static bool vpopmail_is_disabled(struct auth_request *request, const struct vqpasswd *vpw) { struct passdb_module *_module = request->passdb->passdb; struct vpopmail_passdb_module *module = (struct vpopmail_passdb_module *)_module; if (strcasecmp(request->service, "IMAP") == 0) { if ((vpw->pw_flags & NO_IMAP) != 0) { /* IMAP from webmail IP may still be allowed */ if (!net_ip_compare(&module->webmail_ip, &request->remote_ip)) return TRUE; } if ((vpw->pw_flags & NO_WEBMAIL) != 0) { if (net_ip_compare(&module->webmail_ip, &request->remote_ip)) return TRUE; } } if ((vpw->pw_flags & NO_POP) != 0 && strcasecmp(request->service, "POP3") == 0) return TRUE; return FALSE; }
static int login_proxy_record_cmp(struct login_proxy_record *rec1, struct login_proxy_record *rec2) { if (!net_ip_compare(&rec1->ip, &rec2->ip)) return 1; return (int)rec1->port - (int)rec2->port; }
static bool login_host_request_is_self(struct login_host_request *request, const struct ip_addr *dest_ip) { if (!net_ip_compare(dest_ip, &request->local_ip)) return FALSE; if (request->dest_port != 0 && request->local_port != 0 && request->dest_port != request->local_port) return FALSE; return TRUE; }
static void login_proxy_cmd_kick_director_hash(struct ipc_cmd *cmd, const char *const *args) { struct login_proxy *proxy, *next; struct ip_addr except_ip; unsigned int hash, proxy_hash, count = 0; if (args[0] == NULL || str_to_uint(args[0], &hash) < 0) { ipc_cmd_fail(&cmd, "Invalid parameters"); return; } /* optional except_ip parameter specifies that we're not killing the connections that are proxying to the except_ip backend */ = 0; if (args[1] != NULL && args[1][0] != '\0' && net_addr2ip(args[1], &except_ip) < 0) { ipc_cmd_fail(&cmd, "Invalid except_ip parameter"); return; } for (proxy = login_proxies; proxy != NULL; proxy = next) { next = proxy->next; if (director_username_hash(proxy->client, &proxy_hash) && proxy_hash == hash && !net_ip_compare(&proxy->ip, &except_ip)) { login_proxy_free_delayed(&proxy, KILLED_BY_DIRECTOR_REASON); count++; } } for (proxy = login_proxies_pending; proxy != NULL; proxy = next) { next = proxy->next; if (director_username_hash(proxy->client, &proxy_hash) && proxy_hash == hash && !net_ip_compare(&proxy->ip, &except_ip)) { client_destroy(proxy->client, "Connection kicked"); count++; } } ipc_cmd_success_reply(&cmd, t_strdup_printf("%u", count)); }
struct client * client_create(int fd, bool ssl, pool_t pool, const struct login_settings *set, const struct master_service_ssl_settings *ssl_set, void **other_sets, const struct ip_addr *local_ip, const struct ip_addr *remote_ip) { struct client *client; i_assert(fd != -1); client = login_binary->client_vfuncs->alloc(pool); client->v = *login_binary->client_vfuncs; if (client->v.auth_send_challenge == NULL) client->v.auth_send_challenge = client_auth_send_challenge; if (client->v.auth_parse_response == NULL) client->v.auth_parse_response = client_auth_parse_response; client->created = ioloop_time; client->refcount = 1; client->pool = pool; client->set = set; client->ssl_set = ssl_set; client->real_local_ip = client->local_ip = *local_ip; client->real_remote_ip = client->ip = *remote_ip; client->fd = fd; client->tls = ssl; client->trusted = client_is_trusted(client); client->secured = ssl || client->trusted || net_ip_compare(remote_ip, local_ip); client->proxy_ttl = LOGIN_PROXY_TTL; if (last_client == NULL) last_client = client; DLLIST_PREPEND(&clients, client); clients_count++; client->to_disconnect = timeout_add(CLIENT_LOGIN_TIMEOUT_MSECS, client_idle_disconnect_timeout, client); client_open_streams(client); client->v.create(client, other_sets); if (auth_client_is_connected(auth_client)) client_notify_auth_ready(client); else client_set_auth_waiting(client); login_refresh_proctitle(); return client; }
bool config_filters_equal(const struct config_filter *f1, const struct config_filter *f2) { if (null_strcmp(f1->service, f2->service) != 0) return FALSE; if (f1->remote_bits != f2->remote_bits) return FALSE; if (!net_ip_compare(&f1->remote_net, &f2->remote_net)) return FALSE; if (f1->local_bits != f2->local_bits) return FALSE; if (!net_ip_compare(&f1->local_net, &f2->local_net)) return FALSE; if (null_strcmp(f1->local_name, f2->local_name) != 0) return FALSE; return TRUE; }
bool login_proxy_is_ourself(const struct client *client, const char *host, in_port_t port, const char *destuser) { struct ip_addr ip; if (port != client->local_port) return FALSE; if (net_addr2ip(host, &ip) < 0) return FALSE; if (!net_ip_compare(&ip, &client->local_ip)) return FALSE; return strcmp(client->virtual_user, destuser) == 0; }
static bool client_proxy_is_ourself(const struct client *client, const struct lmtp_proxy_rcpt_settings *set) { struct ip_addr ip; if (set->port != client->local_port) return FALSE; if (net_addr2ip(set->host, &ip) < 0) return FALSE; if (!net_ip_compare(&ip, &client->local_ip)) return FALSE; return TRUE; }
static void auth_server_send_new_request(struct auth_server_connection *conn, struct auth_client_request *request) { struct auth_request_info *info = &request->request_info; string_t *str; str = t_str_new(512); str_printfa(str, "AUTH\t%u\t", request->id); str_append_tabescaped(str, info->mech); str_append(str, "\tservice="); str_append_tabescaped(str, info->service); if ((info->flags & AUTH_REQUEST_FLAG_SUPPORT_FINAL_RESP) != 0) str_append(str, "\tfinal-resp-ok"); if ((info->flags & AUTH_REQUEST_FLAG_SECURED) != 0) str_append(str, "\tsecured"); if ((info->flags & AUTH_REQUEST_FLAG_NO_PENALTY) != 0) str_append(str, "\tno-penalty"); if ((info->flags & AUTH_REQUEST_FLAG_VALID_CLIENT_CERT) != 0) str_append(str, "\tvalid-client-cert"); if (info->session_id != NULL) { str_append(str, "\tsession="); str_append_tabescaped(str, info->session_id); } if (info->cert_username != NULL) { str_append(str, "\tcert_username="******"\tlip=%s", net_ip2addr(&info->local_ip)); if (info-> != 0) str_printfa(str, "\trip=%s", net_ip2addr(&info->remote_ip)); if (info->local_port != 0) str_printfa(str, "\tlport=%u", info->local_port); if (info->remote_port != 0) str_printfa(str, "\trport=%u", info->remote_port); /* send the real_* variants only when they differ from the unreal ones */ if (info-> != 0 && !net_ip_compare(&info->real_local_ip, &info->local_ip)) { str_printfa(str, "\treal_lip=%s", net_ip2addr(&info->real_local_ip)); } if (info-> != 0 && !net_ip_compare(&info->real_remote_ip, &info->remote_ip)) { str_printfa(str, "\treal_rip=%s", net_ip2addr(&info->real_remote_ip)); } if (info->real_local_port != 0 && info->real_local_port != info->local_port) str_printfa(str, "\treal_lport=%u", info->real_local_port); if (info->real_remote_port != 0 && info->real_remote_port != info->remote_port) str_printfa(str, "\treal_rport=%u", info->real_remote_port); if (info->initial_resp_base64 != NULL) { str_append(str, "\tresp="); str_append_tabescaped(str, info->initial_resp_base64); } str_append_c(str, '\n'); if (o_stream_send(conn->output, str_data(str), str_len(str)) < 0) i_error("Error sending request to auth server: %m"); }