static void create_directory(const path &p) {
		if(!CreateDirectory(p.directory_str().c_str(), NULL))
			TCHAR chBuf[2048];
			swprintf_s(chBuf, _countof(chBuf), L"Can't create directory:[%s]!!", p.buf);
			TRACEERR("[path] [create_directory]", chBuf, GetLastError());
			throw path_error("CreateDirectory");
	static void move(const path &from, const path &to, bool replace=false) {
		if(!MoveFileEx(from.buf, to.buf, replace?MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING:0))
			TCHAR chBuf[1024];
			swprintf_s(chBuf, _countof(chBuf), L"Can't move file from:[%s] to:[%s]!!", from.buf, to.buf);
			TRACEERR("[path] [move]", chBuf, GetLastError());
			throw path_error("MoveFileEx");
	static void remove(const path &p) {
		if(exists(p) && !DeleteFile(p.buf))
			TCHAR chBuf[1024];
			swprintf_s(chBuf, _countof(chBuf), L"Can't delete file [%s]!!", p.buf);
			TRACEERR("[path] [remove]", chBuf, GetLastError());
			throw path_error("DeleteFile");
	static void copy(const path &from, const path &to, bool replace=false)
		if(replace && exists(to)) remove(to);
		if(!CopyFile(from.buf, to.buf, true))
			TCHAR chBuf[2048];
			swprintf_s(chBuf, _countof(chBuf), L"Can't copy file from:[%s] to:[%s]!!", from.buf, to.buf);
			TRACEERR("[path] [copy]", chBuf, GetLastError());
			throw path_error("CopyFile");
	static path relative_to(const path &from, const path &to, bool fromdir=true) {
		if(PathIsSameRoot(from.buf, to.buf)) {
			path p;

			if(!PathRelativePathTo(p.buf, from.buf, fromdir?FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY:0, to.buf, 0))
				TCHAR chBuf[1024];
				swprintf_s(chBuf, _countof(chBuf), L"PathRelativePathTo() from:[%s] to:[%s] failed!!", from.buf, to.buf);
				TRACEERR("[path] [relative_to]", chBuf, GetLastError());
				throw path_error("PathRelativePathTo");

			return p;
		else if(to.has_root()) return to;
			TRACEE("[path] [relative_to]  * ERROR:  unable to create relative path: paths have different roots!!");
			throw std::runtime_error("unable to create relative path: paths have different roots");
文件: ppm.c 项目: Athas/statml
pnm_img *pnm_read(const char file_name[]){
	FILE* fp;
	int status;
	int p;
	char buffer[MAX_LINE_SIZE];

	// open file
	fp = fopen(file_name,"r"); 
	if(fp == NULL) {
		return NULL;
	// get PPM type	
	if(buffer[0] != 'P') {
		printf("Bad header format\n");
		return NULL;
	p = atoi(buffer+1);
	// read past any comments
	do {
	} while(buffer[0] == '#');

	// get dimensions 
	char* current_position;
	int width = strtol(buffer,&current_position,10);
	if (*current_position == '\n'){
		current_position = buffer;
	int height = strtol(current_position,&current_position,10);

	pnm_img* img = pnm_create(width, height, p);

	if (*current_position == '\n'){
		current_position = buffer;
	img->max_color = strtol(current_position,&current_position,10);

	// extract pixel data
	if(p == 5 || p == 6){
		fread(img->pixels, sizeof(char),height*width*num_channels(p),fp);
		int R, G, B;
		if (num_channels(p) == 3){
			pnm_pixmap* pm = (pnm_pixmap*)img->pixels;
			for(int i = 0; i< height*width; i++){
				status = fscanf(fp," %i %i %i", &R, &G, &B);
				if(status == EOF) {
					printf("Bad file format\n");
					return NULL;		
				pm[i].R = (unsigned char)R;
				pm[i].G = (unsigned char)G;
				pm[i].B = (unsigned char)B;
			int grey;
			for(int i = 0; i< height*width; i++){
				status = fscanf(fp," %i", &grey);
				if(status == EOF) {
					printf("Bad file format\n");
					return NULL;		
				*((unsigned char*)img->pixels+i) = (unsigned char)grey;
	return img;