 *  rtget  -  get the route for a given IP destination
struct route *
rtget(IPaddr dest, Bool local)
	struct	route	*prt;
	int		hv;

	if (!Route.ri_valid)
	hv = rthash(dest);
	for (prt=rttable[hv]; prt; prt=prt->rt_next) {
		if (prt->rt_ttl <= 0)
			continue;		/* route has expired */
		if (netmatch(dest, prt->rt_net, prt->rt_mask, local))
			if (prt->rt_metric < RTM_INF)
	if (prt == 0)
		prt = Route.ri_default;	/* may be NULL too... */
	if (prt != 0 && prt->rt_metric >= RTM_INF)
		prt = 0;
	if (prt) {
	return prt;
文件: mountd.c 项目: andreiw/polaris
 * Determine whether an access list grants rights to a particular host.
 * We match on aliases of the hostname as well as on the canonical name.
 * Names in the access list may be either hosts or netgroups;  they're
 * not distinguished syntactically.  We check for hosts first because
 * it's cheaper (just M*N strcmp()s), then try netgroups.
in_access_list(struct netbuf *nb, struct nd_hostservlist *clnames,
    char *access_list)	/* N.B. we clobber this "input" parameter */
	int nentries;
	char *gr;
	char *lasts;
	char *host;
	int off;
	int i;
	int netgroup_match;
	int response;

	 * If no access list - then it's unrestricted
	if (access_list == NULL || *access_list == '\0')
		return (1);

	nentries = 0;

	for (gr = strtok_r(access_list, ":", &lasts);
		gr != NULL; gr = strtok_r(NULL, ":", &lasts)) {

		 * If the list name has a '-' prepended
		 * then a match of the following name
		 * implies failure instead of success.
		if (*gr == '-') {
			response = 0;
		} else
			response = 1;

		 * The following loops through all the
		 * client's aliases.  Usually it's just one name.
		for (i = 0; i < clnames->h_cnt; i++) {
			host = clnames->h_hostservs[i].h_host;

			 * If the list name begins with a dot then
			 * do a domain name suffix comparison.
			 * A single dot matches any name with no
			 * suffix.
			if (*gr == '.') {
				if (*(gr + 1) == '\0') {  /* single dot */
					if (strchr(host, '.') == NULL)
						return (response);
				} else {
					off = strlen(host) - strlen(gr);
					if (off > 0 &&
					    strcasecmp(host + off, gr) == 0) {
						return (response);
			} else

			 * If the list name begins with an at
			 * sign then do a network comparison.
			if (*gr == '@') {
				if (netmatch(nb, gr + 1))
					return (response);
			} else

			 * Just do a hostname match
			if (strcasecmp(gr, host) == 0) {
				return (response);	/* Matched a hostname */


	netgroup_match = netgroup_check(clnames, access_list, nentries);

	return (netgroup_match);