static void
normal_draw(struct lstopo_output *loutput, hwloc_obj_t level, unsigned depth, unsigned x, unsigned y)
  struct lstopo_obj_userdata *lud = level->userdata;
  unsigned gridsize = loutput->gridsize;
  unsigned fontsize = loutput->fontsize;

  if (loutput->drawing == LSTOPO_DRAWING_PREPARE) {
    /* compute children size and position, our size, and save it */
    prepare_text(loutput, level);
    lud->width = lud->textwidth + gridsize + FONTGRIDSIZE;
    lud->height = gridsize + (fontsize + FONTGRIDSIZE) * lud->ntext;
    place_children(loutput, level,
		   gridsize, gridsize + (fontsize + FONTGRIDSIZE) * lud->ntext);

  } else { /* LSTOPO_DRAWING_DRAW */
    struct draw_methods *methods = loutput->methods;
    struct lstopo_style style;
    unsigned totwidth, totheight;

    /* restore our size that was computed during prepare */
    totwidth = lud->width;
    totheight = lud->height;

    lstopo_set_object_color(loutput, level, &style);
    methods->box(loutput, &style.bg, depth, x, totwidth, y, totheight);
    draw_text(loutput, level, &style.t, depth-1, x + gridsize, y + gridsize);

    /* Draw sublevels for real */
    draw_children(loutput, level, depth-1, x, y);
文件: pane.cpp 项目: Wedge009/wesnoth
void pane::place(const point& origin, const point& size)
	DBG_GUI_L << LOG_HEADER << '\n';
	widget::place(origin, size);

	assert(origin.x == 0);
	assert(origin.y == 0);

static void
pci_device_draw(struct lstopo_output *loutput, hwloc_obj_t level, unsigned depth, unsigned x, unsigned y)
  struct lstopo_obj_userdata *lud = level->userdata;
  unsigned gridsize = loutput->gridsize;
  unsigned fontsize = loutput->fontsize;
  unsigned overlaidoffset = 0;

  if (lud->pci_collapsed > 1) {
    /* additional depths and height for overlaid boxes */
    depth -= 2;
    if (lud->pci_collapsed > 2) {
      overlaidoffset = gridsize;
    } else {
      overlaidoffset = gridsize/2;

  if (loutput->drawing == LSTOPO_DRAWING_PREPARE) {
    /* compute children size and position, our size, and save it */
    prepare_text(loutput, level);
    lud->width = lud->textwidth + gridsize + overlaidoffset + FONTGRIDSIZE;
    lud->height = fontsize + gridsize + overlaidoffset + FONTGRIDSIZE;
    place_children(loutput, level,
		   gridsize, fontsize + gridsize + FONTGRIDSIZE);

  } else { /* LSTOPO_DRAWING_DRAW */
    struct draw_methods *methods = loutput->methods;
    struct lstopo_style style;
    unsigned totwidth, totheight;

    /* restore our size that was computed during prepare */
    totwidth = lud->width;
    totheight = lud->height;

    lstopo_set_object_color(loutput, level, &style);

    if (lud->pci_collapsed > 1) {
      methods->box(loutput, &style.bg, depth+2, x + overlaidoffset, totwidth - overlaidoffset, y + overlaidoffset, totheight - overlaidoffset);
      if (lud->pci_collapsed > 2)
	methods->box(loutput, &style.bg, depth+1, x + overlaidoffset/2, totwidth - overlaidoffset, y + overlaidoffset/2, totheight - overlaidoffset);
      methods->box(loutput, &style.bg, depth, x, totwidth - overlaidoffset, y, totheight - overlaidoffset);
    } else {
      methods->box(loutput, &style.bg, depth, x, totwidth, y, totheight);

    draw_text(loutput, level, &style.t, depth-1, x + gridsize, y + gridsize);

    /* Draw sublevels for real */
    draw_children(loutput, level, depth-1, x, y);
static void
cache_draw(struct lstopo_output *loutput, hwloc_obj_t level, unsigned depth, unsigned x, unsigned y)
  struct lstopo_obj_userdata *lud = level->userdata;
  unsigned gridsize = loutput->gridsize;
  unsigned fontsize = loutput->fontsize;
  unsigned myheight = fontsize + gridsize + FONTGRIDSIZE; /* totheight also contains children outside of this actual cache box */

  if (loutput->drawing == LSTOPO_DRAWING_PREPARE) {
    /* compute children size and position, our size, and save it */
    prepare_text(loutput, level);
    lud->width = lud->textwidth + gridsize + FONTGRIDSIZE;
    lud->height = myheight;
    place_children(loutput, level,
		   0, myheight + gridsize);

  } else { /* LSTOPO_DRAWING_DRAW */
    struct draw_methods *methods = loutput->methods;
    struct lstopo_style style;
    unsigned totwidth;
    unsigned myoff = 0;

    /* restore our size that was computed during prepare */
    totwidth = lud->width;

    if (lud->above_children.kinds) {
      /* display above_children even above the cache itself */
      myoff = lud->above_children.height + gridsize;
      lud->above_children.yrel = 0;

    lstopo_set_object_color(loutput, level, &style);
    methods->box(loutput, &style.bg, depth, x, totwidth, y + myoff, myheight);

    draw_text(loutput, level, &style.t, depth-1, x + gridsize, y + gridsize + myoff);

    /* Draw sublevels for real */
    draw_children(loutput, level, depth-1, x, y);
static void
bridge_draw(struct lstopo_output *loutput, hwloc_obj_t level, unsigned depth, unsigned x, unsigned y)
  struct lstopo_obj_userdata *lud = level->userdata;
  unsigned gridsize = loutput->gridsize;
  unsigned fontsize = loutput->fontsize;
  unsigned speedwidth = fontsize ? fontsize + gridsize : 0;

  if (loutput->drawing == LSTOPO_DRAWING_PREPARE) {
    /* compute children size and position, our size, and save it */
    lud->width = 2*gridsize + gridsize + speedwidth;
    lud->height = gridsize + FONTGRIDSIZE;
    place_children(loutput, level,
		   3*gridsize + speedwidth, 0);

  } else { /* LSTOPO_DRAWING_DRAW */
    struct draw_methods *methods = loutput->methods;
    struct lstopo_style style;

    /* Square and left link */
    lstopo_set_object_color(loutput, level, &style);
    methods->box(loutput, &style.bg, depth, x, gridsize, y + BRIDGE_HEIGHT/2 - gridsize/2, gridsize);
    methods->line(loutput, &BLACK_COLOR, depth, x + gridsize, y + BRIDGE_HEIGHT/2, x + 2*gridsize, y + BRIDGE_HEIGHT/2);

    if (level->io_arity > 0) {
      hwloc_obj_t child = NULL;
      unsigned ymax = -1;
      unsigned ymin = (unsigned) -1;
      int ncstate;
      while ((child=next_child(loutput, level, LSTOPO_CHILD_KIND_ALL, child, &ncstate)) != NULL) {
	struct lstopo_obj_userdata *clud = child->userdata;
	unsigned ymid = y + clud->yrel + BRIDGE_HEIGHT/2;
	/* Line to PCI device */
	methods->line(loutput, &BLACK_COLOR, depth-1, x+2*gridsize, ymid, x+3*gridsize+speedwidth, ymid);
	if (ymin == (unsigned) -1)
	  ymin = ymid;
	ymax = ymid;
	/* Negotiated link speed */
	if (fontsize) {
	  float speed = 0.;
	  if (child->type == HWLOC_OBJ_PCI_DEVICE)
	    speed = child->attr->pcidev.linkspeed;
	  if (child->type == HWLOC_OBJ_BRIDGE && child->attr->bridge.upstream_type == HWLOC_OBJ_BRIDGE_PCI)
	    speed = child->attr->bridge.upstream.pci.linkspeed;
	  if (loutput->show_attrs[HWLOC_OBJ_BRIDGE] && speed != 0.) {
	    char text[4];
	    if (speed >= 10.)
	      snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%.0f", child->attr->pcidev.linkspeed);
	      snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%0.1f", child->attr->pcidev.linkspeed);
	    methods->text(loutput, &style.t2, fontsize, depth-1, x + 3*gridsize, ymid - BRIDGE_HEIGHT/2, text);
      methods->line(loutput, &BLACK_COLOR, depth-1, x+2*gridsize, ymin, x+2*gridsize, ymax);

      /* Draw sublevels for real */
      draw_children(loutput, level, depth-1, x, y);