文件: logger.c 项目: koodaamo/yadifa
log_memdump_ex(logger_handle* hndl, u32 level, const void* data_pointer_, size_t size_, size_t line_size, bool hex, bool text, bool address)
    if((hndl == NULL) || (level >= MSG_LEVEL_COUNT) || (hndl->channels[level].offset < 0))

    output_stream os;
    char buffer[4096];

    bytearray_output_stream_init((u8*)buffer, sizeof (buffer), &os);

    u8* data_pointer = (u8*)data_pointer_;
    s32 size = size_;

    int dump_size;
    int i;

        dump_size = MIN(line_size, size);

        u8* data;

            osformat(&os, "%p ", data_pointer);

            data = data_pointer;
            for(i = 0; i < dump_size; i++)
                osformat(&os, "%02x", *data++);
                if((i & 3) == 3)
                    output_stream_write_u8(&os, (u8)' ');

            for(; i < line_size; i++)
                osprint(&os, "  ");
                if((i & 3) == 0)
                    osprint(&os, " ");

        if(hex & text)
            output_stream_write(&os, (u8*)" | ", 3);

            data = data_pointer;
            for(i = 0; i < dump_size; i++)
                char c = *data++;
                if(c < ' ')
                    c = '.';
                else if(c == '%')
                    output_stream_write_u8(&os, '%');

                output_stream_write_u8(&os, (u8)c);

        data_pointer += dump_size;
        size -= dump_size;

        if(size != 0)
            output_stream_write_u8(&os, 0);
            logger_handle_msg(hndl, level, "%s", bytearray_output_stream_buffer(&os));
    while(size > 0);

    //if(size_ > line_size)
    if(bytearray_output_stream_size(&os) > 0)
        output_stream_write_u8(&os, 0);
        logger_handle_msg(hndl, level, "%s", bytearray_output_stream_buffer(&os));

static void
message_viewer_wire_header(message_viewer *mv, const u8 *buffer)
    /* 1. get the output stream */
    output_stream *os      = mv->os;

    /* 2. get values of the different sections: QUESTION, ANSWER, AUTHORITY and ADDITIONAL */
    u16 count[4];
    count[0]               = ntohs(MESSAGE_QD(buffer));
    count[1]               = ntohs(MESSAGE_AN(buffer));
    count[2]               = ntohs(MESSAGE_NS(buffer));
    count[3]               = ntohs(MESSAGE_AR(buffer));

    /* 3. add the amount of section resource records into a total */
    message_viewer_resource_record_total_update(mv, count);

    /* 4. get message id */
    u16 id                 = MESSAGE_ID(buffer);

    /* 5. get opcode and rcode.
     *    opcode is needed for for knowing the difference between a regular message and a update message
    u8 opcode              = MESSAGE_OP(buffer);
    opcode               >>= OPCODE_SHIFT;

    u8 rcode               = MESSAGE_RCODE(buffer);

    const char *opcode_txt = get_opcode(opcode);
    const char *status_txt = get_rcode(rcode);

    mv->section_name       = (opcode != OPCODE_UPDATE)? message_section_names : message_section_update_names;

    /* if no view with header then inmediately return,
     * wire axfr has no header information so --> return
    if(mv->view_mode_with & VM_WITH_XFR)

    /* 6. we have all the information, fill the stream */
    osformat(os, ";; Got answer:\n");
    osformat(os, ";; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: %s, status: %s, id: %hd\n", opcode_txt, status_txt, id);
    osformat(os, ";; flags: ");

    if(MESSAGE_QR(buffer) != 0) osprint(os, "qr ");
    if(MESSAGE_AA(buffer) != 0) osprint(os, "aa ");
    if(MESSAGE_TC(buffer) != 0) osprint(os, "tc ");
    if(MESSAGE_RD(buffer) != 0) osprint(os, "rd ");
    if(MESSAGE_RA(buffer) != 0) osprint(os, "ra ");
    if(MESSAGE_ZF(buffer) != 0) osprint(os, "zf ");
    if(MESSAGE_AD(buffer) != 0) osprint(os, "ad ");
    if(MESSAGE_CD(buffer) != 0) osprint(os, "cd ");

    /* 3. get the names for the presentation */
    char  **count_name;
    count_name             = (opcode != OPCODE_UPDATE)? message_count_names   : message_count_update_names;

    osformat(os, "%s: %hd, %s: %hd, %s: %hd, %s: %hd\n",
             count_name[0], count[0],
             count_name[1], count[1],
             count_name[2], count[2],
             count_name[3], count[3]