void FramelessMainWindow::reconnectMediaPlayer()
    VlcMediaPlayer *player = VLC::_player;
    if ( !player ) return;

    connect( m_closeButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), player, SLOT( stop() ) );

    connect( player, SIGNAL( opening() ), this, SLOT( playbackStarted() ) );
    connect( player, SIGNAL( opening() ), m_control, SLOT( onPlaying() ) );
    connect( player, SIGNAL( stopped() ), this, SLOT( playbackStopped() ) );
    connect( player, SIGNAL( stopped() ), m_hostApp, SLOT( cancelTorrent() ) );
    connect( player, SIGNAL( stopped() ), m_control, SLOT( resetPlayback() ) );
    connect( player, SIGNAL( stopped() ), m_control, SLOT( resetPlayback() ) );
CarPI::CarPI(QObject * parent): QObject(parent) {
    qDebug() << "CarPI: Starting";

    _sourceCurrent = sourceUnknown;
    _sourcePaused = false;

    /* Kontroler płyty głównej urządzenia */
    _mainboard = MainBoard::getInstance();

    /* Emulator wyświetlacza radia */
    _displayEmulator = DisplayEmulator::getInstance();

    /* Emulator zmieniarki CD */
    _changerEmulator = ChangerEmulator::getInstance();

    /* Kontroler modułu bluetooth */
    _bluetooth = Bluetooth::getInstance();

    /* Odtwarzacz MP3 */
    _mp3Player = MP3Player::getInstance();

    /* Nawigacja */
    _navit = Navit::getInstance();

    /* Interfejs OBD II */
    _elm327 = Elm327::getInstance();

    _atmosphericPressure = 100; /* Zakładamy ciśnienie 1000hPa */

    connect(_mainboard, SIGNAL(radioPowerChanged(bool)), _displayEmulator, SLOT(radioPowerChanged(bool)));
    connect(_mainboard, SIGNAL(keyStateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(_pilotKeyStateChanged(int)));
    connect(_mainboard, SIGNAL(ignitionChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(_ignitionStateChanged(bool)));
    connect(_mainboard, SIGNAL(shutdown()), this, SLOT(shutdown()));

    connect(_displayEmulator, SIGNAL(displayTextChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(_displayTextChanged(QString)));
    connect(_displayEmulator, SIGNAL(displayIconsChanged(int)), this, SLOT(_displayIconsChanged(int)));
    connect(_displayEmulator, SIGNAL(displayMenuShow(int)), this, SLOT(_displayMenuShow(int)));
    connect(_displayEmulator, SIGNAL(displayMenuHide()), this, SLOT(_displayMenuHide()));
    connect(_displayEmulator, SIGNAL(displayMenuItemUpdate(int,QString,bool)), this, SLOT(_displayMenuSetItem(int,QString,bool)));
    connect(this, SIGNAL(radioNewKeyEvent(int)), _displayEmulator, SLOT(sendKeyEvent(int)));

    connect(_bluetooth, SIGNAL(connectionStateChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(_bluetoothConnectionStateChanged(bool)));
    connect(_bluetooth, SIGNAL(callStateChanged(BluetoothCallState,QString)), this, SLOT(_bluetoothCallStateChanged(BluetoothCallState,QString)));

    connect(_changerEmulator, SIGNAL(playbackStarted()), _mp3Player, SLOT(play()));
    connect(_changerEmulator, SIGNAL(playbackPaused()), _mp3Player, SLOT(pause()));
    connect(_changerEmulator, SIGNAL(playbackStopped()), _mp3Player, SLOT(stop()));
    connect(_changerEmulator, SIGNAL(nextTrack()), _mp3Player, SLOT(nextTrack()));
    connect(_changerEmulator, SIGNAL(prevTrack()), _mp3Player, SLOT(prevTrack()));
    connect(_changerEmulator, SIGNAL(loadCD(int)), this, SLOT(_changerEmulatorLoadCD(int)));

    connect(_mp3Player, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(_mp3PlayerTextChanged(QString)));
    connect(this, SIGNAL(mp3PlayerNextAlbum()), _mp3Player, SLOT(nextAlbum()));
    connect(this, SIGNAL(mp3PlayerPrevAlbum()), _mp3Player, SLOT(prevAlbum()));
    connect(this, SIGNAL(mp3PlayerSwitchDisplayMode()), _mp3Player, SLOT(switchDisplayMode()));

    connect(_elm327, SIGNAL(pidValueChanged(int,QVector<int>)), this, SLOT(_elm327PidChanged(int,QVector<int>)));
    connect(_elm327, SIGNAL(voltageChanged(double)), this, SLOT(_elm327VoltageChanged(double)));
    connect(this, SIGNAL(elm327addWatchPid(int)), _elm327, SLOT(addWatchPid(int)));
    connect(this, SIGNAL(elm327start()), _elm327, SLOT(start()));
    connect(this, SIGNAL(elm327stop()), _elm327, SLOT(stop()));


    emit elm327addWatchPid(0x05); /* Temperatura wody */
    emit elm327addWatchPid(0x04); /* Obciążenie silnika */
    emit elm327addWatchPid(0x0B); /* Ciśnienie absolutne w kolektorze dolotowym */
    emit elm327addWatchPid(0x0F); /* Temperatura powietrza w dolocie */
    emit elm327addWatchPid(0x23); /* Ciśnienie paliwa */
void AudioPlayer::play(const QString &file)/*{{{*/
	SNDFILE *sndfile ;
	SF_INFO sndfileinfo ;

	if (file.isEmpty())
		fprintf (stderr, "no soundfile given\n");
		//TODO: emit error signals
		emit playbackStopped(true);

	// Open the soundfile.
	sndfileinfo.format = 0 ;
	sndfile = sf_open (file.toUtf8().constData(), SFM_READ, &sndfileinfo) ;
	if (sndfile == NULL)
		//TODO: emit error signals
		fprintf (stderr, "Could not open soundfile '%s'\n", file.toUtf8().constData()) ;
		emit playbackStopped(true);

	// Init the thread info struct.
	info.can_process = 0 ;
	info.read_done = 0 ;
	info.play_done = 0 ;
	info.sndfile = sndfile ;
	info.channels = sndfileinfo.channels ;
	info.client = m_client ;
	info.pos = 0 ;
	if(info.seek && info.seek < sndfileinfo.frames)
		//qDebug("Preseting seek point");
		sf_seek(sndfile, info.seek, SEEK_CUR);
		info.seek = 0;

	// Start the disk thread. 
	pthread_create (&info.thread_id, NULL, AudioPlayer::read_file, &info);
	info.can_read = 1 ;
	m_isPlaying = true;

	emit nowPlaying(QString(file).append("@--,--@").append(calcTimeString((int)sndfileinfo.frames)), sndfileinfo.frames);

	while (!info.play_done)
		printTime() ;
		usleep (50000) ;
	//memset (ringbuf->buf, 0, ringbuf->size);

	m_isPlaying = false;

	info.can_process = 0;
	sf_close (sndfile) ;
	info.sndfile = 0;
	emit playbackStopped(true);
bool AudioPlayer::startClient()/*{{{*/
	// create jack client
		int channels = info.channels;
		jack_status_t status;
		m_client = jack_client_open("OOMidi_ClipList", JackNoStartServer, &status);
		if (!m_client)
			fprintf (stderr, "Jack server not running?\n") ;
			emit playbackStopped(true);
			return false;
		m_srate = jack_get_sample_rate (m_client) ;

		// Set up callbacks.
		jack_set_process_callback (m_client, AudioPlayer::process, &info) ;
		jack_on_shutdown (m_client, jack_shutdown, 0);

		//Default to two channels and we will just fill one if mono file
		output_port = (jack_port_t**)calloc (channels, sizeof (jack_port_t *)) ;
		outs = (jack_default_audio_sample_t**)calloc(channels, sizeof (jack_default_audio_sample_t *)) ;
		for (int i = 0 ; i < channels ; i++)
			char name [16] ;

			snprintf (name, sizeof (name), "out_%d", i + 1) ;
			output_port [i] = jack_port_register (m_client, name, JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE, JackPortIsOutput, 0) ;

		// Allocate and clear ringbuffer.
		ringbuf = jack_ringbuffer_create (sizeof (jack_default_audio_sample_t) * RB_SIZE) ;
		memset (ringbuf->buf, 0, ringbuf->size) ;

		// Activate client. 
		if (jack_activate (m_client))
			fprintf (stderr, "Cannot activate client.\n") ;
			emit playbackStopped(true);
			m_client = 0;
			return false;

		// Auto connect all channels.
		for (int i = 0 ; i < channels ; i++)
			char name [64] ;

			snprintf (name, sizeof (name), "system:playback_%d", i + 1) ;

			if(jack_connect (m_client, jack_port_name (output_port [i]), name))
				fprintf (stderr, "Cannot connect output port %d (%s).\n", i, name) ;

            // connect mono files to playback_2
            if (channels == 1)
                snprintf (name, sizeof (name), "system:playback_%d", i + 2) ;

                if(jack_connect (m_client, jack_port_name (output_port [i]), name))
                    fprintf (stderr, "Cannot connect output port %d (%s).\n", i, name) ;
		return true;
		return true;