文件: 2-2.c 项目: jiezh/h5vcc
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
	int ret, i;
	pthread_mutexattr_t ma;
	pthread_condattr_t ca;
	testdata_t * td;
	testdata_t alternativ;
	pid_t child_pr=0, chkpid;
	int status;
	pthread_t child_th;

 * Allocate space for the testdata structure
	/* Cannot mmap a file, we use an alternative method */
	td = &alternativ;
	#if VERBOSE > 0
	output("Testdata allocated in the process memory.\n");
 * For each test scenario, initialize the attributes and other variables.
	for ( i=0; i< (sizeof(scenarii) / sizeof(scenarii[0])); i++)
		#if VERBOSE > 1
		output("[parent] Preparing attributes for: %s\n", scenarii[i].descr);
		/* set / reset everything */
		ret = pthread_mutexattr_init(&ma);
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "[parent] Unable to initialize the mutex attribute object");  }
		ret = pthread_condattr_init(&ca);
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "[parent] Unable to initialize the cond attribute object");  }
		/* Set the mutex type */
		ret = pthread_mutexattr_settype(&ma, scenarii[i].m_type);
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "[parent] Unable to set mutex type");  }
		#if VERBOSE > 1
		output("[parent] Mutex type : %i\n", scenarii[i].m_type);
 * Initialize the testdata_t structure with the previously defined attributes 
		/* Initialize the mutex */
		ret = pthread_mutex_init(&(td->mtx), &ma);
		if (ret != 0)
		{  UNRESOLVED(ret, "[parent] Mutex init failed");  }
		/* initialize the condvar */
		ret = pthread_cond_init(&(td->cnd), &ca);
		if (ret != 0)
		{  UNRESOLVED(ret, "[parent] Cond init failed");  }
		ret = pthread_mutexattr_gettype(&ma, &(td->type));
		if (ret != 0)
		{  UNRESOLVED(ret, "[parent] Unable to read mutex type attribute");  }
 * Proceed to the actual testing 
		/* Create the child */
		/* We are testing across two threads */
		ret = pthread_create(&child_th, NULL, tf, td);
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "[parent] Unable to create the child thread.");  }
		/* Note: in case of an error, the child process will be alive for 10 sec then exit. */
		/* Child is now running and will enter the timedwait */
		/* We are waiting for this; and we have to monitor the status value as well. */
		ret = pthread_mutex_lock(&(td->mtx));
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "[parent] Unable to lock the mutex");  }
		while ((td->ctrl == 0) && (td->status == 0))
			ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&(td->mtx));
			if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "[parent] Unable to unlock the mutex");  }
			ret = pthread_mutex_lock(&(td->mtx));
			if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "[parent] Unable to lock the mutex");  }
		if ((td->ctrl == 2) && (td->status == 0)) /* Spurious wakeups hapenned */
			output("Spurious wake ups have happened. Maybe pthread_cond_wait is broken?\n");
			td->ctrl = 1;
		if (td->ctrl == 1)/* The child is inside the cond wait */
			ret = pthread_cond_signal(&(td->cnd));
			if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "[parent] Unable to signal the condition");  }
			/* Let the child leave the wait function if something is broken */
			if (td->ctrl != 1)
				FAILED("[parent] Child went out from pthread_cond_wait without locking the mutex");
			/* Allow the child to continue */
		/* Let the child do its checking */
		ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&(td->mtx));
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "[parent] Unable to unlock the mutex");  }
		/* Wait for the child to terminate */
		ret = pthread_join(child_th, NULL);
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "[parent] Unable to join the thread");  }

 * Destroy the data 
 		ret = pthread_cond_destroy(&(td->cnd));
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to destroy the cond var");  }
		ret = pthread_mutex_destroy(&(td->mtx));
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to destroy the mutex");  }
		ret = pthread_condattr_destroy(&ca);
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to destroy the cond var attribute object");  }
		ret = pthread_mutexattr_destroy(&ma);
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to destroy the mutex attribute object");  }
	}  /* Proceed to the next scenario */
	#if VERBOSE > 0
	output("Test passed\n");

	return 0;
文件: 1-2.c 项目: barajas/Intel-GLTP
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
	int ret=0;
	pthread_t child;



	for (sc=0; sc < NSCENAR; sc++)
		#if VERBOSE > 0
		output("Starting test with scenario (%i): %s\n", sc, scenarii[sc].descr);

		if (scenarii[sc].detached != 0) /* only joinable threads can be detached */
			ret = pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&scenarii[sc].ta, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE);
			if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "Unable to set detachstate back to joinable");  }

		/* for detached scenarii, we will call pthread_detach from inside the thread.
		   for joinable scenarii, we'll call pthread_detach from this thread. */

		ret = pthread_create(&child, &scenarii[sc].ta, threaded, (scenarii[sc].detached != 0)?&ret:NULL);
		switch (scenarii[sc].result)
			case 0: /* Operation was expected to succeed */
				if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to create this thread");  }

			case 1: /* Operation was expected to fail */
				if (ret == 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(-1, "An error was expected but the thread creation succeeded");  }
			#if VERBOSE > 0

			case 2: /* We did not know the expected result */
				if (ret == 0)
					{ output("Thread has been created successfully for this scenario\n"); }
					{ output("Thread creation failed with the error: %s\n", strerror(ret)); }
		if (ret == 0) /* The new thread is running */
			/* Just wait for the thread to terminate */
			do { ret = sem_wait(&(scenarii[sc].sem)); }
			while ((ret == -1) && (errno == EINTR));
			if (ret == -1)  {  UNRESOLVED(errno, "Failed to post the semaphore");  }

			/* If we must detach from here, we do it now. */
			if (scenarii[sc].detached == 0)
				ret = pthread_detach(child);
				if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to detach the child thread.");  }

			/* now check that the thread resources are freed. */
			ret = pthread_join(child, NULL);
			if (ret == 0)  {  FAILED("We were able to join a detached thread.");  }

			/* Let the thread an additionnal row to cleanup */

	#if VERBOSE > 0
	output("All test data destroyed\n");
	output("Test PASSED\n");

/* main function */
int main()
	int ret;
	long rts;

	struct sigaction sa;

	/* Initialize output */

	/* Test the RTS extension */
	rts = sysconf(_SC_REALTIME_SIGNALS);

	if (rts < 0L)
		UNTESTED("This test needs the RTS extension");

	/* Set the signal handler */
	sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;

	sa.sa_sigaction = handler;

	ret = sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask);

	if (ret != 0)
		UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to empty signal set");

	/* Install the signal handler for SIGXCPU */
	ret = sigaction(SIGNAL, &sa, 0);

	if (ret != 0)
		UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to set signal handler");

	if (called)
		FAILED("The signal handler has been called when no signal was raised");

	ret = raise(SIGNAL);

	if (ret != 0)
		UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to raise SIGXCPU");

	if (!called)
		FAILED("the sa_handler was not called whereas SA_SIGINFO was not set");

	/* Test passed */
#if VERBOSE > 0

	output("Test passed\n");


文件: 5-1.c 项目: Nan619/ltp-ddt
/********* main ********/
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int ret, i, j;
	pthread_t th;
	pthread_mutexattr_t ma[4], *pma[5];
	pma[4] = NULL;


	/* Initialize the mutex attributes */
	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		pma[i] = &ma[i];
		if ((ret = pthread_mutexattr_init(pma[i]))) {
			UNRESOLVED(ret, "pthread_mutexattr_init");
	if ((ret = pthread_mutexattr_settype(pma[0], PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL))) {
		UNRESOLVED(ret, "pthread_mutexattr_settype (normal)");
	if ((ret = pthread_mutexattr_settype(pma[1], PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK))) {
		UNRESOLVED(ret, "pthread_mutexattr_settype (errorcheck)");
	if ((ret = pthread_mutexattr_settype(pma[2], PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE))) {
		UNRESOLVED(ret, "pthread_mutexattr_settype (recursive)");
	if ((ret = pthread_mutexattr_settype(pma[3], PTHREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT))) {
		UNRESOLVED(ret, "pthread_mutexattr_settype (default)");
#if VERBOSE >1
	    ("Mutex attributes NORMAL,ERRORCHECK,RECURSIVE,DEFAULT initialized\n");
#if VERBOSE > 0
	    ("Mutex attributes NORMAL,ERRORCHECK,RECURSIVE,DEFAULT unavailable\n");

	/* Initialize the 5 mutex */
	for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
		if ((ret = pthread_mutex_init(&mtx[i], pma[i]))) {
		UNRESOLVED(ret, "pthread_mutex_init failed")}
		if ((ret = pthread_mutex_lock(&mtx[i]))) {
		UNRESOLVED(ret, "Initial pthread_mutex_lock failed")}

#if VERBOSE >1
	output("Mutex objects are initialized\n");

	/* We don't need the mutex attribute objects anymore */
	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		if ((ret = pthread_mutexattr_destroy(pma[i]))) {
			UNRESOLVED(ret, "pthread_mutexattr_destroy");

	/* Initialize the semaphores */
	if (sem_init(&semsig, 0, 1)) {
		UNRESOLVED(errno, "Sem init (1) failed");
	if (sem_init(&semstart, 0, 0)) {
		UNRESOLVED(errno, "Sem init (0) failed");
#if VERBOSE >1
	output("Going to create the child thread\n");
	/* Start the child */
	if ((ret = pthread_create(&th, NULL, threaded, NULL))) {
		UNRESOLVED(ret, "Unable to create the thread");
#if VERBOSE >1
	output("Child created\n");

	/* Monitor the child */
	for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {	/* We will do this for the 5 kinds of mutex */
		if (sem_wait(&semstart)) {	/* Wait for the thread to be ready */
			UNRESOLVED(errno, "Unable to wait for the child");
#if VERBOSE >1
		output("Child is ready for iteration %i\n", i + 1);

		ctrl = 0;	/* init the ctrl var */

		/* Send some signals to the thread */
		for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
			if ((ret = sem_wait(&semsig))) {
					   "Sem_wait failed from the signal handler");

			sched_yield();	/* Let the child do its stuff - might be a nanosleep here */

			if ((ret = pthread_kill(th, SIGUSR1))) {
				UNRESOLVED(ret, "Pthread_kill failed");
#if VERBOSE >1
		output("Child was killed 10 times\n");

		/* Now check the thread is still waiting for the mutex */
		if (ctrl != 0) {
			    ("Killed child passed the pthread_mutex_lock without owning it");
#if VERBOSE >1
		output("Control was OK\n");

		/* Unlock the mutex so the thread can proceed to the next one */
		if ((ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mtx[i]))) {
			UNRESOLVED(ret, "Mutex unlock in main failed");

#if VERBOSE >1
	    ("The test has passed, we are now going to clean up everything.\n");

	/* Clean everything: the test has passed */
	if ((ret = pthread_join(th, NULL))) {
		UNRESOLVED(ret, "Unable to join the child");

	for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
		if ((ret = pthread_mutex_destroy(&mtx[i]))) {
			UNRESOLVED(ret, "Unable to finally destroy a mutex");

	if (sem_destroy(&semstart)) {
		UNRESOLVED(errno, "Unable to destroy semstart semaphore");

	if (sem_destroy(&semsig)) {
		UNRESOLVED(errno, "Unable to destroy semsig semaphore");

文件: mame.c 项目: broftkd/mess-cvs
static void init_machine(running_machine *machine)
	mame_private *mame = machine->mame_data;
	int num;

	/* initialize basic can't-fail systems here */
	mame->rand_seed = 0x9d14abd7;

	/* initialize the base time (if not doing record/playback) */
	if (!Machine->record_file && !Machine->playback_file)
		mame->base_time = 0;

	/* init the osd layer */
	if (osd_init(machine) != 0)
		fatalerror("osd_init failed");

	/* initialize the input system */
	/* this must be done before the input ports are initialized */
	if (code_init(machine) != 0)
		fatalerror("code_init failed");

	/* initialize the input ports for the game */
	/* this must be done before memory_init in order to allow specifying */
	/* callbacks based on input port tags */
	if (input_port_init(machine, machine->gamedrv->ipt) != 0)
		fatalerror("input_port_init failed");

	/* load the ROMs if we have some */
	/* this must be done before memory_init in order to allocate memory regions */
	rom_init(machine, machine->gamedrv->rom);

	/* initialize the timers and allocate a soft_reset timer */
	/* this must be done before cpu_init so that CPU's can allocate timers */
	mame->soft_reset_timer = timer_alloc(soft_reset);

	/* initialize the memory system for this game */
	/* this must be done before cpu_init so that set_context can look up the opcode base */
	if (memory_init(machine) != 0)
		fatalerror("memory_init failed");

	/* now set up all the CPUs */
	if (cpuexec_init(machine) != 0)
		fatalerror("cpuexec_init failed");
	if (cpuint_init(machine) != 0)
		fatalerror("cpuint_init failed");

#ifdef MESS
	/* initialize the devices */

	/* start the save/load system */

	/* call the game driver's init function */
	/* this is where decryption is done and memory maps are altered */
	/* so this location in the init order is important */
	ui_set_startup_text("Initializing...", TRUE);
	if (machine->gamedrv->driver_init != NULL)

	/* start the audio system */
	if (sound_init(machine) != 0)
		fatalerror("sound_init failed");

	/* start the video hardware */
	if (video_init(machine) != 0)
		fatalerror("video_init failed");

	/* start the cheat engine */
	if (options.cheat)

	/* call the driver's _START callbacks */
	if (machine->drv->machine_start != NULL && (*machine->drv->machine_start)(machine) != 0)
		fatalerror("Unable to start machine emulation");
	if (machine->drv->sound_start != NULL && (*machine->drv->sound_start)(machine) != 0)
		fatalerror("Unable to start sound emulation");
	if (machine->drv->video_start != NULL && (*machine->drv->video_start)(machine) != 0)
		fatalerror("Unable to start video emulation");

	/* free memory regions allocated with REGIONFLAG_DISPOSE (typically gfx roms) */
	for (num = 0; num < MAX_MEMORY_REGIONS; num++)
		if (mame->mem_region[num].flags & ROMREGION_DISPOSE)
			free_memory_region(machine, num);

	/* initialize the debugger */
	if (machine->debug_mode)
文件: 5-1.c 项目: Mellanox/arc_ltp
	/* We can now free the memory */
	while (ptr_prev != NULL)
		ptr = ptr_prev;
		ptr_prev = *(void **)ptr;

	#if VERBOSE > 1
	output("Memory is released\n");

	for (i=0; i<4; i++)

	for (i=0; i<5; i++)
		if (retini[i] != 0 && retini[i] !=ENOMEM)
		{  FAILED("Mutex init returned a wrong error code when no memory was left"); }

		if (retini[i] == 0)
			#if VERBOSE > 0
			output("Mutex initialization for attribute %d succeeds when memory is full\n", i);
			if (retdtr[i] != 0)
			{  UNRESOLVED(retdtr[i],  "Mutex destroy failed on mutex inilialized under heavy loaded memory"); }
		#if VERBOSE > 0
			output("Mutex initialization for attribute %d fails with ENOMEM when memory is full\n", i);

#else /* WITHOUT_XOPEN */
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
	UNTESTED("This test requires XSI features");
/* The main test function. */
int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
	int ret, i;
	pthread_t ch;

	/* Initialize output */

	ret = pthread_mutex_lock( &mtx );

	if ( ret != 0 )
		UNRESOLVED( ret, "Failed to lock mutex" );

	ret = pthread_create( &ch, NULL, threaded, NULL );

	if ( ret != 0 )
		UNRESOLVED( ret, "Failed to create a thread" );

	/* Register the handlers */
	for ( i = 0; i < 10000; i++ )
		ret = pthread_atfork( prepare, parent, child );

		if ( ret == ENOMEM )
			output( "ENOMEM returned after %i iterations\n", i );

		if ( ret != 0 )
			UNRESOLVED( ret, "Failed to register the atfork handlers" );

	if ( ret == 0 )

		/* Let the child go on */
		ret = pthread_mutex_unlock( &mtx );

		if ( ret != 0 )
			UNRESOLVED( ret, "Failed to unlock mutex" );

		ret = pthread_join( ch, NULL );

		if ( ret != 0 )
			UNRESOLVED( ret, "Failed to join the thread" );

	/* Test passed */
#if VERBOSE > 0

	output( "Test passed\n" );


/* The main test function. */
int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
	int ret, status;
	pid_t child, ctl;

	struct itimerval it;

	/* Initialize output */

	/* Create the interval timer */
	it.it_interval.tv_sec = 15;
	it.it_interval.tv_usec = 0;
	it.it_value.tv_sec = 10;
	it.it_value.tv_usec = 0;

	ret = setitimer( ITIMER_REAL, &it, NULL );

	if ( ret != 0 )
		UNRESOLVED( errno, "Failed to set interval timer for ITIMER_REAL" );

	ret = setitimer( ITIMER_VIRTUAL, &it, NULL );

	if ( ret != 0 )
		UNRESOLVED( errno, "Failed to set interval timer for ITIMER_VIRTUAL" );

	ret = setitimer( ITIMER_PROF, &it, NULL );

	if ( ret != 0 )
		UNRESOLVED( errno, "Failed to set interval timer for ITIMER_PROF" );

#if VERBOSE > 0
	output( "All interval timers are set.\n" );


	/* Create the child */
	child = fork();

	if ( child == ( pid_t ) - 1 )
		UNRESOLVED( errno, "Failed to fork" );

	/* child */
	if ( child == ( pid_t ) 0 )
		/* Check we get the correct information: timer is reset */
		ret = getitimer( ITIMER_REAL, &it );

		if ( ret != 0 )
			UNRESOLVED( errno, "Failed to read ITIMER_REAL in child" );

		if ( it.it_value.tv_sec != 0 )
			FAILED( "Timer ITIMER_REAL was not reset in child" );

		ret = getitimer( ITIMER_VIRTUAL, &it );

		if ( ret != 0 )
			UNRESOLVED( errno, "Failed to read ITIMER_VIRTUAL in child" );

		if ( it.it_value.tv_sec != 0 )
			FAILED( "Timer ITIMER_VIRTUAL was not reset in child" );

		ret = getitimer( ITIMER_PROF, &it );

		if ( ret != 0 )
			UNRESOLVED( errno, "Failed to read ITIMER_PROF in child" );

		if ( it.it_value.tv_sec != 0 )
			FAILED( "Timer ITIMER_PROF was not reset in child" );

		/* We're done */
		exit( PTS_PASS );

	/* Parent joins the child */
	ctl = waitpid( child, &status, 0 );

	if ( ctl != child )
		UNRESOLVED( errno, "Waitpid returned the wrong PID" );

	if ( ( !WIFEXITED( status ) ) || ( WEXITSTATUS( status ) != PTS_PASS ) )
		FAILED( "Child exited abnormally" );

	/* Test passed */
#if VERBOSE > 0

	output( "Test passed\n" );


/* Main function */
int main (int argc, char * argv[])
	int ret;
	pthread_t th_work, th_sig1, th_sig2;
	thestruct arg1, arg2;

	if (sem_init(&semsig1, 0, 1))
	{ UNRESOLVED(errno, "Semsig1  init"); }
	if (sem_init(&semsig2, 0, 1))
	{ UNRESOLVED(errno, "Semsig2  init"); }
	if (sem_init(&semsync, 0, 0))
	{ UNRESOLVED(errno, "semsync init"); }
	if ((ret = pthread_create(&th_work, NULL, threaded, NULL)))
	{ UNRESOLVED(ret, "Worker thread creation failed"); }
	arg1.thr = &th_work;
	arg2.thr = &th_work;
	arg1.sig = SIGUSR1;
	arg2.sig = SIGUSR2;
	arg1.sem = &semsig1;
	arg2.sem = &semsig2;
	if ((ret = pthread_create(&th_sig1, NULL, sendsig, (void *)&arg1)))
	{ UNRESOLVED(ret, "Signal 1 sender thread creation failed"); }
	if ((ret = pthread_create(&th_sig2, NULL, sendsig, (void *)&arg2)))
	{ UNRESOLVED(ret, "Signal 2 sender thread creation failed"); }
	/* Let's wait for a while now */
	/* Now stop the threads and join them */
	do { do_it=0; }
	while (do_it);
	if ((ret = pthread_join(th_sig1, NULL)))
	{ UNRESOLVED(ret, "Signal 1 sender thread join failed"); }
	if ((ret = pthread_join(th_sig2, NULL)))
	{ UNRESOLVED(ret, "Signal 2 sender thread join failed"); }
	if (sem_post(&semsync))
	{ UNRESOLVED(errno, "could not post semsync"); }
	if ((ret = pthread_join(th_work, NULL)))
	{ UNRESOLVED(ret, "Worker thread join failed"); }

	#if VERBOSE > 0
	output("Test executed successfully.\n");
	output("  %d condvars initialization and destruction were done.\n", count_ope);
	output("  %d signals were sent meanwhile.\n", count_sig);
文件: 3-2.c 项目: kraj/ltp
/* The main test function. */
int main(void)
	int ret, value;

	sem_t *sem;

	/* Initialize output */

	/* Create the semaphore */
	sem = sem_open(SEM_NAME, O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0777, 2);

	if (sem == SEM_FAILED && errno == EEXIST) {
		sem = sem_open(SEM_NAME, O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0777, 2);

	if (sem == SEM_FAILED) {
		UNRESOLVED(errno, "Failed to create the semaphore");

	/* Use the semaphore to change its value. */
	do {
		ret = sem_wait(sem);
	} while (ret != 0 && errno == EINTR);

	if (ret != 0) {
		UNRESOLVED(errno, "Failed to wait for the semaphore");

	/* Here, count is 1. Now, close the semaphore */
	ret = sem_close(sem);

	if (ret != 0) {
		UNRESOLVED(errno, "Failed to close the semaphore");

	/* Open the semaphore again */
	sem = sem_open(SEM_NAME, O_CREAT, 0777, 3);

	if (sem == SEM_FAILED) {
		UNRESOLVED(errno, "Failed to re-open the semaphore");

	/* Check current semaphore count */
	ret = sem_getvalue(sem, &value);

	if (ret != 0) {
		UNRESOLVED(errno, "Failed to get semaphore value");

	if (value != 1) {
		output("Got value: %d\n", value);
		FAILED("The semaphore count has changed after sem_close");

	/* Now, we can destroy all */
	ret = sem_close(sem);

	if (ret != 0) {
		UNRESOLVED(errno, "Failed to close the semaphore");

	ret = sem_unlink(SEM_NAME);

	if (ret != 0) {
		UNRESOLVED(errno, "Failed to unlink the semaphore");

	/* Test passed */
#if VERBOSE > 0
	output("Test passed\n");

/** The main entry point of GridLAB-D
    @returns Exit codes XC_SUCCESS, etc. (see gridlabd.h)
int main(int argc, /**< the number entries on command-line argument list \p argv */
		 char *argv[]) /**< a list of pointers to the command-line arguments */
	char *pd1, *pd2;
	int i, pos=0;
	char *browser = getenv("GLBROWSER");

	/* set the default timezone */

	exec_clock(); /* initialize the wall clock */
	realtime_starttime(); /* mark start */
	/* set the process info */
	global_process_id = getpid();

	/* specify the default browser */
	if ( browser!= NULL )

#if defined WIN32 && _DEBUG 

#ifdef WIN32

	/* capture the execdir */
	pd1 = strrchr(global_execdir,'/');
	pd2 = strrchr(global_execdir,'\\');
	if (pd1>pd2) *pd1='\0';
	else if (pd2>pd1) *pd2='\0';

	/* determine current working directory */

	/* capture the command line */
	for (i=0; i<argc; i++)
		if (pos < (int)(sizeof(global_command_line)-strlen(argv[i])))
			pos += sprintf(global_command_line+pos,"%s%s",pos>0?" ":"",argv[i]);

	/* main initialization */
	if (!output_init(argc,argv) || !exec_init())

	/* set thread count equal to processor count if not passed on command-line */
	if (global_threadcount == 0)
		global_threadcount = processor_count();
	output_verbose("detected %d processor(s)", processor_count());
	output_verbose("using %d helper thread(s)", global_threadcount);

	/* process command line arguments */
	if (cmdarg_load(argc,argv)==FAILED)
		output_fatal("shutdown after command line rejected");
			The command line is not valid and the system did not
			complete its startup procedure.  Correct the problem
			with the command line and try again.

	/* stitch clock */
	global_clock = global_starttime;

	/* initialize scheduler */

	/* recheck threadcount in case user set it 0 */
	if (global_threadcount == 0)
		global_threadcount = processor_count();
		output_verbose("using %d helper thread(s)", global_threadcount);

	/* see if newer version is available */
	if ( global_check_version )

	/* setup the random number generator */

	/* pidfile */
	if (strcmp(global_pidfile,"")!=0)
		FILE *fp = fopen(global_pidfile,"w");
		if (fp==NULL)
			output_fatal("unable to create pidfile '%s'", global_pidfile);
				The system must allow creation of the process id file at
				the location indicated in the message.  Create and/or
				modify access rights to the path for that file and try again.
#ifdef WIN32
#define getpid _getpid
		output_verbose("process id %d written to %s", getpid(), global_pidfile);

	/* do legal stuff */
	if (strcmp(global_pidfile,"")==0 && legal_notice()==FAILED)
	/* start the processing environment */
	output_verbose("load time: %d sec", realtime_runtime());
	output_verbose("starting up %s environment", global_environment);
	if (environment_start(argc,argv)==FAILED)
		output_fatal("environment startup failed: %s", strerror(errno));
			The requested environment could not be started.  This usually
			follows a more specific message regarding the startup problem.
			Follow the recommendation for the indicated problem.
		if ( exec_getexitcode()==XC_SUCCESS )

	/* save the model */
	if (strcmp(global_savefile,"")!=0)
		if (saveall(global_savefile)==FAILED)
			output_error("save to '%s' failed", global_savefile);

	/* do module dumps */
	if (global_dumpall!=FALSE)
		output_verbose("dumping module data");

	/* KML output */
	if (strcmp(global_kmlfile,"")!=0)

	/* terminate */

	/* wrap up */
	output_verbose("shutdown complete");

	/* profile results */
	if (global_profiler)

	/* dump a copy of the schedules for reference */

	/* restore locale */

	/* if pause enabled */
#ifndef WIN32
        if (global_pauseatexit) {
                output_verbose("pausing at exit");
		while (true) {

	/* compute elapsed runtime */
	output_verbose("elapsed runtime %d seconds", realtime_runtime());
	output_verbose("exit code %d", exec_getexitcode());
文件: 1-2.c 项目: jiezh/h5vcc
/* Main entry point. */
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
	int ret;
	int sc;
	pthread_mutexattr_t ma;
	testdata_t * td;
	testdata_t alternativ;
	pid_t child_pr=0, chkpid;
	int status;
	pthread_t child_th;
	/* Initialize output */
 * Allocate space for the testdata structure
	/* Cannot mmap a file (or not interested in this), we use an alternative method */
	td = &alternativ;
	#if VERBOSE > 0
	output("Testdata allocated in the process memory.\n");
 * For each test scenario, initialize the attributes and other variables.
 * Do the whole thing for each time to test.
	for ( sc=0; sc < NSCENAR ; sc++)
		#if VERBOSE > 1
		output("[parent] Preparing attributes for: %s\n", scenarii[sc].descr);
		/* set / reset everything */
		ret = pthread_mutexattr_init(&ma);
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "[parent] Unable to initialize the mutex attribute object");  }
		/* Set the mutex type */
		ret = pthread_mutexattr_settype(&ma, scenarii[sc].m_type);
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "[parent] Unable to set mutex type");  }
		#if VERBOSE > 1
		output("[parent] Mutex type : %i\n", scenarii[sc].m_type);
 * Initialize the testdata_t structure with the previously defined attributes 
		/* Initialize the mutex */
		ret = pthread_mutex_init(&(td->mtx), &ma);
		if (ret != 0)
		{  UNRESOLVED(ret, "[parent] Mutex init failed");  }
		/* Initialize the other datas from the test structure */
 * Proceed to the actual testing 
		/* Trylock the mutex twice before creating children */
		ret = pthread_mutex_trylock(&(td->mtx));
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "[parent] Unable to trylock the mutex");  }
		ret = pthread_mutex_trylock(&(td->mtx));
		if (scenarii[sc].m_type == PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE)
			if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to pthread_mutex_trylock() twice a recursive mutex");  }
			/* Unlock once so the count is "1" */
			ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&(td->mtx));
			if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to unlock the mutex");  }
			if (ret == 0)  {  FAILED("Main was able to pthread_mutex_trylock() twice without error");  }
		/* Create the children */
		/* We are testing across two threads */
		ret = pthread_create(&child_th, NULL, tf, td);
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "[parent] Unable to create the child thread.");  }
		/* Wait for the child to terminate */
		ret = pthread_join(child_th, NULL);
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "[parent] Unable to join the thread");  }
		/* Check the child status */
		if (td->status != EBUSY)  
			output("Unexpected return value: %d (%s)\n", td->status, strerror(td->status));
			FAILED("pthread_mutex_trylock() did not return EBUSY in the child");
		/* Unlock the mutex */
		ret= pthread_mutex_unlock(&(td->mtx));
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to unlock the mutex");  }
 * Destroy the data 
		ret = pthread_mutex_destroy(&(td->mtx));
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to destroy the mutex");  }
		ret = pthread_mutexattr_destroy(&ma);
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to destroy the mutex attribute object");  }
	}  /* Proceed to the next scenario */
	#if VERBOSE > 0
	output("Test passed\n");

	return 0;
文件: 7-1.c 项目: 1587/ltp
/* The main test function. */
int main(void)
	int ret, i;
	sem_t *sems;
	sem_t sem_last;

	long max;

	/* Initialize output */

	max = sysconf(_SC_SEM_NSEMS_MAX);

	if (max <= 0) {
		output("sysconf(_SC_SEM_NSEMS_MAX) = %ld\n", max);
		UNTESTED("There is no constraint on SEM_NSEMS_MAX");

	sems = (sem_t *) calloc(max, sizeof(sem_t));

	if (sems == NULL) {
		UNRESOLVED(errno, "Failed to alloc space");

	for (i = 0; i < max; i++) {
		ret = sem_init(&sems[i], 0, 0);

		if (ret != 0) {
			    ("sem_init failed to initialize the %d nth semaphore.\n",
			output("Tryed to initialize %ld.\n", max);
			output("Error is %d: %s\n", errno, strerror(errno));

			for (; i > 0; i--)
				sem_destroy(&sems[i - 1]);



	ret = sem_init(&sem_last, 0, 1);

	if (ret == 0) {
		    ("We were able to sem_init more than SEM_NSEMS_MAX semaphores");

	if (errno != ENOSPC) {
		output("Error is %d: %s\n", errno, strerror(errno));

	for (i = 0; i < max; i++)


	/* Test passed */
#if VERBOSE > 0

	output("Test passed\n");


文件: 2-3.c 项目: jiezh/h5vcc
int main (int argc, char * argv[])
	int ret;
	pthread_mutexattr_t ma;
	pthread_condattr_t ca;
	int scenar;
	int child_count;
	pid_t pid;
	int status;
	pthread_attr_t ta;
	testdata_t alternativ;
 * Allocate space for the testdata structure
	/* Cannot mmap a file, we use an alternative method */
	td = &alternativ;
	#if VERBOSE > 0
	output("Testdata allocated in the process memory.\n");
	/* Initialize the thread attribute object */
	ret = pthread_attr_init(&ta);
	if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "[parent] Failed to initialize a thread attribute object");  }
	ret = pthread_attr_setstacksize(&ta, PTHREAD_STACK_MIN);
	if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "[parent] Failed to set thread stack size");  }
	/* Do the test for each test scenario */
	for (scenar=0; scenar < NSCENAR; scenar++)
		/* set / reset everything */
		ret = pthread_mutexattr_init(&ma);
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "[parent] Unable to initialize the mutex attribute object");  }
		ret = pthread_condattr_init(&ca);
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "[parent] Unable to initialize the cond attribute object");  }
		/* Set the mutex type */
		ret = pthread_mutexattr_settype(&ma, scenarii[scenar].m_type);
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "[parent] Unable to set mutex type");  }
		/* initialize the condvar */
		ret = pthread_cond_init(&td->cnd, &ca);
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "Cond init failed");  }
		/* initialize the mutex */
		ret = pthread_mutex_init(&td->mtx, &ma);
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "Mutex init failed");  }
		/* Destroy the attributes */
		ret = pthread_condattr_destroy(&ca);
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to destroy the cond var attribute object");  }
		ret = pthread_mutexattr_destroy(&ma);
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to destroy the mutex attribute object");  }
		#if VERBOSE > 2
		output("[parent] Starting test %s\n", scenarii[scenar].descr);
		/* Create all the children */
		for (children.nb=0; children.nb<NCHILDREN; children.nb++)
			ret = pthread_create(&(children.ch[children.nb].t), &ta, child, NULL);
			if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to create enough threads");  }
		#if VERBOSE > 4
		output("[parent] Created %i children\n", NCHILDREN);
		/* Make sure all children are waiting */
		ret = pthread_mutex_lock(&td->mtx);
		if (ret != 0) {  UNRESOLVED_KILLALL(ret, "Failed to lock mutex");  }
		child_count = td->count;
		while (child_count < NCHILDREN)
			ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&td->mtx);
			if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED_KILLALL(ret, "Failed to unlock mutex");  }
			ret = pthread_mutex_lock(&td->mtx);
			if (ret != 0) {  UNRESOLVED_KILLALL(ret, "Failed to lock mutex");  }
			child_count = td->count;
		#if VERBOSE > 4
		output("[parent] All children are waiting\n");
		/* Wakeup the children */
		ret = pthread_cond_broadcast(&td->cnd);
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED_KILLALL(ret, "Failed to broadcast the condition.");  }

		#if VERBOSE > 4
		output("[parent] Condition was signaled\n");
		ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&td->mtx);
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED_KILLALL(ret, "Failed to unlock mutex");  }
		#if VERBOSE > 4
		output("[parent] Joining the children\n");

		/* join the children */
		for (--children.nb; children.nb >= 0; children.nb--)
			ret = pthread_join(children.ch[children.nb].t, NULL);
			if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to join a child thread");  }
		if (ret != 0)
		#if VERBOSE > 4
		output("[parent] All children terminated\n");
		/* Destroy the datas */
		ret = pthread_cond_destroy(&td->cnd);
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to destroy the condvar");  }
		ret = pthread_mutex_destroy(&td->mtx);
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to destroy the mutex");  }
	/* Destroy global data */
	ret = pthread_attr_destroy(&ta);
	if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "Final thread attr destroy failed");  }
	/* exit */
	return 0;
/* main routine */
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
	int ret, i;
	void * rval;
	struct sigaction sa;


 	/* Initialize output */

	/* Initialize scenarii table */

	/* Register the signal handler for SIGUSR1 */
	sigemptyset (&sa.sa_mask);
	sa.sa_flags = 0;
	sa.sa_handler = sighdl;
	if ((ret = sigaction (SIGUSR1, &sa, NULL)))
	{ UNRESOLVED(ret, "Unable to register signal handler"); }
	if ((ret = sigaction (SIGALRM, &sa, NULL)))
	{ UNRESOLVED(ret, "Unable to register signal handler"); }
	#if VERBOSE > 1
	output("[parent] Signal handler registered\n");

	while (do_it)
		/* Create all the threads */
		for (i=0; i<SCALABILITY_FACTOR * FACTOR; i++)
			for (sc=0; sc<NSCENAR; sc++)
				/* Skip the alternative stack threads */
				if (scenarii[sc].altstack != 0)

				rets[i*NSCENAR + sc] = pthread_create(&threads[i*NSCENAR + sc], &scenarii[sc].ta, threaded, &threads[i*NSCENAR + sc]);
				switch (scenarii[sc].result)
					case 0: /* Operation was expected to succeed */
						if (rets[i*NSCENAR + sc] != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(rets[i*NSCENAR + sc], "Failed to create this thread");  }

					case 1: /* Operation was expected to fail */
						if (rets[i*NSCENAR + sc] == 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(-1, "An error was expected but the thread creation succeeded");  }

					case 2: /* We did not know the expected result */
						#if VERBOSE > 5
						if (rets[i*NSCENAR + sc] == 0)
							{ output("Thread has been created successfully for this scenario\n"); }
							{ output("Thread creation failed with the error: %s\n", strerror(rets[i*NSCENAR + sc])); }
				if (rets[i*NSCENAR + sc] == 0)
					/* Just wait for the thread to terminate */
					do { ret = sem_wait(&scenarii[sc].sem); }
					while ((ret == -1) && (errno == EINTR));
					if (ret == -1)  {  UNRESOLVED(errno, "Failed to wait for the semaphore");  }

		/* Join all the joinable threads and check the value */
		for (i=0; i<SCALABILITY_FACTOR * FACTOR; i++)
			for (sc=0; sc<NSCENAR; sc++)
				if ((scenarii[sc].altstack == 0) && (scenarii[sc].detached == 0) && (rets[i*NSCENAR + sc] == 0))
					ret = pthread_join(threads[i*NSCENAR + sc], &rval);
					if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "Unable to join a thread");  }

					if (rval !=  (void *)&threads[i*NSCENAR + sc])
						output("arg: %p -- got %p -- NULL=%p\n", &threads[i*NSCENAR + sc], rval, NULL);
						FAILED("The retrieved error value is corrupted");


	/* Destroy scenarii attributes */

	/* Test passed */
	output("pthread_exit stress test PASSED -- %llu iterations\n",iterations);
文件: 17-1.c 项目: barajas/Intel-GLTP
/* The main test function. */
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
	int ret, param, status;
	pid_t child, ctl;

	struct sched_param sp;

	/* Initialize output */

	/* Change process policy and parameters */
	sp.sched_priority = param = sched_get_priority_max(POLICY);

	if (sp.sched_priority == -1)
		UNRESOLVED(errno, "Failed to get max priority value");

	ret = sched_setscheduler(0, POLICY, &sp);

	if (ret == -1)
		UNRESOLVED(errno, "Failed to change process scheduling policy");

	/* Create the child */
	child = fork();

	if (child == -1)
		UNRESOLVED(errno, "Failed to fork");

	/* child */
	if (child == 0)

		/* Check the scheduling policy */
		ret = sched_getscheduler(0);

		if (ret == -1)
			UNRESOLVED(errno, "Failed to read scheduling policy in child");

		if (ret != POLICY)
			FAILED("The scheduling policy was not inherited");

		ret = sched_getparam(0, &sp);

		if (ret != 0)
			UNRESOLVED(errno, "Failed to read scheduling parameter in child");

		if (sp.sched_priority != param)
			FAILED("The scheduling parameter was not inherited");

		/* We're done */

	/* Parent joins the child */
	ctl = waitpid(child, &status, 0);

	if (ctl != child)
		UNRESOLVED(errno, "Waitpid returned the wrong PID");

	if (!WIFEXITED(status) || (WEXITSTATUS(status) != PTS_PASS))
		FAILED("Child exited abnormally");

	/* Test passed */
#if VERBOSE > 0
	output("Test passed\n");

文件: 28-26.c 项目: shubmit/shub-ltp
/* main function */
int main()
	int ret;

	struct sigaction sa, save;

	/* Initialize output */

	/* Register the signal handler with signal */

	if (SIG_ERR == signal(SIGNAL, handler_1))
		UNRESOLVED(errno, "Failed to register signal handler with signal()");

	/* As whether signal handler is restored to default when executed
	is implementation defined, we cannot check it was registered here. */

	/* Set the new signal handler with sigaction*/
	sa.sa_flags = 0;

	sa.sa_handler = handler_2;

	ret = sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask);

	if (ret != 0)
		UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to empty signal set");

	/* Install the signal handler for SIGXFSZ */
	ret = sigaction(SIGNAL, &sa, &save);

	if (ret != 0)
		UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to set signal handler");

	/* Check the signal handler has been set up */
	ret = raise(SIGNAL);

	if (ret != 0)
		UNRESOLVED(ret , "Failed to raise the signal");

	if (called != 0)
		FAILED("handler not executed");

	/* Restore the first signal handler */
	ret = sigaction(SIGNAL, &save, 0);

	if (ret != 0)
		UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to set signal handler");

	/* Check the signal handler has been set up */
	ret = raise(SIGNAL);

	if (ret != 0)
		UNRESOLVED(ret , "Failed to raise the signal");

	if (called != 1)
		FAILED("handler not executed");

	/* Test passed */
#if VERBOSE > 0

	output("Test passed\n");


/* The main test function. */
int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
	int ret, error;
	sem_t * sem;
#undef PATH_MAX
#undef NAME_MAX
	char * sem_name;

	/* Initialize output */

	/* Get PATH_MAX value */
	PATH_MAX = pathconf( "/", _PC_PATH_MAX );

#if VERBOSE > 0
	output( "PATH_MAX: %ld\n", PATH_MAX );

	if ( PATH_MAX > 0 )
		/* create a semaphore with a name longer than PATH_MAX */
		sem_name = calloc( PATH_MAX + 1, sizeof( char ) );

		if ( sem_name == NULL )
			UNRESOLVED( errno, "Failed to allocate space for the semaphore name" );

		/* the space was allocated */
		sem_name[ 0 ] = '/';

		sem_name[ PATH_MAX ] = '\0';

		memset( sem_name + 1, 'P', PATH_MAX - 1 );

		/* Create the semaphore */
		sem = sem_open( sem_name, O_CREAT, 0777, 1 );

		if ( sem != SEM_FAILED )
			ret = sem_unlink( sem_name );
			error = errno;
			free( sem_name );

			if ( ret == 0 )
				FAILED( "The function did not return ENAMETOOLONG as expected" );
				output( "Error was %d: %s\n", error, strerror( error ) );
				FAILED( "Unable to unlink a semaphore which we just created" );

#if VERBOSE > 0
			output( "Creation of the semaphore failed with error %d: %s\n", errno, strerror( errno ) );



	/* Get NAME_MAX value */
	NAME_MAX = pathconf( "/", _PC_NAME_MAX );

#if VERBOSE > 0
	output( "NAME_MAX: %ld\n", NAME_MAX );


	if ( NAME_MAX > 0 )
		/* create a semaphore with a name longer than NAME_MAX */
		sem_name = calloc( NAME_MAX + 2, sizeof( char ) );

		if ( sem_name == NULL )
			UNRESOLVED( errno, "Failed to allocate space for the semaphore name" );

		/* the space was allocated */
		sem_name[ 0 ] = '/';

		sem_name[ NAME_MAX + 1 ] = '\0';

		memset( sem_name + 1, 'N', NAME_MAX );

		/* Create the semaphore */
		sem = sem_open( sem_name, O_CREAT , 0777, 1 );

		if ( sem != SEM_FAILED )
			ret = sem_unlink( sem_name );
			error = errno;
			free( sem_name );

			if ( ret == 0 )
				FAILED( "The function did not return ENAMETOOLONG as expected" );
				output( "Error was %d: %s\n", error, strerror( error ) );
				FAILED( "Unable to unlink a semaphore which we just created" );

#if VERBOSE > 0
			output( "Creation of the semaphore failed with error %d: %s\n", errno, strerror( errno ) );



	/* Test passed */
#if VERBOSE > 0
	output( "Test passed\n" );

文件: 5-1.c 项目: Mellanox/arc_ltp
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
	pid_t child;

	pthread_mutex_t  mtx;
	pthread_mutexattr_t ma[4];
	pthread_mutexattr_t *pma[5];

	int ret=0;
	int i;
	int retini[5] = {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1};
	int retdtr[5]= {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1};

	void * ptr, *ptr_prev=NULL;

	int sz = 0;
	struct rlimit rl;

	int status=0;


	child = fork();

	if (child == (pid_t)-1)
	{ UNRESOLVED(errno, "Fork failed"); }

	if (child != 0) /* We are the father */
		if (child != waitpid(child, &status, 0))
		{  UNRESOLVED(errno, "Waitpid failed"); }

		if (WIFSIGNALED(status))
			"The child process was killed."); }

		if (WIFEXITED(status))
			return WEXITSTATUS(status);

		UNRESOLVED(0, "Child process neither returned nor was killed.");

	/* Only the child goes further */

	/* We initialize the different mutex attributes */
	for (i=0; (i<4) && (ret == 0); i++)
		pma[i] = &ma[i];
		ret = pthread_mutexattr_init(pma[i]);
	if (ret)
	{ UNRESOLVED(ret, "Mutex attribute init failed"); }
	pma[4] = (pthread_mutexattr_t *) NULL;

	if ((ret = pthread_mutexattr_settype(pma[0], PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL)))
	{ UNRESOLVED(ret, "Mutex attribute NORMAL failed"); }
	if ((ret = pthread_mutexattr_settype(pma[0], PTHREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT)))
	{ UNRESOLVED(ret, "Mutex attribute DEFAULT failed"); }
	if ((ret = pthread_mutexattr_settype(pma[0], PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE)))
	{ UNRESOLVED(ret, "Mutex attribute RECURSIVE failed"); }
	if ((ret = pthread_mutexattr_settype(pma[0], PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK)))
	{ UNRESOLVED(ret, "Mutex attribute ERRORCHECK failed"); }

	sz = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);

	/* Limit the process memory to a small value (64Mb for example). */
	if ((ret = setrlimit(RLIMIT_AS,  &rl)))
	{ UNRESOLVED(ret, "Memory limitation failed"); }

	#if VERBOSE > 1
	output("Ready to take over memory. Page size is %d\n", sz);

	/* Allocate all available memory */
	while (1)
		ptr = malloc(sz); /* Allocate one page of memory */
		if (ptr == NULL)
		#if VERBOSE > 1
		*(void **)ptr = ptr_prev; /* Write into the allocated page */
		ptr_prev = ptr;
	#if VERBOSE > 1
	output("%d pages were allocated before failure\n", ret);
	ret = 0;

	while (1)
		ptr = malloc(sizeof(void*)); /* Allocate every remaining bits of memory */
		if (ptr == NULL)
		#if VERBOSE > 1
		*(void **)ptr = ptr_prev; /* Keep track of allocated memory */
		ptr_prev = ptr;
	#if VERBOSE > 1
	output("%d additional spaces were allocated before failure\n", ret);
	ret = 0;
	if (errno != ENOMEM)
		UNRESOLVED(errno, "Memory not full");

	/* Now that memory is full, we try to initialize a mutex */
	for (i=0; i<5; i++)
		retini[i] = pthread_mutex_init(&mtx, pma[i]);
		if (!retini[i]) /* If mutex has been initialized, we destroy it */
			retdtr[i] = pthread_mutex_destroy(&mtx);

	/* We can now free the memory */
	while (ptr_prev != NULL)
		ptr = ptr_prev;
		ptr_prev = *(void **)ptr;

	#if VERBOSE > 1
	output("Memory is released\n");

	for (i=0; i<4; i++)

	for (i=0; i<5; i++)
		if (retini[i] != 0 && retini[i] !=ENOMEM)
		{  FAILED("Mutex init returned a wrong error code when no memory was left"); }

		if (retini[i] == 0)
			#if VERBOSE > 0
			output("Mutex initialization for attribute %d succeeds when memory is full\n", i);
			if (retdtr[i] != 0)
			{  UNRESOLVED(retdtr[i],  "Mutex destroy failed on mutex inilialized under heavy loaded memory"); }
		#if VERBOSE > 0
			output("Mutex initialization for attribute %d fails with ENOMEM when memory is full\n", i);
/* The main test function. */
int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
	int ret, status;
	pid_t child, ctl;

	timer_t tmr;

	struct sigevent se;

	struct itimerspec it;

	/* Initialize output */

	notified = 0;

	/* Create the timer */
	se.sigev_notify = SIGEV_THREAD;
	se.sigev_signo = 0;
	se.sigev_value.sival_int = SIGUSR1;
	se.sigev_notify_function = &notification;
	se.sigev_notify_attributes = NULL; /* default detached thread */

	ret = timer_create( CLOCK_REALTIME, &se, &tmr );

	if ( ret != 0 )
		UNRESOLVED( errno, "Failed to create a timer" );

	/* Arm the timer */
	it.it_interval.tv_nsec = 0;

	it.it_interval.tv_sec = 0;

	it.it_value.tv_sec = 0;

	it.it_value.tv_nsec = 500000000; /* 0.5 sec */

	ret = timer_settime( tmr, 0, &it, NULL );

	/* Create the child */
	child = fork();

	if ( child == ( pid_t ) - 1 )
		UNRESOLVED( errno, "Failed to fork" );

	/* child */
	if ( child == ( pid_t ) 0 )

		sleep( 1 );

		if ( notified != 0 )
			if ( notified == ( int ) getpid() )
				FAILED( "Per-Process Timer was inherited in child" );
				output( "Notification occured before the child forked" );

		/* We're done */
		exit( PTS_PASS );

	/* Parent joins the child */
	ctl = waitpid( child, &status, 0 );

	if ( ctl != child )
		UNRESOLVED( errno, "Waitpid returned the wrong PID" );

	if ( ( !WIFEXITED( status ) ) || ( WEXITSTATUS( status ) != PTS_PASS ) )
		FAILED( "Child exited abnormally" );

	if ( notified != ( int ) getpid() )
		output( "Notified value: %d\n", notified );
		UNRESOLVED( -1, "No notification occured -- per process timers do not work?" );

	/* Test passed */
#if VERBOSE > 0
	output( "Test passed\n" );

文件: 6-3.c 项目: shubmit/shub-ltp
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int ret;
	pthread_t th_work, th_sig1, th_sig2;
	struct thestruct arg1, arg2;

	struct sigaction sa;


	sa.sa_flags = 0;
	sa.sa_handler = sighdl1;

	ret = sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sa, NULL);
	if (ret == -1)
		UNRESOLVED(ret, "Unable to register signal handler1");

	sa.sa_handler = sighdl2;
	ret = sigaction(SIGUSR2, &sa, NULL);
	if (ret == -1)
		UNRESOLVED(ret, "Unable to register signal handler2");

	/* We prepare a signal set which includes SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 */

	ret = sigaddset(&usersigs, SIGUSR1);
	ret |= sigaddset(&usersigs, SIGUSR2);
	if (ret != 0)
		UNRESOLVED(ret, "Unable to add SIGUSR1 or 2 to a signal set");

	/* We now block the signals SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 for this THREAD */
	ret = pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &usersigs, NULL);
	if (ret != 0)
		UNRESOLVED(ret, "Unable to block SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 "
				"in main thread");

	if (sem_init(&semsig1, 0, 1))
		UNRESOLVED(errno, "Semsig1  init");

	if (sem_init(&semsig2, 0, 1))
		UNRESOLVED(errno, "Semsig2  init");


	/* Initialize thread attribute objects */

	ret = pthread_create(&th_work, NULL, test, NULL);
	if (ret)
		UNRESOLVED(ret, "Worker thread creation failed");

	arg1.sig = SIGUSR1;
	arg2.sig = SIGUSR2;
	arg1.sem = &semsig1;
	arg2.sem = &semsig2;

	ret = pthread_create(&th_sig1, NULL, sendsig, (void *) &arg1);
	if (ret)
		UNRESOLVED(ret, "Signal 1 sender thread creation failed");

	ret = pthread_create(&th_sig2, NULL, sendsig, (void *) &arg2);
	if (ret)
		UNRESOLVED(ret, "Signal 2 sender thread creation failed");

	/* Now stop the threads and join them */
	do {
		do_it1 = 0;
	} while (do_it1);


	do {
		do_it2 = 0;
	} while (do_it2);

	ret = pthread_join(th_sig1, NULL);
	if (ret)
		UNRESOLVED(ret, "Signal 1 sender thread join failed");

	ret = pthread_join(th_sig2, NULL);
	if (ret)
		UNRESOLVED(ret, "Signal 2 sender thread join failed");

	ret = pthread_join(th_work, NULL);
	if (ret)
		UNRESOLVED(ret, "Worker thread join failed");


#if VERBOSE > 0
	output("Test executed successfully.\n");

	output("  %d pthread_join calls.\n", count_ope);

	output("  %d signals were sent meanwhile.\n", count_sig);

文件: 2-5.c 项目: Nan619/ltp
int main(void)
    int ret, j;
    unsigned int i;
    pthread_mutexattr_t ma;
    pthread_condattr_t ca;
    pthread_t th[NTHREADS];
    int loc_started, loc_stopped;

    long altclk_ok, pshared_ok;

    struct {
        char altclk;	/* Want to use alternative clock */
        char pshared;	/* Want to use process-shared primitives */
        int type;	/* mutex type */
        char *descr;	/* Description of the case */

    } scenar[] = {
            0, 0, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE, "Recursive mutex"
        }, {
            0, 0, PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK, "Errorcheck mutex"
            1, 0, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE,
            "Recursive mutex + altclock cond"
        }, {
            "Errorcheck mutex + altclock cond"
        }, {
            1, 1, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE,
            "Recursive pshared mutex + altclock cond"
        }, {
            "Errorcheck pshared mutex + altclock cond"
            0, 1, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE, "Recursive pshared mutex"
        }, {
            "Errorcheck pshared mutex"


    /* Initialize the constants */
    altclk_ok = sysconf(_SC_CLOCK_SELECTION);
    if (altclk_ok > 0)
        altclk_ok = sysconf(_SC_MONOTONIC_CLOCK);

#ifndef USE_ALTCLK
    if (altclk_ok > 0)
        output("Implementation supports the MONOTONIC CLOCK "
               "but option is disabled in test.\n");

    pshared_ok = sysconf(_SC_THREAD_PROCESS_SHARED);

#if VERBOSE > 0
    output("Test starting\n");
    output(" Process-shared primitive %s be tested\n",
           (pshared_ok > 0) ? "will" : "won't");
    output(" Alternative clock for cond %s be tested\n",
           (altclk_ok > 0) ? "will" : "won't");

    for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(scenar) / sizeof(scenar[0])); i++) {
#if VERBOSE > 1
        output("Starting test for %s\n", scenar[i].descr);

        /* Initialize the data structure */
        ret = pthread_mutexattr_init(&ma);
        if (ret != 0)
            UNRESOLVED(ret, "Mutex attribute object init failed");

        ret = pthread_mutexattr_settype(&ma, scenar[i].type);
        if (ret != 0)
            UNRESOLVED(ret, "Unable to set mutex type");

        if ((pshared_ok > 0) && (scenar[i].pshared != 0)) {
            ret =
            if (ret != 0)
                           "Unable to set mutex process-shared");

        ret = pthread_condattr_init(&ca);
        if (ret != 0)
            UNRESOLVED(ret, "Cond attribute object init failed");

        if ((pshared_ok > 0) && (scenar[i].pshared != 0)) {
            ret =
            if (ret != 0)
                           "Unable to set cond process-shared");
        if ((altclk_ok > 0) && (scenar[i].altclk != 0)) {
            ret = pthread_condattr_setclock(&ca, CLOCK_MONOTONIC);
            if (ret != 0)
                           "Unable to set alternative (monotonic) clock for cond");

        ret = pthread_mutex_init(&(data.mtx1), &ma);
        if (ret != 0)
            UNRESOLVED(ret, "Unable to init mutex 1");

        ret = pthread_mutex_init(&(data.mtx2), &ma);
        if (ret != 0)
            UNRESOLVED(ret, "Unable to init mutex 2");

        ret = pthread_cond_init(&(data.cnd), &ca);
        if (ret != 0)
            UNRESOLVED(ret, "Unable to initialize condvar");

        data.boolcnd = 0;

        ret = pthread_mutexattr_gettype(&ma, &(data.type));
        if (ret != 0)
            UNRESOLVED(ret, "Unable to get type from mutex attr");

        ret = pthread_condattr_getclock(&ca, &(data.cid));
        if (ret != 0)
                       "Unable to get clock ID from cond attr");
        data.cid = CLOCK_REALTIME;

        data.started = 0;
        data.stopped = 0;

        /* Start the threads */
#if VERBOSE > 1
        output("Initialization OK, starting threads\n");
        for (j = 0; j < NTHREADS; j++) {
            ret =
                pthread_create(&th[j], NULL, threaded,
                               (void *)(long)(j & 1));
            if (ret != 0)
                UNRESOLVED(ret, "Thread creation failed");

        /* Wait for the threads to be started */
        do {
            ret = pthread_mutex_lock(&(data.mtx1));
            if (ret != 0)
                UNRESOLVED(ret, "Unable to lock m1 in parent");
            loc_started = data.started;
            ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&(data.mtx1));
            if (ret != 0)
                           "Unable to unlock m1 in parent");
        } while (loc_started < NTHREADS);

        /* Broadcast the condition until all threads are terminated */
        data.boolcnd = 1;
        do {
            ret = pthread_cond_broadcast(&(data.cnd));
            if (ret != 0)
                UNRESOLVED(ret, "Unable to broadcast cnd");
            ret = pthread_mutex_lock(&(data.mtx2));
            if (ret != 0)
                UNRESOLVED(ret, "Unable to lock m2 in parent");
            loc_stopped = data.stopped;
            ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&(data.mtx2));
            if (ret != 0)
                           "Unable to unlock m2 in parent");
        } while (loc_stopped < NTHREADS);

        /* Join the threads */
        for (j = 0; j < NTHREADS; j++) {
            ret = pthread_join(th[j], NULL);
            if (ret != 0)
                UNRESOLVED(ret, "Thread join failed");

#if VERBOSE > 1
        output("Test passed for %s\n", scenar[i].descr);

        /* Destroy data */
        ret = pthread_cond_destroy(&(data.cnd));
        if (ret != 0)
            UNRESOLVED(ret, "Cond destroy failed");

        ret = pthread_mutex_destroy(&(data.mtx1));
        if (ret != 0)
            UNRESOLVED(ret, "Mutex 1 destroy failed");

        ret = pthread_mutex_destroy(&(data.mtx2));
        if (ret != 0)
            UNRESOLVED(ret, "Mutex 2 destroy failed");

        ret = pthread_condattr_destroy(&ca);
        if (ret != 0)
            UNRESOLVED(ret, "Cond attribute destroy failed");

        ret = pthread_mutexattr_destroy(&ma);
        if (ret != 0)
            UNRESOLVED(ret, "Mutex attr destroy failed");
    }			/* Proceed to next case */

/* Main routine */
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
	int ret=0;
	int ctl=0;
	void * rval;
	pthread_t child;
	int i,j;
	for (j=0; j<3; j++)
		ret = pthread_key_create(&tld[j], destructor);
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to create a TLD key");  }
	for (i=0; i < NSCENAR; i++)
		if (scenarii[i].detached == 0)
			#if VERBOSE > 0
			output("Starting test with scenario (%i): %s\n", i, scenarii[i].descr);
			ret = pthread_create(&child, &scenarii[i].ta, threaded, &ctl);
			switch (scenarii[i].result)
				case 0: /* Operation was expected to succeed */
					if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to create this thread");  }
				case 1: /* Operation was expected to fail */
					if (ret == 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(-1, "An error was expected but the thread creation succeeded");  }
				case 2: /* We did not know the expected result */
					#if VERBOSE > 0
					if (ret == 0)
						{ output("Thread has been created successfully for this scenario\n"); }
						{ output("Thread creation failed with the error: %s\n", strerror(ret)); }
			if (ret == 0) /* The new thread is running */
				ret = pthread_join(child, &rval);
				if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "Unable to join a thread");  }
				if (rval != (NULL+1))
					FAILED("pthread_join() did not retrieve the pthread_exit() param");
				if (atctl != 0)  {  FAILED("The function registered with atexit() executed");  }
				if (ctl != 3)  {  FAILED("The TLD destructors were not called");  }
	for (j=0; j<3; j++)
		ret = pthread_key_delete(tld[j]);
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to delete a TLD key");  }
	#if VERBOSE > 0
	output("All test data destroyed\n");
	output("Test PASSED\n");
文件: 2-5.c 项目: Nan619/ltp
        /* Destroy data */
        ret = pthread_cond_destroy(&(data.cnd));
        if (ret != 0)
            UNRESOLVED(ret, "Cond destroy failed");

        ret = pthread_mutex_destroy(&(data.mtx1));
        if (ret != 0)
            UNRESOLVED(ret, "Mutex 1 destroy failed");

        ret = pthread_mutex_destroy(&(data.mtx2));
        if (ret != 0)
            UNRESOLVED(ret, "Mutex 2 destroy failed");

        ret = pthread_condattr_destroy(&ca);
        if (ret != 0)
            UNRESOLVED(ret, "Cond attribute destroy failed");

        ret = pthread_mutexattr_destroy(&ma);
        if (ret != 0)
            UNRESOLVED(ret, "Mutex attr destroy failed");
    }			/* Proceed to next case */


#else /* WITHOUT_XOPEN */
int main(void)
    UNTESTED("This test requires XSI features");
文件: 4-2.c 项目: Mellanox/arc_ltp
/* Main entry point. */
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
	int ret;
	int sc;
	pthread_mutexattr_t ma;

	testdata_t * td;
	testdata_t alternativ;

	int do_fork;

	pid_t child_pr=0, chkpid;
	int status;
	pthread_t child_th;

	long pshared, mf;

	/* Initialize output */

	/* Initialize the timeout */

	/* Test system abilities */
	pshared = sysconf(_SC_THREAD_PROCESS_SHARED);
	mf =sysconf(_SC_MAPPED_FILES);

	#if VERBOSE > 0
	output("Test starting\n");
	output("System abilities:\n");
	output(" TSH : %li\n", pshared);
	output(" MF  : %li\n", mf);
	if ((mf < 0) || (pshared < 0))
		output("Process-shared attributes won't be tested\n");

	#if VERBOSE > 0
	output("As XSI extension is disabled, we won't test the feature across process\n");
	mf = -1;

 * Allocate space for the testdata structure
	if (mf < 0)
		/* Cannot mmap a file (or not interested in this), we use an alternative method */
		td = &alternativ;
		pshared = -1; /* We won't do this testing anyway */
		#if VERBOSE > 0
		output("Testdata allocated in the process memory.\n");
		/* We will place the test data in a mmaped file */
		char filename[] = "/tmp/mutex_trylock_4-2-XXXXXX";
		size_t sz;
		void * mmaped;
		int fd;
		char * tmp;

		/* We now create the temp files */
		fd = mkstemp(filename);
		if (fd == -1)
		{ UNRESOLVED(errno, "Temporary file could not be created"); }

		/* and make sure the file will be deleted when closed */

		#if VERBOSE > 1
		output("Temp file created (%s).\n", filename);

		sz= (size_t)sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);

		tmp = calloc(1, sz);
		if (tmp == NULL)
		{ UNRESOLVED(errno, "Memory allocation failed"); }

		/* Write the data to the file.  */
		if (write (fd, tmp, sz) != (ssize_t) sz)
		{ UNRESOLVED(sz, "Writting to the file failed"); }


		/* Now we can map the file in memory */
		mmaped = mmap(NULL, sz, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
		if (mmaped == MAP_FAILED)
		{ UNRESOLVED(errno, "mmap failed"); }

		td = (testdata_t *) mmaped;

		/* Our datatest structure is now in shared memory */
		#if VERBOSE > 1
		output("Testdata allocated in shared memory.\n");

 * For each test scenario, initialize the attributes and other variables.
 * Do the whole thing for each time to test.
	for (sc=0; sc < NSCENAR ; sc++)
		#if VERBOSE > 1
		output("[parent] Preparing attributes for: %s\n", scenarii[sc].descr);
		/* set / reset everything */
		ret = pthread_mutexattr_init(&ma);
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "[parent] Unable to initialize the mutex attribute object");  }

		/* Set the mutex type */
		ret = pthread_mutexattr_settype(&ma, scenarii[sc].m_type);
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "[parent] Unable to set mutex type");  }
		#if VERBOSE > 1
		output("[parent] Mutex type : %i\n", scenarii[sc].m_type);

		/* Set the pshared attributes, if supported */
		if ((pshared > 0) && (scenarii[sc].m_pshared != 0))
			ret = pthread_mutexattr_setpshared(&ma, PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED);
			if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "[parent] Unable to set the mutex process-shared");  }
			#if VERBOSE > 1
			output("[parent] Mutex is process-shared\n");
		#if VERBOSE > 1
		else {
			output("[parent] Mutex is process-private\n");

		/* Tell whether the test will be across processes */
		if ((pshared > 0) && (scenarii[sc].fork != 0))
			do_fork = 1;
			#if VERBOSE > 1
			output("[parent] Child will be a new process\n");
		#if VERBOSE > 1
		else {
			output("[parent] Child will be a new thread\n");

 * Initialize the testdata_t structure with the previously defined attributes
		/* Initialize the mutex */
		ret = pthread_mutex_init(&(td->mtx), &ma);
		if (ret != 0)
		{  UNRESOLVED(ret, "[parent] Mutex init failed");  }

		/* Initialize the other datas from the test structure */

 * Proceed to the actual testing
		/* Trylock the mutex twice before creating children */
		ret = pthread_mutex_lock(&(td->mtx));
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "[parent] Unable to lock the mutex");  }

		/* Create the children */
		if (do_fork != 0)
			/* We are testing across processes */
			child_pr = fork();
			if (child_pr == -1)
			{  UNRESOLVED(errno, "[parent] Fork failed");  }

			if (child_pr == 0)
				#if VERBOSE > 3
				output("[child] Child process is starting...\n");

				if (tf((void *)td) != NULL)
					UNRESOLVED(-1, "[child] Got an unexpected return value from test function");
					/* We cannot use the PASSED macro here since it would terminate the output */
					exit (0);
			/* Only the parent process goes further */
		else /* do_fork == 0 */
			/* We are testing across two threads */
			ret = pthread_create(&child_th, NULL, tf, td);
			if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "[parent] Unable to create the child thread.");  }

		/* Wait for the child to terminate */
		if (do_fork != 0)
			/* We were testing across processes */
			ret = 0;
			chkpid = waitpid(child_pr, &status, 0);
			if (chkpid != child_pr)
				output("Expected pid: %i. Got %i\n", (int)child_pr, (int)chkpid);
				UNRESOLVED(errno, "Waitpid failed");
			if (WIFSIGNALED(status))
				output("Child process killed with signal %d\n",WTERMSIG(status));
				UNRESOLVED(-1 , "Child process was killed");

			if (WIFEXITED(status))
				ret = WEXITSTATUS(status);
				UNRESOLVED(-1, "Child process was neither killed nor exited");

			if (ret != 0)
				exit(ret); /* Output has already been closed in child */

		else /* child was a thread */
			ret = pthread_join(child_th, NULL);
			if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "[parent] Unable to join the thread");  }

		/* Check the child status */
		if (td->status != EBUSY)
			output("Unexpected return value: %d (%s)\n", td->status, strerror(td->status));
			FAILED("pthread_mutex_trylock() did not return EBUSY in the child");

		/* Unlock the mutex */
		ret= pthread_mutex_unlock(&(td->mtx));
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to unlock the mutex");  }

 * Destroy the data
		ret = pthread_mutex_destroy(&(td->mtx));
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to destroy the mutex");  }

		ret = pthread_mutexattr_destroy(&ma);
		if (ret != 0)  {  UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to destroy the mutex attribute object");  }

	}  /* Proceed to the next scenario */

	#if VERBOSE > 0
	output("Test passed\n");

文件: 22-1.c 项目: 1587/ltp
int main(void)
	int ret, status;
	pid_t child, ctl;

	long ctp, ctt;
	clockid_t clp, clt;

	struct timespec tp;


	ctp = sysconf(_SC_CPUTIME);
	ctt = sysconf(_SC_THREAD_CPUTIME);

	if ((ctp == -1) && (ctt == -1)) {
		    ("The testcase needs CPUTIME or THREAD_CPUTIME support");
#if VERBOSE > 0
	output("System abilities:\n");

	output("  _POSIX_CPUTIME        : %ld\n", ctp);

	output("  _POSIX_THREAD_CPUTIME : %ld\n", ctt);

	if (ctp > 0) {
		ret = clock_getcpuclockid(0, &clp);

		if (ret != 0) {
				   "Unable to get cpu-time clock id of the process");

		do {
			ret = clock_gettime(clp, &tp);

			if (ret != 0) {
					   "Failed to read CPU time clock");
		while (tp.tv_sec < 1);

	if (ctt > 0) {
		ret = pthread_getcpuclockid(pthread_self(), &clt);

		if (ret != 0) {
				   "Unable to get cpu-time clock id of the thread");

		do {
			ret = clock_gettime(clt, &tp);

			if (ret != 0) {
					   "Failed to read thread CPU time clock");
		while (tp.tv_sec < 1);

	/* Create the child */
	child = fork();

	if (child == -1) {
		UNRESOLVED(errno, "Failed to fork");

	/* child */
	if (child == 0) {
		if (ctp > 0) {
			ret = clock_getcpuclockid(0, &clp);

			if (ret != 0) {
					   "Unable to get cpu-time clock id of the process");

			ret = clock_gettime(clp, &tp);

			if (ret != 0) {
					   "Failed to read CPU time clock");

			if (tp.tv_sec > 0) {
				    ("The process CPU-time clock was not reset in child\n");

		if (ctt > 0) {
			ret = pthread_getcpuclockid(pthread_self(), &clt);

			if (ret != 0) {
					   "Unable to get cpu-time clock id of the thread");

			ret = clock_gettime(clt, &tp);

			if (ret != 0) {
					   "Failed to read thread CPU time clock");

			if (tp.tv_sec > 0) {
				    ("The thread CPU-time clock was not reset in child\n");


	/* Parent joins the child */
	ctl = waitpid(child, &status, 0);

	if (ctl != child) {
		UNRESOLVED(errno, "Waitpid returned the wrong PID");

	if (!WIFEXITED(status) || (WEXITSTATUS(status) != PTS_PASS)) {
		FAILED("Child exited abnormally");

#if VERBOSE > 0
	output("Test passed\n");
/* Main function */
int main ( int argc, char * argv[] )
	int ret;
	pthread_t th_work, th_sig1, th_sig2, me;
	thestruct arg1, arg2;

	struct sigaction sa;

	/* Initialize output routine */

	/* We need to register the signal handlers for the PROCESS */
	sigemptyset ( &sa.sa_mask );
	sa.sa_flags = 0;
	sa.sa_handler = sighdl1;

	if ( ( ret = sigaction ( SIGUSR1, &sa, NULL ) ) )
		UNRESOLVED( ret, "Unable to register signal handler1" );

	sa.sa_handler = sighdl2;

	if ( ( ret = sigaction ( SIGUSR2, &sa, NULL ) ) )
		UNRESOLVED( ret, "Unable to register signal handler2" );

	/* We prepare a signal set which includes SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 */
	sigemptyset( &usersigs );

	ret = sigaddset( &usersigs, SIGUSR1 );

	ret |= sigaddset( &usersigs, SIGUSR2 );

	if ( ret != 0 )
		UNRESOLVED( ret, "Unable to add SIGUSR1 or 2 to a signal set" );

	/* We now block the signals SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 for this THREAD */
	ret = pthread_sigmask( SIG_BLOCK, &usersigs, NULL );

	if ( ret != 0 )
		UNRESOLVED( ret, "Unable to block SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 in main thread" );

	if ( sem_init( &semsig1, 0, 1 ) )
		UNRESOLVED( errno, "Semsig1  init" );

	if ( sem_init( &semsig2, 0, 1 ) )
		UNRESOLVED( errno, "Semsig2  init" );


	me = pthread_self();

	if ( ( ret = pthread_create( &th_work, NULL, test, &me ) ) )
		UNRESOLVED( ret, "Worker thread creation failed" );

	arg1.sig = SIGUSR1;
	arg2.sig = SIGUSR2;
	arg1.sem = &semsig1;
	arg2.sem = &semsig2;

	if ( ( ret = pthread_create( &th_sig1, NULL, sendsig, ( void * ) & arg1 ) ) )
		UNRESOLVED( ret, "Signal 1 sender thread creation failed" );

	if ( ( ret = pthread_create( &th_sig2, NULL, sendsig, ( void * ) & arg2 ) ) )
		UNRESOLVED( ret, "Signal 2 sender thread creation failed" );

	/* Let's wait for a while now */
	sleep( 1 );

	/* Now stop the threads and join them */
		do_it = 0;
	while ( do_it );

	if ( ( ret = pthread_join( th_sig1, NULL ) ) )
		UNRESOLVED( ret, "Signal 1 sender thread join failed" );

	if ( ( ret = pthread_join( th_sig2, NULL ) ) )
		UNRESOLVED( ret, "Signal 2 sender thread join failed" );

	if ( ( ret = pthread_join( th_work, NULL ) ) )
		UNRESOLVED( ret, "Worker thread join failed" );

#if VERBOSE > 0
	output( "Test executed successfully.\n" );

	output( "  %d operations.\n", count_ope );

	output( "  %d signals were sent meanwhile.\n", count_sig );

/* The main test function. */
int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
	int ret, value;

	sem_t * sem1, * sem2;

	/* Initialize output */

	/* Create the semaphore */
	sem1 = sem_open( SEM_NAME, O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0777, 1 );

	if ( ( sem1 == SEM_FAILED ) && ( errno == EEXIST ) )
		sem_unlink( SEM_NAME );
		sem1 = sem_open( SEM_NAME, O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0777, 1 );

	if ( sem1 == SEM_FAILED )
		UNRESOLVED( errno, "Failed to create the semaphore" );

	/* Unlink */
	ret = sem_unlink( SEM_NAME );

	if ( ret != 0 )
		UNRESOLVED( errno, "Failed to unlink the semaphore" );

	/* Try reconnect */
	sem2 = sem_open( SEM_NAME, 0 );

	if ( sem2 != SEM_FAILED )
		FAILED( "Reconnecting the unlinked semaphore did not failed" );

	if ( errno != ENOENT )
		output( "Error %d: %s\n", errno, strerror( errno ) );
		FAILED( "Reconnecting the unlinked semaphore failed with a wrong error" );

	/* Reopen the semaphore */
	sem2 = sem_open( SEM_NAME, O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0777, 3 );

	if ( sem2 == SEM_FAILED )
		output( "Gor error %d: %s\n", errno, strerror( errno ) );
		FAILED( "Failed to recreate the semaphore" );

	/* Check the semaphore have different values */
	ret = sem_getvalue( sem1, &value );

	if ( ret != 0 )
		UNRESOLVED( errno, "Failed to read sem1 value" );

	if ( value != 1 )
		output( "Read: %d\n", value );
		FAILED( "Semaphore value is not as expected" );

	ret = sem_getvalue( sem2, &value );

	if ( ret != 0 )
		UNRESOLVED( errno, "Failed to read sem1 value" );

	if ( value != 3 )
		output( "Read: %d\n", value );
		FAILED( "Semaphore value is not as expected" );

	/* Unlink */
	ret = sem_unlink( SEM_NAME );

	if ( ret != 0 )
		UNRESOLVED( errno, "Failed to unlink the semaphore" );

	/* close both */
	ret = sem_close( sem1 );

	if ( ret != 0 )
		UNRESOLVED( errno, "Failed to close the semaphore" );

	ret = sem_close( sem2 );

	if ( ret != 0 )
		UNRESOLVED( errno, "Failed to close the semaphore" );

	/* Test passed */
#if VERBOSE > 0
	output( "Test passed\n" );

/* Main function */
int main (int argc, char * argv[])
	int ret = 0, i;

	struct sigaction sa;

	pthread_barrier_t bar;

	pthread_attr_t ta[ 4 ];

	pthread_t th[ NTHREADS ];

	struct sched_param sp;

	/* Initialize output routine */

	/* Initialize barrier */
	ret = pthread_barrier_init(&bar, NULL, 5);

	if (ret != 0)
		UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to init barrier");

	/* Register the signal handler for SIGUSR1 */
	sigemptyset (&sa.sa_mask);

	sa.sa_flags = 0;

	sa.sa_handler = sighdl;

	if ((ret = sigaction (SIGUSR1, &sa, NULL)))
		UNRESOLVED(ret, "Unable to register signal handler");

	if ((ret = sigaction (SIGALRM, &sa, NULL)))
		UNRESOLVED(ret, "Unable to register signal handler");

#if VERBOSE > 1
	output("[parent] Signal handler registered\n");


	td[ 0 ].policy = td[ 1 ].policy = SCHED_FIFO;

	td[ 2 ].policy = td[ 3 ].policy = SCHED_RR;

	td[ 0 ].prio = sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_FIFO);

	if (td[ 0 ].prio == -1)
		UNRESOLVED(errno, "Failed to get scheduler range value");

	td[ 1 ].prio = sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO);

	if (td[ 1 ].prio == -1)
		UNRESOLVED(errno, "Failed to get scheduler range value");

	td[ 2 ].prio = sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_RR);

	if (td[ 2 ].prio == -1)
		UNRESOLVED(errno, "Failed to get scheduler range value");

	td[ 3 ].prio = sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_RR);

	if (td[ 3 ].prio == -1)
		UNRESOLVED(errno, "Failed to get scheduler range value");

	/* Initialize the threads attributes and create the RT threads */
	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		ret = pthread_attr_init(&ta[ i ]);

		if (ret != 0)
			UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to initialize thread attribute");

		ret = pthread_attr_setinheritsched(&ta[ i ], PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED);

		if (ret != 0)
			UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to set explicit scheduling attribute");

		sp.sched_priority = td[ i ].prio;

		ret = pthread_attr_setschedparam(&ta[ i ], &sp);

		if (ret != 0)
			UNRESOLVED(ret, "failed to set thread attribute sched param");

		ret = pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&ta[ i ], td[ i ].policy);

		if (ret != 0)
			UNRESOLVED(ret, "failed to set thread attribute sched prio");

		ret = pthread_create(&td[ i ].thread, &ta[ i ], rt_thread, &bar);

		if (ret != 0)
			UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to create a RT thread -- need more privilege?");


	/* Create the worker threads */
	for (i = 0; i < NTHREADS; i++)
		ret = pthread_create(&th[ i ], NULL, threaded, NULL);

		if (ret != 0)
			UNRESOLVED(ret, "failed to create a worker thread");

	/* Wait for the worker threads to finish */
	for (i = 0; i < NTHREADS; i++)
		ret = pthread_join(th[ i ], NULL);

		if (ret != 0)
			UNRESOLVED(ret, "failed to join a worker thread");

	/* Join the barrier to terminate the RT threads */
	ret = pthread_barrier_wait(&bar);

	if ((ret != 0) && (ret != PTHREAD_BARRIER_SERIAL_THREAD))
		UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to wait for the barrier");

	/* Join the RT threads */
	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		ret = pthread_join(td[ i ].thread, NULL);

		if (ret != 0)
			UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to join a thread");

	/* Done! */
	output("pthread_getschedparam stress test PASSED -- %llu iterations\n", iterations);

	ret = pthread_barrier_destroy(&bar);

	if (ret != 0)
		UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to destroy the barrier");

文件: 4-1.c 项目: Nan619/ltp-ddt
/* The main test function. */
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int ret = 0;
    pthread_t child;
    pthread_t joiner;

    /* Initialize output routine */

    /* Initialize thread attribute objects */

    for (sc = 0; sc < NSCENAR; sc++) {
        if (scenarii[sc].detached == 1)

#if VERBOSE > 0
        output("Starting test with scenario (%i): %s\n",
               sc, scenarii[sc].descr);

        /* Lock the mutex */
        ret = pthread_mutex_lock(&mtx);
        if (ret != 0)
            UNRESOLVED(ret, "failed to lock the mutex");

        ret = pthread_create(&child, &scenarii[sc].ta, threaded, NULL);

        switch (scenarii[sc].result) {
        /* Operation was expected to succeed */
        case 0:

            if (ret != 0)
                UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to create this thread");

        /* Operation was expected to fail */
        case 1:

            if (ret == 0)
                UNRESOLVED(-1, "An error was expected "
                           "but the thread creation succeeded");

        /* We did not know the expected result */
        case 2:
#if VERBOSE > 0

            if (ret == 0)
                output("Thread has been created "
                       "successfully for this scenario\n");
                output("Thread creation failed with the error: "
                       "%s\n", strerror(ret));


        /* The new thread is running */
        if (ret == 0) {
            /* Now create the joiner thread */
            ret = pthread_create(&joiner, NULL,
                                 joiner_func, &child);

            if (ret != 0)
                UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to create the "
                           "joiner thread");

            /* Let it enter pthread_join */

            /* Cancel the joiner thread */
            ret = pthread_cancel(joiner);
            if (ret != 0)
                UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to cancel the thread");

            /* Join the canceled thread */
            ret = pthread_join(joiner, NULL);
            if (ret != 0)
                UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to join the "
                           "canceled thread");

            /* Unblock the child thread */
            ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mtx);
            if (ret != 0)
                UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to unlock the mutex");

            /* Check the first thread is still joinable */
            ret = pthread_join(child, NULL);
            if (ret != 0) {
                output("Error returned: %d\n");
                FAILED("The thread is no more joinable");

        } else {
            ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mtx);
            if (ret != 0)
                UNRESOLVED(ret, "Failed to unlock the mutex");

#if VERBOSE > 0
    output("All test data destroyed\n");
    output("Test PASSED\n");
