BoundingBox::collisionCheck(const PhysicsObject *object) const
	PhysicsObjectType otherType = object->getType();
	switch(otherType) {
			return PhysicsObject::collisionCheck(object);
			return pointInBox(object->getPosition(), m_position, m_bounds);
			return collisionCheck((const BoundingBox *)object);
// Redistribute a set of range entity centroid coordinates with their owner
// ranks to the owning domain process.
void CoarseGlobalSearch::search( const EntityIterator& range_iterator,
				 const Teuchos::RCP<EntityLocalMap>& range_local_map,
				 const Teuchos::ParameterList& parameters,
				 Teuchos::Array<EntityId>& range_entity_ids,
				 Teuchos::Array<int>& range_owner_ranks,
				 Teuchos::Array<double>& range_centroids ) const
    // Assemble the local range bounding box.
    Teuchos::Tuple<double,6> range_box;
    assembleBoundingBox( range_iterator, range_box );

    // Find the domain boxes it intersects with.
    Teuchos::Array<int> neighbor_ranks;
    Teuchos::Array<Teuchos::Tuple<double,6> > neighbor_boxes;
    int num_domains = d_domain_boxes.size();
    for ( int n = 0; n < num_domains; ++n )
	if ( boxesIntersect(range_box,d_domain_boxes[n],d_inclusion_tol) )
	    neighbor_boxes.push_back( d_domain_boxes[n] );

    // For each local range entity, find the neighbors we should send it to.
    int num_neighbors = neighbor_boxes.size();
    EntityIterator range_begin = range_iterator.begin();
    EntityIterator range_end = range_iterator.end();
    EntityIterator range_it;
    Teuchos::Array<EntityId> send_ids;
    Teuchos::Array<int> send_ranks;
    Teuchos::Array<double> send_centroids;
    Teuchos::Array<double> centroid(d_space_dim);
    bool found_entity = false;
    for ( range_it = range_begin; range_it != range_end; ++range_it )
	// Get the centroid.
	range_local_map->centroid( *range_it, centroid() );

	// Check the neighbors.
	found_entity = false;
	for ( int n = 0; n < num_neighbors; ++n )
	    // If the centroid is in the box, add it to the send list.
	    if ( pointInBox(centroid(),neighbor_boxes[n],d_inclusion_tol) )
		found_entity = true;
		send_ids.push_back( range_it->id() );
		send_ranks.push_back( neighbor_ranks[n] );
		for ( int d = 0; d < d_space_dim; ++d )
		    send_centroids.push_back( centroid[d] );

	// If we are tracking missed range entities, add the entity to the
	// list.
	if ( d_track_missed_range_entities && !found_entity )
	    d_missed_range_entity_ids.push_back( range_it->id() );
    int num_send = send_ranks.size();
    Teuchos::Array<int> range_ranks( num_send, d_comm->getRank() );

    // Create a distributor.
    Tpetra::Distributor distributor(d_comm);
    int num_range_import = distributor.createFromSends( send_ranks() );

    // Redistribute the range entity ids.
    Teuchos::ArrayView<const EntityId> send_ids_view = send_ids();
    range_entity_ids.resize( num_range_import );
    distributor.doPostsAndWaits( send_ids_view, 1, range_entity_ids() );

    // Redistribute the range entity owner ranks.
    Teuchos::ArrayView<const int> range_ranks_view = range_ranks();
    range_owner_ranks.resize( num_range_import );
    distributor.doPostsAndWaits( range_ranks_view, 1, range_owner_ranks() );

    // Redistribute the range entity centroids.
    range_centroids.resize( d_space_dim*num_range_import );
    Teuchos::ArrayView<const double> send_centroids_view = send_centroids();
	send_centroids_view, d_space_dim, range_centroids() );