 * Remove any OAuth parameters from the @call parameters and add them to
 * @oauth_params for building an Authorized header with.
static void
steal_oauth_params (RestProxyCall *call, GHashTable *oauth_params)
  RestParams *params;
  RestParamsIter iter;
  const char *name;
  RestParam *param;
  GList *to_remove = NULL;

  params = rest_proxy_call_get_params (call);

  rest_params_iter_init (&iter, params);
  while (rest_params_iter_next (&iter, &name, &param)) {
    if (rest_param_is_string (param) && g_str_has_prefix (name, "oauth_")) {
      g_hash_table_insert (oauth_params,
                           g_strdup (name),
                           g_strdup (rest_param_get_content (param)));
      to_remove = g_list_prepend (to_remove, g_strdup (name));

  while (to_remove) {
    rest_params_remove (params, to_remove->data);
    to_remove = g_list_delete_link (to_remove, to_remove);
static gboolean ovirt_action_rest_call_class_serialize_params(RestProxyCall *call,
                                                              gchar **content_type,
                                                              gchar **content,
                                                              gsize *content_len,
                                                              GError **error)
    RestParams *params;
    RestParamsIter it;
    GString *body;
    const char *name;
    RestParam *param;

    g_return_val_if_fail(OVIRT_IS_ACTION_REST_CALL(call), FALSE);
    g_return_val_if_fail(content_type != NULL, FALSE);
    g_return_val_if_fail(content != NULL, FALSE);
    g_return_val_if_fail(content_len != NULL, FALSE);

    params = rest_proxy_call_get_params(call);
    if (!rest_params_are_strings(params)) {
        g_set_error(error, OVIRT_REST_CALL_ERROR, 0,
                    _("Unexpected parameter type in REST call"));
        return FALSE;

    body = g_string_new("<action>");
    rest_params_iter_init(&it, params);
    while (rest_params_iter_next(&it, &name, &param)) {
        const char *val = rest_param_get_content(param);
        g_string_append_printf(body, "<%s>%s</%s>", name, val, name);
    g_string_append(body, "</action>");

    *content_type = g_strdup("application/xml");
    *content = body->str;
    *content_len = body->len;

    g_string_free(body, FALSE);

    return TRUE;
static void
verify_user (SwService *service)
  SwServiceLastfm *lastfm = SW_SERVICE_LASTFM (service);
  SwServiceLastfmPrivate *priv = lastfm->priv;
  char *hash_pw, *user_pass, *auth_token;
  RestProxyCall *call;
  RestParams *params;
  GHashTable *params_t;
  char *api_sig;

  hash_pw = g_compute_checksum_for_string (G_CHECKSUM_MD5,
					   priv->password, -1);
  user_pass = g_strconcat(priv->username, hash_pw, NULL);
  auth_token = g_compute_checksum_for_string (G_CHECKSUM_MD5,
					      user_pass, -1);

  call = rest_proxy_new_call (priv->proxy);
  rest_proxy_call_add_params (call,
			      "api_key", priv->api_key,
			      "username", priv->username,
			      "authToken", auth_token,
			      "method", "auth.getMobileSession",
  params = rest_proxy_call_get_params (call);
  params_t = rest_params_as_string_hash_table (params);

  api_sig = build_call_sig (params_t, priv->api_secret);
  rest_proxy_call_add_params (call,
			      "api_sig", api_sig,

  rest_proxy_call_async (call, _mobile_session_cb, (GObject*)lastfm, NULL, NULL);

  g_hash_table_unref (params_t);
  g_free (api_sig);
  g_free (hash_pw);
  g_free (user_pass);
  g_free (auth_token);