const char * strstr_s(const char * buf, const char * str)
	int  strlength  = strlen(str);
	char * strlow_s = (char *)malloc(strlength+1);
	char * strcmp_s = (char *)malloc(strlength+1);
	const char * first = 0;

	strtolower(strlow_s, str);
		first = strchr_s(buf, *strlow_s);
		strncpy(strcmp_s, first, strlength);
		*(strcmp_s+strlength) = 0;
		strtolower(strcmp_s, strcmp_s);

		if(!strcmp(strlow_s, strcmp_s))

		buf = first+1;
	return first;
char * splitkey(char * key, int maxkey, char * val, int maxvalue, const char ** pend, const char * buf)
	const char * pv;
	char *backupstr;

	if(!buf && *buf)
		return 0;

	backupstr = malloc_str(buf, -1);
	*key = 0;
	*val = 0;
	pv = strchr_s(backupstr, '=');
	if(pv != NULL)
		backupstr[pv-backupstr] = ' '; //将key和alue使用空格分割
		getkey(key, maxkey, 0, backupstr);
		getkey(val, maxvalue, pend, pv);
		getkey(key, maxkey, pend, backupstr);

	if(*key == 0)
		return 0;

	return key;
void anlizetextbtw(const char * buf, callback deal, void * parm)
	char * texttw;
	const char * pstart = strchr_s(buf, '<');
	if(pstart == 0 || pstart-buf == 0)
		return ;
	texttw = malloc_str(buf, pstart-buf);
	deal(MARK_BTW, texttw, pstart-buf, parm);
char * anlizemark(char * mark, int maxsize, const char ** pend, const char *buf)
	const char * pstart  = strchr(buf, '<');
	const char * pendstr = strchr_s(pstart, '>');

	if(pstart && pendstr && pendstr-pstart < maxsize) 
		strncpy(mark, pstart+1, pendstr-pstart-1);
		mark[pendstr-pstart-1] = 0;
		*pend = pendstr+1;
		return mark;
		return 0;
bsdlinfo *parse_extract_values(char *bsdlfilename)
  FILE *fd;
  int filesize;
  bsdlinfo *ret;
  char *filedata;
  char *linedata;
  char *token;
  char *last;
  char *cmdbuf;
  int filepos = 0;
  int i,j;
  char done,valid,opens;

  int IR_size = -1;
  uint8_t found_IR_size = 0;
  uint32_t debug_cmd = TAP_CMD_INVALID;
  uint32_t user1_cmd = TAP_CMD_INVALID;
  uint32_t idcode_cmd = TAP_CMD_INVALID;
  uint8_t found_cmds = 0;
  uint32_t idcode = 0;
  uint32_t idcode_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;  // 'X' is a valid char in an IDCODE, set 0's here for X's.
  uint8_t found_idcode = 0;
  char *entityname = NULL;
  // Open the file
  fd = fopen(bsdlfilename, "r");
  if(fd == NULL) {
    printf("ERROR:  failed to open BSDL file %s\n", bsdlfilename);
    return NULL;

  fseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
  filesize = ftell(fd);
  fseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);

  filedata = (char *) malloc(filesize);
  if(filedata == NULL) {
    printf("ERROR: failed to allocate memory for BSDL file %s\n", bsdlfilename);
    return NULL;

  if(fread(filedata, 1, filesize, fd) < filesize) {  // 1 long read will be faster than many short ones
    printf("Warning: failed to read entire BSDL file %s\n", bsdlfilename);


  // while there's more data and not all values have been found
  while((filepos < filesize) && (!found_IR_size || !found_cmds || !found_idcode))
      // Get a line.  Replace any "--" with a \0 char
      filepos = get_line(filedata, filepos, &linedata, filesize);

      // look for each value
      token = strtok_r(linedata, " \t", &last);
      if(token == NULL) {
	printf("ERROR: End of file reached before END statement is BSDL file \'%s\'\n", bsdlfilename);

      if(!strcmp(strtoupper(token), "ENTITY")) {
	// Parse an entity line
	token = strtok_r(NULL, " \t", &last);
	if(token != NULL) {
	  entityname = (char *) malloc(strlen(token));
	  if(entityname != NULL) strcpy(entityname, token);
	  debug("Found entity \'%s\'\n", entityname);
	} else {
	  printf("Parse error near ENTITY token in file %s\n", bsdlfilename);
      else if(!strcmp(strtoupper(token), "CONSTANT")) {
	// Parse a constant declaration...we ignore them, just get lines until we find a ';' char
	// assume nothing else useful comes on the line after the ';'
	// Slightly awkward, since we have to search the rest of the line after the strtok, then possible
	// new lines as well.
	token = strtok_r(NULL, " \t", &last);  // debug...don't worry about error, token only used in printf
	debug("Ignoring constant \'%s\'\n", token);  // debug
	while(strchr(last, ';') == NULL) { 
	  filepos = get_line(filedata, filepos, &last, filesize); 
      else if(!strcmp(strtoupper(token), "GENERIC")) {
	// Parse a generic declaration...we ignore them, just get lines until we find a ';' char
	// assume nothing else useful comes on the line after the ';'
	// Slightly awkward, since we have to search the rest of the line after the strtok, then possible
	// new lines as well.
	token = strtok_r(NULL, " \t", &last);  // debug...don't worry about error, token only used in printf
	debug("Ignoring generic \'%s\'\n", token);  // debug
	while(strchr(last, ';') == NULL) { 
	  filepos = get_line(filedata, filepos, &last, filesize); 
      else if(!strcmp(strtoupper(token), "USE")) {
	// Parse a 'use' declaration...we ignore them, just get lines until we find a ';' char
	// assume nothing else useful comes on the line after the ';'
	// Note that there may be no space after the token, so add ';' to the tokenizing list in the debug bits.
	// Slightly awkward, since we have to search the rest of the line after the strtok, then possible
	// new lines as well.
	token = strtok_r(NULL, " \t;", &last);  // debug ...don't worry about error, token only used in printf
	debug("Ignoring use \'%s\'\n", token);  // debug
	while(strchr(last, ';') == NULL) { 
	  filepos = get_line(filedata, filepos, &last, filesize); 
      else if(!strcmp(strtoupper(token), "END")) {
	// We're done, whether we've found what we want or not.  Eject eject eject...
	debug("Found END token, stopping parser\n");
      else if(!strcmp(strtoupper(token), "PORT")) {
	// Parse a port list.  Find a '(', find a ')', find a ';'.
	// Note that "()" pairs may occur in between.
	// 'last' must be set in the first two strchr() calls so that the next strchr() call will
	// begin parsing after the previous char position.  Otherwise, e.g. a ';' before the ')' but on the same
	// line would (incorrectly) satisfy the search.
	while((last = strchr(last, '(')) == NULL) { 
	  filepos = get_line(filedata, filepos, &last, filesize); 
	opens = 1;
	last++;  // don't leave 'last' pointing at the '(' char, since we're looking for another

	do {
	  while((last = strchr_s(last, "()")) == NULL) { 
	    filepos = get_line(filedata, filepos, &last, filesize); // *** abort if new line is empty
	  if(*last == '(') opens++;
	  else if(*last == ')') opens--;
	  last++;  // don't leave last pointing at the same "()" char, since we're looking for another
	} while(opens);

	while(strchr(last, ';') == NULL) { 
	  filepos = get_line(filedata, filepos, &last, filesize); 
	debug("Ignored port statement\n");
      else if(!strcmp(strtoupper(token), "ATTRIBUTE")) {
	// Parse an attribute
	token = strtok_r(NULL, " \t", &last);  // *** check for error
	if(!strcmp(strtoupper(token), "INSTRUCTION_LENGTH")) {
	  // Find ':', then "entity", then "is", then take anything before the ';' as the value
	  while((last = strchr(last, ':')) == NULL) { 
	    filepos = get_line(filedata, filepos, &last, filesize); // *** check last actually has data?
	  while((last = strstr(last, "entity")) == NULL) { // don't do strtoupper() here, that would do the entire line
	    filepos = get_line(filedata, filepos, &last, filesize); // *** check last actually has data?
	  while((last = strstr(last, "is")) == NULL) { 
	    filepos = get_line(filedata, filepos, &last, filesize); // *** check last actually has data?

	  // scan until the end of the line looking for data
	  j = 0;
	  done = 0;
	  while(*last != '\0') {
	    if(isdigit(*last)) tmpbuf[j++] = *last;
	    else if(*last == ';') { done = 1; break;}
	  // May need to go to additional lines
	  while(!done) {
	    filepos = get_line(filedata, filepos, &linedata, filesize);  // *** break if linedata has no data
	    while(*linedata != '\0') {
	      if(isdigit(*linedata)) tmpbuf[j++] = *linedata;
	      else if(*linedata == ';') { done = 1; break;}

	  tmpbuf[j] = '\0';
	  IR_size = strtoul(tmpbuf, NULL, 0);
	  found_IR_size = 1;
	  debug("Found IR size %i (%s)\n", IR_size, tmpbuf);

	else if(!strcmp(strtoupper(token), "INSTRUCTION_OPCODE")) {
	  // Find ": entity is"
	  while((last = strchr(last, ':')) == NULL) { 
	    filepos = get_line(filedata, filepos, &last, filesize); // *** check last actually has data?
	  while((last = strstr(last, "entity")) == NULL) { // don't do strtoupper() here, that would do the entire line
	    filepos = get_line(filedata, filepos, &last, filesize); // *** check last actually has data?
	  while((last = strstr(last, "is")) == NULL) { 
	    filepos = get_line(filedata, filepos, &last, filesize); // *** check last actually has data?

	  // We're going to copy the entire attribute (all commands) into a temp. buffer.  We need a big enough buffer,
	  // and we can't just scan for ';' to find out because there's a '\0' at the end of this line.
	  // But, it can't be bigger than the entire rest of the file, so...
	  cmdbuf = (char *) malloc(filesize-filepos);
	  // Parse until ';', and grab everything between each pair of "" found
	  // Note that 'last' still points at "is"
	  j = 0;
	  done = 0;
	  valid = 0;
	  while(*last != '\0') {
	    if(*last == ';') { done = 1; break;}  // Put this first in case of badly formed BSDL files
	    else if(valid && (*last != '\"')) cmdbuf[j++] = *last;
	    else if(*last == '\"') valid = !valid;
	  // May need to go to additional lines
	  while(!done) {
	    filepos = get_line(filedata, filepos, &linedata, filesize); // *** break if linedata has no data
	    while(*linedata != '\0') {
	      if(valid && (*linedata != '\"')) cmdbuf[j++] = *linedata;
	      else if(*linedata == '\"') valid = !valid;
	      else if(*linedata == ';') { done = 1; break;}
	  cmdbuf[j] = '\0';

	  // Parse the opcodes attribute.  This is an exercise unto itself, so do it in another function.
	  parse_opcodes(cmdbuf, &debug_cmd, &user1_cmd, &idcode_cmd);
	  found_cmds = 1;


	else if(!strcmp(strtoupper(token), "IDCODE_REGISTER")) {
	  // Find : entity is
	  while((last = strchr(last, ':')) == NULL) { 
	    filepos = get_line(filedata, filepos, &last, filesize); // *** check last actually has data?
	  while((last = strstr(last, "entity")) == NULL) { // don't do strtoupper() here, that would do the entire line
	    filepos = get_line(filedata, filepos, &last, filesize); // *** check last actually has data?
	  while((last = strstr(last, "is")) == NULL) { 
	    filepos = get_line(filedata, filepos, &last, filesize); // *** check last actually has data?

	  // Parse until ';', and grab everything between each pair of "" found
	  // Note that 'last' still points at "is"
	  j = 0;
	  done = 0;
	  valid = 0;
	  while(*last != '\0') {
	    if(*last == ';') { done = 1; break;}  // Put this first in case of badly formed BSDL files
	    else if(valid && (*last != '\"')) tmpbuf[j++] = *last;
	    else if(*last == '\"') valid = !valid;
	  // May need to go to additional lines
	  while(!done) {
	    filepos = get_line(filedata, filepos, &linedata, filesize); // *** break if linedata has no data
	    while(*linedata != '\0') {
	      if(valid && (*linedata != '\"')) tmpbuf[j++] = *linedata;
	      else if(*linedata == '\"') valid = !valid;
	      else if(*linedata == ';') { done = 1; break;}
	  tmpbuf[j] = '\0';

	  // Parse the tmpbuf
	  if(j != 32) printf("Warning:  found %i chars (expected 32) while getting IDCODE in BSDL file %s.\n", j, bsdlfilename);  // Sanity check
	  debug("Got IDCODE string \'%s\'\n", tmpbuf);
	  for(i = 0; i < j; i++) {
	    if(tmpbuf[i] == '1') idcode |= 0x1<<(31-i);
	    else if(toupper(tmpbuf[i]) == 'X') idcode_mask &= ~(0x1<<(31-i)); 
	  debug("Found IDCODE 0x%08X (%s), mask is 0x%08X\n", idcode, tmpbuf, idcode_mask);
	  found_idcode = 1;

	}  // end if IDCODE_REGISTER

	else {
	  debug("Ignoring attribute \'%s\'\n", token);
	  // Consume chars until ';' found
	  while(strchr(last, ';') == NULL) { 
	    filepos = get_line(filedata, filepos, &last, filesize); 
      else {
	debug("Unknown token \'%s\' found in BSDL file %s\n", token, bsdlfilename);


  // Put the data in a struct for return and storage
  ret = (bsdlinfo *) malloc(sizeof(bsdlinfo));
  if(ret == NULL) {
       printf("Error: out of memory, unable to store BSDL info for file %s\n", bsdlfilename);
       return NULL;

  ret->name = entityname;  // this was malloc'd, so it's persistant, this is safe
  ret->idcode = idcode;
  ret->idcode_mask = idcode_mask;
  ret->IR_size = IR_size;
  ret->cmd_debug = debug_cmd;
  ret->cmd_user1 = user1_cmd;
  ret->cmd_idcode = idcode_cmd;
  ret->next = NULL;

  return ret;
const char * anlizetext(const char * mark, const char * buf, callback deal, void * parm)
	char  * marklow = (char *)malloc(strlen(mark)+1);
	strtolower(marklow, mark);

	if(marklow[0] != '/')
		int count = 1;
		char bname[1024];
		char nameend[1024];
		char tmpmark[1024];
		const char * bufbp = buf;
		const char * next = buf;

		strcpy(nameend, "/");
		strcat(nameend,  marklow);

		if(!strcmp(marklow, "script")) //   跳过关于script内部的内容
			char * tw = 0;
			strcpy(nameend, "</");
			strcat(nameend, marklow);
			buf = getmark(nameend, buf);
			if(buf == 0)
				return bufbp;
			tw = malloc_str(bufbp, buf-bufbp);
				deal(MARK_BTW, tw, buf-bufbp, parm);
			count = 0;

			buf = next;
			if(!anlizemark(tmpmark, 1024, &next, buf))
				break ;


			if(!getkey(bname, 1024, 0, tmpmark))

			strtolower(bname, bname);
			if(!strcmp(bname, marklow))
			if(!strcmp(bname, nameend))
			buf = strchr_s(buf, '<');

		while(count == 0)
			char * tmpbuf = malloc_str(bufbp, buf-bufbp);
			deal(MARK_TXT, tmpbuf, buf-bufbp+1, parm);
	return buf;