bool XmppServerArchive::handleStanza(const QDomElement &element) { const QString domain = server()->domain(); const QString from = element.attribute("from"); const QString to = element.attribute("to"); if (element.tagName() == "message" && to != domain && (QXmppUtils::jidToDomain(from) == domain || QXmppUtils::jidToDomain(to) == domain) && element.attribute("type") != "error" && element.attribute("type") != "groupchat" && element.attribute("type") != "headline" && !element.firstChildElement("body").text().isEmpty()) { const QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toUTC(); QXmppMessage message; message.parse(element); if (QXmppUtils::jidToDomain(from) == domain) saveMessage(message, now, false); if (QXmppUtils::jidToDomain(to) == domain) { saveMessage(message, now, true); // offline messages bool found = false; XmppServerPresence *presenceExtension = XmppServerPresence::instance(server()); Q_ASSERT(presenceExtension); foreach (const QXmppPresence &presence, presenceExtension->availablePresences(QXmppUtils::jidToBareJid(to))) { if (QXmppUtils::jidToResource(to).isEmpty() || presence.from() == to) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { message.setStamp(now); message.setState(QXmppMessage::None); message.setTo(QXmppUtils::jidToBareJid(to)); QBuffer buffer;; QXmlStreamWriter writer(&buffer); message.toXml(&writer); OfflineMessage offline; offline.setData(QString::fromUtf8(; offline.setJid(QXmppUtils::jidToBareJid(to)); offline.setStamp(now);; return true; } } return false; } else if (element.tagName() == "presence" &&
// Child windows functions void MainWindow::createChildWindows() { currentRecipient = ALL_FRIENDS_ID; // Creating drawing window drawingWindow = new DrawingWindow(this); connect(drawingWindow, SIGNAL(clipartWindowRequest()), this, SLOT(onShowClipart())); connect(drawingWindow, SIGNAL(messageSent()), this, SLOT(onMessageSent())); connect(drawingWindow, SIGNAL(replyChanged()), tvWidget, SLOT(replyChanged())); drawingWindow->updatePosition(this); historyWindow = new HistoryWindow(this); historyWindow->setTvWidget(tvWidget); connect(historyWindow, SIGNAL(beginOfPreview(const MessageKey &)), tvWidget, SLOT(showHistoryMessage(const MessageKey &))); connect(historyWindow, SIGNAL(endOfPreview()), tvWidget, SLOT(stopShowingHistory())); connect(historyWindow, SIGNAL(clicked(const MessageKey &)), tvWidget, SLOT(scrollToMessage(const MessageKey &))); connect(historyWindow, SIGNAL(deleteMessages(const QList<MessageKey> &)), tvWidget, SLOT(deleteMessages(const QList<MessageKey> &))); connect(historyWindow, SIGNAL(saveMessage()), tvWidget, SLOT(saveMessage())); connect(historyWindow, SIGNAL(copyMessage()), tvWidget, SLOT(copyMessage())); connect(tvWidget, SIGNAL(publishRequest(const MessageKey &)), historyWindow, SLOT(publishMessage(const MessageKey &))); historyWindow->updatePosition(this); contactList = new NewContactListWindow(this); contactList->updatePosition(this); contactList->initAutoUpdater(&autoUpdater); // Connect menu signals connect(contactList, SIGNAL(goOnline()), this, SLOT(relogon())); connect(contactList, SIGNAL(goOffline()), this, SLOT(offline())); connect(contactList, SIGNAL(goLogout()), this, SLOT(logout())); connect(contactList, SIGNAL(goExit()), this, SLOT(shutDown())); connect(contactList, SIGNAL(contactSelected(qint32)), this, SLOT(onContactSelected(qint32))); connect(contactList, SIGNAL(contactImageDrop(qint32, const QImage &)), this, SLOT(onContactImageDrop(qint32, const QImage &))); connect(contactList, SIGNAL(soundStateChanged(const bool)), this, SLOT(onSoundStateChanged(const bool))); connect(contactList, SIGNAL(unreadContacts(int)), contactListButton, SLOT(update(int))); #ifdef Q_WS_MAC connect(contactList, SIGNAL(unreadContacts(int)), DockIconHandler::instance(), SLOT(unreadCountChanged(int))); #endif connect(contactList, SIGNAL(historyCleared()), tvWidget, SLOT(reload())); connect(welcomeWidget, SIGNAL(showProfileDialog()), contactList, SLOT(onShowProfileDialog())); connect(welcomeWidget, SIGNAL(showFindFriendsDialog()), contactList, SLOT(onShowFindDialog())); }
void AnswerMachineDialog::onNoAudio() { switch(status){ case 0: { // announcement mode - no recording if (MODE_ANN == vm_mode) { dlg->bye(); setStopped(); return; } playlist.addToPlaylist(new AmPlaylistItem(NULL,&a_msg)); setTimer(RECORD_TIMER, AnswerMachineFactory::MaxRecordTime); status = 1; } break; case 1: a_beep.rewind(); playlist.addToPlaylist(new AmPlaylistItem(&a_beep,NULL)); status = 2; break; case 2: dlg->bye(); saveMessage(); setStopped(); break; } }
void saveMessageList(ofstream &output, const tMessageList &list) { output << list.counter << endl; for (int n = 0; n < list.counter; n++) { saveMessage(output, list.msgList[n]); } }
void AnswerMachineDialog::onBye(const AmSipRequest& req) { dlg->reply(req,200,"OK"); setInOut(NULL, NULL); saveMessage(); setStopped(); }
bool MessageDevice::setPartData(int partIndex, const QByteArray &data) { if (partIndex < _index->getPartCount() && partIndex >= 0 && !data.isEmpty()) { return saveMessage(partIndex, data); } return false; }
bool MessageDevice::deletePart(int partIndex) { if (_index->removePart(partIndex)) { _index->setMultipartOnly(true); QByteArray data; saveMessage(-1, data); //ServerNotifier::thisInstance()->objectDeleted(_index->getParentFolder()->name()+"/"+_index->getID()+ATTR_SEP+QString::number(partIndex)); //ServerNotifier::thisInstance()->objectChanged(_index->getParentFolder()->name()+"/"+_index->getID()); return true; } else { return false; } }
void VideoRecordDialog::screenshot(RenderDevice* rd) { const shared_ptr<Texture>& texture = Texture::createEmpty("Screenshot", rd->width(), rd->height(), ImageFormat::RGB8()); texture->copyFromScreen(rd->viewport()); texture->visualization = Texture::Visualization::sRGB(); String filename = ScreenshotDialog::nextFilenameBase(m_filenamePrefix) + "." + toLower(m_ssFormatList[m_ssFormatIndex]); const shared_ptr<Image>& image = texture->toImage(); if (rd->invertY()) { image->flipVertical(); } if (ScreenshotDialog::create(window(), theme(), FilePath::parent(filename))->getFilename(filename, "Save Screenshot", texture)) { filename = trimWhitespace(filename); if (! filename.empty()) { image->save(filename); saveMessage(filename); } } }
void VideoRecordDialog::stopRecording() { debugAssert(m_video); // Save the movie m_video->commit(); String oldFilename = m_video->filename(); String newFilename = oldFilename; m_video.reset(); if (ScreenshotDialog::create(window(), theme(), FilePath::parent(newFilename))->getFilename(newFilename, "Save Movie")) { newFilename = trimWhitespace(newFilename); if (newFilename.empty()) { // Cancelled--delete the file FileSystem::removeFile(oldFilename); } else { if (oldFilename != newFilename) { FileSystem::rename(oldFilename, newFilename); } saveMessage(newFilename); } } if (m_app) { // Restore the app state m_app->setFrameDuration(m_oldRealTimeTargetDuration, m_oldSimTimeStep); } // Reset the GUI m_recordButton->setCaption("Record Now (" + m_hotKeyString + ")"); // Restore the window caption as well OSWindow* window = const_cast<OSWindow*>(OSWindow::current()); const String& c = window->caption(); const String& appendix = " - Recording " + m_hotKeyString + " to stop"; if (endsWith(c, appendix)) { window->setCaption(c.substr(0, c.size() - appendix.size())); } }
int dMessageEditor::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QMainWindow::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { switch (_id) { case 0: clickedSendButton(); break; case 1: splitterMoved(*(int*)_a[1],*(int*)_a[2]); break; case 2: textBold(); break; case 3: textUnderline(); break; case 4: textItalic(); break; case 5: textAlign(*(QAction**)_a[1]); break; case 6: textFamily(*(QString*)_a[1]); break; case 7: textSize(*(QString*)_a[1]); break; case 8: textColor(); break; case 9: saveMessage(); break; } _id -= 10; } return _id; }
LogVoiceMail::LogVoiceMail ( QWidget* parent, const char* name ) : TAAWidget(parent) { setCaption( "Voice Mail Logging" ); // Create the widgets QLabel *dateLabel = new QLabel(this); dateLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignVCenter); dateLabel->setText("D&ate/Time:"); msgDateTime = new Q3DateTimeEdit(QDateTime::currentDateTime(), this, "MsgDateTime"); dateLabel->setBuddy(msgDateTime); QLabel *messageLabel = new QLabel(this); messageLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTop); messageLabel->setText("M&essage:"); message = new Q3MultiLineEdit(this); message->setWordWrap(Q3MultiLineEdit::WidgetWidth); messageLabel->setBuddy(message); saveButton = new QPushButton(this); saveButton->setText("&Save"); connect(saveButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(saveMessage())); closeButton = new QPushButton(this); closeButton->setText("&Close"); connect(closeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(closeClicked())); statusLabel = new QLabel(this); statusLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter); statusLabel->setFrameStyle(Q3Frame::Panel|Q3Frame::Sunken); statusLabel->setMinimumSize(0, 20); // Now, create our layouts // Date/time area. Q3GridLayout *dtl = new Q3GridLayout(2, 4, 3); dtl->setColStretch(0, 0); dtl->setColStretch(1, 1); dtl->setColStretch(2, 0); dtl->setColStretch(3, 1); dtl->setRowStretch(0, 0); dtl->setRowStretch(1, 1); dtl->addWidget(dateLabel, 0, 0); dtl->addMultiCellWidget(msgDateTime, 0, 0, 1, 3); dtl->addWidget(messageLabel, 1, 0); dtl->addMultiCellWidget(message, 1, 1, 1, 3); // The action button layout. Q3BoxLayout *abl = new Q3BoxLayout(Q3BoxLayout::LeftToRight, 5); abl->addStretch(1); abl->addWidget(saveButton, 0); abl->addWidget(closeButton, 0); abl->addSpacing(5); // The main layout. Q3BoxLayout *ml = new Q3BoxLayout(this, Q3BoxLayout::TopToBottom, 0, 0); ml->addSpacing(3); ml->addLayout(dtl, 1); ml->addSpacing(3); ml->addLayout(abl, 0); ml->addSpacing(3); ml->addWidget(statusLabel, 0); // Done. msgDateTime->setFocus(); resize(350, 180); }
Composer::Composer( QWidget *parent ) : QWidget( parent ) { QGridLayout * layout = new QGridLayout( this, 1, 1, 6 ); uint line = 0; layout->addWidget( new QLabel( tr( "SMTP:" ), this ), line, 0 ); smtp_server = new QLineEdit( this ); //smtp_server->setText(""); smtp_server->setText(""); layout->addWidget( smtp_server, line, 1 ); line++; layout->addWidget( new QLabel( tr( "From:" ), this ), line, 0 ); from = new QLineEdit( this ); from->setText("Lukasz Iwaszkiewicz <*****@*****.**>"); layout->addWidget( from, line, 1 ); line++; layout->addWidget( new QLabel( tr( "To:" ), this ), line, 0 ); to = new QLineEdit( this ); //to->setText("[email protected], [email protected]"); to->setText("*****@*****.**"); layout->addWidget( to, line, 1 ); line++; layout->addWidget( new QLabel( tr( "Cc:" ), this ), line, 0 ); cc = new QLineEdit( this ); //cc->setText("*****@*****.**"); cc->setText(""); layout->addWidget( cc, line, 1 ); line++; layout->addWidget( new QLabel( tr( "Bcc:" ), this ), line, 0 ); bcc = new QLineEdit( this ); //bcc->setText("*****@*****.**"); bcc->setText(""); layout->addWidget( bcc, line, 1 ); line++; layout->addWidget( new QLabel( tr( "Encoding" ), this ), line, 0 ); enc = new QLineEdit( this ); //bcc->setText("*****@*****.**"); enc->setText("ISO-8859-2"); layout->addWidget( enc, line, 1 ); line++; layout->addWidget( new QLabel( tr( "Subject:" ), this ), line, 0 ); subject = new QLineEdit( this ); //subject->setText("test"); subject->setText(tr("test")); layout->addWidget( subject, line, 1 ); line++; layout->addWidget( new QLabel( tr( "Send as HTML:" ), this ), line, 0 ); html = new QCheckBox( this ); layout->addWidget( html , line, 1 ); line++; bold = new QPushButton( tr( "Bold" ), this ); layout->addWidget( bold, line, 0 ); connect( bold, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( setBold() ) ); line++; message = new QTextEdit( this ); message->setText("test"); //message->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); layout->addMultiCellWidget( message, line, line, 0, 1 ); line++; attach = new QPushButton( tr( "&Attach" ), this ); layout->addWidget( attach, line, 0 ); connect( attach, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( attachFile() ) ); forward = new QPushButton( tr( "Attach &Forward" ), this ); layout->addWidget( forward, line, 1 ); connect( forward, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( attachForward() ) ); line++; files = new QListView( this ); files->addColumn(tr("Attached Files")); layout->addMultiCellWidget( files, line, line, 0, 1 ); line++; send = new QPushButton( tr( "S&end" ), this ); layout->addWidget( send, line, 0 ); connect( send, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( sendMessage() ) ); save = new QPushButton( tr( "&Save" ), this ); layout->addWidget( save, line, 1 ); connect( save, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( saveMessage() ) ); line++; sendStatus = new QLabel( this ); layout->addMultiCellWidget( sendStatus, line, line, 0, 1 ); LHMail::initMailSystem(); smtp = 0; }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void saveMessage(ulong id, FILE *fl) { ulong here; ulong loc; ulong result; /* int originroomno; */ #ifdef NEWMSGTAB ulong slot; #else int slot; #endif FILE *fl2; /* label str; */ result = indexslot(id); #ifdef NEWMSGTAB slot = indexslot(id); #else slot = (int)indexslot(id); #endif if (result == ULONG_ERROR) return; #ifdef NEWMSGTAB if (getFlags(slot)->COPY) #else if (msgTab_mtmsgflags[slot].COPY) #endif { copyflag = TRUE; originalId = id; originalattr = 0; #ifdef NEWMSGTAB originalattr = (uchar) (originalattr | (getFlags(slot)->RECEIVED)?ATTR_RECEIVED :0 ); originalattr = (uchar) (originalattr | (getFlags(slot)->REPLY )?ATTR_REPLY : 0 ); originalattr = (uchar) (originalattr | (getFlags(slot)->MADEVIS )?ATTR_MADEVIS : 0 ); #else originalattr = (uchar) (originalattr | (msgTab_mtmsgflags[slot].RECEIVED)?ATTR_RECEIVED :0 ); originalattr = (uchar) (originalattr | (msgTab_mtmsgflags[slot].REPLY )?ATTR_REPLY : 0 ); originalattr = (uchar) (originalattr | (msgTab_mtmsgflags[slot].MADEVIS )?ATTR_MADEVIS : 0 ); #endif #ifdef GOODBYE if (msgTab3[slot].mtoffset <= (ushort)slot) saveMessage( (ulong)(id - (ulong)msgTab3[slot].mtoffset), fl); #endif #ifdef NEWMSGTAB /* if (getOriginID(slot) <= (ushort)slot) */ if (long_JOIN(getToHash(slot), getAuthHash(slot)) <= slot) #else /* if (msgTab_mtomesg[slot] <= (ushort)slot) */ if(long_JOIN(msgTab_mttohash[slot], msgTab_mtauthhash[slot]) <= (ushort)slot) #endif #ifdef NEWMSGTAB /* saveMessage( (ulong)(id - (ulong)getOriginID(slot) ), fl); */ saveMessage( (id - long_JOIN(getToHash(slot), getAuthHash(slot)) ), fl); #else /* saveMessage( (ulong)(id - (ulong)msgTab_mtomesg[slot] ), fl); */ saveMessage( (ulong)(id - long_JOIN(msgTab_mttohash[slot], msgTab_mtauthhash[slot])) , fl); #endif return; } /* in case it returns without clearing buffer */ msgBuf->mbfwd[ 0] = '\0'; msgBuf->mbto[ 0] = '\0'; /* loc = msgTab2[slot].mtmsgLoc; */ #ifdef NEWMSGTAB loc = getLocation(slot); #else loc = long_JOIN(msgTab_mtmsgLocLO[slot], msgTab_mtmsgLocHI[slot]); #endif if (loc == ULONG_ERROR) return; #ifdef NEWMSGTAB if (copyflag) slot = indexslot(originalId); #else if (copyflag) slot = (int)indexslot(originalId); #endif #ifdef NEWMSGTAB if (!mayseeindexmsg(slot) && !getFlags(slot)->NET) return; #else if (!mayseeindexmsg(slot) && !msgTab_mtmsgflags[slot].NET) return; #endif fseek(msgfl, loc, 0); getMessage(); getMsgStr(msgBuf->mbtext, MAXTEXT); sscanf(msgBuf->mbId, "%lu", &here); /* cludge to return on dummy msg #1 */ /* if ((int)here == 1) return; */ #ifdef NEWMSGTAB if (!mayseemsg() && !getFlags(slot)->NET) return; #else if (!mayseemsg() && !msgTab_mtmsgflags[slot].NET) return; #endif if (here != id ) { cPrintf("Can't find message. Looking for %lu at byte %ld!\n ", id, loc); return; } if (msgBuf->mblink[0]) { if ((fl2 = fopen(msgBuf->mblink, "rt")) == NULL) { return; } GetFileMessage(fl2, msgBuf->mbtext, MAXTEXT); fclose(fl2); } #ifdef HENGE if ( == NET_HENGE) { HengePutMessage(fl); } else { #endif PutMessage(fl); #ifdef HENGE } #endif }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void NewRoom(int room, char *filename) { #ifdef NEWMSGTAB ulong i; struct messagetable *lmt; #else int i; #endif ulong size_table; int h; char str[100]; ulong lowLim, highLim, msgNo; FILE *file; /* lowLim = logBuf.lbvisit[ logBuf.lbroom[room].lvisit ] + 1; */ lowLim = logBuf.newpointer[room] + 1; highLim = cfg.newest; /* logBuf.lbroom[room].lvisit = 0; */ logBuf.newpointer[room] = cfg.newest; /* stuff may have scrolled off system unseen, so: */ if (cfg.oldest > lowLim) lowLim = cfg.oldest; sprintf(str, "%s\\%s", cfg.temppath, filename); #ifdef GOODBYE file = fopen(str, "ab"); if (!file) { return; } #endif if ((file = fopen(str, "ab")) == NULL) { /* perror("Cannot open 'room.###'"); */ return; } h = hash(cfg.nodeTitle); size_table = sizetable(); #ifdef NEWMSGTAB for (i = 0; i != size_table; i++) #else for (i = 0; i != (int)size_table; i++) #endif { msgNo = (ulong)(cfg.mtoldest + i); if ( msgNo >= lowLim && highLim >= msgNo ) { #ifdef NEWMSGTAB lmt = getMsgTab(i); #endif /* skip messages not in this room */ #ifdef NEWMSGTAB if (lmt->mtroomno != room) continue; #else if (msgTab_mtroomno[i] != (uchar)room) continue; #endif /* no open messages from the system */ #ifdef NEWMSGTAB if (lmt->mtauthhash == h) continue; #else if (msgTab_mtauthhash[i] == h) continue; #endif /* skip mail */ #ifdef NEWMSGTAB if (lmt->mtmsgflags.MAIL) continue; #else if (msgTab_mtmsgflags[i].MAIL) continue; #endif /* No problem user shit */ #ifdef NEWMSGTAB if ( (lmt->mtmsgflags.PROBLEM || lmt->mtmsgflags.MODERATED) && !(lmt->mtmsgflags.MADEVIS) ) #else if ( (msgTab_mtmsgflags[i].PROBLEM || msgTab_mtmsgflags[i].MODERATED) && !(msgTab_mtmsgflags[i].MADEVIS) ) #endif { continue; } copyflag = FALSE; saveMessage( msgNo, file ); mread ++; } } fclose(file); }
void AnswerMachineDialog::onBye(const AmSipRequest& req) { setInOut(NULL, NULL); saveMessage(); setStopped(); }
void iDraw() { int m,n; iClear(); iSetcolor(1,1,1); iFilledRectangle(1,1,width-19,height-18); //draw text box iSetcolor(0,0,0); iRectangle(1,1,width-19,height-19); //draw text boundary if (selflag) { for (int l=selSI; l<=selEI; l++) { int sx = (l==selSI)?( (selSJ==0)?3:selSJ*charSpace) : 3; int sy = height - 17 - (l+1-s)*lineSpace - 5; int w; if (l==selSI) w = (selSI == selEI) ? selEJ-selSJ : strlen(str+l*charMax*sizeof(char))-selSJ; else if (l==selEI) w = selEJ; else w = (strlen(str+l*charMax*sizeof(char))==0)?1:strlen(str+l*charMax*sizeof(char)); iSetcolor(.8,.8,.9); iFilledRectangle(sx,sy,w*charSpace,lineSpace); } } iSetcolor(0,0,0); for (m=height-17-lineSpace, n=s; n<=imax; m-=lineSpace, n++) { iText(3, m, str+n*charMax*sizeof(char),font); //print text } if (fOpen) { fileopen(); iSetcolor(0,0,0); iText((width-15)/2-135,(height-19)/2+62,subTemp+r); //print file open text } else if (fsave) { filesave(); iSetcolor(0,0,0); iText((width-15)/2-135,(height-19)/2+62,subTemp+r); //print file save as text } else if (aboutR) { aboutRword(); } cursor(); //draw cursor iSetcolor(.9,.9,.9); iFilledRectangle(3,height-17,width-19,17); iSetcolor(0,0,0); iLine(2,height-18,width-19,height-18); iSetcolor(0,0,0); iText(5,height-12,"File",GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12); iSetcolor(0,0,0); iText(45,height-12,"Edit",GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12); iSetcolor(0,0,0); iText(85,height-12,"Format",GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12); iSetcolor(0,0,0); iText(141,height-12,"Help",GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12); //draw menus if (menuflag == 1) { fileMenu(); //draw file drop down menu } else if (menuflag == 2) { editMenu(); //draw edit drop down menu } else if (menuflag == 3) { formatMenu(); //draw format drop down menu } else if (menuflag == 4) { helpMenu(); //draw help drop down menu } if (fontflag) { fontlist(); //draw font list } else if (saveM) { saveMessage(); //message box while exitting } scrollbar(); // draw scrollbar if (load) loading(); //load window }
//checks interest of this server in Message, returns true if interested // interest of Satellites dependent of this Server, saves message if interested bool ReefServer::checkInterestAndProcess(RMessage& msg, std::string body){ bool retBool = false; //If Tag identifies as Message of interest for this Coral return it if (msg.containsAnyOf(tag_list)){ msg.initiateWithJson(body); retBool = true; } //If Tag identifies as Message of interest for at least one dependent Satellite //save it in the Msgqueue for each Satellite with interest //test if MAX_MESSAGES is reached and delete Messages/Queue if necessary if (msg.containsAnyOf(satelliteAliases)){ //the messages that will be sent std::pair<std::string, std::string> msgPair = std::make_pair(msg.getTags(), body); //each time the message is saved in one queue it will be checked if MAX_QUEUE is reached //if there is the need to delete a complete queue its name will be saved in this vector to be deleted //in satelliteAliases later, as we iterate over satelliteAliases and don't want to delete elements of it during the iteration std::vector<std::string> toBeDeleted; for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = satelliteAliases.begin(); it != satelliteAliases.end(); ++it) { //if a tag of the message corresponds with the current aka in satelliteAlliases if (msg.containsAnyOf(*it)){ //check for MAX_MESSAGES reached, returns empty string if no Queue had to be deleted //otherwise returns name of queue that was deleted std::string tmpAKA = checkForMaxMessages(); //if tmpAKA is not empty, save the name of the deleted Queue in toBeDeleted if (!tmpAKA.empty())toBeDeleted.push_back(tmpAKA); //save the new Message in the q of the current SatelliteAlias //saveMessage ignored calls to deleted Queues saveMessage(*it, msgPair); } } //finally delete the Aliases of the Queues that have been deleted in satAliases /* NOTE: This could result in horrible performance in WORST CASE, however it is really unlikely. WORST CASE: 1.The Server has almost as many dependend Satellites (or even more) as MAX_MESSAGES 2.CUR_MESSAGES is almost as high as MAX_MESSAGES 3.The Message has to be saved for (almost) all Satellites 4.All satellites were already on the watchlist Then there would me many entries in the toBeDeleted vector, resulting in many satelliteAliases.erase(...) calls, each of which would result in copying all entries after the erased entry NORMAL CASE: The Network is designed in a fashion that under normal circumstances 1.the MAX_MESSAGES won't be reached 2.if the MAX_MESSAGES gets reached, the satellites have at leas enough time to get of the watchlist 3.there are not that many recipience of a Message, that a complete Deletion of the longest Queue still doesn't give enough space In the NORMAL CASE toBeDeleted should have a maximum of 1 Entry, resulting in only 1 erase in satelliteAliases. toBeDeleted is only a Vector to be secure even in WORST CASE */ for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = toBeDeleted.begin(); it != toBeDeleted.end(); ++it) { satelliteAliases.erase(std::remove(satelliteAliases.begin(), satelliteAliases.end(), *it), satelliteAliases.end()); } } return retBool; }
/*! \brief Main function of the class. * \param[in] in BMessage to respond to. */ void EventEditorMainWindow::MessageReceived( BMessage *in ) { BView* view; BEntry entry; BFile file; BString tempString; BDirectory directory; BMessage saveMessage( kSaveRequested ); entry_ref ref; switch( in->what ) { case B_SELECT_ALL: case B_COPY: case B_CUT: case B_PASTE: case B_UNDO: view = CurrentFocus(); if ( view ) view->MessageReceived( in ); break; case kFileOpen: fOpenFile->Show(); break; case kFileSaveAs: fSaveFile->Show(); break; case kFileRevert: // Intentional fall-through case kFileOpenConfirmed: if ( in->what == kFileRevert ) { if ( fData.GetRef() != NULL ) { // ...Prepare it for usage ref = *( fData.GetRef() ); } else { // Ask the user what to do fOpenFile->Show(); break; } } else { if ( B_OK != in->FindRef( "refs", &ref ) || B_OK != entry.SetTo( &ref, true ) || B_OK != entry.GetRef( &ref ) ) { entry.Unset(); break; } } fData.InitFromFile( ref ); if ( Looper()->Lock() ) { // fData.Revert(); MainView->RemoveSelf(); delete MainView; InitUI(); Looper()->Unlock(); } entry.Unset(); break; case kFileSave: // Intentional fall-through case kFileSaveConfirmed: // Save user's changes if ( genView ) genView->MessageReceived( &saveMessage ); if ( remView ) remView->MessageReceived( &saveMessage ); if ( actView ) actView->SaveData(); if ( noteView ) noteView->SaveText(); fData.SetEventActivityFired( false ); fData.SetReminderActivityFired( false ); // If we have the reference to file... if ( in->what == kFileSave ) { if ( fData.GetRef() != NULL ) { // ...Prepare it for usage ref = *( fData.GetRef() ); } else { // Ask the user what to do fSaveFile->Show(); break; } } else { if ( B_OK != in->FindRef( "directory", &ref ) || B_OK != in->FindString( "name", &tempString ) || B_OK != directory.SetTo( &ref ) || B_OK != directory.CreateFile( tempString.String(), NULL, false ) || B_OK != directory.FindEntry( tempString.String(), &entry, true ) || B_OK != entry.GetRef( &ref ) ) { break; } } if ( fData.SaveToFile( &ref ) != B_OK ) { utl_Deb = new DebuggerPrintout( "Couldn't save file!" ); } break; case B_ABOUT_REQUESTED: be_app->AboutRequested(); default: BWindow::MessageReceived( in ); break; } } // <-- end of function EventEditorMainWindow::MessageReceived
void AnswerMachineDialog::process(AmEvent* event) { AmAudioEvent* ae = dynamic_cast<AmAudioEvent*>(event); if(ae){ switch(ae->event_id){ case AmAudioEvent::noAudio: switch(status){ case 0: { // announcement mode - no recording if (MODE_ANN == vm_mode) { dlg.bye(); setStopped(); return; } playlist.addToPlaylist(new AmPlaylistItem(NULL,&a_msg)); {AmArg di_args,ret; di_args.push(RECORD_TIMER); di_args.push(AnswerMachineFactory::MaxRecordTime); di_args.push(getLocalTag().c_str()); user_timer->invoke("setTimer",di_args,ret);} status = 1; } break; case 1: a_beep.rewind(); playlist.addToPlaylist(new AmPlaylistItem(&a_beep,NULL)); status = 2; break; case 2: dlg.bye(); saveMessage(); setStopped(); break; } break; case AmAudioEvent::cleared: DBG("AmAudioEvent::cleared\n"); break; default: DBG("Unknown event id %i\n",ae->event_id); break; } return; } AmPluginEvent* plugin_event = dynamic_cast<AmPluginEvent*>(event); if(plugin_event && plugin_event->name == "timer_timeout" && plugin_event->data.get(0).asInt() == RECORD_TIMER) { // clear list playlist.close(); } else AmSession::process(event); }