TAB, &tabid);
    var_name = "vals_edge_var";
    ent_type = "eb";
    status = ex_get_dimension(exoid, DIM_NUM_FAC_VAR,  "face variables", &num_var_db, &varid, routine);
    statust = nc_inq_varid (exoid, VAR_FBLK_TAB, &tabid);
    var_name = "vals_face_var";
    ent_type = "fb";
    status = ex_get_dimension(exoid, DIM_NUM_ELE_VAR,  "element variables", &num_var_db, &varid, routine);
    statust = nc_inq_varid (exoid, VAR_ELEM_TAB, &tabid);
    var_name = "vals_elem_var";
    ent_type = "eb";
  case EX_NODE_SET:
    status = ex_get_dimension(exoid, DIM_NUM_NSET_VAR, "nodeset variables", &num_var_db, &varid, routine);
    statust = nc_inq_varid (exoid, VAR_NSET_TAB, &tabid);
    var_name = "vals_nset_var";
    ent_type = "ns";
  case EX_EDGE_SET:
    status = ex_get_dimension(exoid, DIM_NUM_ESET_VAR, "edgeset variables", &num_var_db, &varid, routine);
    statust = nc_inq_varid (exoid, VAR_ESET_TAB, &tabid);
    var_name = "vals_eset_var";
    ent_type = "es";
  case EX_FACE_SET:
    status = ex_get_dimension(exoid, DIM_NUM_FSET_VAR, "faceset variables", &num_var_db, &varid, routine);
    statust = nc_inq_varid (exoid, VAR_FSET_TAB, &tabid);
    var_name = "vals_fset_var";
    ent_type = "fs";
  case EX_SIDE_SET:
    status = ex_get_dimension(exoid, DIM_NUM_SSET_VAR, "sideset variables", &num_var_db, &varid, routine);
    statust = nc_inq_varid (exoid, VAR_SSET_TAB, &tabid);
    var_name = "vals_sset_var";
    ent_type = "ss";
  case EX_ELEM_SET:
    status = ex_get_dimension(exoid, DIM_NUM_ELSET_VAR, "elemset variables", &num_var_db, &varid, routine);
    statust = nc_inq_varid (exoid, VAR_ELSET_TAB, &tabid);
    var_name = "vals_elset_var";
    ent_type = "es";
    exerrval = EX_BADPARAM;
	    "Error: Invalid variable type %d specified in file id %d",
	    obj_type, exoid);
    return (EX_WARN);

  if (status != NC_NOERR) {
    exerrval = status;
    return (EX_WARN);

  /* Determine index of entity_id in id array */
  ent_ndx = ex_id_lkup(exoid,obj_type,entity_id);
  if (exerrval != 0) {
    if (exerrval != EX_NULLENTITY) {
	      "Error: failed to locate %s id %"PRId64" in id variable in file id %d",
	      ex_name_of_object(obj_type), entity_id, exoid);
      return (EX_FATAL);

  /* If this is a null entity, then 'ent_ndx' will be negative.
   * We don't care in this routine, so make it positive and continue...
  if (ent_ndx < 0) ent_ndx = -ent_ndx;
  if ((int)num_var_db != num_var) {
    exerrval = EX_FATAL;
	    "Error: # of variables doesn't match those defined in file id %d", exoid);
    return (EX_FATAL);

  if (statust != NC_NOERR) {
    /* since truth vector isn't stored in the data file, derive it dynamically */
    for (i=0; i<num_var; i++) {
      /* NOTE: names are 1-based */
      if (nc_inq_varid(exoid, ex_catstr2(var_name, i+1, ent_type, ent_ndx), &tabid) != NC_NOERR) {
	/* variable doesn't exist; put a 0 in the truth vector */
	var_vec[i] = 0;
      } else {
	/* variable exists; put a 1 in the truth vector */
	var_vec[i] = 1;
  } else {

    /* read in the truth vector */

    start[0] = ent_ndx-1;
    start[1] = 0;

    count[0] = 1;
    count[1] = num_var;

    status = nc_get_vara_int(exoid, tabid, start, count, var_vec);
    if (status != NC_NOERR) {
      exerrval = status;
	      "Error: failed to get truth vector from file id %d", exoid);
      return (EX_FATAL);
  return (EX_NOERR);
int ex_get_partial_id_map ( int   exoid,
			    ex_entity_type map_type,
			    int64_t   start_entity_num,
			    int64_t   num_entities,
			    void_int*  map )
  int dimid, mapid, status;
  size_t i;
  size_t num_entries;
  size_t start[1], count[1];
  char errmsg[MAX_ERR_LENGTH];
  const char* dnumentries;
  const char* vmap;
  const char* tname;

  switch (map_type) {
  case EX_NODE_MAP:
    tname = "node";
    dnumentries = DIM_NUM_NODES;
    vmap = VAR_NODE_NUM_MAP;
  case EX_EDGE_MAP:
    tname = "edge";
    dnumentries = DIM_NUM_EDGE;
    vmap = VAR_EDGE_NUM_MAP;
  case EX_FACE_MAP:
    tname = "face";
    dnumentries = DIM_NUM_FACE;
    vmap = VAR_FACE_NUM_MAP;
  case EX_ELEM_MAP:
    tname = "element";
    dnumentries = DIM_NUM_ELEM;
    vmap = VAR_ELEM_NUM_MAP;
    exerrval = EX_BADPARAM;
    sprintf( errmsg,
	     "Error: Bad map type (%d) specified for file id %d",
	     map_type, exoid );
    ex_err( "ex_get_partial_id_map", errmsg, exerrval );
    return (EX_FATAL);
  exerrval = 0; /* clear error code */

  /* See if any entries are stored in this file */
  if (nc_inq_dimid(exoid, dnumentries,&dimid) != NC_NOERR) {
    return (EX_NOERR);

  if (nc_inq_varid (exoid, vmap, &mapid) != NC_NOERR) {
    if ((status = nc_inq_dimlen(exoid, dimid, &num_entries)) != NC_NOERR) {
      exerrval = status;
	      "Error: failed to get number of %ss in file id %d", tname, exoid);
      return (EX_FATAL);
    /* generate default map of 1..n, where n is num_entries */
    if (ex_int64_status(exoid) & EX_MAPS_INT64_API) {
      int64_t *lmap = (int64_t*)map;
      for (i=0; i < num_entities; i++) {
	lmap[i] = start_entity_num+i;
    } else {
      int *lmap = (int*)map;
      for (i=0; i<num_entities; i++) {
	lmap[i] = start_entity_num+i;

    return (EX_NOERR);

  start[0] = start_entity_num-1;
  count[0] = num_entities;

  /* read in the id map  */
  if (ex_int64_status(exoid) & EX_MAPS_INT64_API) {
    status = nc_get_vara_longlong(exoid, mapid, start, count, map);
  } else {
    status = nc_get_vara_int(exoid, mapid, start, count, map);

  if (status != NC_NOERR) {
    exerrval = status;
	    "Error: failed to get %s id map in file id %d",
	    tname, exoid);
    return (EX_FATAL);

int ne_get_node_cmap(int  neid,
                     int  map_id,
                     int *node_ids,
                     int *proc_ids,
                     int  processor
  char   *func_name="ne_get_node_cmap";

  int     map_idx, dimid, varid[2], status;
  size_t  start[1], count[1];
  size_t  varidx[2];

  char    errmsg[MAX_ERR_LENGTH];

  exerrval = 0; /* clear error code */

  /* get the cmap information variables index */
  if (ne_get_idx(neid, VAR_N_COMM_INFO_IDX, varidx, processor) == -1) {
            "Error: failed to find index variable, \"%s\", in file ID %d",
            VAR_N_COMM_INFO_IDX, neid);
    ex_err(func_name, errmsg, exerrval);

    return (EX_FATAL);

   * no need to check if the second index is -1 that is handled
   * in ne_id_lkup, where the dimension must be looked up anyways

  /* Get the index of the nodal comm map with the given ID */
  if ((map_idx=ne_id_lkup(neid, VAR_N_COMM_IDS, varidx, map_id)) < 0) {
    exerrval = EX_MSG;
            "Error: failed to find nodal comm map with ID %d in file ID %d",
            map_id, neid);
    ex_err(func_name, errmsg, exerrval);
    return (EX_FATAL);

  /* get the cmap data variables index for this map */
  if (ne_get_idx(neid, VAR_N_COMM_DATA_IDX, varidx, map_idx) == -1) {
            "Error: failed to find index variable, \"%s\", in file ID %d",
            VAR_N_COMM_DATA_IDX, neid);
    ex_err(func_name, errmsg, exerrval);

    return (EX_FATAL);

  if (varidx[1] == -1) {
    /* Get the dimension of this nodal communication map */
    if ((status = nc_inq_dimid(neid, DIM_NCNT_CMAP, &dimid)) != NC_NOERR) {
      exerrval = status;
              "Error: failed to find dimension ID for \"%s\" in file ID %d",
              DIM_NCNT_CMAP, neid);
      ex_err(func_name, errmsg, exerrval);
      return (EX_FATAL);

    if ((status = nc_inq_dimlen(neid, dimid,count)) != NC_NOERR) {
      exerrval = status;
              "Error: failed to find length of dimension \"%s\" in file ID %d",
              DIM_NCNT_CMAP, neid);
      ex_err(func_name, errmsg, exerrval);
      return (EX_FATAL);
    varidx[1] = count[0];

  /* Get the variable ID for the nodal comm map node IDs */
  if ((status = nc_inq_varid(neid, VAR_N_COMM_NIDS, &varid[0])) != NC_NOERR) {
    exerrval = status;
            "Error: failed to find variable ID for \"%s\" in file ID %d",
            VAR_N_COMM_NIDS, neid);
    ex_err(func_name, errmsg, exerrval);
    return (EX_FATAL);

  /* Get the variable ID for the nodal comm map processor IDs */
  if ((status = nc_inq_varid(neid, VAR_N_COMM_PROC, &varid[1])) != NC_NOERR) {
    exerrval = status;
            "Error: failed to find variable ID for \"%s\" in file ID %d",
            VAR_N_COMM_PROC, neid);
    ex_err(func_name, errmsg, exerrval);
    return (EX_FATAL);

  /* Get the nodal comm map node IDs */
  start[0] = varidx[0];
  count[0] = varidx[1] - varidx[0];
  status = nc_get_vara_int(neid, varid[0], start, count, node_ids);

  if (status != NC_NOERR) {
    exerrval = status;
            "Error: failed to get variable \"%s\" from file ID %d",
            VAR_N_COMM_NIDS, neid);
    ex_err(func_name, errmsg, exerrval);
    return (EX_FATAL);

  /* Get the nodal comm map processor IDs */
  status = nc_get_vara_int(neid, varid[1], start, count, proc_ids);

  if (status != NC_NOERR) {
    exerrval = status;
            "Error: failed to get variable \"%s\" from file ID %d",
            VAR_N_COMM_PROC, neid);
    ex_err(func_name, errmsg, exerrval);
    return (EX_FATAL);

  return (EX_NOERR);