 * La procedure "fscanf_Bound" lit en ascii une surface.
 * Entree :
 * bp		Surface a lire.
void fscanf_Bound (Bound *bp)
	/* Lecture du type polygonale de la surface.	*/

	skip_keyword (T_TYPE, "bound: keyword \"type\" expected");
	if (lex () != T_INT)
	  lexerr ("start","bound_type: boolean expected (0=FALSE|~0=TRUE)", NULL);
	bp->is_polygonal = (myint ? 1 : 0);

	/* Lecture de la liste de points de la surface.	*/

	skip_keyword (T_POINT_LIST, "bound: keyword \"point_list\" expected");
	pusherr ("bound_point_list: ");
	fscanf_Point3f_list (&bp->point);
	poperr ();

	/* Lecture de la liste de faces de la surface.	*/

	skip_keyword (T_FACE_LIST, "bound: keyword \"face_list\" expected");
	pusherr ("bound_face_list: ");
	fscanf_Face_list (&bp->face);
	poperr ();
文件: rc.c 项目: vkhromov/freebsd
 * Check if the line begins with a special keyword; if so, return true while
 * pointing params to its parameters.
static int
begins_with(char *line, const char *keyword, char **params)
    int i = skip_whitespace(line, 0);
    int j = skip_keyword(line, i);

    if ((j - i) == (int) strlen(keyword)) {
        char save = line[j];
        line[j] = 0;
        if (!dlg_strcmp(keyword, line + i)) {
            *params = line + skip_whitespace(line, j + 1);
            return 1;
        line[j] = save;

    return 0;
 * La procedure "fscanf_View_parameters" lit en ascii les parametres
 * de visualisation.
 * Entree :
 * vp		Parametres de visualisation a lire.
void fscanf_View_parameters (View_parameters *vp)
	/* Lecture du type de projection lors de la prise de vue.	*/

	skip_keyword (T_TYPE, "view: keyword \"type\" expected");
	switch (lex ()) {
	case T_PARALLEL :
		vp->type = PARALLEL;
		vp->type = PERSPECTIVE;
	default :
	  lexerr ("start", "view_type: keyword \"parallel|perspective\" expected");

	/* Lecture du centre de projection (oeil) de la prise de vue.	*/

	skip_keyword (T_COP, "view: keyword \"cop\" expected");
	pusherr ("view_cop: ");
	fscanf_Point3f (&vp->cop);
	poperr ();

	/* Lecture du point de reference (cible) a la prise de vue.	*/

	skip_keyword (T_VRP, "view: keyword \"vrp\" expected");
	pusherr ("view_vrp: ");
	fscanf_Point3f (&vp->vrp);
	poperr ();

	/* Lecture de la direction normale au plan de projection.	*/

	skip_keyword (T_VPN, "view: keyword \"vpn\" expected");
	pusherr ("view_vpn: ");
	fscanf_Vector (&vp->vpn);
	poperr ();

	/* Lecture de la direction indiquant le haut de la projection.	*/

	skip_keyword (T_VUP, "view: keyword \"vup\" expected");
	pusherr ("view_vup: ");
	fscanf_Vector (&vp->vup);
	poperr ();

	/* Lecture de la fenetre de projection de la prise de vue.	*/

	skip_keyword (T_WINDOW, "view: keyword \"window\" expected");
	pusherr ("view_window_umin: ");
	fscanf_float (&vp->vwd.umin);
	popuperr ("view_window_umax: ");
	fscanf_float (&vp->vwd.umax);
	popuperr ("view_window_vmin: ");
	fscanf_float (&vp->vwd.vmin);
	popuperr ("view_window_vmax: ");
	fscanf_float (&vp->vwd.vmax);
	poperr ();

	/* Lecture des profondeurs de decoupage avant et arriere.	*/

	skip_keyword (T_DEPTH, "view: keyword \"depth\" expected");
	pusherr ("view_depth_front: ");
	fscanf_float (&vp->depth.front);
	popuperr ("view_depth_back: ");
	fscanf_float (&vp->depth.back);
	poperr ();
int process_statement( char *line, FILE *fo )
    char    *separators = " ,\t|";
    char    buff1[ MAX_LINE_LEN + 1 ];
    int     len = 0;
    char    *p;
    if( *line == '\0' )
        return( 0 );
    strcpy( buff1, skip_separator( line ) );
    p = strtok( buff1, " ,\t|" );
    if( p != NULL )
        strcpy( dlg_item.name, p );
    if( strncmp( dlg_item.name, "END", 3 ) == 0 ) {
        fprintf( fo, "%s%s\nEND\n", STR_SPC, dlg_item.name );
        return( 1 );
    if( strcmp( dlg_item.name, "CONTROL" ) == 0 ) {
        p = skip_keyword( line, &len );
        if( p != NULL ) {
            strncpy( dlg_item.text, p, len );
            dlg_item.text[ len ] = '\0';
            p += len;
        p = strtok( p, separators );
        if( p != NULL ) {
            strcpy( dlg_item.ID, p );
        } else {
            strcpy( dlg_item.ID, "-1" );
        convert_buttons( dlg_item.ID, dlg_item.name, 1 );
        add_parms_list( &dlg_item, separators, 0 );
        get_rectangle_parms( &dlg_item );
    } else {
        if(( strcmp( dlg_item.name, "COMBOBOX" ) == 0 )
            || ( strcmp( dlg_item.name, "LISTBOX" ) == 0 )
            || ( strcmp( dlg_item.name, "SCROLLBAR" ) == 0 )
            || ( strcmp( dlg_item.name, "EDITTEXT" ) == 0 )) {
            strcpy( dlg_item.text, "\"\"" );
            p = NULL;
        } else {
            p = skip_keyword( line, &len );
            if( p != NULL ) {
                strncpy( dlg_item.text, p, len );
                dlg_item.text[ len ] = '\0';
                p += len;
                convert_buttons( dlg_item.text, dlg_item.text, 0 );
            } else {
                strcpy( dlg_item.text, "\"\"" );
                p = NULL;
        p = strtok( p, separators );
        if( p != NULL ) {
            strcpy( dlg_item.ID, p );
        } else {
            strcpy( dlg_item.ID, "-1" );
        convert_buttons( dlg_item.ID, dlg_item.name, 1 );
        get_rectangle_list( &dlg_item, separators );
        add_parms_list( &dlg_item, separators, 0 );
    if( !strcmp( dlg_item.name, "SCROLLBAR" ) ) {
        add_parms_item( dlg_item.parms, "WC_SCROLLBAR", ADD_BEFORE );
    process_style( dlg_item.parms, dlg_item.name );
    dlg_item.y = dlg_hdr.dy - dlg_item.y - dlg_item.dy;
    fprintf( fo, "%s%s", STR_SPC STR_SPC, dlg_item.name );
    if( strlen( dlg_item.name ) < 8 )
        fprintf( fo, "\t" );
    fprintf( fo, "\t" );
    if( strcmp( dlg_item.name, "LISTBOX" ) )
        fprintf( fo, "%s, ", dlg_item.text );
    fprintf( fo, "%s, %d, %d, %d, %d", dlg_item.ID, dlg_item.x,
                          dlg_item.y, dlg_item.dx, dlg_item.dy );
    out_parms_style( fo, dlg_item.parms, dlg_item.name );
    out_color_style( fo, &dlg_item );
    return( 0 );