/* Indicates if the given completion info passes any filtering we have */
bool pager_t::completion_info_passes_filter(const comp_t &info) const
    /* If we have no filter, everything passes */
    if (! search_field_shown || this->search_field_line.empty())
        return true;

    const wcstring &needle = this->search_field_line.text;

    /* We do substring matching */
    const fuzzy_match_type_t limit = fuzzy_match_substring;

    /* Match against the description */
    if (string_fuzzy_match_string(needle, info.desc, limit).type != fuzzy_match_none)
        return true;

    /* Match against the completion strings */
    for (size_t i=0; i < info.comp.size(); i++)
        if (string_fuzzy_match_string(needle, prefix + info.comp.at(i), limit).type != fuzzy_match_none)
            return true;

    /* No match */
    return false;
   Matches the string against the wildcard, and if the wildcard is a
   possible completion of the string, the remainder of the string is
   inserted into the out vector.
static bool wildcard_complete_internal(const wcstring &orig,
                                       const wchar_t *str,
                                       const wchar_t *wc,
                                       bool is_first,
                                       const wchar_t *desc,
                                       wcstring(*desc_func)(const wcstring &),
                                       std::vector<completion_t> *out,
                                       expand_flags_t expand_flags,
                                       complete_flags_t flags)
    if (!wc || ! str || orig.empty())
        debug(2, L"Got null string on line %d of file %s", __LINE__, __FILE__);
        return 0;

    bool has_match = false;
    string_fuzzy_match_t fuzzy_match(fuzzy_match_exact);
    const bool at_end_of_wildcard = (*wc == L'\0');
    const wchar_t *completion_string = NULL;

    // Hack hack hack
    // Implement EXPAND_FUZZY_MATCH by short-circuiting everything if there are no remaining wildcards
    if ((expand_flags & EXPAND_FUZZY_MATCH) && ! at_end_of_wildcard && ! wildcard_has(wc, true))
        string_fuzzy_match_t local_fuzzy_match = string_fuzzy_match_string(wc, str);
        if (local_fuzzy_match.type != fuzzy_match_none)
            has_match = true;
            fuzzy_match = local_fuzzy_match;

            /* If we're not a prefix or exact match, then we need to replace the token. Note that in this case we're not going to call ourselves recursively, so these modified flags won't "leak" except into the completion. */
            if (match_type_requires_full_replacement(local_fuzzy_match.type))
                flags |= COMPLETE_REPLACES_TOKEN;
                completion_string = orig.c_str();
                /* Since we are not replacing the token, be careful to only store the part of the string after the wildcard */
                size_t wc_len = wcslen(wc);
                assert(wcslen(str) >= wc_len);
                completion_string = str + wcslen(wc);

    /* Maybe we satisfied the wildcard normally */
    if (! has_match)
        bool file_has_leading_dot = (is_first && str[0] == L'.');
        if (at_end_of_wildcard && ! file_has_leading_dot)
            has_match = true;
            if (flags & COMPLETE_REPLACES_TOKEN)
                completion_string = orig.c_str();
                completion_string = str;

    if (has_match)
        /* Wildcard complete */
        assert(completion_string != NULL);
        wcstring out_completion = completion_string;
        wcstring out_desc = (desc ? desc : L"");

        size_t complete_sep_loc = out_completion.find(PROG_COMPLETE_SEP);
        if (complete_sep_loc != wcstring::npos)
            /* This completion has an embedded description, do not use the generic description */
            out_desc.assign(out_completion, complete_sep_loc + 1, out_completion.size() - complete_sep_loc - 1);
            if (desc_func && !(expand_flags & EXPAND_NO_DESCRIPTIONS))
                  A description generating function is specified, call
                  it. If it returns something, use that as the
                wcstring func_desc = desc_func(orig);
                if (! func_desc.empty())
                    out_desc = func_desc;


        /* Note: out_completion may be empty if the completion really is empty, e.g. tab-completing 'foo' when a file 'foo' exists. */
        append_completion(out, out_completion, out_desc, flags, fuzzy_match);
        return true;

    if (*wc == ANY_STRING)
        bool res=false;

        /* Ignore hidden file */
        if (is_first && str[0] == L'.')
            return false;

        /* Try all submatches */
        for (size_t i=0; str[i] != L'\0'; i++)
            const size_t before_count = out->size();
            if (wildcard_complete_internal(orig, str + i, wc+1, false, desc, desc_func, out, expand_flags, flags))
                res = true;

                /* #929: if the recursive call gives us a prefix match, just stop. This is sloppy - what we really want to do is say, once we've seen a match of a particular type, ignore all matches of that type further down the string, such that the wildcard produces the "minimal match." */
                bool has_prefix_match = false;
                const size_t after_count = out->size();
                for (size_t j = before_count; j < after_count; j++)
                    if (out->at(j).match.type <= fuzzy_match_prefix)
                        has_prefix_match = true;
                if (has_prefix_match)
        return res;

    else if (*wc == ANY_CHAR || *wc == *str)
        return wildcard_complete_internal(orig, str+1, wc+1, false, desc, desc_func, out, expand_flags, flags);
    else if (towlower(*wc) == towlower(*str))
        return wildcard_complete_internal(orig, str+1, wc+1, false, desc, desc_func, out, expand_flags, flags | COMPLETE_REPLACES_TOKEN);
    return false;
void wildcard_expander_t::expand_literal_intermediate_segment_with_fuzz(const wcstring &base_dir,
                                                                        DIR *base_dir_fp,
                                                                        const wcstring &wc_segment,
                                                                        const wchar_t *wc_remainder,
                                                                        const wcstring &prefix) {
    // This only works with tab completions. Ordinary wildcard expansion should never go fuzzy.
    wcstring name_str;

    // Mark that we are fuzzy for the duration of this function
    const scoped_push<bool> scoped_fuzzy(&this->has_fuzzy_ancestor, true);

    while (!interrupted() && wreaddir_for_dirs(base_dir_fp, &name_str)) {
        // Don't bother with . and ..
        if (name_str == L"." || name_str == L"..") {

        // Skip cases that don't match or match exactly. The match-exactly case was handled directly
        // in expand().
        const string_fuzzy_match_t match = string_fuzzy_match_string(wc_segment, name_str);
        if (match.type == fuzzy_match_none || match.type == fuzzy_match_exact) {

        wcstring new_full_path = base_dir + name_str;
        struct stat buf;
        if (0 != wstat(new_full_path, &buf) || !S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode)) {
            /* We either can't stat it, or we did but it's not a directory */

        // Determine the effective prefix for our children
        // Normally this would be the wildcard segment, but here we know our segment doesn't have
        // wildcards
        // ("literal") and we are doing fuzzy expansion, which means we replace the segment with
        // files found
        // through fuzzy matching
        const wcstring child_prefix = prefix + name_str + L'/';

        // Ok, this directory matches. Recurse to it. Then mark each resulting completion as fuzzy.
        const size_t before = this->resolved_completions->size();
        this->expand(new_full_path, wc_remainder, child_prefix);
        const size_t after = this->resolved_completions->size();

        assert(before <= after);
        for (size_t i = before; i < after; i++) {
            completion_t *c = &this->resolved_completions->at(i);
            // Mark the completion as replacing.
            if (!(c->flags & COMPLETE_REPLACES_TOKEN)) {
                c->flags |= COMPLETE_REPLACES_TOKEN;
            // And every match must be made at least as fuzzy as ours.
            if (match.compare(c->match) > 0) {
                // Our match is fuzzier.
                c->match = match;
/// Matches the string against the wildcard, and if the wildcard is a possible completion of the
/// string, the remainder of the string is inserted into the out vector.
/// We ignore ANY_STRING_RECURSIVE here. The consequence is that you cannot tab complete **
/// wildcards. This is historic behavior.
static bool wildcard_complete_internal(const wchar_t *str, const wchar_t *wc,
                                       const wc_complete_pack_t &params, complete_flags_t flags,
                                       std::vector<completion_t> *out, bool is_first_call = false) {
    assert(str != NULL);
    assert(wc != NULL);

    // Maybe early out for hidden files. We require that the wildcard match these exactly (i.e. a
    // dot); ANY_STRING not allowed.
    if (is_first_call && str[0] == L'.' && wc[0] != L'.') {
        return false;

    // Locate the next wildcard character position, e.g. ANY_CHAR or ANY_STRING.
    const size_t next_wc_char_pos = wildcard_find(wc);

    // Maybe we have no more wildcards at all. This includes the empty string.
    if (next_wc_char_pos == wcstring::npos) {
        string_fuzzy_match_t match = string_fuzzy_match_string(wc, str);

        // If we're allowing fuzzy match, any match is OK. Otherwise we require a prefix match.
        bool match_acceptable;
        if (params.expand_flags & EXPAND_FUZZY_MATCH) {
            match_acceptable = match.type != fuzzy_match_none;
        } else {
            match_acceptable = match_type_shares_prefix(match.type);

        if (!match_acceptable || out == NULL) {
            return match_acceptable;

        // Wildcard complete.
        bool full_replacement =
            match_type_requires_full_replacement(match.type) || (flags & COMPLETE_REPLACES_TOKEN);

        // If we are not replacing the token, be careful to only store the part of the string after
        // the wildcard.
        assert(!full_replacement || std::wcslen(wc) <= std::wcslen(str));
        wcstring out_completion = full_replacement ? params.orig : str + std::wcslen(wc);
        wcstring out_desc = resolve_description(params.orig, &out_completion, params.expand_flags,

        // Note: out_completion may be empty if the completion really is empty, e.g. tab-completing
        // 'foo' when a file 'foo' exists.
        complete_flags_t local_flags = flags | (full_replacement ? COMPLETE_REPLACES_TOKEN : 0);
        append_completion(out, out_completion, out_desc, local_flags, match);
        return match_acceptable;
    } else if (next_wc_char_pos > 0) {
        // Here we have a non-wildcard prefix. Note that we don't do fuzzy matching for stuff before
        // a wildcard, so just do case comparison and then recurse.
        if (std::wcsncmp(str, wc, next_wc_char_pos) == 0) {
            // Normal match.
            return wildcard_complete_internal(str + next_wc_char_pos, wc + next_wc_char_pos, params,
                                              flags, out);
        if (wcsncasecmp(str, wc, next_wc_char_pos) == 0) {
            // Case insensitive match.
            return wildcard_complete_internal(str + next_wc_char_pos, wc + next_wc_char_pos, params,
                                              flags | COMPLETE_REPLACES_TOKEN, out);
        return false;  // no match

    // Our first character is a wildcard.
    assert(next_wc_char_pos == 0);
    switch (wc[0]) {
        case ANY_CHAR: {
            if (str[0] == L'\0') {
                return false;
            return wildcard_complete_internal(str + 1, wc + 1, params, flags, out);
        case ANY_STRING: {
            // Hackish. If this is the last character of the wildcard, then just complete with
            // the empty string. This fixes cases like "f*<tab>" -> "f*o".
            if (wc[1] == L'\0') {
                return wildcard_complete_internal(L"", L"", params, flags, out);

            // Try all submatches. Issue #929: if the recursive call gives us a prefix match,
            // just stop. This is sloppy - what we really want to do is say, once we've seen a
            // match of a particular type, ignore all matches of that type further down the
            // string, such that the wildcard produces the "minimal match.".
            bool has_match = false;
            for (size_t i = 0; str[i] != L'\0'; i++) {
                const size_t before_count = out ? out->size() : 0;
                if (wildcard_complete_internal(str + i, wc + 1, params, flags, out)) {
                    // We found a match.
                    has_match = true;

                    // If out is NULL, we don't care about the actual matches. If out is not
                    // NULL but we have a prefix match, stop there.
                    if (out == NULL || has_prefix_match(out, before_count)) {
            return has_match;
        case ANY_STRING_RECURSIVE: {
            // We don't even try with this one.
            return false;
        default: {
            DIE("unreachable code reached");

    DIE("unreachable code reached");