|| Extract files from the tape "archive" (ie think "unzip")
   Only works on SL tapes.
extractfiles( )
    SLFMT fmt;
    SLLABEL lab;
    unsigned char *ptr;
    int rc;
    FILE *outf;
    || First block should be a VOL1 record
    rc = get_sl( &lab );
    if( rc < 0 || !sl_isvol( &lab, 1 ) )
        logmsg( "Expected VOL1 label\n" );
        return( -1 );
    /* process all files on tape */
    while (rc >= 0)
        || Get the HDR1 label.
        rc = get_sl( &lab );
        if( rc < 0 || !sl_ishdr( &lab, 1 ) )
            /* quietly return when no more files */
            return( 0 );

        || Make the label more managable
        sl_fmtlab( &fmt, &lab );
        logmsg("%-17.17s", fmt.slds1.dsid ); 
        || Get the HDR2 label.
        rc = get_sl( &lab );
        if( rc < 0 || !sl_ishdr( &lab, 2 ) )
            logmsg( "Expected HDR2 label\n" );
            return( -1 );
        || Merge the DCB information
        merge( &lab, 1 );

        || Hop over the tapemark
        if ( opts.faketape )
            rc = fet_fsf( opts.fetb );
            rc = het_fsf( opts.hetb );
        if( rc < 0 )
            logmsg( "%s while spacing to start of data\n",
                het_error( rc ) );
            return( rc );

        || process the current file
            || Open the output file
            char pathname[MAX_PATH];
            opts.ofile = fmt.slds1.dsid;
            hostpath(pathname, opts.ofile, sizeof(pathname));
            outf = fopen( pathname, (opts.flags & O_ASCII) ? "w" : "wb" );
            if( outf == NULL )
                logmsg("unable to open %s\n", opts.ofile);
                return( -1 );

    /* this should be in a common block, or at least indented */

    || Different processing when converting to ASCII
    if( opts.flags & ( O_ASCII | O_UNBLOCK | O_RDW ) )
        || Get a record
        while( ( rc = getrecord( ) ) >= 0 )
            if( extgui )
                off_t curpos;
                /* Report progress every nnnK */
                if ( opts.faketape )
                     curpos = ftell( opts.fetb->fd );
                     curpos = ftell( opts.hetb->fd );
                if( ( curpos & PROGRESS_MASK ) != ( prevpos & PROGRESS_MASK ) )
                    prevpos = curpos;
                    fprintf( stderr, "IPOS=%" I64_FMT "d\n", (U64)curpos );
#endif /*EXTERNALGUI*/
            || Get working copy of record ptr
            ptr = recptr;

            || Only want data portion for RECFM=V records
            if( opts.recfm & O_VARIABLE )
                ptr += 4;
                rc -= 4;

            || Convert record to ASCII
            if( opts.flags & O_ASCII )
                sl_etoa( NULL, ptr, rc );

            || Strip trailing blanks
            if( opts.flags & O_STRIP 
                || ((opts.flags & O_HRCTXT)
                    && (opts.recfm & O_FIXED)
                while( rc > 0 && ptr[ rc - 1 ] == ' ' )
                /* if a text file has been copied, in binary mode,
                   into a fixed dataset, it will have NUL-padding.
                   Since we don't want NULs in a text file, we
                   clean them up too */
                if (opts.recfm & O_FIXED)
                    while( rc > 0 && ptr[ rc - 1 ] == '\0' )
            || Write the record out
            if ( (opts.flags & O_ASCII)
                 && rc == 1
                 && ptr[0] == ' '
                 && !(opts.flags & O_RDW)
                 && ( ((opts.recfm & O_UNDEFINED)
                       && !(opts.flags & O_NO_NEW)
                      || (opts.recfm & O_VARIABLE)
                /* if the dataset is undefined or variable and has a 
                   single space, then don't write out that space,
                   because the space most likely exists because it
                   was artificially inserted to prevent empty
                   records or blocks rather than because the user
                   really wants a space. Also, if they are taking
                   care of newlines themselves for RECFM=U, then
                   any single space in the last block would be
                   genuine albeit extremely unlikely. */
                rc = 0;
            /* write out an artificial RDW */
            if ((opts.flags & O_RDW)
                || ((opts.flags & O_HRCBIN)
                    && (opts.recfm & O_VARIABLE)
                int havenl = 0;

                /* take into account newline */
                if( opts.flags & O_ASCII 
                    && (!(opts.flags & O_NO_NEW) 
                        || !(opts.recfm & O_UNDEFINED)
                    havenl = 1;
                rc += 4;
                fputc( (((unsigned int)rc >> 8) & 0xff), outf );
                fputc( ((unsigned int)rc & 0xff), outf );
                fputc( 0x00, outf );
                fputc( 0x00, outf );
                rc -= 4;
                if (havenl)
            fwrite( ptr, rc, 1, outf );

            || Put out a linefeed when converting
            if( opts.flags & O_ASCII 
                && (!(opts.flags & O_NO_NEW) 
                    || !(opts.recfm & O_UNDEFINED)
                fwrite( "\n", 1, 1, outf );
        || Get a record
        while( ( rc = getblock( ) ) >= 0 )
|| Extract the file from the tape
getfile( FILE *outf )
    SLFMT fmt;
    SLLABEL lab;
    unsigned char *ptr;
    int fileno;
    int rc;
    || Skip to the desired file
    if( opts.flags & O_NL )
        || For NL tapes, just use the specified file number
        fileno = opts.fileno;

        || Start skipping
        while( --fileno )
            || Forward space to beginning of next file
            if ( opts.faketape )
                rc = fet_fsf ( opts.fetb );
                rc = het_fsf( opts.hetb );
            if( rc < 0 )
                char msgbuf[128];
                MSGBUF( msgbuf, "%set_fsf() while positioning to file '%d'", 
                    opts.faketape ? "f" : "h",
                    opts.fileno ); 
                WRMSG( HHC00075, "E", msgbuf, het_error( rc ) );
                return( rc );
        || First block should be a VOL1 record
        rc = get_sl( &lab );
        if( rc < 0 || !sl_isvol( &lab, 1 ) )
            WRMSG( HHC02753, "E", "VOL1" );
            return( -1 );

        || For SL, adjust the file # so we end up on the label before the data
        fileno = ( opts.fileno * 3 ) - 2;

        || Start skipping
        while( --fileno )
            || Forward space to beginning of next file
            if ( opts.faketape )
                rc = fet_fsf ( opts.fetb );
                rc = het_fsf( opts.hetb );
            if( rc < 0 )
                char msgbuf[128];
                MSGBUF( msgbuf, "%set_fsf() while positioning to file '%d'", 
                    opts.faketape ? "f" : "h",
                    opts.fileno ); 
                WRMSG( HHC00075, "E", msgbuf, het_error( rc ) );
                return( rc );

        || Get the HDR1 label.
        rc = get_sl( &lab );
        if( rc < 0 || !sl_ishdr( &lab, 1 ) )
            WRMSG( HHC02753, "E", "HDR1" );
            return( -1 );

        || Make the label more managable
        sl_fmtlab( &fmt, &lab );
        WRMSG( HHC02754, "E", fmt.slds1.dsid ); 
        || Get the HDR2 label.
        rc = get_sl( &lab );
        if( rc < 0 || !sl_ishdr( &lab, 2 ) )
            WRMSG( HHC02753, "E", "HDR2" );
            return( -1 );
        || Merge the DCB information
        merge( &lab );

        || Hop over the tapemark
        if ( opts.faketape )
            rc = fet_fsf( opts.fetb );
            rc = het_fsf( opts.hetb );
        if( rc < 0 )
            if ( opts.faketape )
                WRMSG( HHC00075, "E", "fet_fsf()", fet_error( rc ) );
                WRMSG( HHC00075, "E", "het_fsf()", het_error( rc ) );
            return( rc );

    || Different processing when converting to ASCII
    if( opts.flags & ( O_ASCII | O_UNBLOCK ) )
        || Get a record
        while( ( rc = getrecord( ) ) >= 0 )
            if( extgui )
                off_t curpos;
                /* Report progress every nnnK */
                if ( opts.faketape )
                    curpos = ftell( opts.fetb->fd ); 
                    curpos = ftell( opts.hetb->fd );
                if( ( curpos & PROGRESS_MASK ) != ( prevpos & PROGRESS_MASK ) )
                    prevpos = curpos;
                    fprintf( stderr, "IPOS=%" I64_FMT "d\n", (U64)curpos );
#endif /*EXTERNALGUI*/
            || Get working copy of record ptr
            ptr = recptr;

            || Only want data portion for RECFM=V records
            if( opts.recfm & O_VARIABLE )
                ptr += 4;
                rc -= 4;

            || Convert record to ASCII
            if( opts.flags & O_ASCII )
                sl_etoa( NULL, ptr, rc );

            || Strip trailing blanks
            if( opts.flags & O_STRIP )
                while( rc > 0 && ptr[ rc - 1 ] == ' ' )
            || Write the record out
            fwrite( ptr, rc, 1, outf );

            || Put out a linefeed when converting
            if( opts.flags & O_ASCII )
                fwrite( "\n", 1, 1, outf );
        || Get a record
        while( ( rc = getblock( ) ) >= 0 )
            if( extgui )
                off_t curpos;
                /* Report progress every nnnK */
                if ( opts.faketape )
                    curpos = ftell( opts.fetb->fd );
                    curpos = ftell( opts.hetb->fd );
                if( ( curpos & PROGRESS_MASK ) != ( prevpos & PROGRESS_MASK ) )
                    prevpos = curpos;
                    fprintf( stderr, "IPOS=%" I64_FMT "d\n", (U64)curpos );
#endif /*EXTERNALGUI*/
            || Write the record out
            fwrite( blkptr, blklen, 1, outf );

    return( rc );