void simulate_interaction(){

	int i;  int t; int j; double W;

	double ds[4] = {V.d1,-1*V.d1,V.d2,-1*V.d2};

	//set action function according to strategy
	if(V.contrite1 == 0 || V.d1 < 0) V.action1 = &get_action_remorseless; else V.action1 = &get_action_contrite;
	if(V.contrite2 == 0 || V.d2 < 0) V.action2 = &get_action_remorseless; else V.action2 = &get_action_contrite;

	for(i = 0; i <  6; i++){ V.history[i]  = 0;}//start history
	for(i = 0; i < 16; i++){ V.rep_hitory[i]  = 0;}//start reputation state history

	for(t = 0; t < P.T; t++){

		for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){ V.good[i]  = 1;}//everyone starts off good

		if( V.d1 < 0){ V.good[0] = 0;V.good[1] = 0; } //defectors hate everyone
		if( V.d2 < 0){ V.good[2] = 0;V.good[3] = 0; } //defectors hate everyone

		//make sure new_good mirrors good, for efficient updates later
		for(i = 0; i<4; i++){V.new_good[i] = V.good[i];}

		//first turn, always happens

		//simulate W **SUBSEQUENT** interactions
		W = rand_geo(V.w)-1; //Geometric number of *subsequent* turns
		for(j = 0; j < W; j++){

			//update signals
			V.signals[1] = r4_nor ( &seed, kn, fn, wn ) + V.actions[1] * V.M; //A's signal of B
			V.signals[2] = r4_nor ( &seed, kn, fn, wn ) + V.actions[0] * V.M; //B's signal of A

			if(P.confused == 1){ //in a confused world, I know what I did, but not what you did...
				if(V.actions[0] > 0) V.signals[0] = INT_MAX; else V.signals[0] = INT_MIN;
				if(V.actions[1] > 0) V.signals[3] = INT_MAX; else V.signals[3] = INT_MIN;
			} else { //in a concordant world, we get the same signal
				V.signals[0] = V.signals[2]; //A's signal of A is B's signal of A
				V.signals[3] = V.signals[1]; //B's signal of B is A's signal of B

			//update reputation, based on signals

			//act and record
// generate random number in normal distribution
// input: arr, number arr
// input: size, size of the array
// input: max_number, maximum number
void random_number_generator_normal(float* arr, int size, int max_number){
	uint32_t kn[128];
	float fn[128], wn[128];
	r4_nor_setup ( kn, fn, wn);
	float rnd;
	uint32_t seed = (uint32_t)time(NULL);
	float var = sqrt(max_number);
	for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++){
		rnd = r4_nor(&seed, kn, fn, wn);
		arr[i] = max_number/2 + rnd*var;
double rnorm(){
	return r4_nor( &seed, kn, fn, wn );
double rand_normal(int variance) {
  return variance*r4_nor( &seed, kn, fn, wn );
csr_matrix rand_csr(const unsigned int N,const unsigned int density, const double normal_stddev,unsigned long* seed,FILE* log)
    unsigned int i,j,nnz_ith_row,nnz,update_interval,rand_col;
    double nnz_ith_row_double,nz_error,nz_per_row_doubled,high_bound;
    int kn[128];
    float fn[128],wn[128];
    char* used_cols;
    csr_matrix csr;

    csr.num_rows = N;
    csr.num_cols = N;
    csr.density_perc = (((double)(density))/10000.0);
    csr.nz_per_row = (((double)N)*((double)density))/1000000.0;
    csr.num_nonzeros = round(csr.nz_per_row*N);
    csr.stddev = normal_stddev * csr.nz_per_row; //scale normalized standard deviation by average NZ/row

    fprintf(log,"Average NZ/Row: %-8.3f\n",csr.nz_per_row);
    fprintf(log,"Standard Deviation: %-8.3f\n",csr.stddev);
    fprintf(log,"Target Density: %u ppm = %g%%\n",density,csr.density_perc);
    fprintf(log,"Approximate NUM_nonzeros: %d\n",csr.num_nonzeros);

    csr.Ap = (unsigned int *) int_new_array(csr.num_rows+1,"rand_csr() - Heap Overflow! Cannot Allocate Space for csr.Ap");
    csr.Aj = (unsigned int *) int_new_array(csr.num_nonzeros,"rand_csr() - Heap Overflow! Cannot Allocate Space for csr.Aj");

    csr.Ap[0] = 0;
    nnz = 0;
    nz_per_row_doubled = 2*csr.nz_per_row; //limit nnz_ith_row to double the average because negative values are rounded up to 0. This
    high_bound = MINIMUM(csr.num_cols,nz_per_row_doubled); //limitation ensures the distribution will be symmetric about the mean, albeit not truly normal.
    used_cols = (char *) malloc(csr.num_cols*sizeof(char));
    check(used_cols != NULL,"rand_csr() - Heap Overflow! Cannot allocate space for used_cols");


    update_interval = round(csr.num_rows / 10.0);
    if(!update_interval) update_interval = csr.num_rows;

    for(i=0; i<csr.num_rows; i++)
        if(i % update_interval == 0) fprintf(log,"\t%d of %d (%5.1f%%) Rows Generated. Continuing...\n",i,csr.num_rows,((double)(i))/csr.num_rows*100);

        nnz_ith_row_double = r4_nor(seed,kn,fn,wn); //random, normally-distributed value for # of nz elements in ith row, NORMALIZED
        nnz_ith_row_double *= csr.stddev; //scale by standard deviation
        nnz_ith_row_double += csr.nz_per_row; //add average nz/row
        if(nnz_ith_row_double < 0)
            nnz_ith_row = 0;
        else if(nnz_ith_row_double > high_bound)
            nnz_ith_row = high_bound;
            nnz_ith_row = (unsigned int) round(nnz_ith_row_double);

        csr.Ap[i+1] = csr.Ap[i] + nnz_ith_row;
        if(csr.Ap[i+1] > csr.num_nonzeros)
            csr.Aj = (unsigned int *) realloc(csr.Aj,sizeof(unsigned int)*csr.Ap[i+1]);

        for(j=0; j<csr.num_cols; j++)
            used_cols[j] = 0;

        for(j=0; j<nnz_ith_row; j++)
            rand_col = abs(gen_rand(0,csr.num_cols - 1)); //unsigned long is always non-negative
            if(used_cols[rand_col]) {
            else {
                csr.Aj[csr.Ap[i]+j] = rand_col;
                used_cols[rand_col] = 1;
        qsort((&(csr.Aj[csr.Ap[i]])),nnz_ith_row,sizeof(unsigned int),unsigned_int_comparator);

    nz_error = ((double)abs((signed int)(csr.num_nonzeros - csr.Ap[csr.num_rows]))) / ((double)csr.num_nonzeros);
    if(nz_error >= .05)
        fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: Actual NNZ differs from Theoretical NNZ by %5.2f%%!\n",nz_error*100);
    csr.num_nonzeros = csr.Ap[csr.num_rows];
    fprintf(log,"Actual NUM_nonzeros: %d\n",csr.num_nonzeros);
    csr.density_perc = (((double)csr.num_nonzeros)*100.0)/((double)csr.num_cols)/((double)csr.num_rows);
    csr.density_ppm = (unsigned int)round(csr.density_perc * 10000.0);
    fprintf(log,"Actual Density: %u ppm = %g%%\n",csr.density_ppm,csr.density_perc);

    csr.Ax = (float *) float_new_array(csr.num_nonzeros,"rand_csr() - Heap Overflow! Cannot Allocate Space for csr.Ax");
    for(i=0; i<csr.num_nonzeros; i++)
        csr.Ax[i] = 1.0 - 2.0 * common_randJS();
        while(csr.Ax[i] == 0.0)
            csr.Ax[i] = 1.0 - 2.0 * common_randJS();

    return csr;