/* Helper for decompressing a portion of a color or depth resource before * blitting if any decompression is needed. * The driver doesn't decompress resources automatically while u_blitter is * rendering. */ static bool r600_decompress_subresource(struct pipe_context *ctx, struct pipe_resource *tex, unsigned level, unsigned first_layer, unsigned last_layer) { struct r600_context *rctx = (struct r600_context *)ctx; struct r600_texture *rtex = (struct r600_texture*)tex; if (rtex->db_compatible) { if (r600_can_sample_zs(rtex, false)) { r600_blit_decompress_depth_in_place(rctx, rtex, false, level, level, first_layer, last_layer); if (rtex->surface.flags & RADEON_SURF_SBUFFER) { r600_blit_decompress_depth_in_place(rctx, rtex, true, level, level, first_layer, last_layer); } } else { if (!r600_init_flushed_depth_texture(ctx, tex, NULL)) return false; /* error */ r600_blit_decompress_depth(ctx, rtex, NULL, level, level, first_layer, last_layer, 0, u_max_sample(tex)); } } else if (rtex->cmask.size) { r600_blit_decompress_color(ctx, rtex, level, level, first_layer, last_layer); } return true; }
/* Helper for decompressing a portion of a color or depth resource before * blitting if any decompression is needed. * The driver doesn't decompress resources automatically while u_blitter is * rendering. */ static bool r600_decompress_subresource(struct pipe_context *ctx, struct pipe_resource *tex, unsigned level, unsigned first_layer, unsigned last_layer) { struct r600_context *rctx = (struct r600_context *)ctx; struct r600_texture *rtex = (struct r600_texture*)tex; if (rtex->is_depth && !rtex->is_flushing_texture) { if (rctx->b.chip_class >= EVERGREEN || r600_can_read_depth(rtex)) { r600_blit_decompress_depth_in_place(rctx, rtex, level, level, first_layer, last_layer); } else { if (!r600_init_flushed_depth_texture(ctx, tex, NULL)) return false; /* error */ r600_blit_decompress_depth(ctx, rtex, NULL, level, level, first_layer, last_layer, 0, u_max_sample(tex)); } } else if (rtex->cmask.size) { r600_blit_decompress_color(ctx, rtex, level, level, first_layer, last_layer); } return true; }
static void r600_copy_first_sample(struct pipe_context *ctx, const struct pipe_resolve_info *info) { struct r600_context *rctx = (struct r600_context *)ctx; struct r600_texture *rsrc = (struct r600_texture*)info->src.res; struct pipe_surface *dst_view, dst_templ; struct pipe_sampler_view src_templ, *src_view; struct pipe_box box; if (rsrc->is_depth && !rsrc->is_flushing_texture) { if (!r600_init_flushed_depth_texture(ctx, info->src.res, NULL)) return; /* error */ /* Decompress the first sample only. */ r600_blit_decompress_depth(ctx, rsrc, NULL, 0, 0, info->src.layer, info->src.layer, 0, 0); } if (rctx->chip_class != CAYMAN && rsrc->fmask_size && rsrc->cmask_size) { r600_blit_decompress_color(ctx, rsrc, 0, 0, info->src.layer, info->src.layer); } /* this is correct for upside-down blits too */ u_box_2d(info->src.x0, info->src.y0, info->src.x1 - info->src.x0, info->src.y1 - info->src.y0, &box); /* Initialize the surface. */ util_blitter_default_dst_texture(&dst_templ, info->dst.res, info->dst.level, info->dst.layer, &box); dst_view = ctx->create_surface(ctx, info->dst.res, &dst_templ); /* Initialize the sampler view. */ util_blitter_default_src_texture(&src_templ, info->src.res, 0); src_view = ctx->create_sampler_view(ctx, info->src.res, &src_templ); /* Copy the first sample into dst. */ r600_blitter_begin(ctx, R600_COPY_TEXTURE); util_blitter_copy_texture_view(rctx->blitter, dst_view, ~0, info->dst.x0, info->dst.y0, src_view, 0, &box, info->src.res->width0, info->src.res->height0, info->mask); r600_blitter_end(ctx); pipe_surface_reference(&dst_view, NULL); pipe_sampler_view_reference(&src_view, NULL); }
static void *r600_texture_transfer_map(struct pipe_context *ctx, struct pipe_resource *texture, unsigned level, unsigned usage, const struct pipe_box *box, struct pipe_transfer **ptransfer) { struct r600_common_context *rctx = (struct r600_common_context*)ctx; struct r600_texture *rtex = (struct r600_texture*)texture; struct r600_transfer *trans; boolean use_staging_texture = FALSE; struct r600_resource *buf; unsigned offset = 0; char *map; /* We cannot map a tiled texture directly because the data is * in a different order, therefore we do detiling using a blit. * * Also, use a temporary in GTT memory for read transfers, as * the CPU is much happier reading out of cached system memory * than uncached VRAM. */ if (rtex->surface.level[0].mode >= RADEON_SURF_MODE_1D) { use_staging_texture = TRUE; } else if ((usage & PIPE_TRANSFER_READ) && !(usage & PIPE_TRANSFER_MAP_DIRECTLY) && (rtex->resource.domains == RADEON_DOMAIN_VRAM)) { /* Untiled buffers in VRAM, which is slow for CPU reads */ use_staging_texture = TRUE; } else if (!(usage & PIPE_TRANSFER_READ) && (r600_rings_is_buffer_referenced(rctx, rtex->resource.cs_buf, RADEON_USAGE_READWRITE) || !rctx->ws->buffer_wait(rtex->resource.buf, 0, RADEON_USAGE_READWRITE))) { /* Use a staging texture for uploads if the underlying BO is busy. */ use_staging_texture = TRUE; } if (texture->flags & R600_RESOURCE_FLAG_TRANSFER) { use_staging_texture = FALSE; } if (use_staging_texture && (usage & PIPE_TRANSFER_MAP_DIRECTLY)) { return NULL; } trans = CALLOC_STRUCT(r600_transfer); if (trans == NULL) return NULL; trans->transfer.resource = texture; trans->transfer.level = level; trans->transfer.usage = usage; trans->transfer.box = *box; if (rtex->is_depth) { struct r600_texture *staging_depth; if (rtex->resource.b.b.nr_samples > 1) { /* MSAA depth buffers need to be converted to single sample buffers. * * Mapping MSAA depth buffers can occur if ReadPixels is called * with a multisample GLX visual. * * First downsample the depth buffer to a temporary texture, * then decompress the temporary one to staging. * * Only the region being mapped is transfered. */ struct pipe_resource resource; r600_init_temp_resource_from_box(&resource, texture, box, level, 0); if (!r600_init_flushed_depth_texture(ctx, &resource, &staging_depth)) { R600_ERR("failed to create temporary texture to hold untiled copy\n"); FREE(trans); return NULL; } if (usage & PIPE_TRANSFER_READ) { struct pipe_resource *temp = ctx->screen->resource_create(ctx->screen, &resource); r600_copy_region_with_blit(ctx, temp, 0, 0, 0, 0, texture, level, box); rctx->blit_decompress_depth(ctx, (struct r600_texture*)temp, staging_depth, 0, 0, 0, box->depth, 0, 0); pipe_resource_reference((struct pipe_resource**)&temp, NULL); } } else { /* XXX: only readback the rectangle which is being mapped? */ /* XXX: when discard is true, no need to read back from depth texture */ if (!r600_init_flushed_depth_texture(ctx, texture, &staging_depth)) { R600_ERR("failed to create temporary texture to hold untiled copy\n"); FREE(trans); return NULL; } rctx->blit_decompress_depth(ctx, rtex, staging_depth, level, level, box->z, box->z + box->depth - 1, 0, 0); offset = r600_texture_get_offset(staging_depth, level, box); } trans->transfer.stride = staging_depth->surface.level[level].pitch_bytes; trans->transfer.layer_stride = staging_depth->surface.level[level].slice_size; trans->staging = (struct r600_resource*)staging_depth; } else if (use_staging_texture) { struct pipe_resource resource; struct r600_texture *staging; r600_init_temp_resource_from_box(&resource, texture, box, level, R600_RESOURCE_FLAG_TRANSFER); resource.usage = (usage & PIPE_TRANSFER_READ) ? PIPE_USAGE_STAGING : PIPE_USAGE_STREAM; /* Create the temporary texture. */ staging = (struct r600_texture*)ctx->screen->resource_create(ctx->screen, &resource); if (staging == NULL) { R600_ERR("failed to create temporary texture to hold untiled copy\n"); FREE(trans); return NULL; } trans->staging = &staging->resource; trans->transfer.stride = staging->surface.level[0].pitch_bytes; trans->transfer.layer_stride = staging->surface.level[0].slice_size; if (usage & PIPE_TRANSFER_READ) { r600_copy_to_staging_texture(ctx, trans); } } else { /* the resource is mapped directly */ trans->transfer.stride = rtex->surface.level[level].pitch_bytes; trans->transfer.layer_stride = rtex->surface.level[level].slice_size; offset = r600_texture_get_offset(rtex, level, box); } if (trans->staging) { buf = trans->staging; if (!rtex->is_depth && !(usage & PIPE_TRANSFER_READ)) usage |= PIPE_TRANSFER_UNSYNCHRONIZED; } else { buf = &rtex->resource; } if (!(map = r600_buffer_map_sync_with_rings(rctx, buf, usage))) { pipe_resource_reference((struct pipe_resource**)&trans->staging, NULL); FREE(trans); return NULL; } *ptransfer = &trans->transfer; return map + offset; }
static void r600_resource_copy_region(struct pipe_context *ctx, struct pipe_resource *dst, unsigned dst_level, unsigned dstx, unsigned dsty, unsigned dstz, struct pipe_resource *src, unsigned src_level, const struct pipe_box *src_box) { struct r600_context *rctx = (struct r600_context *)ctx; struct r600_texture *rsrc = (struct r600_texture*)src; struct texture_orig_info orig_info[2]; struct pipe_box sbox; const struct pipe_box *psbox = src_box; boolean restore_orig[2]; unsigned last_sample, i; memset(orig_info, 0, sizeof(orig_info)); /* Handle buffers first. */ if (dst->target == PIPE_BUFFER && src->target == PIPE_BUFFER) { r600_copy_buffer(ctx, dst, dstx, src, src_box); return; } assert(u_max_sample(dst) == u_max_sample(src)); last_sample = u_max_sample(dst); /* This must be done before entering u_blitter to avoid recursion. */ if (rsrc->is_depth && !rsrc->is_flushing_texture) { if (!r600_init_flushed_depth_texture(ctx, src, NULL)) return; /* error */ r600_blit_uncompress_depth(ctx, rsrc, NULL, src_level, src_level, src_box->z, src_box->z + src_box->depth - 1, 0, u_max_sample(src)); } restore_orig[0] = restore_orig[1] = FALSE; if (util_format_is_compressed(src->format) && util_format_is_compressed(dst->format)) { r600_compressed_to_blittable(src, src_level, &orig_info[0]); restore_orig[0] = TRUE; sbox.x = util_format_get_nblocksx(orig_info[0].format, src_box->x); sbox.y = util_format_get_nblocksy(orig_info[0].format, src_box->y); sbox.z = src_box->z; sbox.width = util_format_get_nblocksx(orig_info[0].format, src_box->width); sbox.height = util_format_get_nblocksy(orig_info[0].format, src_box->height); sbox.depth = src_box->depth; psbox = &sbox; r600_compressed_to_blittable(dst, dst_level, &orig_info[1]); restore_orig[1] = TRUE; /* translate the dst box as well */ dstx = util_format_get_nblocksx(orig_info[1].format, dstx); dsty = util_format_get_nblocksy(orig_info[1].format, dsty); } else if (!util_blitter_is_copy_supported(rctx->blitter, dst, src, PIPE_MASK_RGBAZS)) { if (util_format_is_subsampled_2x1_32bpp(src->format) && util_format_is_subsampled_2x1_32bpp(dst->format)) { r600_subsampled_2x1_32bpp_to_blittable(src, src_level, &orig_info[0]); r600_subsampled_2x1_32bpp_to_blittable(dst, dst_level, &orig_info[1]); sbox = *src_box; sbox.x = util_format_get_nblocksx(orig_info[0].format, src_box->x); sbox.width = util_format_get_nblocksx(orig_info[0].format, src_box->width); psbox = &sbox; dstx = util_format_get_nblocksx(orig_info[1].format, dstx); } else { unsigned blocksize = util_format_get_blocksize(src->format); switch (blocksize) { case 1: r600_change_format(src, src_level, &orig_info[0], PIPE_FORMAT_R8_UNORM); r600_change_format(dst, dst_level, &orig_info[1], PIPE_FORMAT_R8_UNORM); break; case 4: r600_change_format(src, src_level, &orig_info[0], PIPE_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM); r600_change_format(dst, dst_level, &orig_info[1], PIPE_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unhandled format %s with blocksize %u\n", util_format_short_name(src->format), blocksize); assert(0); } } restore_orig[0] = TRUE; restore_orig[1] = TRUE; } for (i = 0; i <= last_sample; i++) { r600_blitter_begin(ctx, R600_COPY_TEXTURE); util_blitter_copy_texture(rctx->blitter, dst, dst_level, 1 << i, dstx, dsty, dstz, src, src_level, i, psbox); r600_blitter_end(ctx); } if (restore_orig[0]) r600_reset_blittable_to_orig(src, src_level, &orig_info[0]); if (restore_orig[1]) r600_reset_blittable_to_orig(dst, dst_level, &orig_info[1]); }
static void *si_texture_transfer_map(struct pipe_context *ctx, struct pipe_resource *texture, unsigned level, unsigned usage, const struct pipe_box *box, struct pipe_transfer **ptransfer) { struct r600_context *rctx = (struct r600_context *)ctx; struct r600_resource_texture *rtex = (struct r600_resource_texture*)texture; struct r600_transfer *trans; boolean use_staging_texture = FALSE; struct radeon_winsys_cs_handle *buf; enum pipe_format format = texture->format; unsigned offset = 0; char *map; /* We cannot map a tiled texture directly because the data is * in a different order, therefore we do detiling using a blit. * * Also, use a temporary in GTT memory for read transfers, as * the CPU is much happier reading out of cached system memory * than uncached VRAM. */ if (rtex->surface.level[level].mode != RADEON_SURF_MODE_LINEAR_ALIGNED && rtex->surface.level[level].mode != RADEON_SURF_MODE_LINEAR) use_staging_texture = TRUE; /* XXX: Use a staging texture for uploads if the underlying BO * is busy. No interface for checking that currently? so do * it eagerly whenever the transfer doesn't require a readback * and might block. */ if ((usage & PIPE_TRANSFER_WRITE) && !(usage & (PIPE_TRANSFER_READ | PIPE_TRANSFER_DONTBLOCK | PIPE_TRANSFER_UNSYNCHRONIZED))) use_staging_texture = TRUE; if (texture->flags & R600_RESOURCE_FLAG_TRANSFER) use_staging_texture = FALSE; if (use_staging_texture && (usage & PIPE_TRANSFER_MAP_DIRECTLY)) return NULL; trans = CALLOC_STRUCT(r600_transfer); if (trans == NULL) return NULL; pipe_resource_reference(&trans->transfer.resource, texture); trans->transfer.level = level; trans->transfer.usage = usage; trans->transfer.box = *box; if (rtex->is_depth) { /* XXX: only readback the rectangle which is being mapped? */ /* XXX: when discard is true, no need to read back from depth texture */ struct r600_resource_texture *staging_depth; if (!r600_init_flushed_depth_texture(ctx, texture, &staging_depth)) { R600_ERR("failed to create temporary texture to hold untiled copy\n"); pipe_resource_reference(&trans->transfer.resource, NULL); FREE(trans); return NULL; } si_blit_uncompress_depth(ctx, rtex, staging_depth, level, level, box->z, box->z + box->depth - 1); trans->transfer.stride = staging_depth->surface.level[level].pitch_bytes; trans->transfer.layer_stride = staging_depth->surface.level[level].slice_size; trans->offset = r600_texture_get_offset(staging_depth, level, box->z); trans->staging = &staging_depth->resource.b.b; } else if (use_staging_texture) { struct pipe_resource resource; struct r600_resource_texture *staging; memset(&resource, 0, sizeof(resource)); resource.format = texture->format; resource.width0 = box->width; resource.height0 = box->height; resource.depth0 = 1; resource.array_size = 1; resource.usage = PIPE_USAGE_STAGING; resource.flags = R600_RESOURCE_FLAG_TRANSFER; /* We must set the correct texture target and dimensions if needed for a 3D transfer. */ if (box->depth > 1 && util_max_layer(texture, level) > 0) resource.target = texture->target; else resource.target = PIPE_TEXTURE_2D; switch (resource.target) { case PIPE_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY: case PIPE_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY: case PIPE_TEXTURE_CUBE_ARRAY: resource.array_size = box->depth; break; case PIPE_TEXTURE_3D: resource.depth0 = box->depth; break; default:; } /* Create the temporary texture. */ staging = (struct r600_resource_texture*)ctx->screen->resource_create(ctx->screen, &resource); if (staging == NULL) { R600_ERR("failed to create temporary texture to hold untiled copy\n"); pipe_resource_reference(&trans->transfer.resource, NULL); FREE(trans); return NULL; } trans->staging = &staging->resource.b.b; trans->transfer.stride = staging->surface.level[0].pitch_bytes; trans->transfer.layer_stride = staging->surface.level[0].slice_size; if (usage & PIPE_TRANSFER_READ) { r600_copy_to_staging_texture(ctx, trans); /* Always referenced in the blit. */ radeonsi_flush(ctx, NULL, 0); } } else { trans->transfer.stride = rtex->surface.level[level].pitch_bytes; trans->transfer.layer_stride = rtex->surface.level[level].slice_size; trans->offset = r600_texture_get_offset(rtex, level, box->z); } if (trans->staging) { buf = si_resource(trans->staging)->cs_buf; } else { buf = rtex->resource.cs_buf; } if (rtex->is_depth || !trans->staging) offset = trans->offset + box->y / util_format_get_blockheight(format) * trans->transfer.stride + box->x / util_format_get_blockwidth(format) * util_format_get_blocksize(format); if (!(map = rctx->ws->buffer_map(buf, rctx->cs, usage))) { pipe_resource_reference(&trans->staging, NULL); pipe_resource_reference(&trans->transfer.resource, NULL); FREE(trans); return NULL; } *ptransfer = &trans->transfer; return map + offset; }
static void si_flush_depth_texture(struct si_context *sctx, struct r600_texture *tex, unsigned required_planes, unsigned first_level, unsigned last_level, unsigned first_layer, unsigned last_layer) { unsigned inplace_planes = 0; unsigned copy_planes = 0; unsigned level_mask = u_bit_consecutive(first_level, last_level - first_level + 1); unsigned levels_z = 0; unsigned levels_s = 0; if (required_planes & PIPE_MASK_Z) { levels_z = level_mask & tex->dirty_level_mask; if (levels_z) { if (r600_can_sample_zs(tex, false)) inplace_planes |= PIPE_MASK_Z; else copy_planes |= PIPE_MASK_Z; } } if (required_planes & PIPE_MASK_S) { levels_s = level_mask & tex->stencil_dirty_level_mask; if (levels_s) { if (r600_can_sample_zs(tex, true)) inplace_planes |= PIPE_MASK_S; else copy_planes |= PIPE_MASK_S; } } /* We may have to allocate the flushed texture here when called from * si_decompress_subresource. */ if (copy_planes && (tex->flushed_depth_texture || r600_init_flushed_depth_texture(&sctx->b.b, &tex->resource.b.b, NULL))) { struct r600_texture *dst = tex->flushed_depth_texture; unsigned fully_copied_levels; unsigned levels = 0; assert(tex->flushed_depth_texture); if (util_format_is_depth_and_stencil(dst->resource.b.b.format)) copy_planes = PIPE_MASK_Z | PIPE_MASK_S; if (copy_planes & PIPE_MASK_Z) { levels |= levels_z; levels_z = 0; } if (copy_planes & PIPE_MASK_S) { levels |= levels_s; levels_s = 0; } fully_copied_levels = si_blit_dbcb_copy( sctx, tex, dst, copy_planes, levels, first_layer, last_layer, 0, u_max_sample(&tex->resource.b.b)); if (copy_planes & PIPE_MASK_Z) tex->dirty_level_mask &= ~fully_copied_levels; if (copy_planes & PIPE_MASK_S) tex->stencil_dirty_level_mask &= ~fully_copied_levels; } if (inplace_planes) { si_blit_decompress_zs_in_place( sctx, tex, levels_z, levels_s, first_layer, last_layer); } }