文件: level.cpp 项目: Kingsquee/crown
void Level::load(const Vector3& pos, const Quaternion& rot)
	// Spawn units
	const UnitResource* ur = level_resource::unit_resource(_resource);
	const u32 num_units = ur->num_units;

	array::resize(_unit_lookup, num_units);

	for (u32 i = 0; i < num_units; ++i)
		_unit_lookup[i] = _unit_manager->create();

	spawn_units(*_world, *ur, pos, rot, array::begin(_unit_lookup));

	// Post events
	for (u32 i = 0; i < num_units; ++i)

	// Play sounds
	const u32 num_sounds = level_resource::num_sounds(_resource);
	for (u32 i = 0; i < num_sounds; ++i)
		const LevelSound* ls = level_resource::get_sound(_resource, i);
			, ls->loop
			, ls->volume
			, ls->position
			, ls->range
文件: game_arbiter.cpp 项目: ejrh/hex
void GameArbiter::process_command(Message *command) {
    switch (command->type) {
        case UnitMove: {
            auto cmd = dynamic_cast<UnitMoveMessage *>(command);
            int stack_id = cmd->data1;
            IntSet units = cmd->data2;
            Path& path = cmd->data3;
            int target_id = cmd->data4;

            UnitStack::pointer stack = game->stacks.get(stack_id);
            if (units.empty() || !stack->has_units(units) || path.empty()) {
                throw DataError() << "Invalid UnitMove message";

            /* Check that the move is allowed; shorten it if necessary */
            Point end_pos = path.back();
            UnitStack::pointer end_stack = game->level.tiles[end_pos].stack;
            int end_stack_id = end_stack ? end_stack->id : 0;
            if (end_stack_id != target_id) {
                target_id = 0;

            MovementModel movement(game);
            UnitStack::pointer selected_stack = stack->copy_subset(units);
            unsigned int allowed_steps = movement.check_path(*selected_stack, path);
            bool truncated = allowed_steps < path.size();
            int attack_target_id = target_id;
            if (truncated)
                target_id = 0;

            if (!path.empty()) {
                end_pos = path.back();
                /* Generate updates. */
                Faction::pointer faction = stack->owner;
                bool move = units.size() == stack->units.size() && target_id == 0;
                bool split = units.size() < stack->units.size() && target_id == 0;
                bool merge = units.size() == stack->units.size() && target_id != 0;

                UnitStack::pointer target = game->stacks.find(target_id);

                if (move)
                    target_id = stack_id;
                if (split)
                    target_id = game->get_free_stack_id();

                // Send the moves
                for (auto iter = path.begin(); iter != path.end(); iter++) {
                    emit(create_message(MoveUnits, stack_id, units, *iter));
                // If the stack is splitting to a new empty position, create a stack there
                if (split) {
                    emit(create_message(CreateStack, target_id, end_pos, faction->id));
                emit(create_message(TransferUnits, stack_id, units, path, target_id));
                // If the whole stack merged with an existing one, destroy it
                if (merge) {
                    emit(create_message(DestroyStack, stack_id));
            } else {
                end_pos = stack->position;

            UnitStack::pointer attack_target = game->stacks.find(attack_target_id);
            bool attack = attack_target && (attack_target->owner != stack->owner);
            if (attack) {
                BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Attack!";
                Point target_point = attack_target->position;
                Point attacking_point = end_pos;
                Battle battle(game, target_point, attacking_point);
                emit(create_message(DoBattle, end_stack_id, target_point, battle.moves));
        } break;

        case FactionReady: {
            auto cmd = dynamic_cast<FactionReadyMessage *>(command);
            int faction_id = cmd->data1;
            bool ready = cmd->data2;
            if (game->mark_faction_ready(faction_id, ready)) {
                emit(create_message(FactionReady, faction_id, ready));

            if (game->all_factions_ready()) {
                // process turn end

                emit(create_message(TurnBegin, game->turn_number));
        } break;

        case Chat: {
            auto chat_msg = dynamic_cast<ChatMessage *>(command);
            emit(create_message(Chat, chat_msg->data));
        } break;

        case SetLevelData:
        case CreateStructure:
        case DestroyStructure: {
        } break;
