//-------------------------------------------------------------- void captureApp::keyPressed(int key) { if(key == 'f') { ofToggleFullscreen(); } if(key == '\t') { if( !hidden && ofxFileHelper::doesFileExist(capturePrefix+"capture") && ofxFileHelper::doesFileExist(capturePrefix+"capture/0.jpg") ){ string unique = ofToString(ofGetYear()) + ofToString(ofGetMonth()) + ofToString(ofGetDay()) + ofToString(ofGetHours()) + ofToString(ofGetMinutes()) + ofToString(ofGetSeconds()); ofxFileHelper::moveFromTo(capturePrefix+"capture", capturePrefix+"savedFolder"+unique); ofxFileHelper::makeDirectory(capturePrefix+"capture"); cameraFrameNum = 0; } hidden = !hidden; panel.hidden = hidden; if(hidden) ofHideCursor(); else ofShowCursor(); if(!hidden) imageSaver.saveAll(); } if(panel.getValueB("frameByFrame") && key == OF_KEY_UP){ patternFrame--; } if(panel.getValueB("frameByFrame") && key == OF_KEY_DOWN){ patternFrame++; } }
void testApp::fireCamera(){ ofDirectory dir; char pathc[1024]; sprintf(pathc, "%02d_%02d_%02d_%02d", ofGetDay(), ofGetHours(), ofGetMinutes(), ofGetSeconds()); string path(pathc); dir.createDirectory(path); cameraFiredTime = ofGetElapsedTimef(); cout << "Firing camera at time "<< cameraFiredTime << endl; shouldFireCamera = false; camera1.takePhoto(); pullBackRender = true; pullFrontRender = true; ofFile f(path); currentSaveDirectory = f.getAbsolutePath(); cout << " absolute path is " << f.getAbsolutePath() << endl; //front.getColorImage().saveImage(f.getAbsolutePath() + "/backTexture.png"); }
void nebulaEye::csvRecordCb(bool & flag){ if ( flag ){ csvRecorder.clear(); ofResetElapsedTimeCounter(); stringstream ss; ss << ofGetYear(); ss << setfill('0') << setw(2) << ofGetMonth(); ss << setfill('0') << setw(2) << ofGetDay() << "-"; ss << setfill('0') << setw(2) << ofGetHours(); ss << setfill('0') << setw(2) << ofGetMinutes(); ss << setfill('0') << setw(2) << ofGetSeconds() << ".csv"; ofLog() << "try to create file : " << ss.str(); csvRecorder.filePath = ofToDataPath(ss.str()); ofLog() << "record CSV to : " << csvRecorder.filePath; int idx(0); csvRecorder.setString(0,idx++,"date"); csvRecorder.setString(0,idx++,"time"); csvRecorder.setString(0,idx++,"blob x"); csvRecorder.setString(0,idx++,"blob y"); csvRecorder.setString(0,idx++,"flow zone 0"); csvRecorder.setString(0,idx++,"flow zone 1"); csvRecorder.setString(0,idx++,"flow zone 2"); csvRecorder.setString(0,idx++,"flow zone 3"); } else { csvRecorder.saveFile(); // Save the recorded values in the csvRecorder ofxCsv object // csvRecorder.saveFile( ofToDataPath( csvFileName )); ofLog() << "Saved " << csvRecorder.numRows << " rows to " << csvRecorder.filePath; } }
//-------------------------------------------------- void simpleLogger::log(int logLevel, const char* format, ...){ //thanks stefan! //http://www.ozzu.com/cpp-tutorials/tutorial-writing-custom-printf-wrapper-function-t89166.html logRecord record; record.year = ofGetYear(); record.month = ofGetMonth(); record.day = ofGetDay(); record.hour = ofGetHours(); record.minute = ofGetMinutes(); record.seconds = ofGetSeconds(); record.level = logLevel; char str[2048] = {0}; va_list args; va_start( args, format ); vsprintf(str, format, args ); va_end( args ); record.msg = str; record.logStr = convertToString(record); logs.push_back(record); logToXml(record); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::keyPressed (int key){ if( key == 'r' ){ bRefresh = true; } if( key == 'c' ){ string unique = ofToString(ofGetYear()) + ofToString(ofGetMonth()) + ofToString(ofGetDay()) + ofToString(ofGetHours()) + ofToString(ofGetMinutes()) + ofToString(ofGetSeconds()); ofxFileHelper::copyFromTo("sampleFileDontDelete.txt", "copiedFile"+unique+".txt"); bRefresh = true; } if( key == 'm' ){ if( ofxFileHelper::doesDirectoryExist("dummyFolder/") ){ //be careful with slashes here - appending a slash when moving a folder will causes mad headaches ofxFileHelper::moveFromTo("dummyFolder", "aMovedFolder"); }else if( ofxFileHelper::doesDirectoryExist("aMovedFolder/") ){ //be careful with slashes here - appending a slash when moving a folder will causes mad headaches ofxFileHelper::moveFromTo("aMovedFolder", "dummyFolder"); } bRefresh = true; } }
void ScreenRecorder::setupNewDirectory() { counter = 0; string year = ofToString(ofGetYear()); string month = ofToString(ofGetMonth()); if (month.size() == 1) month.insert(0, "0"); string day = ofToString(ofGetDay()); if (day.size() == 1) day.insert(0, "0"); string hour = ofToString(ofGetHours()); if (hour.size() == 1) hour.insert(0, "0"); string minute = ofToString(ofGetMinutes()); if (minute.size() == 1) minute.insert(0, "0"); string second = ofToString(ofGetSeconds()); if (second.size() == 1) second.insert(0, "0"); currentPath = rootFolderName + "/recording_" + year + "-" + month + "-" + day + "_" + hour + "." + minute + "." + second; printf("rootFolderName = %s, currentPath = %s \n", rootFolderName.c_str(), currentPath.c_str()); ofDirectory dir(currentPath); if(!dir.exists()) dir.create(true); millisAtLastFrame = ofGetElapsedTimeMillis(); }
/* EmergenceLog::dateTimeString * Returns the current date/time in following format: * 2011-05-26,14-36-587,28.469 */ string EmergenceLog::fileDateTimeString(float beatTime) { string output = ""; int year = ofGetYear(); int month = ofGetMonth(); int day = ofGetDay(); int hours = ofGetHours(); int minutes = ofGetMinutes(); int seconds = ofGetSeconds(); output = output + ofToString(year) + "."; if (month < 10) output = output + "0"; output = output + ofToString(month) + "."; if (day < 10) output = output + "0"; output = output + ofToString(day) + ", "; if (hours < 10) output = output + "0"; output = output + ofToString(hours) + "."; if (minutes < 10) output = output + "0"; output = output + ofToString(minutes) + "."; if (seconds < 10) output = output + "0"; output = output + ofToString(seconds) + ", "; output = output + ofToString(beatTime, 3); return output; }
bool ofxCameraSequenceRecorder::createNewTimeStampDirectory(){ ofSetDataPathRoot("./data/"); // relative to data folder_name = "capture-"+ofToString(ofGetYear()) +ofToString(ofGetMonth()) +ofToString(ofGetDay())+"-" +ofToString(ofGetHours()) +ofToString(ofGetMinutes()) +ofToString(ofGetSeconds()); string dir = ofToDataPath(folder_name); cout << "\n\nCreating new directory for capture: " << dir << endl; File file_handle(dir); bool success = false; try{ success = file_handle.createDirectory(); }catch( Poco::Exception &except ){ ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "Could not make directory"); return false; } if(success==false)ofLog(OF_LOG_WARNING, "Could not make directory because it already exists"); return success; }
void ParticleTrace :: saveFBO ( ofxFBOTexture& fbo ) { int y = ofGetYear(); int m = ofGetMonth(); int d = ofGetDay(); int r = ofGetHours(); int n = ofGetMinutes(); int s = ofGetSeconds(); char str[255]; sprintf( str, "screengrab_lrg/image_%02d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d.png", y % 1000, m, d, r, n, s ); int w = fbo.getWidth(); int h = fbo.getHeight(); ofxCvColorImage imgTemp; imgTemp.allocate( w, h ); imgTemp.setFromPixels( (unsigned char*)fbo.getPixels(), w, h ); imgTemp.mirror( true, false ); ofImage imgSave; imgSave.allocate( w, h, OF_IMAGE_COLOR ); imgSave.setFromPixels( imgTemp.getPixels(), w, h, OF_IMAGE_COLOR ); imgSave.saveImage( str ); imgTemp.clear(); imgSave.clear(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- bool testApp::License(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute){ if(ofGetYear() <= year && ofGetMonth() <= month && ofGetDay() <= day) return true; else return false; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- string ofApp::getTakeName() { return ofToString(ofGetYear(), 4, '0') + "-" + ofToString(ofGetMonth(), 2, '0') + "-" + ofToString(ofGetDay(), 2, '0') + "-" + ofToString(ofGetHours(), 2, '0') + "-" + ofToString(ofGetMinutes(), 2, '0') + "-" + ofToString(ofGetSeconds(), 2, '0'); }
void ofApp::touchDoubleTap(int x, int y, int id){ //string fileName = "screenshot/" + ofGetTimestampString() + ".png"; string fileName= "/sdcard/DCIM/myFolder/ob" + ofToString(ofGetYear()) + ofToString(ofGetMonth()) + ofToString(ofGetDay()) + ofToString(ofGetHours()) + ofToString(ofGetMinutes()) + ofToString(ofGetSeconds()) + ".png"; ofSaveScreen(fileName); }
void ofApp::draw_wave(){ if(audioIn_data.size()!=0){ ob::DrawerSettings & s = ob::dset; s.app = this; s.indicator = indicator; s.data = &audioIn_data; s.track_len = track_len; s.buffer_size = bufferSize; s.xrate = track_len/s.buffer_size; s.global_amp = canvas.height/2 * 0.8; int start = 0; const int end = s.buffer_size; bool loop = true; while( loop ){ float n1 = ofNoise( ofGetDay(), ofGetElapsedTimef(), start ); int type_max = 7; int type = round(n1 * type_max); float n2 = ofNoise( ofGetHours() , ofGetFrameNum()*2.0, start ); n2 = pow(n2, 8) * ofRandom(1.0f,10.0f); int num_min = s.buffer_size * 0.01; int num_max = s.buffer_size * 0.05; int num = num_min + n2*num_max; if(type == 3) num*=0.25; if((start+num)>=end){ num = end-start-1; loop = false; if(num<=2) break; } glPointSize( 1 ); switch (type) { case 0: ob::draw_line_wave(start, num); break; case 1: ob::draw_dot_wave(start, num); break; case 2: ob::draw_prep_line(start, num); break; case 3: ob::draw_circle(start, num); break; case 4: ob::draw_rect(start, num); break; case 5: ob::draw_log_wave(start, num); break; case 6: ob::draw_arc(start, num, 0.5); break; case 7: ob::draw_prep_line_inv(start, num, 0.33f); break; default: break; } start += num; } } }
void inputManager::startRecord(){ folderName = "recordedImages/" + ofToString(ofGetMonth(),0) + ofToString(ofGetDay(), 0) + ofToString(ofGetHours(), 0) + ofToString(ofGetMinutes(), 0) + ofToString(ofGetSeconds(), 0); fileHelper.makeDirectory(folderName); bRecord = true; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::keyPressed(int key){ // Time stamp file = ofToString(ofGetYear()) + ofToString(ofGetMonth()) + ofToString(ofGetDay()) + " " + ofToString(ofGetHours()) + ofToString(ofGetMinutes()) + ofToString(ofGetSeconds()) + ".png"; if(key == 's') { ofSaveScreen(file); } }
void testApp::createFileName(void) { ostringstream oss; oss << ofGetYear() << "-"; oss << setw(2) << setfill('0') << ofGetMonth() << "-"; oss << setw(2) << setfill('0') << ofGetDay() << "-"; oss << setw(2) << setfill('0') << ofGetHours() << "-"; oss << setw(2) << setfill('0') << ofGetMinutes() << "-"; oss << setw(2) << setfill('0') << ofGetSeconds() << ".mov"; mFileName = oss.str(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::setup(){ ofSetFrameRate(120); // testing getFileName before loading or setFileName cout << "bikers:" << bikers.getFileName() << ":" << endl; /** IMAGE LOADING TEST **/ // testing setFileName and loadImage with empty parameter bikers.setFileName("images/bikers.jpg"); bikers.loadImage(); // testing normal image loading gears.loadImage("images/gears.gif"); tdf.loadImage("images/tdf_1972_poster.jpg"); tdfSmall.loadImage("images/tdf_1972_poster.jpg"); tdfSmall.resize(tdf.width / 4, tdf.height / 4); tdfSmall.setImageType(OF_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); transparency.loadImage("images/transparency.png"); transparencyMirror.clone(transparency); transparencyMirror.mirror(false, true); bikeIcon.loadImage("images/bike_icon.png"); bikeIcon.setImageType(OF_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); // testing getFileName() after loading cout << "loaded:" << bikers.getFileName() << endl; cout << "loaded:" << gears.getFileName() << endl; cout << "loaded:" << tdf.getFileName() << endl; cout << "loaded:" << tdfSmall.getFileName() << endl; cout << "loaded:" << transparency.getFileName() << endl; cout << "loaded:" << bikeIcon.getFileName() << endl; cout << endl; /** IMAGE SAVING TEST **/ // testing normal saveImage stringstream nameBuilder; char timeDateStr[255]; sprintf(timeDateStr, "%d-%.2d-%.2d_%.2d%.2d%.2d", ofGetYear(), ofGetMonth(), ofGetDay(), ofGetHours(), ofGetMinutes(), ofGetSeconds()); nameBuilder << "images/" << timeDateStr << "_bikers.jpg"; bikers.saveImage(nameBuilder.str()); nameBuilder.str(""); // testing setFileName and saveImage with empty parameter nameBuilder << "images/" << timeDateStr << "_gears.png"; gears.setFileName(nameBuilder.str()); gears.saveImage(); nameBuilder.str(""); // testing getFileName() after saving cout << "saved:" << bikers.getFileName() << endl; cout << "saved:" << gears.getFileName() << endl; }
//-----------------------------------------------keyPressed p or x to save--------------- void ofApp::keyPressed(int key) { // key 'p' or key 'x' is used to save the images and create a movie. //TODO: move this to be done by the mouse. Maybe the mouse wheel or the move from the optical sensor. if (key == 'p' || key == 'x') { //makes a folder and video name using time date tags when saving and exporting. int day = ofGetDay(); int hour = ofGetHours(); int minute = ofGetMinutes(); char timeStamp[24]; sprintf(timeStamp,"%02d%02d%02d",day,hour,minute); char exportFile[100]; ofImage img2Export; ofPixels pix2Export; for(int i = 0; i < videoArray.size(); i ++) { videoArray[i].readToPixels(pix2Export); img2Export.setFromPixels(pix2Export); sprintf(exportFile,"image-%03d.png",i);//saves the images.//dms img2Export.saveImage(exportFile); } char videoExportCmd[256]; sprintf(videoExportCmd, "/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -r %d -y -i ./data/image-%%03d.png -c:v mpeg4 -r %d -pix_fmt yuv420p ~/Desktop/data/v%s.mp4",frameRate,frameRate,timeStamp); system(videoExportCmd);//saves the images as a video. dms char deleteOldImages[24]; sprintf(deleteOldImages, "rm data/*.png");//dms delete old images system(deleteOldImages); char exportAWS[100]; char nameAWS[100]; sprintf(nameAWS,"v%s.mp4",timeStamp); sprintf(exportAWS,"aws s3 cp ~/Desktop/data/%s s3://stopmotion/%s",nameAWS,nameAWS); system(exportAWS); } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::keyPressed(int key){ if(timeline.isModal()){ return; } if(key == ' '){ timeline.togglePlay(); } if(key == 'T'){ camTrack.addKeyframe(); } if(key == 'L'){ camTrack.lockCameraToTrack = !camTrack.lockCameraToTrack; if(!camTrack.lockCameraToTrack){ cam.setAnglesFromOrientation(); } } if(key == 'R'){ rendering = !rendering; if(rendering){ currentFrameNumber = 0; char fileName[1024]; sprintf(fileName, "frame_%02d_%02d_%02d/", ofGetDay(), ofGetHours(), ofGetMinutes() ); renderFolder = string(fileName); ofDirectory(renderFolder).create(true); } timeline.stop(); player.getVideoPlayer()->stop(); timeline.setPercentComplete(timeline.getInOutRange().min); timeline.play(); } if(key == 'f'){ ofToggleFullscreen(); } if(key == 'S'){ loadShader(); } if(key == '1'){ particleRenderer.sampleTextureColors(player.getVideoPlayer()->getPixelsRef()); } if(key == 'P'){ generateAmbientParticles(); } }
void ofApp::saveData() { string userTime = "User" + std::to_string(userIndex) + ":time"; string userColor = "User" + std::to_string(userIndex) + ":color"; string userDay = "User" + std::to_string(userIndex) + ":day"; string userHour = "User" + std::to_string(userIndex) + ":hour"; dataLog.setValue(userTime, finalCounter); dataLog.setValue(userColor, Light::getInstance().getCurrentColor()); //<<<<<<<-----------------------------!!!!!INTRODUIR COLOR!!!!! dataLog.setValue(userDay, std::to_string(ofGetDay())); dataLog.setValue(userHour, std::to_string(ofGetHours()) + "." + std::to_string(ofGetMinutes())); dataLog.saveFile("Log_BlueProject_" + std::to_string(ofGetDay()) + "_" + std::to_string(ofGetHours()) + "h" + std::to_string(ofGetMinutes()) + ".xml"); dataLog.saveFile("Log_BlueProject_" + std::to_string(ofGetDay()) + "_" + std::to_string(ofGetHours()) + "h" + std::to_string(ofGetMinutes()) + "_copy.xml"); }
void testApp::toLog(const std::string& to_log){ static bool initLog = false; if(!initLog){ sprintf(logFilename, "log_%02d_%02d_%02d_%02d_%02d.txt", ofGetMonth(), ofGetDay(), ofGetHours(), ofGetMinutes(), ofGetSeconds()); log.append("Clouds Visual Systems Test Log \n ================================================ \n "); initLog = true; } log.append(to_log); logEnd(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- string motionDetector::generateFileName() { string _root = "kinectRecord"; string _timestamp = ofToString(ofGetDay()) + ofToString(ofGetMonth()) + ofToString(ofGetYear()) + ofToString(ofGetHours()) + ofToString(ofGetMinutes()) + ofToString(ofGetSeconds()); string _filename = (_root + _timestamp + ".oni"); return _filename; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::draw(){ ofBackground(0); // grabber.draw(0, 0); cam.begin(); // ofDrawAxis(100); // ofDrawGrid(100,10,false,true,true,true); ofPushMatrix(); ofEnableAlphaBlending(); ofSetColor(255, 255, 255); vbo.bind(); vbo.updateVertexData(pos, total); vbo.updateColorData(color, total); vbo.updateTexCoordData(tex_coord, total); if(bUseGrabber)grabber.getTextureReference().bind(); for (int i=0; i<GRID_WIDTH; i++) { for (int j=0; j<GRID_HEIGHT; j++) { int index = (j*GRID_WIDTH+i) * LENGTH; // for(int k = 0; k < LENGTH ; k++) { // vbo.draw(GL_LINES, index,LENGTH); vbo.draw(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, index,LENGTH); } } } if(bUseGrabber)grabber.getTextureReference().unbind(); vbo.unbind(); ofPopMatrix(); cam.end(); if (bSnap) { string hr; ofImage img; img.grabScreen(0,0,ofGetWidth(), ofGetHeight()); if(ofGetHours() < 12) { hr = " AM"; } else { hr = " PM"; } img.saveImage(ofToString(ofGetYear())+"-"+ofToString(ofGetMonth())+"-"+ofToString(ofGetDay())+" at "+ofToString(ofGetHours(),2)+"."+ofToString(ofGetMinutes(),2)+"."+ofToString(ofGetSeconds(),2) +hr +".png"); bSnap = false; } ofDrawBitmapString(ofToString(ofGetFrameRate()), 20,20); }
int ambientColor::convertTime(int h, int m, int s) { int hours=ofMap(h, 0, 24, 0, 100000); int rangeHours = 100000 / 24;//ofMap(1, 0, 24, 0, 100000); int minutes = ofMap(m, 0, 60, 0, rangeHours); int rangeSeconds = (100000 / 24) / 60;//ofMap(1, 0, 60, 0, rangeHours); int seconds = ofMap(s, 0, 60, 0, rangeSeconds); if (ofGetDay() != startDay)hours += 100000;//WARNING THIS WORK ONLY FOR ONE DAY ON //cout << " h:" << h << " m:" << m << " s:" << s << endl; //cout <<"converted time"<< hours + minutes + seconds<< endl; return hours + minutes + seconds; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::keyPressed(int key){ if(key == ' '){ recording = !recording; if(recording){ ofImage posterFrame; posterFrame.setFromPixels(kinect.getPixels(), kinect.getWidth(), kinect.getHeight(), OF_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); recorder.incrementFolder(posterFrame); } } if(key == 'c'){ string filename = "__CalibFile_" + ofToString(ofGetDay()) + "_" + ofToString(ofGetHours()) + "_" + ofToString(ofGetMinutes()) + "_" + ofToString(ofGetSeconds()) +".png"; ofImage kinectImage; kinectImage.setFromPixels(kinect.getPixels(), 640, 480, OF_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); ofSaveImage( kinectImage, filename); } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::keyPressed(int key){ if(key == ' '){ timeline.togglePlay(); } if(key == 'g'){ generate(); } if(key == 't'){ traverse(); } if(key == 'T'){ camTrack.addKeyframe(); } if(key == 'L'){ camTrack.lockCameraToTrack = !camTrack.lockCameraToTrack; if(!camTrack.lockCameraToTrack){ cam.setAnglesFromOrientation(); } } if(key == 'f'){ ofToggleFullscreen(); } if(key == 'R'){ rendering = !rendering; if(rendering){ char folder[1024]; sprintf(folder, "frames_%02d_%02d_%02d/",ofGetDay(), ofGetHours(), ofGetMinutes()); renderFolder = folder; frameNum = 0; ofDirectory(renderFolder).create(true); timeline.setCurrentFrame(timeline.getInFrame()); timeline.play(); } } if(key == 'S'){ loadShader(); } }
void ofxDepthImageRecorder::incrementTake(){ char takeString[1024] ; sprintf(takeString, "TAKE_%02d_%02d_%02d_%02d_%02d", ofGetMonth(), ofGetDay(), ofGetHours(), ofGetMinutes(), ofGetSeconds()); currentFolderPrefix = string(takeString); ofDirectory dir(targetDirectory + "/" + currentFolderPrefix); dir.create(true); ofDirectory depthDir = ofDirectory(dir.getOriginalDirectory() + "/depth/"); depthDir.create(true); //create a color folder for good measure ofDirectory colorDir = ofDirectory(dir.getOriginalDirectory() + "/color/"); colorDir.create(true); currentFrame = 0; recordingStartTime = msaTimer.getAppTimeMillis(); }
// make sure to call setPoints before calling this function // bool Secretary::saveAttributes() { cout << "saving attributes" << endl; string file_name = _dir_name+"/attributes.txt"; string date_string = ofToString(ofGetMonth()) + "/" + ofToString(ofGetDay()) + "/"+ofToString(ofGetYear()); int total_pts = particles.size(); ofstream myfile (file_name.c_str()); if (myfile.is_open()) { myfile << "Date Rendered : "+date_string+".\n"; myfile << "Total Points : "+ofToString(total_pts)+".\n"; myfile.close(); } else { cout << "Unable to open file"; return false;} return true; }
// start new recording void urgRecorder::newRecording(string file_title) { // create a timestamped title and a new file stringstream ss; ss << ofGetYear() << "-"; ss << setw(2) << setfill('0') << ofGetMonth() << "-"; ss << setw(2) << setfill('0') << ofGetDay() << " "; ss << setw(2) << setfill('0') << ofGetHours() << "-"; ss << setw(2) << setfill('0') << ofGetMinutes() << "-"; ss << setw(2) << setfill('0') << ofGetSeconds() << " "; string timestamp = ss.str(); fileName = timestamp + file_title + ".csv"; recFile.open(ofToDataPath(fileName), ofFile::WriteOnly); // set recordingState to true recordingState = true; setTimeZero = true; }
void ofxGLEditor::saveToFile() { string curPath = ofToDataPath("", false); #ifdef TARGET_OSX ofSetDataPathRoot("../../../data/scripts/"); #endif string zero = "0"; string y = ofToString(ofGetYear()); string m = ofToString(ofGetMonth()); if (m.size() == 1) m = zero+m; string d = ofToString(ofGetDay()); if (d.size() == 1) d = zero+d; string hour = ofToString(ofGetHours()); if (hour.size() == 1) hour = zero+hour; string min = ofToString(ofGetMinutes()); if (min.size() == 1) min = zero+min; string sec = ofToString(ofGetSeconds()); if (sec.size() == 1) sec = zero+sec; string ymdhms = "gamuzaScript_"+y+m+d+hour+min+sec; string en = ".lua"; #ifndef __APPLE__ string fin = "scripts/"+ymdhms+en; #else string fin = ymdhms+en; #endif string scriptPath = fin; string file = ofToDataPath(scriptPath); ofstream myfile; myfile.open(file.c_str(), _S_out); string script; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < glEditor.size(); i++) { script += wstring_to_string(glEditor[i]->GetAllText()); script += "\n"; } myfile << script; myfile.close(); #ifdef TARGET_OSX ofSetDataPathRoot(curPath); #endif cout << "script saved" << endl; }